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❶ Why does Shuizhimei Bitcoin Contract only make profits but not lose money

There is no investment that only makes money but does not lose money. If someone guarantees you this, then you should be careful with your principal.

❷ My son lost all his money while playing Bitcoin contracts, can he get it back?

There is a high probability that he will not be able to get it back!

❸ I lost 200,000 by playing Bitcoin contracts, and now I can’t stand it anymore. I borrowed money online everywhere, what should I do now?

From the description,
Now you should think of ways to make money.
Borrowing money online is unreliable.

❹ How to not lose money on Bitcoin contracts

Any investment risk and return coexist. If you don’t want the risk, there will naturally be no return.

❺ Is losing money in Bitcoin just a loss of principal?

No, this actually depends on the price you bought and what you invested in. It is now the same as futures. You can buy it whether it goes up or down

❻ If you lose money investing in Bitcoin, will you just keep your principal?

You will also lose your connections and time, because you need to keep introducing your downlines. Instant takeover! Therefore, when it comes to investment and financial management, you must clearly understand the model, otherwise you will be willing to let the bank go.

❼ Has anyone lost money doing Bitcoin contracts?

There is no doubt that this problem will occur. After all, if there is profit, there will be loss, otherwise it will be difficult for the market to balance the income and expenditure.
Therefore, as an investor, you need to identify the right opportunity before making a move, and you must choose a reliable exchange.

❽ The Bitcoin contract has lost 160% and I don’t know whether to close the position or not

The risk of the contract is very high. This thing is highly volatile and your mentality will be affected. , it’s best not to touch it.
Options are better, there is no liquidation.
Bitcoin options promoted by BitOffer.
The difference between Bitcoin spot and options is as follows:

1. Spot, buying a Bitcoin requires US$10,000
2. Options, buying a Bitcoin option requires a minimum of US$5.

Bitcoin rose from 10,000 to 10,500 US dollars
The spot earned 500 US dollars, and the option earned 500 US dollars
The benefits are the same, but the cost is 2,000 times different

❾ How much did you lose by playing Bitcoin contracts

I have never played Bitcoin, so I did not lose money, but someone here invested 100,000 yuan and lost all.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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