币圈历史事件 币圈历史大事件

A. 史记.五帝本纪反应了尧舜怎样的经济状况

原始群 人类是从一种古猿演变而来。从猿到人的过渡是在群体中完成的。原始群就是这种正在形成中的人共同劳动和生活的集团,是人类的童年(相当于恩格斯提到的蒙昧时代的低级阶段)。根据目前已知的材料,最早出现原始群的年代约在1400万年前。生活在原始群中正在形成的人,还不会制造工具,但已能使用天然的石块和木棒作为觅取食物的工具。每个原始群人数不多,一般不过几十人。他们逐水草、森林边沿而居,视食物的多寡有无而流徙,群与群基本上是彼此隔离的。在原始群中两性关系实行杂交。由于劳动和群居,原始人逐渐产生了原始语言,并开始制造工具。人工制造工具的出现,标志着从猿到人的过渡阶段的结束,原始群逐渐过渡到原始公社。

原始公社的社会经济组织 原始公社先后经历了血缘家族、母系氏族公社、父系氏族公社三个组织形式。

血缘家族 与旧石器时代早期和中期的生产力相适应的一种社会经济组织,是人类的第一个社会组织形式。随着人工制造的工具的出现,生存有了一定的保证,

母系氏族公社 出现于旧石器时代的晚期,人们已开始定居生活。原来相互孤立的血缘家族之间逐渐保持一定的联系,长期生活的实践也使原始人意识到近亲通

父系氏族公社 从母系氏族公社过渡到父系氏族公社是原始社会生产力进一步发展的结果。在新石器时代晚期向金属器时代过渡时,原始的锄耕农业转为犁耕农
私有制的产生和氏族公社的解体 私有制是在父系氏族公社内部孕育成长的,而私有制的发展

B. 史记 汉武帝



然而汉武帝是一个极其复杂的历史人物。叙述评价他的一生,不是一件容易的事。司马迁的《史记》成书于武帝太初年间,由于个人的不幸遭际和政治异见,他对武帝这个时代的评述掺入了强烈的个人感情色彩和主观意识的偏见。 班固的《汉书·武帝纪赞》试图纠《史记》之弊,其论汉武曰:

“汉承百王之弊,高祖拨乱反正,文、景务在养民,至于稽古礼文之事,犹多阙焉。孝武初立,卓然罢黜百家,表章《六经》,遂畴咨海内,举其俊茂,与之立功。兴太学,修郊祀,改正朔,定历数,协音律,作诗乐。建封禅,礼百神,绍周后,号令文章,焕然可述,后嗣得遵洪业而有三代之风。 如武帝之雄材大略,不改文、景之恭俭以济斯民,虽《诗》、《书》所称何有加焉!”

班固对汉武帝的雄材伟略基本给以肯定。但清赵翼《廿二史札记》则指出其仍有偏颇:“专赞武帝之文事,而武功则不置一词。仰思帝之雄才大略,正在武功”。 宋司马光《资治通鉴》论汉武帝,则纯从理学道德史观的角度出发,谓:


然秦以之亡,汉以之兴者,孝武能尊先王之道,知所统守,爱忠直之言却恶人欺蔽。好贵不倦,诛赏严明,晚而改过,顾托得人,此其所以有亡秦之失而免亡秦之祸乎!” 清吴裕垂《历朝史案》,则指出:

“宋人竭中国之财力,纳币赂寇,偷安旦夕;致使生民左袒,肝脑涂地。退而渡江航海,竟以议和误国。则武帝所为,又岂宋人所能议乎?” 这个问题问得不错。









武帝生平,虽不无过举,而凡所作用,有迥出人意表者。始尚文学以收士心,继尚武功以开边城,而犹以为未足牢笼一世。于是用鸡卜于越祠,收金人于休屠,得神马于渥洼,取天马于大宛, 以及白麟赤雀,芝房宝鼎之瑞,皆假神道以设教也。




















C. 史记-汉武帝本纪原本是什么



D. 《史记卷十二》的内容

史记卷十二 孝武本纪






E. 史记--汉武帝本纪


A. Historical Records. What kind of economic conditions did the Five Emperors reflect in Yao and Shun

The production activities and living conditions of human beings in the first social form.
The process of the emergence of primitive society is also the process of the emergence of human beings. Primitive society includes two development stages: primitive groups and primitive communes. The latter can be divided into three stages: blood family, matrilineal clan commune, and patrilineal clan commune. The patrilineal clan commune period was a period in which private ownership emerged and developed, primitive society disintegrated, and gradually transitioned to a class society.
Primitive group Human beings evolved from an ancient ape. The transition from apes to humans was accomplished in groups. The primitive group is this kind of group of people who are in the process of working and living together. It is the childhood of mankind (equivalent to the lower stage of the ignorant era mentioned by Engels). According to currently known materials, the earliest primitive group appeared about 14 million years ago. The emerging people living in primitive groups could not yet make tools, but they could already use natural stones and sticks as tools for foraging for food. Each primitive group has a small number of people, usually only a few dozen people. They live on the edge of water, grass, and forests, and migrate depending on the amount of food. Groups are basically isolated from each other. Interbreeding was practiced between the sexes in the original group. Due to labor and group living, primitive people gradually developed primitive languages ​​and began to make tools. The emergence of artificial tools marked the end of the transitional stage from apes to humans, and the gradual transition from primitive groups to primitive communes.
The development of productive forces in primitive communes
The earliest man-made tools were stone tools. In archeology, the evolution of stone tools is divided into three eras: ① The Paleolithic Age (equivalent to the intermediate stage of the savagery era), which is further divided into the early stage (about 3 million to 200,000 to 300,000 years ago
The age of apes), the middle period (the age of early Homo sapiens from about 200,000 to 300,000 to 50,000 years ago - the age of ancient humans), and the late period (the age of late Homo sapiens from about 50,000 to 15,000 years ago - the age of real people). The early stone tools used by humans were chopping tools. Later, there were scrapers and pointed tools (hand axes), but the processing was very rough. In addition, he also learned how to use fire. The production of stone tools in the middle period was more regular and had more diverse shapes than before, and bone tools appeared. This
period left a large number of traces of the use of fire. In the early and middle Paleolithic, humans mainly made a living by collecting roots, stems, and fruits of wild plants and hunting small animals. Collecting and hunting were the main content of their production activities. Their form of social organization is blood family. In the late Paleolithic Age, the processing of stone tools was more regular than before. Bone tools and horn tools were widely popular. Bone needles and fishhooks were also available. Composite tools and composite utensils also appeared, such as stones with wooden handles
Spears, stone axes, etc. During this period, people began to settle down and matrilineal clan communes were formed. ②The Mesolithic Age (equivalent to the advanced stage of the savagery) is the transition from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age. Humans entered the Mesolithic Age
about 1.5
thousands of years ago. During this period, microlithic tools appeared (makingfine, regular shape, smaller size), bows and arrows, and began to domesticate domestic animals (the earliest ones were sheep and dogs, (see color picture). ③Neolithic Age (equivalent to the barbaric age mentioned by Engelsti
Low stage), each region entered this stage at different times, the earliest was about 8000 to 9000 years ago. The main characteristics of productivity during this period were that polished stone tools were widely popular; pottery could be made; Hunting gradually developed into primitive animal husbandry (pigs, sheep, cattle, etc. became domestic animals one after another), and gathering gradually developed into primitive agriculture (barley, wheat,
rice, millet, corn, potatoes, etc. began to be planted). Agricultural tools for farming began At that time, it was a stick with a sharpened end, and later it developed into a stone hoe. The primitive agriculture was hoe farming. With the development of settled life and primitive animal husbandry and agriculture, family handicrafts gradually emerged, including making pottery and leather. Weaving baskets, weaving linen, cotton, wool, etc. The Neolithic Age was a prosperous period for matrilineal clan communes.
Album of Human Economic Life in Primitive Society

In the late Neolithic Age, Humans began to use natural metals, such as gold, silver, copper, etc., but they were mainly used to make small utensils and decorations. By 4000 BC to 3000 BC, Southwest Asia, Egypt, China,
and southern and central Europe The earth began to use ore to smelt copper one after another, and then it began to enter the real metal age. The earliest copper objects were mostly decorations (rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.), and later copper was used to make tools, utensils and weapons
However, the original copperware was red copper, that is, pure copper, which had a high melting point and low hardness and could not be used in large quantities. Stone tools were still used as the main tools. Therefore, this period is archaeologically called the age of gold and stone.
About the mid-3000s BC, humans began to learn to smelt bronze (copper-tin alloy) and used it in large quantities to make utensils, thus entering the Bronze Age. The earliest users of bronze were the Mesopotamia and Indus River Basins in West Asia and the Indus River Basin in South Asia
, then Egypt, China and some other areas (around 2000 BC). But even in the Bronze Age, stone tools were still being used. From the second half of the 2000 BC to the first half of the 1000 BC, Southwest Asia, Southeast Europe, the South Asian subcontinent, North Africa and China and other vast areas began to smelt iron and entered the Iron Age. However, stone tools and bronze tools still coexisted with iron tools for a long time before they were finally replaced by iron tools
(Archaeology The coexistence of epigraphy and stone in science and the Metal Age are roughly equivalent to the intermediate and advanced stages of barbarism). The use of metal tools shows that productivity has developed to a new stage, and primitive hoe farming has gradually turned into plow farming
industry, primitive animal husbandry has also developed further, and the division of labor between animal husbandry tribes and agricultural tribes has emerged. Correspondingly, matrilineal clan communes have transitioned to patrilineal clan communes; at the same time, exchange and private ownership have developed, and the clan system
began to disintegrate, and primitive society gradually transitioned to a class society.
The society of primitive communesSocial and economic organization The primitive commune has successively experienced three organizational forms: blood family, matrilineal clan commune, and patrilineal clan commune.

The blood family is a social and economic organization that is compatible with the productivity of the early and middle Paleolithic times and is the first form of social organization for humans. With the emergence of artificial tools, survival has been guaranteed to a certain extent.
The sexual relationship of primitive people gradually changed from hybridization to blood group marriage limited to brothers and sisters (including half-brothers and sisters). This kind of group that excludes couples of different generations and distinguishes marriages based on generation is called a blood family.
It is the germ of the clan system. A blood family is a commune. At that time, productivity was low and there were almost no surplus products. People's production relations within the commune were collective labor, common consumption, and the food collected or hunted was evenly distributed. The relationship between people was equal and there was no exploitation.

Matriarchal clan communes appeared in the late Paleolithic Age, when people began to settle down. Blood families that were originally isolated from each other gradually maintained a certain degree of contact. Long-term living practices also made primitive people aware of the dangers of incest
marriage, so they gradually banned intermarriage between brothers and sisters. First, they prohibited intermarriage between brothers and sisters of the same mother. Finally, intermarriage between collateral brothers and sisters was prohibited and exogamy was implemented. This gradually turned the blood family into a clan that did not intermarry within the clan. There were clear boundaries between clans and a clan system was formed. The exogamy practiced in early clans was still group marriage. People only knew their mothers but not their fathers. The lineage was calculated based on the maternal line, so it was called a matrilineal clan. Later, group marriage
converted into pair marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife was relatively certain, but both parties were still members of the mother's clan. Even if the husband lived on his wife's side, he was not considered a member of her wife's clan. Two clans that intermarried each other formed an early tribe. The prosperous period of the matrilineal clan commune
was in the Neolithic Age, when primitive agriculture and animal husbandry had emerged, but the level of productivity was still very low. Only collective labor could ensure the supply of food, so the production relations of the commune were still The means of production belong to the
clan. Members of the clan live together, work together, and consume together. Only weapons, clothes, and decorations are owned by individuals. Clan members practice a natural division of labor based on age and gender. Young and middle-aged men are mainly engaged in activities such as hunting, catching
fish, and defending against wild beasts. Women are mainly engaged in activities such as gathering and primitive agriculture, making food, sewing clothes, and providing care for the elderly and children. The results of men's hunting are accidental, while women's collection and primitive agriculture provide more reliable means of living. Their activities play an important role in maintaining the survival and reproduction of the entire clan, and lineage is determined on the mother's side. This determines that women are in a leadership position in the commune and are respected by people, and even the patriarch is generally a woman. However, since there was still no surplus product during this period, private ownership and exploitation had not yet occurred, the relationship between people was still equal, and all important matters were governed by the clan.The council discusses and decides, and the patriarch
is also elected by the council. After the population of the matrilineal clan increased, it split into many small clans. The original large clan was called a phratry. The phratry that intermarried each other formed a tribe.

Patrilineal clan commune The transition from matrilineal clan commune to patrilineal clan commune is the result of the further development of the productive forces of primitive society. During the transition from the late Neolithic Age to the Metal Age, primitive hoeing agriculture was transformed into plowing agriculture. Primitive animal husbandry replaced hunting and became an important sector. Labor such as domesticating, tending, and driving livestock was mainly done by Men bear the responsibility and their role in the entire production activities is increasingly important, while women are mainly engaged in housework.
This change in the economic status of men and women will inevitably lead to changes in each other's social status. Especially when clan communes have surplus products and the separation of animal husbandry tribes and agricultural tribes makes exchanges between tribes more and more frequent, men often take advantage of their
position in production activities to appropriate the surplus products as their own, so The emergence of private property, followed by a strong desire to pass on possessions to children, also prompted the transformation of matrilineal clans into patrilineal clans. With the passage of time
, the past system in which the husband passed the title to his wife, the children to the mother, and the father's property to the maternal relatives after his death, but not to the children, gradually changed to the wife to the husband, the children to the father, and the father's property to the children. The system of inheritance thus established patriarchy
. Pair marriage also gradually turned into monogamy, the husband began to enslave his wife, and the father began to dominate his children. Of course, the emergence of patrilineal clan communes does not mean the immediate disappearance of matrilineal clan communes. The two often coexist. It takes
a long period of time before matrilineal clan communes are completely replaced.
The emergence of private ownership and the disintegration of clan communes Private ownership was nurtured and grown within patrilineal clan communes, and the development of private ownership
led to the disintegration of clan communes. The emergence of private ownership is closely related to the development of division of labor and exchange between clans and tribes. During the Golden and Stone Ages and the Bronze Age, productivity developed further, and nomadic tribes appeared. They domesticated and bred cattle, horses, sheep, camels and other livestock. They separated from other tribes and became tribes that mainly engaged in animal husbandry. , so the first great division of labor in society took place. With the development of plowing agriculture, tribes mainly engaged in agriculture gradually formed, and exchanges between tribes became increasingly frequent. The main product exchanged between pastoral tribes and other tribes was livestock, especially cattle. In the exchange, many items were valued in cattle, and as a medium of exchange, they were
used as currency and became objects of possession. Men were the main players in the exchange of tending livestock. This situation not only promoted the transformation of matrilineal clan communes into patrilineal clan communes, but also led to the emergence of private ownership. Because the
livestock they take care of, as well as the metal utensils, agricultural products and other items obtained in exchange for the livestock, in addition to being given to the collective for consumption, they often keep the remaining portion for themselves and their families. Later, the same situation occurred among agricultural tribes. to bronze andDuring the Iron Age, the handicrafts of clans and tribes, especially the manufacturing of metal weapons and utensils, developed greatly, and various weapon workshops and various craftsmen (such as blacksmiths, carpenters, cobblers, weavers, etc.) appeared. ), handicraft industry gradually separated from agriculture, and the second great social division of labor occurred. Then exchange developed further, not only between clans and tribes, but also within clans and tribes, which further developed private property. At the same time, patrilineal family communes (or
called patriarchal families) differentiated within the patrilineal clan, which included several generations of descendants born to one father and their individual families. In a family commune, initially, land and main tools were publicly owned, members produced and consumed together, and only some daily necessities were owned by individual families. Later, when the use of metal tools enabled each household to produce independently, it became difficult to maintain the communal farming system. Farmland was gradually allocated to individual families for a long time, and harvests, livestock, and houses became privately owned. In this way, monogamous individual families began to become social and economic units, and the distinction between rich and poor gradually emerged among members of clans or family communes, and the clan system tended to disintegrate. Later, with the growth of individual families and the weakening of blood ties, the flow of people increased, the number of foreign residents increased, the situation of clan members living together in the same area was destroyed, and the original clan villages turned into mixed villages, and gradually A rural commune (village community) was formed in which residents were united not by blood relations but by region. The emergence of rural communes shows that the clan system has been basically disintegrated.
In the process of the disintegration of the clan system, with the increase of surplus products and the development of private ownership, the captives obtained in tribal plundering wars were no longer killed but became slaves and became the enslavement objects of the clan nobles. class antagonism. At the same time, the divide between rich and poor among clan members also intensified. As a result, clan society gradually transitioned into slave society, and a country was born.
Engels: "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State", "Selected Works of Marx and Engels", Volume 4, People's Publishing House, Beijing, 1972.
Cui Lianzhong, editor-in-chief: "World History (Ancient History Part)", People's Publishing House, Beijing, 1983.

B. Historical Records Emperor Wu of Han

There are two epoch-making emperors in Chinese history, one is Qin Shihuang and the other is Emperor Wu of Han. Qin Shihuang ended the feudal system of the Zhou Dynasty and established the first centralized and unified empire in Chinese history. But the empire lacked experience in governing. Although Qin Shihuang was an all-powerful figure who created the first empire of China. But the lifespan of this empire was too short. It only existed for 15 years and then perished.

The Han Dynasty was the second empire in Chinese history. The empire was born out of peasant uprisings. Its founding monarch, Liu Bang, was a borderline person between a rogue and a gangster (gangster leader).things. Due to a kind of political and class inclusiveness, his group had a relatively broad social base and took advantage of the turmoil and disputes to finally gain national power. But this new dynasty had almost no legal or ideological legitimacy. Therefore, the empire was mired in extreme instability from its inception. In the fifty years from Emperor Gao, Empress Lu to Wenjing, there were constant internal disturbances. Externally, the Huns invaded, and society was in deep crisis. It was not until the birth of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty that this man whom Ban Gu called a "great talent and great strategy" opened up a new situation for the dynasty.
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty shaped the mainstream political ideology, planned systems, recruited talents, reformed internal affairs, established currency and finance, decisively fought against the Xiongnu, and expanded diplomacy. Not only did he re-establish the institutional foundation of the Han Empire, but his grand and far-sighted plans also served as a foundation for the future. The Chinese monarchy and constitutional system during the two thousand years of the Qing Dynasty provided a set of fairly stable and mature models and paradigms.

However, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was an extremely complex historical figure. Narrating and evaluating his life is not an easy task. Sima Qian's "Historical Records" was written during the Taichu period of Emperor Wu. Due to his personal misfortunes and political dissent, his comments on Emperor Wu's era were mixed with strong personal emotions and subjective prejudices. Ban Gu's "Book of Han: Praise to Emperor Wu" tried to correct the shortcomings of "Historical Records". He said about Han Wu:

"The Han Dynasty inherited the shortcomings of hundreds of kings, Gaozu set things right, and literature and scenery were to nourish the people. , as for the study of ancient rituals, there are still many gaps. When Xiaowu was first established, Zhuoran deposed hundreds of schools, published the "Six Classics", and then consulted the sea, praised his talents, and made contributions to them. He established Taixue, built suburban sacrifices, and corrected Shuo, fixed calendar numbers, harmonious rhythms, and composed poems and music. Founded Zen, worshiped hundreds of gods, and after the Zhou Dynasty, issued orders and articles, which can be described in a new way. The descendants can follow the great industry and have the style of three generations. For example, Emperor Wu has a great talent and a rough plan, and does not change the articles. , Jing's courtesy and frugality are used to benefit the people, although "Poems" and "Books" say it is beyond words!"

Ban Gu basically affirmed the majestic talents and strategies of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. However, Zhao Yi of the Qing Dynasty's "Twenty-Two Histories" points out that it is still biased: "It only praises Emperor Wu's literary works, but does not say a word about his martial arts. He admires the emperor's talents and strategies, but it is his martial arts." Song Sima Guang's "Zizhi Tongjian" discusses Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty purely from the perspective of Neo-Confucianism's moral view of history, saying:

"Emperor Xiaowu was extravagant and lustful, punished and punished heavily, and his palaces were extravagant. The barbarians engaged in foreign affairs, believed in gods and monsters, and traveled excessively, which exhausted the people and turned them into capitalist thieves. The reason why they were different from Qin Shihuang was very different.

However, Qin was destroyed by it, and Han was promoted by it. Xiaowu can respect the ways of the previous kings, knows what he is commanding, loves loyal and honest words, but is deceived by evil people. He loves nobles and is tireless, punishes and rewards strictly, corrects his mistakes late, cares about and wins people, and this is why he was able to avoid the loss of the Qin Dynasty. What a calamity it will be to destroy the Qin Dynasty!" Wu Yuchui of the Qing Dynasty pointed out in "Historical Cases of Historical Dynasties":

"The Song people exhausted China's financial resources, bribed the bandits with money, and stole the country's livelihood; causing the people to be left to their own devices. He was so devastated. He retreated to cross the river and sailed, but he actually harmed the country by negotiating for peace. So what Emperor Wu did was not something that the people of the Song Dynasty could negotiate?" This is a good question.

From the time Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne in 140 BC to his death in 87 BC, he served as emperor for a total of 54 years. During his reign, Emperor Wu mainly accomplished five major things: First, he repulsed the Xiongnu invasion of the Central Plains, which gave the Chinese nation a vast living space from south to north and from east to west.

The second is to change the past and create a political system that is complete in system and embodies the Legalist idea of ​​"ruling the country by law and not avoiding relatives and nobles". This legal tradition became the basic paradigm of the Chinese imperial system for the next two thousand years.

The third is to elevate Confucianism to a national religion and establish a set of state-centered ideologies that adapt to political rule, thereby controlling mainstream public opinion and establishing a foundation for the elite (literati) and society. Humanistic ideals and value standards.

The fourth is to completely abolish the feudal system of the Western Zhou Dynasty's patriarchal system and establish a new administrative bureaucracy system, inheritance system and talent promotion system.

The fifth is to formulate and design a far-sighted diplomatic strategy, and through civil and military skills, the Han Empire became the political and economic axis of the Asian continent at that time.

In Chinese history, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was the first emperor with a world vision. From the time he came to the throne at the age of 16, his gaze had already transcended the limited area of ​​the Han Empire within the Great Wall, and had set his sights on the vast South China Sea and the Western Regions.

Among those who have discussed Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in ancient and modern times, Wu Yuchui of the Qing Dynasty is the most insightful. The summary of the discussion is:

"The great talent of Emperor Wu and his great strategies were not without a deep understanding of the toil of the people on conquests, which meant that he wanted to restore the territory of three dynasties. He flattened the four barbarians and eliminated future troubles, and measured his strength and virtue. I don't care who I am. So I inherited the cultivation of the dynasty and became both common and wealthy. They moved according to the times. They fought to defend and attacked to defend. The Huns traveled far and were weakened day by day. As for Xuan, Yuan, Cheng, and Ai, Shanyu became ministers. , Ji Xuan came to the dynasty, and the creatures of the two Han Dynasties were blessed by it. It is appropriate for the temple to be named "Shizong"!

Although Emperor Wu's life was not without excesses, his effects were completely unexpected. He started with literature to win the hearts of scholars, and continued with martial arts to open border towns, but he still thought that he was not enough for a lifetime. So he used chickens for divination in the Yue Temple, collected gold from Xiu Tu, got the divine horse from Wowa, and got the Tianma from the Yue Temple. Dayuan, as well as Bailin Chique, Zhifang Baoding and Zhifang Baoding are all fake Shinto to teach.

As for boating on the sea, there are five meanings, but seeking immortality is not the same. Build a sampan Sailing thousands of miles to and from the islands, using high-rise and high-rise ships, teaching water warfare, sailing to the north, frightening North Korea, one. Setting sail to the south, intimidating Fujian and Yue, two. When North Korea surrenders, the left arm of the Huns will be cut off, three Ye. When Min is more peaceful, the eastern frontier of South Vietnam will be determined by itself, four. Moreover, since the western regions are connected, the Dian Kingdom will be collected in the south, and Wusun will be reported to the north. The territory will be expanded for thousands of miles, while the east will be limited to huge ravines. If you want to cross the sea, you will have Therefore, if you don’t seek Penglai, how can you get it? Send the alchemists from the east to seek immortality, and you have the intention of sending Bo Wang to the west to dig out the sky. You want to seize it in the west, but also want to seize it in the east, five reasons. But the alchemists can’t get it. The key is like Bowang, so he repeatedly respects favors but does not grant the power of generals and prime ministers, and repeatedly fails to verify the truth.Punish him. People say that Emperor Wu was deceived by the alchemists, but they don't know that the alchemists were also deceived by Emperor Wu!

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was an emperor who reformed the system and achieved great success. He was a monarch with great talent and great scope. He was a virtuous king who promoted scholarship and respected knowledge. He was also a wise ruler who learned about his mistakes and corrected them, accepted advice with an open mind, and appointed virtuous people.

The edict of Emperor Wu in the first year of Yuanshuo said: I heard that the heaven and earth remain unchanged and cannot be transformed; the yin and yang remain unchanged and things cannot flourish.

The edict of the sixth year of Yuanshuo also said: "The five emperors did not restore each other's rituals, and the three generations had different laws."

This shows that until his later years, he was still pursuing innovation and change. He has always believed that as long as the situation changes, policies must also "change from time to time and meet urgent needs."

In the third year of Yuanguang Dynasty, Dong Zhongshu wrote three articles on policy, which are known in history as the Three Strategies of Heaven and Man. Emperor Wu summoned him and asked: "Three generations of people have been ordered to do so. Where is the talisman? How did the disasters and changes come about? The feelings of life and fate, whether it is heaven or longevity, whether it is benevolence or contempt, we are accustomed to hearing the same name, but there is no explanation. Yi Yu If the people are in harmony and the political affairs are announced, what repairs and orders will come, and the anointed dew will fall, and the valley of all desires will ascend... The virtues will be overflowing, spreading beyond the square, and extending to all living beings?"

The questions he raised are all big and strategic questions of ontology, which shows his broad vision. He asked Dong Zhongshu, as a philosopher, not to answer matter-of-factly, but to speak out "the essence of the road and the broadness of the theory." This shows that he thinks far and deeply about how to govern the country. What he explores and thinks is not the right to adapt to temporary changes. Rather, it is a systematic philosophy of history and political philosophy. In his later years, he once said to Wei Qing:

“The Han family created everything on the fly and added foreign barbarians to invade China. If I don’t change the system, future generations will not be able to. If we don't send troops to conquer, the world will be uneasy. For this reason, they have to work hard for the people. If future generations do what I did again, and the Qin Dynasty is destroyed, he believes that the policy of "promoting utilitarianism internally and doing foreign affairs to the barbarians" he pursued was all out of considerations of establishing institutions, leaving examples for future generations, and national security. He admitted that his policies would disturb the people (trouble the people); he did not want his descendants to imitate his policies that disturbed the people. He sincerely warned that future generations must be vigilant to avoid repeating the mistakes of the Qin Dynasty's quick demise.

Jian Bozan described Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty as saying

“Speaking of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, what will make people think of his serious face? In fact, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was A more lively, naive, and emotional person. In addition to his love of military warfare, he also liked traveling, music, literature, and gods.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was the wisest in the army The commander-in-chief, the most frequent visitor to the sea, the original founder of the royal band, the dearest friend of the writers, the most loyal messenger of the alchemists, and especially the best husband of his Mrs. Li. He is by no means other than warlike. , a ignorant fool."*

I believe that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was a truly great king who inherited the past and the future and pioneered the world. in his ancient historyIn history, the civil and military achievements he made are unparalleled. His suaveness is extraordinary. His imagination made politics art. His contingency and cunning made the wise men of his time look like fools. He has a broad mind and is both tolerant and discerning.

He created systems, established scale, respected academics, and loved literature and art. He advocated building a country based on morality and ruling the country by law. He knew his mistakes and corrected them throughout his life, and he followed the good deeds and set an example for emperors of all generations.
In the later collections of Emperor Wu of Wei, Emperor Taizong of Tang, Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty, Nurha Yi and Kangxi, his shadow can be seen to some extent.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had great talents and strategies that transcended history. He was a wizard of strategy and diplomatic design. This kind of genius enabled him to strategize and win decisively thousands of miles away, and he was above the temple. His martial arts achievements were enough to eclipse Hannibal, Alexander, Napoleon and other generals in the West who were galloping on the battlefield.

However, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was by no means an extraordinary saint. He is lustful, proud, vain, selfish, superstitious, extravagant and paranoid; he has almost all the weaknesses of ordinary human nature. However, despite this, even if he is not a king, but just an ordinary mortal, based on his mind and behavior throughout his life, he should still be considered an upright man, a wise man with extraordinary wit, and a brave and resolute man. A warrior, a poet with brilliant literary talent, an artist with romantic and strange imagination, and a libertine who has broken the souls of countless beautiful women, the worst and best lover.

He not only created the system and shaped the era, but his achievements and actions have also been deeply integrated into the history and tradition of our nation. The name of the Han nation comes from the era he named after the Milky Way - "Heavenly Han". The territories he developed in his time ranged from Fujian and Guangdong to Qiongya to Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan, and from Khotan and Altai to Heiji and Liaoning, which outlined the basic outline of the Chinese Empire for the next two thousand years. The influence of this empire extended from Chenghai, Congling, and the Hindu Kush Mountains to the Korean Peninsula; from Lake Baikal to India????, it expanded into a large cultural circle covered by the influence of Han culture. .

Great men and geniuses cannot be described, they are incredible, they are difficult to measure by ordinary standards, and they cannot be measured and evaluated by worldly standards.

The life of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was full of contradictions. He loves his people like a son, but he kills people like a hemp. He uses his sword as he uses his emotions, and his emotions as his soldiers. In Chinese history, there are many heroes, great men, warriors, lofty ideals and saints. But placed in any crowd, he would stand out equally well. It's impossible not to admire him, and it's impossible not to be afraid of him - this is Liu Che. It is said that his birth was accompanied by his mother's dream of a red sun and a woman's arms. His great-grandfather Liu Bang named him "彘" (wild boar) in the dream - and his father explained that the word was homophonic to "wisdom" and changed his name to "Zhi". "Che", thorough, and given the title "Tong"; and he is indeed a wise man.A legendary man who is round and square and has incomparable clarity. This is a real Sun Emperor and Shengwu Emperor in Chinese history.

His policies led to huge changes in his era, which also caused huge conflicts and huge debates, making him a controversial and even misunderstood figure. One of the biggest mistakes in his life was that he unfortunately castrated one of the most talented and greatest historians in Chinese history, who turned out to be the one who best understood him and loved him. As a result, this person punished him with a pen out of hatred; making this great era in which he lived and his life become the most controversial era in history. And Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has since become the most misunderstood enigmatic king

C. Historical Records-What is the original chronicle of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

The 12th Chronicle of Xiaowu

The person who was filial to Emperor Wu was also the son of Emperor Xiaojing. My mother called me the Queen Mother. In the fourth year of Xiaojing's reign, the prince was named King of Jiaodong. In the seventh year of Xiaojing's reign
Prince Li was deposed as King Linjiang, and King Jiaodong was made the crown prince. Xiaojing died in the 16th year, and the prince ascended the throne as Emperor Xiaowu
. When Emperor Xiaowu first came to the throne, he especially worshiped ghosts and gods.
In the first year of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty was more than sixty years old. The world was in peace, and the subordinates of the recommended gentry all hoped that the emperor would grant Zen and correct the situation. And
Shangxiang Confucianism was recruiting talents. Zhao Wan, Wang Zang and others regarded literature as ministers and wanted to build an ancient Mingtang in the south of the city to serve the princes.
Cao Xun Shou Feng Chan changed the calendar and served sex, but the matter has not been completed. The Empress Dowager Hui Dou treated Huang Laoyan and was not good at Confucianism, so that she was favored by Zhao Wan and other traitors. She summoned Wan and Zang to the case, and Wan and Zang committed suicide.
Six years later, Queen Mother Dou died. Next year, we will go to recruit literary scholars Gongsun Hong and others.
Next year, I will arrive in Yong at the beginning of the morning, and I will see five areas in the suburbs. Later, he often grew up in a suburb at the age of three. At this time, I prayed to the Lord God and went to the forest to stay.
Hui's temple. The divine king, a woman from Changling, mourned the death of her son, so she saw the gods one after another. It is like a temple with its chambers.
Many people go to the temple. Lord Pingyuan went to the temple, and his descendants showed his respect. When Emperor Wu came to the throne, he placed generous gifts in the temple. He heard his words but did not see his words.
At that time, Li Shaojun also used the ancestral stove and the valley road, but the old man saw and respected him. As a young king, Marquis Shenze enters
to take charge. Hiding his age and growth, he often calls himself seventy, which makes things grow old. He traveled far and wide among the princes. No wife
son. When people heard that it could make things immortal, they even gave it to them and often had money, silk, clothing and food left over. Everyone thinks that the property will be spared
without taking care of it, and they don’t know where it belongs. The more they believe it, the more they start arguing about it. The young master is gifted with good prescriptions and is good at making clever discoveries. I was drinking from Marquis Wu'an
and there was an old man who was over ninety years old sitting in the middle. The young gentleman said that he and his eldest father had traveled to the shooting place. The old man had followed his eldest father when he was a child. Totally shocked. When I saw you, there was an old bronze vessel, I asked you about it. Shaojun said: "This vessel was brought to Duke Huan in his tenth year." The whole palace is in a state of terror, with the young king as a god and a man who is hundreds of years old.
Shaojun said:"The stove in the ancestral hall brings things, and the sand can be turned into gold, and the gold can be used as eating utensils
It will increase life, and the Penglai Immortal in the sea will be seen, and if he sees it, he will not die if he is enshrined in Zen, which is also the case with the Yellow Emperor. I tried to travel on the sea,
I saw An Qi, the food minister, a jujube, as big as a melon. The immortals born in An Qi are in Penglai. If they are together, they can see people, but if they are not, they can be hidden."
The emperor then went to visit the temple. , and sent alchemists into the sea to seek the relatives of Penglai Anqi, and turned the elixirs and medicines into gold
After a long stay, Li Shaojun died of illness. The emperor thought that he would not die after being transformed, so he asked Huang Chui Shi to accept his prescription in Kuanshu. Qiupeng
You can't get it in Lai'an, but there are many weird and erratic alchemists from Yan and Qi on the sea who can work with each other, and even talk about divine things.
Bo Ren Bo Yuji memorialized Taiyi in the temple, saying: "The noble one among the gods is Taiyi, and Taiyi is called the Five Emperors. In ancient times, the emperor used
the Spring and Autumn Festival to offer sacrifices to Taiyi in the southeastern suburbs, using too strong tools, seven On the day, open eight channels for ghosts to the altar." So the emperor ordered Tai Zhu to set up a temple in the southeastern suburbs of Chang'an, and he often worshiped it like a temple. Later, people wrote a letter saying, "In ancient times, the emperor used Tailuo tools every three years to worship the three gods: one for heaven, one for earth, and one for Tai." The emperor promised it, and ordered Taizhu to lead the temple's Ji Tai on an altar, as it should be.
Later generations wrote again, saying, "In ancient times, the emperor often used the Spring and Autumn Period to explain the temple. The Yellow Emperor used an owl to break the mirror; the Ming Sheep used a sheep; the temple
The horse parade used a green stallion; Taiyi, Gao The king of mountains and mountains and the chief of the land use oxen; the king of Wuyi uses dried fish; the envoys of yin and yang use an ox."
Order the ancestral hall officials to hold it as it should be, and place the ancestral hall next to the Ji Tai altar.
Afterwards, there was a white deer in the Tianzi Garden, and its skin was used as a coin to make a fortune and make white gold.
The next year, in the suburbs of Yong, I will get a one-horned beast, Ruoherran. A minister said: "Your Majesty solemnly performs sacrifices in the countryside, and God will reward you with a one-horned tin beast covered with Lin Yun." So he recommended five plots, and added an ox to the plot to burn. Give the princes platinum, and use wind symbols to match
the heaven and the earth.
So the King of Jibei thought that he was the emperor and granted Zen status, so he wrote a letter dedicated to Mount Tai and its surrounding towns. The emperor accepted it and repaid it with other counties
. The king of Changshan was guilty and moved. The emperor granted his younger brother Zhending to continue the sacrifice of the previous king and made Changshan a county. Then
the five mountains are all in the emperor's county.
In the next year, a young man from Qi will see ghosts and gods. Fortunately for Mrs. Wang, she died, and the young man covered it with alchemy.
At night, Mrs. Wang and the appearance of the stove ghost were seen, and the emperor looked at them from the curtain. So he worshiped the young man as General Wencheng. He was rewarded with many rewards and treated as a guest. Wen Chengyan said: "Demand and supernatural powers are on the top. The clothes in the palace are not like the gods, and the gods cannot come."
He painted cloud and gas chariots, and each used a victorious sun to drive a chariot to ward off evil spirits. It was also built as Ganquan Palace, with a platform room in the middle, depicting the gods of heaven, earth, and Thailand, and placing sacrificial vessels to commemorate the gods. When he is more than a year old, his health will become weaker and weaker, and the gods will not come. It is a silk book about eating cows.
I don’t know the details, but it is said that there is something strange in the belly of the cow. He killed and looked at it, and got a book. The words in the book were very strange, and the emperor was suspicious of it. If someone knows his handwriting,
and if he asks, he will find out the writing. So he killed General Wencheng and went into hiding.
Later, he made anotherCypress beams, copper pillars, and dew-bearing cactus belong to this category.
The next year after Wencheng died, the emperor was seriously ill in Dinghu, and the witch doctors tried their best to cure him. You Shui Fa Gen said: "There is a witch in the county above, and the ghost is sick." The sweet spring of the temple was called up. When people are sick, they ask the gods. The Lord Shen said: "
The Son of Heaven does not need to worry about illness. The illness will be cured in a short period of time, and he will be able to meet the sweet spring with me." So he recovered from the illness, and fortunately the sweet spring healed him. Amnesty to the whole world,
install the God of Life in the Palace of Longevity. The most noble of the divine kings is Taiyi, and his assistants are called Dajin and Si Ming, and they all follow him. It cannot be seen, heard
its voice, spoken to others, etc. When it comes, it comes and goes, and when it comes, the wind is solemn. The curtain in the room. The time is day, but it is always night. Tian
Zi Zu, then enter. Because the witch is the master, it is about food and drink. What you want is what you say and do. They also set up Shougong and Beigong, set up Yuqi,
and set up offerings to honor the god. What the Lord God said was written down by the envoy, and he was ordered to call it "the method of painting". What he said is known to the world
It is not unique, but the emperor is only happy. The matter is so secret that no one in the world knows about it.
In the next three years, there was a minister who said that it was better to rely on heaven's auspicious destiny than to count one or two. One yuan is called Jianyuan, two yuan is called Yuan Guang, two yuan is called Yuan Guang, and three yuan is called Yuan Shouyun.
The next winter, when the emperor was in the suburbs of Yong, he discussed: "Today, God, I have come to visit the suburbs, and since there are no sacrifices in the land, there will be no courtesy."
Yousi discussed with Taishi Gong, ancestral official Kuanshu and others: "Heaven and Earth Sacrifice horns, cocoons and chestnuts. Now your majesty personally offers sacrifices to the back soil, which is suitable for the lake
There are five altars in the middle circle mound. One of the altars has a yellow calf that is too strong, and the temple has been exhausted, and the clothes on the temple are yellow." The emperor then went east and
began to erect a Houtu Temple on Fenyinxiang, such as Kuanshu and others. Looking at relatives and worshiping them is like worshiping God. After the ceremony, the emperor returned to Xingyang. After passing Luoyang, an edict was issued saying: "Three generations of Miao have been separated, and it is difficult to survive because of the distance. He gave thirty miles of land to the Queen of Zhou as the son of Zhou
Nanjun, in order to worship Yan, the ancestor of the king." At this year, the emperor began to patrol the county. The county is invading Mount Tai.
In the spring, Marquis Lecheng wrote to Luan Da. Luan Da was a native of Jiaodong Palace, so he was in the same division as General Wencheng, and became
King Shangfang of Jiaodong. And Lechenghou's sister was Queen Kang and had no children. When King Kang died, his wife Ji became the king. However, Empress Kang committed adultery
and was at odds with the king, endangering the law. After Kang Hou heard that Wencheng was dead, he wanted to flatter himself, so he sent Luan Dayin to ask for a meeting with Yanfang. After the emperor had Wencheng executed, he regretted his early death and regretted that his methods were not exhausted. He was overjoyed when he saw Luan Da. Da
He is a man of great beauty and speaks many strategies, but he dares to speak loudly and does not hesitate to do so. Da Yan said: "I tasted that I was traveling in the sea and saw An
Qi and Xianmen's subordinates. I thought I was humble and did not trust me. I also thought that the princes of King Kang were in the ear and were not enough to give me advice. I spoke to King Kang several times. , King Kang did not use his ministers. The minister's teacher said: "Gold can be made, and the river can be blocked, and the medicine of immortality can be obtained, and the immortal
can do it." I am afraid that I will imitate Wencheng, so all the alchemists will cover their mouths. Dare to speak!" The emperor said: "Wencheng died from eating horse liver
Ear. How can I love that Zicheng can cultivate his method!" Da said: "I, the teacher, do not seek help from others, but others seek them. Your Majesty will do it. want
To do so, honor the envoys, have relatives, treat them with courtesy, do not be humble, and make everyone wear their seal, so that they can communicate
with the gods. The man of God is willing to do evil but not evil. Respect his envoy, and then you can do it. "So the envoy first checked the small square and fought with the flags.
The flags struck each other.
At that time, the superiors were worried about the river duel, but the gold could not be obtained, so they worshiped Da as General of Five Benefits. After staying for more than a month, Obtained four gold seals and wore the seals of General Tianshi, General Dishi, General Datong, and General Tiandao. The imperial edict was issued: "In the past, Yu dredged up Jiujiang and decided on four
duties. In the meantime, the river overflows Gaolu, and the embankments are constantly flowing. I have been in the world for twenty-eight years. If heaven leaves behind my men, it will lead to great success.
It is called "Feilong" and "Hongjian Yuban", which means common people and Yan. He appointed two thousand feudal lords and generals as Letonghou. "
He was given the title of Marquis, with thousands of children. He rode in chariots, horses, curtains, and utensils to fill his home. He also gave her the wife of the princess of the guard, gave her ten thousand catties of gold, and renamed the town Dang. Princess Li. The emperor is as close as the first of the five interests. The envoy asked and gave it, even belonging to the Tao.
From the chief minister to the prime minister, everyone set up wine in his house and presented it to him. So the emperor carved a jade seal and said "General of the Way of Heaven" , the envoy
dressed in feathers, stood on the white grass at night, General Wu Li also wore feathers, stood on the white grass to receive the seal, to show his loyalty. Those who wear
"Tiandao" are the Son of Heaven and the God of Heaven. Ye. So Wuli often worshiped his family at night, hoping to worship the gods. Before the gods came, hundreds
ghosts gathered, but he was quite capable of making them. Afterwards, Zhi dressed up and went east to the sea to seek his teacher. Great insights. For several months, wearing six seals is very valuable
It shakes up the world, and among Yan and Qi on the sea, everyone says that there is a forbidden recipe that can make gods and immortals.
In the middle of June in the summer, Fenyin Witch Brocade Next to the earthen camp of the Empress Wei of Wei, a temple for the people, you can see that the ground is like a hook, and you can see the tripod. The tripod is very different from other tripods. The inscriptions on the carvings are unrecognizable. It is strange and it is said to the officials. The officials told the governor of Hedong to win, and he won. Hearing. The emperor sent an envoy to verify
Ask the witches and brocade to find out that the tripod was not treacherous, so he used the ritual temple to welcome the tripod to Ganquan. He followed the trip and recommended it. When he arrived at Zhongshan, Yan Wen saw
Huang Yun Gaiyan. . When a rooster passed by, he shot it himself, so he offered sacrifices to the clouds. When he arrived in Chang'an, the ministers and officials all agreed to request a precious tripod. The Master of Heaven said: "The river overflows in the middle, and I am not old enough, so I patrol the land to offer sacrifices to my ancestors." , praying to provide grain for the people. There is no reward for the good harvest this year,
Why is Dinghe coming out? "You Sijiu said: "I heard that the great emperor in the past established a divine cauldron, which unified everything in the world.
The Yellow Emperor made three precious tripods, which resemble the heaven, earth and people. Yu collected Jiu Mu's gold and cast nine cauldrons, all of which tasted the gods and ghosts.
After being sanctified, he became prosperous and moved to Xia and Shang Dynasties. The virtue of Zhou Dynasty declined, the society of Song Dynasty collapsed, and the tripod fell into obscurity. The song goes like this: 'Since the hall has been built,
The sheep have been raised with the ox; the cauldron and the molybdenum can be used without fear, and there is no need to worry about it'. Now the tripod reaches the sweet spring, the light is moist and the dragon changes, and the inheritance is boundless
boundary. At Hezi Zhongshan, there are yellow and white clouds descending, like beasts acting as talismans, and bows and arrows on the road, gathered under the altar to report to the temple for a feast. Only
those who receive orders from the emperor know their intentions and are virtuous. The tripod should be seen by you, the ancestor, and hidden in the imperial court, so as to make a clear response. "Zhi said:
"Yes. ”
Those who go into the sea to seek Penglai say that Penglai is not far away, but those who cannot reach it will almost never see its energy. Shang Nai sent Wang Qi to assist him
Qi clouds.
In autumn, I am lucky to be in Yong County and in the suburbs. Or it can be said that "the five emperors are the assistants of Taiyi. It is better to establish Taiyi and go up to the countryside."
The question remains undecided. Gongsun Qing, a native of Qi, said: "I got the treasure tripod this year, and the winter solstice is on the first day of the new year, which is the same as the time of the Yellow Emperor." Said: 'The emperor obtained the treasured cauldron at the winter solstice
On the first day of the lunar month, he obtained the order of the heavens, which will end and begin again.' So the Yellow Emperor welcomed the sun and pushed it forward, and then he got the shuodan at the age of twenty
Winter Solstice, every twenty years, three hundred and eighty years. The Yellow Emperor ascends to the sky." Qing wanted to play it because of his loyalty. He respected his book
but did not know it, and suspected that it was false. He thanked him and said: "The matter of the treasure tripod has been decided, what else can I do?" Qing reported it to his lover. Shang Da said,
Single to ask you. He said to him: "I accept this book to apply for Shen Gong. Shen Gong is dead." The superior said: "Who is Shen Gong?" There is no book, but this tripod book is the only one. It says, 'The Han Dynasty was revived during the reign of the Huang
Emperor. The saint of the Han Dynasty was the grandson and great-grandson of the great ancestor. The treasure tripod came out with magical powers and granted Zen. Seventy-two kings were granted Zen. ,
Only the Yellow Emperor can be granted the title of Mount Tai.' Shen Gong said: 'The Lord of the Han Dynasty should also be granted the title, and if he is granted the title, he can ascend to heaven. The Yellow Emperor had thousands of
vassals, and the gods were granted the title of seven thousand . There are eight famous mountains in the world, three of which are in barbarians and five in China. Huashan, Shoushan, Taishi, Taishan, and Donglai are the five mountains where the Yellow Emperor often traveled to meet with gods. The Yellow Emperor fought and learned from immortals. . Suffering from hundreds of people
The surname is not the way, so cut off those who are not ghosts and gods. After more than a hundred years old, you can get supernatural powers. The Yong God in the suburbs of the Yellow Emperor lives in March. Ghosts
The area code is Dahong, and they die and are buried in Yong. Therefore, Hongzhong is also the place. Later, the Yellow Emperor took over Wanling Mingting. The Mingting is also a sweet spring.
The so-called humble people are also at the mouth of the valley. The Yellow Emperor collected copper from Shoushan and cast it at the foot of Jingshan Mountain. When the tripod was completed, there was a dragon. He greeted the Yellow Emperor with his drooping beard. The Yellow Emperor rode up, and more than seventy people from the harem of ministers came up from the dragon. The dragon went up. The remaining ministers were not allowed to go up, but they all held the dragon's beard, and the dragon's beard was pulled out. The bow fell from the Yellow Emperor's bow. The people looked up to the Yellow Emperor and ascended to heaven, so they held his bow and the dragon's beard horn. Therefore, later generations
The place was called Ding Lake, and its bow was called the Wu Hao.'" So the emperor said: "Hey! I am as sincere as the Yellow Emperor, and I regard
taking off my wife as taking off my ears." So he worshiped Qing as his husband, and sent an envoy to the east to wait for the god in the royal family.
Go up to Suijiao Yong, arrive at Longxi, and climb to Kongtong in the west, where you will find sweet springs. Order the ancestral officials to be wide and comfortable, and make the ancestral altar tall and thin. The altar of the Five Emperors surrounds it, each in its own direction. To the southwest of the Yellow Emperor, there are eight channels of ghosts. Taiyi
Used it like a Yong Yiwei, and added the genus of sweet dates and preserved fruits, and killed a yak to make a bean holder. And the Five Emperors have unique Zudou
Lijin. In the four directions below, there are the God's followers of the Tishi group and Beidou Yun. The temple has been destroyed, and the rest were set on fire. The cattle are white in color.
The deer live among them. The pigs are among the deer and they are caught in the water. Sacrifice the sun with an ox, sacrifice the moon with a sheep蘘特. Taiyi congratulated Zai Ze, and his clothes were purple and
embroidered. The five emperors each have their own colors, the sun is red and the moon is white.
In November, the winter solstice begins, and it feels refreshing. The emperor goes to the outskirts to pay homage to Taiyi. When the sun rises in the morning and the moon rises in the evening, we bow to each other; and
seeing Taiyi is like Yongli. He praised it and said: "At the beginning of the day, the emperor was given the sacred cauldron. The new moon comes again and again, and the end comes again. The emperor worships and sees it." And his clothes are yellow. The altar in the temple is filled with fire, and cooking utensils are placed beside the altar. There is a saying that "there is light on the temple."
Gong Qing said, "The emperor saw Taiyi Yunyang in the suburbs, and a minister presented Xuan jade and offered sacrifices to recommend him. There was beautiful light at night, and during the day, the yellow air
belonged to heaven." Taishi Gong, ancestral official Kuan Shu and others Said: "The rest of the gods bring blessings and good fortune, so it is appropriate to set up a temple in the light area of ​​this place
The altar should be bright and clear. I ordered Tai Zhu to lead it, and visit the Lajian Temple in autumn. The three-year-old emperor will meet in the suburbs."
In the autumn, for the expedition to South Vietnam, we prayed for Taiyi, painted flags with vitex, sun, moon, Beidou and ascended the dragon, and used them to represent the three stars in the sky, which was called Taiyifeng, named "Lingqi". If you pray for the soldiers, the Taishi will use them to point out the country you are attacking. But General Wuli did not dare to enter the sea,
he went to Taishan Temple. The people above were asked to examine it for a moment, but nothing was actually seen. If Wuli makes false claims and sees his master, his skills will be exhausted, and there will be no success. Shang Nai
Killed Wuli.
In the winter, Gongsun Qing was waiting for the gods in Henan. He saw the immortal traces on Fengshi City, and there were things like pheasants walking back and forth on the city. The Son of Heaven
Fortunately, I saw the traces of Fengshi City. Asked Qing: "What are the five benefits of using Wencheng?" Qing said: "Immortals don't ask for help from others, people ask for it. The way is not to be lenient and fake, and the gods will not come. Talk about divine things, and things will be like this. A roundabout way of doing things can only happen if you accumulate it over time." So the counties
every country cleared the roads and renovated the palaces, temples and temples of famous mountains and gods, in the hope of good luck.
In that year, after Nanyue was destroyed, Li Yannian, his favorite minister, came to see him with good news. It was a good thing, and the minister discussed it and said: "People's temples still have the music of encouragement, but now there is no music in the temples in the suburbs, how can we call it?" The minister said: "In ancient times, there was music in worshiping the heaven and the earth.
>And the gods can receive it and be polite." Or it may be said: "The Emperor Tai asked the plain girl to play the fifty-string harp. She was sad, but the emperor couldn't stop it, so he broke the harp
to twenty-five strings." So he said to Nanyue, praying Taiyi and Houtu of the ancestral hall began to use music and dance, and called for singing and singing. From then on, they composed twenty-five strings and kong, harp and harp.
The next winter, the superiors discussed: "In ancient times, we first mobilized the troops to marshal the brigade, and then sealed the Zen." So he patrolled Shuofang in the north and reined in the troops. Such as. He said: "I heard that the Yellow Emperor did not die. Why is there a tomb today?"
Or he said to him: "The Yellow Emperor has ascended to heaven, and his officials buried his clothes and crown." Then he went to Ganquan, and used it in Mount Tai to build a temple.
After obtaining the precious cauldron, he discussed with the ministers and other ministers about granting Zen status. The title of Zen was granted by Xikuangjue, and no one knew its etiquette, but the Confucian scholars adopted the title
The Zen minister, the Zhou officials, and the royal family wanted to sacrifice and shoot the cow. Ding Gong, a native of Qi, who was more than ninety years old, said: "The person who seals the title is the name of the immortal. The Emperor of Qin is not allowed to grant the title. Your Majesty must want to grant it. There will be no wind and rain a little bit, so he seals it." Nai ordered
all the Confucian scholars practiced shooting oxen and practicing Zen rituals. A few years will come and go.After the emperor heard what Gongsun Qing and the alchemists said, the Yellow Emperor and above
consecrated monsters and supernatural powers, and wanted to release the Yellow Emperor to try to pick up the immortal Penglai, who was as good as the Nine Emperors, and was quite
admirable Confucianism is embodied in literature. The group of Confucian scholars not only thought that they could not explain the matter of Feng Chan, but also were restricted by ancient poems and books and did not dare to pursue it. The top is the seal
The ancestral vessel shows the group of Confucian scholars, and the Confucian scholars may say that it is "not the same as in ancient times". Xu Yan also said that "Taichang's etiquette is not as good as Lu's." So he went to Yanyan and Ba, and all the scholars and Buddhists were dismissed.
In the third month of March, Suidong met the Feng clan and paid homage to the royal family of Zhongyue. At the foot of the mountain, Congguan heard someone say "Long live". When you ask someone above,
the person above says nothing; when you ask someone below, the person below says nothing. So three hundred households were granted the title of royal family and worshiped in the ancestral hall, and they were named the Highest City. Going up to Mount Tai in the east, the vegetation on the mountain
has not yet grown any leaves, so one can climb up to the top of Mount Tai, which is built on stone.
Go to the east and patrol the sea, pay homage to the eight gods. There are tens of thousands of people in Qi who talk about strange and strange prescriptions, but none of them have been tested.
It was Yifa's ship that sent thousands of people from the sacred mountains in the sea to pray for the Penglai god. Gongsun Qing often went to the famous mountains to wait for him. When he arrived at Dong Lai, he said that he saw a person at night, several feet long. The ministers had something to say and saw one
The old man led the dog and said, "I want to see the giant prince", but he suddenly disappeared. After seeing the great miracles, but not believing it, and telling the officials about my father,
I thought he was an immortal. He stayed at sea, passing chariots with alchemists and envoys to thousands of people seeking immortality.
In April, it is still high. I read the words of all the Confucian scholars and Fang scholars and said that everyone is special in ennobling Zen. If you don’t practice it, it will be difficult to practice it. The Son of Heaven arrived in Liang Dynasty
My father was the landlord of the ceremonial temple. On Yi Mao, he ordered Pi Bian, a Confucian among the servants, to recommend the gentry to shoot oxen. Fengtai Mountain is located in the east, like a temple in the suburbs
The gift of Taiyi. Feng Guang is two feet long and nine feet high. Under it is a jade ultimatum and secretary. After the ceremony, the emperor alone and his attendants
went up to Mount Tai in a chariot and received a seal. All these things are prohibited. Tomorrow, lower vagina. Bingchen, located in the northeast of Zen Tai Mountain
Suran Mountain, is like a local ceremony after offering sacrifices. The emperor came to see him in person, and his clothes were all yellow and full of joy. One thatch and three ridges between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River are borrowed by the gods. The five-color soil is beneficial to the mixed seal. In the distance, there are many strange animals, birds, and white pheasants, which are quite worthy of worship. The ox, rhinoceros and elephant belong to Fu
. All go to Mount Tai and then go. If there is light in the Fengzen Temple at night, white clouds will rise in the daytime to seal the temple.
The emperor returned from Feng Chan and sat in the Mingtang, and his ministers lived longer. So he issued an imperial edict to the censor: "I bear the supreme honor with my body, and I am so cautious that I am not afraid of being responsible. I have little virtue, and I don't know much about rituals and music. When I worship Taiyi, if there is a scene like this, it is like < br />There was hope, but Yiyi was shocked by the monster and did not dare to stop, so he climbed Mount Tai to visit Liang's father, and then became awe-inspiring. After a new era,
Jia and the scholar-bureaucrat Gengshi gave the people a hundred households of cattle, wine and ten stones. In addition to the eighty-year anniversary, two pieces of cloth and silk will be given to the orphans. Fubo, Fenggao, Sheqiu, and Licheng will not pay this year's taxes. He will pardon the world, just like the Yi Mao pardon order. Don't do it again. Things are here. Two
years ago, no one was allowed to listen to treatment." He also issued an edict: "In ancient times, the emperor would patrol Mount Tai once every five years, and the princes would have a place to stay.Zhi Di is at the foot of Mount Tai. "
Since the emperor has enshrined Mount Tai, there is no storm, and the alchemist even said that if the Penglai sacred mountains can be obtained, he went up to Xinxing.
However, the common people met him several times, so they returned east to look at the sea, hoping to meet Penglai. . Fengchezihou suddenly fell ill and died one day. He went up to Nai and then went to the sea and went to Jieshi in the north. He patrolled from western Liaoning to Jiuyuan in the north. In May, he returned to Ganquan. Siyan Baoding came out
/>As the Yuan Ding, this year is regarded as the first year of Yuanfeng.
In the autumn, there were stars playing in the east well. In the next ten days or so, there were stars playing in Sanneng. Wang Shuo said: "I saw it alone in the waiting period."
The stars come out like gourds, and they go back into the sky after eating. A Siyan said: "Your Majesty founded the Han family and enshrined it in Zen, and God rewarded him with stars and clouds of virtue." "
The next winter, the five emperors of Yong Dynasty returned to the suburbs and paid their respects to the temple. He praised it and said: "The star of virtue is shining brightly, and the balance is peaceful.
The longevity star is still out, and the abyss is shining brightly. When the letter star appears, the emperor pays homage and wishes him a feast. "
In the spring, Gongsun Qing said that he saw the god Donglai Mountain, Ruoyun said, "I met the emperor." The emperor then went to Fengshi City and paid homage to Qing
He became a senior official. Then he went to Donglai and stayed there for several years. On the same day, I saw no sign of a great person. I sent alchemists to ask for gods and monsters to gather sesame medicine
Number of thousands. It was a year of drought. So the emperor, who had no name, prayed for thousands of miles of sand, crossed Mount Tai, and returned to the gourd. When he came
to block the river, he stayed for two days and left in the temple. He sent the two ministers to block the river and move the river into two canals, restoring Yu's old traces.
At that time, Nanyue was destroyed, and Yue Ren Yongzhi said, "The people of Yue believe in ghosts, and ghosts are seen in their temples, so the number is valid. Xidong
King Ou respected ghosts and lived to be one hundred and sixty years old. Later generations were lazy, so it declined." He ordered the Yue Wu to set up the Yue Zhu Temple, which was built without an altar. He also worshiped the gods and ghosts, and used chicken divination. The Lord believed that the Yue Temple would only use the chicken divination.
Gongsun Qing said: "The immortal can be seen, but he goes up quickly, so he can't see him. Now your majesty can take a look at it, just like the city of Fengshi.
Place preserved dates, so that gods and men can visit it. Moreover, immortals like to live in high-rise buildings. "So he ordered Chang'an to build the Feilian Gui Temple and Ganquan the
Yi Yanshou Temple. He ordered the ministers to hold the ceremony and set up the utensils to wait for the gods. They also built a Tongtian Terrace and placed the temple and utensils under it to attract the gods and immortals. .
So Ganquan was installed in the front hall and began to expand into all the palaces. In the summer, there was a Zhi Sheng Hall to defend the inner part. The emperor blocked the river and built the rooftop.
If there was a light cloud, he issued an edict saying: " The nine stems of antiseptic mushrooms grown in sweet springs will forgive the world and never crop them again. "
Next year, they will attack Korea. In the summer, there will be drought. Gongsun Qing said: "During the reign of Emperor Huang, there was a drought. During the reign of Emperor Qian, there was a drought. "Shang
then issued an edict saying: "Drought, what do you mean by Qian Feng? It makes the world respect the temple and the spiritual star Yan. "
Next year, he will go up to the suburbs of Yong, leading back to the middle road, and patrol there. In the spring, he will arrive at Mingze, and return from Xihe.
Next year, in the winter, he will go up to Nanjun, and go to Jiangling to the east. He will go to Li Qian. The name of Tianzhu Mountain is Nanyue. The floating river starts from Xunyang and goes out of Songyang. It passes through Pengli and is dedicated to its famous mountains and rivers. It reaches Langye in the north and merges with the sea. In mid-April, it reaches Fenggao Xiuyan. .
In the early days, the emperor sealed Mount Tai. In ancient times, there was a Mingtang on the northeast site of Mount Tai, which was not exposed to danger. The emperor wanted to rule the Mingtang and set it beside it.
The system is unknown. Jinan's Gongyan brought a picture of the Mingtang in the time of the Yellow Emperor. In the picture of Mingtang, there is a hall with no walls on all sides.
It is covered with thatch and connected to water. The palace wall is a compound road with a tower above. It enters from the southwest. It is named Kunlun. The emperor enters from it.
Worship God. So he was ordered to serve as a monk in the Mingtang, with a picture on it. After five years of renovation, the Taiyi and Wu emperors were seated in the Mingtang, and Emperor Gao was ordered to sit opposite them in the temple. The earth behind the temple was placed in the lower room, and twenty pieces of earth were used to secure it. The emperor entered from the Kunlun Road and began to pay homage to the Mingtang, just like a suburban ceremony. After the ceremony, the hall was lit. And then up to Mount Tai, there is a secret temple on the top of it. And the temple at the foot of Mount Tai
The five emperors, each in his own way, the Yellow Emperor and the Red Emperor, have ministers to serve in the temple. A fire is raised on Mount Tai, and the people below respond to it.
Two years later, during the winter solstice on the first day of the twelfth month of the twelfth lunar month, those who predict the calendar will use this system. The emperor personally came to Mount Tai and worshiped the God Ming Hall on the winter solstice day of November
Jia Zi Shuo Dan, and practiced Zen every day. He praised and said: "Tian Zeng bestowed upon the emperor the god Taiyuan, and the cycle began again and again. The emperor worshiped Taiyi." From the east to the sea, those who were admitted to the sea and the alchemists prayed for gods, but they could not find it, but they were sent , hope
encounter it.
In November Yiyou, Bailiang suffered a disaster. On the first day of the Jiawu lunar month in December, I went to Zen in Gaoli and stayed in the temple behind the temple. Facing the Bohai Sea, we will
Wangci Penglai, hoping to reach the special palace.
The emperor returned to the court, and because of the Bailiang disaster, he planned to accept Ganquan. Gongsun Qing said: "The Yellow Emperor went to Qingling Terrace and burned it for twelve days.
The Yellow Emperor governed the Ming Court. The Ming Court is also a sweet spring." Many alchemists said that the ancient emperors had sweet springs in their capitals. Later, the emperor went to the princes to visit Ganquan, which served as their residence. Yongzhi Nai said: "If there is a fire in Yue custom, the house must be big and powerful to conquer it."
So he built the Zhang Palace and housed thousands of households. The front hall is Weiyang high, and to the east is the Phoenix Tower, which is more than twenty feet high. To its west
is the middle of the Tang Dynasty, with dozens of miles of tiger enclosures. In the north is a large pool with a gradually rising height of more than 20 feet, which is called Taiye Pool. In the middle there are Penglai,
Fangzhang, Yingzhou and Huliang, which are like turtles and fish in the sacred mountains in the sea. To the south are Yutang, Bimen and Daniao. Nai erected
The Shenming Terrace and the Jinggan Tower, which span more than fifty feet, and the chariot and road are connected with each other.
In the summer, the Han Dynasty changed the calendar, with the first month as the first month of the year, and the color became yellow, and the official name was changed to five characters on the seal. Because of the first year of Taichu.
It was the year of the Western Expedition to Dawan. Locusts rise. Mrs. Ding, Luoyang Yuchu and others used the square temple to curse the Xiongnu and Dawan Yan.
The next year, Siyan Yong's five grains were not cooked and the fragrance was not prepared. He then ordered the ancestral officials to enter the calf's cage, feed the five-color food
to the winner, and replace the colt with a wooden horse. Only the five emperors use horses, and they use horses when traveling in the suburbs. Those who use horses in mountains and rivers are all replaced by
Muyu horses. When traveling, use a colt. He was as polite as ever.
Next year, he will patrol the sea in the east to test the attributes of gods, but no one has been tested. An alchemist said, "During the Yellow Emperor's time, there were five cities and twelve towers, waiting for the gods and men to come during the execution period, and the order was to welcome the new year." I promised to make it as square and call it next year. Go to the temple to worship God, and wear yellow clothes.
Gong Yandai said: "Although the Yellow Emperor granted the title of Mount Tai, Fenghou, Feng Ju, and Qi Bo ordered the Yellow Emperor to grant the title of Dongdong.Taishan,
Zen and Fanshan are in harmony, and then you will not die. "The emperor ordered the erection of a temple to the east of Mount Tai. However, Mount Tai was humble and did not call it
so he ordered the officials of the temple to honor it but not to enshrine it. Later, he ordered the officials to enshrine the sacred objects in the temple. In the summer, they returned Taishan, after five years of cultivation
the rituals were as before, and a stone Lu of Zen temple was added. The stone Lu was located at the foot of Mount Tai in the south. Many alchemists said that this was the Immortal’s Lu,
so I went to Zen in person.
In the next five years, he returned to Taishan to repair the monastery, and also went to Mount Chang to offer sacrifices.
Today, the emperor built a temple in Taiyi and Houtu. Repair the seal. Boji
Taiyi and Sanyi, Mingyang, Maxing, Chixing, Wu, Kuanshu's ancestral officials salute at the age of the year. All six ancestral halls are Taizhu
Lead them. To Ru The eight gods will have their own temples in Fanshan next year. They will offer sacrifices when they pass by, and they will be gone when they leave. The temples built by the alchemists are each
independent, and their people will be gone in the end. The official of the temple will not be the owner. All other temples are as they were. Today He was granted the title of Zen, and then he returned at the age of twelve, and traveled all over the Five Mountains and the Four Mountains. The alchemist waited for the gods, and went into the sea to seek Penglai, but nothing happened. Gongsun Qing waited for the gods
However, the explanation is still based on the traces of great people, but it has no effect. The emperor was tired of the weird and roundabout words of the alchemists, but he finally restrained himself and hoped to meet the truth. From then on, the alchemists talked about the gods and there were many people. , but its effect can be seen.
Tai Shigong said: I patrolled the mountains and rivers to worship the gods of heaven and earth and received the title of Zen. I entered the longevity palace to serve the gods and observed the words of the alchemists
So I retreated As for those who have used things to serve ghosts and gods since ancient times, we can see both the outside and the inside. Later, there were gentlemen who were able to
see them. As for the details of Zuo Dougui coins and the gifts of rewards, they were kept.

< p>D. The content of "Historical Records Volume 12"

Historical Records Volume 12 Xiaowu Benji
* The preface of Tai Shigong's preface to the collection says, "The present chronicle is written", and all the events described in it are as follows: "Today's", "today's son", or "to be filial to Emperor Wu" are all determined by later generations. Zhang Yan said: "The Wu Ji was supplemented by Mr. Chu. Mr. Chu's name is Shaosun, and he is also a doctor of Han Dynasty. "Suo Yin's note: Mr. Chu supplemented the historical records and compiled the events of Emperor Wu to chronologically. Now I only use Feng Chan's books to supplement it. I believe that his talent is weak. Zhang Yanyun also said, "Mr. Chu was from Yingchuan, and he was an official in the Yuan Dynasty." Wei Leng It is said that "Chu Yi's family passed down Chu's grandson, the grandson of Liang Xiang Chu's eldest brother. Emperor Xuan served as a doctor and lived in Pei. He served as a great Confucian king and was named 'Mr.', continuing the official history of Taishi." Ruan Xiaoxu also thought so.
Emperor Xiaowu ① Xiaojing’s middle son. ② His mother is the Queen Mother. In the fourth year of Xiaojing’s reign, the prince was named King of Jiaodong.
In the seventh year of Xiaojing’s reign, Prince Li was deposed as King Linjiang, and the prince of Jiaodong was named the prince. In the sixteenth year of Xiaojing’s reign, Prince Li was deposed as King Linjiang. After the collapse, the prince ascended the throne and became Emperor Xiaowu. ③ When Emperor Xiaowu first came to the throne, he especially respected the sacrifices of ghosts and gods.

Notes ① The pronunciation and meaning of the Han Dynasty book is: "Taboo. Suoyin Pei Xiang said: "Tai Shigong's preface said, 'To write the present chronicle', and his preface all said 'this is', 'today's son', or 'Emperor Xiaowu', as later generations have decided." "
The posthumous title of Zhengyi says: "To control disasters and chaos is called martial arts.”
Note ② Note: According to the legend of the Thirteen Kings of Jing, all the kings of Guangchuan and above are brothers of Emperor Wu. From King De of Hexian to Guangchuan, if there are eight people, then Emperor Wu is the ninth.
Note ③ Zhang Yan said in the collection: "Emperor Wu was born in the first year of Emperor Jing, and he became the prince at the age of seven. When he was ten years old, Emperor Jing died, and he was sixteen years old. "
In the first year of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty was more than sixty years old. ① The world was in peace, ② the recommended gentry and ③ their subordinates all hoped that the emperor would grant Zen and correct their education. And they went to the countryside to recruit virtuous Confucians, Zhao Wan, Wang Zang, etc. Taking literature as the official minister, he wanted to discuss the ancient establishment of Mingtang in the south of the city, ④ to court the princes. The grass patrol hunted, granted Zen, changed the calendar, and served sex. The empress dowager Hui Dou treated Huang Laoyan, was not good at Confucianism, and made people gain little favor from Zhao Wan and other treacherous people. Things, ⑤ summoned Wan and Zang to the case, Wan and Zang committed suicide, ⑥ all the efforts were ruined.

Notes ① Explanation of the collection Xu Guang said: "In the sixty-seventh year, I was in Xinchou. "
Note ② Justice Yi Yinyu deposed the rebellion.
Note ③ Suoyin Shangyin 梢. 搢, Ting also. It is said that Tinghu is in the leisure time of the gentry, and things are done according to the rules of etiquette. This article is "Recommended" "The ancient Chinese character "Jin Shen" is borrowed from the ear. In the Chinese book "Jin Shen", Chen Zan said "Jin, red and white", which is not true.
Note ④ Suoyin City is south of the city, outside the south gate of Chang'an City. Case: Guanzhong Ji Yunming Hall Outside the gate of Chang'an City, west of Dumen.
Note ⑤ Collection Explanation Xu Guang said: "Watch it carefully. "
Note ⑥ In the second year of Emperor Xiaowu's reign in the Book of Zhengyi Han, Zhao Wan, the imperial censor, invited the Empress Dowager and the doctor Wang Zang to jail and committed suicide. Ying Shao said: "Wang Zang is a Confucian who wants to establish Mingtang and Piyong, the Queen Mother was good at Huang Lao's skills and was not weak in the Five Classics. For some reason, she was in charge of the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother was angry and ordered her to be killed. "
Six years later, Empress Dowager Dou died. The next year, the literary scholar Gongsun Hong and others were sent to the expedition.
Next year, at the beginning of the Shang Dynasty, I arrived at Yong, and saw five suburbs. ① The queen often has one suburb for three years. This is At that time, I prayed for the divine monarch, ② The temple was in the forest above the house. ③ The divine monarch, a woman from Changling, mourned the death of her son, so I saw the gods one after another. ④ The room was like a temple, and many people went to the temple.
Pingyuan Jun ⑤ went to the temple, and his descendants showed his respect. When Emperor Wu came to the throne, he placed generous gifts in the temple. After hearing his words, he was nowhere to be seen.

Note ① The sound of justice is stopped. Kuo Di Zhi says: "The Five Emperors of the Han Dynasty were in the south of Yong County in Qizhou. Meng Kangyun's border is where the gods stop. "The case: the five ridges are the 焜 畤, the mi 畤, the Wuyang 畤, and the northern 畤. First, Duke Wen built the 焜畤 to worship the White Emperor; Qin Xuangong built the Mi 畤 to worship the Qing Emperor; Qin Linggong built the Wuyang upper ridge and the lower ridge. To offer sacrifices to the Red Emperor and the Yellow Emperor; the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty built the northern border to offer sacrifices to the Black Emperor: these are the Five Borders.
Note ② The story of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "The Bailiang Terrace was built to house the divine king and the woman from Changling. First, she married as a wife and gave birth to a boy. He died a few years ago, and the woman mourned him. He also died in the middle of the year, and his spirit was like a shrine. Then he heard the words and it was like making a living. Many people came to ask for blessings, saying that small things about his family were successful. Lord Pingyuan will do the same, and his descendants will be honored. After he ascended the throne, the Queen Mother went to the palace to offer sacrifices to him. After hearing his words, he was nowhere to be seen. As a result, the king of gods asked to be eliminated, and he camped at Bailiang Terrace and abandoned it. At the beginning, when Huo Qu was still ill, he prayed to the Lord God, and when he saw his form, he practiced self-cultivation.He wanted to communicate with Qu Bing, but Qu Bing refused, and said to Shenjun: "I use Shenjun's spirit to live, so I fast and pray for blessings, but now I want to commit adultery, which is wrong." ’ I’ll never go back again. The Lord of Gods is about to leave. "
Note ③ Xu Guang said: "The sound hoof. "Suoyin Xu Guangyin Ho, Zou Dan Yin Si, and Yin Ho, Guan Ming also.
Note ④ Collection Explanation Meng Kang said: "Died after giving birth to milk. Brothers and wives refer to each other as "successor". Like, word. "Suoyin successively, the two characters of Zou Danyin merged and lost the sound, which is now sister-in-law. Meng Kang referred to each other as brother and wife. Wei Zhaoyun first called Si, and then called Diye. Wanyin is unfair.
Note ⑤ Collection Explanation Xu Guang said: "This is Emperor Wu's grandmother. "Zhao case: Cai Yong said, "A woman with a different surname is bestowed with kindness, and she is called the king, and her manners are better than the eldest princess." Suo Yin case: Emperor Xu Yunwu's grandmother was Zang'er.
Sometimes Li Shaojun also used the title of ancestral temple , ①Gu Dao, ②Que Lao Fang sees the superior, and the superior respects him. The young king, so Shen Zehou ③enters the main side. ④Hide his age and growth, often claiming to be seventy, he can make things old. ⑤ He traveled to the feudal lords and had no wife. People heard that he could make things and immortals, so they even gave him gifts, and always had money, silk, clothing and food left. Everyone thought that he would not take care of the property, so they spared it, and they didn't know where he was. They became more convinced and fought for it. It happened. The young gentleman is gifted with good prescriptions and is good at finding surprises. ⑥Try to drink from Wu'anhou ⑦. Sitting in the middle is an old man who is more than ninety years old. The young gentleman said that he and his elder father traveled to the place where the old man was a child. The elder father walked and recognized the place. He was shocked when he sat down. When the young gentleman saw it, there was an old bronze vessel on it, so he asked the young gentleman. The young gentleman said: "This vessel was kept in the cypress bed of Duke Huan of Qi for ten years." "⑧The engravings have been made, and the results are Qi Huan Gong's weapons. The palace is completely horrified, with Shaojun as the god, and a man hundreds of years old.

Note ① Suo Yin is like Chun Yun: "The temple rice can be Blessings. "Case: Those who offer fermented rice as a sacrifice to the old woman, put it in a basin and respect it in a bottle. Shuowen Zhou rituals use fermented rice in the temple to celebrate the melting. Emperor Yan of Huainanzi served as the official of fire, and died as the god of fermented rice. Sima Biao notes that Zhuangzi said that bun is the god of fermented rice. Also, like a beautiful woman, her clothes are red. Li Hongfan Yinjie also.
Note ② Explanation of the collection Li Qi said: "Shi Gu Dao Yin." Or it can be called the way of fasting without food. "
Note ③ Xu Guang said in the collection: "The surname is Zhao, and he was granted no title during the reign of Emperor Jing. ”
Note ④ Explanation of the collection Xu Guang said: “Admit it to the emperor and take charge of the party. Yiyunhou takes charge of the party. "The case: Ru Chun said: "The Hou family is the one who prescribes the medicine."
Note ⑤ Explanation of the collection: Ru Chun said: "Things, ghost things." Zan said: "Things are also medicines." "
Note ⑥ The interpretation of the collection is as Chun said: "Every time I speak, I have something to say. "
Note ⑦ Suo Yinfu Qianyun said: "Tian Ye is also. Wei Zhaoyun: "Wu'an belongs to Wei County." "
Note ⑧ Ji Jiefu Qian said: "The name of the place has Taiwan. Zan said: "Yanzi Shubai sleeps, which is also the name of the stage." " Zhengyi Kuo Di Zhiyun said: "The cypress bed is located 21 miles northeast of Qiancheng County, Qingzhou. Hanzi Yunjinggong and Yanzi traveled to Shaohai and climbed to the cypress platform to look at his country. The Duke said: "It's so beautiful. Which descendants will be like this?" ’ Yan Ziyun: Who is Tian’s family? ’ The duke said, ‘I have a country but the Tian family, what can I do? ’ He said to him: ‘If you seize it, you will be disrespectful to those who are near and far away. Treat their troubles, lighten their punishments, encourage the poor, show sympathy to the orphans and widows, and show kindness., advocating frugality, even though the Shitian family is so different! ’ That’s it. "
Shaojun said: "The fermentation in the temple will lead to things, and the sand will turn into gold. If the gold is turned into eating utensils, life will be long. Life will be long, and the Penglai Immortal in the sea can be seen, and when he sees it, If you become a Zen person, you will never die, just like the Yellow Emperor. I tried to travel on the sea and saw An Qisheng. ①The food minister's dates were as big as melons. Immortals born in the An period are connected to Penglai. If they are in harmony, they can see people. If they are not in harmony, they will be hidden. "So the emperor began to visit the temple, and sent alchemists into the sea to ask for the relatives of Penglai Anqi, and turned the elixirs and medicines into gold.

Note ① Suo Yinfu Qian said: "In ancient times, The real person. "Case: Legends of Immortals say that An Qisheng was born in Langxie, and he sold medicine by the East Sea. Everyone at that time said that he was a thousand years old. Legends of Zhengyi Immortals say: "An Qisheng was born in Tingting, Langxie, Fu Township. Selling medicine by the seaside. Qin Shihuang asked for words for three nights, and gave tens of millions of gold. He left them all in the pavilion in Fuxiang, and left a note in return. He gave me a red jade boat in return, saying, "You will ask me for help at the foot of Penglai Mountain when you are a thousand years old." "
Note ② Suoyin Qiyin Decoction.
After a long time, Li Shaojun died of illness. ① The emperor thought that he would be immortal, so he ordered Huang Chui ② Shi Kuanshu ③ to accept his prescription. I pray that Penglai will be safe and alive. , and the strange and roundabout alchemists of Yan and Qi on the sea are all in harmony with each other, and they even talk about divine things.
For more information, go to the website: http://www.cnread.net/cnread1/lszl/s/simaqian/sj/012. htm

E. Historical Records--The Chronicles of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Tyrant! But he was lucky. His grandfather and father accumulated enough capital for him to squander it so that the country would not be destroyed.< br />Similar to him is Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty, but Yang Guang was the second emperor of the Sui Dynasty and had insufficient accumulation.
So in essence, there is no difference between Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty!

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