facebook投资元宇宙 facebook为何将转型为元宇宙公司

⑴ a股元宇宙概念是什么意思

、 “元宇宙”到底是什么?




⑵ 元宇宙概念是什么







⑶ “元宇宙”的概念火了,你看好“元宇宙”概念股吗





⑷ 你如何看待脸书将招聘1万名员工开发元宇宙这件事


⑸ 元宇宙全球排名第一是微软,排名第二A股有家上市公司是哪家

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-13

⑹ 脸书将招聘1万名的员工开发元宇宙,元宇宙究竟是什么


⑺ 什么是元宇宙概念

所谓“元宇宙”,英文叫做Metaverse 是一个虚拟时空间的集合, 由一系列的增强现实(AR), 虚拟现实(VR) 和互联网(Internet)所组成。元宇宙不是真正的世界,而是一个虚拟的世界,元宇宙是未来的虚拟世界(现在还不存在)。
元宇宙是一个29年前就被提出的概念,但是随着近几年吸纳了日臻成熟的 AI、游戏引擎、AR/VR、区块链等技术成果后,在A股市场上也获得了越来越多的关注(元宇宙概念股)。不管是现在还是未来,元宇宙市场都有着极大的发展空间和市场前景。但是在目前,“元宇宙”仍停留在概念炒作阶段,我们需要仔细分辨,不建议盲目炒作。
Roblox给出的定义,包含八大要素:身份、朋友、沉浸感、低延迟、多元化、随时随地、经济系统和文明。要素众多,每个要素背后,还有一连串的解释。总之,一句话说不清楚,这也恰恰说明这一概念的模糊性。通过对元宇宙构思和概念的“考古”,可以从时空性、真实性、独立性、连接性四个方面去交叉定义元宇宙。从时空性来看,元宇宙是一个空间维度上虚拟而时间维度上真实的数字世界;从真实性来看,元宇宙中既有现实世界的数字化复制物,也有虚拟世界的创造物;从独立性来看,元宇宙是一个与外部真实世界既紧密相连,又高度独立的平行空间;从连接性来看,元宇宙是一个把网络、硬件终端和用户囊括进来的一个永续的、广覆盖的虚拟现实系统。 准确地说,元宇宙不是一个新的概念,它更像是一个经典概念的重生,是在扩展现实(XR)、区块链、云计算、数字孪生等新技术下的概念具化。
新华财经北京11月1日电(记者韩婕) 随着5G、大数据、AI等技术的发展,虚拟与现实结合似乎成为一种势不可挡的趋势,而被认为是下一代互联网的新形态元宇宙也被推倒了风口上。业内专家在近日举办的全国元宇宙+工程大会暨中国民协元宇宙工作委员会揭牌仪式上表示,未来元宇宙的普及,将推动实体经济与数字经济加速深度融合,各类技术价值也将在赋能实体产业中逐步显现。

⑻ 美股元宇宙概念股

美国知名投行伯恩斯坦表示,尽管目前仍难以准确定义“元宇宙概念股”,但部分相关公司有望从这一概念中获益。伯恩斯坦予谷歌(GOOG.US)、Meta(FB.US)、微软(MSFT.US)、高通(QCOM.US)、英伟达(NVDA.US)、Snap Inc(SNAP.US)、T-Mobile US(TMUS.US)、腾讯(TCEHY.US)“跑赢大盘”评级。 伯恩斯坦还予AMD(AMD.US)、苹果(AAPL.US)、AT&T(T.US)、迪士尼(DIS.US)和威瑞森(VZ.US)“中性”评级。值得注意的是,长期以来,伯恩斯坦给予英特尔(INTC.US)“跑输大盘”评级。
1、 伯恩斯坦表示,尽管Facebook计划成为“顶级元宇宙公司”,并将自己更名为Meta,但元宇宙仍是“一个模糊的术语”。但无论如何,受这一概念影响的最相关市场的年运营总额为2万亿美元,而且还在增长。 伯恩斯坦承认,很难解决关于什么是元宇宙的困惑,但定义“元宇宙不是什么”可能更容易:它不是虚拟现实(VR),但“虚拟现实肯定是其中的一部分”。 诗意的解释可能是:“元宇宙是数字连接的一种进化,我们赋予‘数字生活’的价值超过了‘物质生活’的价值。”
2、伯恩斯坦认为,至少就目前而言,元宇宙是一种“进化,而不是变革”,而且一些设备已经到位:如Meta的Quest VR头盔、微软的HoloLens以及苹果手表等硬件都提供了移动网络以外的应用。 实现元宇宙所需的“堆栈”包括网络、半导体、硬件、网络即服务(NaaS)、应用程序和软件即服务(SaaS)以及操作系统等,亚马逊、苹果、谷歌、微软、英伟达、高通、腾讯等公司在这些领域发挥重要作用。
3、伯恩斯坦认为,消费者和企业最终都会采用这项技术。从历史来看,企业有可能会引领这一潮流。 从投资赢家和输家的角度来看,这一切意味着什么?传统的FAANG(Facebook、亚马逊、苹果、奈飞(NFLX.US) 和谷歌母公司Alphabet)是否仍是守门人,还是MMAANG将取代FAANG(即微软加入,英伟达取代奈飞)?
4、伯恩斯坦认为,“鉴于所需的技术创新和规模,小公司可能很难与科技巨头进行广泛的竞争。例如,苹果多年来对扩展现实 (XR)的投资、在消费硬件领域的专业知识以及其品牌的信誉,可能会以某种方式在元宇宙中获得回报。”

⑼ 中国元宇宙概念股龙头


1. 腾讯控股(不过腾讯是港股),如果说国内有一家公司能够成为元宇宙领导者,那么这家公司毫无疑问,最有可能的是腾讯控股,因为元宇宙它的最初形态就是游戏加社交,终极形态是现实世界的完全映射。

2. 字节跳动,准备在科创板上市,国内目前最受年轻人欢迎的互联网平台抖音,头条,西瓜视频。他们的母公司就是字节跳动,在今年四月份字节跳动花一个亿收购了元宇宙的游戏公司代码乾坤,八月份的时候又花90亿收购了国内市场占比超过50%的vr硬件厂商pico,

3. 歌尔股份在2021到2025年期间,全球vr产品的年均增速是41%,ar产品的年均增速是138%,facebook,字节跳动他们要做元宇宙,他们的vr设备代工商都应该逃不过歌尔,因为歌尔在代工领域的市占率超过了80%,上半年歌尔的智能硬件收入已经是达到了112亿,收入占比达到了37%,这也意味着歌尔目前是a股最纯正的虚拟现实元宇宙设备供应商。

4. 全志科技,全志科技是国内唯一的低端vr芯片概念股,它推出的vr虚拟现实专用芯片vr9能够达到70帧每秒的速度,vr 的芯片概念股非常的稀有,高端芯片只有高通和苹果能够做,而中国未来如果想要做山寨版的vr,那么它的芯片就(大概率)由全志科技来进行提供。

5. 新易盛,元宇宙最基础的设施就是算力,为什么现在元宇宙的模型都是乐高模型?因为他们的算力不足,还只能支持简单的这种二维卡通式的图像,未来伴随着算力的提升,支撑虚拟现实内容的创造和体验会有更加真实的建模和交互,那这一块就会让元宇宙的技术,让更多的成年人也能够接受,而在这一块美国的算力龙头是英伟达,中国这一块,我选择的是电信和数通的双市场龙头,新易胜,他是国内少数可攻破800g数据中心,光模块的企业,而且正在打算新建285万只高速光模块的产能,2021年上半年营收同比增长超过了70%.

⑽ 什么是“元宇宙”,“元宇宙”真的是个骗局吗


“元宇宙”是非常热门的话题,许多商业巨头纷纷加入相关的领域,纷纷开始加入 “元宇宙”的行业。这么一个看似虚幻的世界,只要假以时日,相信在不久的将来会实现“元宇宙”场景出现。





⑴ What does the concept of a-share metaverse mean?

What exactly is the "metaverse"?

"Metaverse" is a new 3D traffic environment. Under this new traffic ecology, or the trend of deep digitization, not only social games and entertainment, but also many industries/industries are empowered will also be reformed. The impact of the emergence of the "Metaverse" on social and economic development can be seen in the past transition from a static traffic environment on the PC Internet to a dynamic traffic environment on the mobile Internet (mainly video). On the basis of providing more extreme simulation, immersion, and interactive experience, the core significance of "Metaverse" is to reduce costs and improve efficiency for society, industry, and scientific research.

2. Is there any relationship between the Metaverse and A-shares?

Giants such as Facebook, Microsoft, and NVIDIA are adding more resources to the “metaverse”, marking a further upgrading of the digital world. The Metaverse, which integrates blockchain, virtual games, AR/VR, 5G and other technologies, will carry entertainment, social networking, education and more economic activities, and will gradually be accepted by Generation Z. The development of the "Metaverse" is expected to become the tipping point of 5G traffic. At the same time, it puts forward higher requirements for communication, computing, display and storage. It is destined to be a long evolution process, such as insufficient edge computing power, excessive cost of AR content, distributed storage Low efficiency is a problem that needs to be faced. Therefore, the "Metaverse" DEMO seen in the short term cannot yet support large-scale applications, and A-shares are still dominated by thematic investments, mainly involving games, copyrights and other tracks.

⑵ What is the concept of the Metaverse

The term Metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, in which Here, people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. Up to now, it seems that the description is still an advanced future world.

In March 2021, Roblox, the first Metaverse concept stock, was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange; in May, Facebook stated that it would transform into a Metaverse company within five years; In August, ByteDance spent a huge amount of money to acquire the VR startup Pico... The Metaverse has undoubtedly become one of the hottest concepts in the technology field.

To be precise, the metaverse is not a new concept, it is more like the rebirth of a classic concept under the influence of new technologies such as extended reality (XR), blockchain, cloud computing, and digital twins. concretization of the concept.

Related industries

From the perspective of enterprises, Metaverse is still in the initial stage of industry development. Whether it is the underlying technology or application scenarios, it will not mature with the future There is still a big gap in terms of form, but this also means that there is huge room for expansion of metaverse-related industries.

Therefore, if digital technology giants with multiple advantages want to hold on to the market, and if start-ups in the digital technology field want to gain the opportunity to overtake in corners, they must plan in advance or even increase their presence on the metaverse track.

⑶ The concept of "Metaverse" is popular. Are you optimistic about the "Metaverse" concept stocks?

I am very optimistic about the Metaverse. I think the Metaverse may be a new development direction in the future.

The concept of the Metaverse first came from the field of blockchain, and it has also been hyped as a variety of virtual currencies. Although many people do not believe in virtual currencies, they even think that the Metaverse is just a tool for people to use capital to speculate. But the Metaverse itself has great potential for development and is also very suitable for young people. I think as young people gradually become the mainstay of society, the concept of the metaverse will become more and more popular.

1. The concept of the metaverse is extremely popular.

The concept of the Metaverse is currently relatively popular in the virtual currency market and investment circles. In the entire virtual currency market, the AXS coin in the Metaverse concept has soared 200 times in two months. In the investment circle, many well-known institutions have chosen to invest in the Metaverse concept. The Metaverse can be understood as the Internet version 2.0. I think more and more people will join the Metaverse.

⑷ What do you think about Facebook recruiting 10,000 employees to develop the Metaverse?

It shows that Facebook is very clear about its future development direction and has formulated corresponding policies. planning, so it will recruit 10,000 employees.

⑸ Microsoft ranks first in the Yuanverse globally, and which A-share listed company ranks second?

Consultation record·Answered on 2021-12-13

⑹ Facebook will recruit 10,000 employees to develop the Metaverse. What exactly is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse seems to have suddenly become popular overnight. But in fact, the metaverse originally originated from a novel in 1992, namely "Snow Crash". So what exactly is the Metaverse? Metaverse in English is metaverse. If interpreted separately, it means transcendence and universe respectively, which means to create an artificial virtual space parallel to the real universe.
2021 has become the first year of the Metaverse. In this year, major domestic and foreign giants have laid out the Metaverse in order to gain greater advantages. Facebook even changed its name to meta in a high-profile manner, and its development concept has also changed from a social company to a metaverse company. Zuckerberg even said that the existence of the metaverse will subvert everything now.
Zuckerberg is even planning to build a Metaverse company within 5 years. In order to achieve his goal, he plans to recruit 10,000 employees to work on his vision of the metaverse. Of course, the technical content of the employees here is very high. Its recruitment targets include Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands, Ireland, etc.
And in September 2021, Facebook invested US$50 million to establish a new fund to develop and build the Metaverse.
50 million US dollars may seem like a lot, but it is relativelyCompared to the Yuan Universe, it is actually just a drop in the bucket. The metaverse covers an extremely huge range, including VR, XR, blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies, etc. It can be said to be a bottomless pit. It is difficult for just one company to develop the Metaverse, and currently we still lack a large amount of underlying technology and related research in the entire universe. Therefore, there is still a long way to go before the Yuan Universe comes to fruition.

⑺ What is the concept of metaverse

The so-called "metaverse", called Metaverse in English, is a collection of virtual time and space, consisting of a series of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality ( VR) and the Internet. The Metaverse is not a real world, but a virtual world. The Metaverse is a virtual world in the future (it does not exist yet).
The Metaverse is a concept that was proposed 29 years ago. However, with the absorption of increasingly mature technological achievements such as AI, game engines, AR/VR, and blockchain in recent years, it has also emerged in the A-share market. Gaining more and more attention (metaverse concept stocks). Whether now or in the future, the Yuanverse market has great development space and market prospects. However, at present, the "Metaverse" is still in the conceptual hype stage. We need to distinguish carefully and blind speculation is not recommended.
The definition given by Roblox includes eight major elements: identity, friends, immersion, low latency, diversification, anytime, anywhere, economic system and civilization. There are many elements, and behind each element, there is a series of explanations. In short, it cannot be explained clearly in one sentence, which just shows the ambiguity of this concept. Through the "archaeology" of the ideas and concepts of the metaverse, the metaverse can be cross-defined from the four aspects of time and space, authenticity, independence, and connectivity. From the perspective of time and space, the metaverse is a digital world that is virtual in the space dimension and real in the time dimension; from the perspective of authenticity, there are both digital replicas of the real world and creations of the virtual world; from the perspective of independence From the perspective of connectivity, the Metaverse is a parallel space that is closely connected to the external real world and yet highly independent; from the perspective of connectivity, the Metaverse is a sustainable, wide-coverage space that includes networks, hardware terminals, and users. virtual reality system. To be precise, the metaverse is not a new concept. It is more like the rebirth of a classic concept. It is the embodiment of the concept under new technologies such as extended reality (XR), blockchain, cloud computing, and digital twins.
On October 13, the Metaverse Working Committee of the China Private Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Association, the first metaverse association in the country, was established in Beijing. According to Wu Gaobin, secretary-general of the Metaverse Working Committee, the Metaverse Working Committee was initiated by nearly 70 institutions including the "Industry, University, Research and Financial Services" and received more than a dozen representatives from the fields of culture, wisdom, rural revitalization, intelligent manufacturing, VR, artificial intelligence, etc. Strong support from institutions and associations in the field. It is worth mentioning that on September 19, the Metaverse Working Committee, which was still in the preparatory period, carried out the online metaverse popularization work of "50 Experts in the First Lesson of the Metaverse"; on October 17On the same day, at the China Electronics Expo, China's Yuanverse's first urban acceleration base, Hangzhou, was officially launched, and work meetings were launched in Shenzhen and Hangzhou. It is reported that the Yuanverse Committee was organized by the Secretariat of the China Private Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Association to oversee the work. The committee provides guidance, management and supervision.
Xinhua Finance, Beijing, November 1 (Reporter Han Jie) With the development of 5G, big data, AI and other technologies, the combination of virtuality and reality seems to have become an unstoppable trend, and is considered to be the next step in the next generation of the Internet. The Metaverse of Forms has also been pushed to the forefront. Industry experts said at the recently held National Metaverse + Engineering Conference and the unveiling ceremony of the Metaverse Working Committee of the Chinese People's Association for Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference that the popularization of the Metaverse in the future will promote the accelerated and in-depth integration of the real economy and the digital economy, and various technological values ​​will also be endowed. can gradually appear in the physical industry.

⑻ U.S. stocks Metaverse concept stocks

Bernstein, a well-known American investment bank, said that although it is still difficult to accurately define "Metaverse concept stocks", some related companies are expected to learn from this concept. benefit from. Bernstein to Google (GOOG.US), Meta (FB.US), Microsoft (MSFT.US), Qualcomm (QCOM.US), NVIDIA (NVDA.US), Snap Inc (SNAP.US), T-Mobile US (TMUS.US) and Tencent (TCEHY.US) have "outperform" ratings. Bernstein also gave AMD (AMD.US), Apple (AAPL.US), AT&T (T.US), Disney (DIS.US) and Verizon (VZ.US) a "neutral" rating. It’s worth noting that Bernstein has long given Intel (INTC) an “underperform” rating.
Extended information
Bernstein's point of view
1. Bernstein said that although Facebook plans to become a "top Metaverse company" and renamed itself Meta, the Metaverse is still "a vague the term". But regardless, the most relevant markets affected by this concept have a combined annual operating volume of $2 trillion and growing. Bernstein admitted that it's difficult to resolve the confusion about what the Metaverse is, but it might be easier to define "what it isn't": It's not virtual reality (VR), but "VR is certainly part of it." A poetic explanation might be: "The metaverse is an evolution of digital connectivity, and the value we give to 'digital life' exceeds the value of 'material life'."
2. Bernstein believes that, at least for now , the Metaverse is an "evolution, not a revolution," and some devices are already in place: hardware such as Meta's Quest VR headset, Microsoft's HoloLens, and the Apple Watch all offer applications beyond the mobile web. The “stack” required to realize the Metaverse includes networks, semiconductors, hardware, Network as a Service (NaaS), applications and Software as a Service (SaaS), and operating systems, etc. Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Tencent and other companies play an important role in these fields.
3. Bernstein believes that consumers and businesses will eventually adopt this technology. Historically, companies are likely to lead the charge. What does this all mean from the perspective of investing winners and losers? Will the traditional FAANGs (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix (NFLX) and Google parent Alphabet) remain the gatekeepers, or will MMAANG replace FAANG (i.e. Microsoft joins and Nvidia replaces Netflix)?
4. Bernstein believes that “given the technological innovation and scale required, it may be difficult for small companies to compete extensively with technology giants. For example, Apple’s investment in extended reality (XR) over the years, its investment in consumer hardware Expertise in the field, as well as the credibility of its brand, may be rewarded in the Metaverse in some way."

⑼ Leading Chinese Metaverse Concept Stocks

China Metaverse Concept Stocks There are mainly the following 5 leading companies: Tencent Holdings, ByteDance, Goertek, Allwinner Technology, and Xinyi Sheng

1. Tencent Holdings (but Tencent is a Hong Kong stock), if there is a domestic company that can become As the leader of the Metaverse, there is no doubt that this company is most likely Tencent Holdings, because the original form of the Metaverse is games plus social networking, and its ultimate form is a complete reflection of the real world.

2. Bytedance is preparing to be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Douyin, Toutiao and Xigua Video are currently the most popular Internet platforms among young people in China. Their parent company is ByteDance. In April this year, ByteDance spent 100 million to acquire the game company Code Qiankun of Metaverse. In August, it spent 9 billion to acquire a VR hardware manufacturer that accounts for more than 50% of the domestic market. pico,

3. From 2021 to 2025, the average annual growth rate of global VR products is 41%, and the average annual growth rate of ar products is 138%. Facebook, ByteDance, they want In the Yuanverse, their VR equipment OEMs should not be able to escape Goertek, because Goertek’s market share in the OEM field exceeds 80%. In the first half of the year, Goertek’s smart hardware revenue has reached 11.2 billion, accounting for The ratio has reached 37%, which also means that Goertek is currently the purest supplier of virtual reality metaverse equipment in the A-share market.

4. QuanZhi Technology, QuanZhi Technology is the only low-end VR chip concept stock in China. The VR virtual reality dedicated chip VR9 it launched can reach a speed of 70 frames per second. The VR chip concept stock is very High-end chips are rare and only Qualcomm and Apple can make them. If China wants to make a copycat version of VR in the future, its chips will (with a high probability) be provided by Allwinner Technology.

5. Xin Yisheng, the most basic facility of the Metaverse is computing power. Why are the models of the Metaverse now all Lego models? Because their computing power is insufficient, they can only support simple two-dimensional cartoon-like images.With the improvement of computing power, the creation and experience of supporting virtual reality content will have more realistic modeling and interaction, which will allow more adults to accept the technology of the Metaverse. The leader in computing power in the United States is Nvidia. In China, I chose the dual-market leader of Telecom and Datacom, Xinyi Sheng. It is one of the few domestic companies that can break through 800g data centers and optical modules, and is planning to build a new 2.85 million With the production capacity of high-speed optical modules, revenue in the first half of 2021 increased by more than 70% year-on-year.

⑽ What is the "Metaverse" and is the "Metaverse" really a scam

The "Metaverse" is not a scam. It refers to a virtual space that is parallel to the real world and at the same time an independent virtual space. In other words, it is a real digital virtual world.

"Metaverse" is a very hot topic. Many business giants have joined related fields and have begun to join the "Metaverse" industry. In such a seemingly illusory world, as long as time passes, I believe that the "metaverse" scene will appear in the near future.

1. What exactly is the "Metaverse"? It is a virtual space

The "Metaverse" is a new cyberspace and social form composed of many new technologies. It uses digital technology to create reality. Mirror of the World uses blockchain technology to create an economic system that combines fantasy and reality and allows all users to edit its content. The term "metaverse" first appeared in Stephenson's science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel describes another digital world parallel to the current world. There is another virtual self.


The "Metaverse" is not only not a scam, but also promotes the development of the Internet, allowing people to truly feel the wonder of the digital age through virtual reality devices. As long as people put on the device, they can enter the virtual space to socialize with colleagues, and they can even use the "metaverse" to create a virtual world. From then on, humans will become "amphibians" between the real and virtual worlds.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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