
提到Layer 2 解决方案,最为人所知的肯定会是今年火红的Arbitrum、Optimism 以及近期热度极高的Base 等,这些链都有高人气的DeFi、SocialFi 吸引大量链上玩家及资金进入,除了这些,还有哪些潜力Layer 2 可以关注呢?

或许会是即将转型为Layer 2 、主打支付业务的Celo 区块链

区块链Celo 小档案




Celo Chain



CELO 上市日期


CELO 历史最高价(ATH)

9.82 美元(-95.42%), 8月30, 2021

CELO 总供应量

10 亿颗

CELO 代币用途

Celo Chain 交易手续费、治理代币

CELO 官方网站


创立于2017 年的Celo 区块链背后的团队为总部在美国旧金山湾区的cLabs,创始成员包含曾任职网络域名巨头GoDaddy 副总裁的Rene Reinsberg 及Marek Olszewski,其中现任cLabs 的Marek Olszewski 过去经历亮眼,除了曾于麻省理工任教之外,也于Google 任职过

celo 第一轮募资于2018 年6月结束,随后在19, 20年皆有募资,并于2020年4 月上线主网,参投机构包含Coinbase Ventures、a16z、Polychain Capital、Dragonfly 等,天使投资人则包含前Twitter 创办人Jack Dorsey、Angel List 创始人Naval Ravikant、Scalar Capital 创始人、Coinbase 早期成员Linda Xie 等,阵容十分坚强。

cLabs 随后于2020 年成立Celo Foundation,Celo Foundation 是一家总部位于美国的非营利组织,支持Celo 平台的技术开源及发展。

Celo 本身是一个支持智能合约开发的EVM 兼容区块链,该特性让开发者方便在Celo 区块链上部署智能合约和打造多元化的DApp。与以太坊相比,Celo 的矿工费更低,交易结算速度更快。

不仅如此,主打支付、具备稳定币的Celo 区块链其实初期定位便与其他公链有所不同,团队宗旨为开发一个让任何人都可以在手机上轻松使用金融服务的区块链,用户甚至可以直接使用电话号码进行加密资产转帐、收款等操作,生态内富含多种稳定币如锚定美元的Celo Dollar(cUSD),锚定欧元的Celo Euro(cEUR)以及锚定巴西雷亚尔的Celo Real(cREAL)等,满足不同国家用户的支付需求。

在官方网站我们可以看到Celo 团队开发的方向主要是以「手机端」、「支付端」等两个主要方向来进行发展

除此之外, Celo 在教育内容方面上更是投入了不少资源运作,有自己的Celo Academy 页面,更新频率也非常高,为加密知识普及而努力。

除此之外, 我们更可以看到Celo 同时也在非洲当地招揽人才, 着重于生态的成长之外, 甚至推出了基金African Venture Capital Fund,足以看出他们想要重点发展非洲市场的决心, 投入了一定的资源

出圈潜力或许更大,Celo 积极布局更多支付应用

你或许不知道,非洲用户目前已经能够透过部署于Celo 区块链、浏览器Opera 内建的无托管钱包MiniPay 进行「加密资产转移」,厉害的是,非洲用户只需要透过手机号码便可以进行加密货币的转帐,十分方便。


Celo 链上生态简介

如上文所述,Celo 的生态并不如我们常用的Optimism、Arbitrum 以及Base 一样着重于DeFi、SocialFi 等应用的进驻,而是集中火力于「支付服务」、「好好出圈」这两方面。

我们透过DeFiLlama 上的TVL(总锁仓资金)能看到Celo 在过去的表现并不亮眼,前十名的协议中多数都是蓝筹DeFi 如Curve、Uniswap、SushiSwap 所组成,原生协议则有Moola Market、Mobius Money 等。

目前坐稳第一名的协议为Mento,为一个跨链算法稳定币的协议,发行于Celo、比特币及以太坊三链上,先前提到的MiniPay 就是使用该团队所发行的稳定币cUSD。

cUSD 稳定币本身类似MakerDAO 所发行的DAI,是透过超额抵押所生成,当cUSD 价格低于1 美元时,Celo 将出售储备金中的$CELO 以回购cUSD,而当cUSD 高于1 美元时, Mento 协议则会透过发送价值1 美元的CELO 去铸造1 cUSD,总量提升使价格下降,降低用户对cUSD 的需求量。

除此之外Celo 生态最大的优点便是有不同类型的法币稳定币如锚定美元的Celo Dollar(cUSD),锚定欧元的Celo Euro(cEUR)以及锚定巴西雷亚尔的Celo Real( cREAL),满足更多地区用户的需求。

值得一提的便是一个月TVL 成长将近15 倍的现实资产协议(RWA)Toucan Procol,Toucan Protocol 为一个提供用户交易碳权市场的协议。

购买协议原生代币$NCT 之后,便可以透过该代币来兑换代币化后的碳权,tokenized carbon credits(TCO2),该服务看似专注于服务企业用户,企业用户购买如此的碳权之后,便可以进行对外验证,履行企业义务。

早前Celo 区块链Marek Olszewski 也说到「区块链技术可以提供碳信用状态的透明度和即时验证」,Celo 的发展方向看似也是朝着这些方向迈进,或许会产生相比其他公链不一样的化学反应。

Celo 迈向Layer 2 ,考虑透过EigenLayer 开发自身的数据可用性(DA, Data Availability)层

2023 年可以说是Layer 2 百花齐放的一年,Arbitrum 打造了一个完整的链上金融生态,Optimism 打造的OP Stack 宇宙则让包含WorldCoin、Coinbase 开发的Base Chain、Binance 开发的opBNB、Metis、Lootchain 等知名项目都进驻,当然老牌Celo 链也不遑多让,在今年七月时,Celo 开发组织cLabs 便提议将Celo 由原先独立的EVM Layer 1 区块链转为Layer 2 ,并有机会过渡至基于OP Stack上的layer 2 上,于治理论坛开放社区投票,最后提案以100% 支持率通过了,加入OP 宇宙!

此举因为能够继承以太坊安全性,能够为生态带来更好的保障之外,甚至计划透过再质押协议EigenLayer 打造自身的数据可用性( DA) 层(EigenDA)进一步降低链上资讯的存储费用。

除了Celo 之外,前阵子Mantle、Offshore、Layer N 等协议也计画透过Eigenlayer 打造自己的EigenDA 层。

Polygon 也疯狂,力邀加入Celo 加入zkEVM 宇宙

据早前The Block 报导,Celo 也将有望透过Polygon CDK(Chain Development Kit) 打造zkEVM L2 ?

早前Polygon 创始人Sandeep Nailwal 也发布了提案讨论建议Celo 生态系透过Polygon CDK 来部署基于zk 的Layer 2 解决方案,无摩擦地将现有的L1 转换,朝向模组化区块链迈进,如此不仅能够连接以太坊及Polygon 生态,同时也有可定制区块链(appchain)的灵活性,与所有Polygon L2 的互操作性、即时取款等优势。

Polygon CDK 的解决方案先前也同时引起其他区块链Canto、Astar、Immutable、Idex 等项目及区块链的兴趣,与OP Stack 基于Optimistic Rollups 有所不同,CDK 的技术则是基于zk Rollups。

在百链齐发的时代,或许能够在哪一条链赚到最多钱不是最重要的,而是自身有何种属性使链上生态能够持续性地运作,这也是Celo 目前跟其他链最不一样的地方,从各国法币稳定币、支付服务,期待未来也有着更多能出圈的应用出现。

When it comes to Layer 2 solutions, the most well-known ones will definitely be Arbitrum, Optimism, which have become popular this year, and Base, which has become very popular recently. These chains have highly popular DeFi and SocialFi, attracting a large number of people on the chain. Players and funds have entered. In addition to these, what other potential Layer 2 can we pay attention to?

Maybe it will be the Celo blockchain that is about to transform into Layer 2 and focus on payment business

Blockchain Celo profile

Currency name

$CELO< /p>

Public chain

Celo Chain

CELO ranking

No. 131 in market capitalization

CELO listing date


CELO historical high price (ATH)

$9.82 (-95.42%), August 30, 2021

CELO total supply

1 billion

CELO token usage

Celo Chain transaction fees, governance tokens

CELO official website


The team behind the Celo blockchain, founded in 2017, is cLabs, headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA. The founding members include former Internet domain name giant GoDaddy Vice Presidents Rene Reinsberg and Marek Olszewski, among whom Marek Olszewski, currently at cLabs, has a distinguished past experience. In addition to teaching at MIT, he also worked at Google

celo raised its first round of funding in 2018 It ended in June 2020, and subsequently raised funds in 2019 and 2020, and launched the mainnet in April 2020. Participating institutions include Coinbase Ventures, a16z, Polychain Capital, Dragonfly, etc., and angel investors include the former founder of Twitter Jack Dorsey, Angel List founder Naval Ravikant, Scalar Capital founder and Coinbase early member Linda Xie, etc., have a very strong lineup.

cLabs subsequently established the Celo Foundation in 2020. The Celo Foundation is a non-profit organization headquartered in the United States that supports the open source technology and development of the Celo platform.

Celo itself is an EVM-compatible blockchain that supports smart contract development. This feature allows developers to easily deploy on the Celo blockchain.Smart contracts and the creation of diversified DApps. Compared to Ethereum, Celo has lower mining fees and faster transaction settlement.

Not only that, the Celo blockchain, which focuses on payments and has stable coins, actually has a different initial positioning from other public chains. The team aims to develop a financial service that allows anyone to easily use financial services on their mobile phones. Based on the blockchain, users can even directly use their phone numbers to perform operations such as encrypted asset transfers and collections. The ecosystem is rich in a variety of stable coins such as Celo Dollar (cUSD) anchored to the U.S. dollar and Celo Euro (cEUR) anchored to the euro. As well as Celo Real (cREAL), which is anchored to the Brazilian real, to meet the payment needs of users in different countries.

On the official website, we can see that the development direction of the Celo team is mainly in two main directions: "mobile terminal" and "payment terminal"

In addition , Celo has invested a lot of resources in educational content. It has its own Celo Academy page, which is updated very frequently, and strives to popularize encryption knowledge.

In addition, we can see that Celo is also recruiting talents locally in Africa, focusing on the growth of the ecosystem, and even launched a fund African Venture Capital Fund, which is enough to see that they want to focus on Determined to develop the African market, a certain amount of resources have been invested

The potential to break out of the circle may be greater, and Celo is actively deploying more payment applications

You may not know that African users can already deploy on the Celo blockchain , the non-custodial wallet MiniPay built into the browser Opera performs "crypto asset transfer". What's great is that African users can transfer cryptocurrencies only through their mobile phone number, which is very convenient.

Compared with developing countries with less developed financial infrastructure, developing countries in Africa may be a potential market that crypto payment service providers can perfectly enter, and local public sentiment will not reject blockchain. The entry of emerging technologies is also due to the high threshold for access to financial services themselves, and there is a greater willingness to try new applications.

Introduction to Celo’s on-chain ecology

As mentioned above, Celo’s ecology does not focus on the entry of DeFi, SocialFi and other applications like our commonly used Optimism, Arbitrum and Base, but focuses on “payment services” , "Get out of the circle well".

We can see from the TVL (total locked funds) on DeFiLlama that Celo’s performance in the past was not impressive. Most of the top ten protocols are blue-chip DeFi such as Curve, Uniswap, and SushiSwap. It consists of native protocols such as Moola Market, Mobius Money, etc.

ObjectThe protocol that currently holds the first place is Mento, which is a cross-chain algorithmic stablecoin protocol issued on the three chains of Celo, Bitcoin and Ethereum. The previously mentioned MiniPay uses the stablecoin cUSD issued by this team.

The cUSD stablecoin itself is similar to the DAI issued by MakerDAO. It is generated through over-collateralization. When the price of cUSD is lower than 1 US dollar, Celo will sell $CELO in the reserve to repurchase cUSD, and When cUSD is higher than 1 US dollar, the Mento protocol will mint 1 cUSD by sending CELO worth 1 US dollar. The increase in the total amount will cause the price to drop and reduce the user's demand for cUSD.

In addition, the biggest advantage of the Celo ecosystem is that there are different types of legal stablecoins, such as Celo Dollar (cUSD) anchored to the U.S. dollar, Celo Euro (cEUR) anchored to the euro, and Celo anchored to the Brazilian currency. Celo Real (cREAL) of Yare meets the needs of users in more regions.

It is worth mentioning that the Real Assets Protocol (RWA) Toucan Procol has a monthly TVL growth of nearly 15 times. Toucan Protocol is a protocol that provides users with a carbon rights trading market.

After purchasing the protocol’s native token $NCT, you can use the token to exchange for tokenized carbon credits (TCO2). This service seems to focus on services Corporate users, after purchasing such carbon rights, can conduct external verification and fulfill corporate obligations.

Earlier, Celo Blockchain Marek Olszewski also said that "blockchain technology can provide transparency and instant verification of carbon credit status." Celo's development direction seems to be in these directions. Moving forward may produce a different chemical reaction than other public chains.

Celo is moving towards Layer 2 and is considering developing its own data availability (DA, Data Availability) layer through EigenLayer

2023 can be said to be the year when Layer 2 blossoms. Arbitrum has created a complete on-chain finance Ecology, the OP Stack universe created by Optimism has attracted well-known projects including WorldCoin, Base Chain developed by Coinbase, opBNB developed by Binance, Metis, Lootchain, etc. Of course, the old Celo chain is not far behind. In July this year, Celo developed The organization cLabs proposed to convert Celo from the original independent EVM Layer 1 blockchain to Layer 2, with the opportunity toMoved to layer 2 based on the OP Stack, and voted in the open community on the governance forum. The final proposal was passed with 100% support, and joined the OP universe!

Because this move can inherit the security of Ethereum and bring better protection to the ecosystem, it even plans to further build its own data availability (DA) layer (EigenDA) through the re-pledge agreement EigenLayer. Reduce the storage cost of information on the chain.

In addition to Celo, protocols such as Mantle, Offshore, and Layer N also planned to build their own EigenDA layers through Eigenlayer.

Polygon is also crazy and invites Celo to join the zkEVM universe

According to an earlier report by The Block, Celo is also expected to build zkEVM L2 through Polygon CDK (Chain Development Kit)?

Early Former Polygon founder Sandeep Nailwal also released a proposal discussion suggesting that the Celo ecosystem deploy zk-based Layer 2 solutions through Polygon CDK to frictionlessly convert the existing L1 towards a modular blockchain. Not only does this It can connect to the Ethereum and Polygon ecology, and also has the flexibility of customizable blockchain (appchain), interoperability with all Polygon L2, and instant withdrawals.

Polygon CDK’s solution has previously attracted interest from other blockchain projects such as Canto, Astar, Immutable, Idex and other blockchains. Unlike OP Stack, which is based on Optimistic Rollups, CDK’s technology Is based on zk Rollups.

In an era when hundreds of chains are booming, it may not be the most important thing about which chain you can make the most money on, but what attributes you have that enable the chain’s ecology to operate sustainably. This is why Celo At present, the most different thing from other chains is that from the legal stablecoins and payment services of various countries, we look forward to the emergence of more applications that can break out of the circle in the future.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿
