币圈满仓是什么意思 币圈全仓

Ⅰ 炒币赚了5000万违法么


Ⅱ BCC/BCH(比特现金)是潜力股吗


Ⅲ 玩比特币合约你亏了多少钱


Ⅳ 现在投资区块链可以吗有哪些注意事项

















Ⅳ 炒币有哪些技巧


2. 不要在短时间内就满仓或者空仓。

3. 给自己下军令状,及时止盈止损。

4. 在快速涨跌过程中,尽量不要去操作。

5. 不要压力太大,心态要放平衡。

6. 不要去看太多其他人的分析,每个人说的东西,都不一样。本来价格走势就受到众多因素的 影响,对未来的一切预测都是五五开,半对半错,相信自己就可以了。

7. 过度炒币会影响身体健康,但是明显的上涨或者下跌行情到来时,一定要用自己的智慧去做 多或者做空,从而赚钱赚币。

Ⅵ 期货爆仓什么意思






Ⅶ 为什么持有诚信币等创新币能更大获益投资比特币反而风险更大









第三, 币社区的不同人群对比特币价格的期望










Ⅷ 现货操作爆仓是什么


ⅠIs it illegal to make 50 million yuan from currency speculation?

It is not illegal to make 50 million yuan from currency speculation, but it is risky. Control the risk before deciding whether to speculate in currency
一, What does currency speculation mean?
As the name suggests, currency speculation is the buying and selling of digital currencies. There are two investment methods for currency speculation, short-term speculative coins and long-term speculative coins. Short-term speculative coins are bought and sold quickly. Long-term speculative coins are held in digital currency for a long time and sold when the expected value is reached. They have the same way of speculating on coins, but they have different lengths of time to hold digital currencies. In any investment market, most people prefer the short term to the long term. In the digital currency market, this phenomenon is even more obvious: the vast majority of people prefer to speculate in coins rather than hoard coins.
2. What should novices pay attention to when speculating on coins?
1. Use spare money for investment and avoid borrowing money and borrowing money for speculation-investing money and investing energy.
2. Strictly select value currency and formulate a reasonable capital allocation plan that conforms to the actual situation - the tactics of sunshine investment.
3. Cover up positions - It is normal for there to be a correction after entering the market. Funds need to be allocated reasonably and intervened in batches.
4. Refuse to fill a full position, allocate positions reasonably, do not go all-in, and effectively reduce risks.
5. Look around - read the cryptocurrency newsletter and the latest financial news. The earlier you know, the earlier you will understand and the earlier you will make money.
6. Think reversely, don’t go against the dealer or the market, just let nature take its course and go with the trend.
7. The contract opens, the position is not satisfied, the multiple is 20-50, not easy to use, 100 leverage, not seeking to get rich overnight, but seeking stable profits.
8. Control your income - Managing your position is more important than anything else. If you are unsure, don't do it lightly. If you don’t operate, there is no risk and no loss. If you have nothing else to do, look at your assets, whether it's managed or not.
9. Have a bottom in your heart and a top in your heart. Don’t be afraid. The currency circle will only make you grow. Your mentality is more important than your operation.
It is not recommended for any novice to speculate in currencies, and I also advise everyone to stay away from virtual currencies, because there are many tricks in virtual currencies, which are not suitable for ordinary retail investors at all. Currency speculation itself is not protected by law in China.

II Is BCC/BCH (Bitcoin Cash) a potential stock?

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a potential stock for the following reasons:
1. Bitcoin Cash has inherited Bitcoin has a strong community and numerous user groups;
2. After half a year of development, Bitcoin Cash has become the top four mainstream digital currencies in terms of market capitalization;
3. Bitcoin Cash has gained widespread global attention and recognized.
4. Bitcoin Cash is far ahead of Bitcoin in terms of technological updates.

Ⅲ How much did you lose by playing Bitcoin contracts?

I have never played Bitcoin, so I didn’t lose money, but someone here invested 100,000 yuan and lost everything. .

IV Is it okay to invest in blockchain now? What are the precautions?

YesParticipate with a small amount of money. BiJing is the next generation Internet outlet. The following is my investment experience over the past year. I hope it will be helpful to you.

While I was relaxing physically and mentally during the holidays, I took stock of the pitfalls I had gone through, sorted out the gains and losses, and came to the following insights.

1. In the early days, I believed too much in the words of Big V, the big guy in the currency circle, and bought some coins from their platform. Now it is close to zero. I feel that I am so naive that I believe their lies. It is difficult for people to withstand the temptation of huge wealth, and of course they cannot escape. But saying one thing and doing another, and not admitting it in the end, has lost their moral bottom line. They have made a lot of money, leaving me waiting for Leek to stand on the top of the mountain and tremble.

2. The judgment of various public accounts and various media in the currency circle on market trends is similar to the effect of betting on dice. Of course, this does not mean that the media are completely irresponsible or incompetent. In fact, some media still cherish their feathers and do their best to analyze projects and judge trends for fans. But don’t forget that, by nature, the market is unpredictable, otherwise it wouldn’t be called a market. Bankers and leeks are always playing a cat-and-mouse game. The media’s predictions often provide savvy bankers with guidance on reverse actions. When most media are optimistic about the market, it is also when the bankers raise their sickles; when the media generally believes that When the market is still going deep, the market makers may be building positions secretly. This is not difficult to understand, because the media acts as the opinion leader of the leeks.

3. The current market still shows the characteristics of capital market, which is dominated by speculation, and the real value investment of blockchain has not yet been reflected. The performance is that almost all altcoins are linked to the rise and fall of Bitcoin. Why is it related to Bitcoin? Because there are no other standards to rely on? If there is no killer application, this linkage effect will be difficult to break, and there will be no real bull market in the currency market. The killer application mentioned here is not like Ethereum, issuing coins, building an underlying public chain, etc., but having real application scenarios that can link virtual digital assets on the chain to reality. In the supply and demand of the scene, DAPP must have a good user experience and be accepted by the public outside the currency circle. In this case, digital currency will have real support, and the development of blockchain will usher in spring, otherwise it will be just speculation.

4. Often start from historical phenomena to form expectations for the future. In 2017, some altcoins had a market price of a hundred times or even higher. Therefore, I always feel that the altcoin in my hand has increased three to five times after I bought it, which is not satisfactory and not in place. As a result, I did not sell it in time and ended up rotting in my hands. Let's analyze it. This time is not that time. At that time, there were fewer projects and more funds. At this time, there are more projects and less funds. The situation is exactly the opposite. Ignorance and greed are very dangerous. Since 2018, as the big Vs have made profits and left the market, the funds on the market have shrunk significantly. Even if the market rises, the original market funds are playing the game. The money-making effect is getting smaller and smaller. OTC funds are waiting and watching. Only Only when the wealth-creating effect appears will OTC funds have the urge to come in.

5. New things to playDharma keeps appearing. As the money-making effect becomes smaller and smaller, new leeks become old leeks, and it is difficult to harvest them with traditional harvesting methods. Only by making some innovations can the leeks flock to it and obey. Fcoin trading and mining, Huoniu video, etc. have made a small group of people rich, and at the same time made a large group of people miserable. These projects are essentially a drum-passing fund-raising game, changing the soup without changing the medicine. The earlier you participate, the better the results will be. By the time I wait for Leek to participate, it will basically be in the mid-to-late stage. If I invest money in it, it will definitely be harvested. Since I participated in Fcoin early, I made a small profit, but I participated in Huoniu late, and was cut as soon as I entered. Fortunately, I only invested a little tentatively.

6. Will the market rise again? The answer is yes. From two aspects. On the one hand, there is a consensus that blockchain is the future trend. It is said that there is a rule that can prove whether a technology can become a trend in the future. It depends on whether the number of articles published about this technology can increase exponentially every year. Blockchain completely complies with this rule. On the other hand, as mentioned earlier, the current market is mainly capital. So even if blockchain is not a future trend, it will still have a good market. Because the characteristic of the capital market is that when funds enter the market, the market will rise, and when funds withdraw from the market, the market will fall, and there is no need for a reason for funds to enter and exit the market. Currently, the funds on the market include not only retail investors, but also large investors and institutions. It is not only leeks that are trapped, but also bankers who have cut the vegetables but failed to harvest. No matter who you are, there is only one purpose for entering the currency circle, and that is to make money. If the market does not rise, there will be no big money-making effect. If it falls for a long time, it will rise. This is an unbreakable rule. Of course, whether retail investors can make money depends on themselves. of good fortune.

Future plans:

1. Best strategy. Strictly control positions, adjust layout, and stay away from air coins. Position control is always the first priority and is the lifeline of investors. Only after losing money did I realize the importance of position control. I really regret it now. If I had entered the dissatisfied position, I wouldn't have been so deeply trapped. Now that the matter has come to this, if we decisively liquidate all air-related projects, we can free up some funds. Then, select a few high-quality projects for fixed investment. If you don't have enough funds, you can spend a small part of it from your daily income. To do this step well, you need to add an important link, which is learning. The reason why I couldn't distinguish between good and bad projects in the past was that I didn't study enough and my skills were shallow. Instead of focusing your time and energy on watching the market, checking public accounts, and asking for news, it is better to focus on studying. Accumulated knowledge and skills are also a kind of wealth, and no one can take them away. It is necessary to learn basic knowledge about economics, finance and investment, but also to learn about blockchain. I have read some books (General Economics, Economics in One Lesson, Xiang Shuai’s Peking University Finance Course (subscription required, electronic version not available), Buffett’s Law, Buffett Teaches You to Read Financial Reports, Blockchain Technology Guide, Decoding Zone Blockchain complete set), the link address is given (link:

Extraction code: sbmv) If you need it, you can download it with confidence.

2. The middle strategy. DoRebound from oversold. The small money-making effect does not mean that there is no money-making effect. You must enter the market with a small amount of money, you must focus on one or two projects, and you must move in and out quickly when there is a sharp decline that makes most people panic. You must not be reluctant to fight. (You can pay attention to one or two large public accounts to judge the panic in the market.)

3. Make the final decision. Be a wool party. On the premise of not expending energy, it is not a bad idea to receive candies and get some benefits. Under the current market situation, grasshoppers are also meat. The traditional way of receiving candy is too troublesome, and the gain is not worth the loss. Found two candy delivery platform projects, one is Fulcrum:

The other is Ant Mine Chicken:

The former airdrops various candies from time to time, and also has community social attributes, forming a system The latter is a new candy game platform under Candy World, which accumulates candies through the game of raising chickens and laying eggs. It is reported that it has just received strategic investment from GBls (Global Sleepless Blockchain Leaders Summit).

In addition, some Dapps that are in the testing stage are also worth a try. Anyway, it doesn’t involve any energy, just think of it as a way to relax after stressful work. Fighting video (ios version: https://fir.im/51ds Android version: http://a.app.qq.com/o/simple.jsppkgname=com.xysk.mvpart.douxi, invitation code: WN4VIZ) , focusing on creating a vertical segmentation field for professional artists. Fans and users can accumulate star power and sign in every day to obtain stars. Stars can be exchanged for prizes or sold privately. It will be launched in October.

IV What are the techniques for currency speculation?

Be familiar with the technical analysis of various K-line charts.

2. Do not fill or short positions in a short period of time.

3. Give yourself a military order to stop profits and losses in a timely manner.

4. Try not to operate during rapid rise and fall.

5. Don’t be too stressed and keep a balanced mentality.

6. Don’t read too many other people’s analyses. Everyone says something different. Originally, the price trend is affected by many factors. All predictions about the future are 50-50, half right and half wrong. Just believe in yourself.

7. Excessive currency speculation will affect your health, but when an obvious rising or falling market comes, you must use your own wisdom to go long or short to make money.

VI What does "futures liquidation" mean?

Futures liquidation:

It means that under certain special conditions, the customer's equity in the investor's margin account becomes negative. value situation.

That is, the loss is greater than the margin in the customer's account. If the liquidation causes a loss and it is caused by the investor's fault, the investor needs to make up the loss, otherwiseWill face legal recourse.

At present, there is basically no liquidation phenomenon in China. There is a price limit in China. When the margin is maintained below, the futures company will automatically close the position. Of course, if you encounter extreme market conditions and reverse the direction, you may still be liquidated.

Liquidation is mostly related to improper fund management. In order to avoid this situation from happening, it is necessary to specifically control the position and manage the funds reasonably, and avoid full position operations like those that may occur in stock trading. And unlike stock trading, investors must track futures trends in a timely manner.

Ⅶ Why holding innovative coins such as Integrity Coin can bring greater benefits, but investing in Bitcoin is more risky

(1) Early currency investors failed Currently, Bitcoin holdings are still relatively concentrated and are far from being completely dispersed. The acquisition cost for early Tuncoin users is very low.

(2) Systemic risks occur in Bitcoin, such as loopholes in the Bitcoin program, hard forks, and community splits. Program loopholes may need to be fixed by a hard fork. However, if a hard fork is formed with sufficient currency consensus, it may cause the currency community to split.

(3) In short-term trading, there is also the risk that the currency price will be easily manipulated by market makers, who create various long and short news to control market prices.

(4) Friends who participate in Bitcoin investment or short-term trading must be aware of the above risks.

There are three major thinking obstacles to overcome when engaging in Bitcoin

(1) Habitual thinking. If you keep making money in a certain direction, it is very likely that if you continue to do so, you will return the money you make to the market. For example, if a reader always makes money by going long, then he is likely to suffer losses if he keeps going long.

(2) Making orders with a full position is a mistake made by newcomers. It is believed that by holding orders with a full position or opening a large leverage, you can obtain more and greater profits. This is a misunderstanding. If you hold a full position, you will miss a lot and continue to add positions at the right price. If you like to place orders with a full position, but if you do not form good trading habits, you will make more money but lose money quickly.

(3) Hold a position even if you don’t have time to operate. The Bitcoin market trades 24 hours a day and changes rapidly, and the price usually changes in tens or even ten minutes. For those who do not have empty operations, if they do not stop their losses in time, they will soon miss the opportunity. Therefore, if you are speculating on short-term trading, try not to hold orders during holidays or overnight.

Third, the expectations of different groups of people in the cryptocurrency community for the price of Bitcoin

(1) Miners and Bitcoin collectors: everyone buys and buys together, and the currency price rises every day Rise, rise, rise. Coin hoarders are not only one of the driving forces for currency price increases, but also the main resistance to currency price increases.

(2) Price speculators: No matter what the specific price is, the most important thing is that it fluctuates. The greater the fluctuation, the better. People who do price speculation provide the most liquidity to the Bitcoin market and also undertakebear the risk of price fluctuations.

(3) Merchants who accept Bitcoin: The fluctuations are so big, how can I accept it? I am afraid that if I accept Bitcoin, the cost of the goods may not be recovered tomorrow. Bitcoin’s excessive volatility is one of the main reasons currently preventing merchants from directly accepting Bitcoin.

However, compared with the three major disadvantages of Bitcoin, the newly opened integrity currency CXC has five major advantages

1. The more credibility currency CXC is held, the more companies can win Irregular high dividends

2. The unit price of Integrity Coin is low, the fluctuation range is small, and the cost is low, but the profit appreciation space is large and the profit is high

3. Integrity Coin will be used in the future When it was listed on the exchange, a large number of people began to collect coins at high prices and conduct offline transactions, which caused the integrity currency to continue to grow in a straight line before it was listed online. The earlier the coins are obtained, the greater the benefits.

4. Like Bitcoin, Integrity Coin has the properties of gold and will never be over-issued.

5. The limited reserves of integrity coins are increasingly difficult to mine, and trading scenarios have gradually formed in the community and can be used for transactions.

ⅧWhat is liquidation in spot operations

When the margin of spot silver after calculating profit and loss is lower than the minimum margin, the position will be forced to be liquidated.
There are many factors that lead to rise and fall, and the influencing factors of different markets are also different. There is a big difference between the matching system and the market maker system.
The matching system is the exchange of funds between investors. In the market maker system, the market maker plays with the price curve, and it will not lose money.
Risk rate of liquidation of cargo and silver positions = account net value/position occupied trading margin. When the risk rate is equal to 50%, all remaining positions will be forcibly closed.
There are only two situations of automatic liquidation, one is margin If the ratio is not enough, the position is forced to be liquidated, which is what we call liquidation. Another situation where your position will be automatically closed is if you set a stop loss or take profit. If the point reaches your stop loss or take profit level, you will be automatically eliminated. Stop loss is automatically eliminated, which is equivalent to a protective measure.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 币圈刀哥是谁刀哥:币快报创始合伙人,引力波资本创始合伙人,iFund创始人,中欧国际工商学院EMBA。数字货币有哪些数字货币有成千上万种,并且每天都会有数字货币诞生。在全球知名的数字货币有比特币、