ltc今年会涨到多少 ltc为什么涨

『壹』 24小时超47万人爆仓,谁引发了比特币市场的地震



『贰』 2022年可能爆发的三种最佳加密货币

您是否正在考虑投资加密货币,并想知道哪些可能会在 2022 年起飞?据报道,在撰写本文时,有超过 12,000 种加密货币,因此很难找到合适的加密货币。不用担心,我们已经编制了一份可靠的 3 种最佳加密货币清单,列出了您应该在 2022 年考虑投资的前 3 种加密货币。

加密市场在 2021 年发生了翻天覆地的变化。在过去几年中,没有人能够预测比特币以多快的速度将其 历史 高点 (ATH) 翻了三倍并推动整个市场上涨。

去中心化金融 ( DeFi ) 是我们在 2021 年目睹的另一个巨大市场——它增长到了难以想象的程度。2021 年 9 月上旬,DeFi Pulse 报告称DeFi 协议高达 977.79 亿美元,但在撰写本文时,DeFi 协议锁定在 884亿美元。

DEX(去中心化交易所)(提供去中心化交易)和新兴的加密借贷协议为这一增长做出了贡献。由于 DeFi 项目的快速增长,更多成熟的加密货币被抛在后面。其中一些加密货币无法重获 2017-2018 年牛市高点,这可能表明投资者对它们失去了兴趣。


随着新生态系统与以太坊竞争,对不可替代代币 ( NFT ) 的兴趣也显着增加。

有鉴于此,我们对 2022 年有何期待?

我认为我们通常可以预期 2022 年会发生很多事情,但是,2022 年可能完全出乎我们的意料——它可能会让我们彻底震惊或让我们厌烦死!以下是我们在 2022 年可以预期的一些可能结果:



随着股权证明加密货币的吸引力降低,莱特币 (LTC)、比特币现金 (BCH) 和其他交易加密货币可能会失去兴趣。

DeFi 的机构兴趣和增长可能会继续。

由于 2021 年市场增长了多少,监管机构可能会在 2022 年特别关注 DeFi 协议。

NFT 的受欢迎程度将会增加——更多的艺术家可能会参与进来。

在本文中,我们将研究由于 2022 年爆炸性增长的前 3 种加密货币,它们为什么会爆炸,以及明智的投资者应该对它们进行多少投资。

2022 年最火爆的三种加密货币是哪三种?



2022 年,第二大流行的加密货币可能会抢走比特币的聚光灯。

为什么以太坊可能会在 2022 年爆发?

以太坊正在转向 PoS(股权证明)对您来说可能不是什么秘密。许多人认为这已经在 2020 年 12 月完成,但这只是过程的开始。

换句话说,改变到 PoS 不像拨动开关那么容易。因此,尽管过渡应该在 2021 年完成,但很可能在 2022 年初(乐观地)完成。

这还不是全部。以太坊一直是数以千计的加密项目的摇篮,催生和培育它们。根据Investopedia的数据,截至 2019 年 10 月,在以太坊的网络上,至少有 200,000 个 ERC-20 兼容代币。

如果你正在考虑投资以太坊,你应该了解它之上的 DeFi 项目,其中许多项目正在蓬勃发展,也可能会提升以太坊的需求。

专家认为以太坊在不久的将来甚至会超过比特币,他们非常看好这项技术。deVere Group 的首席执行官 Nigel Green在 2021 年 8 月告诉《每日电讯报》,他相信以太坊在 2021 年剩余时间内的表现将超过比特币,并且其价值将在五年内(2026 年)超过 BTC。他加了:


此外,Economy Watch 的 Connor Brooke预计到 2022 年初,以太坊每枚硬币的价值将约为 5,000 美元,他说:


2022 年以太坊的最佳投资是什么?


库班也遵循类似的趋势,将 30% 的加密货币投资于以太坊——如果他们的舒适度允许的话。

以太坊没有最大供应量,这意味着可以简单地创建更多 ETH,这也意味着更难预测以太坊投资者需要多少才能获得高回报。许多其他加密货币的特点是稀缺性,但这个不是。

Coinmonks 的 Tom Holland声称,如果您投资 250,000 美元或当 Eth 达到每枚硬币 10,000 美元时投资 25,000 美元,您就可以成为“以太坊百万富翁”。

然而,对于大多数投资者来说,这是一笔巨款——虽然你可以应用同样的逻辑来投资 2,500 美元,但获得百万富翁地位可能需要更长时间。

Reddit 上的几篇帖子声称,普通的 Ether 投资者最多拥有一些代币,可能在 1 到 4 个之间(这可能被认为做得很好)。


它通常被称为唯一真正的加密货币投资,因为它是必备的加密货币。用Shark Tank的Kevin O'Leary的话来说:“[SIC] 机构对比特币感兴趣。”。它被认为是数字货币的黄金标准。为什么会这样,原因有很多。它根本无法被其他任何东西取代”。总而言之,它是数字黄金。

为什么比特币可能会在 2022 年爆发?


由于其受欢迎程度和机构投资,比特币也是这份名单上风险最低的投资。在FCA 的一项调查中,82% 的英国受访者在 2021 年知道比特币,使其成为英国最知名的加密货币。

如果 的报告准确无误,4600 万美国人拥有 BTC(几乎占所有加密货币用户的一半),预计到 2021 年 1 月,全球将有 1.06 亿加密货币用户。


此外,加密货币的采用通常被认为是推高其价格的主要因素,而 BTC 的采用速度也在加快。

正如经济观察的康纳布鲁克预测的那样,BTC 必须在 2021 年底前进行最后的看涨推动,才能在 2022 年之前突破其目前的 64,863.10 美元的 ATH 。据路透社报道,渣打银行的一个加密货币研究小组预测,BTC 在 2022 年初可能价值 100,000 美元,“从长远来看可能高达 175,000 美元” 。

身价 20 亿美元的有影响力的风险投资家蒂姆·德雷珀( Tim Draper)预测,比特币的价值将达到 25 万美元。德雷珀过去的预测通常是准确的。一年前,他预测比特币的交易价格为每枚 1 万美元,这一预测在 2017 年实现了(尽管很短暂)。

2022 年比特币的最佳投资是什么?


也许应该按照库班的例子,将加密货币投资者的一半资金用于 BTC。但是,投资者只有在需要时才应该对此感到满意。

3. Uniswap (UNI)

2022 年最值得关注的 DEX 是 UniSwap。它不仅会严重损害像币安这样的中心化交易所,而且还会对做市商产生重大影响,尤其是那些从交易中获利的做市商。

为什么 Uniswap 可能会在 2022 年爆发?

根据CoinMarketCap 的数据,就市值而言,UniSwap 是第二大 DEX 项目,根据DeFi Pulse 的数据,就锁定总价值而言,它是第二大 DEX 项目。Uniswap 目前在 2021 年按市值排名第 12 位,首次跻身前 10 名加密货币。

有几家交易所提供类似的功能,但Uniswap 正在扩展资产的代币化,例如股票或几乎任何其他东西。他们甚至创建了“代币列表”,使他们能够过滤掉不同的资产,因为 Uniswap 上已经标记了多少资产。

此外,Uniswap 运营流动性池,投资者在其中汇集资产并通过以太坊区块链上的智能合约赚取交易费用。这一切都对投资者有吸引力,尤其是因为 DeFi 市场呈指数级增长。

然而,正是大牌投资者的出现将导致 Uniswap 在 2022 年爆炸式增长。 Cointelegraph 的 Arijit Sarkar最近的报告表明,截至 2021 年 10 月,Grayscale Investments 最近将 UNI 添加到其“数字大盘基金”投资组合中,减少了它持有 LTC 和 BCH。

最后,来自 Blockster 的 Jonathan Scott解释说:

“随着中心化交易所面临监管困境,对 DEX 的需求预计会增加,这可能会在 2022 年引发 Uniswap 的增长”。

事实上,这是真的。在全球最大的加密货币交易所中,币安在 21 世纪与监管机构发生了麻烦。Uniswap 是一种可能能够吸引更多加密货币交易者的 DEX。

2022 年 Uniswap 投资多少?

Uniswap 不符合以太坊或比特币的条件,因此按照 Mark Cuban 的例子,投资少于您投资组合的 10% 可能是明智的 - 任何更多都可能有风险。

UNI 也适合 Mark Cuban 的加密投资组合,因此投资者应考虑像 Grayscale 那样将其投资组合的大约 1% 投资于其中。

正如 Mark Cuban 和 Grayscale 所证明的那样,投资大约60% 的加密货币、30% 的以太币和 1% 的 Uniswap,将使投资者的投资组合中剩下 9%。

现在,投资者必须仔细考虑其他山寨币应该填补这一空白,以及投资其他 DeFi 项目(特别是 DEX)或投资非常不同的加密货币以确保多元化是否明智。这可能会让您将少于 1% 的投资组合投资于 UNI 是一个更好的主意。

『叁』 怎么理解LTC莱特币


『肆』 莱特币:交易量一度超越比特币,创10亿美元记录




『伍』 莱特币有多少个节点


『陆』 火币在哪登陆啊。还有币


















『柒』 什么是长期总成本,什么是长期总成本曲线



『捌』 比特币和莱特币的最大区别是什么

莱特币是什么? 简单的说,litecoin(LTC)
1.交易: 更容易使用,量更大,升值潜力更大。block确认时间更短,比Bitcoin的交易是快4倍。例如披萨店老板更愿意接受交易LTC付款以节省交易时间。


『玖』 天量见天价,三个超前指标带你逃顶


①【加密衍生品交易所BitMEX 24小时交易量创历史新高】加密衍生品交易所BitMEX表示,其24小时交易量达到了111.9亿美元,创历史新高。此外,该交易所比特币永续掉期合约的未平仓合约超过10亿美元。BitMEX报告称,在过去365天里,其交易量达到了9705亿美元。


②【由于Facebook的Libra带来压力,欧元区银行计划在2020年底前加入实时支付系统】出于对Facebook即将推出的加密货币Libra的担忧,欧元区银行计划在2020年底前加入实时支付系统。据报道,自2017年以来,这个由19个国家组成的地区已经拥有了实时支付系统,但该地区只有大约一半的银行加入了该系统。而在Facebook发布Libra白皮书后,该地区的各大银行已经感受到竞争的激烈。 欧洲支付委员会(EPC)总干事Etienne Goosse表示,时间紧迫。无论Facebook的Libra项目成功与否,银行都需要加快行动,因为大型科技公司已经步步紧逼。“他们(Facebook)有一个全球性的解决方案,并且在一个全球性的品牌下提供许多消费者似乎都觉得很棒的东西。所以我们已经没有时间了。”



老李按:BNB作为这轮行情表现最为强势的币种之一,有很好的预见性,我此处所说的预见性,不止指的是其对于平台币波动的引领作用,更多的则是作为先行参照物,上涨时会比大盘先启动,下跌时也会比大盘先见顶,这轮行情表现的很明显,这次也是比BTC和其他主流币先开启下跌。毕竟币市交易量最大的现货交易所,还是很有参考意义的。另外赵长鹏之前也说过“bnb lead , not follow BTC”,所以可以多参考BNB走势来交易。















『拾』 ltc减半2023几月







『一』 More than 470,000 people liquidated their positions in 24 hours. Who caused the earthquake in the Bitcoin market?

I think everyone knows that there is such a thing as Bitcoin, but they don’t know much about them. Very little, you know? There has been a “big earthquake” in the Bitcoin market recently.

Analysis shows that Bitcoin will continue to be at a disadvantage in the future, with almost no room for growth. Therefore, I suggest that in this case, do not blindly buy Bitcoin and enter the Bitcoin market. The situation of stable coins is unclear now, so investment needs to be cautious.

『二』The three best cryptocurrencies that could take off in 2022

Are you considering investing in cryptocurrencies and wondering which ones might take off in 2022? According to reports, there are over 12,000 cryptocurrencies at the time of writing, so finding the right one can be difficult. Don’t worry, we’ve compiled a solid list of the top 3 cryptocurrencies you should consider investing in in 2022.

The crypto market has changed dramatically in 2021. Over the past few years, no one could have predicted how quickly Bitcoin would triple its all-time high (ATH) and drive the entire market higher.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is another huge market we are witnessing in 2021 – one that is growing to unimaginable proportions. In early September 2021, DeFi Pulse reported that DeFi protocols were as high as $97.779 billion, but at the time of writing, DeFi protocols were locked at $88.4 billion.

DEX (decentralized exchanges) (offering decentralized trading) and emerging crypto lending protocols have contributed to this growth. Due to the rapid growth of DeFi projects, more established cryptocurrencies are being left behind. The inability of some of these cryptocurrencies to recapture the 2017-2018 bull market highs could be a sign that investors are losing interest in them.

Likewise, proof-of-stake cryptos seem to be more popular than proof-of-work. A particularly relevant example is Tesla’s decision to stop accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment due to the energy-intensive mining process.

Interest in non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has also increased significantly as new ecosystems compete with Ethereum.

With this in mind, what can we expect in 2022?

I think we can generally expect a lot to happen in 2022, however, 2022 might completely surprise us – and it might blow us away completely or bore us to death! Here are some of what we can expect in 2022Possible outcomes:

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) may increase.

A rise in the price of Bitcoin could lead to a rise in other markets.

As proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies become less attractive, Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and other trading cryptocurrencies may lose interest.

Institutional interest and growth in DeFi is likely to continue.

Regulators may pay special attention to DeFi protocols in 2022 because of how much the market has grown in 2021.

The popularity of NFTs will grow – and more artists may get involved.

In this article, we will look at the top 3 cryptocurrencies due to explosive growth in 2022, why they will explode, and how much a smart investor should invest in them.

What are the three hottest cryptocurrencies in 2022?

Here’s our list!

1. Ethereum (ETH)

In 2022, the second most popular cryptocurrency could steal the spotlight from Bitcoin.

Why Ethereum may explode in 2022?

It’s probably no secret to you that Ethereum is moving towards PoS (Proof of Stake). Many believed this had been completed in December 2020, but this was only the beginning of the process.

In other words, changing to PoS is not as easy as flipping a switch. So while the transition should be completed in 2021, it will most likely be completed (optimistically) in early 2022.

That's not all. Ethereum has been the cradle of thousands of crypto projects, spawning and nurturing them. According to Investopedia, as of October 2019, there were at least 200,000 ERC-20 compatible tokens on the Ethereum network.

If you are considering investing in Ethereum, you should know about the DeFi projects on top of it, many of which are booming and may also increase demand for Ethereum.

Experts believe that Ethereum will even surpass Bitcoin in the near future, and they are very optimistic about this technology. Nigel Green, CEO of deVere Group, told The Telegraph in August 2021 that he believed Ethereum would bewill outperform Bitcoin within five years, and its value will exceed that of BTC within five years (2026). He added:

“First, Ethereum has the potential for a higher level of real-world use, as Ethereum (which is the platform for native cryptocurrencies) is the most in-demand smart contract development platform, thus highlighting The value of the network is not just as a platform for developers but as a global financial utility."

Additionally, Economy Watch’s Connor Brooke predicts that Ethereum will be worth around $5,000 per coin by early 2022, saying:

“The momentum in crypto, plus The incredible technology means that this level will definitely be reached in the near future.”

What are the best investments in Ethereum in 2022?

A Forbes article said billionaire investor Cuban owns 30% of his crypto investments in ETH (half of the BTC he owns). It is insightful that experienced investors may prefer investing in Ethereum compared to other cryptocurrencies.

Cuban follows a similar trend, investing 30% of cryptocurrencies in Ethereum — if their comfort level allows it.

Ethereum does not have a maximum supply, which means more ETH can simply be created, which also means it is harder to predict how much Ethereum investors will need to achieve high returns. Many other cryptocurrencies are characterized by scarcity, but not this one.

Tom Holland of Coinmonks claims that you can become an “Ethereum millionaire” if you invest $250,000 or $25,000 when Eth reaches $10,000 per coin.

However, for most investors, this is a lot of money - and while you could apply the same logic to investing $2,500, achieving millionaire status might take longer.

Several posts on Reddit claim that the average Ether investor owns a few tokens at most, probably between 1 and 4 (which might be considered doing well).

2. Bitcoin (BTC)

It is often referred to as the only true cryptocurrency investment because it is the must-have cryptocurrency. In the words of Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary: “[SIC] institutions are interested in Bitcoin.”. It is considered the gold standard of digital currencies. There are many reasons why this is the case. It can't be taken by anything else at allGeneration". All in all, it is digital gold.

Why might Bitcoin explode in 2022?

Indeed, institutions continue to invest in Bitcoin and create new investment products, Allowing investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin without actually owning it. Therefore, this will only drive up the price of Bitcoin as there will be greater demand for it.

Due to its popularity and institutions Investment, Bitcoin is also the least risky investment on this list. In an FCA survey, 82% of UK respondents knew about Bitcoin in 2021, making it the most well-known cryptocurrency in the UK.

If the report is accurate and 46 million Americans own BTC (almost half of all cryptocurrency users), it is expected that by January 2021 there will be 106 million cryptocurrency users worldwide.

As a result, Bitcoin is less susceptible to large investors (whales), which makes smaller cryptocurrencies more volatile. Additionally, due to its high liquidity, it offers the greatest profit potential.< br />
Furthermore, the adoption of cryptocurrencies is often cited as a major factor in driving up their prices, and BTC’s adoption is also accelerating.

As Economic Watch’s Conner Brook predicts As such, BTC will have to make a final bullish push by the end of 2021 to break above its current ATH of $64,863.10 before 2022. According to Reuters, a cryptocurrency research group at Standard Chartered predicts that BTC could be worth $100,000 by early 2022 $100,000, “could be as high as $175,000 in the long run.”

Influential venture capitalist Tim Draper, worth $2 billion, predicts Bitcoin’s value will hit $250,000. Draper’s predictions in the past have generally been accurate. A year ago, he predicted that Bitcoin would trade at $10,000 per coin, a prediction that came true (albeit briefly) in 2017. < br />
What are the best investments in Bitcoin in 2022?

According to the Forbes article linked above, Mark Cuban owns twice as much Bitcoin as he does in Ethereum . Since Bitcoin is the rock shaking the cryptocurrency market, this is a very smart decision.

Perhaps one should follow Cuban’s example and put half of a cryptocurrency investor’s money in BTC. But , investors should only be satisfied with it when they need it.

3. Uniswap (UNI)

The most noteworthy DEX in 2022 is UniSwap. Not only would it severely harm centralized exchanges like Binance, but it would also have a significant impact on market makers, especially those who profit from trading.

Why Uniswap might explode in 2022?

UniSwap is the second-largest DEX project in terms of market capitalization, according to CoinMarketCap, and the second-largest DEX project in terms of total value locked, according to DeFi Pulse. Uniswap currently ranks 12th in 2021 by market capitalization, breaking into the top 10 cryptocurrencies for the first time.

There are several exchanges offering similar functionality, but Uniswap is expanding on the tokenization of assets, such as stocks or pretty much anything else. They have even created “token lists” that allow them to filter out different assets based on how many assets are already tagged on Uniswap.

In addition, Uniswap operates liquidity pools where investors pool assets and earn trading fees through smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. This all appeals to investors, especially since the DeFi market is growing exponentially.

However, it is the emergence of big-name investors that will cause Uniswap to explode in 2022. A recent report from Cointelegraph’s Arijit Sarkar indicates that Grayscale Investments recently added UNI to its “Digital Large Cap Fund” portfolio, reducing its holdings of LTC and BCH as of October 2021.

Finally, Jonathan Scott from Blockster explained:

“Demand for DEX is expected to increase as centralized exchanges face regulatory woes, likely in 2022 triggering the growth of Uniswap."

In fact, this is true. Among the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance has had trouble with regulators in the 21st century. Uniswap is one DEX that may be able to attract more cryptocurrency traders.

How much to invest in Uniswap in 2022?

Uniswap does not qualify as Ethereum or Bitcoin, so following Mark Cuban's example, it may be wise to invest less than 10% of your portfolio - anything more may be risky.

UNI also fits into Mark Cuban's crypto portfolio, so investors should consider investing roughly 1% of their portfolio in it like Grayscale does.

As demonstrated by Mark Cuban and Grayscale, investing approximately 60% in cryptocurrencies, 30% in Ethereum, and 1% in Uniswap will leave an investor with 9% in their portfolio.

Now, investors must carefully consider which altcoins should fill this gap, and whether it is wise to invest in other DeFi projects (especially DEXs) or invest in very different cryptocurrencies to ensure diversification. This might make investing less than 1% of your portfolio in UNI a better idea.

『三』How to understand LTC Litecoin

Introduction: A currency based on the Bitcoin protocol, but it does not require extremely high computing power and can be mined using ordinary computers. . Litecoin's algorithm is derived from the algorithm designed by DrColinPercival for the Tarsnap secure online backup service (for Linux and other open source operating system backup).
Release time: Litecoin was released through the open source client on Github on October 7, 2011.
Maximum supply: 84,000,000LTC
Current total circulating supply: 55,152,208LTC
Market value: $8,882,916,638

『四』 Litecoin: The trading volume once surpassed Bitcoin and hit a record of US$1 billion

In the past seven days, the overall situation of the cryptocurrency market has been poor, and most cryptocurrencies have struggled to tread water.
However, two of the top ten cryptocurrencies - Litecoin (LTC, also known as "Spicy") weathered the storm unscathed, not only that, but also achieved double-digit gains in the past week number of increases.

Overall, Litecoin’s market share increased by more than 23% in the past week. As of press time, LTC currently accounts for 2.59% of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization, with a market capitalization of approximately US$2.6 billion.

Not long ago, many people in the cryptocurrency community were loudly declaring the death of Litecoin (LTC, also known as Latiao).
Despite this, the LTC community still insists on the path it has chosen and refuses to give up LaTiao. Their persistence paid off.

『五』How many nodes does Litecoin have?

184. As of April 19, the Litecoin Lightning Network has a carrying capacity of 302.91 LTC. The number of nodes is 184, which has increased by 6.36% in the past 30 days. There are 1,339 channels and are up 21% over the past 30 days. 183 nodes, with a total of 291.09 LT mortgagedC. The Bitcoin Lightning Network has a carrying capacity of 1063.42 BTC. The number of nodes is 8,065, an increase of 7.48% in the past 30 days. The number of channels is 38,637, down 1.6% over the past 30 days. The above is how many nodes Litecoin has.

『Lu』 Where can I log in to Huobi? There are also currencies

The trend of mainstream currencies has always attracted much attention, but now there is a phenomenon worth noting, that is, ETH and LTC have been sideways for too long. In recent times, BTC has broken through 4,000 dollars several times, and various Signs indicate that major fluctuations in mainstream currencies may occur.

Let’s look at ETH. It has been fluctuating around $130 since November last year and has been sideways for nearly 5 months.

After LTC rebounded strongly around 2019, the price returned to the level of July 2018. Judging from the K-line chart, LTC has been trading sideways from July to October 2018, but this This history should not repeat itself, because there is a reality that must be considered: Litecoin will be halved in August 2019. Based on past experience, the market will start 3-6 months before the halving, so it is better to buy on dips 6 months before the halving. This means that it is very unlikely that Litecoin will continue to trade sideways.

Major currency currencies are about to undergo drastic changes, which is perfect for controlling Orange Base’s wave of leverage.

Leverage trading is to magnify the principal several times, make larger investments with small funds, achieve big gains with small funds, and double the income. I recommend Huobi leveraged products because Huobi is based on the spot market, has liquidity consistent with global, and has good depth. Moreover, Huobi’s leverage margin is a margin margin, so even if the position is liquidated, it will not affect other normal transactions. The most important thing is that Huobi has a low leverage threshold (100USDT or 0.02BTC) and a wide range of trading currencies.

Leveraged lending supports two methods: long and short. Whether the market is rising or falling, it means profit opportunities (of course losses are also possible).

Let’s talk about how to use Huobi leverage

1. Log in to the Huobi website, click “Margin Trading”, and click “Leverage” in the second column of assets " option.

2. To conduct leveraged trading, you must first transfer. Each Huobi margin account is separate. The BTC in the currency account can only be used for currency transactions, but it can be transferred to each other for free with leverage. The first step is to transfer assets into a margin account. Then click "Transfer" to select the transfer amount.

4. Huobi leverage supports 48 trading pairs. A unique leverage ratio is set for each currency.

The meaning of leverage is to use a small amount to make a big one, giving you a fulcrum to leverage greater capital and profits (of course the losses may be too large). Here is a detailed introduction to the operating principle of leverage.

Leverage requires a cycle of positive and negative operations. This cycle is determined based on the user's prediction of the future currency and the actual trend. Spot prices can only be long, not short. Leverage can be used for both long and short positions. Both directions of operation are possible. This is also the reason why many people play leverage in the bear market.

As shown in the picture, ETH has been trading sideways for half a year, and it may rise or fall sharply in the future. Because it has been sideways for so long, the probability of it continuing sideways is very low. If you think ETH will rise in the future, borrow USDT from the Huobi platform to buy it. For example, if you have 2,000 USDT in your margin account and Huobi Leveraged ETH supports 5x leverage, you can borrow 8,000 USDT (principal: [principal + loan amount] = 1:5) and purchase the corresponding amount of ETH. For example, the current price of ETH is 0.034 BTC. If it rises to 0.044 BTC a week later, you can sell the ETH to cash out and then repay the one-thousandth of the daily interest.

So what is short selling? Short selling is also a cyclical operation. Based on the amount of the existing margin account, users can borrow 4 times the same amount of ETH, sell it and exchange it for USDT, and wait for the opportunity. For example, if the current price is 0.034 BTC and the price drops to 0.024 BTC, buy it at a lower price to repay the principal and interest of Huobi leverage. Profit successfully.

Of course, the above logic is that profits can only be made if the prediction is accurate. If the prediction is inaccurate, there will be losses. The Huobi platform will not engage in loss-making transactions. When the risk rate reaches 110%, forced liquidation will be carried out. When the position value is less than or equal to 1.1 times of the loaned assets, a liquidation will be triggered. For example, if your margin account has 2,000 usdt, you can borrow 8,000 usdt to go long Ethereum. But Ethereum did not rise as you expected, but fell all the way. When the price of Ethereum drops to the point where your position assets are equivalent to only 8,800 usdt, the platform will automatically trade and recover the principal and interest of your loan of 8,000 usdt.

So the best way is to set a stop-profit and stop-loss price to avoid greater losses. This requires precise calculation. The biggest essence of playing Huobi with leverage is here. You can set the price of the stop loss rate within an acceptable range. For example, if you lose 1,500 yuan, you will stop playing. But set the take-profit price a little higher, such as automatically trading if you earn 10,000, so that you can make larger profits and effectively limit risks.

For those who play currency, learning to use leverage to short-sell is a very important means of making money. In the bull market, it is enough to play spot, but in the bear market, it is a good time to use leverage to short. And as mentioned at the beginning, when mainstream currencies such as ETH and LTC are about to fluctuate, entering the market at this time can basically achieve a winning rate of about 50%.

『撒』 What is long-term total cost and what is long-term total cost curve

In the long run, the scale can change. When the quantities of various factors can change, if each One propertyIf the output level is at the optimal production scale and is produced at the lowest cost, then the total cost paid is the long-term total cost. (Or it can be expressed as: the long-term total cost is the cost expenditure when the producer is in equilibrium when the scale can change.) The long-term total cost The long-term total cost (LTC) refers to the manufacturer's choice at various output levels in the long run. The lowest total cost achievable at the optimal production scale. Long-term total cost function: C=F(q), long-term total cost curve. The long-term total cost curve is the envelope of the short-term total cost curve. That is, the long-term total cost curve is tangent to each short-term total cost curve. From below, there are countless surrounded by a short-run total cost curve. The characteristic long-term total cost LTC curve slopes upward to the right from the origin. When the output is zero, the long-term total cost is zero. Later, as the output increases, the long-term total cost increases. The slope of the long-term total cost LTC curve first increases at an increasing rate; then increases at a decreasing rate; after passing the inflection point, it changes to increasing at an increasing rate.

The shape of the LTC curve is mainly determined by economies of scale. At the beginning of production, a large amount of production factors must be invested, but when the output is small, these production factors cannot be fully utilized, so the LTC curve is very steep. As output increases, production factors begin to be fully utilized. At this time, the rate of cost increase is less than the rate of increase in output, showing increasing returns to scale. Finally, due to diminishing returns to scale, the increase rate of costs is greater than the increase rate of output. It can be seen that the characteristics of the LTC curve are determined by changes in returns to scale.

『8』 What is the biggest difference between Bitcoin and Litecoin

What is Litecoin? Simply put, litecoin (LTC)
Released on October 7, 2011, it is currently the altcoin with the highest market value, approximately 1% of the market value of BTC, equivalent to US$10 million. Compared with BTC, LTC is faster, with an average of 2.5 minutes and 6 confirmations per block in 15 minutes. In addition, the number of LTC is four times that of BTC, with a total of 84 million pieces. Currently, LTC uses the scrypt algorithm, which requires a large amount of memory support. Professional mining machines on the market cannot be used for LTC mining and can only use graphics cards.
What is the difference between Litecoin and Bitcoin?
1. Transaction: easier to use, larger volume, greater potential for appreciation. The block confirmation time is shorter and 4 times faster than Bitcoin transactions. For example, pizza shop owners are more willing to accept transaction LTC payments to save transaction time.
2. Mining:

The unique algorithm creates the unique charm of LTC. I think this is also the key to standing out from the altcoins. The scrypt algorithm uses SHA256 as its subroutine, and scrypt It itself requires a large amount of memory, each hash is used as an input seed, and then requires a large amount of memory to store another seed pseudo-random sequence to jointly generate the sequence of pseudo-random points and outputGet the hash value. The key is that the scrypt algorithm requires a lot of memory when calculating, but the simple SHA256 algorithm does not. Therefore, in this era when BTC mining with graphics cards is about to end, LTC mining is about to usher in a golden development period. Because the cost of memory is too high, no ASIC or FPGA has the advantage of mining LTC with graphics cards, at least in the foreseeable future.
3. The biggest threat to Bitcoin is 51% attack:
Some copycats succumb to 51% attacks. So what about LTC? To be honest, this is a hidden worry for the development of LTC, and of course it is also a hidden worry for BTC. The specific problems faced by the two are different: BTC can avoid 51% attacks through technical upgrades (such as last block reconstruction, careful node upgrades, and computational difficulty), but there is currently no way to avoid LTC's technology, but due to The dispersion of the computing power of graphics card mining and the increase in difficulty require attention, but don’t worry too much. With the use of ASICs in BTC, the risk of 51% attacks with concentrated computing power is increasing. I hope the BTC development team will start to solve it as soon as possible.

Hourly trading volume hits record high] Crypto derivatives exchange BitMEX said its 24-hour trading volume reached a record high of $11.19 billion. Additionally, the exchange’s open interest in Bitcoin perpetual swaps exceeds $1 billion. BitMEX reported that its trading volume reached $970.5 billion over the past 365 days.

Lao Li’s note: As the leading brother of the old contract exchange, BitMEX’s trading volume the day before yesterday set a record high in history, and also established a short-term highest point. There is a saying in the stock market that “the sky’s the limit, the price is the sky” , which means that the market or individual stocks form the largest trading volume when their popularity is high. Only with sky-high prices can sky-high volumes be generated. When the stock price rises in waves, it is a signal of peaking. In short, sky-high prices come after sky-high volume. Sky-high volume comes first and then sky-high price. Therefore, it is a leading indicator of escaping from the top. I just looked at the K-line chart and you can feel it. After hitting sky-high volume again, the next day it will be sky-high. There is a better chance of escaping from the top. We have previously analyzed another indicator on the left, the Panic and Greed Index. After hitting new highs in the past few days, it dropped to 62 today, indicating that the level of greed has dropped significantly (the Panic Index ranges from 0 to 100, with 0 indicating "extreme fear". And 100 means "extreme greed"). As the left-hand indicators, most of them will peak earlier than the actual market. You can pay more attention to it.

② [Due to pressure from Facebook’s Libra, Eurozone banks plan to join real-time payment systems by the end of 2020] Out of concern for FaceboOk concerns over the upcoming cryptocurrency Libra, with euro zone banks planning to join the real-time payments system by the end of 2020. The 19-country region has reportedly had a real-time payments system in place since 2017, but only about half of the region's banks have joined the system. After Facebook released the Libra white paper, major banks in the region have already felt the fierce competition. Etienne Goosse, director general of the European Payments Council (EPC), said time is running out. Whether Facebook's Libra project succeeds or not, banks will need to move faster because big tech companies are getting closer. "They (Facebook) have a global solution and offer something under a global brand that a lot of consumers seem to find great. So we're running out of time."

Old Presser Li: Regarding FB’s entry into digital currency, we have analyzed it many times before. The night before, Zuckerberg also mentioned at the Aspen Idea Festival that the Libra project launched by his company aims to establish an infrastructure for cryptocurrency and finance. It is to improve financial inclusion and include hundreds of millions of people who currently do not have bank accounts or even make mobile payment operations into this financial system. In this way, it is understandable why traditional banks are also stepping up their efforts to lay out digital currency-related fields and real-time payment systems to prevent others from taking the lead. In fact, not only the Eurozone, but Greater China has also spoken out many times.

③[BNB has not broken the long-term upward trend line support and may rebound in the near future] Analyst Potter said that the recent trend of BNB has been relatively weak. With BTC continuing to hit new highs in the past few days, BNB has begun to trend. Weak, the price of the currency rose sharply to close to 40 US dollars in the early stage and then has been in a continuous downward trend in the past few days. The price of the currency has continuously broken through multiple moving averages to support it. It has currently reached its lowest level and has temporarily stopped falling near the 30-day line. At the same time, we found that BNB has continued to decline from Since the beginning of 2019, it has stood above $5. As of now, the overall trend is still above the long-term upward trend line and has been oscillating upward, indicating the key support of this trend line. Currently, BNB is relatively close to this support line, and the decline can gradually weaken. The kinetic energy of square selling pressure is gradually weakening, and the daily MACD is in a dead cross and diverging downwards. Then the recent adjustment of BNB daily level will continue, and the follow-up may be repeated shocks and washes near the lower support line, and then with the cooperation of volume and energy When gathering momentum for an upward attack, if there is a heavy volume breakout, then positions must be reduced in a timely manner, with support at $33 and resistance at $36.

Lao Li’s note: BNB, as one of the currencies with the strongest performance in this round of market conditions, has good foresight. The foresight I am talking about here does not only refer to its response to the fluctuations of platform currencies. The leading role is more of a reference. When it rises, it will start before the broader market, and when it falls, it will peak before the broader market. This round of market performance is very obvious. This time, it is also better than BTC and other mainstream currencies.Start the decline first. After all, the spot exchange with the largest trading volume in the currency market is still of great reference significance. In addition, Changpeng Zhao also said before "bnb lead, not follow BTC", so you can refer to the trend of BNB for trading.

K-line technical analysis

[Hai Ge’s analysis]:

Yesterday, a strong washout was staged. After a crazy sell-off, it fell to support near 10700. Rebound, this is a typical move that kills shorts and then kills longs. In the middle of the bull market in 2017, there were crazy surges and plummets. The plunge was an opportunity, and we should not panic. ETH has reached around 280, the golden ratio of 0.618. Most other mainstream currencies have also reached important support, and the probability of short-term shock rebound is high.


BTC fell last night to around the golden ratio of 0.5, which is the correction during the recent short-squeeze market. The decline was too violent, and the shape needs to be repaired. It will fluctuate first. The probability of rebound is high. The upper resistance is around 11800 (already touched in the morning) - around 11260 - around 11660. The limit of this round of adjustment is expected to be around 10,000.


ETH rebounded yesterday when it rebounded to around 280 corresponding to the golden ratio of 0.618 in the recent rising period. The short-term resistance is around 308 and 320, and the short-term resistance is around 280. In addition, there is strong support below 260. First look at the shock and rebound to see if there is a new low and then judge based on the pattern.


LTC has a weak structure after breaking near 260. The support near 126 turns into pressure, and the strong support below is around 99.


EOS fluctuated lower after falling below the support line. Near 5.85 was the previous low support, and the downward momentum was contained. The theoretical pressure is close to 6.5. EOS has always been active and is not easy to rebound when it falls, so it is difficult to rebound around 6.5.

Sharing of operating strategies

[Lao Li’s trading ideas]:

As shown in the picture, according to the previous analysis, we are currently in the process of stepping back to the upper track extension of the early ascending channel. The daily line closed in the long negative range, and the short-term shock has been repaired. For rebound resistance, please refer to 11780-11800/12250-12360/12650. Nearby, the support reference is around 10525/12310/9920. In the short-term, it is recommended to focus on high altitude, supplemented by low and long. On the trend, wait for the decision after the weekly close.

『Shi』LTC halving in 2023

The next production cut of Litecoin LTC is expected to be in July 2023.

Litecoin’s third halving is scheduled to occur sometime in July 2023. Meanwhile, market analysts have pointed out that LTC’s price is experiencing the same pre-halving trajectory as before the 2011 and 2019 events and is now in a bottoming out phase.

Independent market analyst ScalpingPro adds some MACD and RSI momentum indicators to support the bullish outlook. The momentum indicator identifies oversold and overbought conditions for an asset to predict potential trend reversals.

Introduction to Litecoin:

LTC is Litecoin. Litecoin was born on November 9, 2011, and is known as digital silver. Technically, Litecoin is implemented on the same principles as Bitcoin.

It is the first based on Scrypt. Compared with Bitcoin, Litecoin has faster transaction confirmation time, higher network transaction capacity and efficiency. Litecoin has a complete industrial chain and sufficient liquidity, which is enough to prove that it is a mature, safe and stable commercial financial system.

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