3d技术的原理是什么 3d技术是

1. 什么是元宇宙

今年8月,脸书公司发布了Horizon Workrooms,允许用户在虚拟现实环境里举行会议。Epic游戏公司出品了Fortnite等热门游戏,4月从包括索尼在内的一群投资者那里筹集了10亿美元,用于创建自己的“元宇宙”。微处理器制造商英伟达已经有了一个面向工业领域的平台Omniverso,宝马等公司用其来对现实世界进行高级模拟。

2. 元宇宙是什么梗

指沉浸式的虚拟世界,英文Metaverse。这个虚拟世界由VR(虚拟现实)、AR(增强现实)等3D技术和互联网组成。用户可以在元宇宙中感受不一样的人生,或是体验与真实世界完全不同的世界。与现有网络游戏不同的是,元宇宙能给玩家带来更真实的感受,让玩家可以仿佛置身于虚拟世界当中,甚至可以做到无法区分真实与虚拟世界。元宇宙也被吹捧成了互联网的终极形态。 电影《黑客帝国》和《头号玩家》就是元宇宙概念。 元宇宙一词最早出自美国科幻小说《雪崩》。小说中描绘了一个与现实世界平行的虚拟世界,元界(Metaverse)。

3. 元宇宙用在3D打印传输企业


4. 什么是元宇宙概念






5. 元宇宙的含义是什么





6. 元宇宙是什么意思







7. 元宇宙的概念是什么







8. 世界前三大经济体在布局“元宇宙”方面各自具有哪些优势




2021年8月5日,Avex Business Development跟Digital Motion成立 Vitual Avex,计划促进现有动漫或游戏角色,举办虚拟艺术家活动,以及将真实艺术家演唱会等活动虚拟化。此外,从娱乐等应用场景向外延伸,日本目前已经将相应的技术应用在演出及会议等领域。



1. What is the Metaverse

In 1992, when the famous American science fiction master Neal Stephenson proposed the concept of the "Metaverse" in his science fiction novel "Snow Crash", people You may not have thought that the future scenario he envisioned in the book (human beings living together with virtual people in a virtual space through virtual reality equipment) would come into reality, and with the help of technology tycoon Mark Zuckerberg’s statement “In one fell swoop Become famous".
Zuckerberg announced to the American media that he believes the "Metaverse" is the next generation of the Internet, and Facebook plans to transform into a "Metaverse" company within five years. Spanish News Network pointed out in a recent report that in addition to Facebook, other Internet giants have recently laid out the concept of "metaverse". In the future, people may be able to enter a virtual "metaverse" world as if they were there.
Bloomberg of the United States stated that the market size of the “Metaverse” will reach US$800 billion in 2024, and may reach US$2.5 trillion by 2030.
What is the "Metaverse"
Imagine that there is a world parallel to the real world, where a digital "I" serves as a "clone" of the physical "I" where I can make friends, play, work and play, and everything is based on It is carried out in an immersive way so that people's interactions in this parallel world are as similar as possible to real life. This is the "Metaverse".
Laura Laya, an extended reality expert at the Spanish Institute of Technology, Art and Design, said: "The 'Metaverse' refers to the creation of digital 'doppelgangers' of physical environments in cyberspace. It is not about playing games and earning points. The purpose, instead, will be a digital reality in which we will recreate many of the social dynamics of everyday life. Another feature of it is immersion."
Once in the "metaverse", residents there will be able to buy and sell Items, property, etc. "If you couldn't do almost everything you do in the real world, it would be just an ordinary digital application, but that's not the case in the Metaverse. Virtual currencies must exist in the Metaverse," Raya emphasized. In other words, the "metaverse" will generate economic activity.
Gamelab strategic advisor and founder Ivan Fernandez Lobo said: “One of the pillars of the Metaverse is that all of our current assets are digitized and become part of that world, just like in the Metaverse 'Everything done or happening in the Internet can be traded in some way and generate a certain value. Blockchain technology provides clues to how these issues develop."
Like the Internet, the "Metaverse" "It will be a collaborative ecosystem of different companies with open standards similar to the World Wide Web, where users can move freely from one platform to another while maintaining their digital assets. Zuckerberg seems to be an advocate of this model. He said: "The beautiful vision of the 'Metaverse' is not built by any specific company, it must be interoperable and portable."
However, his idea has also been met with some skepticism. Open University of Catalonia Computer Science"This seems to me to be the best way for the Metaverse to move forward, but it comes from a business model that is diametrically opposed to it," said Cesar Kokoles, professor of science, multimedia and telecommunications. I was stunned by the human mouth.”
The “casino” of billionaires
Although Facebook is best positioned to open up the future of virtual space-it owns the best-selling virtual reality glasses Oculus on the market, Competition will remain fierce. Raya said: "Facebook has strong technical capabilities in generating virtual images and realistic graphical environments. But in other aspects, it faces competition from many technology giants."
In August this year, Facebook released Horizon Workrooms, allows users to hold meetings in a virtual reality environment. Epic Games, the maker of popular games such as Fortnite, raised $1 billion in April from a group of investors including Sony to create its own "metaverse." Microprocessor maker Nvidia already has an industrial platform, Omniverso, which companies like BMW use to perform advanced simulations of the real world.
Lobo said: “Tech giants such as Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Google or Amazon have invested significant resources in conceptualizing the Metaverse and creating the necessary infrastructure to technically support the Metaverse dream. They do this by relying on the knowledge, talent and technology they have accumulated in the field of video games, and to date, the main way to approach the 'Metaverse' has been video games."
There are still many challenges to implementation
Although Globally popular games such as Fortnite or Roblox contain elements of the Metaverse, but it will take a long time to make them fully operational. Jose Angel Olivas, a professor at the University of Castile-La Mancha in Spain, said: "In the 1960s and 1970s, artificial intelligence pioneers said that in 15 years robots would do everything, but that was not the case. The field of 'Metaverse' is also facing this situation. Although it is constantly developing, it is still far away from us, because some parts need to be greatly improved. For example, if we want to conduct video conferencing in the 'Metaverse', then Better communications are needed, such as 5G or even 6G communications, but it will take time to achieve these now. In addition, there may be computing problems.”
Another challenge is that virtual reality equipment needs to be improved. "Both Facebook and Apple have announced their next generation of glasses, which in a year or two will become more comfortable and more affordable," Raya said.
"And, building better ones," he warned. The 'Metaverse' will also require a lot of talent. If there are no people who can program, develop and design in virtual reality, the 'Metaverse' will not happen. And the collaboration between companies to standardize will be the most time-consuming part."
Kokoles emphasized the importance of adapting the company's projects to user preferences. He explained: “Facebook’s ‘Metaverse’ tries to imitate reality as much as possible, which has a positive side, but it converts everything into virtual reality.Simulating the world is not necessarily a good idea. In addition to the financial costs involved, visiting the ‘Metaverse’ for the first time can be quite unaccustomed. As more and more people enter the ‘Metaverse’ and more and more related research is conducted, perhaps the company will make major adjustments to accommodate more people’s preferences. ”
Of course, the researchers noted that society will be more receptive to the Metaverse after experiencing the pandemic because “the pandemic has given us a better understanding of the value of technology in our world, Telepresence is the great temptation that the 'Metaverse' has for us. ”
Experts believe that in the 5 years mentioned by Zuckerberg, the applications of the “Metaverse” will be limited to the fields of technology, science, work and leisure. At this moment, Silicon Valley giants are trying to become the first batch of Pioneers of the metaverse are scrambling to get their checkbooks out, but whether this will be the next technological revolution or just a forgotten virtual space like Second Life remains to be seen.

2. What is the metaverse?

It refers to the immersive virtual world, Metaverse in English. This virtual world is composed of 3D technologies such as VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality) and the Internet. Users can Feel a different life in the universe, or experience a world completely different from the real world. Unlike existing online games, the Metaverse can bring players a more realistic experience, allowing players to feel as if they are in a virtual world. It can even be impossible to distinguish between the real and virtual worlds. The metaverse has also been touted as the ultimate form of the Internet. The movies "The Matrix" and "Ready Player One" are the concept of the metaverse. The term metaverse first came from the American science fiction novel "Snow Crash" . The novel depicts a virtual world parallel to the real world, the Metaverse.

3. Metaverse is used in 3D printing transmission companies

Abstract Domestic 3D printing technology research It started early. Since the 1990s, the core technology has been advanced. Its leading scientific research institutions are mainly some universities and corresponding enterprise units of universities. The 3D printing equipment produced by these units is generally industrial-grade equipment.

< p>4. What is the concept of metaverse

The metaverse is a digital world that is virtual in the space dimension and real in the time dimension; from the perspective of authenticity, there are digital replicas of the real world in the metaverse , there are also creations of the virtual world.

From the perspective of independence, the Metaverse is a parallel space that is both closely connected to the external real world and highly independent; from the perspective of connectivity, the Metaverse is a A sustainable and wide-coverage virtual reality system that includes networks, hardware terminals and users.


The term Metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatar to control,And compete with each other to improve their status. Up to now, it seems that the description is still an advanced future world.

As for the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci, who creatively conceived the idea in his 1981 novel "Real Names" A virtual world that can be entered and experienced through brain-computer interfaces.

5. What is the meaning of the metaverse?

The metaverse mainly refers to the virtual world.

The Metaverse is a relatively abstract concept. Currently, we do not have a precise definition of the Metaverse. In a sense, the collection of virtual worlds we can understand is the metaverse. If you have trouble understanding this concept, try understanding the real world we all live in. However, at the spiritual and conscious level, many of the activities we perform are actually independent metaverses.

1. What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse is a collection of virtual worlds. This is a new term in the post-Internet era, and it is also a very popular concept. I don't know if you've ever seen a movie called Ready Player One. In this movie, the battle scenes between the protagonist and his friends take place in the metaverse. In real life, they have real identities, and their real identities do not affect the identity of the metaverse.

6. What does the Metaverse mean?

The meaning of the Metaverse is:

The word Metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Metaverse" "Avalanche", the novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people are controlled by digital avatars and compete with each other to improve their status. Up to now, it seems that the description is still an advanced future world.

As for the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci, who creatively conceived the idea in his 1981 novel "Real Names" A virtual world that can be entered and experienced through brain-computer interfaces.

Related industries:

From an enterprise perspective, the Metaverse is still in the initial stage of industry development, both in terms of underlying technology and application scenarios. , there is still a big gap compared with the mature form in the future, but this also means that there is huge room for expansion of Yuanverse-related industries.

Therefore, if digital technology giants with multiple advantages want to hold on to the market, and if start-ups in the digital technology field want to gain the opportunity to overtake in corners, they must plan in advance or even increase their presence on the metaverse track.

7. What is the concept of the Metaverse

The term Metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world , here, people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. Up to now, the description is stillAn advanced future world.

In March 2021, Roblox, the first Metaverse concept stock, was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange; in May, Facebook stated that it would transform into a Metaverse company within 5 years ; In August, ByteDance spent a huge amount of money to acquire the VR startup Pico... The Metaverse has undoubtedly become one of the most popular concepts in the technology field.

To be precise, the metaverse is not a new concept, it is more like the rebirth of a classic concept, which is based on new technologies such as extended reality (XR), blockchain, cloud computing, and digital twins. concretization of the following concepts.

Related industries

From an enterprise perspective, Metaverse is still in the initial stage of industry development. Whether it is the underlying technology or application scenarios, there are still many problems compared with the mature form in the future. There is a large gap, but this also means that there is huge room for expansion of Yuanverse-related industries.

Therefore, if digital technology giants with multiple advantages want to hold on to the market, and if start-ups in the digital technology field want to gain the opportunity to overtake in corners, they must plan in advance or even increase the number of tracks in the metaverse.

8. What are the advantages of the world's top three economies in laying out the "Metaverse"

1. Rich animation IP resources

In March 2020, Nintendo released the seventh work in the "Animal Crossing" series. Like the previous "Animal Crossing" series, each user occupies a desert island and can visit other users' islands. ; You can design your own clothes, signboards and other props.

2. Application scenarios continue to expand

On August 5, 2021, Avex Business Development and Digital Motion established Vitual Avex, planning to promote existing animation or game characters, hold virtual artist events, and virtualize events such as real artist concerts. In addition, extending from application scenarios such as entertainment, Japan has currently applied corresponding technologies in fields such as performances and conferences.


The iteration of the underlying technology will trigger changes in the Internet. In the future, the world will gradually move from the mobile Internet era into the metaverse. Therefore, in the context of the metaverse, countries around the world will rely on their own endowments and advantages to make comprehensive arrangements to take advantage of international competition.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

① 什么是元宇宙概念其说法是源于一部科幻小说《雪崩》,看过网络小说的人大概都知道虚拟现实这个东西,其实就像是在小说里戴上头盔就可以进入到虚拟世界一样,这个就好比我们经常玩的4D、5D游戏一样,但元宇宙