uton冷钱包 uadt冷钱包

『壹』 长安UNI-K上市后销量不错,它都有哪些优点



『贰』 微信群TP钱包空投虚拟币领取步骤

『叁』 长安UNI-T和UNI-K的区别


『肆』 不谈“风月”聊聊长安UNI-T背后那些小细节

战舰挡杆的设计是新车内饰中的点睛之笔,悬浮且锋利,兼具了视觉效果和实际使用中舒适的宽大手感。配合上同样极具科技感的双联屏,几乎每一个我脑海中“太空座驾”应有的元素都得以具象化。这也使得尽管UNI-T的内饰咋一看去布局和CS75 PLUS类似,但依旧做出了符合自己产品定位的个性之处。

『伍』 长安新序列“UNI-T”C位出道,实车解析篇

哈喽大家好,这里是128车评,我是你们的老朋友,老兵。 本期为大家带来新款车型UNI-T的实车解析,自CS85开始再到CS75 PLUS;CS55PLUS等新车型的推出,长安的设计风格越来越紧跟潮流,极具科技感,引起一大批8090购车人群的目光,近期推出的几款车型也确实在这颜值方面尝到了甜头,长安终于不再只是那个拥有实力却没有颜值的存在,在完成CS系列车型的高效换代家族化设计之后,全新平台,全新车系的UIN-T又进化出了全新的设计语言。
前脸部分,UNI-T中网采用大面积的“无边界”式设计,由中心向外扩撒的菱形格带给人一种深邃立体感,非常的前卫,也算是将概念车照进了现实,特别是在看到实车的时候,的确是超越老兵心中预期的,能让人有一种未来感,和现有众多量产车型的设计理念形成一定反差,就像当初的领克01刚出来的时候,各方网友争论不休,褒贬不一。而UNI-T同样是会以其新颖,充满未来感的设计理念,去迎接市场带来的各种声音,同时也会让他成为一台回头率不低的车型。PS:这个前脸有没有感觉像某个电影人物? 例如 毒液?或者小丑? 哈哈

内饰部分,UNI-T延续了长安现有的家族化设计风格,模样倒生的年轻时尚,也许是此前期望值过高的缘故,实车给人感觉做工和质感一般,这一点让我个人有些失望...... 颜值给到9分,但是做工品质,只能给到7分。这点为老兵个人的主观想法,主要原因在于此前UNI-T宣传时为长安新序列首款车型,且其外观科幻,未来感十足,因而给人对内饰的心里预期值很大。 单从同价位级别车型中来说,UNI-T在其正常偏上水平。9分
方向盘采用D字形,样式上相较于现有体系首次出现改动。?在D字形下方,增加了红色的UNI-T LOGO有些性能车的做法, 起码仪式感还是要有的嘛(捂脸)
UNI-T继续采用双联屏设计,且中控显示屏以8.1°的角度侧向驾驶员这一侧,使其在高速行驶过程中,方便观看屏幕的导航信息,从而尽可能的避免因观看中控信息而导致事故的发生。 说到这里,居然之前在车内的时候忘记测试三指飞屏有没有重新安排上了,那个真是神器一般的存在,取消这个功能,不得不说是一个败笔。
图为智能AI交互系统,也是本车唯一一个“氛围灯”(捂脸) UNI-T一个颜值这么充满未来感的车,居然没有配备氛围灯这么一个能够提升仪式感的配置,也真是想不通....
UNI-T成为了长安首个采用风琴式油门踏板的车型,相较于传统的悬吊式踏板,风琴式的优势主要体现在脚感很好,防滑,并且是脚踝始终处于一个相对舒适的角度,并且对于一些性能车来说,风琴式油门的行程更长,精度高,颇受大马力车型的喜爱, 当然,在这里,UNI-T采用风琴式的原因,主要还是第一点(捂脸)
来了来了,UNI-T最吸引人的游艇式电子档杆来了,这也是部分人被圈粉的原因之一吧,就如同18款75首次搭载电子档把,“鸡腿”一样。我又再一次的被这个电子档杆圈粉了(捂脸) 顺带吐槽一下个自动驻车的仪表显示.请看下图...
UNI-T的自动驻车启用后,亮起的是一个小图标,如果没有仔细留意的话,很难判断该功能是否启用。对于这个设计,个人还是很排斥的,不过也有可能是由于习惯了长安以往系列的横向式显示。还不太习惯吧。?但就直观上来说,还是以前的横向式显示更为便捷,现有的需要一定时间的适应期。 你们有这样的感觉吗?
主驾驶仪表信息显示图,左侧会显示智能辅助系统在本次行程中的状态信息,中间则显示车辆信息,那边车门未关,会很直观的显示给驾驶员,包括误开的小灯等,尽可能的规避因操作问题而导致电瓶亏电的情况,这里给个赞。 右侧则显示本次行的工况信息等。 整体显示还是十分全面的。
此外,一直隐隐有些担心的车机系统,在看到实车后,终于放下心来,虽说不能称之为同级中的佼佼者,但是比他的前辈75P要好些(捂脸)?另外值得一提的是,UNI-T的语音交互系统的语音识别准确率非常高,即便普通话不是很标准,他都会智能识别关键词进行工作。?此外UNI-T同样采用高德,腾讯,双地图的版本,带给用户更多的选择 (事实证明,反映还是有用的,在此,给CA厂家默默点个赞,愿意吸收用户意见,并及时升级优化,值得表扬)
图为安全辅助系统的详细内容,顶配车型除AEB对动态车辆的捕捉以外,另有低速制动辅助通过周围的超声波雷达识别周边静止障碍物的捕捉。在低速行驶时,比如人工泊车作业时,能更精准的识别周边静止的障碍物,防止驾驶员因视觉盲区而造成低速碰撞。另外,关于主动刹车这一块,老兵再次强调一遍,主动刹车并不是让驾驶员以后都不去踩刹车了,这样想是不对的,大家要记住,科技永远是辅助,驾驶还是要以人为本,那么主动刹车存在的意义在哪里呢? 给大家举个例子,假设你开车在城区跟车行驶,而你又分心和副驾驶的人聊天了,没有注意到前方情况,此时前车突然紧急刹车,这个时候,如果没有主动刹车,你百分百会撞上去,因为你走神,因为你不专心驾驶。活该,没毛病, 但是如果这个时候,你的车上有主动刹车系统,那么这个系统就可能会帮你刹住,可能就会救你一次。 大家正确去理解,正确去看待。凡事存在就有他的道理,科技的进步对于行车安全确实是有帮助的。就想当初的ABS,和ESP一样,所以会有那么一天,AEB也可能会成为强制配置,?而你又是如何看待主动刹车的呢?
如图所示,UNI-T的旗舰版本同样是搭载了APA5.0的遥控代客泊车系统的,关于APA5.0,老兵不做过多的讲解了,具体有兴趣的朋友可以在X瓜视频中搜索我拍摄的详细教程,以及应用场景。 还是那句话,有些功能也许平常根本用不上,但是在一些特殊的场景,当你发现使用了这个功能,会变得十分便捷以后,你才会明白,这个东西买值了,而自动泊车,正是属于这一类型。
UNI-T的旗舰车型,搭载了L2级的IACC智能辅助系统,这一块老兵得着重推荐一下了,这个功能对于经常需要跑长途的车主来说,简直是一个神器般的存在,由于这一块的功能不方便进行讲解拍摄,因此有需要了解这个功能带来的便利性的网友,可以戳开我的主页,看看CS75 PLUS旗舰车主对于这个功能的回访记录。这也是我垂涎已久的一个配置了,喜欢体验黑科技的车友,一定不能错过。
1.例如疲劳驾驶时,会有模拟来电,提醒你停靠休息,设置的是 小可爱,小仙女之类的名称(捂脸) 据说在设定此功能时,有考虑过加入放屁声,呼噜声之类的来刺激驾驶员,但是好像爬被喷不文明,就给取消掉了(捂脸)
2.相信很多网友都在网上看到过某某驾驶员因为分心错过出口而导致的事故,而在这个动态监测中,也增加了高速出口分心提醒, 摄像头会捕捉驾驶员的神态信息,进行判断识别,及时发出提醒,从而避免这类问题的发生。在这里,给设计师点个赞,这也属于平常几乎不用,但是一旦用上,你就会拍手称赞的一个神器。
3.抽烟监测,当摄像头捕捉到驾驶员或者副驾驶一侧有人抽烟时,系统会自动降下车窗或打开空气净化器,不过,该功能属于仪式感很强,实际作用不大,具体,你品。 不过仪式感还是很重要的 哈哈
PS:拍摄素材时,摄像头上的保护膜未拆。 另外,这个功能要是增加个美颜效果就好了,不然估计没有多少小姐姐会用这个东西拍照(嘿嘿)
实拍车型为顶配车型,但仍旧没有给出座椅通风,只给出了座椅加热功能,在老兵的印象中,自18款CS75以后,长安似乎抛弃了座椅通风,这点对于炎热地区的朋友实在不够友好,并且由于座椅包裹性不错,没有座椅通风,实在会很酸爽。 无法理解....
UNI-T的扶手箱储物格配置了空调出风口,大家可以理解为小型的车载冰箱,炎炎夏季,放 两瓶肥宅快乐水进去冷藏,打开来一口,奈斯。 又或者,在寒冷的冬季,接上小伙伴,从扶手箱内拿出一杯暖暖的奶茶,那感觉,简直了。哈哈
UNI-T的天窗采用的是全景天幕,不可开启的,在这里说说个人看法,老兵还是偏爱这样的天幕的,天窗的主要作用还是采光,让后排的乘客感觉不会太压抑,使其不容易晕车,并且更好的观看窗外的风景。 实际开启的频率并不高,而且家里有小孩的车主,还得担心小孩爬上去,带来一定的隐患。 而且可开启式的全景天窗,中间会有遮挡,视线范围没有这种不可开启的天幕广,而且不可开启式的,更不用担心会忘记关闭天窗而导致车内淋雨,或者漏水,因此,无论是从美观角度还是实用角度上来说,我个人更偏爱这种不可开启式的。 而你们,又是如何看待呢?评论区等你们
内饰配置部分小结: UNI-T的整体内饰设计,并没有让我达到心理预期值,这一点或许和长安刚开始宣传的新序列有关,使我一直有一种UNI-T作为全新序列的车型,内饰部分的质感会区分开现有的CS体系,所以才会在见到实车后有些失望,UNI-T由于定价问题,成本控制问题,内饰部分给人的质感,还处于CS系列水平,但在同级,同价位中属于应有水平.

先说下UNIT-T的三围, 长 4515mm 宽 1870mm?高 1565mm 轴距 2710mm
来啦来啦,体重又变了...... 体验者身高183CM,体重77KG..... 将驾驶位置调至正常驾驶姿势,头部空间为一拳。
UNI-T采用的是非全尺寸备胎,并且由于在这一块另做了较小的储物空间,导致取放备胎的时候,稍有不便,但是考虑到备胎的实际使用几率很低的情况,倒也能够接受。 具体看下图
空间部分小结: UNI-T虽然由于造型设计导致其储物空间不大,但是也尽可能的通过合理的设计,来增加车主的空间使用率,增强储物能力,特别是一些亮眼的设计,非常的人性化。

1.动力部分,UNI-T搭载的是蓝鲸平台的NE1.5T高压直喷发动机,这台发动机于2019年11月12日在英国长安研发中心首发,这款发动机基于蓝鲸NE中小排量高效能发动机平台开发,支持350bar高压喷射,最大功率为132KW,最大扭矩达到300N.m 最大马力达到180P,并且热效率达到了40%!并且满足国6b的排放标准。具体参数的讲解,在这里就不做过多的说明了,有兴趣的朋友可以在某音上翻看一下具体的讲解。
2.变速箱部分,UNI-T匹配的一台长安自主研发的7速湿式双离合,之前很多网友私信老兵:长安一贯都是采用爱信的AT变速箱,怎么突然换这个了,内心有些无法接受,那么在这说一下个人看法哈,爱信的AT变速箱的市场认可度和稳定性确实非常高,东西是个好东西,但是毕竟不是咱自己的,那么收到爱信的钳制就会非常严重,不仅仅是成本高,还会时不时的进行控制,得有求于人,并且开放的权限也不会太高,所以长安基于后续的布局发展,研发使用自己的变速箱,是一个必然的趋势,这也是我理解的一个原因。 那么为什么网上会有那么多槽点,其实想想,长城,吉利等,一直以来都是使用DCT变速箱,在消费者印象中,本来就是如此,而长安则不同,因为此前一直使用爱信变速箱,突然说转换自己的变速箱,故而消费者心理一时有些难以接受。?其实UNI-T这款7DCT并不是首次在UNI-T上搭载使用,此前的CS85 CS35 PLUS 逸动PLUS 欧尚X7等车型上,早已推出使用,并且市场反馈还是不错的。并且由于是自己旗下研发的,在权限和匹配上,自然要比外购要好的多。
3.实际试驾感受,在早期试驾欧尚X7的时候,感觉起步比较肉,前段油门反应有些迟滞,因此在还未试驾UNI-T的时候,内心多少有些担忧,但从点火起步的那一瞬间,悬着的心也算是放下了,特别是在测试地板油急加速的时候,档位响应的速度,明显感觉要优于逸动P和X7。对于动力这一块,如果用分级形容,肉,勉强够用,轻快,动力强劲,动力过剩。 那么可以把他放在倒数第二档。而UNI-T的官方零百数据是7.57S,实际工况下,约为8S左右。日常驾驶,超车啥的,妥妥的够用了。毕竟这只是一台家用车,且值得一提的是,不同于长安现有其他车型的急加速会感觉声音有些嘈杂, UNI-T在地板油的时候,声音是比较悦耳的。这一点,建议大家试驾的时候着重感受一下。
4.NVH方面,这一块,有点让我惊喜的是,UNI-T在怠速和正常行驶时的噪音控制非常出色,有些遗憾的是,当时急冲冲的赶去看车了,忘记带设备测量噪音分贝了,在制作视频的时候再给大家补上、 另外此前老兵建立的UNI-T交流群里,也有很多网友去试驾UNI-T 对于NVH控制这一块也是称赞有加,也着实令人有些意外。
4.顶配车型13万出头的价格,其无论是动力,颜值,配置各方面综合比较,在同级别车型中,还是有很大的竞争力。因此,这台车,老兵更建议购买顶配车型,价格相差一万,东西却相差很远,决定之前,一定要试驾对比,综合考虑后,再做决定,以免后悔。这一点,在CS75 PLUS的2.0T领航上,体现的淋漓尽致....
好啦,UNI-T的初期试驾体验报告,终于告一段落了,写的这么长,也不知道能够看完的人有几个(捂脸),继续强调一遍,以上均为个人的一些观点,每个人的感受都是不同的,大家可以根据老兵提及的一些地方,着重进行对比,还是那句老话,人无完人,车无完车,每个车都有其优缺点, 别把选车弄的太复杂化,在你的预算范围之内,能找到符合自己需求,并且喜欢的车就OK了,不要去在意别人的看法,买自己的车,让别人敲键盘去吧。

『陆』 长安uni—t冷热空调怎么调


『柒』 盲定到宕机的UNI-V,你还不来打卡吗





地址:长沙保利mall西广场 UNI品牌体验空间

『捌』 比想象中还要酷!长安UNI-T将于3月5日全球首发





『玖』 小狐狸钱包怎么关联uni交易


『拾』 “盲定”长安UNI-T 是我过去三十年里唯一的冲动消费


『一』 Changan UNI-K has sold well after it was launched. What are its advantages?

1. In contrast to its peers, UNI-T sells over 10,000 yuan per month

As The second model of Changan's UNI series, UNI-K has been recognized even before it is launched on the market. This is inseparable from the foreshadowing of the first model UNI-T. Once the new car was launched, it quickly became popular due to its excellent product strength. Its monthly sales can easily exceed 10,000, making it a compact SUV that young consumers cannot avoid in the field of compact SUVs.

『二』 Steps to receive airdrop virtual coins from WeChat group TP wallet

『三』 Changan UNI-T and UNI- The difference between K

Currently they are all Changan high-end series models, with different appearance configurations

『四』 Let’s not talk about the "Feng Yue" and talk about the small details behind Changan UNI-T

I still remember the last time Changan’s test cars drove in groups and attracted onlookers everywhere. It was back in 2014 when the CS75 was launched. Now this “highlight moment” has appeared again. Six years have passed.
The person who fulfills my "vanity" is UNI-T, a name that Brother Qing has been thinking about for almost half a year.
As nationwide test drive activities slowly resume, UNI-T has received overwhelming reports on the Internet in the past two days. In line with the principle of "no wordiness", I don't want to follow the rules today. I will not introduce this new car, but analyze the details for you.
Look back, when we were young and learning classical Chinese, what kind of articles would make people “crash” the most? It must be the kind of article with a few lines of text and most of the notes, because they represent countless details between the lines. UNI-T is such a product that can make the OEM "collapse" and is full of details.
At the same time, a car is an industrial product, which means that behind every "nice-looking detail", there will be real money investment. Similar to those ladies who fly to South Korea for plastic surgery, those affectionate red phoenix eyes are clearly priced.
The biggest contributor to UNI-T’s “enchanting” front face is undoubtedly the borderless grille composed of 150 diamond-shaped decorative blocks. This is also the most confusing thing about its identity as a fuel vehicle. The place.
The reason is very simple. New energy models do not need air intake grilles, so they can make imaginative decorations in the "grill" position; but UNI-T is a genuine fuel model. The shape of the air grille will directly affect the air intake volume and heat dissipation effect. If you want to install it on the final mass-produced model, the only way is to add money. From the repeated demonstrations in the early stage to the selection of materials and the production of molds in the later stage, it is not difficult to imagine how much manpower and material resources Changan invested in this face.
Including when you sit in the cab and look at the exterior rearview mirror, you will find the high bulge of the side body in the mirror. At that moment, it feels like you are driving a Ferrari. thisThis feeling is not groundless, but also made with money.
Why is it so difficult for us to see streamlined bodies similar to those of supercars on ordinary models? That's because such craftsmanship is really demanding. Just like if you take a piece of paper and fold it in half, you will get a more stable shape, but if you want to twist the paper into a spiral shape without creases and keep it, it is almost impossible; this is the same as sheet metal. The process is similar, and the sheet metal itself is elastic, which results in the large-curved body being the representative of "rich, handsome" in the automotive industry, but for the sake of visual effects, they also sacrificed it.
These two details should be the most "expensive" part of the entire appearance.
In addition, the new car has many interesting details worth savoring. A "cross-shaped" LED light group is integrated into the air intake grille. When the headlights are lit, you can understand it as a "night running light." This configuration is purely icing on the cake and is said to be discussed by the manufacturer before mass production. It took a long time to "remove" it to save costs, but in the end it was fully presented.
The hidden door handle could have been made to mechanically pop up by pressing, like the "Aston Martin", but in the end a motor was added to realize automatic pop-up and retraction.
Including the U-shaped tail integrated on the trunk lid, the small spoilers on the front and rear bumpers, the rearview mirror, and the diffuser next to the exhaust... "What does the concept car look like, and the final volume? This is what a production car is." These words from the engineer's mouth fully reflect Changan's determination to "do it or die" for UNI-T.
During the briefing, the staff mentioned casually that their designers believed that the rows of diamond-shaped elements on the infinity grille resembled the human battleships in the science fiction novel "The Three-Body Problem" army. Then when you sit in the car, the "science fiction" attribute is brought into full play.
The design is simple, eliminating a large number of physical buttons. The surrounding central control design centered on the driving position is more convenient for the driver to operate; the raised ambient light on the instrument panel is not only for decoration, but also a human-computer interaction For example, when you turn on the left turn signal, the integrated light strip will also point in the direction you want to go in a flowing manner.
The design of the battleship gear lever is the finishing touch in the interior of the new car. It is suspended and sharp, and combines visual effects with a wide and comfortable feel in actual use. Coupled with the dual screens that also have a high sense of technology, almost every element that a "space car" in my mind should have can be embodied. This also makes it possible that although the layout of UNI-T's interior looks similar to that of CS75 PLUS at first glance, it still has its own personality that fits its own product positioning.
As for the sporty attributes, it is reflected by the use of leather stitching technology, integrated bucket seats and a three-spoke steering wheel with a light grip. Frankly speaking, the overall interior design of UNIT-T is not complicated, and the materials used are not that luxurious, but every detail is carefully considered to the extreme to present a transcendent experience.
Friends who are familiar with "Engine" should still remember that I have complained more than once about these "artificial intelligence" currently on the market that seem to be mentally retarded. For example, a so-called car model equipped with an emotion recognition system, when faced with a "bitter melon face" like me with naturally droopy mouth corners, will always judge that I am unhappy and try to tell me cold jokes.
And when I was driving UNI-T, my eyes were blinded by the wind and I closed my eyes unconsciously. An incoming call reminder appeared on the car phone with the name: Little Cutie.
When I saw this caller name, the atmosphere in the car was a little weird. I was driving and I didn’t remember that there was such a "little cutie" on my phone. Then I thought about it, and my phone was not connected to the car. . I peeked through the rearview mirror at my unfamiliar colleague in the back row and found that he was also looking at me with a confused look on his face.
Perhaps aware of this embarrassment, the staff accompanying the driver immediately explained: "This is our anti-drowsy driving function. It may have been activated just now because you closed your eyes."
UNI-T This anti-fatigue driving function can be said to be fully "insightful". Think about it, when you and your girlfriend are driving happily on the road, you receive a call from the "cutie" because you were dozing off, saying "Who is the cutie!" ?" It's definitely enough to scare you to the point of trembling while you sleep? Driving while tired? nonexistent.
However, this is also a relatively severe "means" in UNIT-T's anti-fatigue driving. It will only be activated when a longer period of closed eyes is detected. Otherwise, a gentler method will be used. If you don't want to When you are confused and panicked and are asked something that you should not say, it is better to take the initiative to stay away from fatigue driving.
Of course, this is just "one corner" of UNI-T's many intelligent configurations. Mobile phone Bluetooth car keys can also control automatic parking of vehicles; 360-degree remote panoramic images; highly integrated WeChat functions, etc. are also available. With the configuration list of this high-end model, you can get a lot of fun even if you buy it as an electronic product.
Finally, let’s talk about the power and control performance of the new car. In the past many years, Changan has rarely put the word “control” on the table as a selling point. In the past two years, The only major move - the launch of a customized sports version of the Eado XT - did not cause any commotion.
I once test-drove the customized version of XT before it was launched. I measured it by the standard of a small steel cannon. What satisfied me most was the driving atmosphere, chassis performance, and the pressure relief. valve, it also has the "backfire" sound from the exhaust pipe when the accelerator is pressed deeply. The precise steering and flexible suspension are even more impressive; and the reason why it failed to become a success, apart from the market, is that the powertrain back then was really not that interesting.
Nowadays, UNI-T, which pursues sports attributes, has the support of Blue Whale. Compared with previous sports products, it has become even more powerful. Its engine has a maximum power of 132kW and a maximum torque of 300 Nm.
In NOIn RMAL mode, the power output of the new car is not very fast, but it still starts briskly and is very easy to control. You can't feel it at all when the turbine intervenes, and the overall smoothness is commendable. After switching to SPORT, the power response becomes very rapid. The maximum torque of 300 Nm can be fully released at 1250rpm. Acceleration and overtaking can be completed in one go, everything seems easy and natural.
The common problem of most small-displacement turbocharged engines is insufficient stamina. This situation has also been improved on UNI-T. Even at a speed of 120km/h, you can still feel it when you step on the accelerator deeply. The power is coming in a steady stream, with no signs of drying up.
As for this 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, my first impression is that it is "smooth", and there is very little frustration when switching to low gears. And it's smart enough to always take action immediately when you want it to do something. For example, in SPORT mode, when you step deeply on the accelerator, the transmission can immediately downshift 2-3 gears to provide stronger output. The comprehensive transmission efficiency of up to 94.3% also ensures that the engine's power can be better displayed.
In addition, the suspension is set to be firm, and the support is very good in big and sharp bends. The chassis on speed bumps and gravel roads gives people a very compact feeling, and the rebound damping of the suspension is also well adjusted. It's very good. There won't be too much bouncing. The limit of the whole car is very high, and it can be easily caught in bends. However, it will bump quite hard when passing speed bumps at high speed.
So while writing this article, I have been thinking about what are the shortcomings of UNI-T. After much thought, in order to pursue sports to the extreme, whether it is suspension adjustment or space comfort in the rear row, In terms of performance, this should be one reason why they are all lacking. The other reason is that due to the styling of the vehicle, the trunk space is also slightly inferior compared to models of the same level.
However, these "problems" should not be regarded as flaws, but an unavoidable multiple-choice question. From the perspective of "deep cultivation" of the market segment, UNI-T is a model. After all, it is unrealistic to use one car to cater to all needs, likes and dislikes. In the future, other products under the UNI series will definitely fill these gaps.
Written at the end:
Three months ago, when the Geneva Motor Show was canceled and Changan made an announcement, I didn’t have much emotion in my heart. But now after test driving UNI-T, I started to feel regretful. Because after the "close contact", I can finally understand how much "eyeballs" such a model will attract when standing on the international stage, and what kind of brand-new image it will establish for China. It is indeed very regrettable to think about it.
Today, UNIT-T officially announced the pre-sale price, which is 115,900-135,900 yuan, which is "an order of magnitude" less than the 130,000-150,000 yuan I estimated two days ago. Judging from this price, UNI-T is even more competitive in the market segment, and its status as a "hot model" has almost been settled. Qingge boldly predicts that from pre-sale to launch in mid-June, its The order volume is likely to exceed the 20,000 mark, bringingGive more consumers a new experience as "future technology mass producers".
This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

『五』 Changan's new series "UNI-T" debuts in the C position, actual car analysis

Hello everyone, this is 128 car review, I am your old friend ,veteran. This issue brings you the actual car analysis of the new model UNI-T. Starting from CS85 and then to CS75 PLUS; CS55PLUS and other new models, Changan’s design style is increasingly following the trend and has a strong sense of technology, which has attracted a large number of With the attention of 8090 car buyers, several recently launched models have indeed tasted the sweetness in terms of appearance. Changan is finally no longer just an existence with strength but no appearance. After completing the efficient family design of CS series models, , a new platform, a new car series, UIN-T has evolved a new design language.
The real-life model brought in this issue is the flagship version of UNI-T with a pre-sale price of 135,900 yuan, for reference only
1. Appearance
Front part, UNI-T middle The network adopts a large-area "borderless" design. The diamond-shaped grid spreading outward from the center gives people a deep three-dimensional feeling, which is very avant-garde. It can also be regarded as bringing the concept car into reality, especially when seeing the actual car. When driving the car, it indeed exceeded the expectations of veterans. It gave people a sense of the future and formed a certain contrast with the design concepts of many existing mass-produced models. Just like when the Lynk & Co 01 first came out, netizens from all sides argued. Endless, mixed reviews. UNI-T will also use its novel and futuristic design concept to meet the various sounds brought by the market, and at the same time, it will also make it a model with a high rate of return. PS: Does this front face look like a movie character? Like Venom? Or a clown? Haha
As for the headlights, UNI-T adopts an S-shaped split headlight design. The sharp shape further enhances recognition. The black part uses piano paint technology to enhance the overall texture.
The top model also has two position lights in the center grille. When the power is turned on, they light up simultaneously, which can be understood as two small-eye daytime running lights. PS: It is said that only the early access version models have this position light.
On the side, the side lines of UNI-T's body are very smooth and full, which highlights the dynamic posture of the side. The door frames are also made of Changan's favorite piano paint process to further enhance the overall texture.
In terms of tires, the flagship model uses Continental tires. The tire specification is 245/45R20. The wheel hub style is quite satisfactory. I always feel that the wheel hub style of the Changan model cannot give people a stunning feeling (of course, this can only mean Personal opinion.) The 45-to-flat ratio is also a disguised reminder to take it easy when walking on bad roads (face covering). But fortunately, most of them are paved roads now... PS: UNI-T is equipped with self-centering We were given 20-inch wheels at the beginning, but here are the big onesLike.
UNI-T uses a hidden door handle. This design will not only increase the sense of ceremony, but also make the side look more concise and elegant. And it can effectively reduce the wind resistance coefficient and improve endurance when driving at high speeds.
PS: After the driver starts the ignition, the door handle will automatically retract, which is full of ritual feeling
For the rear part of the car, forgive me, no matter how I look at it, I still stubbornly think that in terms of styling alone, this is the XT A replica of the model, it just looks better. However, the hatchback and fastback styling are not much different in terms of styling. There are just some differences in details. ?The V-shaped spoiler and the overall three-dimensional tail can also give people a strong visual impact. PS: UNI-T is not from the XT platform, but is built based on the 55 platform
Summary of the appearance part: The wages that Changan designers have been owed for many years have finally been paid, and the recent products are all very good-looking. Compared with the old models of a few years ago, it can be described as earth-shaking. Changan finally realized that appearance is justice. Buying a car is like looking for a girlfriend. It starts with appearance. Only with appearance can you have a car. The possibility of further understanding (Ang, this is just an example, veterans still pay more attention to the inner, haha)
The overall design of UNI-T gives people the feeling of sport and the future. It is very popular with young people, and because it is similar to the concept of a concept car, although it will arouse heated discussions, it will also make it a car with a high rate of return.
PS: The one-piece design of the front face, although It looks good, but once a certain part is damaged, it will be very painful and the whole thing has to be replaced....

2. Interior and configuration parts
Interior part, UNI- T continues Changan's existing family-oriented design style, with a youthful and fashionable appearance. Perhaps because of the high expectations before, the actual car feels that the workmanship and texture are average, which makes me a little disappointed... . The appearance is rated at 9 points, but the workmanship quality can only be rated at 7 points. This is the subjective opinion of a veteran. The main reason is that UNI-T was previously promoted as the first model in Changan's new series, and its appearance is sci-fi and full of futuristic feeling, so people have high expectations for the interior. From a single perspective among models in the same price range, UNI-T is above the normal level. 9 points
The seats continue to adopt an integrated design, which not only gives people a certain sense of movement but also improves wrapping. The padding of the seats is moderately soft, and the riding experience is at a normal level for its class. And the lumbar support adjustment, which has disappeared for a long time, finally appears again.
The steering wheel adopts a D-shape, which is the first change in style compared to the existing system. ?Under the D shape, a red UNI-T LOGO is added, which is the way of some performance cars. At least it still needs a sense of ceremony (face covering)
UNI-T continues to use a dual-screen design, and the central control display The screen is oriented sideways to the driver's side at an angle of 8.1°, making it easier to operate on the highway.During driving, it is convenient to view the navigation information on the screen, so as to avoid accidents caused by viewing central control information as much as possible. Speaking of which, I actually forgot to test whether the three-finger flying screen has been rearranged when I was in the car. It is really an artifact, and canceling this function has to be said to be a failure.
The picture shows the intelligent AI interactive system, which is also the only "ambient light" (face covering) in this car. UNI-T, a car with such a futuristic appearance, is not equipped with an ambient light, a configuration that can enhance the sense of ceremony. , I really can’t figure it out....
UNI-T has become Changan’s first model to adopt an organ-type accelerator pedal. Compared with the traditional suspension pedal, the advantage of the organ-type is mainly reflected in the good foot feel. , non-slip, and the ankle is always at a relatively comfortable angle. For some performance cars, the organ-type throttle has a longer stroke and high precision. It is very popular with high-horsepower models. Of course, here, UNI-T adopts The main reason for the organ style is the first point (face covering)
Here comes UNI-T’s most attractive yacht-style electronic gear lever. This is also one of the reasons why some people are fans. , just like the 18-model 75 equipped with an electronic gear knob for the first time, a "chicken leg". I am once again a fan of this electronic gear lever (face covering). By the way, I want to complain about the automatic parking instrument display. Please see the picture below...
PS: The electronic gear lever of UNI-T is very easy to disassemble. Convenient, if you don’t want to lend the car to others, it only takes a few seconds to remove the gear handle and put it in your pocket (face covering)
After UNI-T’s automatic parking is enabled, a small icon lights up , it is difficult to tell whether this feature is enabled if you are not paying careful attention. Personally, I am still very repulsive to this design, but it may be because I am used to the horizontal display of Changan's previous series. Not quite used to it yet. ?But intuitively speaking, the previous horizontal display is more convenient, and the existing one requires a certain period of adaptation. Do you feel this way?
The main driving instrument information display diagram, the left side will display the status information of the intelligent assistance system during this trip, and the middle will display the vehicle information. If the door is not closed on the other side, it will be intuitively displayed to the driver, including errors. Turn on small lights, etc., to avoid battery loss due to operational problems as much as possible. I give it a thumbs up. The right side displays the working condition information of this trip. The overall display is quite comprehensive.
In addition, I have been a little worried about the car-machine system. After seeing the actual car, I finally felt relieved. Although it cannot be called the best in its class, it is better than its predecessor 75P (facepalm) )? It is also worth mentioning that the speech recognition accuracy of UNI-T's voice interaction system is very high. Even if Mandarin is not very standard, it will intelligently recognize keywords and work. ?In addition, UNI-T also uses Amap, Tencent, and dual-map versions, giving users more choices. (Facts have proved that feedback is still useful. Here, I would like to give a silent thumbs up to the CA manufacturer and be willing to adopt it.User opinions and timely upgrades and optimizations are worthy of praise)
The picture shows the details of the safety assistance system. In addition to AEB to capture dynamic vehicles, the top model also has low-speed braking assist through the surrounding ultrasonic radar to identify stationary surroundings. Obstacle capture. When driving at low speeds, such as manual parking operations, it can more accurately identify surrounding stationary obstacles to prevent drivers from causing low-speed collisions due to visual blind spots. In addition, regarding active braking, the veteran once again emphasizes that active braking does not mean that the driver will not step on the brakes in the future. It is wrong to think this way. Everyone must remember that technology is always an auxiliary, and driving must still be people-oriented. So What is the significance of active braking? Let me give you an example. Suppose you are driving behind a car in the city, and you are distracted by chatting with the co-pilot and do not pay attention to the situation ahead. At this time, the car in front suddenly brakes suddenly. At this time, if there is no active braking, You will 100% get hit because you were distracted, because you weren't paying attention to driving. You deserve it, there's nothing wrong with it, but if your car has an active braking system at this time, then this system may stop you and save you once. Everyone should understand it correctly and view it correctly. Everything exists for its own reason, and technological progress is indeed helpful for driving safety. Just think of the original ABS, which is the same as ESP, so one day, AEB may also become a mandatory configuration? And what do you think of active braking?
As shown in the picture, the flagship version of UNI-T is also equipped with the APA5.0 remote control valet parking system. Regarding APA5.0, veterans will not explain too much. For those who are interested in the details You can search for the detailed tutorials and application scenarios I shot in Xgua Video. Again, some functions may not be used at all, but in some special scenarios, when you find that using this function will become very convenient, you will understand that this thing is worth buying, and automatic parking Cars belong to this category.
UNI-T’s flagship model is equipped with the L2-level IACC intelligent assistance system. This veteran must strongly recommend it. This function is simply an artifact for car owners who often need to run long distances. Since this function is inconvenient to explain and shoot, netizens who need to understand the convenience brought by this function can click on my homepage to see the return visit records of CS75 PLUS flagship owners about this function. This is also a configuration that I have coveted for a long time. Car enthusiasts who like to experience black technology must not miss it.
The actual model has a camera on the driver's side, which collects the driver's dynamic information at any time and monitors it.
1. For example, when you are driving fatigued, there will be a simulated call to remind you to stop and take a rest. The names you set are cute, little fairies, etc. (face covering). It is said that when setting this function, I considered adding farts. There were noises, grunts, etc. to stimulate the driver, but it seemed uncivilized to be sprayed while crawling, so they were canceled (face covering)
2. I believe many netizens have seen online the accidents caused by a certain driver who missed the exit due to distraction. In this dynamic monitoring, a high-speed exit distraction reminder has also been added. The camera will capture the driver’s demeanor information. Make judgments and identifications and issue timely reminders to avoid such problems. Here, give the designer a thumbs up. This is an artifact that you rarely use, but once you use it, you will applaud and praise it.
3. Smoking monitoring. When the camera captures someone smoking on the driver or co-pilot side, the system will automatically lower the window or turn on the air purifier. However, this function has a strong sense of ritual and has little practical effect. , specifically, it’s up to you. However, the sense of ritual is still very important haha
4. The screen is bright when the eyes are on. Most netizens should have this experience. When driving at night, the central control screen will feel more dazzling, and the screen will often be turned off, but occasionally you need to query When navigating information, you have to manually turn on the screen, which increases the operating time. However, UNI-T only needs to stare at the screen for a few seconds, and the system will automatically turn on the screen, which is very convenient.
The actual model also has a high-definition camera in the rearview mirror. In addition to monitoring member dynamic information, it can also take pictures. When traveling with friends, you can take pictures in the car, which is in line with the audience positioning< br />PS: When shooting the footage, the protective film on the camera was not removed. In addition, it would be nice to add a beauty effect to this function, otherwise not many ladies would use this thing to take pictures (hehe)
The 360 ​​panoramic image of the actual model uses a high-definition wide-angle camera, with very high definition , and when approaching an obstacle, it will produce three-dimensional imaging, allowing the driver to feel the change in distance more intuitively. This is just in accordance with CA's usual practice...I am afraid that other models have standard-definition cameras again. I haven't seen this before. It cannot be confirmed before the actual car.
PS: Some people think that 360 is useless and can only be used by novices. In fact, this function can be used in many scenarios during daily driving, such as raising the front of the car when leaving the basement. This function can be used when the driver cannot see the situation ahead at all, and when meeting other vehicles on narrow roads.
Real shooting configuration, it is also equipped with a 360-degree surround-view driving recorder to record in all directions and has an emergency recording function. According to past practice, other models should not have this configuration. By the way, I would like to appeal again, hoping that Changan can become the first car company to equip all passenger brands with surround-view driving recorders. The clarity and stability are far better than that of an additional recorder, and the hidden dangers of installing an additional recorder are too great, and the recorder is an indispensable existence.
PS: Starting from UNI-T, memory cards have been distributed for configurations equipped with 360 surround view driving recorders. This is great because many users do not know what memory card to configure, which has led to feedback from many 75PLUS car owners and veterans. , the memory card alone has been replaced seven or eight times, and there are still some problems.Problems and failures occur frequently. Changan did a great job this time.
In addition to the three dynamic driving modes, the real-life model also has three steering modes, which can be switched according to the driver's current environment and adjust the weight of the steering wheel. The main application scenarios are comfort mode for low-speed parking and steering for fast road conditions. Sports mode, use the standard mode for daily driving conditions, which varies from person to person and working conditions, giving different ranges of choices.
The actual model is a top-of-the-line model, but it still does not provide seat ventilation, only the seat heating function. In the impression of veterans, Changan seems to have abandoned seat ventilation since the 18th CS75. This is not very friendly to friends in hot areas, and since the seats are well wrapped, there is no seat ventilation, which is really sour. I can’t understand....
The real-shot model has a wireless charging function, but it is only on the left side. There is a USB interface in front of the right side for the convenience of the co-pilot passenger
UNI-T becomes Changan’s first Models with storage space under the front console maximize the use of interior space
The picture shows the driver's side console. Finally, finally, finally, after complaining about it N times, UNI-T's reflective The folding of the mirror has been changed from the previous knob type to the current button type one-click folding, which greatly improves the convenience in terms of operation.
PS: The lowered storage box is fake. I don’t know why the real storage box was cancelled, because this position is the most convenient for placing the driving license...Bad review
UNI-T’s armrest The storage compartment of the box is equipped with an air-conditioning outlet. You can think of it as a small car refrigerator. In the hot summer, you can put two bottles of Feizhai Happy Water in it to refrigerate, open it and take a sip. Nice. Or, in the cold winter, picking up your friends and taking out a cup of warm milk tea from the armrest box is such a wonderful feeling. Haha
UNI-T’s sunroof uses a panoramic canopy, which cannot be opened. Let me talk about my personal opinion here. Veterans still prefer such a canopy. The main function of the sunroof is lighting, so that the passengers in the back row will not feel It is too depressing, making it less likely to get motion sickness and allowing you to better appreciate the scenery outside the window. The actual frequency of opening is not high, and car owners with children at home have to worry about children climbing up, which will bring certain hidden dangers. Moreover, the openable panoramic sunroof will be blocked in the middle. The sight range is not as wide as the non-openable sunroof, and it is not openable. There is no need to worry about forgetting to close the sunroof and causing rain or water leakage in the car. Therefore, no matter From an aesthetic point of view or a practical point of view, I personally prefer this non-openable type. And what do you think? Waiting for you in the comment area
Summary of the interior configuration: The overall interior design of UNI-T did not meet my psychological expectations. This may be related to the new series that Changan just started to promote, which made me feel a UNI-T is a brand new series of models. The texture of the interior part will be different from the existing CS system, so I was a little disappointed after seeing the actual car. UNI-T has pricing issues.The problem is cost control. The texture of the interior is still at the level of the CS series, but it is at the level it should be at the same level and price.

3. Space part
First Let’s talk about the measurements of UNIT-T: length 4515mm, width 1870mm, height 1565mm, wheelbase 2710mm
Come on, the weight has changed again... The person who experienced it is 183CM tall and weighs 77KG... The driving position is adjusted to the normal driving posture, and the headroom is a punch.
Keeping the front seats unchanged, the legroom in the back row is about two fists and two fingers, and the legroom is relatively ample.
Close to the inside of the seat (buttocks are pushed back). At this time, the head space is only a slap (cover your face). Due to the styling problem, the head space is sacrificed. It is still a bit uncomfortable for big people sitting in the back row.
The rear seats can be folded down almost flat, with a slight tilt angle, but for resting in the car, they will be more comfortable if they are slightly raised.
After the rear seats are folded flat, the length measured from the back of the seat is 1800mm. With a veteran’s height, he doesn’t have to worry about closing the door while sleeping (covering his face)
The picture shows the covering board The installation renderings, I would like to point out a little bit, if the retractable curtain is used, the effect will be better, and it is easy to take and place. This kind of curtain is not easy to take and place, but it is not designed to be fixed with a sling, so it will be difficult to use when driving. When paving the road, there is the potential for abnormal noise.
UNI-T uses a non-full-size spare tire, and because there is a smaller storage space in this area, it is slightly inconvenient to take and place the spare tire. However, considering the actual use of the spare tire, Even if the probability is very low, it is acceptable. See the picture below for details
After opening the first layer of baffle, you can see a storage compartment with a large area, which is used to store some items with a height of about 10 cm, which increases the storage capacity of UNI-T in disguise. material ability.
Summary of the space part: Although UNI-T has a small storage space due to its shape design, it also tries its best to increase the owner’s space usage and enhance storage capabilities through reasonable design, especially for some bright The eye design is very user-friendly.

4. Dynamic part
1. Power part, UNI-T is equipped with the NE1.5T high-pressure direct injection engine of the Blue Whale platform. This engine was launched on November 12, 2019. First launched by Changan R&D Center in the UK, this engine is developed based on the Blue Whale NE small and medium-displacement high-efficiency engine platform. It supports 350bar high-pressure injection, has a maximum power of 132KW, a maximum torque of 300N.m, a maximum horsepower of 180P, and a thermal efficiency of 40%! And it meets the national 6b emission standards. I won’t go into too much explanation of the specific parameters here. Friends who are interested can read the detailed explanation on a certain sound.
2. For the gearbox, UNI-T is matched with a Changan self-developedThe 7-speed wet dual-clutch was launched. Many netizens sent private messages to veterans: Changan has always used Aisin's AT gearbox. Why did it suddenly change to this one? I can't accept it. So let me share my personal opinion here. Aisin's AT gearbox. The market recognition and stability of the gearbox are indeed very high. The thing is a good thing, but after all, it is not our own, so being clamped by Aisin will be very serious. Not only is the cost high, but it will also be controlled from time to time. You have to ask for help from others, and the opening authority will not be too high. Therefore, based on the subsequent layout and development, Changan will develop and use its own gearbox, which is an inevitable trend. This is also a reason I understand. So why are there so many flaws on the Internet? In fact, if you think about it, Great Wall, Geely, etc. have always used DCT gearboxes. In the minds of consumers, this is always the case, but Changan is different because it has always used Aisin gearboxes. box, and suddenly asked to switch to their own gearbox, so consumers were temporarily unable to accept it. ?In fact, UNI-T’s 7DCT is not the first time it has been used on UNI-T. It has been launched and used on previous CS85 CS35 PLUS, Eado PLUS, Auchan X7 and other models, and the market feedback is still good. And because it is developed by ourselves, in terms of authority and matching, it is naturally much better than outsourcing.
3. Actual test drive experience. When I tested the Auchan X7 in the early days, I felt that the start was rough and the throttle response in the front section was a bit sluggish. Therefore, before I tested the UNI-T, I was somewhat worried, but since then The moment the ignition started, I felt relieved. Especially when the test floor was accelerating, the speed of gear response was obviously better than that of Eado P and X7. Regarding the power aspect, if we use grading to describe it, meaty, barely enough, brisk, powerful, and excessive power. Then you can put him in the penultimate gear. The official zero-hundred-hour data of UNI-T is 7.57S. Under actual working conditions, it is about 8S. For daily driving, overtaking, etc., it is perfectly adequate. After all, this is just a family car, and it is worth mentioning that unlike other existing Changan models that may sound a bit noisy when accelerating hard, the UNI-T's sound is more pleasant when the floor is oily. At this point, I suggest you focus on feeling it when you test drive.
4. In terms of NVH, what surprised me a bit was that UNI-T’s noise control was very good at idle and normal driving. It was a pity that I rushed to see the car and forgot about it. I brought equipment to measure the noise decibels, and I will add it to everyone when I make the video. In addition, in the UNI-T communication group established by veterans, many netizens went to test drive UNI-T and also praised the NVH control aspect. It's really surprising.
5. In terms of chassis shock absorption, due to the short time, I have not fully experienced it, so I will not express my personal opinions on this aspect. I will explain it in detail in the later dynamic video.
5. Core Highlights and Disadvantages
UNI-T’sThere are still many highlights. Let’s talk about what is worth buying about this car from a personal perspective
1. First of all, the appearance is sporty and controversial. Although there are hundreds of people, its appearance is It is in line with its product positioning and can hit the energetic hearts of young people. This also attracts the attention of more young people for the new series of models.
2. Fresh and eye-catching smart configurations, such as L2-level IACC, APA5.0 automatic parking, in-vehicle WeChat, intelligent interactive systems, etc., are in line with the sense of technology and intelligence that young people want. In addition, young people want Like to try new things and be different.
3. The NE1.5T high-efficiency engine of the Blue Whale platform can achieve the performance parameters of some 2.0T low-power engines, bringing a more abundant power experience while ensuring fuel economy.
4. The price of the top model is just over 130,000 yuan. When compared in terms of power, appearance, and configuration, it is still very competitive among models of the same level. Therefore, for this car, veterans recommend buying the top model. The price difference is 10,000, but the quality is very different. Before making a decision, you must test drive and compare, and make a decision after comprehensive consideration to avoid regrets. This is vividly reflected in the 2.0T pilot of CS75 PLUS....
Main points:
1. The workmanship and texture of the interior failed to meet ideal expectations. Previously, the official announcement of the new Sequence leads to too high expectations.
2. The engine compartment actually uses mechanical struts, and no hydraulic struts are provided, which is too stingy
3. The air conditioner does not have a one-button shutdown button. You need to press and hold it for about 2 seconds to turn off the air conditioner, or It is slightly inconvenient to use the voice system to turn it off.
4. The rear shield panel is not fixed with slings. Driving on non-paved roads may cause abnormal noise, and it can only be placed at home, which is not very convenient
5. Automatic The parking instrument display is not conspicuous enough, and it takes some getting used to.
Roughly speaking, the above points will be added. The details will be supplemented after the veteran has more experience, or the car owner will make supplements when the car owner returns to visit.
Okay, UNI-T’s initial test drive experience report has finally come to an end. It’s so long and I don’t know how many people can finish it (face covering). I’ll continue to emphasize that the above are all Some personal opinions, everyone's feelings are different. You can focus on comparison based on some places mentioned by veterans. It is still the old saying, no one is perfect, and no car is perfect. Every car has its advantages. Disadvantages: Don’t make car selection too complicated. If you can find a car that meets your needs and likes it within your budget, it’s OK. Don’t care about other people’s opinions. Buy your own car and let others type on the keyboard. Go ahead.
In addition, after this post is published, a real car owner group will be established simultaneously. All car owners will be certified one by one, providing a communication platform for real car owners without trolls or car hacks, and will update the car owners’ information from time to time. Real car experience to pay attention to this carnetizens as a reference.
In addition, friends who want to join the exchange group can add veteran stomach LJ0002228. I will wait for you in the exchange group. In addition, the update content of Chejiahao is not so complicated. It is too tiring (face covering)
PS: If there are any places not mentioned in the article, or there are errors, you can leave a comment District pointed out, thank you all for reading.
This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

『Lu』How to adjust the Changan uni-t hot and cold air conditioner

If you want to adjust the Changan hot and cold air conditioner, you can use the remote control to enter its operation menu to perform related temperature and wind wall And the switching of various related functions

『撒』 Blindly determined to the downtime UNI-V, why don’t you come and check in

On January 24, South China’s first UNI- V prototype car will soon be stationed in Changsha UNI brand experience space. With excited hearts and trembling hands, we can finally see the legendary hatchback coupe that fell into ruins at a glance!

As the first coupe of Changan's UNI series, UNI-V was blindly ordered to the point of failure as soon as it came out. It is worthy of being the leading star of domestic cars.

UNI space has no limits, only if you can’t think of it, we can’t do it.

UNI (invite you), let’s play together~!

Address: Changsha Poly Mall West Plaza UNI Brand Experience Space

『Eight』 is cooler than imagined! Changan UNI-T will make its global debut on March 5th

New car information: As we all know, we are currently in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic, and the impact on the car market in the cold winter period is like adding insult to injury. However, this has not stopped car companies from releasing new cars at all. For example, offline new car launch events were canceled and all were replaced by online live broadcasts, and the results were pretty good.

According to the car review agency, Changan UNI-T will make its global debut online on March 5. It can be said that it is a milestone model of Changan Automobile. Are your wallets ready?

Currently, Geely has ICON and has gained a large number of fans with its unique styling. According to this rhythm, Changan will naturally not be outdone. So, will UNI-T become the next domestic hot model? We'll see.

This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

『玖』 How to connect Little Fox Wallet to uni transaction

Summary 1. It is recommended to use Microsoft official browser (of course you can also use Chrom, Firefox, 360 and other browsers)


『Shi』 "Blindly deciding" on Changan UNI-T is my only impulse purchase in the past thirty years

I often wonder if one day I buy a Chinese brand car , what brand will it be? What does it look like? What impresses me?
After six years of working in the industry, this question has never been answered.case, until two months ago, I bought a UNI-T.
UNI-T should be regarded as the most popular product from the beginning of this year to now, bar none. Regardless of the exposure of official pictures or official debut, just like those little fresh meat in the entertainment industry, it has become a traffic controller in the automotive industry; coupled with the inability to "close contact" due to the impact of the epidemic , almost every piece of news about UNI-T can explode the number of views on the Internet.
I just waited and waited, watching the appearance of UNI-T become clearer and clearer. Finally, May 7th, the date of the "First Car Experience Day" event arrived. I envy those who can attend the event in person. Find the owner of your car among 520 UNI-T vehicles through mobile phone connection.
If nothing else happens, this should be the last time I experience it online before I pick up the car. I have been looking forward to it for more than half a year, and my appetite will finally come to an end.
The "blind purchase" of UNI-T may be my only impulse purchase in the past thirty years, but I couldn't help it. It attracted me deeply when I saw the official picture for the first time.
Not much else to say, but the borderless front grille composed of 150 independent diamond-shaped units is something Qing Ge has never seen before. In the designer's hand, they become quite rhythmic, like a seemingly "chaotic" bird's nest, or a small waist. This parametric design technique derived from architectural design makes it implicit. This extremely rational overall order forms a complex and continuous curved surface, breaking the definition of air intake grille on traditional models and creating a number of new aesthetic models.
Recalling some of the "highlight moments" in the history of automobile design development in the past, such as split headlights and GT models, according to common sense, the birth of every new thing requires us to spend a certain amount of time to accept and accept it. I have learned to appreciate it, but there is obviously no such "running-in period" on UNI-T. It is novel and deeply popular.
Frankly speaking, in today's market, in order to reduce design costs and reduce market risks, many big brands have begun to become increasingly conservative. The "family-like" front face design that lacks individuality seems to satisfy the company's cost and risk requirements. Control, more and more "matryoshka faces" are making consumers feel boring.
The market needs new vitality and people are looking forward to new designs.
But good design is not only about being able to implement a good idea, but it also requires strong financial investment for repeated verification and strong technical strength to present it perfectly. Just like BMW's "Angel Eyes" and "Hofmeister Corner", these design elements known as classics are all the result of huge investment of manpower and material resources. Now the borderless grille on UNI-T is completely It can become a milestone in Changan's design and a new business card for Chinese brand cars, and the meaning behind it is far more than just good-looking.
In fact, according to my values, this pattern aloneI am willing to take out my wallet, but this does not mean that UNI-T does not have other advantages. The interior of the new car incorporates new family-style design elements, but has also been innovatively upgraded. The integrated dual 10.25-inch high-definition screens in the center console are particularly eye-catching, and have improved the level of technology in the car, and are designed towards the driver's side. It also makes operation while driving more convenient. As a highlight of the interior, the design of the shift lever is very technological, like the operating lever of a space battleship.
There are no wood grain veneers, and there are no other brands that are used to it. Brown and other interior colors that can only be seen in luxury cars in the past are used to enhance the luxurious atmosphere. The simple layout UNI-T can also present The luxurious attributes come from the magic of design.
In terms of configuration, it has all the in-vehicle intelligent interconnection functions you can think of, and even more you can’t think of, such as L3 level autonomous driving; for example, it applies machine vision and directional speech recognition to fully realize scene-based perception in the car. It also has .
To give a simple example, when the central control screen is off, if the driver looks at the screen for 1 second, the screen will automatically light up. When the occupants answer calls, the system automatically reduces the multimedia volume to ensure clear calls. And when it recognizes that the front passenger is smoking, the vehicle can open the windows appropriately and turn on the air purification in the car according to the vehicle speed to keep the air fresh at all times.
Coupled with Changan's "ace power" - the new Blue Whale NE1.5T high-pressure direct injection engine, the engine thermal efficiency is as high as 40%, meeting National 6b emissions, with a maximum power of 132kW (180 horsepower) and a maximum output torque of 300N. ·m, matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission.
To be honest, I can’t even find a reason for myself not to buy UNI-T. The only thing I can think of is maybe traveling with the whole family after getting married and having children in the future. As a compact SUV, UNI-T may be used in space. Performance is lacking. But these horoscopes have not been mentioned yet, so why think too much about them?
In the next ten days or so, these 520 first edition UNI-Ts will be transported to all parts of the country, including the one customized by Qingge himself. As a media owner, what will the real experience be like after getting Changan UNI-T? In the coming time, my friends and I will try our best to truly present it to you through text, pictures, videos, etc. Let us look forward to it together.
This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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