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In short, a digital signature is a piece of code attached to a message or document. Once the code is generated, it can be proven that the message was not tampered with when sent from the sender to the receiver.

The concept of protecting communications through encryption dates back to ancient times, but with the development of public key cryptography (PKC) in the 1970s, digital signature schemes became possible. So, to understand how digital signatures work, you first need to understand the basics of hash functions and public key cryptography.

Hash function

Hashing is one of the key elements of a digital signature system. Hashing involves converting data of any size into a fixed-size value. This is done through a special algorithm called a hash function. The resulting value produced by a hash function is called a hash value or message digest.

When used in conjunction with encryption, so-called cryptographic hash functions can be used to generate a hash value (digest) that can be used as a unique digital fingerprint. This means that any change in the input data (the message) will result in a completely different result (the hash value). This is why cryptographic hash functions are widely used to verify the authenticity of digital data.

Public key cryptography (PKC)

Public key cryptography (PKC) refers to an encryption system that uses a pair of keys, which includes a public key and a private key. These two keys are mathematically related and can be used for data encryption and digital signatures.

As an encryption tool, PKC is more secure than the most basic method, symmetric encryption. Earlier systems required the same key to encrypt and decrypt information, but PKC uses a public key to encrypt data and a corresponding private key to decrypt the data.

In addition, the PKC scheme can be applied to digital signature generation. Basically, this involves hashing the message (or digital data) by the signer's private key. The recipient of the message can then use the public key provided by the signer to verify that the signature is valid.

In some cases, digital signatures may include encryption, but not always. For example, the Bitcoin blockchain uses PKC and digital signatures, but contrary to many, the process does not include encryption. Strictly speaking, Bitcoin uses the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) to verify transactions.

How to create a digital signature?

In the cryptographic world, digital signature systems typically consist of three basic steps: hashing, signing, and verification.

Data Hashing

The first step is to hash the message or digital data. This is done by submitting the data using a hashing algorithm to generate a hash value (for example, a message digest). As mentioned before, message sizes can vary greatly, but when hashed, they will have hashes of the same length. This is the most basic property of hash functions.

However, the data is hashed toGenerating a digital signature is not required, you can also use your private key to sign messages that don't have a hash at all. However, in the case of cryptocurrencies, the data is always hashed because processing a fixed-length digest simplifies the entire process.


After the message has been hashed, the signature of the sender of the message is required. This is the moment when public key encryption is used. There are many different types of digital signature algorithms, each with its own mechanism. However, hashed messages are signed with a private key by default, and the recipient of the message can verify it using the corresponding public key (provided by the signer).

In other words, if you do not include the private key when generating a signature, the recipient of the message will not be able to verify it using the corresponding public key. Both public and private keys are generated by the sender of the message, but only the public key is shared with the recipient.

It is important to note that digital signatures are directly related to the content of each message. Therefore, unlike a handwritten signature, each digitally signed message will have a different digital signature.


Let us illustrate the entire process of the final verification phase with an example. Suppose Alice writes a message to Bob, hashes it, and generates a digital signature based on the hash and private key. This signature will serve as a unique digital fingerprint for a specific message.

After Bob receives the message, he can use Alice's public key to verify the digital signature. This way, Bob can be sure that the signature was generated by Alice, since only Alice (at least, as we expect) has the private key corresponding to the public key.

As a result, Alice must keep her private key safe. If someone obtains Alice's private key, they can generate a digital signature and pretend to be Alice. In the case of Bitcoin, this means that someone could move or use Alice's Bitcoins without permission.

Why are digital signatures important?

Digital signatures are typically used to achieve three outcomes: data integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation.

Data integrity: Bob can verify that Alice's message has not changed during transmission. If the message is modified, a completely different signature will be generated. Authenticity: As long as Alice's private key is kept safe, Bob can verify that the digital signature was generated by Alice and not anyone else. Non-repudiation: Unless Alice's private key is made public for some specific reason, once a signature is generated, Alice cannot deny that he or she has signed it. Application examples

Digital signatures can be applied to various digital documents and certificates. Therefore, digital signatures are used in many ways, the most common use cases are:

Information Technology: used to enhance the security of Internet communication systems. Finance: Digital signatures can be used for audits, expense reports, loan agreements, and more. Legal: Digital signatures can be used on all types of business and legal agreements, including government documents. Healthcare: Digital signatures can be used to prevent fraudulentFake prescriptions and medical records. Blockchain: A digital signature scheme ensures that only those with legal ownership of the cryptocurrency (unless the private key is compromised) can sign transactions for the transfer of funds. Margin

The main challenges facing digital signature schemes arise from three minimum requirements.

Algorithm: The level of algorithm used in a digital signature scheme is important. This includes choosing a trusted hash function and an encryption system. Implementation: If the algorithm is good but the implementation is bad, the digital signature system will be flawed. Private Key: If the private key is leaked or compromised, the authenticity and non-repudiation properties will no longer be valid. If a cryptocurrency user loses their private keys, it can result in significant financial losses. Digital Signatures vs. Electronic Signatures

In short, digital signatures are associated with certain types of electronic signatures, which means how documents and messages are signed electronically. Therefore, all digital signatures are electronic signatures, but electronic signatures are not always digital signatures.

The main difference between them is the authentication method. Digital signatures use cryptographic systems such as hash functions, public key cryptography, and cryptography.


Hash functions and public key cryptography are at the heart of digital signature systems and are used in a wide range of applications today. When implemented correctly, digital signatures can increase security, ensure integrity and enable authentication of any type of digital data.

In the blockchain world, digital signatures are used to sign and approve cryptocurrency transactions. This signature is especially important in Bitcoin because only the person with the corresponding private key can use the coin.

Electronic and digital signatures have been used for many years, but there is still a lot of room for growth. Today, many bureaucracies are still based on paper work, but as we move to more digital systems, more digital signature schemes will be adopted.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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