原生币和代币区别 zksync的原生代币

CyberConnect 是一个创新的去中心化社交图谱协议,允许用户通过 ccProfile 连结各种项目,创建自己的社交图谱,并实现它们的内容货币化。这个项目在去年11 月份筹集了1000 万美元的种子轮融资。

最近,CyberConnect 宣布推出原生代币CYBER,并将于5 月18 日在CoinList 上公开发售,每个代币价格为1.8 美元。通过购买CYBER 代币,用户可以参与CyberConnect 生态系统,同时也有机会获得进一步的回报。

目前来看,CyberConnect 算是一个蛮有前途的项目,它通过在社交领域引入区块链技术,为用户提供更好的体验和机会。本篇文章详细介绍CyberConnect 项目及其代币CYBER,如果您对这个项目感兴趣,可以考虑参与其ICO。

CyberConnect 介绍

CyberConnect (CC)是世界上第一个去中心化的社交图谱协议,为Web3.0社会网络和元宇宙服务。该协议旨在使开发人员能够创建社交应用程式,并让用户和创作者能够拥有自己的数字身份、内容、连结和货币化管道,从而从中心化的社交媒体(Facebook、IG)控制中获得解放,得以充分利用其数字社交身份的潜力。

1、CyberConnect 的运作原理

CyberConnect 在协议设计上采取了一种不同的方法。虽然用户的帐户和社交关系仍然存储在链上,但是CyberConnect 减少了大量上链操作,转而采用链下验证方式来解决问题。将常见、高频不稀有的数据如按赞评论放在去中心化存储中,将真正价值的数据存储在链上。这种策略旨在平衡链上数据存储的需求与网络负载,给到开发者更多的灵活度来设计产品的同时,也让用户终端的使用体验更顺畅。


CyberDAO 用于协议的治理委托,而CYBER 是其治理代币,CYBER 用于保护和管理DAO,DAO 将控制未来资金的使用以及协议基础设施的所有核心升级。

3、Web3 Status Token (W3ST)

Web3 Status Token (W3ST) 是Cyber Connect 的灵魂代币Soulbound Token (SBT),用于记录用户在链上互动行为和数字声誉。持有各种W3ST,表示用户在CC上参与各种互动,收集越多W3ST,意味着用户在平台上的交互越深入,帐号权重越高。


4、CyberConnect 生态

CyberConnect 采取了协议-产品-生态的发展路线。他们先建立协议,再打造自己的招牌产品Link3,并横向拓展,开发生态。

从CyberConnect 之前黑客松来看,他们同时也欢迎已经成型的Dapp接入共建生态,而非一切从头开始建设。此外,他们也不过度要求应用的纯粹Web3-native 性,任何有意义的交互场景都可以嫁接在CyberConnect 上让用户先用起来,成为数据上链的门户。

这些生态为协议带来了更丰富的应用场景,更契合优先打造社交图谱的战略。例如游戏类的DegenReborn、餐厅点评类的Plato,阅读类的ReadON,以及元宇宙类的Oasis 等,甚至Lens 生态中最大的应用Phaver 也加入了CC 接口,生态丰富多样。

5、CyberConnect 发展路线图

根据其2023 年路线图,在接下来的几个月里Cyber​​Connect 还将发布几项重要功能,包括在今年二季度推出「Login with CyberConnect」SDK 和由CyberConnect 提供的去中心化内容发布工具Link3 Post;今年第三季度启动CyberConnect V3 并部署在更多EVM兼容链上;发布支持ERC-4337 的Cyber Wallet 测试版;今年第四季度推出CyberConnect 生态赠款基金等。

CyberConnect 核心组成部分

5 月16 日,CyberConnect 发表了白皮书精简版本(Litepaper),该白皮书第一部分介绍了CyberConnect 的三个核心组件:CyberProfile、CyberConnect Social Graph和CyberWallet。


CyberProfile 是一种通用的去中心化数字身份标准,由用户自主拥有和管理。除了储存基本的个资外,CyberProfile 还锚定用户的自主位字身份,将内容和社交关系与他们的身份联系起来。

CyberProfile 也是一种存在于公链上的ERC721 代币(即NFT),目前不可转让,也不能在用户之间进行交易。用户的全部内容和社交图谱历史记录在基于CyberConnect 构建的应用程式之间共享,创建CyberProfile 后,用户会自动获得创作者能力并可以发布可获利的内容。

2、CyberConnect Social Graph

CyberConnect Social Graph 是一种社交图谱,代表用户数字身份、数据、内容和社交关系之间的联系。让用户拥有社交数据的所有权和控制权,不用因为切换社交平台,只能选择从头开始建立自己的身份。


CyberWallet 是该协议的非托管、与ERC4337 兼容的智能合约钱包,当前正在开发中,将在Ethereum、Optimism、Arbitrum、BNB Chain、Base 和Polygon 上可用。

这个首创嵌入社交图谱的Web3 钱包有两种版本:

社交(Social):面向一般用户的简单易用设计;通过Web2 社交登录选项(即电子邮件、电话、社交媒体)和多链支持,实现无助记词注册方式,并通过MPCTSS 技术实现无Gas 和与社会恢复的功能。专业(Pro):启用从现有助记词钱包到新智能合约钱包的一键式资产迁移;高级DeFi 协议集成和内置策略,帮助用户管理他们的资产。Cyber 币是什么?

4 月28 日, CyberConnect 宣布推出原生TokenCYBER,并于5 月18 日于CoinList 启动公开发行。

1、 Cyber 代币经济学

根据代币经济学,CyberDAO 将用于协议的治理委托,而$CYBER 是其治理代币,主要功能包含:治理、用于支付CyberProfile 铸造和用于CyberWallet 支付Gas 费用。

$CYBER 总供应量为100,000,000 枚,CoinList 公开发行量占3%,其中25% 上线后解锁,剩下75% 在6 个月内线性按月解锁。详细的分配如下:

团队与顾问:15%,上线后锁仓15 个月,随后3 年线性季度解锁;私募:25.12%,上线后锁仓12 个月,随后3 年线性季度解锁;社群金库:10.88%,上线解锁10%,剩下90%5 年线性按月解锁;社群奖励:12%,20% 上线后分给早期用户(空投),剩下80% 分为未来社区奖励;CoinList 公开发售:3%,25% 上线后解锁,剩下75% 在6 个月内线性按月解锁;生态发展:34%。


生态合作方:9%,上线后解锁20%,80% 在4 年内线性解锁;开发者社区:10%,上线后解锁5%,95% 在4 年内线性解锁;早期集成合作方:5%,上线后解锁10%,90% 在3 年内解锁;市场营销:10%,上线后解锁10%,90% 在3 年内解锁。



不过,CyberConnect 尚未公布具体空投细节。

3、 Cyber 币即将启动公售,具体公售细节一览

CyberConnect 预计将于2023 年5 月18 日开始通过CoinList 向公众出售代币,此轮发行截止的注册时间为5 月5 月15 日20:00,公开发行单价为1.8 美元,而A 轮融资的机构价格为3 美元。

不过,有社群用户分享,官方虽说公布的融资为3 亿美元($CYBER 3 美元一个),但实际是两次融资用2,512 万个,融了2500 万美元,平均算价格为0.99 美元。

另外,CyberConnect 表示拥有以下身份的用户拥有在CoinList 发行时的优先排队权,包括:

具有高级的CyberProfile(ccProfile)所有者CyberConnect FanClub 中的等级收藏有W3ST Discord 角色——早期支持者(1K、10K、100k)Mystery Boxes 或者Shards 持有者来自以前社群活动的NFT——经过验证的Web3 Dweller、Connect2022 Grand NFT、#Let'sCyberConnect 第1季POAP、社群寻宝OAT在Gitcoin 上捐赠过CyberConnect

官方表示,已在4 月26 日完成快照。

Cyber 币效用介绍

CYBER 将为CyberConnect 协议提供以下效用:


CYBER 币持有者将对推动CyberConnect 协议取得可持续地长期发展和改进提案进行投票。即将推出的提案包括:通过协议激活付费交易的服务费;服务费收取率的变化;对用于支付的可接受token 的更改;将议扩展到新区块链;开发者资助计划和社区贡献者计划的预算分配,以及用于生态系统开发的线下和线上社区活动。

2、用于支付CyberProfile mint

CyberProfile 是开发者和用户进入CyberConnect 生态的入口。当使用高级用户名购买CyberProfile 时,CYBER 将被用做Gas 费用。

3、用于CyberWallet 支付Gas

CyberWallet 是CyberConnect 的智能合约钱包解决方案,为用户提供无缝的交易体验,无需助记词,也不需要为不同链提供其区块链原生token 作为支付Gas,CYBER 将用作CyberWallet 内跨EVM 兼容链的所有交易的价格表和Gas 费支付方式,其钱包CyberWallet 仍在开发中,将适用于Ethereum、Optimism、Arbitrum、BNB Chain、Base 和Polygon 网络。

CyberConnect 怎么用?功能一次看

目前,CyberConnect 面向用户直接推出了网页APP,尝试解决用户的社交图谱问题,个人可以使用小狐狸钱包连接。



在首页,用户用来连接网页APP 的钱包地址将被展示。此外,用户可以根据罗列的logo 连接其他已有的社交平台帐号,包括中心化的社交平台Twitter、NFT 交易市场OpenSea 等等。而用户持有的NFT、POAP 等资产信息也将罗列在首页。





继续下拉页面,CyberConnect 也为用户生成推荐列表,可以批量关注。Cyberconnect使用Stand Alone Complex 算法实现这一点。Stand Alone Complex 算法是推荐算法,聚合了来自以太坊区块链、Foundation.app、Rarible 等开放数据源的连接数据。该算法将为每个地址生成一个定制的推荐地址关注列表。


目前,CyberConnect 的用户数量达到了40万人,总点击量多达2100万次。但页面丰富、追随者众多、留言互动较高的用户均为已积累一定社交关系网或名声的人物,例如以太坊创始人V神,他拥有相对较多的NFT,并且拥有上万名粉丝。


CyberConnect 推送的典型用户列表大多是与CyberConnect 类似的、同为Web3.0 项目的项目官方帐号,或是拥有个人ETH域名的Web3.0 项目创始人或投资人,例如去中心化投票工具Snapshot 创始人fabien、以太坊创始人V神;亦或是同样持有NFTs和POAP的区块链领域关键意见领袖(KOL)。

例如下图中右上角的rolex1,他在CyberConnect 的网页APP拥有近1500名追随者,在Twitter 上拥有近2万追随者,在微博上也有2.6万粉丝。



4、 Solana 链上的个人档案

此外,CyberConnect 也刚刚推出了Solana 链上的个人档案,但相对来说,内容更加简洁。用户使用phantom 等钱包连接后,点击初始头像旁的小铅笔头可以通过复制url的方式修改Avatar。

首页展示了用户的追随者与关注对象,并支持与Twitter 及Solanart 这两个外部平台连接。在链上资产与链上活动展示方面,Solana 链上个人档案会自动展示用户在REALMS 上进行的投票,以及持有的NFTs 资产。此外,Solana 链上个人档案也会为用户个性化推荐其他用户。

与CyberConnect 在以太坊链上推出的个人档案不同,用户点击首页的「验证推特」(VERIFY TWITTER)后将会跳转由bonfida 提供的页面,用户需要将Solana链上钱包地址与其的推特ID关联,并且进行这一步的前提是用户购买“.sol”域名。

CyberConnect 未来如何?

CyberConnect 意图解决的问题是关键的、但也十分宏大,不论是从直接面向用户提供服务的角度,还是从与DApps进行商务合作、间接地为用户提供服务的角度来看,都面临着更多的潜在挑战。

首先,CyberConnect 是基于钱包地址的身份验证,这使用户在链上的资产是完全公开透明的。财产隐私的问题可能影响用户的规模化。自主展示和隐藏个人信息和相关内容的权力也应交到用户手中。

其次,CyberConnect 未来与DApps 的商务拓展需要强大的BD资源。从技术架构中可以得知,CyberConnect 的呈现方式并非一张巨大的网状脉络,而主要通过与DApps 进行数据共享的方式呈现给用户。因此,也需要联合DApps 推出具体的呈现方式,例如「个性化推荐」或「可能认识的人」,否则难以完全发挥其作用。

目前,CyberConnect 支持用户使用以太坊公链和Solana 公链的钱包地址连接网页APP。在Solana 公链方面,用户在CyberConnect 上的所有连接会自动在Solana 生态系统中的不同DApps 中共享。具体的合作伙伴包括专注于街头文化的元宇宙Realy、建立在Solana 上的面向数据驱动型加密货币交易者的一体化平台Bonfida、用于在Solana 上建立基于代币的会员社区的GRAPE协议、边跑边赚(Move2Earn)的应用程序STEPN、Solana 上第一个也是最大的成熟的NFT 市场Solanart 等。

另一方面,CyberConnect 也与其他Web3.0项目例如zkLink(一项链对链互操作性协议,包括互换和流动资金)、UniPass(多链统一的加密身份)、ensdomains(以太坊域名)等达成数据共享。全球最大的去中心化凭证数据网络Project Galaxy 也已经整合了CyberConnect 的API,成为了其社交图谱的一部分。目前,CyberConnect 为吸引用户使用Solana 链上钱包连接其社交图谱而推出的独家NFTs也可以在Project Galaxy 上mint。

此外,CyberConnect 也与不同的NFT 平台达成了战略合作。SphinxUP 旨在通过Web3 产品矩阵提高NFT 生态系统的效率和流动性,其中包括数据分析平台(Eyesfi. com)、NFT 资产评估、NFT 资产管理、聚合交易协议和流动性解决方案。这种合作关系将为CyberConnect 带来更多的效用,而其社交图协议将被Eyesfi(SphinxUp的产品之一)利用,以建立社交关系,并将去中心化的IM 系统引入未来的NFT 社区。

另一个平台Treasureland 则是一个跨链的NFT 平台,用于NFT 发行、NFT 交易、NFT 收款和定制店内服务。它为企业端用户提供从0 到1 的一站式解决方案,为C 端用户提供多链聚合体验。它与CyberConnect 的战略合作将致力于为宝地带来更多的内容,并丰富CyberConnect 的功能。双方寻求发展和建立牢固的关系,而真正的赢家将是用户。

CyberConnect is an innovative decentralized social graph protocol that allows users to connect various projects through ccProfile, create their own social graphs, and monetize their content. The project raised $10 million in seed funding last November.

Recently, CyberConnect announced the launch of its native token CYBER, which will be publicly sold on CoinList on May 18 at a price of $1.8 per token. By purchasing CYBER tokens, users can participate in the CyberConnect ecosystem and have the opportunity to earn further rewards.

At present, CyberConnect is a promising project that provides users with better experiences and opportunities by introducing blockchain technology in the social field. This article introduces the CyberConnect project and its token CYBER in detail. If you are interested in this project, you may consider participating in its ICO.

CyberConnect Introduction

CyberConnect (CC) is the world’s first decentralized social graph protocol, serving Web3.0 social networks and the Metaverse. The protocol aims to enable developers to create social applications and empower users and creators to own their own digital identity, content, connections and monetization channels, thereby liberating themselves from the control of centralized social media (Facebook, IG) , able to fully exploit the potential of its digital social identity.

1. How CyberConnect works

CyberConnect takes a different approach to protocol design. Although users' accounts and social relationships are still stored on the chain, CyberConnect reduces a large number of on-chain operations and instead uses off-chain verification to solve the problem. Put common, high-frequency and non-rare data such as likes and comments in decentralized storage, and store real-valued data on the chain. This strategy aims to balance the demand for on-chain data storage and network load, giving developers more flexibility to design products while also making the user terminal experience smoother.

2. CYBER and CyberDAO

CyberDAO is used for the governance delegation of the protocol, and CYBER is its governance token. CYBER is used to protect and manage DAO, and DAO will control the use of future funds. As well as all core upgrades to the protocol infrastructure.

3. Web3 Status Token (W3ST)

Web3 Status Token (W3ST) is the Soulbound Token (SBT) of Cyber ​​Connect, which is used to record user interaction behaviors and numbers on the chain.reputation. Holding various W3ST means that the user participates in various interactions on CC. The more W3ST collected, the deeper the user's interaction on the platform is, and the higher the weight of the account.

At the same time, players can also create content POST on the platform. High-quality content can be rewarded and subscribed by users to realize content monetization.

4. CyberConnect Ecosystem

CyberConnect adopts the protocol-product-ecology development route. They first established an agreement, then built their own signature product Link3, and expanded horizontally to develop the ecosystem.

Judging from CyberConnect’s previous hackathons, they also welcome already-formed Dapps to join the co-construction ecosystem, rather than building everything from scratch. In addition, they do not overly require the pure Web3-native nature of the application. Any meaningful interaction scenario can be grafted onto CyberConnect for users to use first and become a portal for data uploading to the chain.

These ecosystems bring richer application scenarios to the protocol and are more in line with the strategy of prioritizing the creation of a social graph. For example, DegenReborn for games, Plato for restaurant reviews, ReadON for reading, and Oasis for the metaverse. Even Phaver, the largest application in the Lens ecosystem, has also added CC interfaces, making the ecosystem rich and diverse.

5. CyberConnect development roadmap

According to its 2023 roadmap, CyberConnect will also release several important features in the next few months, including the launch of "Login with CyberConnect" in the second quarter of this year SDK and Link3 Post, a decentralized content publishing tool provided by CyberConnect; launch CyberConnect V3 in the third quarter of this year and deploy it on more EVM compatible chains; release a beta version of Cyber ​​Wallet that supports ERC-4337; launch CyberConnect in the fourth quarter of this year Eco Grants Fund, etc.

CyberConnect core components

On May 16, CyberConnect published a streamlined version of the white paper (Litepaper). The first part of the white paper introduced the three core components of CyberConnect: CyberProfile, CyberConnect Social Graph and CyberWallet.

1. CyberProfile

CyberProfile is a universal decentralized digital identity standard that is independently owned and managed by users. In addition to storing basic personal information, CyberProfile anchors users’ autonomous digital identities, linking content and social connections to their identities.Get in touch.

CyberProfile is also an ERC721 token (ie NFT) that exists on the public chain. It is currently not transferable and cannot be traded between users. A user's entire content and social graph history is shared between applications built on CyberConnect, and after creating a CyberProfile, users automatically gain creator capabilities and can publish monetizable content.

2. CyberConnect Social Graph

CyberConnect Social Graph is a social graph that represents the connection between users’ digital identities, data, content and social relationships. Let users have ownership and control of social data, without having to choose to build their own identity from scratch because of switching social platforms.

3. CyberWallet

CyberWallet is the protocol's non-custodial, ERC4337-compatible smart contract wallet. It is currently under development and will be available on Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, BNB Chain, Base and Polygon.

This first Web3 wallet embedded with the social graph is available in two versions:

Social: a simple and easy-to-use design for general users; through Web2 social login options (i.e. email, phone, Social media) and multi-chain support, realize the wordless registration method, and realize Gas-free and social recovery functions through MPCTSS technology. Professional (Pro): Enables one-click asset migration from existing mnemonic wallets to new smart contract wallets; advanced DeFi protocol integration and built-in strategies to help users manage their assets. What is Cybercoin?

On April 28, CyberConnect announced the launch of the native Token CYBER, and launched its public offering on CoinList on May 18.

1. Cyber ​​Token Economics

According to token economics, CyberDAO will be used for the governance delegation of the protocol, and $CYBER is its governance token. Its main functions include: governance, payment for CyberProfile casting and Used for CyberWallet to pay gas fees.

The total supply of $CYBER is 100,000,000 pieces, and CoinList’s public issuance accounts for 3%, of which 25% will be unlocked after going online, and the remaining 75% will be unlocked linearly on a monthly basis within 6 months. The detailed distribution is as follows:

Team and consultants: 15%, locked for 15 months after launch, and unlocked linearly quarterly in the next 3 years; Private placement: 25.12%, locked for 12 months after launch, unlocked linearly quarterly for the next 3 years ; Community treasury: 10.88%, 10% will be unlocked online, leaving 90%5Yearly linear monthly unlocking; community rewards: 12%, 20% will be distributed to early users (airdrop) after going online, and the remaining 80% will be divided into future community rewards; CoinList public sale: 3%, 25% will be unlocked after going online, and the remaining 75% is unlocked linearly on a monthly basis within 6 months; ecological development: 34%.

The specific token allocation for ecological development is:

Ecological partners: 9%, 20% will be unlocked after going online, and 80% will be unlocked linearly within 4 years; developer community: 10 %, 5% will be unlocked after launch, 95% will be unlocked linearly within 4 years; early integration partners: 5%, 10% will be unlocked after launch, 90% will be unlocked within 3 years; Marketing: 10%, 10% will be unlocked after launch, 90 % Unlocked in 3 years.

2. Cyber ​​Airdrop

According to token economics, about 20% of community rewards will be issued to users as airdrops, which is about 2.4% of the total supply.

However, CyberConnect has not yet announced specific airdrop details.

3. Cybercoin is about to launch a public sale, and the specific public sale details are at a glance

CyberConnect is expected to start selling tokens to the public through CoinList on May 18, 2023. The registration deadline for this round of issuance is May. At 20:00 on May 15, the public issuance unit price was US$1.8, while the institutional price of Series A financing was US$3.

However, some community users shared that although the official announced financing was US$300 million ($CYBER 3 US dollars each), it actually used 25.12 million dollars in two rounds of financing, raising an average of US$25 million. The calculated price is $0.99.

In addition, CyberConnect means that users with the following identities have priority queuing rights when CoinList is issued, including:

Having advanced CyberProfile (ccProfile) owners CyberConnect FanClub Tier collections in include W3ST Discord Roles - Early Supporters (1K, 10K, 100k) Mystery Boxes or Shards Holders NFTs from previous community events - Verified Web3 Dweller, Connect2022 Grand NFT, #Let'sCyberConnect Season 1 POAP and community treasure hunt OAT were donated to CyberConnect on Gitcoin

Officially, the snapshot was completed on April 26.

Introduction to the utility of Cyber ​​Coin

CYBER will provide the following utility for the CyberConnect protocol:

1. Governance

CYBER coin holders will vote on proposals to promote sustainable long-term development and improvement of the CyberConnect protocol. Upcoming proposals include: service fees for activating paid transactions through the protocol; changes to service fee collection rates; changes to acceptable tokens for payments; extension of the proposal to new blockchains; developer funding program and community contributor program budget allocation, as well as offline and online community activities for ecosystem development.

2. Used to pay for CyberProfile mint

CyberProfile is the entrance for developers and users to enter the CyberConnect ecosystem. When purchasing a CyberProfile using a premium username, CYBER will be used for gas charges.

3. Used to pay Gas with CyberWallet

CyberWallet is CyberConnect's smart contract wallet solution, providing users with a seamless transaction experience without the need for mnemonic words or the need to provide their own blockchain native for different chains. Token serves as payment for Gas. CYBER will be used as a price list and Gas fee payment method for all transactions across EVM compatible chains within CyberWallet. Its wallet CyberWallet is still under development and will be applicable to Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, BNB Chain, Base and Polygon. network.

How to use CyberConnect? View the functions at once

Currently, CyberConnect has launched a web APP directly for users to try to solve the user's social graph problem. Individuals can use the Little Fox Wallet to connect.

It provides three main functions: follow button, retrieve followers and follower list, and get recommended follower list.

1. Follow and retrieve the list of followers and followers

On the homepage, the wallet address used by the user to connect to the web APP will be displayed. In addition, users can connect to other existing social platform accounts according to the listed logos, including the centralized social platform Twitter, NFT trading market OpenSea, etc. The NFT, POAP and other asset information held by users will also be listed on the homepage.

Scroll down the page to display other users' messages for you. If no one has left a message for you, you can also leave a message for yourself or leave a message for others. CyberConnect also supports connection with Mirror, and the blog will also be displayed on the web application simultaneously.

In addition, users can directly use ENS or wallet addresses to search for friends and perform operations such as following and leaving messages. Interactive messages between users will also be displayed on the homepage in the form of a message board. Every action will require a digital signature from the user and be recorded on the chain.

Click the search results to enter the other party’s homepage. You can follow the person you want to follow, leave him a message, or directly copy the wallet address to send money to him.

2. Recommended follower list

Continue to drop down the page, CyberConnect also generates a recommended list for users, and you can follow them in batches. Cyberconnect uses the Stand Alone Complex algorithm to achieve this. The Stand Alone Complex algorithm is a recommendation algorithm that aggregates connection data from open data sources such as the Ethereum blockchain, Foundation.app, Rarible, and more. The algorithm will generate a customized watchlist of recommended addresses for each address.

The action of connecting different wallet addresses and social software on and off the chain eliminates barriers such as user migration between different social platforms. In this way, users can abandon or start using a new software without worrying about losing followers, followers, and creative content, thus saving them the cost and difficulty of rebuilding their social graph every time they sign up for a new APP.

Currently, the number of CyberConnect users has reached 400,000, with a total of 21 million clicks. However, users with rich pages, numerous followers, and high message interaction are all people who have accumulated a certain social network or reputation. For example, Ethereum founder Vitalik V. He owns a relatively large number of NFTs and has tens of thousands of fans.

3. Typical user list

Most of the typical user lists pushed by CyberConnect are the official accounts of Web3.0 projects similar to CyberConnect, or the founders of Web3.0 projects with personal ETH domain names or Investors, such as fabien, the founder of the decentralized voting tool Snapshot, and Buterin, the founder of Ethereum; or key opinion leaders (KOL) in the blockchain field who also hold NFTs and POAP.

For example, rolex1 in the upper right corner of the picture below has nearly 1,500 followers on the CyberConnect web APP, nearly 20,000 followers on Twitter, and 26,000 fans on Weibo.

In addition, current web applications cannot aggregate and display the content and dynamics published by users on different platforms. From the perspective of actual user experience, the user's personal operability and There is not much interactivity between users (the message board is only a one-way "confession" by the user without any response). It only serves a display and browsing function, and the display of the content is fixed and users cannot hide or Typesetting independently.

In contrast, although CyberConnect welcomes anyone to connect to their wallet and use this web APP to show themselves, the personal homepages of most "little transparent" users appear monotonous and deserted. However, CyberConnect is also planning to launch CyberChat, an instant messaging social software, to demonstrate how to use social graph data, but currently it is only possible to register and queue, and cannot experience specific products.

4. Personal files on the Solana chain

In addition, CyberConnect has just launched personal files on the Solana chain, but relatively speaking, the content is more concise. After the user uses a wallet such as phantom to connect, click the small pencil next to the initial avatar to modify the Avatar by copying the URL.

The homepage displays the user's followers and following objects, and supports connection with two external platforms, Twitter and Solanart. In terms of displaying on-chain assets and on-chain activities, Solana’s on-chain personal profile will automatically display the user’s votes on REALMS and the NFTs assets held. In addition, personal profiles on the Solana chain will also provide users with personalized recommendations for other users.

Different from the personal profile launched by CyberConnect on the Ethereum chain, users will be redirected to the page provided by bonfida after clicking "VERIFY TWITTER" on the homepage. Users need to link Solana to the chain. The wallet address is associated with its Twitter ID, and a prerequisite for this step is that the user purchases a ".sol" domain name.

What’s the future for CyberConnect?

The problem that CyberConnect intends to solve is critical, but also very ambitious. Whether it is from the perspective of directly providing services to users, or from the perspective of business cooperation with DApps and indirectly providing services to users, they are faced with More potential challenges.

First of all, CyberConnect is based on wallet address authentication, which makes users’ assets on the chain completely open and transparent. The issue of property privacy may affect the scale of users. The power to display and hide personal information and related content independently should also be given to users.

Secondly, CyberConnect’s future business development with DApps requires strong BD resources. It can be known from the technical architecture that CyberConnect is not presented as a huge network, but is mainly presented to users through data sharing with DApps. Therefore, it is also necessary to work with DApps to launch specific presentation methods, such as "personalized recommendations" or "people you may know", otherwise it will be difficult to fully play its role.

Currently, CyberConnect supports users to use the wallet addresses of the Ethereum public chain and Solana public chain to connect to web APPs. In terms of the Solana public chain, all users’ connections on CyberConnect will automaticallyShare with DApps. Specific partners include Metaverse Realy, which focuses on street culture, Bonfida, an all-in-one platform for data-driven cryptocurrency traders built on Solana, GRAPE protocol for building token-based membership communities on Solana, Edge. STEPN, the app for earning while running (Move2Earn), Solanart, the first and largest mature NFT market on Solana, etc.

On the other hand, CyberConnect also cooperates with other Web3.0 projects such as zkLink (a chain-to-chain interoperability protocol, including swaps and liquidity), UniPass (multi-chain unified encrypted identity), ensdomains (Ethereum domain name), etc. to achieve data sharing. Project Galaxy, the world's largest decentralized credential data network, has also integrated CyberConnect's API and become part of its social graph. Currently, the exclusive NFTs launched by CyberConnect to attract users to connect their social graphs using the Solana on-chain wallet can also be minted on Project Galaxy.

In addition, CyberConnect has also reached strategic cooperation with different NFT platforms. SphinxUP aims to improve the efficiency and liquidity of the NFT ecosystem through a Web3 product matrix, which includes a data analysis platform (Eyesfi.com), NFT asset evaluation, NFT asset management, aggregation trading protocols and liquidity solutions. This partnership will bring more utility to CyberConnect, and its social graph protocol will be leveraged by Eyesfi (one of SphinxUp's products) to build social relationships and bring decentralized IM systems to the future NFT community.

Another platform, Treasureland, is a cross-chain NFT platform for NFT issuance, NFT transactions, NFT collection and customized in-store services. It provides enterprise-side users with a one-stop solution from 0 to 1, and provides C-side users with a multi-chain aggregation experience. Its strategic cooperation with CyberConnect will be dedicated to bringing more content to Baodi and enriching the functionality of CyberConnect. Both parties seek to develop and build strong relationships, and the real winners will be the users.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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