币圈造富神话真的假的 币圈造福神话

Ⅰ 比特币涨破10万元,年内价格翻4倍,它是骗局吗




Ⅱ 比特币蒸发1万亿,到底发生了什么


Ⅲ 这是什么币

这是大家都知道的事,所有人的意见只能作为你的参考。币圈不同于故事,大涨大跌是分分钟的事;币圈也是个韭菜狗庄乱生的地方,没有太多的法律约束,所以不单单要了解资讯,很多时候也看运气(集中在短线上)! 自己买的币,跌成狗也要含泪持有或者出掉,没有人会为你的得失负责。所以币市比股市更要谨记:入市有风险,投资需谨慎!
即活下来的基本都是传奇,而成为大家供奉及摩拜的对象!类似与十几亿人里有几个辍学,甚至不认识字的人创业成功而成为传奇,反而被大众误解为“读书无用”, 以及网络上铺天盖地的马云说,比尔盖茨,巴菲特说。 炒币之前,请正确认识这个观点,否则大起大落容易生病!
这个也有点小绝对,但是大部分人是持不住的,毕竟资金压在里面! 很多暴富往往是因为“忘记了”! 没错,就是当时新鲜,买了点,然后真的给忘了。突然几年后发现这玩意儿居然这么值钱了,于是翻箱倒柜的发现自己当年买了一点,于是一夜暴富!真正秉着“信仰”去持币的人很少。恩,很少,能一直持几年的,要么就是真信仰,要么就是变态!
传销需要拉人头,靠收取人头费来赚钱! 一定要注意这点:承诺高额回报,下家收费才可加入,上级会收取下级的人头费! 币圈同样也需要让更多的人加入,但是这里没有人头费的说法,是大家共同营造的一个“接盘赌博”游戏!
两者都需要靠圈子,但是一个纯靠骗,另一个也是纯靠忽悠! 但是币圈人还是要和传销人区分开。
太多的造富神话让很多人对于币圈报以太大的期望,以一种浮躁的心态进入,根本不会花时间去了解这东西到底是个什么玩意儿,一来就是问哪个会是百倍币,哪个明天会暴涨? 对于这类问题,统一给出的答案是,这里没有什么“暴涨”,只有太多的“智障”! 这种浮躁的心态也催生了很多的“专家”及“分析员”,牛市的时候预测什么时候都是准的,熊市的时候一个人都看不见,全部静悄悄的不知道躲哪去了!
如上所述,2017年牛市的时候,各种收费群,各种指标,各种线条分析,煞有介事的群魔乱舞。无它,那时候是个币都在涨! 再看2018年,你还看到这些人出现了吗? 鬼影子都找不到!!! 还有那些分析什么“压力线”各种线的,这东西就是个心理游戏。如果你看过《东方华尔街》就知道,在第一集里就有操盘手调侃,要让那些“分析线条的专家”有口饭吃! 很多人心理上认为某个整数会是个压力点,于是大家都觉得在这个点上会上升或者下跌! 拜托,股市都玩得你团团转,在这个根本没有约束狗庄丛生,砸盘拉盘就像儿戏似的币圈,你去信这些人的鬼话。。。

Ⅳ 中国商人王靖背景及其造富神话:王靖是怎么起家的

王靖雄(wang jing xiong), 香港(HONG KONG)商人,台湾著名导演张艾嘉的丈夫。1990年8月,37岁的张艾嘉未婚产子。一年后,王靖雄离婚手续办妥后于1991年9月28日正式迎娶张艾嘉为妻。












Ⅳ 比特币突破52000美元关口,为什么越来越多人涌入“币圈”



Ⅵ 币圈集体崩盘,有多少钱被蒸发掉了



Ⅶ gate平台今天怎么打不开了


Ⅷ 派币和张鹏有关系吗

1、 派币(Pi),由斯坦福大学博士团队打造。可在手机上“挖矿”的虚拟货币。相对于挖比特币需要足够多的矿机,而挖派币的方式非常简单,需要派币App就能免费挖矿。 警惕:币圈的App大部分是靠海外ID才能在手机应用市场下载,借用别人的ID可能会上传自己手机内的文件。这些虚拟货币App在使用过程中也可能上传用户隐私信息,让用户隐私在网络世界里裸奔。
2、 借着比特币、狗狗币的造富神话,各种名目的“数字货币”可谓是“八仙过海、各显神通”。一种号称可以用手机“挖币”的派币(Pi)最近在朋友圈火了起来,微博、微信朋友圈到处可见派币“拉人头”的消息。 手机便可“挖矿”,这样的区块链技术是否可以实现呢?多位业内人士表示,主流“挖矿”项目需要耗费大量算力,并设计复杂的算法才能实现加密安全的目的,靠手机“挖矿”难以实现。投资者要警惕虚拟币项目方利用“庞氏模型”层压式推销,需警惕被“砸盘”、被“割韭菜”的风险,甚至陷入非法集资陷阱,或被侵犯隐私
3、 中国通信工业协会区块链专委会轮值主席于佳宁提醒投资者,少数披着区块链外衣的诈骗行为,会在早期给用户设定非常低的门槛,操作简单、低(免费)资金门槛,并通过“拉人头”奖励模式和大量宣传为项目提升热度。一开始项目方本质上是为了构建一个多级分销的体系。等到了第二阶段,项目方宣布该虚拟币能够转账或交易,存在资金流通的可能,就在找机会大量抛售虚拟币,投资者的风险也会大大增加

Ⅸ 有人让我注册派币是不是骗人的


Ⅹ 落幕与新生 | 资本躁动下的汽车圈,造富神话会破灭吗






Ⅰ Bitcoin has exceeded 100,000 yuan, and the price has quadrupled during the year. Is it a scam?

Bitcoin has a high upward trend. In fact, Bitcoin is a scam. In the end, it will It will bubble up, attracting some uninformed people to enter and be cut off by capital.

3. Bitcoin is a bubble economy

The rising momentum of Bitcoin has also allowed many people to see the benefits, and they continue to invest in this market, and large amounts of money continue to pour in. But similarly, once the Bitcoin market becomes saturated, it will inevitably become unprofitable, and the Bitcoin market will also experience extremely large fluctuations. The current trend of Bitcoin turning red is actually only a short-term effect. In the future, Bitcoin will still fall into a bubble economy as before.

Ⅱ Bitcoin evaporated by 1 trillion, what happened

From the first announced Bitcoin exchange rate in 2009, it was 1309.03 Bitcoins for 1 U.S. dollar, which rose to 2017 At its highest point in the year, the price increased 20 million times, making it the world’s largest bubble.
In 2017, when Bitcoin reached its highest price, a three-bedroom apartment in Shenzhen was not worth 100 Bitcoins, and a top-end Mercedes-Benz S500 was not worth 10 Bitcoins.
2017 was also the most prosperous year for people in the currency circle. The myth of wealth creation inspired countless latecomers, and funds from all walks of life poured in. The speed of making wealth in the currency circle and the ease of making money are unprecedented examples in the well-documented commercial and financial history of mankind.
In just the past few days, investors have heard the sound of Bitcoin collapsing.
On the afternoon of November 20, the Bitcoin quotation broke through the $4,300 defense line, and the RMB quotation fell below 30,000 yuan, setting a new low.
In the past 24 hours, it has fallen by more than 17%.
In the past month, it has plummeted by more than 30%.
In the past year, the stock price dropped by 77%.
Bitcoin’s market value has evaporated by 1.6 trillion yuan from its 2017 high.
Since last week, as Bitcoin broke the relative calm and began to fall, other mainstream digital currencies generally fell. In the past 24 hours, Ripple has fallen by more than 9%, Ethereum has fallen by more than 10%, and most of the top ten digital currencies by market value have fallen by close to double digits. The overall digital currency market value has wiped out US$700 billion from January's historical high.
Bitcoin’s plunge was largely caused by disagreements in the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community.
The hard fork of BCH is considered to be an important reason for the sharp decline in Bitcoin prices. This hard fork was officially executed at 0:40 on November 16.

Ⅲ What coin is this?

A must-read in the currency circle
1: There are risks in the currency circle
This is something everyone knows, and everyone’s opinions are only Can be used as your reference. The currency circle is different from stories, big rises and big falls happen in minutes; the currency circle is also a place where chaos occurs, and there are not manyLegal constraints, so not only do you need to understand the information, but it also depends on luck in many cases (focusing on the short-term)! Even if the coins you buy fall into the market, you have to hold them or sell them with tears. No one will be responsible for your gains and losses. Therefore, the currency market needs to be remembered even more than the stock market: there are risks in entering the market, and investment needs to be cautious!
2: The currency circle has a serious survivor bias
That is, those who survive are basically legends, and become everyone’s enshrinement and The target of Mobai! It’s similar to how a few people among the billions of people who dropped out of school and even didn’t know how to read successfully started their own businesses and became legends. Instead, they were misunderstood by the public as “study is useless”, and Jack Ma said that Bill Gates was overwhelmingly on the Internet. , Buffett said. Before speculating in coins, please understand this point of view correctly, otherwise you will easily get sick due to the ups and downs!
3: Mining new coins is mining for air
This statement is a bit absolute and not completely correct. After all, some projects are still recognized by everyone. . But most of it is a wave of air, and the wind blows the eggshells, and the wave disappears without a trace! So before mining coins, please determine your position, how many machines and computing power you have, your electricity bills, space and other expenses. Whether you are looking for short-term repayment or long-term stable income, these are the factors you need to consider when choosing new coins.
4: Those who get rich by holding currency are all perverts
This is a little bit absolute, but most people can’t hold on to it, after all, the money is trapped in it! Many people who get rich suddenly are often because they “forgot” ! Yes, it was fresh at the time, I bought some, and then I really forgot about it. Suddenly, a few years later, I discovered that this thing was so valuable, so I rummaged through the box and found that I had bought some back then, and became rich overnight! There are very few people who truly hold coins with "faith". Well, there are very few. Those who can persist for several years are either true believers or perverts!
5: There is no "earlier knowledge" or "regret medicine" in the currency circle
If I had known earlier, I would have bought this or that. Already a billionaire. This can only be used as a normal joke and cannot become a knot in your heart. If you had "knew it earlier", Bitcoin would not be so scarce, and everyone would buy it! Well, maybe buying lottery tickets will make you rich more easily.
6: There is no "obligation" in the currency circle
The word "obligation" is generally reflected in the promised services or goods provided by one party after the establishment of a paid contract such as payment or purchase. Most of the cryptocurrency community is a freely formed group. If there is no interest between the two parties, no one is "obligated" to provide you with help or services. Most of the information and news in the currency circle, as well as various sources, are analyzed and searched by yourself, and then you judge the authenticity and value by yourself. Don't expect others to be "obligated" to help you make money.
7: The currency circle is addictive
In fact, this is a gambling game, and everyone knows it well and does not break it. Everyone has a gambling instinct. Combined with the "survivor bias" above, it is easy to become addicted. So please control your mentality, coordinate your work and life, etc., whether it is full-time or part-time, whether to mine coins or speculate coins on the exchange, choose a direction for yourself. Don't prioritize, it's okay if you make money.Everything you lose is gone!
8: The difference between the currency circle and "MLM"
MLM needs to attract people and make money by collecting head fees! Be sure to pay attention to this point: promise high returns, and start a new business You can only join for a fee, and the superior will charge the subordinate's head fee! The currency circle also needs more people to join, but there is no head fee here. It is a "taking gambling" game created by everyone!
Two Both of them need to rely on the circle, but one relies purely on cheating, and the other purely relies on deception! However, people in the currency circle still need to be distinguished from pyramid sellers.
In the currency circle, you need to invest, buy or mine yourself. Everything is open and transparent, and you can trick others into participating. The more people there are, the higher the value may be. However, I will not promise returns, and I may not sell, and it may even fall. ;
However, MLM uses high returns to deceive subordinates into investing money. Everything is hidden and secretive. The superior family relies on commission for its income. It deceives more subordinates to pay, and the superior family gets more commissions until the final fund is released. It cannot hold up and collapse!
One is the air circle with a pyramid structure that has promises, and the entire capital market collapses without going offline.
One is a smooth voluntary gambling circle with no commitment, no one joins, and the circle can circulate on its own.
In addition, have you seen how many gambling people have participated in pyramid schemes?
So under the guise of blockchain cryptocurrency, various organizations and various APP promotions require first-level fees and payments. , whether it is 5 yuan, 10 yuan, or tens of thousands, it is undoubtedly a pyramid scheme!
9: Please do not be impetuous in the currency circle
Too many myths about making wealth have made many people have too much attitude towards the currency circle. Expectation, enter with an impetuous mentality, and will not take the time to understand what this thing is. The first thing is to ask which one will be a hundred times the coin, and which one will skyrocket tomorrow? For such questions, the answers given are uniform. Yes, there is no "skyrocketing" here, only too many "mental retardations"! This impetuous mentality has also given birth to many "experts" and "analysts". The predictions are always accurate in the bull market, but in the bear market No one can be seen, everyone is hiding quietly!
10: Don’t trust “experts and professors” in the currency circle
As mentioned above, during the bull market in 2017, various charging groups , various indicators, various line analysis, and a group of demons dancing in a serious manner. Without it, every coin was rising at that time! Look at 2018, have you still seen these people appear? You can't even find a ghost!!! There are also those who analyze various "pressure lines" and various lines, this The thing is a mind game. If you have watched "Eastern Wall Street", you will know that in the first episode, a trader joked that those "experts who analyze lines" should have a living! Many people psychologically believe that a certain integer will be a pressure point, so everyone Everyone thinks that it will rise or fall at this point! Come on, the stock market is playing around with you. In this currency circle where there are no restrictions at all and dog dealers are everywhere, smashing and pulling is like child's play. Why don't you believe these people's lies. . .

IV Chinese businessman Wang JingBackground and the myth of wealth creation: How Wang Jing started his business

Wang Jingxiong (wang jing xiong) is a Hong Kong (HONG KONG) businessman and the husband of the famous Taiwanese director Sylvia Chang. In August 1990, 37-year-old Zhang Sijia gave birth to a child out of wedlock. A year later, Wang Jingxiong officially married Sylvia Chang as his wife on September 28, 1991 after the divorce procedures were completed.

Sylvia Chang’s husband is Wang Jingxiong. Wang Jingxiong is a Hong Kong businessman and the husband of the famous Taiwanese director Sylvia Chang. In August 1990, 37-year-old Zhang Sijia gave birth to a child out of wedlock. A year later, Wang Jingxiong officially married Sylvia Chang on September 28, 1991 after the divorce procedures were completed.
In 1985, Sylvia Chang met married businessman Wang Jingxiong through a friend and fell in love.

On August 16, 1990, 37-year-old Sylvia Chang gave birth to her only son Wang Lingchen (Oscar), whom she described as "the most important man", which caused a sensation in the entertainment industry. The third party and the unmarried Her mother put double pressure on her, but maternal love made Sylvia Chang move forward bravely.

On September 28, 1991, Wang Jingxiong officially married Zhang Sylvia after completing the divorce procedures.
Wang Jing was born in 1972 and is currently the chairman and legal person of Xinwei Group. Wang Jing, 42, has more than 20 years of experience in building successful companies. He has controlled and served as chairman of more than 20 companies, and has conducted business in 35 countries and regions around the world. The businesses he founded or invested in involve large-scale infrastructure. Facilities and mines

Wang Jing was born in 1972 and is currently the chairman and legal person of Xinwei Group. Wang Jing, 42, has more than 20 years of experience in building successful companies. He has controlled and served as chairman of more than 20 companies, and has conducted business in 35 countries and regions around the world. The businesses he founded or invested in involve large-scale infrastructure. Facilities, mining, aerospace, information and communications and other fields. On June 14, 2013, Wang Jing and Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega signed an exclusive commercial agreement for the Nicaragua Canal Development Project.

Xinwei Group was established in November 1995. It was originally a core asset of Datang Group. It has successively created three major national and international wireless communication technology standards: SCDMA, TD-SCDMA and McWiLL. In particular, its "Dalingtong" system developed based on SCDMA has helped fixed network operators launch mobile communication services.
Xinwei Group suffered continuous losses from 2007 to 2009. In 2010, the company underwent equity reorganization. Datang Group reduced its holdings and exited. Wang Jinghao spent hundreds of millions to take over the company. Xinwei Group transformed from a state-owned holding company to a private holding company.

After taking office in 2010, Wang Jing made major adjustments to Xinwei Communications and established three strategic markets: special communications, overseas markets and domestic industry private networks. The company has also shifted from focusing on technological strategic adjustments to paying more attention to market innovation, especially the use of financial leverage. 2011 companyCompletely turn a loss into a profit.

On June 14, 2013, the National Assembly of Nicaragua officially approved the signing of an exclusive commercial agreement between the government and Hong Kong Nicaragua Canal Development Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanni Investment") to carry out the Nicaragua Canal development project. The investment in the canal project is as high as 40 billion US dollars (approximately 245 billion yuan). Documents show that Shanni Investment is a private international infrastructure development company whose chairman is Wang Jing. According to investigations, Wang Jing is currently the controlling shareholder and chairman of the communications giant Xinwei Communications Group.

On July 7, 2014, a Nicaraguan committee approved the route plan of the Nicaragua Canal Project. The project will start construction at the end of 2014.

On December 5, 2013, Wang Jing announced that the company would build a Crimean seaport and industrial park project in Ukraine, with an investment amount of US$3 billion in the first phase and no less than US$7 billion in the second phase. Dollar.
Wang Jing emphasized that the investor, Beijing Dayang Xinhe Investment Management Co., Ltd., which is 100% controlled by him personally, has no equity relationship with Xinwei Communications, which is backdooring Zhongchuang Information Testing. Ocean New River also fully controls the Hong Kong HKDN Group, the investor in the Nicaragua Canal project.
Based on the closing price of 48.97 yuan on the 24th, the net worth of Wang Jing, the actual controller of Xinwei Group and Chinese businessman, is close to 50 billion yuan. Compared with the 95 million yuan invested in Xinwei Group in 2009, it has grown more than 500 times in five years.

This 42-year-old businessman has written market legends more than once. On the 22nd, the Nicaragua Canal project, with a total investment of US$50 billion and which may change the world trade map, officially started construction, and Wang Jing was the manipulator behind the scenes.
Hong Kong Nicaragua Canal Development and Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HKND Group"), which has the exclusive right to operate and manage the canal for 100 years, is owned by Beijing Dayang New River Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Dayang New River"), according to Wang Jing. River") investment, Dayang Xinhe is 100% controlled by Wang Jing. Industrial and commercial information shows that its registered capital is 500,000 yuan.
In an interview with foreign media, Wang Jing was unwilling to talk about the details of his wealth accumulation. He used the idiom "gathering an arm to make a fur" to describe the process. The huge investment in the Nicaragua Canal is said to have nothing to do with Wang Jing’s assets in Xinwei Group. On the international stage, the young businessman is known as the "mysterious tycoon".

Dayang New River, which is fully controlled by Wang Jing personally, once envisaged investing US$10 billion in building a deep-water port project in Crimea, Ukraine. According to media reports, Dayang New River was once associated with Ukraine's Kyiv Water Conservancy Investment Co., Ltd. The company reached cooperation and held a press conference. However, due to the sudden change in the situation in Ukraine, the above project may ultimately be difficult to realize.
Industrial and commercial information shows that Dayang Xinhe was registered on September 14, 2012, and Wang Jing is the legal person and sole shareholder of the company. Dayang Xinhe's business scope involves investment and business management consulting, communication equipment sales, goodsImport and export of goods and many other businesses. In an interview with the media, Wang Jing revealed that Dayang New River is an investor of HKND Group and is envisioning a dozen major international infrastructure construction services such as the Nicaragua Canal and the Crimean Deepwater Port.
According to public information, Wang Jing’s disclosed wealth mainly occurred during the restructuring of Xinwei Group’s state-owned enterprises and the backdoor listing of Zhongchuang Xintai.
Xinwei Group was originally a subsidiary of Datang Telecom, a central enterprise under the jurisdiction of the Communist Party of China, and owned the core patented technology of TD-SCDMA (3G international standard). Due to various reasons, Xinwei Group fell into operating difficulties. In 2009, Wang Jing acquired 41% of Xinwei Group's equity for RMB 95 million and became the largest shareholder of Xinwei Group.
On September 26, 2013, Zhongchuang Xinte was suspended from trading. The valuation before the suspension was 1.2 billion yuan, while the valuation of Xinwei Group reached 30.8 billion yuan. It was regarded as the largest "backdoor listing" in the A-share market. . The opening price of its stock on the first day of listing was only 17.79 yuan, and the current price is 48.97 yuan. According to Xinwei Group’s third quarter report, Wang Jing holds 34.58% of Xinwei Group’s shares with more than 1 billion shares.
According to information publicly disclosed by Xinwei Group, Wang Jing has controlled three companies in recent years. From 2008 to 2011, Wang Jing served as the chairman of Hong Kong Baofeng Gold Co., Ltd. (disbanded in September 2013), indirectly holding 85% of the shares; from 2009 to the present, he indirectly holds the Kingdom of Cambodia Asia Agricultural Development Group.
According to information verified by a reporter from China Business News, the companies Wang Jing participated in and dissolved include at least Beijing Dingfu Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. and Beijing Yingxi Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. The partners include natural persons Wang Liansheng, Huang Benzhao, and a Beijing Xinghongqi Technology and Trade Co., Ltd. The above-mentioned companies are all small in scale, and their businesses also include engineering consulting, real estate consulting and complex sales businesses.
Wang Jing also wholly owns some overseas companies, including more than 10 companies related to the Nicaragua Canal Project, registered in Nicaragua, the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, China and the Netherlands. At the same time, he also registered a company in the British Virgin Islands to invest in the aviation industry. These companies were all registered within the past year or two.
In terms of business scope, Wang Jing, 42, has been involved in many fields such as traditional Chinese medicine, consulting, sales, exhibitions, labor services, investment, communications, aviation, agriculture, and infrastructure investment in the past ten years.
In addition to the Grand Canal and deep-water port projects, Wang Jing is trying to "launch satellites".
In October this year, Tsinghua University and Xinwei Group jointly announced that the smart communication satellite, which they have jointly developed for nearly four years, has completed all on-orbit tests. This is the first low-orbit mobile communication satellite developed in my country and the first A satellite developed by a private enterprise.
On December 8, Xinwei Group signed a "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with the China Academy of Space Technology, which is an authority in my country's aviation field and involves various types of satellites and Shenzhou spacecraft in my country.Ship and lunar exploration engineering business. Through cooperation with the China Academy of Space Technology, Xinwei Group may launch multiple low-orbit communication satellites again.
In the view of some analysts, Wang Jing cannot be an ordinary businessman because he is involved in launching satellites and operating many canals and port projects involving strategic trade patterns. In particular, before taking control of Xinwei, Wang Jing was engaged in an unknown business, and he claimed to have no experience in the telecommunications industry before 2009. When operating the Nicaragua Canal project, he had no experience in water conservancy, shipping or public engineering.
Some public opinion pointed out that Wang Jing's Xinwei Group has the support of high-level government figures. Many leaders have inspected and observed Xinwei Group's demonstrations, and Wang Jing's senior executives have military experience.
Wang Jing has repeatedly denied the suspicion that he is just "standing at the front desk", "I am a very ordinary Chinese citizen, too ordinary to be ordinary. My background is extremely ordinary. I was born in Beijing in 1972. He grew up in Beijing, not the second generation of officials or the second generation of rich people, and currently lives with his mother, younger brother, and daughter."
Wang Jing once publicly introduced himself and said that he studied traditional Chinese medicine at Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. His public resume shows that Wang Jing once served as the principal of Beijing Changping Traditional Health Culture School. He was only 21 years old at the time. According to public information, the two largest assets currently controlled by Wang Jing are Xinwei Group and the Nicaragua Canal Project. However, it is difficult to fully judge the scale of his wealth. Calculated based on its 34.58% stake in Xinwei Group, it is close to 50 billion yuan.
(Source: Internet)

IV Bitcoin broke through the $52,000 mark, why are more and more people pouring into the "currency circle"

Bitcoin in recent transactions It has frequently exceeded various peak values, and has currently exceeded the $52,000 mark. This is the best time to harvest dividends, and more and more investors are interested in the "currency circle" and continue to invest. The currency circle has created the myth of creating wealth, which has led to more and more investors wanting to obtain more benefits. Bitcoin, which has risen to 20,000 US dollars, has stimulated a large number of individual investors, and institutions have done so. More and more investors want to preserve and increase the value of their assets, and Bitcoin helps them achieve this goal through digital currency. This is why Bitcoin has seen frequent increases recently.

In the future, the development of Bitcoin and hedge funds will change alternately. Various institutions will buy large amounts of Bitcoin, which will force individual investors to use Bitcoin. transactions in the form of coins. In the future, the investment allocation of Bitcoin will cause the popularity of the entire cryptocurrency market to surge. Institutions will buy more, and retail investors will start to join the game. However, as a virtual currency, Bitcoin should always remind investors to pay attention to buying and selling risks and maintain rational purchasing.

VI The collective collapse of the currency circle, how much money has been evaporated

From the data point of view, trillions of dollars have been evaporated in one trading day, and countless people have liquidated their positions.. During this period, something big happened again in the currency circle. Due to repeated negative news, the currency market was shaken, and the prices of various virtual currencies plummeted, with the highest currency falling by more than 30%. Platform data shows that on the day the currency circle plummeted, the entire virtual currency market evaporated by 2 trillion, and more than 200,000 people had liquidated their positions. It can also be seen from the exchanges in various currency circles that investors in the currency circle are crying. Many investors have lost almost all their wealth. Overnight, the currency circle changed from a myth of wealth creation to a place where leeks gather. But the good news is that the price of Bitcoin, the largest and most popular currency, has begun to recover.

This operation caused chaos in the currency circle, and the price of Bitcoin plummeted. In China, many official agencies have stated that they prohibit the trading of virtual currencies in the country, and define virtual currencies as virtual network commodities, not currency, and cannot be used for payment. Although there has long been no virtual currency trading platform in China, this policy will still have a considerable impact on Chinese people who invest in virtual currencies.

Why can’t the VII gate platform be opened today?

It may be that it was attacked by hackers. The gate platform is a virtual currency platform and is easily targeted by hackers.
In the past two years, virtual currency has acquired the aura of “making huge profits” and “simple”, becoming famous and becoming a household name, with more and more people joining the currency circle. However, since China began to crack down on virtual currency trading, various negative news has emerged one after another. Today platform A is banned by the regulatory authorities, tomorrow platform B declares bankruptcy, and the day after tomorrow platform C is attacked by hackers

Ⅷ Is there any relationship between Paibi and Zhang Peng?

This Zhang Peng, if you don’t know him, you can search it yourself. He has played many games (Bangbei, DCF, etc.), the famous sickle hand, notorious, good at hype, marketing, brainwashing, I believe many People have seen photoshopped photos of him and Obama.
1. Pi Coin (Pi), created by a PhD team from Stanford University. A virtual currency that can be “mined” on your mobile phone. Compared with mining Bitcoin, which requires a large number of mining machines, the method of mining Pibi is very simple, and you can mine it for free with the Pibi App. Be wary: Most of the Apps in the currency circle can only be downloaded from the mobile application market by relying on overseas IDs. Borrowing other people's IDs may upload files on your own mobile phone. These virtual currency apps may also upload users' private information during use, allowing user privacy to flow naked in the online world.
2. With the wealth-making myths of Bitcoin and Dogecoin, “digital currencies” of various names can be described as “the eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing his magical powers.” Pi, a currency that claims to be able to "mine coins" with mobile phones, has recently become popular in WeChat Moments. News about Pi Coin "pulling people away" can be seen everywhere on Weibo and WeChat Moments. You can "mine" with your mobile phone. Can such blockchain technology be realized? Many industry insiders said that mainstream "mining" projects require a lot of computing power and the design of complex algorithms to achieve the purpose of encryption security, which is difficult to achieve by "mining" using mobile phones.Investors should be wary of virtual currency project parties using the "Ponzi model" to promote sales, and be wary of the risks of being "smashed", "cut off", or even falling into illegal fund-raising traps, or having their privacy violated
3. Yu Jianing, rotating chairman of the China Communications Industry Association Blockchain Special Committee, reminded investors that a small number of frauds disguised as blockchain will set very low thresholds for users in the early stages, with simple operations and low (free) funds. threshold, and increase the popularity of the project through the "head-pulling" reward model and massive publicity. At the beginning, the project team essentially aimed to build a multi-level distribution system. In the second stage, the project team announced that the virtual currency can be transferred or traded, and there is a possibility of capital circulation. They are looking for opportunities to sell virtual currency in large quantities, and the risk for investors will also greatly increase

Ⅸ Is it a lie when someone asks me to sign up to give out coins?

Is it a lie when someone asks me to sign up to give out coins? I think it's best to be on the safe side and be careful.

Ⅹ Ending and rebirth | In the automotive industry under the turmoil of capital, will the myth of wealth creation be shattered?

"Create and get rich, get rich by investing", in After realizing the accumulation of personal wealth, these car-making giants sooner or later turned to investment. Therefore, the "Three Masters of Car-making" have long quietly operated their own LP territory. Xiaopeng Motors is backed by Alibaba; this year In June, Tencent increased its investment in NIO, becoming NIO's second largest shareholder; Li Auto chose Meituan as its second largest shareholder. At present, China's new car-making forces have gradually formed a competitive pattern of "NIO-Tencent", "Ideal-Meituan", and "Xpeng-Alibaba".

Therefore, under such a general situation, it seems that it is not difficult to understand the restlessness of capital and the restlessness of participants.

In the parallel process of "new energy stock prices soaring" and "new energy vehicle development", whether it is a "dark horse" or a "bubble", when good news is everywhere, it is also a new force in car manufacturing. We need to move forward calmly. After all, a great company doesn't necessarily equal a great stock at any given time.

Text/Feng Tiantian

This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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