一文看懂什么是区块链 什么是区块链?简单来说








Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money. 源自比特币官网


大家可能会想的第一个问题可能是: 在电脑上的货币他真的够安全吗?



























Merkle Tree

如果今天在区块中的某一笔交易本文被窜改,则计算出来之Merkel Root也一定不同




HAB~=SHA256(SHA256(HA + HB))挖矿

Mining = Securing the network = verify computation




Finding a nonce input to the algorithm so that the result is below a certain threshold

















其他相关Bitcoin schema介绍



加密货币Market State图表



What is blockchain

Blockchain is a concept, and other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are one of the applications of blockchain.

The following is a simple sentence to understand the blockchain: many transactions form blocks, and many blocks are linked to each other to form a blockchain

You can first watch this simple introduction video: https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYduOfRLHq0

Imagine that today the supervisor verbally ordered a new policy. Although no records were kept, everyone will spread the word to each other after hearing it. After that, although the policy will not be It was recorded by a center, but everyone knows this matter in their hearts. If the person in charge of this policy resigns later, the remaining people will be based on what the majority of us say. But if someone wants to change it, it can be changed. Will be rejected because it is different from what most people say

Understanding Blockchain

Bitcoin can be said to be a well-known application using blockchain technology. Let’s first explain how Bitcoin works. During the explanation, we will explain the related concepts of blockchain step by step

Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money. From the Bitcoin official website

We most often hear about Bitcoin in news reports or when chatting with friends. We talk about how much the price of Bitcoin has soared today, and that a certain player has invested in a new mining machine or mine in China. This book will introduce in subsequent chapters how to apply for your own Bitcoin address and wallet, and perform actions such as purchasing Bitcoin and transferring funds.

The first question you may think about may be: How to use the computer Is the currency on the Internet really safe enough?

Then we will think about whether swiping a credit card online is also a virtual transaction on the Internet. What is the difference between swiping a credit card online and using Bitcoin? Where

Cryptocurrency wallet

The Bitcoin address is similar to 14qViLJfdGaP4EeHnDyJbEGQysnCpwn1g

The number of available Bitcoin addresses is close to 2^161, assuming there are about 2^63 grains on the earth Sand, if there is an earth in every grain of sand, then the total number of Bitcoin addresses far exceeds the number of all the sand on all these earths

In order to be able to conduct transactions in the blockchain network, You need a Bitcoin address, which allows you to store your Bitcoins. A Bitcoin address is a Bitcoin address that is generated from a private key and then performs some cryptographic methods to generate a public key (the generation method will be introduced in detail in subsequent chapters)

Each public key is composed of a Generated by a private key

If a message is encrypted by a public key, only the paired private key can decrypt and read the message. Conversely, if you encrypt a message with your private key, only the matching public key can decrypt it. So when Xiao Ming wants to transfer money to Xiao Wang, he needs to use his privateThe transfer message is encrypted with the key and sent to the network. Then each node uses Xiao Ming's public key to decrypt the message to confirm that it was sent by Xiao Ming.

When encryption is completed, an electronic signature will be generated, which will be used by nodes to confirm the source and authenticity of the transaction message. The content of the electronic signature is a string of text, which is a hash of the transaction message signed by the private key. If you change any character in the transaction message, the electronic signature will also change accordingly, so it is difficult for hackers to change your transaction message or learn the transaction amount.

Check the balance

How does Bitcoin know what our current account balance is after we transfer?

As mentioned just now, the composition of the Bitcoin network is It is composed of computers running Bitcoin node programs around the world

Each node computer will verify transactions and synchronize other node data and maintain a blockchain ledger, but how does a node Know your account balance? The blockchain system does not record everyone's account balance. In fact, it only records every transaction on the Internet

What holding Bitcoin means is that you can check your balance on the blockchain ledger. There is still a record of the address that has not yet been converted into an input transaction.

See the picture above

If out is not connected to other in, it will become the balance of the current account

Transactions in the block< p>
See the picture above, each generated transaction will first wait in the transaction pool to be included in the block by the node

Each node can transfer several transaction messages from the transaction pool Select and package it into a block and send it to the network, and propose it as the latest block on the chain.

The blockchain system uses cryptography methods (the implementation will be mentioned in the following chapters) to design a complex mathematical problem. As long as there is a correct answer, it can become the latest block on the chain. This answer is calculated by the node and packaged into the block. The answer is a number, and the only way to get it is to keep calculating. Whichever node gets the answer first has the first right to put its candidate block on the chain.

Each node has a copy of the blockchain. When a node gets the candidate block thrown out by other nodes (the one with the correct answer), it will put the block on the copy chain, and at the same time The system will ask the node to search the network for a longer chain than its copy chain. If so, discard the original chain and use the longer chain.

In the picture above, we can see that each box contains some values. These values ​​are the block data stored in the blockchain

< p>1. The blockchain is a data structure composed of blocks containing transaction information, connected in an orderly manner from back to front. The blocks are linked in this chain in an orderly manner from back to front, and each block points to Previous block

2. Perform a SHA256 cryptographic hash on each block header. Each block header contains its parent block hash value. This creates a sequence of hashes linking each block to its parent block.A chain that can be traced back to the first block (the genesis block)

3. Since the block header contains the "parent block hash value", the hash value of the current block is also affected by this field impact. If the hash of the parent block is different, the child block will also have a different hash, and then the child blocks of this child block will also have different hashes. This waterfall effect will ensure that the block will not be changed

4. The block contains the following, the block header is 80 bytes, and the average transaction is at least 250 bytes, and the average block contains at least more than 500 transactions

< p>Another related introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r43LhSUUGTQ

Merkle Tree

If a certain transaction in the block today is tampered with, it will be calculated The Merkel Root must also be different

Using this feature can prevent the historical transactions contained in the block from being arbitrarily tampered with

The Merkle tree is used to summarize a All transactions in the block simultaneously generate digital fingerprints of the entire transaction set, and provide an efficient way to verify whether a certain transaction exists in the block

In order to create the parent node HAB, child node A and child node The two 32-byte hashes of B will be concatenated into a 64-byte string. The string is then hashed twice to generate the hash value of the parent node:

HAB~=SHA256(SHA256(HA + HB)) Mining

Mining = Securing the network = verify computation

A new block is "mined", and each block contains all transactions that occurred during the period from the generation of the previous block to the present. These transactions are added to the blockchain in turn. We call the transactions included in the block and added to the blockchain as "confirmed" transactions. Only after the transaction is "confirmed" can the new owner spend the Bitcoins he received in the transaction

Miners will receive two types of rewards during the mining process: new currency rewards for creating new blocks, and transaction fees for transactions included in the blocks

Successful in the mining process" The miner who mines a new block gets a "tip" on all transactions included in that block. Currently, this fee accounts for 0.5% or less of miners' revenue, with most of the revenue still coming from the Bitcoin rewards earned from mining

Finding a nonce input to the algorithm so that the result is below acertain threshold

The blockchain uses difficulty to control the generation speed of the next block, and miners use the current block header to add a random number nonce and do a hash. If a block lower than the set difficulty is generated The value can be successfully mined

By changing the nonce to generate different hashes, find a way to make this hash smaller than the currently set difficulty value

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=lik9aaFIsl4&t=1s

Mining difficulty explained


Mining time estimate


We can use the following web page for mining simulation

https://anders .com/blockchain/block.html

Nonce is a random value. When we change the actual mining, we change the Nonce and find a way to calculate the result, because the values ​​of the same string after sha are all the same. Same

But we can’t predict which string will get the value we want after sha

Data is the information included in the simulation block

See the currencies currently on the market and price

When we want to invest in the cryptocurrencies currently on the market, we must first go to the market to understand its value

The following website lists some of the cryptocurrencies on the market for us to Reference


Other related Bitcoin schema introduction

The following website lists Bitcoin-related schemas

https://webbtc. com/api/schema

The Cryptocurrency Market State chart

also lists many cryptocurrencies available on the market, but uses another way to present them

< p>http://cryptomaps.org/

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿