古币圈子 古钱币龙币

⑴ 退伍之后的权志龙还会像以前一样炙手可热吗

退伍之后的权志龙很难再火了,毕竟一代新人换旧人。作为粉丝,我当然希望他能够重新创造辉煌。但是从目前的局势来看,我倒是已经做好了并不会重回巅峰的打算。第一个是公司的问题。YG目前并不太平,lsl事件闹得沸沸扬扬,公司股价大跌…当然感觉龙哥是有离开YG的打算的(ins更新:live for yourself)如果龙哥自己出来独干的话那就另说了。

不是有一句话吗,在巅峰的时候谢幕,人们和时代会永远记住你。但是同时很矛盾地我也希望能看到龙哥更多的作品,看到更多他在舞台上闪闪发光的样子。毕竟我当初爱上的就是那个在舞台上享受快乐自由自在的少年啊。如果舞台都已经成为一种负担,让他感到不快乐,那就尽管去做他想做的事情好了。不做巨星也无所谓啊。去做自己吧。live for yourself。

⑵ 《原神》别管龙哥了是什么梗







⑶ 洪金宝和成龙谁的身份地位较高他们在演艺圈谁比较红


⑷ 别管龙哥了是什么梗





⑸ 朱一龙在娱乐圈中的口碑怎么样呢





























⑹ 昆山龙哥,刘海龙是哪里人



刘海龙,“8·27昆山持刀砍人案”中宝马男死者,外号“龙哥”,甘肃省镇原县人 。2001年7月,因犯盗窃罪被判四年六个月。2006年9月7日,因打架被行拘五日。












根据侦查查明的事实,并听取检察机关意见和建议,依据《中华人民共和国刑法》第二十条第三款 “对正在进行行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪,


(一)刘海龙的行为属于刑法意义上的“行凶”。 根据《刑法》第二十条第三款规定,判断“行凶”的核心在于是否严重危及人身安全。司法实践中,考量是否属于“行凶”,不能苛求防卫人在应急反应情况下作出理性判断,更不能以防卫人遭受实际伤害为前提,





⑺ 郭明龙的基本介绍

龙哥从没接受过任何音乐训练,有一套独特的吉他打弦法,蓝调旋律中亦有节奏的律动,优柔中蕴藏阵阵敲击的力道,即使一人弹唱也是草根气味浓烈、情感丰沛。金曲歌王陈建年很早就’’偷偷’’拜他为吉他老师,从他身上挖了不少独门功夫。他作曲的<彩虹>。收录在卑南的女儿纪晓君第二张专辑《野火春风》里,伤感动人的<彩虹>当时令许多人印象深刻,亦曾入选中华音乐人交流协会2001年度十大优良单曲;黄小琥听了后也深受感动,在她「the Voice 现场演唱全纪录」专辑中翻唱了这首歌。

⑻ 《原神》龙哥是什么梗






⑼ 昆山龙哥案 受害人追击反杀为什么不是防卫过当

第二十条 正当防卫
为了使国家、公共利益、本人或者他人的人身、财产和其他权利免受正在进行的不法侵害,而采取的制止不法侵害的行为,对不法侵害人造成损害的,属于正当防卫,不负刑事责任。 正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任,但是应当减轻或者免除处罚。 对正在进行行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪,采取防卫行为,造成不法侵害人伤亡的,不属于防卫过当,不负刑事责任。

⑽ 朱一龙在娱乐圈里的人缘好不好她的代表作是什么



⑴ Will G-Dragon be as popular as before after retiring?

It will be difficult for G-Dragon to become popular again after retiring. After all, a new generation will replace the old one. As a fan, I certainly hope he can recreate his glory days. But judging from the current situation, I have made plans not to return to the top. The first is a company problem. YG is not in peace at the moment. The LSL incident has made a big fuss, and the company's stock price has plummeted... Of course, I feel that Brother Long has plans to leave YG (Ins update: live for yourself). If Brother Long comes out to work alone, that's another story.

Isn’t there a saying that when you are at your peak, people and times will always remember you. But at the same time, paradoxically, I also hope to see more of Brother Long’s works and see more of him shining brightly on stage. After all, I fell in love with the young man who was enjoying happiness and freedom on stage. If the stage has become a burden and makes him feel unhappy, then just go ahead and do what he wants to do. It doesn’t matter if you don’t become a superstar. Just be yourself. live for yourself.

⑵ "Genshin Impact" Don't worry about Brother Long.

The meme of Genshin Impact is that the male protagonist Kong's CV is nicknamed Brother Long, and he has an obvious younger role in the company. Often persecuted (of course, persecuted because of love).

Then another cv Susu’s account name in the Genshin Impact closed beta was called “Leave Brother Long alone”.

This was originally an internal joke between the voice actors and actresses of Qixiang Tianwai. Later, the joke became too much in many scenes such as the Mond Tea Party, and it fell out of the circle.

This meme is basically only used in the Genshin Impact circle. Of course, there are some people who just want to be gay on various occasions.

"Genshin Impact" is an open world adventure game produced and published by Shanghai MiHoYo. The game takes place in a fantasy world called "Tevat". Here, those chosen by God will be awarded the "Eye of God" to guide the power of the elements.

Players will play a mysterious character named "Traveler" and meet companions with different personalities and unique abilities during free travel. Together with them, they can defeat powerful enemies and find their lost relatives. ——At the same time, gradually discover the truth about the "Original God".

⑶ Who has a higher status, Sammo Hung or Jackie Chan, and who is more popular in the entertainment industry?

Both the great masters say whether they are popular or not. If you insist on saying whether they are popular or not, you can only It depends on you.

⑷ What kind of meme is "Don't worry about Brother Long"?

Just run away. If you catch fire, it will be too late if you don't run. Don't worry about Brother Long. Don't worry about a person named Long Ge. Let's go first. Long Ge is the voice actor of the male protagonist of the mobile game Genshin Impact. He has a very good personality. The first reason is because of the game account ID of Susu, the voice actor of Qin and Gan Yu in the game. Just tell me to leave Brother Long alone.

Brother Long’s character background

Inside the company and during the game preview live broadcast, several voice actors were very chatting, so they often selectively ignored what Brother Long said, and added "Don't worry about Brother Long." At the same time, because the Genshin game allows novices to choose the male protagonist or the female protagonist when they first enter the game, most people They all choose female protagonists, while the male protagonist has a relatively low sense of presence and has almost no lines in the game.

Brother Long himself talks very little, so ignoring him will not have any impact. "Leave Brother Long alone" has become a frequently mentioned joke. This was originally one of Qixiang Tianwai's voice actors. It was an internal meme during the period. Later, I started to play meme too much in many scenes such as the Mondstad Tea Party, so I left the circle. This meme is basically only used in the Genshin Impact circle. Of course, there are some people who just use it on various occasions.

⑸ What is Zhu Yilong’s reputation in the entertainment industry?


The first time I met Zhu Yilong was in a variety show in 2015.

At that time, he played an NPC character-Fu Chengxun.

It was the first time he met his sweetheart. Fu Chengxun looked up from under the tree and looked at the lively and lovely girl on the tree.

A surprising glimpse.

In the story, he fell in love with the girl; outside the story, I remembered Fu Chengxun.

You see, as an actor, Zhu Yilong has such charm. He will never live up to any role he interprets. The way I fell into the trap seemed a bit strange, just because I watched it. After watching that variety show, I lay down at the bottom of the pit without hesitation.

So I learned that his name was Zhu Yilong, that he was an actor, and that he had played many roles.

Although he was not popular at that time, I always had a hunch that such a serious and down-to-earth actor would always shine enough to be seen by everyone.


Until the summer of 2018, with the popularity of the TV series "Soul", Zhu Yilong, who played Shen Wei, gradually became known to everyone.

He is Shen Wei, the "one-eyed man" in "Soul"; he is also the brilliant Qi Heng in "Do You Know"; he is the vicissitudes of life and gentle Wu Xie in "Restart"; also The tough and tolerant Fu Hongxue in "New Border Town Prodigal Son"...

He has played many, many different roles, but when seeing the characters in these dramas, the audience will not distinguish between the characters. , or the character is connected with Zhu Yilong.

Behind the "show face" is Zhu Yilong's seriousness and hard work as an actor.

He treats every role seriously and sincerely. It can be seen from every small detail in the play that he has carefully figured out each role.

He will design sleeve cuffs for Shen Wei, in order to better fit the image of Professor Shen; he will set matches for Wu Xie to give Wu Xie a more concrete expression of his life; he will choose the best for Fu Hongxue The weapon fits the character, and the dark knife is covered with black cloth strips...

He once said - "Passion and sincerity for the character are particularly important", "Actors have to persevere and need to Life is used to precipitate and enrich characters.”, "Only classic works can be truly remembered."

He is very sincere about his job as an actor.

And this sincerity is particularly touching.


Not only is he sincere towards his works, he is also sincere towards his fans.

I still remember an interview. When the reporter asked him how he would support fans, he said that he would still make good works.

He will call fans audience friends.

When he mentioned the fan support that impressed him the most, he said that the fan support that impressed him the most was charity support. He thought it was very good and was very touched.

This may be the best way for fans and idols to get along - I don’t need you to do anything for me, all I need you to do is to become a better version of yourself.

Sincere, serious, sincere and kind.

He has these beautiful qualities, and he has more than just these beautiful qualities.

So, actor Zhu Yilong, please stride forward, I will always be your audience friend.

⑹ Brother Long from Kunshan, where are Liu Hailong from?

Brother Long from Kunshan, Liu Hailong is from Zhenyuan County, Gansu Province.

1. Character introduction:

Liu Hailong, the male BMW deceased in the "8·27 Kunshan Knife Killing Case", nicknamed "Long Ge", was from Zhenyuan County, Gansu Province . In July 2001, he was sentenced to four years and six months for committing theft. On September 7, 2006, he was detained for five days for fighting.

In March 2007, he was sentenced to nine months for extortion. On May 11, 2009, he was sentenced to three years for committing intentional damage to property. On July 19, 2013, he was sentenced to two years and two months for the crime of provocation and intentional injury. He was imprisoned five times and started stealing at the age of 19. He was sentenced five times for a total of 10 years and 5 months.

2. Life experience:

1. In July 2001, he was sentenced to four years and six months in prison by the Dongcheng District People's Court of Beijing for committing the crime of theft.

2. On September 7, 2006, he was administratively detained by the Kunshan Municipal Public Security Bureau for five days due to a fight.

3. In March 2007, he was sentenced to nine months in prison by this court for committing extortion.

4. On May 11, 2009, he was sentenced to three years in prison by this court for committing the crime of intentional destruction of property. He was released on March 24, 2011.

5. In the early morning of January 25, 2013, Liu Hailong had a dispute with the victim Xu over trivial matters in the IKEA Garden Community of Lujia Town, Kunshan City. Liu used the folding knife he carried with him to interact with the victim Xu. The beating caused pleural effusion on the left side of the victim Xu.

6. On the evening of June 3, 2013, Liu Hailong and three others went to the Hefeng Good Voice KTV in Lujia Town, Kunshan City after drinking, and beat the victim Du without any reason, causing the victim Du to suffer a comminuted fracture of the nasal bone.

7. On May 13, 2014, he was convicted of the crimes of provoking trouble and intentional injury and was jointly sentenced.Sentenced to two years and two months.

(6) Extended reading of Brother Long in the Ancient Coin Circle

Case characterization and reasons:

Based on the facts ascertained during the investigation, And listen to the opinions and suggestions of the procuratorial organs, and in accordance with Article 20, Paragraph 3 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" "For ongoing murders, robberies, rapes, kidnappings and other violent crimes that seriously endanger personal safety,

< p> "Those who take defensive actions and cause casualties to unlawful intruders are not deemed to have acted in excessive defense and will not be held criminally responsible." Yu Haiming's behavior was considered legitimate defense and will not be held criminally responsible. The public security organs dismissed Yu Haiming's case in accordance with the law. The main reasons are as follows:

(1) Liu Hailong’s behavior is “committing murder” in the sense of criminal law. According to Article 20, Paragraph 3 of the Criminal Law, the core of determining "commitment" is whether it seriously endangers personal safety. In judicial practice, when considering whether it is an "assault", the defender cannot be required to make a rational judgment in the emergency response situation, nor can it be based on the premise that the defender suffers actual harm.

But it must be based on the specific scene and social circumstances. Make judgments based on the cognitive level of ordinary people. In this case, Liu Hailong first attacked with his bare hands, and then hit him continuously with a knife. His behavior has seriously endangered Haiming's personal safety, and his illegal infringement should be regarded as "assault."

(2) Liu Hailong’s illegal infringement is an ongoing process. Throughout this case, when the dispute between the passengers in the car and Yu Haiming was basically settled, Liu Hailong got drunk and caused trouble. He first got out of the car and punched and kicked Haiming, and then returned to the car to take out the machete.

For Haiming After being hit several times in a row, the illegal infringement continued to escalate. After Liu Hailong dropped the machete to the ground, he stepped forward to grab the knife again. After Liu Hailong was injured, he still showed no sign of giving up the violation. Yu Haiming's personal safety has always been threatened by Liu Hailong's violence.

(3) Yu Haiming’s behavior was for defensive purposes. In this case, after Yu Haiming grabbed the knife, he stabbed and slashed Liu Hailong five times within 7 seconds, and he slapped and slashed twice (missed) during the chase. Although there was a gap in time and distance in space, But this is a continuous act. In addition, the purpose of Yu Haiming stopping the pursuit and returning to the BMW car to search for Liu Hailong's mobile phone was to prevent the other party from gathering people for retaliation and to protect his personal safety, which was in line with the purpose of legitimate defense.

⑺ Basic introduction of Guo Minglong

Brother Long, friends call him "Brother Long", a member of the Ami tribe in Taitung. This unknown name in the mainstream music circle is another legend from the back mountains of Taitung introduced by Jiaotou Music after Chen Jiannian and Ji Xiaojun. When the mood strikes, he plays the guitar in friends' courtyards and roadside stalls, and improvises songs and hums them. His witty lyrics often make others laugh uncontrollably. When he is not singing, he is a betel nut player and a lottery fan. Born into a political family, when he was young he wandered around selling toilet paper, worked as an agent, engaged in construction, and sang folk songs in Western restaurants. Having experienced the ups and downs of life, he has his own free and easy philosophy - life is too hard, so be as happy as possible.
Brother Long has never received any musicMusic training, there is a unique set of guitar string playing methods, the blues melody also has rhythmic rhythm, and the softness contains bursts of percussion power. Even if one person plays and sings, it is full of grassroots flavor and full of emotion. Chen Jiannian, the king of golden songs, "secretly" worshiped him as his guitar teacher very early on and learned a lot of his unique skills from him. He composed "Rainbow". Included in Beinan's daughter Ji Xiaojun's second album "Wild Fire Spring Breeze", the touching and touching "Rainbow" impressed many people at the time. It was also selected as one of the top ten outstanding singles in 2001 by the Chinese Musicians Exchange Association; Huang Xiaohu was impressed after listening to it. She was also deeply moved and sang this song in her "The Voice Live Singing Complete Record" album.
Singing at the Bat Cave, a folk song restaurant where masters gathered together with Chen Jiannian and Banai, the folk song restaurant "Bat Cave" used to be a place where good singers in Taitung gathered to sing. In addition to the regular resident singers back then, there were also Jien Nian who often came to hum and sing two hours before working late at night, Banai who released the "Mud Doll" album, Yong Long and Jia Jia who were members of the "Am Band", Hao En, Yu Qin and others are all "unregular singers" in the store. Even "Amei" Zhang Huimei once came to the store late one night and was excited to hear Jien Nian singing on stage. The Bat Cave invited Brother Long to be a resident singer. Huiqin, who was also a resident singer and one of the owners, said, "We strictly prohibited singers from drinking on stage. Only Brother Long could put a drink under his seat." After Brother Long drank, The feeling of playing the piano and the pleasure of singing came back. Brother Long said: "What I insisted on at that time was drinking Daoxiang, playing and singing, and composing and singing by myself. It's not called writing songs, it's different every time. , This makes people "cannot find evidence"."
Impromptu blues ballads, singing, just for mood
Brother Long believes that singing is for mood. "The mood is sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes open, sometimes closed. With the help of music, you can find your true mood today and how you should sing. Singing is just about your mood."
Long Ge is a music legend. He is a betel nut expert, a lottery fan, a roadside political commentator and a philosopher of life. Regarding today's chaotic world, he pointedly believes: "Just think of a solution for everything! No matter what the situation is, there is only one solution: find a solution! The real solution is, how can it be better? It's good for you and me. All the methods can be implemented!"
Brother Long is talking about his real experience. Whether it is his life or his music, he always finds ways to make himself happy and make others happy!

⑻ What is the meme of Brother Long in "Genshin Impact"

The meme of Brother Long in Genshin Impact is that the protagonist's CV dubbing is called Brother Long. Brother Long is actually the voice of the male protagonist in the game, because in this game the male protagonist has a low presence and doesn’t speak much. It is said that Brother Long’s lines for dubbing the male protagonist were less than one page, and then when the Mond Tea Party voice actors introduced themselves with their own characters, everyone had a line, including my sister, who said “Let’s go with the wind.”

Genshin Impact Game Review


The overall gameplay structure of Genshin Impact is remarkable. Although the content created based on mature design experience in the industry is not too amazing, it still has some of its own ideas, making it fun to play.

As the game experience deepens, Zelda’s sense of déjà vu gradually disappears, replaced by a strong MiHoYo flavor. The 3D action design tempered by Honkai Impact 3 is perfectly displayed in Genshin Impact. .

Compared with the first-line masterpieces of the same generation, Genshin Impact and MiHoYo still have a long way to go, but the project itself at least allows the domestic game industry to see a glimmer of pursuit.

⑼ Why didn’t the victim of the Kunshan Long Ge case pursue and kill him with excessive defense?

This kind of murderer,
you didn’t chop him to death,
he was divided It will circle back in a few minutes and chop you to death.
This case is standard
justifiable defense!
Take defensive actions against ongoing assaults, murders, robberies, rapes, kidnappings, and other violent crimes that seriously endanger personal safety, resulting in unlawful infringement and casualties. It does not constitute excessive defense and does not bear criminal responsibility.
Article 20 Justifiable Defense
In order to protect the country, the public interest, oneself or others If the person, property or other rights are protected from ongoing illegal infringement, and the actions taken to stop the illegal infringement cause damage to the illegal intruder, it is a legitimate defense and shall not bear criminal responsibility. If the legitimate defense clearly exceeds the necessary limit and causes serious damage, he shall bear criminal responsibility, but the punishment shall be reduced or exempted. If a person takes defensive actions against ongoing assaults, murders, robberies, rapes, kidnappings, and other violent crimes that seriously endanger personal safety, resulting in casualties or casualties, this does not constitute excessive defense and he will not be held criminally responsible.

⑽ Is Zhu Yilong’s popularity in the entertainment industry good? What is her masterpiece?

I think Zhu Yilong’s popularity in the entertainment industry is not bad. I started to get to know Mr. Zhu in Zhenhun, and slowly paid attention to him. I must read all the information related to him. I have to say that when I first saw him, I didn’t realize how handsome he was. In the entertainment industry, there are many people who are better-looking than him. His looks are not the focus of Xiaolongbao people!

I think Zhu Yilong is good-looking, has a good personality, and can also do Muay Thai. There are not many idols like him. If you follow Zhu Yilong, you can find out more about him. treasure. I also look forward to more masterpieces from him.

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