手机怎么做冷钱包 用手机做冷钱包

『壹』 在TP钱包怎么抢发行的币


『贰』 热钱包,冷钱包,TP钱包,傻傻分不清




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自8月份支持TRON底层以来,9月TP钱包迎来了TRON底层一个较大的更新,其内容包括:支持TRON底层的观察钱包、冷钱包、TP SDK集成TRON、增加TRON资产归集功能。


















『叁』 冷钱包和助记词硬件是怎么做的

1、软件冷钱包可以实现更彻底的去信任(即不需要信任软件开发者),用户可以自行证明其钱包的绝对安全性。 在资产安全中,首当其冲的是助记词的安全。而在助记词的安全中,首要确认是助记词生成的随机性。如果您使用了一个作恶的硬件厂商(或者有 bug)的硬件钱包,您可能在第一步就已经陷落了。因为您拿到的助记词可能不是随机的,是预先生成的,或者是假随机的。 硬件冷钱包无法向用户证明在这点上它们是安全的。我们继续使用硬件钱包是基于对该硬件厂商的信任,而这点在数字货币的世界里是脆弱的。软件冷钱包却能给出证明。
2、在使用软件冷钱包时,你可选择信任软件,让其帮助您生成助记词。也可以选择不信任软件,自行在它处生成助记词。然后通过离线导入的方式生成冷钱包。因为冷钱包的设备是永久离线,不存在向互联网传输数据的可能(唯一的交互是通过二维码扫描和观察钱包之间进行明文传输,可审查),所以助记词的安全性得到了绝对的保障。 因此,软件冷钱包的助记词的安全性高于硬件冷钱包。
3、硬件冷钱包无法向用户证明在这点上它们是安全的。我们继续使用硬件钱包是基于对该硬件厂商的信任,而这点在数字货币的世界里是脆弱的。软件冷钱包却能给出证明。 在使用软件冷钱包时,你可选择信任软件,让其帮助您生成助记词。也可以选择不信任软件,自行在它处生成助记词。然后通过离线导入的方式生成冷钱包。因为冷钱包的设备是永久离线,不存在向互联网传输数据的可能(唯一的交互是通过二维码扫描和观察钱包之间进行明文传输,可审查),所以助记词的安全性得到了绝对的保障。

『肆』 比特币冷钱包到底应该怎么做


『伍』 冷钱包和助记词硬件是怎么做的

可信任的助记词:软件冷钱包可以实现更彻底的去信任(即不需要信任软件开发者),用户可以自行证明其钱包的绝对安全性。在资产安全中,首当其冲的是助记词的安全。而在助记词的安全中,首要确认是助记词生成的随机性。如果您使用了一个作恶的硬件厂商(或者有 bug)的硬件钱包,您可能在第一步就已经陷落了。
目前市场上,虽然主要的冷钱包产品依然是以硬件冷钱包为主,但是它们正在受到软件冷钱包的冲击。硬件冷钱包: Ledger 是最知名的硬件冷钱包方案提供商; Trezor 是另一个知名的硬件冷钱包提供商;软件冷钱包:Ownbit 是最早实现软件冷钱包方案的钱包,也是支持冷钱包币种最多的钱包之一; Parity Signer 是 Parity 出品的以太坊软件冷钱包; 未来 事物发展的方向永远是化繁为简。越来越多的冷钱包正在以软件的方式实现。

『陆』 如何制作冷钱包
















『柒』 【提醒】离线冷钱包的潜在安全风险


Linux 或 Windows启动后的登录密码只是一个初级的保护。黑客一旦获得了冷钱包,其可绕过登录密码修改文件。








通常情况我们认为信息会通过网线,WIFI, 蓝牙传递。在离线的电脑或手机上,黑客程序也可能通过生成超声波(高频声音)发送信息,



5, 平板手机做的冷钱包,不要使用不可靠的充电器。





『捌』 冷钱包需要单独一个手机


『玖』 冷钱包怎么申请好的地址


『一』How to grab issued coins in TP wallet

The method is as follows:
Prepare two mobile phones, one with Internet connection for observing the wallet, one without Internet connection for As a cold wallet, download the tp from the official website of the connected mobile phone, use Bluetooth to transfer it to another non-connected mobile phone, and save the installation package.
Then on a mobile phone that is not connected to the Internet, open TP and click Create Wallet - I don’t have a wallet. Click on the wallet type you want, such as btc, then click Create Wallet, set the wallet name and password, and then write down the mnemonic phrase. Use a pen to copy it in a notebook. You can write more copies. Then uninstall tp, reinstall tp, click I have a wallet, use the mnemonic just now, log in again, and see if the mnemonic is correct. If it is correct, click on the cold wallet, import the cold wallet, mnemonic phrase, use the mnemonic phrase just now, and then the cold wallet is created. You can put the coins in your exchange into this wallet. Don't mention it for the first time and verify it.
On an Internet-connected mobile phone, open TP and click I have a wallet, click Observe Wallet, enter the mnemonic phrase, and observe that the wallet is created. From here you can see the coins you just transferred.

『二』Hot wallet, cold wallet, TP wallet, I can’t tell them apart

(Please forgive Qian Man for writing about the currency circle. This is my entry into the currency circle to learn My experience in the past six months. Deep down, I am proud of myself, because it is impossible for a person like me who is completely blind to numbers and logic to learn the currency circle. But I persevered.

There are many pitfalls in the currency circle, and the best way is for me to enter this industry and understand a lot, so others cannot fool me.

In addition, there is another attitude that I preach There will be less room for really good stuff, as well as shoddy stuff that deceives people. The TP team is a team that I have carefully inspected. The headquarter office is in Shenzhen.

If you don’t like it, you can watch it Look at my paintings or my usual thoughts.)

As a TP hero, I have never forgotten the Tokenpocket wallet---I like this character the most. As a novice in the currency circle, I have been in the industry for almost half a year, and I have already lost my whiteness a little, turning into off-white, and it is no longer so bright and dazzling.

However, as a novice, I came into the currency circle and faced virtual currencies, hot wallets, cold wallets, observing wallets, and the feeling of confusion is still fresh in my memory. Therefore, I am going to write about what these various wallets that once particularly troubled me are - in fact, it will no longer be a mystery if I use them a few times.

Since supporting TRON’s bottom layer in August, TP wallet has received a major update to TRON’s bottom layer in September, which includes: supporting TRON’s bottom layer observation wallet, cold wallet, TP SDK integrating TRON, Added TRON asset collection function.

So, what is an observation wallet? WhatIs it a cold wallet?

Observe the wallet:

Used on an Internet-connected mobile phone to view transfers, receipts, transaction records, etc. of the corresponding address. Compared with the block browser data viewing method It appears more intuitive, more convenient to operate, and conforms to daily usage habits. It can generally be used alone or in conjunction with a cold wallet.

---You can only view the account status, but cannot buy or sell. ---why? For safety! ! !

Many virtual currency holders do not use Alipay or WeChat as frequently. The private key may also be stored in a small paper notebook, which is inconvenient to carry. When I go out, I often miss my Bitcoins, this coin, that coin. After all, these are the seeds of getting rich in the future---If you want to see them, then you can use the observation wallet.

Cold wallet:

Also called offline wallet, it is different from the observation wallet and the normal wallet mode. It is used in a way that is physically isolated from the network because it does not Connect to the Internet, so any plaintext private key that conforms to the Tron private key format can be imported into the cold wallet, so when the user changes the private key, remember to update the private key content of the cold wallet simultaneously.

Cold wallets are the most unbreakable protection for virtual currencies. Although hot wallets are safe, they run on the network after all, and as long as they run on the network, there is a theoretical possibility of being obtained by hackers.

Cold wallets are absolutely prohibited from the Internet, and can be operated with a mobile phone that is disconnected from the Internet, or a computer that is not usually used.

However, when personal wallets are stolen, a large part of them are caused by personal leakage or improper storage of private keys. The desire to hack exchanges is stronger. After all, investing time and stealing a few satoshis of my Bitcoins is a bit of a waste, haha.

How to create a cold wallet?

I once read an article by BitStupid. He talked about the first time he made a cold wallet. He was so nervous that he was sweating. After making it, he collapsed on the ground---it was very interesting to read. The visuals make it feel like making a cold wallet is a cool thing.

When I have a spare mobile phone, I am going to try it too.

Specifically how to make a cold wallet, and how to use observation wallets and cold wallets at the bottom of TRON, the Tokenpocket public account has a very detailed tutorial on September 25th "Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu" . You can add the official account of the wallet to watch.

In addition, TP Wallet official, Bihu article of the same name on September 26, has a very detailed tutorial, the link is here: /1055030040

Really, it’s not as difficult as you think. Just use your wallet regularly and you’ll be fine. Remember to try it out with a small fee first, transfer money back and forth, etc., and become familiar with its process. Once you are proficient in the operation, you can buy as much as you want---

Hello, Tuhao, please stay - Tuhao, take me with you! I have a wallet address here, accept tips---

『三』How are cold wallets and mnemonic hardware made?

Different from hardware cold wallets, software cold wallets Use pure software to implement the cold wallet function. Users need to use two mobile phones, one of which is permanently offline, as a cold wallet to store private keys (mnemonic phrases). The other one is connected to the Internet and used as an observation wallet.
Extended information:
Notes on using cold wallets:
1. Software cold wallets can achieve more complete trustlessness (that is, there is no need to trust software developers), and users can prove the absolute security of their wallets by themselves. . In asset security, the first thing that bears the brunt is the security of mnemonic phrases. In the security of mnemonic words, the first confirmation is the randomness of mnemonic word generation. If you use a hardware wallet from a rogue hardware manufacturer (or a buggy one), you may already be trapped on the first step. Because the mnemonic phrase you get may not be random, may be pre-generated, or may be pseudo-random. Hardware cold wallets cannot prove to users that they are secure at this point. Our continued use of hardware wallets is based on trust in the hardware manufacturer, which is fragile in the world of digital currency. Software cold wallets can provide proof.
2. When using a software cold wallet, you can choose to trust the software and let it help you generate a mnemonic phrase. You can also choose not to trust the software and generate the mnemonic phrase yourself elsewhere. Then generate a cold wallet through offline import. Because the cold wallet device is permanently offline, there is no possibility of transmitting data to the Internet (the only interaction is through QR code scanning and observation of clear text transmission between wallets, which can be reviewed), so the security of the mnemonic phrase is absolutely guaranteed. protection. Therefore, the security of the mnemonic phrase of software cold wallet is higher than that of hardware cold wallet.
3. Hardware cold wallets cannot prove to users that they are safe at this point. Our continued use of hardware wallets is based on trust in the hardware manufacturer, which is fragile in the world of digital currency. Software cold wallets can provide proof. When using a software cold wallet, you can choose to trust the software and let it help you generate a mnemonic phrase. You can also choose not to trust the software and generate the mnemonic phrase yourself elsewhere. Then generate a cold wallet through offline import. Because the cold wallet device is permanently offline, there is no possibility of transmitting data to the Internet (the only interaction is through QR code scanning and observation of clear text transmission between wallets, which can be reviewed), so the security of the mnemonic phrase is absolutely guaranteed. protection.

『四』How to do a Bitcoin cold wallet

A Bitcoin cold wallet is to download a Bitcoin client wallet.Then prevent the device (computer, mobile phone, USB flash drive, etc.) storing this wallet from being disconnected from the Internet. As long as you are not connected to the Internet, hackers cannot steal Bitcoins, in theory. Currently, Bitcoin cold storage is recognized as the safest method of Bitcoin storage in the industry.

『Wu』How to use cold wallet and mnemonic hardware

Increase flexibility through trusted mnemonic words.
Software cold wallet is different from hardware cold wallet. Software cold wallet uses pure software to realize the cold wallet function. Users need to use two mobile phones, one of which is permanently offline, as a cold wallet to store private keys (mnemonic phrases). The other one is connected to the Internet and used as an observation wallet. Software cold wallets and hardware cold wallets implement the same functions and have similar security levels. But they have some significant differences: software cold wallets can use idle mobile phones with no additional hardware; hardware cold wallets transmit data via data cables or Bluetooth, while software cold wallets scan QR codes.
Trusted mnemonic: Software cold wallet can achieve more complete trustlessness (that is, there is no need to trust the software developer), and users can prove the absolute security of their wallets by themselves. In asset security, the first thing that bears the brunt is the security of mnemonic phrases. In the security of mnemonic words, the first confirmation is the randomness of mnemonic word generation. If you use a hardware wallet from a rogue hardware manufacturer (or a buggy one), you may already be trapped on the first step.
When using a software cold wallet, you can choose to trust the software and let it help you generate a mnemonic phrase. You can also choose not to trust the software and generate the mnemonic phrase yourself elsewhere. Therefore, the security of the mnemonic phrase of software cold wallet is higher than that of hardware cold wallet.
Software cold wallets are more flexible than hardware cold wallets. Generally, software cold wallets can implement more complex functions than hardware cold wallets. The flexibility of software cold wallet also makes it more advantageous in asset recovery. If your hardware wallet is damaged, you need to purchase hardware (from the same manufacturer) for hardware recovery. With software cold wallets, there are no such concerns.
Extended information:
At present, although the main cold wallet products in the market are still hardware cold wallets, they are being impacted by software cold wallets. Hardware cold wallet: Ledger is the most well-known hardware cold wallet solution provider; Trezor is another well-known hardware cold wallet provider; Software cold wallet: Ownbit is the first wallet to implement software cold wallet solution and supports the most cold wallet currencies One of the wallets; Parity Signer is an Ethereum software cold wallet produced by Parity; The direction of future development of things is always to simplify the complex. More and more cold wallets are being implemented in software.

『Lu』 How to make a cold wallet

A cold wallet, to put it simply, is a wallet that is never connected to the Internet.

A wallet that is never connected to the Internet is not connected to the Internet when it is generated? So will the network admit it?

Do not connect to the Internet when generating the wallet address. Don’t worry, the network will recognize it.

1. Principle of wallet generation

Blockchain wallet generates private key and public key based on asymmetric encryption algorithm, and derives the address through a series of calculations based on the public key.

Therefore, anyone can generate private keys, public keys, and addresses in large quantities. How to generate, you can use blockchain wallet tools to generate private keys, public keys, and addresses that comply with public chain specifications

The general process of generating Bitcoin's private keys, public keys, and addresses:

2. Generate a cold wallet

To easily generate a cold wallet, you need tools: mobile phone + memory card.
The steps are as follows:

A cold wallet is created successfully.

Transfer coins that do not require frequent transfers and transactions to this address. You can try transferring a small amount of coins first. The private key and mnemonic phrase for this address have never been connected to the Internet.

3. Benefits of cold wallets

Cold wallets are never connected to the Internet and cannot be accessed by the network, thus avoiding the risk of hackers stealing private keys and making them safer than hot wallets.

Value investors, put the cold wallet in a safe and avoid putting it on the exchange. From time to time, you can operate it with "cheap hands".

Of course, if you need to trade often or frequently, when the assets are large, hot and cold wallets should be used together. If you often need to trade, use the hot wallet to store it; if you don’t need process transactions, use the cold wallet. store.

『撒』 [Reminder] Potential security risks of offline cold wallets

Under normal circumstances, cold wallets that are physically isolated from the network are safe by unplugging the network cable, turning off WIFI, and physically isolated from the network.
But if there are too many funds in the cold wallet, it can affect your life. It would be better to be more careful.

Usually we use a separate computer, mobile phone or bootable USB disk as a cold wallet.
The login password after Linux or Windows is started is only a primary protection. Once a hacker obtains a cold wallet, he or she can bypass the login password and modify the files.
Once the files in the cold wallet have been maliciously modified, but the user does not know it and continues to use the modified cold wallet, there is a risk of coins being stolen.

It is even more unsafe if the operating system or wallet program itself that creates the cold wallet has been modified.

Potential security risks of offline cold wallets:

1. Modify the random number generator of the operating system.

Both the generation of wallet addresses and the signature of transactions rely on random numbers. Once the operating system's random number generator is modified. There are specific rules for generating random numbers, and it is not safe even when offline.
a. The random number does not have enough entropy, and the wallet address is easily cracked by brute force.
b, ifA hacker knows the random number used when signing a transaction and can use mathematical formulas to infer the private key.
c. If the same address uses the same random number when signing two transactions, the private key can be inferred through mathematical formulas. There are examples in existing blockchains.

2. Modify the wallet program

Most wallet programs are open source, and it is easy for hackers to compile a malicious version. If given the opportunity, the genuine version may be replaced without the user's knowledge.
Usually offline cold wallets are used to sign payment transactions. Malicious wallet programs may manipulate the signing step, such as changing the address to which the balance is sent to the hacker's address before signing.
This malicious modification may only target large wallet addresses, which means that everything is normal for small wallet addresses.

3. Leakage of ultrasonic information.

Usually we think that information will be transmitted through network cables, WIFI, and Bluetooth. On an offline computer or mobile phone, hacker programs may also send information by generating ultrasonic waves (high-frequency sounds).
High-frequency sounds exceeding 20Khz are inaudible to most people, but can be heard by dogs, bats, and hacker recording devices.

4. Malicious USB firmware attack

USB devices include USB flash drives, keyboards, mice, etc. If the USB communication firmware has been rewritten, it is possible to launch attacks on the system. For example, simulate USB keyboard input, modify files, etc.

5. Do not use unreliable chargers for cold wallets made from phablets.

Most mobile phone chargers are USB excuses. This is the same as point 4, but because the charger is used too frequently, it is easy to be ignored. At the same time, people often borrow chargers and use public chargers. Habits, maliciously modified USB chargers may modify files or inject programs.


1. When creating a cold wallet operating system and wallet program, you must carefully verify it to ensure that it comes from the official website and has not been modified.
2. Do not use unreliable USB devices including USB flash drives, keyboards, mice, chargers, etc.
3. You need to have a way to identify whether your wallet has been quietly modified. (While taking a bath or on vacation)

It is safer to lock the cold wallet in a safe. It is also a good idea to seal the USB flash drive wallet in an envelope and sign the seal.

『8』 A cold wallet requires a separate mobile phone

A cold wallet does require a separate mobile phone. The steps are as follows:
1. Find an unused mobile phone or use it specifically for Wallet mobile phone, restore the phone to factory settings
2. Disconnect the mobile phone network
3. Install imtoken wallet
4. Create a wallet with imtoken wallet
5. Back up the private key to the memory card.

『玖』How to apply for a good address for a cold wallet

The process of applying for a good address for a cold wallet.
1. First, prepare two mobile phones, one not connected to the network, and install TP wallet. Use the mobile phone of the cold wallet to enter the APP and create the cold wallet.
2. Secondly, use a second mobile phone to open the TP wallet and import it into the observer wallet. Use the mobile address of the Observer Wallet to transfer funds,
3. Finally, a QR code will pop up. Use the cold wallet mobile phone to open TP, enter the cold wallet, and click to scan the code to apply for the address.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 钱包空空天气冷怎么发朋友圈钱包空空天气冷发朋友圈:1、以前觉得安全感是一个承诺,是爱人秒回的信息,他的早安晚安,和过马路紧握的手,而如今能给我安全感的却只有出门时口袋里的钱包和钥匙和手机里显示的满