奇亚币是否要接入矿池存储机中 奇亚币是否要接入矿池存储机里

❶ 奇亚币还能涨起来吗

1、奇亚币在P盘后完全依赖硬盘容量挖矿的加密货币,一度冲上了接近2000美元的高位,也让矿工们趋之若鹜,纷纷购买大容量硬盘挖矿。甚至一度让大容量的SSD以及HDD断货涨价,2TB的NVME SSD价格曾一度飙升到4000元以上,而10TB以上的机械硬盘也曾经卖到断货。
4、可以简单算一下,按照目前的整个矿池的算力,加上算法P盘速度的调整,按照每TB硬盘挖矿的速度来看,要挖一个奇亚币,得花2700天的时间。现在一个奇亚币的价格大概在400美元,这样1TB的硬盘每天的收益不足0.15美元,也就是一天大概能赚1元钱。当然了,大多数矿工肯定都不会只用1TB的硬盘挖矿,SSD直接挖矿也不现实。不过这实实在在展现了现在矿工回本是多么困难的事情。 如果是个普通矿工,买一个10TB的硬盘,按照现在的行情,10TB的企业级硬盘最便宜都要在2000元左右,如果每TB一天只赚1元钱,那么10TB每天赚10元,要回本就得每天24小时不停挖上200天才行。如果算上P盘用的高速SSD,处理器、内存等成本,那么回本时间还会缩短一些。

❷ 咋样更新奇亚币矿池

❸ 关于Chia(奇亚)在支付领域的作用


❹ 奇亚币还有未来吗


数字货币简称为DC,是英文“Digital Currency”(数字货币)的缩写,是电子货币形式的替代货币。数字金币和密码货币都属于数字货币。








❺ Chia(奇亚)是否使用了比特币的代码


❻ Chia(奇亚)这个币如何买


❼ 奇亚币能涨回去吗


❽ chia奇亚矿池挖矿简单的嘛


❾ 奇亚矿机可以用来做服务器吗





❿ 奇亚币开hpool矿池的同时,能用Chia的官方软件耕地吗


❶ Can Chia Coin still rise?

It’s difficult
1. Chia Coin, a cryptocurrency that relies entirely on hard disk capacity for mining after the P-listing, once reached the top The high of close to US$2,000 has also attracted miners to buy large-capacity hard drives for mining. Even large-capacity SSDs and HDDs were once out of stock and prices increased. The price of a 2TB NVME SSD once soared to more than 4,000 yuan, and mechanical hard drives above 10TB were also sold out.
2. However, compared with Ethereum and Bitcoin, whose prices are relatively stable, Chia currency is obviously not strong enough. Since its listing, the price of Chia Coin has continued to slide, and now it has even slipped to around $400, which is almost a cut in half. What makes the miners even more frustrated is that while the price is falling, the computing power of the entire Chia currency is constantly rising. After all, hard drives are easy to buy, and everyone can use the spare hard drive space to mine. After the P disk is completed, It depends on how much free hard drive space there is, and it will not put any burden on the warranty of the mechanical hard drive.
3. The result of the increase in computing power is that the mining speed of a single hard disk slows down. If the price of Chia currency has already dropped, the mining speed will slow down, which will greatly reduce the speed at which miners can recover their investment. . In the past few months, too many people have entered the Chia currency pit, and the capacity of the entire mine has reached 24EiB. At the same time, because Chia currency has adjusted the algorithm, the speed of the P disk has also slowed down. Even the fastest SSD can It can no longer achieve the efficiency of the past.
4. You can do a simple calculation. According to the current computing power of the entire mining pool, plus the adjustment of the algorithm P disk speed, based on the mining speed of each TB hard disk, it will cost 2700 to mine one Chia coin. Days of time. The current price of a Chia coin is about US$400, so the daily income of a 1TB hard drive is less than US$0.15, which means that you can earn about 1 yuan a day. Of course, most miners will definitely not use only a 1TB hard drive for mining, and direct mining with an SSD is also unrealistic. But this really shows how difficult it is for miners to recover their capital now. If you are an ordinary miner and buy a 10TB hard drive, according to the current market, the cheapest 10TB enterprise-level hard drive is around 2,000 yuan. If you only earn 1 yuan per TB per day, then 10TB will earn 10 yuan per day, and you have to get your money back. You have to dig 24 hours a day for 200 days. If you include the cost of the high-speed SSD, processor, memory, etc. used in the P disk, the payback time will be shortened.
5. If you are a large-scale mining owner, you will be even more unlucky. The price of hard drives above 10TB will be higher. For example, the price of 12TB reaches 3,600 yuan, and the price of 16TB is close to 6,000 yuan. The higher the cost, the faster the return on investment. Slowly, the larger the scale, the higher the investment, and the mine boss will probably shed more tears. So no matter how you look at it now, due to the soaring price of large-capacity hard drives, the increasing difficulty of mining Chia coins and the continued decline in prices, mining Chia coins is a choice that outweighs the gains and losses.
6. We estimate that the Chia currencyThe bubble will continue to burst, and it is possible that the price will drop below 400 US dollars. However, the threshold for Chia coin mining is indeed very low. Anyone with a hard drive can mine it. It is just a matter of mining more and less. So this is why This is because the mining pool computing power of Chia Coin is still increasing. However, for miners who specialize in mining Chia coins, the long payback period and too low profits may cause them to gradually lose interest in Chia coins.
7. At present, the price of solid-state drives has returned to the normal price. There are not too many people buying large-capacity mechanical hard drives. For ordinary users, the price is not exaggerated if they buy one below 8TB. Therefore, if there are users who just need to buy a hard drive, they can take advantage of the recent increase in e-commerce activities to do so

❷ How to update the Chia coin mining pool

❸ About Chia’s role in the payment field

One of Chia’s roles is international payments, especially in areas with unstable governments or financial systems. In the short term, companies and developers are able to convert Chia into local currencies. In the long term, there is a push to adopt Chia coins to settle international invoices. In Asia, storage manufacturers and cloud providers purchase hardware. and components. More and more Chia coins are needed to play a role. As the industry-leading Chia Chia mining machine provider, Chia Shensuan Mining Pool can take Chia to a higher level in the payment field

❹ Chia Coin Is there a future?

No, Chia coins are gone.

Digital currency is referred to as DC, which is the abbreviation of "Digital Currency" in English. It is an alternative currency in the form of electronic currency. Digital gold coins and cryptocurrency are both digital currencies.

Digital currency is an unregulated, digital currency that is usually issued and managed by developers and accepted and used by members of specific virtual communities.

The European Banking Authority defines virtual currency as: a digital representation of value that is not issued by a central bank or authority and is not linked to legal currency, but because it is accepted by the public, it can be used as a means of payment or as a means of payment. Transfer, storage or transaction in electronic form.



Digital currency can be considered as a virtual currency based on node network and digital encryption algorithm.

The core characteristics of digital currency mainly reflect three aspects: ① Because it comes from certain open algorithms, digital currency has no issuing entity, so no person or institution can control its issuance; ② Due to the algorithm The number of solutions is determined, so the total amount of digital currency is fixed, which fundamentally eliminates the possibility of inflation caused by excessive issuance of virtual currency; ③ Since the transaction process requires the approval of each node in the network, the transaction process of digital currency is safe enough .

The emergence of Bitcoin poses a challenge to the existing monetary system.A huge challenge. Although it belongs to a broad sense of virtual currency, it is essentially different from the virtual currency issued by online companies, so it is called digital currency.

Digital currency is compared with electronic currency and virtual currency in terms of issuer, scope of application, issuance quantity, storage form, circulation method, credit guarantee, transaction cost, transaction security, etc.

❺ Does Chia use Bitcoin code

No, chia's code is written from scratch.

❻ How to buy the currency Chia

This function has not yet been developed and cannot be bought or sold. Since Chia Shensuan Mining Pool is the industry-leading chia mine The machine provider is also one of the few dedicated Chia mining service providers in the early stage of the industry. There will be over-the-counter transactions in the later period. It is expected that transfers will be open six weeks after the mainnet goes online, and you can freely buy Chia coins by then! . If you are satisfied with my answer, please accept it

❼ Can Chia Coin rise back?

On April 18, the "2021 Chiafarm Determines the Future" global conference was grandly held in Shenzhen. BKEX has now reached a strategic cooperation with Chia Ecosystem. BKEX market partner Sarah attended the press conference and participated in the roundtable discussion. Sharing around the theme of "Environmental Protection, Energy Saving and Efficiency - Chia's Trend and Future",
Chia pursues environmental protection, efficiency, embraces supervision, and strives to create a safe and easy-to-use open source decentralized blockchain network, aiming to become a global Payment and settlement network system meets the needs of sovereign states, financial institutions, and large enterprises.
First of all, from the perspective of the overall environment, compliance has always been a major trend. Not only that, the recent IPO of Coinbase also indicates that more development possibilities for this industry will be realized in the future, and the ceiling of the blockchain industry will continue to be Breakthrough, compliance must be a common theme in this process. So the Chia project itself is fully prepared for compliance in terms of technical layout and function settings.
Secondly, ChiaNetwork, as a decentralized open source global blockchain, wastes less energy, is more decentralized, and is more secure than traditional proof-of-work cryptocurrencies. In Chia, the resource is not computing power, but disk space. To achieve this, the "proof of work" used in Bitcoin was replaced by Chia's "proof of space", so disk space became the main resource for reaching a decentralized "Satoshi-style" consensus to verify transactions and proof of time.
In addition, Chia Network is also an intelligent trading platform company. Chia independently develops the Lisp-based smart contract language Chialisp, which can better meet the needs of commercial applications and customizability. Chilalisp language is safe and concise, specially designed to meet the needs of banking and payment industries.Designed for financial applications and needs.
And, unlike the non-custodial assets in existing blockchains, Chia allows users to customize asset custody and liquidation settings to prevent accidents such as key loss and hacker attacks. Chialisp will also promote blockchain applications to comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
If you look at the development of the entire digital currency market, it is not difficult to see the high degree of layout of the Chia project in the entire market. The Chia team places special emphasis on the popularization of payment applications. Chia can be lent to creditworthy institutions such as governments and financial institutions for purposes such as asset issuance and increasing market liquidity. At the same time, it can help the world's top 500 companies implement low-cost and secure cross-border payment solutions. The team can have such a structure and goals, and I believe that Chia will definitely become a promoter of the next generation payment system. This is why Chia can receive support from so many investment institutions.
Sarah: First of all, let’s talk about the impact. I think the emergence of Chia may impact the traditional mining market to some extent. Because traditional mining requires the layout of mines, the purchase of expensive one-time-use hardware, the consumption of a large amount of electricity, and a certain amount of manual operation and maintenance, these costs have kept many people away. In contrast, Chia alleviates some of the problems of traditional mining through a fair, environmentally friendly and better blockchain. Utilize existing free hard disk space on nodes distributed around the world by using farming. Chiafarming is decentralized because anyone who has the Chia software installed and owns a block has a chance to win the next block.
Traditional mining requires expensive customized one-time use hardware and obtaining electricity at wholesale or higher prices. Only enterprises with strong goals can afford to mine. Chiafarming is more scattered because it relies on empty hard disk space. In other words, it can be operated as long as you have extra unused storage space on your phone, laptop or network. In addition, Chia is different from traditional mining in that users can reuse it after completing the storage work. For example, it is used to store your photo and video documents, etc.
Speaking of breakthroughs and advantages such as the Chia mechanism, let’s first talk about what the POW and POS mechanisms are~POW-proveofwork is the proof of work. Simply put, more work, more gain. POS is ProofOfStake. Simply put, the more you hold, the more you get. Both working mechanisms have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s not talk about the advantages here. Let’s first look at the disadvantages compared to ChIa. The disadvantage of POW is relatively obvious, that is, it will cause a lot of waste of resources. At present, Bitcoin has attracted most of the world's computing power. If you use the POW consensus mechanism for blockchain applications, it will be difficult to obtain the same computing power to ensure your own security. Secondly, the network performance is low and not suitable for commercial use. In addition, the computing power is too muchCentralization cannot meet the demand for "decentralization". The POS mechanism can save energy consumption compared to POW, but it does not essentially solve the pain points of commercial applications. In addition, it still cannot meet the demand for decentralization, and there is a risk of being attacked.
Chia uses a space-proof and time-proof mechanism, which can significantly reduce energy consumption and excessive concentration of resources. Proof of space is a cryptographic technology in which the prover proves that they allocate unused hard disk space to storage space; PoT can ensure consistency between block times and improve the overall security of the blockchain. At the same time, in order to ensure that commercial applications can be promoted without hindrance, the Chialisp language specially designed to meet the needs of banking, payment and financial applications has been developed. It also allows users to customize asset custody methods and liquidation settings, avoiding the risk of being attacked

❽ Chia mining pool mining is simple

It is not very rare, in the industry The leading mining machine manufacturer Chiashen calculates that the speed of the mining p disk is fine, and the broadband fee is basically free.

❾ Can Chia mining machines be used as servers?

Chia Mining machines can be used as servers.

The Chia mining machine consumes no power. The host is fully loaded with power every day and consumes less than 4 kilowatt hours of power. It doesn’t require network bandwidth, just having access to the Internet. Mining needs to be connected to the Internet and does not consume network bandwidth. However, compared with many current mining machine manufacturers on the market, the configuration cannot solve this problem. Choosing Chiashansuan Mining Pool is the biggest guarantee.

Note when purchasing a server:

The choice of line is sometimes very confusing for us. If we were targeting local users, we could have chosen a single-line server, but the advantage of a dual-line server is generally dual IP, and for a city, the broadband is different from China Telecom and China Netcom. Take the city of Dalian as an example. Although it is located in the north, there are also many telecommunications users, so decisively choosing dual lines at this time may be a good way to achieve a better user experience.

❿ While opening the hpool mining pool with Chia currency, can I use Chia’s official software to cultivate land?

Hello, according to the information I found, Chia founder Bram said: Hpool The risk factor of mining pools is very high. Chia officially does not support the Hpool mining pool because Hpool may steal the benefits of farmers! In addition, Chia will officially launch its own mining pool. [Abstract]
Can I use Chia’s official software to cultivate land while opening the hpool mining pool with Chia Coin? [Question]
Hello, I am helping you check the relevant information and will reply to you immediately. [Answer]
Hello, according to the information I found, Chia founder Bram said: Hpool mining pool has a high risk factor. Chia officially does not support Hpool mining pool because Hpool may steal the benefits of farmers! In addition, Chia will officially launch its own mining pool. 【answer】

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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