元宇宙 新华社 元宇宙 新闻

A. “元宇宙”概念为何能在今年突然爆发


“元宇宙”概念源自美国作家Neal Stephenson在1992年出版的科幻小说《雪崩》(Snow Crash)。小说中构建了一个真人可以生活和社交,并且与现实世界平行的共享虚拟世界。元宇宙这个概念再度被炒热,缘起Facebook(脸书)改名。Facebook 改名成 Meta 公司,宣布自己要专注于转向以虚拟现实为主的新兴计算平台。


B. 新华社谈变味的“剧本杀”,重口味剧本杀背后潜藏着什么风险



C. 元宇宙起源是什么


人们玩游戏,就进入了游戏里所虚构的世界,但如果这个世界不能和其他世界互相流通,人们不能用一个类似“one-pass”的统一身份进入各个虚拟世界,进行社交、消费、交易的话,那单个虚拟世界或整个集合就不算 Metaverse。因为人们在其间,无法以统一的经济系统进行交易。简单来说,Metaverse 就像是为人们所共有的,更具沉浸感、参与感的互联网,是下一个阶段的互联网。

Oasis VR CEO 尹桑强调,Metaverse 并不是一款游戏,完全把现实生活中有生产力的社交活动和组织完全搬到虚拟世界才是真正的 Metaverse。Roblox CEO Dave Baszucki 给出了他心中对于 Metaverse 的几个特点定义:身份、朋友、沉浸感、低延迟、多元化、随时随地、经济系统和文明。

链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

D. 元宇宙爆红下,互联网的尽头到底是什么





E. 为什么刘慈欣不看好“元宇宙”概念



F. 所谓的元宇宙到底可以用来做什么



G. 新华社AI合成主播首次对话虚拟人,这是个什么样的场景




H. 元宇宙是什么









I. 丁磊谈元宇宙,称可能跑得比谁都快,公司的实力有多强



J. 罗永浩曝下一个创业项目“元宇宙公司”,其创业项目是哪个科技领域



A. Why the concept of "Metaverse" suddenly exploded this year

1. Origin

The concept of "Metaverse" originated from the science fiction novel "Snow Crash" published by American writer Neal Stephenson in 1992 (Snow Crash). The novel constructs a shared virtual world where real people can live and socialize, and which is parallel to the real world. The concept of the metaverse has become popular again, which was caused by the name change of Facebook. Facebook changed its name to Meta Corporation and announced that it would focus on moving to an emerging computing platform centered on virtual reality.

The boundary between games and reality is becoming blurred. The metaverse is not just a game, it is a new path for human society to expand into the digital space. It is a new era of historical significance even like the Age of Discovery, the Age of Industrial Revolution, and the Age of Spaceflight.

B. Xinhua News Agency talks about the changed "script-killing" and what risks are hidden behind heavy-flavored script-killing

"Script-killing", "Escape Room", "Immersive Experience Center"... …These places mainly operate a game based on case reasoning, which is a social method favored by many urban young people. However, as competition in the industry becomes increasingly fierce, a small number of businesses have begun to promote violence and supernatural phenomena in game content, scene settings, etc., using this as a commercial gimmick to attract young people, causing public concern.

Psychological experts said that the script and plot guidance of "Script Killing" are very important, and they need to have a correct value orientation to give positive energy to the participants. Psychodrama, role-playing and other forms of psychology are also "script-killing" in a sense. Positive "script killing" has positive significance for participants to release mental stress, enrich imagination, and strengthen interpersonal communication. However, if the content is too scary and exciting, and participants do not have certain ability to distinguish, such as minors who are addicted to it, it will cause Participants' roles in reality and drama are confused, causing psychological problems.

C. What is the origin of the Metaverse

The most common concept of the Metaverse comes from science fiction. In fiction, the Metaverse is often depicted as a kind of digital "embedded" Internet - a representation of reality, but one based on a virtual (often theme park-like) world, as in the movies Ready Player One and Hackers As depicted in Empire. These experiences may be just one facet of the metaverse, and the concept is limited, much like the 1980s science fiction movie Tron, which portrayed the Internet as an "information superhighway." Just as it was difficult in 1982 to imagine what the Internet of 2020 would look like -- and even harder to communicate with people who had never even "logged on" to it at the time -- we really don't know how to describe the Metaverse. However, we can identify core properties.

When people play games, they enter the fictional world in the game, but if this world cannot communicate with other worlds, people cannot use a word like "oIf you can enter various virtual worlds with a unified identity of "ne-pass" to socialize, consume, and trade, then a single virtual world or the entire collection is not a Metaverse. Because people cannot conduct transactions in a unified economic system. To put it simply, Metaverse is like a more immersive and participatory Internet shared by people. It is the next stage of the Internet.

Oasis VR CEO Yin Sang emphasized that Metaverse is not a game, it is completely The real Metaverse is when productive social activities and organizations in real life are completely moved to the virtual world. Roblox CEO Dave Baszucki gave several characteristics of Metaverse in his mind: identity, friends, immersion, low latency, and diversity , anytime, anywhere, economic system and civilization.

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D. With the Metaverse becoming popular, what is the end of the Internet?

The end of the Internet is content, and the Metaverse is also the ultimate form of the Internet. In today's society, In the context of the times, no matter what the "end" of the issue is, it is a very broad topic. Because the times are changing rapidly, it is very likely that we now feel that the end of the Internet is content, and after a while we will feel that the end of the Internet is It is in other directions.

The End of the Internet

The metaverse is a term that is often discussed by everyone. Although everyone thinks that this is the ultimate form of the Internet, after all, it is only people's A beautiful imagination.

The current Internet is too mixed, and the Metaverse and other similar platforms are under tremendous pressure. I very much look forward to the day when our real society can really match the imagination. Just like the world of the Metaverse, it will definitely be a very wonderful experience.

E. Why is Liu Cixin not optimistic about the concept of the "Metaverse"

In fact, it is not that he is not optimistic about the Metaverse; He is afraid that after humans complete the project of the metaverse, they will not do anything else but enjoy themselves; in addition, he believes that the metaverse is just a machine for creating pleasure; I think there are two misunderstandings here.

In fact, for ordinary people, For me, breakthroughs in the brain field are far more meaningful than breakthroughs in the space field. Assuming that humans establish a base on Mars in the future, what can ordinary people do, add a tourist resort? However, with breakthroughs in the brain field, ordinary people can do better Shaping the brain and controlling one's own behavior is of far-reaching significance to every ordinary person.

F. What can the so-called metaverse be used for?

What can the so-called metaverse be used for?

Times are developing and science and technology are advancing. The rapid development of science and technology has always affected the process of human society. Nowadays, in the Internet era and the 5G era, the maturity of various virtual reality technologies marks that human society has entered a new era. The Metaverse, which was very popular on the Internet a while ago, was on the hot search list. Many people don’t know what the Metaverse is about. Now let’s take a look.

G. Xinhua News Agency’s AI synthetic anchor talks to a virtual person for the first time. What kind of scene is this?

Xinhua News Agency’s AI synthetic anchor talks to a virtual person for the first time. What kind of scene is this?

Hello netizens, Xinhua News Agency’s AI synthetic anchor talked to virtual humans for the first time. This shows that AI technology has gradually matured and has begun to be used in many scenarios. In fact, this moment came so fast. I really didn’t expect that current technology is developing so rapidly. We are now at the end of the third information revolution. Due to the development of the Internet, many things have appeared. For example, the smartphones we use now, as well as movies, TV series, games, virtual reality, etc. are all based on the development of the Internet. .

This is just like today's e-commerce, which has completely destroyed the real economy, so everyone must pay attention to these cutting-edge technologies.

H. What is the Metaverse

The Metaverse is a collection of virtual time and space.

Metaverse is a collection of virtual time and space, consisting of a series of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the Internet. Represents the concept of a "transcendent universe": a virtual space that runs parallel to the real world.

The definition given by Roblox includes eight major elements: identity, friends, immersion, low latency, diversification, anytime, anywhere, economic system and civilization. There are many elements, and behind each element, there is a series of explanations. In short, it cannot be explained clearly in one sentence, which just shows the ambiguity of this concept.

Related industries of the Metaverse:

From an enterprise perspective, the Metaverse is still in the initial stage of industry development. Whether it is the underlying technology or application scenarios, There is still a big gap compared with the mature form in the future, but this also means that there is huge room for expansion of metaverse-related industries.

Therefore, if digital technology giants with multiple advantages want to hold on to the market, and if start-ups in the digital technology field want to gain the opportunity to overtake in corners, they must plan in advance or even increase their presence on the metaverse track.

From the government’s perspective, the Metaverse is not only an important emerging industry, but also an area of ​​social governance that needs attention. Matthew Ball, a senior research expert on the Metaverse, put forward: "The Metaverse is a concept on the same level as the mobile Internet."

Using the mobile Internet as an analogy to the Metaverse, we can better understand government departments' response to the Metaverse. its passNote the internal logic. The government hopes that by participating in the formation and development process of the metaverse, it can proactively consider and solve related problems brought about by its development.

I. Ding Lei talked about the Yuanverse, saying that it could run faster than anyone else and how strong the company is.

Ding Lei said in this public interview that he NetEase is running faster than anyone else in the metaverse. In fact, this is not because he has made adequate preparations, nor is it that NetEase is so powerful. It is mainly because Ding Lei, as the actual controlling shareholder of the company, is indeed There is such confidence. After all, judging from the current situation, NetEase Game Company is indeed one of the best in the country, and it is definitely top-notch in terms of production standards. Today we will discuss why Ding Lei said this.

Third, what do you think of this game mode? Although the metaverse is a very hot topic now, to be honest, I am not really interested in it. Mainly, I think there is a big difference between the real world and the virtual world. We cannot gradually give up exploring the real world just because the virtual world is becoming more and more perfect. You know, according to the descriptions of many scientific leaders, the cyberpunk world is not as beautiful as we think. Therefore, I think the metaverse can indeed develop, but it cannot be respected by us as a social hot spot.

J. Luo Yonghao revealed his next entrepreneurial project "Yuanshi Company", which technology field his entrepreneurial project is in?

As a celebrity entrepreneur on the Internet, Luo Yonghao has had great successes. He has also fallen into underestimation. Now he has experienced many entrepreneurial failures, but this still has not defeated him. As the concept of the Yuan Universe explodes, our teacher Luo Yonghao also announced online that his next startup company will also be the "Yuan Universe Company". You know, the concept of the metaverse was previously proposed by Zuckerberg. Not long ago, Luo Yonghao also started his own metaverse plan. Does this mean that Luo Yonghao already has a new job?

The most important thing is that the concept of the metaverse was first proposed by Zuckerberg. As a latecomer, you can’t say that other people’s concepts are immature, right?

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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