海南元宇宙公司 海南元宇智能科技投资有限公司

A. 元宇宙股票代码是多少

以下列举十个:国光电器(股票代码:002045) 、歌尔股份(股票代码:002241) 、水晶光电(股票代码:002273) 、宝通科技(股票代码:300031) 、超图软件(股票代码:300036)、中青宝(股票代码:300052) 、数码科技(股票代码:300079、顺网科技(股票代码:300113) 、丝路视觉(股票代码:300556) 、万兴科技(股票代码:300624)(仅供参考)





关联原因:公司在2017年已经支持了Oculus Rift和HTC Vive的VR头盔设备,公司GIS为提供三维空间复杂多样化的模型和数据中“地理位置"这一关键共同点技术,是元宇宙的真实地理空间基础底盘






B. 元宇宙目前跌至4元7角价位的是那一支股票


C. 如何评价高泽龙的小说《元宇宙2086》

关于这个问题的答案,确实是非常难回答的!3月13日网上一篇题目为“这家中国公司吃到了‘元宇宙’红利:语音社交有多少潜力尚未挖掘?”的文章,应该算是很早提到元宇宙的了。3 月份「Roblox」在纽交所上市了,一个游戏平台上市首日市值 380 亿美金,这引起了一些中国关注和讨论。编辑5月7日,刊载在腾讯的一篇文章,“接下来会怎么发展?区块链大咖高泽龙带你全面研判深度解读”。这个应该是较早的,除了财经媒体以外,真正的行业专家对于元宇宙的可能是第一次发声。元宇宙概念真正的在全国火爆,迅速被很多人讨论是在七月底或者八月初,包括中国元宇宙的图书也都是那个时候发布的。编辑高泽龙还提出了,人类将进入高度虚拟化的世界,因为未来虚拟与现实高度融合、对应,以至于我们将难于分辨虚实。高泽龙策划并且举办了中国第一届中国NFT及元宇宙线上论坛于8月18日晚成功举办,高泽龙在线分享了其观点:编辑他认为元宇宙概念其实几年前就有,这次之所以爆发,区块链起到了非常重要的作用,以往的VR AR、体感互动等提供了硬件、技术和内容,但是缺少经济体系,也缺少与现实关联的连接器。区块链的出现和应用改变了以往纯粹娱乐、简单社交、并不实用的局面,开创了与现实强关联、强社交、真有用、能得利的新的局面。但不管是元宇宙、还是区块链(NFT)的发展肯定不会是一帆风顺的,会经历反复和挫折。NFT作为一种技术将进入各行各业,包括身份证件、房产汽车、奢侈品、生物基因、票据合同等,NFT可能将会是区块链真正成为通用技术的开始。元宇宙也是一种技术(或思想),初期可能是娱乐、社交为主,将来也会应用到各行各业。高度发达的文明,会实现高度的虚拟化和数字化!编辑早在2018年,高泽龙就动笔开始写中国第一部融入了区块链和“元宇宙”概念的科幻小说,尽管当时还没有元宇宙的概念,但是其写的高度沉浸的网络,未来的游戏,未来生活工作的场景等各种先进科技均已经将“元宇宙”淋漓尽致的展现。 该小说《元行者》曾经获得多个奖项,并且应邀出席中国科协联合主办的2021中国科幻大会进行了分享和交流。目前该小说已经签约中国出版传媒集团,即将正式出版。编辑2021年10月29日,中国政协报“今日民营”聚焦版头条刊发了文章——“元宇宙”:有多少可以期待。该报道中有大量篇幅是对于区块链及元宇宙专家高泽龙的采访。编辑10月30日,中国民营科技实业家协会元宇宙工作委员会揭牌仪式顺利举行。高泽龙受聘担任中国民营科技实业家协会元宇宙工作委员会副秘书长。

D. 如何改变财运,请高手指点。







E. 盛世昊通与元宇宙什么关系


F. 在淘宝上买了高风险地区的快递能收吗







G. 数字藏品是虚拟的吗


H. 蓝色光标最新消息

1,无上限投入巨资:蓝色光标【市值182亿】表示元宇宙相关的虚拟人IP和技术、XR技术、虚拟空间等业务方向是公司未来会重点关注并全力投入的赛道,公司对这一领域的投资额度不设上限,公司管理层和投资部目前正在对相关标的进行全面的调研和谈判,公司可支持超10亿的资金投入布局元宇宙相关赛道,全面构建公司的自有IP、技术和内容核心能力。 解析:敢于无上限的投入元宇宙,肯定是非常看好元宇宙的未来,A股第一家。
2、注册专业元宇宙公司:蓝色光标成立全资子公司“蓝色宇宙数字科技有限公司”,该公司将作为蓝色光标专注探索元宇宙相关投资和运营业务的主阵地,将整合蓝色光标已经具备的虚拟直播间、虚拟IP运营相关资源和团队,全面推进元宇宙相关业务的探索和落地。 解析:专业的事情专业的人来做,这也是A股首家上市公司成立专业的元宇宙公司。
3、与专业公司合作:蓝色光标与【当红齐天】及旗下子公司齐乐无穷签署战略合作协议,双方将联合推动XR体验在重点行业的应用拓展及商业化项目落地。 当红齐天的背景:国内顶尖的XR沉浸式体验解决方案企业,股东有张艺谋以及中航信托、小米等。旗下以VR为主题的SoReal超体空间,正密集推出众多创新项目,其中包括近5000平米5G+XR体验空间的上海迪士尼小镇项目,将于近期落成并开放体验。同时,面积达2.2万平方米、融合众多知名IP,及VR、AR、全息影像等前沿技术的首钢“1号高炉SoReal超体空间”,将呈现全球顶尖的沉浸式娱乐体验,成为全球首个文化科技赋能工业遗存的创新展示窗口。
5,点评:未来蓝色光标有可能和facebook成立合资公司共同开发中国元宇宙市场,如果达成,那么蓝色光标的市值上千亿都指日可待。 C、业绩大增:关于VR/AR的标的公司,公司参与的基金以及公司投资部正在积极洽谈,未来也会是蓝标的重要投资方向,公司在未来希望有自己的IP、技术,甚至平台。披露的三季报显示,2021年前三季度,公司实现营业收入314.83亿元,同比增长9.10%;归母扣非净利润5.94亿元,同比大增30.13%;经营性现金流6.40亿元,同比大增166.11%。
6,资金充裕:因国际业务引入战略投资者和公司近年来优异的经营活动现金流表现 公司目前有充沛的现金储备,蓝色光标2021年三季报亦显示,当期末货币资金为35.71亿元。 E、其它元宇宙相关资讯:

I. 国内有哪些做元宇宙(Metaverse)的公司

摘要1中青宝逻辑:公司将推出虚拟与现实梦 幻联动模拟经营类元宇宙游戏《酿酒大师》。

J. 元宇宙概念是谁提出来的



A. What is the stock code of Yuanverse

The following are ten: Guoguang Electric Co., Ltd. (stock code: 002045), Goertek (stock code: 002241), Crystal Optoelectronics (stock code: 002241) :002273), Baotong Technology (stock code: 300031), SuperMap Software (stock code: 300036), Zhongqingbao (stock code: 300052), Digital Technology (stock code: 300079, Shunwang Technology (stock code: 300113) ), Silk Road Vision (stock code: 300556), Wanxing Technology (stock code: 300624) (for reference only)

1. Guoguang Electric (stock code: 002045)
Reason for association: the company's The main products of the audio and electroacoustic business are mainly used in wearable products (such as VR/AR). The hardware and software markets involved in VR/AR will experience explosive growth in 2021, and the concept of the metaverse has become a symbol of the maturity of the entire ecosystem
Affiliation Other concepts: venture capital, electronic components, home appliances, fund holdings, lithium batteries, Apple concept, brokerage holdings, RMB depreciation, Shenzhen Stock Connect, Tesla, new energy vehicles, pre-profit and pre-increase, Yuan Universe, smart speakers

2. Goertek Co., Ltd. (stock code: 002241)
Reason for association: a leading domestic supplier of consumer electronic components and complete machines; the company has long-term layout of VR/AR business and is currently engaged in high-end VR/AR The market share in the equipment OEM field is close to 80%, and customers include Facebook, Sony, etc.
Other concepts: 3D glasses, sensors, unicorn concepts, large blue chips, electronic components, Facebook, Foxconn Concept, FTSE Russell concept, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet, Huijin concept, Huawei industry chain, fund heavyweights, MSCI, Apple concept, margin trading, Shenzhen Stock Connect, biometrics, Internet of Things, wireless headsets, Xiaomi concept, virtual reality, mobile Internet , pre-profit and pre-increase, Yuan Universe, smart wear, smart watches, smart speakers

3. Crystal Optoelectronics (stock code: 002273)
Reason for association: The company’s main products include filters, optical low-voltage It has relevant technical reserves for new display technologies such as AR, VR, and MR through filters and combination films, smart glasses optical modules, etc. Its subsidiary Jingjing Optoelectronics has developed relevant spare parts and will supply them to design manufacturers
Other concepts: 3D glass, 3D glasses, security monitoring, insurance stocks, ultra-high-definition video, Internet of Vehicles, Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, FTSE Russell Concept, Huijin Concept, Huawei industry chain, lidar, fund stocks, LED lighting , CATL concept stocks, Apple concept, holographic concept, holographic mobile phone, margin trading, social security heavy position, Shenzhen Stock Connect, autonomous driving, Xiaomi concept, virtual reality, mobile Internet, Yuan Universe, securities and financial holdings, smart wear, Smart watches, augmented reality

4. Baotong Technology (stock code: 300031)
Reason for the connection: The company has a wholly-owned subsidiary, Hainan Yuanzhou Technology Co., Ltd., which focuses on business related to growing industries such as AR/VR/MR, robots, sensors, new energy mining cards, and high-end equipment; its HarVision is the top AR/VR content R&D and solution provider in China, and has in-depth business cooperation with Huawei and Douyin
Other concepts: Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, Facebook, lithography machines, fund holdings, Jiangsu local , Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, mobile games, TMT, online games, cloud games, pre-profit and pre-increase, Metaverse

5. SuperMap Software (stock code: 300036)
Reason for connection: The company’s performance in 2017 Already supporting Oculus Rift and HTC Vive VR headsets, the company's GIS provides the key common technology of "geographical location" in complex and diverse models and data in three-dimensional space, and is the real geospatial foundation chassis of the Metaverse
Other concepts: Beidou Navigation, big data, big data center, FTSE Russell concept, domestic software, Huawei HMS, Huawei Cloud Kunpeng, fund holdings, QFII shareholding, margin trading, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, autonomous driving, Virtual reality, cloud computing, cloud computing data center, pre-profit and pre-increase, Yuanverse, smart city, intelligent transportation

6. Zhongqingbao (stock code: 300052)
Reason for association: The company's "Careful The game "Chushaofang Brewery Master" uses the simulated operation of the "Jinsha Ancient Wine" winery as a gameplay, and manages the virtual reality world in the game world, relying on blockchain, cloud games, computing power and social networking, etc. Metaverse related technologies build the metaverse from the integration of value interaction, content carrying, data network transmission and immersive display, opening up the dream linkage between reality and virtuality
Other concepts: 5G, edge computing, e-sports, blockchain, Mobile games, Shenzhen local, Tencent, sports industry, online games, virtual reality, New Third Board, cloud computing, cloud computing data center, pre-loss and pre-reduction, Metaverse, football

7, Digital Technology (stock code :300079
Reason for the connection: The company's ultra-high-definition codec technology, lossless compression technology, low-latency public network transmission, DRM and complete data transmission security protection and other technologies can provide underlying technical support for the Metaverse
Other concepts: 5G, ultra-high-definition video, ETC, radio and television, Internet finance, fund holdings, financial reform, blockchain, margin trading, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, network security, virtual reality, metaverse, smart TV, smart IC card, intellectual property Protection

8. Shunwang Technology (stock code: 300113)
Reason for association: The company currently has more than 10,000 commercially operated high-computing GPU servers and provides them to more than 800,000 users on the Internet. Cloud computer services use superior technology and innovation to empower the Metaverse
Other concepts it belongs to: edge computing, e-sports, FTSE Russell concept, Internet financeFinancing, fund holdings, margin trading, social security holdings, Shenzhen Stock Connect, mobile games, TMT, Tencent, cultural media, network security, online games, webcasting, information innovation industry, virtual reality, cloud computing, cloud computing data center , cloud games, pre-profit and pre-increase, metaverse

9. Silk Road Vision (stock code: 300556)
Reason for connection: The company is mainly engaged in digital visual synthesis based on CG (computer graphics technology) Service business, owns multiple patents including 3D real-time display technology, VR virtual reality, multimedia digital sandbox and other technologies, and currently provides VR house viewing and other services for many real estate companies
Other concepts: GEM shell stocks, Industry 4.0 , machine vision, holographic concept, Shenzhen local, digital twin, TMT, Xiongan New Area, virtual reality, cloud computing data center, pre-loss and pre-reduction, cloud games, Metaverse

10, Wanxing Technology (stock Code: 300624)
Reason for the connection: The company has invested in Guangzhou Gravitational Wave Information Technology Co., Ltd., a real-time 3D cloud platform provider, and will continue to increase investment in this field and further expand new creative fields such as the digital creative metaverse.
Other concepts: domestic software, fund heavyweights, Shenzhen local, Internet celebrity, Internet of Things, Xinchuang Industry, remote office, mobile Internet, pre-profit and pre-increase, Yuan Universe

B. Which stock in the Metaverse has fallen to 4 yuan and 70 cents

The whole world seems to be talking about the "Metaverse".
However, there are different opinions surrounding this, and there is no consensus. Some people believe that facing this imaginative future world, we should open our arms and speed up, and some people have already made a starting gesture; others believe that the popularity of the "Metaverse" is a capital hype, a reflection of certain companies on failed technologies. A rescue by investment.
The "Metaverse" has a huge space for imagination and may become a huge and continuous theme of hype. The A-share concept stocks currently mentioned in the media are mainly focused on AR/VR and games
Risk warning: The stocks mentioned in this article are only objectively compiled, and the targets involved are not recommended. Buying and selling based on this is at your own risk.
300556 Silk Road Vision Company is mainly engaged in comprehensive digital vision service business based on CG (Computer Graphics Technology). It has multiple patents including 3D real-time display technology, VR virtual reality, multimedia digital sandbox and other technologies. Currently, it has Many real estate companies provide VR house viewing and other services
300624 Wanxing Technology Company has invested in Guangzhou Gravitational Wave Information Technology Co., Ltd., a real-time 3D cloud platform provider, and will continue to increase investment in this field to further expand digital New creative fields such as the Creative Metaverse
300036 Hypergraph Software Company has supported Oculus Rift and HTC Vive VR helmet devices in 2017. The company's GIS provides "geographic location" in complex and diverse models and data in three-dimensional space.ot; This key commonality technology is the real geographical space basic chassis of the Yuanverse
002045 The main products of Guoguang Electric Company’s audio and electroacoustic business are mainly used in wearable products (such as VR/AR) 2021 VR/ The hardware and software markets involved in AR have experienced explosive growth, and the concept of the metaverse has become a symbol of the maturity of the entire ecosystem
300079 Digital Video Company’s ultra-high definition codec technology, lossless compression technology, low-latency public network transmission, DRM and Technologies such as complete data transmission security protection can provide underlying technical support for the Yuanverse
002273 Crystal Optoelectronics Company’s main products include optical filters, optical low-pass filters and combination films, smart glasses optical modules, etc., for AR, New display technologies such as VR and MR have relevant technical reserves. Its subsidiary Jingjing Optoelectronics has developed relevant spare parts and will supply them to design manufacturers
002241 Goertek is a leading domestic supplier of consumer electronic components and complete machines. ; The company has long-term layout of VR/AR business, and currently accounts for nearly 80% of the market in the high-end VR/AR equipment OEM field. Customers include Facebook, Sony, etc.
300031 Baotong Technology Company has a wholly-owned subsidiary in Hainan Yuan Universe Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on business related to growing industries such as AR/VR/MR, robots, sensors, new energy mining cards, high-end equipment, etc.; its subsidiary HaTV is the top AR/VR content R&D and solution provider in China business, and has in-depth business cooperation with Huawei and Douyin
300113 Shunwang Technology Company currently has more than 10,000 commercially operated high-computing GPU servers, and provides cloud computer services to more than 800,000 users on the Internet side, using Advantageous technology and innovation empower the Metaverse
300052 Zhongqingbao Company's "Shenchu ​​Shaofang Winemaker (Brew Master)" game uses the simulation of operating the "Jinsha Ancient Wine" winery as a gameplay, and controls the environment in the game world. The virtual real world is operated and managed, relying on metaverse-related technologies such as blockchain, cloud games, computing power and social networking to build a metaverse from the integration of value interaction, content carrying, data network transmission and immersive display, opening up the connection between reality and virtuality. Fantasy Linkage
Everyone can now start to understand blockchain and cryptocurrency, and make some knowledge reserves for future trends, because they are likely to be the infrastructure of the future metaverse.

C. How to evaluate Gao Zelong's novel "Metaverse 2086"

The science fiction novel "Avalanche" was born in 1992. The Metaverse is linked and created using technological means. A virtual world that maps and interacts with the real world, a digital living space with a new social system. [12] The metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires improvements in content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content.Perform extensive renovations. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows Each user performs content production and world editing. The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. It seems that now, the description It is still an advanced future world. Regarding the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a system that enters and enters the world through a brain-computer interface. A virtual world for sensory experience. In December 2021, it was selected as the "Collins Dictionary" 2021 Hot Words; on December 6, it was selected as the "Top Ten Internet Words in 2021". On December 8, it was selected as one of the "Top Ten Buzzwords of 2021" by "Zhiwenqiaozi"
As for the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is Professor Verno Vinci, an American mathematician and computer expert, in his 1981 In the published novel "Real Names", he creatively conceived a virtual world that can be entered through a brain-computer interface and gain sensory experience
The earliest definition of the metaverse was in 1992, by the famous American science fiction master Neal Stephenson In his novel "Avalanche", he proposed the metaverse and described it this way: "Put on the headphones and eyepieces, find the connection terminal, and you can enter the virtual space simulated by the computer and parallel to the real world as a virtual clone."< br />The answer to this question is indeed very difficult to answer! An article online on March 13 titled "This Chinese company reaped the dividends of the 'Metaverse': How much potential has not yet been tapped in voice social networking?" should be regarded as mentioning the Metaverse very early. In March, “Roblox” was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The market value of the gaming platform was US$38 billion on its first day of listing, which attracted some attention and discussion in China. On May 7, the editor published an article in Tencent, "What will happen next? Blockchain guru Gao Zelong will give you a comprehensive study and in-depth interpretation." This should be earlier. Apart from the financial media, it may be the first time that real industry experts have spoken out about the Metaverse. The concept of the Metaverse really became popular across the country and was quickly discussed by many people at the end of July or early August. Books including the Chinese Metaverse were also released at that time. Editor Gao Zelong also proposed that human beings will enter a highly virtualized world, because in the future virtuality and reality will be highly integrated and corresponding, so that it will be difficult for us to distinguish reality from reality. Gao Zelong planned and held China’s first China NFT and Yuanverse Online Forum, which was successfully held on the evening of August 18. Gao ZelongLong Online shared his opinion: The editor believes that the concept of the metaverse actually existed a few years ago. The reason why it broke out this time was that blockchain played a very important role. In the past, VR AR, somatosensory interaction, etc. provided hardware, technology and content, but lacks an economic system and a connector to reality. The emergence and application of blockchain has changed the past situation of pure entertainment, simple social interaction, and impractical, and created a new situation of strong connection with reality, strong social interaction, truly useful and profitable. But whether it is the development of the metaverse or blockchain (NFT), it will certainly not be smooth sailing, and will experience repetitions and setbacks. As a technology, NFT will enter all walks of life, including identity documents, real estate cars, luxury goods, biological genes, bills and contracts, etc. NFT may be the beginning of blockchain truly becoming a universal technology. The metaverse is also a technology (or idea). It may be mainly used for entertainment and social interaction in the early stage, but it will also be applied to all walks of life in the future. A highly developed civilization will achieve a high degree of virtualization and digitization! Editor As early as 2018, Gao Zelong started writing China's first science fiction novel that incorporated the concept of blockchain and "metaverse". Although there was no concept of the metaverse at the time, he wrote about the highly immersive network and the future. Various advanced technologies such as games and future life and work scenarios have vividly demonstrated the "Metaverse". The novel "Yuan Xingzhe" has won multiple awards, and was invited to attend the 2021 China Science Fiction Conference co-sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology to share and communicate. At present, the novel has been signed with China Publishing and Media Group and will be officially published soon. Editor: On October 29, 2021, the headline of the focus section of "Today's Private Business" of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference newspaper published an article - "Metaverse": How much can we expect. A large amount of space in this report is an interview with Gao Zelong, an expert on blockchain and metaverse. Editor: On October 30, the unveiling ceremony of the Yuan Universe Working Committee of the China Private Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Association was successfully held. Gao Zelong was hired as the deputy secretary-general of the Yuan Universe Working Committee of the China Private Science and Technology Industrialists Association.

D. How to change your fortune, please ask experts for guidance.

Whether you want to be rich or want to be small, you need to be lucky to achieve it. Having money can make everything go round, but having no money makes it difficult to move forward. This is a very real thing in today's society. Food, clothing, housing, transportation, eating, drinking and sleeping, even if it is your spiritual enjoyment, you cannot escape the shadow of money. One can imagine the importance of money. So, many people want to know when they can get rich. Next, we will analyze when a person will have wealth luck based on the horoscope. Many people want to know when they will have wealth, whether they can get rich, or when they will have the best wealth in their life, and when wealth will appear.

If you are a man who is weak in body and rich in wealth (the five elements represented by the Rigan are very weak in the horoscope, and the five elements controlled by the Rigan are many and strong in the horoscope), being involved with women will definitely affect your wealth



Great luck: Gengchen Jimao Wuyin Ding Chou Bingzi Yihai Jiaxu Guiyou

According to numerologyAnalyzing the personality, subconsciousness, and behavioral patterns of this life, it is found that this life belongs to the star life, so this life is born with the characteristics of stars. The stars in the sky flicker uncertainly, so this life thinks quickly and is prone to five-minute heat. Although there are many stars, they are not as bright as the sun and moon, so this person does not like to be in the limelight and does not like to give people a strong feeling. The light of the stars is not strong and only shines in certain places. Therefore, this person is more emotional and has clear likes and dislikes. This person is willing to sacrifice for the people he likes, but he does not want to interact with the people he doesn't like. The stars hang high in the sky and can see the world. Therefore, this person is born to be smart and dexterous, has strong learning ability, is interested in many things, and can talk eloquently. However, he has the problem of rolling stones gathering no moss, and lacks the ability to persevere to the end. will.

According to numerology analysis, this person is not easy to keep money, nor is it easy to save. Every time a certain amount of wealth is accumulated, something will happen that makes this person spend money. This person is relatively optimistic about life, so he will not be too stingy towards himself, family or friends. When this person's money is relatively tight, this person will still spend the money that should be spent, and will not spend every penny; when this person's money is relatively abundant, this person will spend money generously, and will not be stingy with himself, his family or friends. Because of this, it is certainly not easy to save money in this life. In addition, it is easy for this person to make certain investments due to the introduction of friends, and often lose money. This is because this person's personality has a wide range of contacts and knows many people. Therefore, when friends come to this person to invest, it is not easy for this person to distinguish risks and refuse easily, so of course it is easy to lose money. If measured in terms of a lifetime, most of this life's wealth will be used by this life to do what it wants to do. This life will think that the money this life has used is the wealth this life really owns. After that, this life will not leave much wealth to future generations.

E. What is the relationship between Shengshi Haotong and Yuanshi

Abstract Shengshi Haotong Group was established in 2012. The group is headquartered in Zhongtian Lianke International Information Industrial Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. Focusing on the automotive industry for more than ten years, it has a very important position in the industry. With the development of the times, a new round of financial crisis is sweeping across. In 2020, the company will gradually transform from the traditional model to a "real economy + digital economy + Internet" full industry ecology, using the automotive ecological chain as the basic traffic entrance, and investing heavily in intelligent hardware + software + mobile Internet model + multi-channel social integration to create a matrix super traffic platform, opening a new chapter for the opening of the innovative consumption era. Shengshi Haotong Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with JD Automobile, and reached strategic cooperation with FAW, Volkswagen and other automobile manufacturers and PICC Auto Finance to create integrated automobile manufacturers - automobile aftermarket supply chain - sustainable consumer introduction - automobiles in hundreds of cities and thousands of stores Upstream and downstream industry chain service platform! Shengshi Haotong Group covers six major sections: automotive ecological industry, B2B2C mall, offline industry alliance merchants, social experts, short video + live broadcast, and PCC payment.

F. Can I receive express delivery from high-risk areas if I buy it on Taobao?

You can sign for it, but it is recommended to disinfect it first., then put it in a well-ventilated place for two to three hours or one night, and then open it the next day.

The virus will not move or spread with packages or express delivery, so express delivery packages can be received.

When receiving express delivery and facing the courier, a certain distance must be maintained. Not only the courier, but also the distance between people must be more than 1.5 meters when communicating with each other. Where conditions permit, the courier can be Store the package in the express cabinet to avoid direct contact with the courier. When individuals go out to pick up the package, they must take protective measures and wear a mask before going out to pick up the package. If the courier delivers directly to your door, you must also wear a mask when picking up the package. Wear a mask and disinfect the outer packaging of the returned express parcels.

Precautions in high-risk areas

People who enter the country from abroad and return to high-risk areas in China should cooperate with relevant departments in isolation and health management. Once symptoms such as fever, dry cough, and fatigue occur, you should immediately go to the nearest fever clinic or designated medical institution for treatment, and proactively inform the doctor of your 14-day activity track and contact history. Wear a mask all the way to medical treatment and try to avoid taking public transportation.

To avoid being infected, it is a wise choice to reduce or not take public transportation. You can use safe travel methods such as cycling, self-driving or walking. When traveling on public transportation such as subways and buses, you should wear a mask at all times.

G. Are digital collections virtual?

Digital collections are virtual.
Digital collections are simply virtual products with collectible value. Such products are generally created by companies or individuals. After obtaining authorization from a third party, the products are processed twice, and then the products are authenticated and encrypted through blockchain technology, and finally they can be traded through the Internet trading platform.
Currently, digital collections have emerged in multiple subdivisions, including trading platforms, games, sports, music, animation, etc., and the application boundaries are constantly expanding. Cultural relics, trendy toys, paintings, photography, cards, emoticons, etc. can all become digital collections. Users can experience the joy and value of collections by rotating collections or obtaining unique collection pages.
[Extended information]
Digital collections refer to the use of blockchain technology to generate unique digital certificates corresponding to specific works and artworks, achieving authentic and credible digital distribution on the basis of protecting their digital copyrights. , purchase, collect and use.
Currently, digital collections have become a hot spot in the industry, with a wide range of categories, including but not limited to digital pictures, music, videos, 3D models, electronic tickets, digital souvenirs and other forms.
Main Business Editorial Broadcast
At present, major Internet giants including Ant, Tencent, and Internet have carried out related businesses. Taking Ant Group as an example, since the launch of the "Treasure Project", 17 museums have joined and successively issued digital collections. Ant Chain isIt provides technical support.
On January 24, 2022, the 3D reproduction of the gilded dome, and the digital collection of the Temple of Heaven architectural complex series are on sale today.
On February 25, 2022, the signing and release ceremony for the Jinling version of China's first IP digital collection of ancient Chinese medicine books "Compendium of Materia Medica" and the 2022 Yuanshi digital collection development online seminar were officially held. The prototype of the ancient books in the digital collection released this time is the "Compendium of Materia Medica" (engraved edition by Hu Chenglong in Jinling, Wanli, Ming Dynasty) collected by the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (Library of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences), and is authorized by the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.
On February 25, 2022, the "Only Green" digital collection press conference was held in Beijing. The dance poetry drama "Only Green" digital collection commemorative tickets will be launched on March 3 to promote national culture with innovative technology and provide Audiences build more bridges to national cultural IP. It is reported that this is the first digital collection commemorative ticket in the performance industry.
In March 2022, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra released its first NFT collection - a 2 minutes and 21 seconds of audio from China's earliest symphony record priced at 19.9 yuan, with a limited edition of 10,000 copies.

H. The latest news from BlueFocus

1. Unlimited investment in huge investments: BlueFocus [market value 18.2 billion] represents the virtual human IP and technology and XR technology related to the Metaverse , virtual space and other business directions are the tracks that the company will focus on and fully invest in in the future. The company has no upper limit on the amount of investment in this field. The company's management and investment department are currently conducting comprehensive research and negotiations on relevant targets. The company It can support over 1 billion in capital investment to lay out metaverse-related tracks and comprehensively build the company's own IP, technology and content core capabilities. Analysis: If you dare to invest in the Metaverse without any upper limit, you must be very optimistic about the future of the Metaverse. It is the first A-share company.
2. Register a professional Yuanverse company: BlueFocus established a wholly-owned subsidiary "Blue Universe Digital Technology Co., Ltd.", which will serve as BlueFocus's main focus on exploring Yuanverse-related investment and operating businesses. Integrate the resources and teams related to virtual live broadcast rooms and virtual IP operations that BlueFocus already has to comprehensively promote the exploration and implementation of Metaverse-related businesses. Analysis: Professional things are done by professional people. This is also the first A-share listed company to establish a professional Yuanshi company.
3. Cooperation with professional companies: BlueFocus signed a strategic cooperation agreement with [Denghong Qitian] and its subsidiary Qile Wuxian. The two parties will jointly promote the application expansion and commercialization projects of XR experience in key industries. The background of Qitian’s popularity: China’s top XR immersive experience solution company, with shareholders including Zhang Yimou, AVIC Trust, Xiaomi, etc. Its VR-themed SoReal super space is intensively launching many innovative projects, including the Shanghai Disney Town project with nearly 5,000 square meters of 5G+XR experience space, which will be completed and open for experience in the near future. At the same time, it covers an area of ​​22,000 square meters, integrates many well-known IPs, and cutting-edge technologies such as VR, AR, and holographic imaging.Shougang's "No. 1 Blast Furnace SoReal Super Space" will present the world's top immersive entertainment experience and become the world's first innovative display window for cultural technology to empower industrial heritage.
4. Cooperation with many giants:
a. BlueFocus announced the business progress of the virtual live broadcast room jointly created with Alibaba Damo Academy: 34 units have been signed and sold at a price of 99,000 yuan/room. Purchase The brand covers leading enterprises in multiple categories such as maternal and infant, beauty, health care, household cleaning, and 3C. One of the beauty brands revealed that from 3:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on November 11 this year, the virtual live broadcast room sales reached 10,000 yuan, and the average stay time of the audience exceeded 40 seconds. The performance of the virtual anchor has far exceeded expectations. Currently, BlueFocus is still in contact with dozens of brands and is expected to sign contracts with over 100 brands in the short term.
b. As early as the beginning of this year, BlueFocus has begun to deploy Douyin e-commerce, Tencent private domain, cross-border e-commerce and other fields, fully entering the trading field, and providing customers with full-link promotion of "marketing + sales" Serve.
c. The company has in-depth cooperation with Tencent in games, animation, reading, etc.; at the same time, there is also in-depth cooperation in the virtual human business as the entrance to the metaverse.
d. The 2020 annual report shows that Facebook is BlueFocus’s largest supplier, with a cooperation amount of up to 12.8 billion yuan. The company’s strategy of actively entering the Metaverse coincides with Facebook’s strategy of vigorously developing Metaverse technology.
5. Comment: In the future, BlueFocus may set up a joint venture with Facebook to jointly develop the Chinese Yuanverse market. If this is achieved, BlueFocus's market value will reach hundreds of billions just around the corner. C. Great increase in performance: Regarding VR/AR target companies, the funds the company participates in and the company's investment department are actively negotiating, and it will also be an important investment direction of Blue Label in the future. The company hopes to have its own IP, technology, and even platform in the future. The disclosed three quarterly reports show that in the first three quarters of 2021, the company achieved operating income of 31.483 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.10%; non-net profit attributable to the parent company was 594 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.13%; operating cash flow was 640 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.13%. A huge increase of 166.11%.
6. Abundant funds: Due to the introduction of strategic investors in the international business and the company's excellent cash flow performance from operating activities in recent years, the company currently has ample cash reserves. BlueFocus's third quarter report for 2021 also shows that the monetary funds at the end of the period were 35.71 billion. E. Other information related to the Metaverse:

I. What domestic companies are doing the Metaverse?

Abstract 1 Zhongqingbao Logic: The company will Launched the virtual and reality fantasy linkage simulation management metaverse game "Brew Master".

J. Who proposed the concept of the Metaverse

Born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash"
Metaverse is the use of technological means to link and create , a virtual world that maps and interacts with the real world, withA digital living space that prepares a new social system. [12]

The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires extensive transformation of content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows Each user performs content production and world editing. The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. It seems that now, the description It is still an advanced future world. Regarding the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a system that enters and enters the world through a brain-computer interface. A virtual world for sensory experience. In December 2021, it was selected as the "Collins Dictionary" 2021 Hot Words; on December 6, it was selected as the "Top Ten Internet Words in 2021". On December 8, it was selected as one of the "Top Ten Buzzwords of 2021" by "Yi Wen Zhi Zi"

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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