理想钱包是什么样子 理想钱包设计

① 理想汽车CEO李想评小米百度造车引热议,三者之间的竞争有多大


② 请问这位年轻的CEO是谁






③ 理想汽车CEO李想评价倒下的拜腾。



④ 关于李想的简历

李想 1981年生,河北人,高中文凭,2000年创立泡泡网,并任首席执行官。泡泡网,第三大中文IT专业网站,市场价值2亿,而泡泡网的创始人李想一股独大,身家在1亿以上。

























⑤ 理想汽车CEO李想谈女记者打探消息遭侮辱,为何网友炸了锅



⑥ pcpop.com CEO李想的详细资料























李想的第三个机会是否能够成功还不好说,但他以10个人的团队创造了一个飞速发展的汽车社区,还是令很多人吃惊和佩服的。尤其是当他谈到,当初成立汽车频道的时候,四名成员甚至连驾驶执照都没有。于是,李想让他们去学习,从普通执照到赛手驾照、拉力赛驾照... ...








80后新贵李想 创业要学会妥协













⑦ 泡泡网CEO李想的个人简介。英文版的。150字左右。着重他的成功史。

Li Xiang was born in 1981 and started his website at the age of 18. The 2005 revenue from Li's company was 20 million yuan, with a net profit of 10 million yuan. He responded to his contemporaries' questions about failure.

"It's common to come across difficult things while running a company on your own, like you are not able to pay your employees; sometimes you even have to deal with it for a long time, but it's very common. You are different from others, because you are an entrepreneur. You have to bear things ordinary people can't. Also, the problems are not problems at all. They are just the steps you have to go through."

He added that most entrepreneurs are very hard working; the only thing they focus on is doing things well, rather than concentrating on failure or success. To be an entrepreneur is a process more than a result.

⑧ 理想汽车CEO李想:公司现金储备充足 最糟糕情况下可持续36个月








⑨ 理想汽车CEO李想炮轰团车造车,称刷新了创业者底线,你认可他的说法吗


⑩ 关于泡泡网CEO李想




① Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, commented on Xiaomi and Baidu’s car manufacturing, which caused heated discussions. How big is the competition between the three?

It is very big. No one gives up to anyone, and they are in their respective They all have certain achievements in their fields, and it can be seen from their conversations that they are very competitive.

② Who is this young CEO?

Li Xiang

Born in 1981, Hebei. High school diploma, started his own business in 1999; Li Xiang is the most well-known post-80s generation in the IT circle. He founded the graphics card home website in his early years, and later founded two major industry websites, pcpop.com and Autohome. Li Xiang is currently worth over 100 million and is a post-80s internet entrepreneur. One of the most representative figures among writers. It was reported by all major media. (pcpop is the third largest Chinese IT professional website. In 2005, its revenue was nearly 20 million and its profit was 10 million. Taking a price-earnings ratio of 20 times, the market value is 200 million. The founder Li Xiang is the only one with a net worth of more than 100 million. .)

Year: 1981, from Hebei

All assets: 160 million (RMB)

A model of entrepreneurship after the 1980s, maybe He is currently the most successful post-80s entrepreneur in the IT industry

③ Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, commented on the fallen Byton.

Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, commented on the fallen Byton.

This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

④ About Li Xiang’s resume

Li Xiang was born in Hebei in 1981, with a high school diploma. He founded Paopao.com in 2000 and served as CEO. Paopao.com is the third largest Chinese IT professional website with a market value of 200 million, while Li Xiangyi, the founder of Paopao.com, is the only one with a net worth of more than 100 million.

In the first half of this year, 25-year-old Li Xiang, as the CEO of Paopao.com, became one of the “Top Ten New Entrepreneurs in China”. He is the youngest person on the list, and it is also the first time for the post-80s entrepreneurial group to enter the list.

Last week, in an interview with reporters, Li Xiang wanted to say: "I hope my Paopao.com will be listed in 2008."
In order to run a good website, Li Xiang resolutely gave up During the college entrance examination, despite the opposition of his family, he always insisted on his own opinion: "Mom, you don't understand. If I go to college, my website will die. I still have to make money, and the website cannot develop in a commercial direction." Looking at his son With such persistence, Li Xiang's mother gave up the idea of ​​letting her son go to college, and her only request for her son was to "study hard."

People Weekly: Why not go to college and start a website at the same time?

Li Xiang: I considered these at the time, but I still felt that I should devote myself to it wholeheartedly, because at that time, except for sleeping and eating, I was basically working on this website. If I went to college, I would spend at least Cut it in half. Therefore, to convince parents, "The most important thing is that I have to come up withCome with your own results. ”

People Weekly: Now that you have a net worth of hundreds of millions, do you mind if your education level is still in high school?

Li Xiang: In fact, there is no direct relationship between your academic level and your career. , in my heart I just feel a little regretful that I didn’t experience college life. But I can’t say that because I have a high school degree, I am now worth 100 million. This will give a wrong signal to many people. In fact, before I started my business, I already had It took six years to accumulate computer knowledge.
At the end of 2001, Li Xiang said goodbye to his parents, came to Beijing from Shijiazhuang, recruited people, and started formal business operations. Vice presidents of technology, sales, architecture, and marketing joined the team one after another, and the team was strong. Pao.com has grown rapidly. But Li Xiang still has lingering fears when recalling the crisis in 2003.
People Weekly: What happened?

Li Xiang: At that time, Pao.com Half of the editors have to resign, because our website is all run by editors. If half of them leave, the website will basically be unable to operate.

People Weekly: What countermeasures did you take later?

Li Xiang: I was very anxious that day and immediately called the editors who wanted to resign one by one. But they told me in unison that they had already reported to a competitor and the conditions were very good. .

People Weekly: How did you overcome the difficulty in the end?

Li Xiang: Afterwards, I also began to reflect. In fact, the website did have its own problems when such an incident happened. Secondly When Tian arrived at the company, there were only a few leaders left. We all held a meeting to discuss and decided to recruit people immediately and lead them one by one. In about a week or so, the operation of the entire website returned to normal. In this process, all the competition Opponents are all saying: Paopao is dead, Li Xiang is out of business, and they even say that only Li Xiang is left in the entire company. However, fortunately, Paopao.com has survived the biggest crisis since its establishment.
< br />People Weekly: If the crisis cannot be overcome, will Paopao.com disappear?

Li Xiang: I am a naturally optimistic person. I only have one idea. As long as I work hard and pay my dues, , you can definitely think of it and do it.

The goal is for Paopao.com to be listed as soon as possible

Last year, Paopao.com had a profit of 10 million and a market value of 200 million. And one share dominates Li Xiang’s net worth has soared to more than 100 million. Among the post-80s entrepreneurial army, Li Xiang is the leader.

However, in early 2006, just as the company was booming and before it entered the national professional IT website When he was ranked third, Li Xiang sent a stern letter to each employee's mailbox, pointing out the laxity of employees and management, and detailing the gap with the number one in the industry.

People Weekly: Now Paopao.com ranks third among Chinese IT websites, but you don’t seem satisfied with this?

Li Xiang: Because I found that the employees were in a sluggish state at that time, and I wanted to "awaken" them. I thought the state at that time was not acceptable.

People Weekly: Was the company’s performance declining when you wrote this letter?

Li Xiang: No, I wrote this letter to prevent performance from declining.
People Magazine: Did you feel condescending when you wrote that letter with fierce words?

Li Xiang: If it is really condescending, there is no need for me to write this letter to them. I am doing it for the benefit of the entire team. No one in our company calls me Mr. Li, everyone calls me Li Xiang.

People Magazine: If a high school graduate is very interested in IT but doesn’t know what to do; and at the same time, he can go to college, would you recommend him to go to college or start a business?

Li Xiang: Of course, I want to go to college. Nowadays, the threshold for starting a business is much higher. First of all, you must have funds; secondly, there are not many opportunities for you to make mistakes. After all, the Internet today is very different from 6 years ago.
People Weekly: Can you tell us the secret of your success?

Li Xiang: In everything you do, you must avoid having too scattered goals. If the goals are too scattered, you will gradually develop the characteristic of avoiding difficulties when encountering them. Therefore, we must try to complete the set goals in front of us, so that we can break through to larger goals. My goal is for Paopao.com to be listed as soon as possible.

⑤ Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, talks about why a female reporter was insulted when she inquired about information. Why did netizens get upset?

In fact, the main reason why the comment area got upset was because of Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto. When talking about this matter, he asked netizens. He asked that if employees of an enterprise abuse others on the street or on forums and WeChat outside of their own duties, what can the enterprise do besides doing their best? In addition to the liability for firing the employee, is there any relevant legal liability for the seller to issue an apology?

Some netizens commented that in fact, reporters asking engineers to ask these questions are more of his professional needs, because reporters want to catch all kinds of inside information. Only in this way can you appear valuable. Otherwise, if everyone knows the news, then the reporter's interests will be too low. Therefore, the main reason is that the engineer's emotional intelligence is too low, because the engineer can directly think that this is an internal secret of the company. Such a reason Rejecting the other person should not escalate to the level of insult. After all, if you are unwilling to answer the female reporter’s questions, you can directly delete or block the other person. But if it rises to the level of insult, then there is a problem with your personal quality. In fact, what these netizens said is very reasonable, but I think that since the company has corresponding responsibilities, it should also issue a public apology. After all, he is an employee of the company.

⑥ Detailed information of pcpop.com CEO Li Xiang

Li Xiang
Contents·Li Xiang’s archive
·Li Xiang’s voice
·Introduction to Li Xiang
·Characteristics of Li Xiang

File of Li Xiang

Position: CEO of PCPOP.com (Beijing Paopao Information Technology Co., Ltd.)
Date of birth: 1981
Native place: Hebei
Education: high school
Current net worth: 100 million yuan
Entrepreneurial experience: Before 1998, contributed to "Computer News" and "Computer News" Wrote articles for newspapers and magazines such as "The World";
1998, built a personal website;
1999, graduated from high school;
2000, registered PCPOP and started operations;
In the second half of 2001, Came to Beijing from Shijiazhuang and started "formal business operations";
In 2005, he expanded from IT products to the automotive industry and created the Autohome website
In May 2006, it was rated as one of the "Top Ten in China" Entrepreneurial cutting-edge"
Team: 110 people
Start-up time: 1999

According to statistics, at least one media directly reports on Li Xiang every day, and so far more than 400 media have reported on him He has reported on:

CCTV "People"
Phoenix TV "A Date with Luyu"
CCTV "Dialogue"
CCTV "News Hall"
CCTV "News Parlor" Two Sessions Special Program "Xiao Cui's Guests"
Beijing TV "International Dual Line"
Beijing TV International Center North America Channel
Hunan Satellite TV "Wealth Everyone"
Dragon TV's "Wealth Life"
Dragon TV "Looking East"
Shanghai TV's "Wealth Life"
Travel TV "Halashon National Day"
"Southern Weekend" special edition
Hong Kong "Wen Wei Po"
"China Daily"
"Esquire" "Harper's Bazaar"
"Ruili Fashion Pioneer"

Li Xiang left a voice

1. Maintain predictability on the highway and turn yourself into a director.

2. The seven key points for young people’s entrepreneurship and development are direction, goal, willingness, method, perseverance, results, and self-observation.

3. Many people are unsuccessful because they keep changing their goals. Changing goals to avoid responsibility for not achieving them becomes a habit.

4. I have made observing myself instinctive. Although I still sometimes get immersed in the nuts and bolts of dealing with things, most of the time I am able to see things outside of myself.

5. I am a person who pursues stability while pursuing speed, and then constantly pursues my goals. Just like when I drive, I drive very steadily, but very fast.

6.I have made all the mistakes and encountered all the difficulties. However, I solved them very well, and I also mastered the ability to solve this aspect, so I improved myself. On the contrary, I think this is a good thing and will not think of it as a bad thing. remember.

7. At that time, I thought it would be great to earn two to three million, and I would be very satisfied. However, as the money became more and more, money became a secondary thing and the most important thing. It is to lead the team to achieve new goals.

8. Be firm in your work. If I had not given up going to college, maybe I would be just an ordinary worker today; be serious in your work. If you do something, put in 5% more effort than others. , it is possible to get 200% more returns than others.

Introduction to Li Xiang

1. Li Xiang’s origin

Li Xiang comes from an enlightened and happy family. This allowed him to play with computers and BBS as he wished in high school. When he decided not to go to college but to start a business, his family also supported him. This kind of happiness is innate, but it can be regarded as the first step in Li Xiang's success story.

2. Li Xiang’s growth

Li Xiang’s growth started from his personal website and then gradually developed into a team of 150 employees. In the early days, Li Xiang wanted to say that he was successful because of his interests and hobbies; then, what supported Li Xiang's continued progress was his sense of responsibility; finally, Li Xiang discovered that management is also a very interesting subject, so Li Xiang changed from an enthusiast to a professional Copywriter turned entrepreneur.

3. Li Xiang’s opportunism

During the research before the interview with Li Xiang, I had always hoped to find a typical scene in a success story - noble people helping each other (like Zhang Jingjun to Ding Lei). But Google couldn't answer my question. In the end, the problem was solved through "torture" and "mutual exposure". When Li Xiang decided to come to Beijing from Shijiazhuang to work, he met a self-recommended partner who helped him start a business in Beijing. Today, this "elegant man" is still a member of Team Li and holds the position of COO. In my understanding, this is the beginning of Li Xiang taking the stage.

Li Xiang’s second opportunity comes from his own characteristics and abilities. One is young, so he can tolerate an entertainment district community to survive and grow in the cradle of IT websites, so much so that it once accounted for nearly half of the website's traffic. Although it seems a bit unprofessional, the customer base is the engine for the growth of a community website and the glue for the portal website. The other is that Li Xiang is an IT enthusiast himself, so he can give PcPop a comparative competitive advantage - product reviews.

It’s hard to say whether Li Xiang’s third opportunity will be successful, but he has created a rapidly developing automotive community with a team of 10 people., which still surprises and admires many people. Especially when he mentioned that when the Auto Channel was first established, the four members didn’t even have a driver’s license. So, Li Xiang wanted them to study, from ordinary licenses to racing driver's licenses, rally driving licenses... ...

4. Li Xiang's domineering power

In all aspects Both the words and the sound leave us with the impression that Li Xiang is a shy person. But when our topic comes to the issue of equity distribution, we clearly see a strong Li Xiang.

5. Li Xiang’s sincerity

Li Xiang does not shy away from his mistakes and is willing to reflect on them.

Li Xiang does not shy away from evaluating competitors. He carefully analyzes the pros and cons of each company with you.

Li Xiang doesn’t even shy away from explaining his romance.

Characteristics of Li Xiang

Li Xiang, an upstart born in the 1980s, must learn to compromise when starting a business

Li Xiang, a "high school student" worth over 100 million, was born in 1981. The CEO of Paowang went from earning a few thousand yuan to a net worth of over 100 million in just four years. While most of the people born in the 1980s were still in the stage of ignorance and fantasy, some of them had already emerged, started to enter the stage of wealth, and became the new business stars that people are paying attention to. From the writer Han Han to representatives of new Internet forces such as Li Xiang and Dai Zhikang, what we see from them is not only the titles, reputations and postures of these new wealthy people, but also the differences between them in the 1960s and 1970s. The innovative consciousness and realist values ​​​​showed by people born in this era are reflected in them. This self-realized lifestyle may become a new trend.

PCPOP is the third largest Chinese IT professional website. In 2005, the revenue was nearly 20 million and the profit was 10 million. Taking a price-to-earnings ratio of 20 times, the market value is 200 million. The founder, Li Xiang, is the only one with a net worth of more than 100 million. This year, Li Xiang is 24 years old and has been in business for 6 years.

Aside from the Internet, cars are Li Xiang’s favorite. He was driving very hard. Let's all come out of Houhai and take the Third Ring Road to the Jingchang Expressway. As soon as the car behind him reached the Third Ring Road, he had already made a U-turn at Jingchang Road. There are many people driving fast cars, but if they accelerate quickly, they inevitably have to brake too much. But there is a kind of speed that is controllable. You can complete the entire fourth ring without having to step on the brakes; you drove a Polo and ran for 100,000 kilometers in Beijing without a single slip. This is Li Xiang's style, "keep predictability on the highway and turn yourself into a director."

Do masculine things, but make good use of safe techniques

In fact, starting a business in 6 years and driving a car have a similar style, two words: smooth and steady . In 1999, an 18-year-old boy's personal website earned 100,000 yuan from online advertisements delivered to his door. That year he graduated from high school with mediocre grades. It was "natural" to give up going to college and start a business directly. year 2002, Li wanted to say goodbye to his parents, move from Shijiazhuang to Beijing, recruit troops, and start "formal business operations." Since then, PCPOP's advertising sales have grown at a rate of more than 100% every year. In 2005, it expanded from IT products to the automotive industry. Today, websites such as Bear Online and Zhongguancun, which were once booming, have either stagnated or disappeared. The leading Zhongguancun Online and Pacific Online both rely on the resources of big media or hypermarkets, while PCPOP, which has the strongest momentum, relies solely on endogenous growth. . Xiao Li thought, how to do it?

Look at these simple qualities

Li Xiang’s Law: If you put in 5% more effort than others on something, you may get 200% of the rewards from others. Be serious about your work. Li Xiang asks everyone around him like this every day, because he himself is the beneficiary of this method. For example, when you go to a new product show, Li Xiang asks PCPOP to publish articles before other media, even if it is 5 minutes faster than others. Maybe you will do more homework and sleep 10 minutes less because of this, but the result will be the first In the next two days, all the website forums will be filled with your articles. Manufacturer recognition and advertising investment will follow.

I don’t think of myself as a businessman. I grew up in a rural area. The most important thing in my life during this period was to become “upright like a farmer.” Every time the company encounters a development hurdle, a capable partner will join in on time. Because of our sincerity, “these talents have always followed me.” Li Xiang dares to say that among all IT network media, PCPOP is the only team that does not collect money from manufacturers; anyone who accepts money will be automatically squeezed out by this team. There is an overly "idealistic" atmosphere here.

There are many “big brothers” behind Li Xiang. A group of entrepreneurs in their thirties and forties all regard him as a little brother and help him at critical moments. Xue Manzi is a long-lasting friend. He is the founder of UTStarcom and served as the chairman of 8848. When a person of such worth comes into contact with you, you will feel that he is more enthusiastic and enthusiastic about you than your own friends. Li Xiang lamented that if you can't achieve this level as a human being, you won't be able to have that kind of wealth. 265.com seems to be a simple navigation website, but after contacting the founder Cai Wensheng, Li Xiang concluded that it is because this person is so good that this website is so good. The levels that Cai can see are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Li Xiang has never liked classes. He always wants to learn things that can be quickly used in practice. Learn what you need, and use what you learn immediately. But when I was in junior high school, I also studied hard in class because of the teacher's words of encouragement: "It doesn't matter if you don't study well, but you must be an excellent person." He considers this to be the most valuable thing he has learned in the classroom.

In his sixth year of middle school, Li wanted to devote all his spare time to computers and the Internet. “They were invented just for me.” I have to go to all the post offices in Shijiazhuang to buy a piece of software, and stay in front of the computer all night to build it.Build your own online kingdom. Views that are not shared with teachers and classmates in class during the day can be expressed openly and freely on the Internet at night, and encounter strong collisions. They are constantly recorded and achieved in disputes or recognitions. "New things are learned on the Internet, and traditional education is abandoned."

My parents are teachers at a local art school, and my tutoring is lax. Li Xiang was sent to the countryside as a child and grew up in the countryside; he lived with his grandmother in middle school and was rarely left by his parents. Li wants to have a big enough space to grow freely. Tracing back to the source, Li wants to thank his parents the most. Independence is the most important quality they have given him.

⑦ Personal profile of Li Xiang, CEO of Paopao.com. English version. About 150 words. Focus on his history of success.

Li Xiang was born in 1981 and started his website at the age of 18. The 2005 revenue from Li's company was 20 million yuan, with a net profit of 10 million yuan. He responded to his contemporaries' questions about failure.

"It's common to come across difficult things while running a company on your own, like you are not able to pay your employees; sometimes you even have to deal with it for a long time, but it's very common. You are different from others, because you are an entrepreneur. You have to bear things ordinary people can't. Also, the problems are not problems at all. They are just the steps you have to go through."

He added that most entrepreneurs are very hard working; the only thing they focus on is doing things well, rather than concentrating on failure or success. To be an entrepreneur is a process more than a result.

⑧ Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto: Company cash The reserves are sufficient to last 36 months in the worst case scenario

Financial Network Auto News Li Xiang said that Li Auto's cash reserves are sufficient to last 36 months in the "worst case scenario".

On April 7, Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, posted on Weibo that the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the economy and consumption far exceeds that of SARS, the 2008 financial crisis, and the 2000 Internet bubble (for technology companies) Word). He mentioned, "The latest predictions of the impact of the global epidemic by several financial institutions will basically last until the beginning of 2022. It is expected that there will be a recurrence this winter and a small recurrence next winter. It will be almost eliminated globally in the spring of 2022. ."

In terms of charging habits, Li Xiang said that 69.5% of Ideal ONE car owners use charging (should refer to public fast charging), which far exceeds the installation rate of home charging piles." The usage rate of public fast charging is very high."

Li Xiang believes that as an extended-range electric vehicle, Ideal ONE has achieved the previously set goal of “using electricity in cities and using oil for long distances”. In addition, he also called on relevant departments and research institutions to "reanalyze the development of extended-range electric routes."

Official information shows that Li Auto ONE is the first mass-produced model of Li Auto. It is positioned as a luxury medium and large SUV. It has a comprehensive NEDC range of more than 700 kilometers and a unified national retail price of 328,000 yuan after subsidies. It was launched in December 2019. Delivery to users will officially begin in May.

According to Gasgoo, in January 2020, Ideal ONE ranked second among new car manufacturers with 1,207 units on the market, second only to NIO ES6.

This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

⑨ Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, criticized Tuanche’s car-making, saying that it has refreshed the bottom line of entrepreneurs. Do you agree with his statement?

Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, posted a Weibo article Blog, this Weibo is mainly for a company that wants to join the car manufacturing field. Because Tuanche decided to join the new car-making forces before this, and because new energy vehicles are becoming more and more popular, Tuanche, a car trading service platform, announced that it would start making cars, and the company's motivation for making cars came from It is based on an external team of more than 100 people, and they claim that this team can undertake product planning, styling design, and integration solutions for various systems such as intelligent driving. They also say that this team is largeMost of them have more than 20 years of car-making experience and have accumulated a long time in technology and research. Therefore, they have great determination and confidence in this team to find their own position in the car-making industry. .

⑩ About Paopao.com CEO Li Xiang

Paopao.com CEO Li Xiang: Don’t indulge in entrepreneurial dreams

“80 "Post-" entrepreneurs are a group of young people wearing jeans who have dreams, passion, and countless novel and interesting ideas. Unfortunately, not everyone can turn their wild ideas into worthwhile causes, but Li Xiang did it. This big boy, who was born in 1981, is now a real CEO - he founded the interactive media Pao.com and Autohome, and is worth over 100 million yuan.

He leads a team of 160 people, demonstrating his stability and talent as a professional manager.
(Yao Yugong)
A doer from an ordinary family
Li Xiang is another case who grew up outside the traditional education system. In his senior year of high school, he made a big decision: not to go to college and continue to start a business. At that time, his own website "Graphics Card Home" had already begun to achieve profitability, and he successfully earned the "first pot of gold" in his life. "It was this incident that changed my subsequent life, and naturally led me to the road of entrepreneurship." Li Xiang said frankly, "If I had not made any achievements at that time, I would have still gone to college, so maybe now I am An IT editor."
For Li Xiang, it was extremely valuable to have the support of his parents at that time. "At first, they didn't approve of me giving up studying, but I told them that if I wanted to start a business, I couldn't take care of my studies at the same time. In the end, they respected my choice." Li Xiang recalled that when he was still in junior high school, his parents He was given a bankbook with pocket money at his disposal. His parents completely "delegated power", but the young Li Xiang never squandered money. His biggest monthly expense was to buy various computer-related books, newspapers and magazines. "Perhaps from then on, they believed that I could take care of my own business and make the right decision."
Now that Li Xiang is "famous", his Paopao.com and Autohome are also being increasingly popular. The more people know about it, but Li Xiang said with a smile that his parents still don’t know what he is doing. "They only know from newspapers and TV that I am doing a good job now. My dad often goes online to look at my website, but I don't think he understands it." As his career has grown, Li Xiang still always remembers what he has learned since childhood. Family education: First, be a moral person; second, cultivating abilities is more important than learning skills. He demands this of himself and his entire team.
Jack Welch is a role model
"Although I gave up going to college, I never gave up learning." Li Xiang said. When he was a student, Li XiangI rely on the theoretical knowledge accumulated from books over the years to write articles for various computer-based publications. It is hard to imagine that in this field that places so much emphasis on practical operations, Li Xiang could become a professional "computer expert" solely by "talking on paper."
"Speaking of which, when I finally got my first computer, I didn’t even know how to use the mouse! But when it comes to systems and hardware, I already know more than anyone in the school. That At that time, I no longer talked about computers with my classmates, but with experts in the industry."
Li Xiang currently runs the website "Paopao Home", which can be regarded as the number one digital product interactive media in the industry , simply put, the service provided by the website is to recommend the most worth-buying IT products to members and provide the most professional evaluation reports. In fact, he had already been doing this when he was a student. So some people say that Li Xiang was born for this industry. He perfectly integrated his career and interests and did it in a delicious way.
While most of his peers were still in the "employed" state, Li Xiang had already become the CEO, and many of his employees were older than him. Ask him: Which is more difficult, managing a career or managing people? He smiled and said: For a CEO, managing a business is managing people, and team cohesion is very important.
After experiencing a personnel crisis in which half of his employees resigned overnight and switched jobs, Li Xiang now pays more attention to communication with team members. He turned off his msn and insisted on talking face to face with everyone, sharing their views and opinions, and did not regard himself as a "leader". Li Xiang's "Auto Home" was established in 2005 and is now among the top three websites of its kind. "At the beginning, no one in the company believed that we could develop so fast, but I wanted to give everyone confidence and tell my team that we can do it, and we really did it."
Li Xiang told reporters, Jack Welch is his current role model and goal. This goal does not refer to Jack Welch's achievements, but to the management master's ideas and style that are worthy of his imitation. It seems that the young CEO still has a lot to learn.
Don't be carried away by the concept of entrepreneurship
Li Xiang, who stands out among the "post-80s" group, has once again given many people who are eager to "start a business" confidence. But regarding the topic of "college student entrepreneurship", Li Xiang has to pour cold water on it mercilessly. "The chance of success in starting a business is like winning the lottery. What everyone sees are only successful examples. In fact, there are countless losers behind them. I am just an individual case and it does not have universal significance. Therefore, I do not encourage blind entrepreneurship. More I don’t like the idea of ​​‘starting a business if you can’t get into college or can’t find a job.’ A person who fails to find a job will definitely not be able to start a business.” Li Xiang believes that if there is any experience he can learn from, That is: as long as one takes the initiative and works hard to do things well, a person can take the initiative in life and changeown destiny. This applies to both entrepreneurs and employed people. "I think some college students now have a very negative mentality. They often passively accept the arrangements of life and don't know what they want. In fact, in my opinion, if you spend four years laying a good foundation, learning a little bit is really useful things, and at the same time have a good attitude, lower your position, and walk down-to-earth all the way, how can you not find a job? I think every company will grab such a person?!"
Let Li I want to talk about his criteria for selecting employees from the perspective of a "boss". His answer is: good mentality and excellent abilities. This is completely consistent with what he once said, "There are only two types of people on Paopao.com: first-class people; people who strive to become first-class people." Li Xiang then added: "What I can't tolerate the most is 'not doing' at work. If you do it, you will gain experience even if you fail, but if you don't do it, you will get nothing."
Having wealth He also has fame, but Li Xiang is still as simple as a student. So what does wealth mean to him? "Entrepreneurship is not just about gaining wealth, but more about realizing dreams. The most important thing is to adhere to an attitude of doing the best possible thing, then wealth will come sooner or later." Standing at the entrance in 2007, Li Xiang The goal is to "become the industry leader." "Similar to portals, our field has come to a decisive stage. By 2008, I hope that both my Pao.com and Autohome will occupy the first place. What we did in the past is like A lot of small houses were built on a piece of land, and then it was time to knock down these small houses and build high-rise buildings." Obviously, Li Xiang was already confident and ready to do something big.
Reporter's Notes
With youthful maturity
The winter in Beijing is very harsh, but as soon as you walk into Li Xiang's big office, you can feel a vivid warmth: the orange light It's very soft, and there are a group of young people walking around in the compact cubicle. Li Xiang appeared in the conference room on time, with a humble smile on his face, not as mature and sophisticated as I imagined. As his colleagues said: "He is a very easy-going person."
Li Xiang He has been interviewed by too many media and said the same thing too many times, but this time, he still seemed patient and polite. When reporters are busy taking notes, he often pauses on purpose. On his own blog, Li Xiang wrote: "I am willing to be a pawn for the company." Therefore, promoting himself is ultimately for this team and for everything he cherishes so far.
Li Xiang has a young face that belongs to the "post-80s generation", but in terms of thought, judgment and execution, he seems to have a rationality beyond his age. Li Xiang, who has no intention of going back to school, is determined to ride the waves on the road to entrepreneurship. Well, wish him well.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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