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⑴ How OKEX optimizes the liquidation process of Bitcoin contract trading

When the user does not meet the margin requirements of the current level, he will first reduce his position to a lower required margin. On the scale of , OKEX’s rules are very good and protect investors to the maximum extent.

⑵ Big liquidation! 800 million Bitcoin funds were wiped out in 15 minutes, what should retail investors do?

Under such circumstances, most retail investors will definitely be able to take action, but if they are unable to do so, there is no other way. I can hope to see if I can recover.

Some platforms stipulate that the platform losses caused by users’ forced liquidation orders failing to be completed in time are liquidated positions. When liquidated positions occur, the platform Part of the risk reserve will be used first to make up for its own losses, and the rest will need to be shared among all profitable users that week according to a certain proportion to make up for the platform's losses.

⑶ What is Bitcoin liquidation

Borrowing money to buy Bitcoin, the price drops to When the principal and borrowed money to buy Bitcoins are only enough to repay the borrowed money, the Bitcoin position is liquidated.

Liquidation refers to the situation where the customer's equity in the investor's margin account becomes negative under certain special conditions. If you liquidate your position, the loss will be greater than the margin in your account. The remaining funds after liquidation by the company are the total funds minus your losses, and generally there is still a part left.

The concept of Bitcoin was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008, and was officially born on January 3, 2009. The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto's ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.

Unlike all currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations based on a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses many nodes in the entire P2P network. A distributed database is formed to confirm and record all transaction behaviors, and cryptographic design is used to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation.

⑷ What is digital currency contract liquidation

Digital currency liquidation means that the deposit paid by the user when investing in digital currency can no longer maintain the original contract. At this time, investors cannot If a margin call is made in a timely manner, the position will be forcibly closed. At this time, the margin will return to zero, which is the digital currency liquidation. Such liquidation will cause investors to suffer large losses.

According to the "Announcement on Preventing Token Issuance Financing Risks", there is no approved digital currency trading platform in my country. According to my country's digital currency regulatory regulations, investors have the freedom to participate in digital currency transactions at their own risk.

Warm reminder:
1. The above information is for reference only and does not make any recommendations;
2. Before investing, it is recommended that you first understand the risks of the project, the investors, investment institutions, and on-chain activity of the project, etc. Understand the information clearly instead of investing blindly or entering the fund by mistake. Investment involves risks, so be cautious when entering the market.
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⑸ How to avoid liquidation in BTC contracts

Set the stop loss. Generally, the platform will have corresponding take profit and stop loss settings. The stop loss is set at about 3% for BTC and 5% for ETH. You can set your own acceptable take profit and stop loss.

The example is as follows (this is a picture specially taken during the simulation):

When setting, you need to first check the box corresponding to the stop profit and stop loss. Select, and then set your own take profit and stop loss according to your needs.

⑹ Many people who speculate in Bitcoin have liquidated their positions. What does liquidation mean?

The so-called liquidation means that investors use leverage to invest. When the price of the invested commodity appears, If the price falls below the agreed price, the funder will sell the investor's investment in accordance with the contract to ensure the safety of the funder's funds. For investors, this situation is considered a liquidation, and the investment All the money invested by the people themselves was lost.

Compared with stock investment, Bitcoin investment is much more risky and can definitely be called a real meat grinder. There are no rules to follow in Bitcoin transactions. A rumor in the market may have a great impact on the price of Bitcoin. There are many rumors about Bitcoin in the market, and investors are very concerned about Bitcoin investment. Everyone wants to get a piece of Bitcoin investment.

my country’s financial regulatory agencies have repeatedly warned investors about the risks of investing in virtual currencies, but there are always some people who continue to invest in virtual currencies, hoping to obtain higher returns from virtual currency investments. income. No matter what, the investment risks of Bitcoin are still very high, and investors must pay attention to the investment risks.

⑺ Why Bitcoin options will not explode like Bitcoin contracts

Digital currency contracts are deformations of traditional futures contracts. There are unified risks, a margin is required, and there is a risk of liquidation. What’s even worse about digital currency contracts than traditional futures is that digital currency contracts cannot be physically delivered, which means that once the trend is opposite to the direction of the order and the minimum margin ratio is exceeded, the position must be forcibly closed, and there is no other way. , resulting in greater risks. Now some exchanges, such as Bitoffer, have launched Bitcoin options products without the risk of liquidation, can also amplify profits.

⑻ Why are Bitcoin futures closed and liquidated?

You should be talking about forced liquidation and liquidation.
Because Bitcoin futures are margin trading, it is equivalent to using a small amount of money to leverage a certain amount of Bitcoin that would otherwise require a certain amount of funds. If your buying and selling direction is opposite to that of Bitcoin futures, you will suffer losses. If the loss reaches a certain level, for example, the available funds in your account except the part occupied by the margin are lost or become negative, futures companies and exchanges will force the position to be liquidated in order to avoid losses. At this time, the money occupied by the customer's margin needs to first repay the loss part of the available funds before it will be refunded to the customer. If the loss is large, then after the forced liquidation, the funds occupied by the margin are basically only enough to repay the loss, and then there will be basically no funds returned to the customer's account, which is equivalent to liquidating the position.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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