用矿机挖币违法吗 矿机挖币是怎么回事犯法吗

1. 矿机挖币是怎么回事


2. kd5矿机挖的是哪种币


3. 矿机挖币是骗局吗

现在挖币的小平台有很多,花几百元就可以注册一个网站弄一套制度就可以开始了,等加入的人多了,投入的钱多了,到一定时候平台就会卷钱跑人。 挖矿机一般都是骗人的特别是要充值VIP会员才能提现的,或者说一天赚一两百的,这些都是假的。 比特币用家用的普通电脑配置是达不到比特币矿机的要求的。挖一天的电费成本都难赚回来。
1、 算力暴涨: 算力暴涨是挖矿投资最大的风险,算力增加导致挖矿难度增加,导致收益减少,但由于自由市场中,无法避免竞争,算力增加的风险是可以被接受的。
2、 币价下跌: 当币价下跌到一定程度时,挖矿的产出收益小于产生的电费时,就会出现亏损。不过根据测算,电费 5 毛,币价 6000 以下才可能亏本,现在的币价接近 40000.除非有特殊原因短期内币价下跌到 6000 的可能微乎其微。比如监管。
3、 系统风险: 系统风险在比特币这个里面非常常见,最常见的当属于分叉。分叉会导致币价下跌,挖矿收益锐减。不过从目前的情况来看,分叉反而让矿工收益,分叉出来的竞争币也需要矿工的算力来完成铸币和交易的过程,为了争取更多的矿工,竞争币会提供更多的区块奖励及手续费来吸引矿工。风险反而成就了矿工。
4、政策风险: 早期13年的《关于防范比特币风险的通知》到如今的《七部委联合公告》都昭示了数字货币的政策风险,目前国内的政策并不明朗,但比特币是世界的,所以大部分的矿场都认为风险影响不大

4. 在国内,用比特币挖矿机挖矿犯法吗用矿机挖比特币犯法吗


5. 比特币挖不到了,一定要用挖矿机才能挖到数字货币吗

6. 矿机挖币是什么意思


7. 假设用矿机,一天可以挖到多少比特币多少天可以挖到一个比特币


8. 比特币矿机是如何通过计算挖币的


用ASIC矿机挖矿的币,算法几乎都为SHA256,而用GPU挖矿的算法则不同,例如BTG的算法是Equihash,BCD的算法是optimized X13。虽然不是绝对,但可以简单的认为,SHA256算法的币,一般都是用ASIC矿机挖。其他算法的币则基本都使用GPU矿机。也有例外,scrypt算法的莱特币以前用GPU矿机挖,但后来scrypt算法也被ASIC芯片攻克,比如蚂蚁矿机L3+,就是用来挖莱特币的ASIC矿机。

ASIC矿机,是指采用ASIC芯片作为算力核心的矿机。其中ASIC是Application Specific Integrated Circuit的缩写,是一种专门为某种特定用途设计的电子电路(芯片)。有矿机厂专门为计算比特币的SHA256算法而设计了ASIC芯片,使用它们的矿机就是ASIC矿机。由于ASIC芯片只为特定计算打造,所以效率可以比CPU这种通用计算芯片要高很多。举个例子,当前主流的蚂蚁矿机S9就是ASIC矿机,使用了189片ASIC芯片,算力达到了13.5TH/s,功耗仅为1350W。作为对比,当前电脑显卡旗舰GTX1080Ti挖比特币的算力,就算优化的好基本也不会超过60MH/s。相差了数万倍,非常悬殊。


GPU矿机的目的是赚钱,所以要追求功耗比与最大收益,所以选择要注重性价比,一般中高端定位的显卡,比如AMD RX560、RX570的功耗比高,是GPU矿机的好选择。而GTX1080Ti、AMD Vega64这样旗舰虽然单卡性能最强,但售价与功耗算下来并不划算。



9. 比特币矿机能挖其它币吗


1. What is the mining machine?

The Bitcoin mining system is a process of performing mathematical operations on the Bitcoin network through computer hardware. Miners who provide services can receive a sum of Not a small reward, because network rewards are calculated based on the amount of tasks completed by miners, so mining competition is fierce. There are hundreds of digital currencies issued around the world, and the one that people know the most is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a virtual currency on the Internet, and some websites can be paid with Bitcoin.
Bitcoin mining began with low-cost hardware such as CPU or GPU, but with the popularity of Bitcoin in life, the mining process has changed a lot.
Now, mining activities have been moved to field programmable gate arrays, and the hash speed can be achieved through optimization. The efficiency of mining in this mode is very fast and efficient.
Mining is a competition in computer performance and equipment. Some mining machines are composed of more graphics card arrays like this. Dozens or even hundreds of graphics cards are used together. Various costs such as hardware prices themselves are Very high, there are very large expenditures for mining.
In the Bitcoin system, recording transactions and producing blocks is the most important task. In order to encourage everyone to participate in the recording of transaction ledgers, Satoshi Nakamoto designed a reward mechanism, using Bitcoin as a reward.
But the work of accounting is not that simple, because based on the idea of ​​decentralization of Bitcoin, every node and every miner participates in accounting, and it must be ensured that the ledgers recorded by everyone are the same.
When miners collect and record transaction information, the content recorded by each miner is not exactly the same, especially the first one. What the miner records must be to give the mining reward to himself. But there is only one reward for every block chain generated. Who should this reward be given to? This requires establishing a rule, and it is a rule recognized by everyone, which is the proof of work PoW mechanism.
The Bitcoin system will ask everyone to solve a mathematical problem (calculate the hash value). Whoever solves it first will have the block recorded by him recognized, and the reward will belong to him. The speed of solving depends on whose speed it is. Computer/machine performance is higher.
This is exactly the case, so now everyone is enhancing the computing performance of their computers and mining machines to improve the speed of problem solving. Whoever has the highest speed (computing power) will have a higher chance of mining and earn money. The more money there is.
Using a vivid metaphor, the proof-of-work mechanism is very similar to a tug-of-war. Whichever side has greater strength (higher computing power) can win the other side. Moreover, the two sides of the tug-of-war rope don’t care whether you are fat or thin or how many people there are; therefore, in order to get rewards, many people can gather into a group, and whoever wins the prize will divide the reward according to how much effort each person contributes.
In Bitcoin mining, gathering many people to mine together is the concept of "mining pool". We will explain it in detail in the next article.
In summary, Bitcoin mining is actually using a machine to participate in a mathematics competition. Whoever calculates the answer first will be rewarded with Bitcoin..

2. What kind of currency does the kd5 mining machine mine?

The kd5 mining machine mines noble coins. The KD5 body still uses an aluminum alloy integrated design, with a simple and elegant appearance, and the bare metal dimensions are exactly the same as those marked on the official website.
1. Close-up of the mining machine control board interface: You can see the IP reporting button, Ethernet interface, SD card slot, reset button and status indicator respectively. Remove the top case so that everyone can see the distribution of the control board and hash board more clearly. A close-up of the control board. In the middle of the control board is the main chip. SNOWFAN fans are commonly found in high-power mining farm models and are characterized by strong heat dissipation capabilities but slight noise.
2. Remove the fan so that everyone can see the distribution of the hash board more clearly. On the top of the hash board, you can also see the vibration and noise reduction rubber ring. This kind of humanized small detail produced by Jinbei has always been in place. Close-up of the front and back of the computing board. You can count the total number of chips based on the number of independent heat sinks. Disassembly is complete and all parts are taken together. The editor's obsessive-compulsive disorder relapses every time I take a group photo. Next, I started to assemble it, installed it and powered it on, then the machine roared and it started up successfully.
Extended information:
Introduction to virtual currency:
1. Virtual currency refers to non-real currency. Well-known virtual currencies include Internet coins of Internet companies, Q coins of Tencent, Q points, point coupons of Shanda, micro coins launched by Sina (used for micro games, Sina reading, etc.), Chivalrous Yuanbao (used for Chivalrous Road games) ), Pattern Silver (used in Bixue Qingtian game), the popular digital currencies in 2013 include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Infinity Coin, Quark Coin, Zeta Coin, Barbeque Coin, Penny Coin (external network), invisible gold bars, Red coins, prime coins. There are hundreds of digital currencies issued around the world. The legends of "Bit Gold, Lite Silver, Infinite Copper, and Penny Aluminum" are popular in the industry.
2. According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, is not currency in the true sense, and does not have the same status as currency. Legal status, it cannot and should not be used as currency for circulation in the market, and citizens’ investment and trading in virtual currencies are not protected by law.
3. On the evening of May 18, 2021, the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association, and the China Payment and Clearing Association jointly issued the "Announcement on Preventing the Risks of Speculation in Virtual Currency Transactions." The announcement clearly states that relevant institutions are not allowed to carry out business related to virtual currency, and reminds consumers to increase their awareness of risk prevention and beware of losses of property and rights.

3. Is mining with mining machines a scam?

Mining with mining machines is not a scam. What can become a scam is the mining machine and the mining pool, which defrauds investment by exaggerating the computing power of the mining machine. That is to say, as long as you choose a regular mining machine and mining pool, mining with a mining machine is not a scam. First of all, a mining machine is a real thing. For example, a Bitcoin mining machine has a mining machine deployed inside it. The Bitcoin algorithm is used to mine Bitcoins. The higher the computing power of the mining machine, the more Bitcoins can be mined.
Nowadays, there are many small platforms for mining coins. You can spend a few hundred yuan to register a website and set up a system to get started. When more people join and more money is invested, at a certain point, the platform will take money and leave people. . Mining machines are generally deceptive, especially those who require top-up VIP membership to withdraw cash, or those who claim to earn one or two hundred a day, these are all fake. Ordinary home computer configurations for Bitcoin cannot meet the requirements of Bitcoin mining machines. It’s hard to make back the electricity cost of digging for just one day.
Extended information:
1. The surge in computing power: The surge in computing power is the biggest risk in mining investment. The increase in computing power leads to an increase in the difficulty of mining, resulting in a decrease in income. However, due to competition in the free market, computing power cannot be avoided. The risk of increased force is acceptable.
2. The currency price drops: When the currency price drops to a certain extent, and the output income of mining is less than the electricity fee generated, a loss will occur. However, according to calculations, the electricity bill is 5 cents and the currency price is below 6,000 before it is possible to lose money. The current currency price is close to 40,000. Unless there are special reasons, the possibility of the currency price falling to 6,000 in the short term is slim. Such as supervision.
3. System risk: System risk is very common in Bitcoin, and the most common one is fork. Forks will cause currency prices to fall and mining profits to drop sharply. However, judging from the current situation, forks will benefit miners instead. The forked altcoins also require miners’ computing power to complete the minting and transaction process. In order to attract more miners, altcoins will provide more areas. Block rewards and handling fees to attract miners. Risk has made miners successful.
4. Policy risks: From the "Notice on Preventing Bitcoin Risks" in the early 13 years to the "Joint Announcement of Seven Ministries and Commissions" today, the policy risks of digital currencies have been made clear. The current domestic policy is not clear, but Bitcoin is worldwide, so most mines believe that the risk is not significant

4. Is it illegal to mine Bitcoin with a Bitcoin mining machine in China? Is it illegal to mine Bitcoin with a mining machine< /p>

In China, it is illegal to mine with a Bitcoin mining machine.
In 2013, Chinese regulatory authorities banned domestic Bitcoin transactions. Moreover, during mining, a large amount of CPU operation is required to carry out the mining action. So a lot of electricity is consumed when you are mining. The country will investigate why you consume so much electricity. Once the investigation finds that you are using Bitcoin, it will be an illegal act. Even if you successfully use a mining machine to mine, but you can't trade, and you can't trade in China, what will happen if you mine. Moreover, the requirements for the CPU during the mining process are very high, so your costs are so high. The CPU is a cost, and the electricity bill is another cost. These two costs are simply beyond the reach of ordinary people. Therefore, it is recommended not to do mining. 【Abstract】
Is it illegal to mine with a Bitcoin mining machine in China? Is it illegal to mine Bitcoin with a mining rig? [Question]
In China, use a Bitcoin mining machine to mineMining is illegal.
In 2013, Chinese regulatory authorities banned domestic Bitcoin transactions. Moreover, during mining, a large amount of CPU operation is required to carry out the mining action. So a lot of electricity is consumed when you are mining. The country will investigate why you consume so much electricity. Once the investigation finds that you are using Bitcoin, it will be an illegal act. Even if you successfully use a mining machine to mine, but you can't trade, and you can't trade in China, what will happen if you mine. Moreover, the requirements for the CPU during the mining process are very high, so your costs are so high. The CPU is a cost, and the electricity bill is another cost. These two costs are simply beyond the reach of ordinary people. Therefore, it is recommended not to do mining. [Answer]

5. Bitcoin cannot be mined. Do I have to use a mining machine to mine digital currency?

6. Mining machine mining What does it mean?

A virtual currency calculated using calculation rates. There are many types, Ethereum, Bitcoin...

7. Assuming that a mining machine is used, how many Bitcoins can be mined in a day and how many days can one Bitcoin be mined?

Now it is better , a mining machine costs about one coin a year, brother, if you have a head start, you can make money

8. How does a Bitcoin mining machine mine coins through calculation

Satoshi Nakamoto When creating Bitcoin, we hope that Bitcoin will be a decentralized currency, not only for use and transactions, but also for mining. But things went counterproductive. As the value of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin became higher and higher, mining became an industry, competition became more and more fierce, and the pursuit of mining computing power became higher and higher. Therefore, mining evolved from ordinary computers. ASIC mining machines and GPU mining machines have been released.

The algorithm for coins mined with ASIC mining machines is almost all SHA256, while the algorithms mined with GPUs are different. For example, the algorithm of BTG is Equihash, and the algorithm of BCD is optimized X13. Although it is not absolute, it can be simply believed that coins based on the SHA256 algorithm are generally mined with ASIC mining machines. Coins with other algorithms basically use GPU mining machines. There are exceptions. Litecoin using the scrypt algorithm was previously mined with GPU mining machines, but later the scrypt algorithm was also overcome by ASIC chips. For example, the Antminer L3+ is an ASIC mining machine used to mine Litecoin.

ASIC mining machine refers to a mining machine that uses ASIC chips as the core of computing power. ASIC is the abbreviation of Application Specific Integrated Circuit, which is an electronic circuit (chip) specially designed for a specific purpose. There are mining machine factories that have designed ASIC chips specifically for calculating Bitcoin’s SHA256 algorithm, and the mining machines that use them are ASIC mining machines. Because ASIC chips are only built for specific calculations, they can be more efficient than general-purpose CPUs.Using computing chips is much higher. For example, the current mainstream Antminer S9 is an ASIC mining machine, using 189 ASIC chips, with a computing power of 13.5TH/s and a power consumption of only 1350W. For comparison, the computing power of the current flagship GTX1080Ti computer graphics card for mining Bitcoin will basically not exceed 60MH/s even if it is well optimized. The difference is tens of thousands of times, a huge disparity.

GPU mining machines refer to mining machines that use GPU graphics cards as the core of computing power. Cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin Diamond use graphical algorithms, so the computing speed of graphics cards will be the highest. Compared with ASIC mining machines, GPU mining machines are more well-known to the public, because to put it bluntly, it is a computer with enhanced graphics card configuration.

The purpose of GPU mining machines is to make money, so the power consumption ratio and maximum profit must be pursued, so the choice should focus on cost performance. Generally, mid-to-high-end graphics cards, such as AMD RX560 and RX570, have high power consumption ratios. A good choice for GPU miners. Although flagships such as GTX1080Ti and AMD Vega64 have the strongest single-card performance, their price and power consumption are not cost-effective.

In addition, ASIC mining machines also have some weird products, such as Shaomao’s USB mining machine, which is slightly larger than a USB flash drive and consumes only 2.25W, making it the smallest bit currently. Coin miner.

The above quote is from Mining.com - "Introduction to Mining Machine Classification". There are many professional terms. I hope it will be helpful to you. Thank you!

9. Can Bitcoin mining machines mine other currencies?

Bitcoin is an electronic currency generated by open source p2p software. It is a digital currency and a network virtual currency. currency. Bitcoin is also translated as "bit gold". Abbreviation: btc.
Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations by specific algorithms. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire p2p network to confirm and record all transaction behaviors. The decentralized nature of p2p and the algorithm itself ensure that currency values ​​cannot be artificially manipulated by mass production of Bitcoins.
Bitcoin is very similar to cash
Benefits of Bitcoin: it will not be frozen, cannot be tracked, does not have to pay taxes, and transaction costs are extremely low. For those who speculate in the currency, it is wealth, but for those outside the currency circle, it may be considered a scam.
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, Ripple, etc. are relatively mainstream digital currencies and can be invested appropriately. Transactions are risky, so invest with caution. You can search Huobi, Binance, ok, Bitcoins can be traded on the Dobi Trading Platform and others. These are relatively large trading platforms. When investing in mainstream digital currencies, do not invest in altcoins or air coins.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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