数字货币中什么是矿币什么是外币币呢 数字货币中什么是矿币什么是外币呢

A. 数字货币和虚拟货币的区别是什么投资币种有哪些



T1:ETH(目前的公链之首,山寨币孕育的底层平台,并且在炒作ETH2.0)EOS(社区共识+DApp可能的大爆发+DeFi也能加入+跌出了极高性价比) ZEC(匿名龙头)

T2:YAS (ubi理念,目前市值低,潜力大)ATOM(也就是cosmos,优势新型公链),XRP(2019跌的基本没涨起来过,所以向上空间还是挺大的)Polkadot DOT(波卡,目标超越以太坊)KSM(波卡先锋)

T3:ADA(有潜力)NEO (上轮牛市1000倍神话),ONT(强庄),IOST (IOST首先目前估值偏低,目前Dapp也在良好发展中)


B. 数字货币平台中的交易即挖矿是什么意思








C. 数字货币交易挖矿是什么




D. 数字货币中挖矿是什么意思


E. 数字货币中挖矿什么意思









F. 数字货币是什么







(1) 投资者首先要注册账户,同时获得数字货币账户和美元或者其他外汇账户。

(2) 用户可以用现金账户中的钱买卖数字货币,就像买卖股票和期货一样。

(3) 交易平台会将买入请求和卖出请求按照规则进行排序后开始匹配,如果符合要求即成交。

(4) 由于用户提交买入卖出量之间的差异,一个买入或卖出请求可能部分被执行。

A. What is the difference between digital currency and virtual currency? What are the investment currencies?

What is digital currency?

Digital currency can be used to describe all electronic currencies. A general term that includes virtual currencies and cryptocurrencies. Digital currency is electronic currency that does not exist in any physical form. Because its functions and inherent properties are the same as standard non-legal currency, it can also be referred to as the online version of cash. Digital currencies are intangible and require a device that can be connected to a specific network to use and hold them.

T1: ETH (currently the number one public chain, the underlying platform for altcoins, and hyping ETH2.0) EOS (community consensus + DApp possibility The big explosion + DeFi can also join + it has a very high cost performance) ZEC (anonymous leader)

T2:YAS (ubi concept, current market value is low, potential is high) ATOM (that is, cosmos, a new public chain with advantages), XRP (it has basically not risen after falling in 2019, so there is still a lot of room for upside) Polkadot DOT (Polkadot, aiming to surpass Ethereum) KSM (Polkadot Pioneer)

T3: ADA (potential) NEO (1000 times the myth of the last bull market), ONT (strong banker), IOST (first of all, IOST is currently undervalued, and currently Dapp is also developing well)

Coin There are also platform coins in the circle, which correspond to HT, BNB, and MX.

B. What does transaction-as-mining in the digital currency platform mean?

"Transaction-as-mining" is a relatively typical platform operation mode, where users mine through transactions. Some platforms will issue their own tokens as rewards for users’ trading behavior.

Related introduction:

In June 2018, the cryptocurrency exchange FCoin proposed the concept of “transaction as mining”, and within a short period of time, its daily trading volume climbed to the top in the world. , triggering a war between exchanges.

“Transaction is mining” is actually a personal transaction fee refund mechanism based on platform currency. Strictly speaking, there was a similar gameplay before the establishment of FCoin. For example, Bibox had previously introduced it. A mechanism whereby a certain percentage of fee income is returned to platform currency holders.

(2) What is mining currency and what is foreign currency in digital currency? Extended reading

FCoin’s “transaction is mining” has been repackaged and modeled after The distribution rules of Bitcoin mining are to use 51% of the platform currency FT as the mining reward pool, and gradually unlock the FT through "mining (trading on FCoin)". Once 51% of the FT is fully returned, "mining" That is automatically terminated.

In terms of specific implementation, FCoin transactions and mining start at 0:00 every day (GMT+8). Every hour, 100% of the transaction fees generated by users will be converted into FT for accumulation., the conversion price is calculated based on the average price of FT for that hour (the average price calculation method is total transaction amount/total transaction volume).

C. What is digital currency trading mining

Digital currency trading mining is a new method born in 2018. Simply put, as long as you do it on a digital currency exchange For transactions, the handling fees charged by the exchange will be converted into exchange platform coins and returned to you. That is, as long as you go to an exchange with the "digital currency transaction mining" function to trade, you can obtain their platform coins.

Compared with other digital currencies, the platform currency is still relatively valuable in circulation.

The difference between YEX exchange and other exchanges is that not only can you use currency transactions and mining, but you can also use legal currency transactions and mining. If you don’t have digital currency, it is more convenient to go to their platform and you can participate in transactions directly with RMB.

D. What is the meaning of mining in digital currency

It means to generate digital currency
Generally, digital currency is similar to Bitcoin, and its generated quantity is fixed. A portion of Bitcoin is generated through mining at regular intervals. Because the number of Bitcoins is limited, the value of Bitcoins has also increased all the way.

E. What does mining mean in digital currency

Mining is the nickname for the exploration method of obtaining Bitcoin. It got its name because its working principle is very similar to mining minerals. Additionally, Bitcoin prospectors who perform mining work are also known as miners.

The Bitcoin network generates new Bitcoins through "mining." The so-called "mining" is essentially the use of computers to solve a complex mathematical problem to ensure the consistency of the distributed accounting system of the Bitcoin network.

The Bitcoin network will automatically adjust the difficulty of math questions so that the entire network will get a qualified answer approximately every 10 minutes.

The Bitcoin network will then generate a certain amount of Bitcoin as a bounty to reward those who get the answer.

(5) What is mining currency and what is foreign currency in digital currency? Extended reading:

To be a miner, "mine" bits Just use your computer to search for 64-bit numbers. By using computers to repeatedly decrypt, they compete with other gold diggers to provide the Bitcoin network with the numbers it needs.

If the computer can successfully create a set of numbers, it will receive 25 Bitcoins. Bitcoin is decentralized and requires a fixed number of Bitcoins to be created per unit of computing time. 25 Bitcoins can be obtained every 10 minutes.

By 2140, the upper limit of Bitcoins in circulation will reach 21 million. In other words, the Bitcoin system is self-sufficient, coded to resist inflation and prevent others from sabotaging it.

F. What is digital currency

Digital currency is an alternative currency in the form of electronic currency (which can be used for real transactions of goods and services)


Digital currency has the main characteristics of network data packets. This type of data packet consists of a data code and an identification code. The data code is the content we need to transmit, and the identification code specifies where the data packet comes from, where it is going, and other attributes.

Based on the characteristics of digital currency, the direct benefits that digital currency brings to the central bank are not only to save the issuance, circulation, and settlement costs of banknotes, but also to enhance the central bank’s ability to control funds.

Electronic currency and virtual currency are collectively referred to as digital currency. According to the definition of the European Central Bank, virtual currencies are digital representations of value issued by non-central banks, credit institutions, and electronic money institutions that can, under certain circumstances, serve as currency substitutes.

(6) What is mining currency and what is foreign currency in digital currency? Further reading:

Digital currency is processed through the platform The transaction process is as follows:

(1) Investors must first register an account and obtain a digital currency account and a US dollar or other foreign exchange account.

(2) Users can use money in their cash accounts to buy and sell digital currencies, just like stocks and futures.

(3) The trading platform will sort the buy requests and sell requests according to the rules and start matching them. If the requirements are met, the transaction will be completed.

(4) Due to the difference between the buy and sell volumes submitted by the user, a buy or sell request may be partially executed.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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