蚂蚁矿机s9价格行情 蚂蚁s9i矿机最新价格

⑴ 蚂蚁矿机s9k可以同时挖两种币吗怎么设置的。


⑵ 业界首款水冷矿机 蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro评测

说到比特大陆旗下的蚂蚁矿机,相信很多区块链领域的伙伴们都对这个名字十分了解。作为行业内数一数二的矿机品牌,蚂蚁矿机以优秀的算力算法以及便捷的工业设计成为众多矿工们布置集群矿场的第一选择。而在近日,蚂蚁矿机正式发布了旗下首款水冷矿机:蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro,那么今天笔者就来与大家分享一下这款新产品到底有哪些优势。





回到正题,作为行业内最大的矿机生产厂商,蚂蚁矿机的产品在业界的口碑一直非常不错。而本次发布的蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro则是首次把PC上水冷的概念融入到矿机中。大家都知道,不管是PC还是矿机,在进行大规模的运算时,其运算核心的热量是非常高的,而水冷的加入则是大大的提升了机器的散热效率,也正是由于这个原因,笔者对这款矿机在散热方面的表现充满期待。好,下面我们一起进入评测吧!
蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro外观:

外观上,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro沿用了蚂蚁矿机S9的整体设计风格,方正简洁的外观给人一种坚实可靠的气质,同时也更利于大规模的布置与管理。

▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro

▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro侧面

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro采用了高端铝合金材料作为机身材质。同时在设计方面,针对矿机日常的使用场景,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的整个设计风格更趋向于简单化与工业化,所有的部件均采用模块化设计,极大的方便用户安装以及使用,也进一步降低后期维护的成本。

▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro背面


机身背面,我们可以看到蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的水冷模块。6根透明水管直接连接在每块水冷板上,让水冷液可以在各个水冷板上进行高效的循环。

▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro控制板

机身顶部则是集成了蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的总控制板,控制板正面从左到右分别为并配有SD卡槽,IP Repoet按键,标准RJ-45网口,复位键以及矿机状态灯,这样的设计可以让矿工们可以快速设置矿机,同时还能第一时间了解到矿机的工作状态。

▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro控制板接口一览


▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro
说到这里,根据官方的介绍,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro共集成了两组算力运行组件,每组有2块算力板和3块水冷板组成。同时分布式的设计也让矿机降温的效果更明显的同时让每个算力板可以长时间稳定的运行。

▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro外置水排


当然啦,作为一款水冷矿机,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro还拥有一个专用的水排套件。通过专用的水泵把矿机排出的热水均匀喷射到大面积的散热鳞片上,同时6个高规格可调速散热风扇也能快速的把水冷液的热量排出。


说起来,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro外置水排一共拥有6个风扇以及1个水泵共7个4pin电源接口,而这些接口都可以通过上文提到的控制板进行集中供电,进一步方便用户使用。其中,风扇接口还支持调速功能,可以根据矿机实际的温度进行相应的风速调整。



而在电力的配置方面,蚂蚁矿机专门为S9 Hydro提供了一个型号为APW5的电源模块,根据电源的铭牌显示,该电源模块拥有高达12V 216A共2592W的功率(200~240V环境下)。而蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的设计功率为1800W(±5%),这个电源带起矿机可以说是绰绰有余的。
蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装:

为了方便用户前期的安装使用以及后期的维护,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro采用了简易安装设计。具体的安装步骤可以查看以下视频教程:

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装演示


▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装第一步

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装第二步

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装第三步

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装第五步

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装第六步

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装第九步

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装第十步

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro安装第十一步

从安装的过程来看,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro所有的模块安装都经过简易化设计,进一步方便用户的使用。而在这个安装过程中,笔者认为最需要注意的就是水管夹的安装,相比起普通的矿机,水冷矿机最怕的莫过于水冷模块漏水到时机器损坏,而水冷夹的作用就是有效避免这种情况发生。

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro矿池连接

在软件方面,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro可以通过网页端、PC端以及手机端三个方式对矿机进行管理。本次我们将会以网页端作为主要的方式进行介绍。


蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro管理界面


蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro管理界面

首先我们选择“Miner Configuration“进入矿池和矿工配置页面,可以看到,在页面里面有几个参数需要我们填下,它们分别是URL(矿池地址)、Worker(矿工名)以及Password(矿池秘钥),其中矿池地址与矿工名是必须要填写的,而矿工秘钥则是要根据矿池的实际情况进行填写。











蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro实际算力测试:


▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro24小时挖矿数据

从实际的算力数据来看,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的日均算力可达17.87TH/s,而这个数据也与官方标称的18TH/s(±5%)基本一致。此外,从算力曲线我们还能看出,在长时间工作中,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的持续算力可以一直保持在17TH/s~20TH/s之间,这个波动的幅度可以说是十分小的了。


或许很多小伙伴会疑惑,18TH/s的算力到底有多强。在这里笔者就给大家科普一下,根据目前最新的消息,英伟达最新的GTX 1080TI显卡经过特殊优化后,在SHA256运算中的算力仅仅可以达到1.5~1.8GH/s。而根据换算规则(1TH/s=1000GH/s,1GH/s=1000MH/s),蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的算力水平大概就与500片GTX 1080TI显卡的实际算力相当。

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro功耗/噪音及发热:

看完性能,相信大家也对蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的功耗/噪音及发热很感兴趣,针对这三个部分,笔者也进行了相关的测试。



蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的实际功耗。可以看到,在稳定运行状态下,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的实际功耗为


▲蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro噪音


可以看到,得益于水冷模块的加持,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro水冷矿机的六个散热风扇一致处于慢速运行的状态,而这也能进一步降低噪音的产生。根据监测,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro
蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的
相比起其它传统矿机随随便便就产生70dBA以上的噪音,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro的噪音控制的确值得肯定。




在使用纯净水作为水冷液的状态下,可以看到,经过24小时的持续运行过后蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro



而在外部温度监测我们也可以看到,不管是矿机本身还是水冷模块散热鳞片,其实际的温度仅仅比室温(27°C)高出一点点,可以说在温度控制方面,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro
蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro总结:

总的来讲,蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro在强悍的算力加持下,通过外置水排让整个机器在发挥相应性能的同时,其实际的能耗、发热以及噪音等用户都得到相当好的控制。可以说不管是大规模的集群矿场还是小规模的作坊甚至是家庭用户都能获得很好的体验,同时,蚂蚁矿机简单易懂的前期安装以及后期维护也能进一步提升用户的使用感受。

蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro


1、蚂蚁矿机S9 Hydro仅包含单主机,外置水排以及电源都需要单独额外购买。




⑶ 比特币最早一天免费挖多少







⑷ 马斯克为什么谴责比特币能耗过大


⑸ 蚂蚁矿机s9一天可以挖多少币



⑹ 比特币矿机都有哪些



战旗矿机Z4采用了Intel 赛场双核[email protected]的CUP,挖矿算力为265MH/s(ETH),配备独立显卡570x8,拥有9个Fan,并且散热器采用INTEL的原装散热器,电源:站旗2000W电源,电压为:12.4—12.6v之间。

⑴ Can the Antminer S9k mine two coins at the same time? How to set it up.

The Antminer S9 is a Bitcoin mining machine. The Bitcoin algorithm is SHA-256, so as long as it is a digital currency based on the Bitcoin algorithm, the Antminer can mine it. But Antminer S9 cannot mine currencies with other algorithms such as Ethereum or Litecoin.
Antminer S9 is currently a relatively mature and widely used coin mining machine. Its advantage lies in its good quality. Mining coins is simple, stable and easy to use. You only need to connect the power cord to use it.

⑵ Evaluation of the Antminer S9 Hydro, the industry’s first water-cooled mining machine

Speaking of Bitmain’s Antminer, I believe many partners in the blockchain field are familiar with this name. Very understanding. As one of the top mining machine brands in the industry, Antminer has become the first choice for many miners to deploy cluster mines with its excellent computing power algorithm and convenient industrial design. Recently, Antminer officially released its first water-cooled mining machine: Antminer S9 Hydro. So today I will share with you the advantages of this new product.

Before the review begins, the author thinks it is necessary to briefly talk to you about the development history of the mining machine.
Speaking of mining machines, I believe many people’s first impression is that it is a product composed of multiple graphics cards that is purely for computing. But in fact, graphics card mining can only be regarded as a preliminary version of the mining machine, and the actual mining efficiency is actually very poor. Today's mines use dedicated mining machines to perform large-scale cluster operations. For example, the well-known Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BHC) use SHA256 for encryption, and graphics cards do not support SHA256. The calculation support is not particularly strong.

▲Traditional graphics card mining machines

But dedicated mining machines are different. Their computing cores are specially designed for different encryption schemes. This also makes the computing efficiency of the mining machine hundreds or even thousands of times better than that of traditional graphics card mining machines. At the same time, it will also have quite good performance in various aspects such as size and power consumption, so it is deeply loved by miners.

▲Antminer specially designed for mining

Back to the topic, as the largest mining machine manufacturer in the industry, Antminer products have always had a good reputation in the industry. very good. The Antminer S9 Hydro released this time is the first time that the concept of water cooling on PC has been integrated into the mining machine. As we all know, whether it is a PC or a mining machine, when performing large-scale operations, the heat of the computing core is very high, and the addition of water cooling greatly improves the heat dissipation efficiency of the machine. It is for this reason , the author is full of expectations for the performance of this mining machine in terms of heat dissipation. Okay, let’s get into the review together!
Antminer S9 Hydro Appearance:

In terms of appearance, the Antminer S9 Hydro follows the overall design style of the Antminer S9. The square and simple appearance gives people a solid and reliable temperament, and is also more conducive to large-scale layout and management.

▲Antminer S9 Hydro

▲Side view of Antminer S9 Hydro

Antminer S9 Hydro adopts high-end Aluminum alloy material is used as the body material. At the same time, in terms of design, in view of the daily use scenarios of the mining machine, the entire design style of the Antminer S9 Hydro tends to be simpler and more industrialized. All components adopt a modular design, which greatly facilitates user installation and use, and further Reduce later maintenance costs.

▲The back of the Antminer S9 Hydro

▲Water cooling through an external water drain

On the back of the fuselage, we can see the Antminer The water cooling module of the S9 Hydro. Six transparent water pipes are directly connected to each water-cooling plate, allowing water-cooling liquid to circulate efficiently on each water-cooling plate.

▲Antminer S9 Hydro control board

The top of the fuselage is integrated with the main control panel of the Antminer S9 Hydro. From left to right on the front of the control panel are: It is also equipped with an SD card slot, IP Repoet button, standard RJ-45 network port, reset button and mining machine status light. This design allows miners to quickly set up the mining machine, and at the same time, they can learn about the mining machine at the first time. working status.

▲Antminer S9 Hydro control board interface list

In terms of interfaces, the control board requires a 12V 6PIN interface for power supply, and it also provides 7 4pin Fan interfaces, and the main function of these interfaces is to supply power to the external water drain.

▲Antminer S9 Hydro
Speaking of this, according to the official introduction, the Antminer S9 Hydro integrates two sets of computing power operation components, each of which The group consists of 2 computing boards and 3 water-cooling boards. At the same time, the distributed design also makes the cooling effect of the mining machine more obvious and allows each computing board to run stably for a long time.

▲Antminer S9 Hydro external water drain

▲Super large scale design

Of course, as a water-cooled mining machine, Antminer The S9 Hydro also has a dedicated water drainage kit. The hot water discharged from the mining machine is evenly sprayed onto the large-area heat dissipation flakes through a special water pump. At the same time, six high-standard adjustable-speed cooling fans can also quickly discharge the heat of the water cooling liquid.

6+1, a total of 7 4pin interfaces

Speaking of which, the Antminer S9 Hydro external water drain has a total of 6 fans and 1 water pump, a total of 7 4-pin power interfaces, and these interfaces can be centrally powered through the control board mentioned above, further making it convenient for users to use. . Among them, the fan interface also supports the speed adjustment function, which can adjust the wind speed accordingly according to the actual temperature of the mining machine.

APW5 power supply nameplate

The power supply provides 14 6-pin power interfaces

In terms of power configuration , Antminer specially provides a power module model APW5 for S9 Hydro. According to the nameplate of the power supply, the power module has a power of up to 12V 216A totaling 2592W (under 200~240V environment). The design power of the Antminer S9 Hydro is 1800W (±5%). This power supply can be said to be more than enough to power the mining machine.
Antminer S9 Hydro installation:

In order to facilitate users’ early installation and use as well as subsequent maintenance, the Antminer S9 Hydro adopts a simple installation design. For specific installation steps, you can view the following video tutorials:

Antminer S9 Hydro installation demonstration

In addition, we also provide you with graphic installation tutorials :

▲The first step of installing Antminer S9 Hydro

The second step of installing Antminer S9 Hydro

The third step of the installation of Antminer S9 Hydro

The installation of Antminer S9 Hydro
The fourth step

The fifth step of Ant Miner S9 Hydro installation

The sixth step of Ant Miner S9 Hydro installation

Ant Miner S9 Hydro installation
Step 7

Antminer S9 Hydro installation
Step 8

Ant Mine The ninth step of installing Antminer S9 Hydro

The tenth step of installing Antminer S9 Hydro

The tenth step of installing Antminer S9 Hydro One step

From the perspective of the installation process, all module installations of the Antminer S9 Hydro have been simplified and designed to further facilitate user use. During this installation process, the author believes that the most important thing to pay attention to is the installation of water pipe clamps. Compared with ordinary mining machines, the water pipe clampsThe biggest fear of the cold mining machine is that the water-cooling module will leak and the machine will be damaged, and the role of the water-cooling clamp is to effectively avoid this situation.

Antminer S9 Hydro mining pool connection
In terms of software, Antminer S9 Hydro can connect to the mining machine through the web, PC and mobile terminals. to manage. This time we will use the web page as the main way to introduce it.
Step one: Connect the mining machine

We need to centrally manage the mining machine through the management terminal. First, we need to ensure that the mining machine and the management PC are in the same LAN. After the mining machine is powered on, we can download a file from the official website of the Antminer to find the actual IP address of the mining machine.
Antminer IP search software: [
Click to jump


Antminer S9 Hydro Management interface
After obtaining the IP address of the mining machine, we can directly enter the IP address in the browser (Chrome/Firefox is recommended), and then enter the account number and password of the mining machine in the pop-up box (default As: root), you can enter the management interface of the mining machine.
Step 2: Enter the mining pool and activate the miner

After entering the mining machine management interface, we will next enter the configuration and management interface of the mining pool and miners.

Antminer S9 Hydro management interface

First we select "Miner Configuration" to enter the mining pool and miner configuration page, you can see , there are several parameters that we need to fill in on the page. They are URL (mining pool address), Worker (miner name) and Password (mining pool secret key). The mining pool address and miner name must be filled in. The miner's secret key must be filled in according to the actual situation of the mining pool.

▲Add the mining pool address to the mining machine

This time we will use Bitmain’s own Antpool ant pool for demonstration. First we need to register an account on Ant Pool [click to jump] and log in. After entering the login interface, we can see the URL (pool address) of Ant Pool at the bottom of the page. As shown below:

▲ Fill in the mining farm configuration address into the URL option in the mining machine management terminal

After setting the URL of the mining pool, we can Create a new miner in the "Miner Management" interface. Here you can create the name of the miner according to your actual needs. After the creation is completed, we can see the relevant information of the miner.

▲Create a new miner in miner management

▲TianAfter adding a miner, the miner's basic information will be displayed on the page

After creating the new miner, we fill in the name of the miner we just created into the Worker (miner name) option on the mining machine management side, and finally click Save and wait a moment, the mining machine will directly enter normal working status.

▲ Fill in the miner’s name in the corresponding position and click save

▲ Wait for a moment, the miner will automatically enter the working state

In the settings After setting the relevant parameters, the mining machine will automatically enter the mining state, and we can officially mine. In addition, Antminer also provides us with two management methods, PC and mobile devices, to monitor the information of the mining machine. The operation method is also very convenient, so I will not elaborate on it here.

The actual computing power test of Antminer S9 Hydro:

In order to understand the continuous computing power of this product, after all, it was operated and monitored for a day .

▲24-hour mining data of Antminer S9 Hydro

From the actual computing power data, the average daily computing power of Antminer S9 Hydro can reach 17.87TH/ s, and this data is basically consistent with the official nominal 18TH/s (±5%). In addition, we can also see from the computing power curve that the continuous computing power of the Antminer S9 Hydro can be maintained between 17TH/s and 20TH/s during long-term work. The amplitude of this fluctuation can be said to be very small. Yes.

▲Hash value unit conversion diagram

Perhaps many friends will wonder how powerful the computing power of 18TH/s is. Here I will give you some popular science. According to the latest news, Nvidia's latest GTX 1080TI graphics card has been specially optimized and its computing power in SHA256 calculations can only reach 1.5~1.8GH/s. According to the conversion rules (1TH/s=1000GH/s, 1GH/s=1000MH/s), the computing power level of Antminer S9 Hydro is roughly equivalent to the actual computing power of 500 GTX 1080TI graphics cards.

Power consumption/noise and heat generation of Antminer S9 Hydro:

After reading the performance, I believe everyone is also very interested in the power consumption/noise and heat generation of Antminer S9 Hydro. Interested, the author also conducted related tests for these three parts.

Power consumption test:

▲Power consumption during stable operation

In terms of power consumption, the official power consumption data of Antminer is 1728W (±10%), and in the actual test, the author chose the actual power consumption of the Antminer S9 Hydro in the steady state.It can be seen that under stable operating conditions, the actual power consumption of the Antminer S9 Hydro is
1858.9W, which is also consistent with the official power consumption data.
Noise test:

In terms of noise test, the author took the noise of the indoor air conditioner as the comparison object and conducted noise monitoring within 1 meter from the mining machine/air conditioner. The specific test results are as follows:

▲Noise of Antminer S9 Hydro

▲Comparing the noise under air conditioning

It can be seen that thanks to With the blessing of the water-cooling module, the six cooling fans of the Antminer S9 Hydro water-cooled mining machine are all running at a slow speed, which can further reduce noise generation. According to monitoring, the actual noise of the Antminer S9 Hydro
is basically the same as that produced by ordinary air conditioners. At the same time, considering that environmental noise will also have a certain impact on the test results,
noise performance of the Antminer S9 Hydro can be described as “amazing”. Especially
Compared to other traditional mining machines that casually produce noise above 70dBA, the noise control of the Antminer S9 Hydro is indeed worthy of recognition.

Heating test:

Finally, let’s take a look at the heating performance of this product in mining mode. I believe that everyone, like the author, is interested in the blessing of this water cooling module. Whether it can suppress the heat generated by the mining machine well, first let’s take a look at the temperature monitoring on the management side.

▲Temperature detection (left: 1 hour; right: 24 hours)

In the state of using pure water as the water cooling liquid, it can be seen that after 24 hours of continuous After operation, the temperature of the Antminer S9 Hydro
is still in a fairly stable state. From the detailed temperature point of view, under full load, the maximum temperature monitored by all cores is only about 65°C~70°C, and the PCB temperature can be controlled at about 55°C.

▲Temperature detection (cooling scales)

▲Temperature detection (power supply area/computing board
We can also look at external temperature monitoring It can be seen that whether it is the mining machine itself or the water-cooling module cooling scales, the actual temperature is only a little higher than room temperature (27°C). It can be said that in terms of temperature control, the Antminer S9 Hydro
is indeed worthy of recognition of.
Summary of Antminer S9 Hydro:

In general, Antminer S9 Hydro, with the powerful computing power, uses an external water drain to allow the entire machine to perform accordingly. At the same time, its actual energy consumption, heat and noise are all well controlled. CanIt is said that whether it is a large-scale cluster mining farm, a small-scale workshop or even a home user, they can get a good experience. At the same time, the easy-to-understand early installation and post-maintenance of the Antminer can further enhance the user experience.

Antminer S9 Hydro

Finally, I would like to give a reminder to those who want to buy this product:
< br />1. Antminer S9 Hydro only contains a single host, and external drains and power supplies need to be purchased separately.

2. This product has two water-cooling heat dissipation modes. One is with a water drain, which is suitable for home and personal use. The other method is to use a cooling tower connected to an external water source for centralized heat dissipation, which is suitable for large-scale mines.

3. This product has certain requirements for water cooling liquid. Please refer to the official website for details. [
Click to jump to the official website of Antminer


It can be said that after experiencing this mining machine, the author has reason to believe that this product will be used in There is a craze for water-cooled mining machines in the entire mining circle.

⑶ How much Bitcoin can be mined for free in a day at the earliest

It is about 0.05 per day.

Nowadays, Bitcoin must be mined with professional mining machines. The current global unified calculation difficulty of Bitcoin is 2621404453 (expected to change in two days). A 2.5GHz CPU will take more than 2,000 years to calculate one bit. currency.

Based on the current speed and the number of Bitcoins, if a computer is kept running 24 hours a day, it will take 3 months to obtain one Bitcoin.


Because current Bitcoin mines use dedicated Bitcoin mining machines for mining. The computing power of the Antminer S9 mining machine is 13.5/S, which is equivalent to 7,500 1080Ti graphics cards, while a medium-sized mining machine has hundreds or thousands of such mining machines.

The Bitcoin industry is not very good, so if you want to get rich overnight with Bitcoin, it’s better not to do it. At present, many countries have introduced policies to suppress the price of Bitcoin. Some countries do not even allow Bitcoin mining. Many bankers and economists are also very disgusted with the emergence of Bitcoin.

⑷ Why does Musk condemn Bitcoin’s excessive energy consumption?

Why does Musk condemn Bitcoin’s excessive energy consumption? Recently, Tesla CEO Musk denounced the energy used in Bitcoin production as "crazy", which also attracted everyone's attention to how much energy Bitcoin consumes. Tesla also suspended the use of Bitcoin to pay for car purchases. In the currency circle, The prices of various currencies have also dropped, so why does Bitcoin consume too much energy? Let’s take a look with the editor next.
Why did Musk condemn Bitcoin before losing money?Too much imitation consumption?
Why does Bitcoin consume so much power?
During the Bitcoin mining process, the Asic chip of the mining machine is required to operate at almost full capacity 24 hours a day, constantly performing hash collisions. At the same time, this process will generate a lot of heat, so the power supply fan and chassis fan of the mining machine must rotate at about 90% speed 24 hours a day to dissipate heat.
The current mainstream Bitcoin mining machine on the market is the Antminer S9, which consumes about 1,400 watts per hour. The power consumption of a single unit operating 24 hours a day is about 33 to 34 kilowatt hours of electricity per day.
General retail miners use at least dozens of units as the unit of measurement, while larger mines use "thousands" and "ten thousand". In this way, the amount of electricity consumed every day is naturally very alarming.

⑸ How many coins can the Antminer S9 mine in a day

How many coins can the Antminer S9 mine in a day

The computing power of the S9 is 13.5T, currently the entire network The computing power is 6.39EH/s, 1E=1024P, 1P=1024T, 1T=1024G. The Bitcoin generated by an s9 in one day is [13.5/(6.39*1024*1024)]*180≈0.0036BTC.

⑹ What are the Bitcoin mining machines?

The Antminer S9 produced by Bitmain is the most mainstream mining machine on the market and is known for its low power consumption and large output. . The Antminer S9 uses TSMC's 16nm finFET process. TSMC is the agent factory for iPhone chips, and Antminer also uses a fully customized design solution on the S9. Therefore, this gives the s9 an upgrade with super computing power, making mining more efficient. The s9 uses the latest generation chip BM1387 (189 chips in total). The computing power of a single chip reaches 74GH/s. In terms of power consumption, the s9 remains at 0.08W/GH/s. (The power consumption is 0.08 at the core voltage of 0.4v. W/GH/s, the power consumption on the wall is only 100 watts per T of computing power, and Xiang Shanyu only needs 2.4 kilowatt hours of electricity per day. The rated computing power is: ±5% of 13.5TH/s

Snow Leopard Miner A1, the mining machine chip is the core of the mining machine. Some people say that Bitmine is the source of the entire Bitcoin mining machine industry. Bitmine has its own chip technology with powerful computing power as early as the end of 2013. Of course, this is also due to Bitmine and The joint cooperation and efforts of other companies, and Snow Leopard mining machine is their own product. A1 is the world's first customized mining machine, equipped with ASIC chip (BF16BTC), the number of chips is as high as 576PCS, and the computing power of a single chip is 84.1GH /s, the overall computing power is as high as 49TH/s±5%

The Zhanqi Mining Machine Z4 uses Intel’s dual-core [email protected] CPU, with a mining computing power of 265MH/s (ETH). Equipped with discrete graphics card 570x8, with 9It is a fan, and the radiator adopts INTEL's original radiator. Power supply: Zhanqi 2000W power supply. The voltage is between 12.4-12.6v.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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