币圈社区文化 币圈宣传

Ⅰ MeWorld数字货币是什么软件


Ⅱ 简述民俗的特征。


2、民俗文化活动的传承性 : 民俗是习得知识,需要在一代一代中传递,具有时间传衍的连续性,民俗是时间的连续体。是一个地方区域内长期人文积淀的一种客观反映,它是一个地方文化的象征,是古老文化的传承,所以传承民俗文化,就是延续古老的文明和人文精神,也是一种文化信仰。

3、民俗文化活动的地方性 :民俗文化活动的传承是以人世代相传,除了中华民族文化大传统之外,如春节活动等具有全国性特点。各个地方依自己的特殊环境形成了服务地方的文化小传统,同一种民俗事象在各地会出现不同形态,不同时代,不同的地区都会有自己的特点。

4、民俗文化活动的变异性 :民俗文化因其传承的特殊性,在日常生活中人相袭,代相传,具有相对稳定的特性。但民俗作为一种基础文化,它在传承与传播过程中并非一成不变。相反,它随着时空的变化不断地发生变异,形成了与稳定性相联系的变异性特征。变异性是中国民俗的显明特征之一。

5、民俗文化活动的丰富性 : 中国自立国之始,就是一个多民族的国家,形成今天56个民族共处的状态。同一种民俗,在中华各民族的不断融合中,各民族习俗被接纳到中华文化体系之中,但都保留着各自的民族特性,从而丰富了中国的民俗文化活动。

6、民俗文化活动的实用性 :开展民俗文化活动的只有一个,即服务于人们的生活需要,实用性是中国民俗最本质的特点,民俗文化服务人们的生产和生活,人民依赖民俗开展生产,繁衍后代,寻求精神愉快。

Ⅲ 澳洲大学和美国大学有什么区别

1、 澳洲大学并没有那么强烈校园情怀
但是澳大利亚大学校园情怀就没有那么明显了,文化衫,吉祥物什么,也只有在开学周Orientation Week等一些盛大活动上出没一下。并且,平时在校园里穿学校文化衫,基本上就等于

Ⅳ 适合在校的大学生创业的小本投资是什么呢


Ⅳ 合肥民俗文化



饮食 合肥城乡居民素以大米为主食,兼食其他杂粮。旧社会常有“半年瓜菜半年粮”情况,杂粮主要有大麦、小麦、玉米、山芋、南瓜、豆类等。改革开放后,居民生活水平提高,以面食、豆类为时尚,如面条、油条、包子、豆浆、豆粉、千张等,营养、口味成为入食新的标准。合肥素有“一日三餐”之俗,平时一稀二干。解放前亦常有一日二餐情况。现在三餐之外,兼食“点心”,如包子、饼干、牛奶、水果等。合肥地区烹调以红烧、炒、炸、炖、煎为主。菜肴重色重油重味,调味品以菜油为主,佐以酱油、食盐、生姜、味精、醋、麻油等。菜肴以素菜、豆腐为主,兼有鱼、肉、蛋等。逢年过节,婚丧嫁娶,均备鸡、蛋、肉、鱼等荤菜。肉类有红烧肉、炒肉丝、炒猪肝;鱼类有红烧鲫鱼、红烧黄鳝,禽类有白斩鸡、红烧鸡块、红烧鹅(鸭)块;蛋类有炒蛋、咸蛋、蒸蛋,蔬菜有炒青菜、炒菠菜、炒茄子、韭菜炒千张、青椒炒南瓜、炒扁豆、炒青椒等。特色菜有雪菜炒肉丝、卤菜(卤鹅爪、膀、头)。民间素有吃早点之习俗,如三河米饺、丰乐酱干等。另有馒头、油炸锅粑、春卷、麻花等。早年,民间有以茶、酒作饮料的习俗。近年以汽水、雪碧、可乐为主要饮料。酒,是生活中重要饮料,逢年过节,必不可少。旧时民间以散装酒为主,如“老烧酒”,如今皆饮瓶装酒,且品牌繁多、档次多样。古井、口子、沙河、文王贡、高炉家、老明光、金钟子、宣酒等品牌在市场上“你方唱罢我登场”。

服饰 解放前,男穿长衫、对襟,女穿旗袍为主;解放后,男穿中山装、列宁装,女穿中装、青年装。新旧杂穿,夏穿短衫、短裤。20世纪60年代中后期,绿军装盛行,接着流行拉链衫、茄克衫。改革开放后一段时间,男女青年以穿喇叭裤、直筒裤为时尚,西服开始在城乡流行,休闲服、羽绒服、毛线衣也逐渐盛行,服装式样己冲破“男不露脐、女不露皮”的标准。色调与质料,旧时男多以藏青、铁灰、草绿、黑、白色居多,女以花色为主。20世纪80年代以后,服装花色繁多,五颜六色。布料以化纤品、开司米、毛织品为时尚。

建房 合肥地区建房多坐北朝南,旧社会多为土墙草顶结构,解放后随着生活条件改善,有土墙瓦顶、砖瓦相间结构等。多在屋前留有一块空地作打谷场,房后建猪圈、牛棚、厕所等。旧时居民对建宅很讲究,从宅基选择、破土动工到上梁完工有一套程序。建宅前先需请阴阳风水先生看风水定宅基,富有人家更看重择基,寻龙脉,观水点穴。宅主大多选择背山面水之地。背靠山丘,象征主人有势可倚,面对池塘河溪,象征主人家有源源不断的财源。上梁时很是热闹,但必须赶在日出前,象征生活如日东升,越来越光亮。这天,亲戚朋友们也携烟、酒、糕点、红布幛等礼品前来喝酒祝贺。新宅还要张贴吉庆的楹联、贺对。20世纪80年代后,水泥砖瓦屋渐代替草屋土墙,讲究整体、统一、装璜。近年农村住宅建多层和小高层楼房渐成风尚,城市更是高楼大厦、鳞次栉比。

乔迁 房主搬迁,亲友邻居要来恭贺。邻居亲友在送礼品时,写有“恭贺乔迁之喜”等吉祥贺词,还要帮忙搬运家具。一般情况下,房主要在头天晚上整理好家具,第二天早晨或上午搬迁,以求吉利,象征在新家生活如日东升。老邻居鸣鞭炮相送,新邻居鸣鞭炮迎接。要办酒席,请老邻居喝“搬家酒”,请新邻居喝“入户酒”(俗称“和邻酒”)。

生活器具 旧时农家多用土灶,有的配以风箱。灶台平列一至三口锅,在两锅间的灶旁置一圆形铁罐,利用余热热水。灶台有一神龛,供奉灶神。现代用上了燃气灶、煤气灶、电炉。锅的种类除铁锅、铝锅外,还有高压锅、炒锅、电热锅等。旧时的土坑、木板床已淘汰,城乡多用接梗床,可自行卸装,简捷方便。堂前多摆八仙桌、圆桌等,配长凳。桌前有香案,上方挂中堂画等。民间多用床头柜、大衣柜,现多用壁柜、电视柜。盆有划盆、澡盆、脚盆、脸盆等,以木制为主。现为塑料、不锈钢制作。家用电器发展很快,由简单向多功能方向发展,有收录机、电视机、电风扇、空调机、电冰箱等。照明工具,过去城乡均用煤油灯、蜡烛;现城乡普遍用白炽灯、日光灯、吸顶灯等。街道各色霓虹灯闪烁,成为迷人景色。


生育 孕妇在产前,吃一碗红糖鸡蛋,谓催生蛋。吃过之后,要来回走动,俗称赶着生,意即生产快、顺意。婴儿出生3天后,通常有接生婆或奶奶、外婆用艾水或金银花藤煮水给婴儿洗浴,俗称“洗三”。艾水或金银花藤水有杀菌消毒之功效。洗三这天,通常要给接生婆吃喜蛋。而今多在医院出生,由院方安排淋浴、护理。旧俗在婴儿出生3天后,由女婿向岳父母报喜讯,生男带公鸡或公鹅作礼品,生女则用母鸡作礼品。现随着通讯、交通的发展,此俗己淘汰,在生育前,一般其女婿就会和岳母陪同在医院护理,非异地不再报喜讯。外婆家准备好婴儿衣物用具,在婴儿落地第九天送去,祝贺外孙诞生。婴儿从落地到周岁的四季衣物用具,小到尿布,大到箩窝均由外婆家提供。当天须备酒席招待亲友。现此俗渐被淘汰,但九天吃喜酒却日渐隆重,多在酒店举办宴席,以酬谢亲友。小儿满周岁时,给孩子贺周岁,俗称抓周或做周。这天,外婆家带着礼物(多为小孩衣物、小坐车等)来给外孙穿用。抓周时,地上放一大团簸,小孩坐中央,周围放着各种生活用具和糕点,以首次抓取的东西预测小儿的前程。此俗渐淡,但一周岁时,亲朋来贺的习俗依旧。礼物多为现金,数额不等。

婚嫁 说媒,又称“传年庚”“起媒”。男方先托媒人到女家做媒,女家同意后,则由男家请人写求婚庚贴,而男方的生辰八字,贴面上有“恭求”字样,连同礼品由媒人传送到女家,女家若同意,则按上述内容写上女方生辰八字,帖面上写“敬允”两个字,传回男家。自20世纪50年代后,此俗渐淡,除少数偏远闭塞的乡村外,男女多自由恋爱,无需媒人说合,即使有媒人说合,也是形式。互换年庚后,女方要带着兄嫂或亲属的小孩(俗称带子)到男方家“看门楼”,即看看家庭收入和住房情况。女方若有意留下吃饭,则表示同意,男家这时要给见面钱,钱数要带“半”,指“伴”。如不同意则不留下。男女自由恋爱,男方带女子首次回家,男方的父母依然会给女子“见面礼”,以双数为多,或整数。




寿诞 合肥习俗在人满60岁时做寿。生日那天,要庆祝一番。寿礼一般有寿面、生辰蛋糕、鱼肉、老鸡、烟酒、礼金等。寿星要备酒席热情招待。随着生活条件的改善,做寿习俗不但延续至今,而且越来越隆重。长寿者且有身份,多选择在宾馆酒店贺寿。近年,有些人家还给孩子满10岁做贺岁生日。

丧葬 病人在临终前,子女接讯后必须赶回,听取临终嘱咐或宣布早已拟就的遗嘱,送别死者(民间多半将弥留之际父或母靠在长子的怀里让其瞑目),俗称“送终”。世人均以未送到老人终者为遗憾。故送终习俗在合肥地区至今尚存。子女须托亲邻向诸亲六眷报送丧事,俗称“报丧”。如今,死者单位常以张贴讣告或登报来发布丧事消息。父母过世,儿子须披麻戴孝,身穿白长衫,腰系稻草绳,头戴三灵冠。夫亡,妻子全身素白,布上扎麻,头扎白头巾,脚穿白鞋;妻亡,夫不戴孝。亲戚斜挂或腰束白布带,头戴白布帽;长辈不戴,孙辈分别以白布红顶帽、红帽、绿帽处别孙子、重孙、玄孙。丧家发孝布,以孝布长短处别辈份。孝鞋用白布或麻布蒙脚面。亲朋吊唁一般以草纸、孝帐、孝对(即毛毯、被面、太空被)、花圈(多指鲜花)、现金等。儿女亲家多备猪头肉、鱼、鹅及烟酒设“三抬”,由乐队随从至丧家。凡来吊唁者,长子均于孝堂里向外作揖致礼。城镇吊唁,一般先设灵堂,将遗体延丧1至3天,灵堂前供奉遗像,两侧悬挂挽联,遗像前焚香并置放供品,丧家儿女穿孝服或佩戴黑袖纱于灵前拱手还礼,并奏哀乐。吊唁者佩戴黑纱,先送上孝帐、孝对及鲜花扎成的花圈、现金等,在哀乐声中向遗体默哀致敬以示悼念。出殡时,诸亲穿着孝衣,长子披麻戴孝,手捧逝者遗像在前,他人依次鱼贯而行,吊唁者所送物品,由专人用长竹竿抬着随队而行,每到一村口或是三岔道口,都燃放爆竹、乐队奏乐。哭丧人一路悲恸啼哭直到墓地。事毕,送葬人须从点燃的一堆稻草火上越过,以驱晦气。近年,随着城乡一体化进程,大多将骨灰盒统一送到政府指定的地方下葬。

交际 称谓。新时期家族、亲戚之间的称谓习俗,少数有些变化,如称父母的亦有叫“老爸、老妈”或“爹地、妈咪”。社会称谓,通常以身份、职务相称为主,如主任、书记、科长、局长、王专家、张学者、李教授。青年人多以“哥们”“姐们”为时尚。宴席多以老板、领导通称,师傅、同志称谓渐少。还有一种以称领导为“头”“某处”“某局”“处座”“局座”为时髦。





禁忌 生肖婚配有“六冲”“六害”。在乡村青年男女相亲时,忌打雨伞,因“伞”与“散”谐音,城区随着自由恋爱,已无此忌。婚嫁择日选双忌单,但十一、五一等重大节日也是现代婚嫁佳日。办喜事时,穿戴以色彩鲜艳为主,忌白,但现代城区以婚纱选白是主流。忌本命年



人物崇拜 合肥民间以崇拜包公为荣。包公,庐州人,以执法严明、刚直不阿誉满人间。合肥建有包公祠,历代奉祀,近年祈奉包公活动日渐火热,如举办包公文化研讨、征文等。同时亦有崇拜关公等历史人物。


小年 民间腊月(农历十二月)二十三为小年,当天晚上称“过小年”。小年意味着一年即将结束,从这一天起,人们开始准备迎接新一年的到来,民间有祭灶、扫尘、采办年货的习俗。民谣“二十三,过小年;二十四,扫房子;二十五,磨豆腐;二十六,宰猪肉;二十七,洗一洗;二十八,贴窗花;二十九,去打酒;年三十,贴对子”是合肥年俗的生动写照。“腊月二十三,掸尘扫房子”,每逢此日,家家户户都要打扫房间,清理家中各种物品。祭灶,就是送灶神升天的习俗。

春节 农历正月初一为春节,俗称“新年”“年初一”。进入腊月,合肥乡村人家宰杀禽畜腌制腊肉,熬糖稀做炒米糖果,加工年糕、豆腐,购买香烛、冥票、鞭炮、烟酒茶、糕点、对联(也有手写的)、灯笼等等。俗称“打年货”。除夕贴春联、年画。新时期,青年人常贴影视剧照及明星图像。城区多以山水国画代替年画。对联多以歌颂改革开放为内容。经商的多贴“生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江”;从教的常贴“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”等等。商家多数架设霓红灯增加节日气氛。筹办年夜饭以家庭主妇为主,全家相助,蒸、煮、炒、炸、煎等烹饪技术全用上。菜肴的品种质量,烟酒档次的高低,视其家境而定,但鸡、鱼、肉、圆子是必备的传统菜。吃过“年夜饭”,长辈以红纸包钱分送晚辈,名曰“压岁钱”。近年来,娱乐、休闲方式较多,守岁之夜,也有串门打麻将、打牌的,但多数以看中央电视台春节联欢晚会为主,酒店、饭馆也为吃年饭的提供娱乐设备齐全的场所。大年初一的早餐多吃长寿面。膳毕,邻居串拜。来客,主人以沏茶、递烟、邀吃糕点、糖果、元宝蛋等形式招待。亲朋好友上门,以红纸包钱给主人家小孩。异地的亲朋好友,多以打电话、发短信、发微信等方式相互问候,城区有的以网络电子邮件拜年。年初一不扫地、不泼水、不动剪刀、不晾晒衣物。初一至初三,忌讳小孩说不吉利的话,禁止打骂小孩,有些家长用草纸抹小孩的嘴巴,示意“屁股嘴”,说话不算数。合肥有民谣:“初一不出门,初二祭祖灵,初三拜丈人,初四拜母舅,初五、初六随便拜,七不出,八不归,初九初十往家归”。但近年因生活节奏加快,初一就开始互相拜年,远方亲友以打电话、发短信等致问候。拜年送礼也日渐多元化,五花八门,而且档次、品味也逐年提高。年后,因外出务工的青壮年较多,舞狮子、玩灯等传统节目也很稀少。城区文艺团体有的利用春节,组织文艺演出、汇演、打腰鼓等活动,丰富节日生活。春节为法定假日,放假7天。春节前后,政府机关、企事业单位,多以不同形式开展团拜、慰问军烈属、送温暖、慰问孤寡老人、慰问离退休人员等活动。

元宵节 合肥地区农历正月十五为元宵节,又称上元节。农村也有俗称“过小年”。有吃小年年夜饭及放爆竹的习俗。盛行吃元宵。玩灯、耍狮子等习俗在城区现已渐盛,政府文化部门常举办猜灯谜、球赛、棋赛、庙会等活动。

清明节 又称“踏青节”,时间在农历三月间,即公历四月五日前后。旧时,清明节的主要风俗为:插柳、植树、扫墓、踏青等。是日,男女老少,折柳枝,携带爆竹、纸钱、冥币及供品上坟扫墓、祭祖,于坟上培土挂钱,以示对祖宗的缅怀。同姓族人,轮流做东,上坟后聚餐,谓之“做清明”。近年,许多侨居港、澳、台地区及工作较远的合肥人,不顾车马劳顿,也于此日与族人上坟拜祭。清明扫墓,供鲜花、水果,植青松、翠柏已成为时尚。也常于此日,组织学生到大蜀山烈士陵园扫墓,敬献花圈,缅怀先烈,接受传统教育。

端午节 农历五月初五为端午节,俗称“端午”“端阳”,民间有吃粽子、喝雄黄酒、划龙船等习俗。裹粽子很讲究,有红豆粽子、火腿粽子等。城区食用多数在市场购买,许多村镇农民成为裹粽子出售的专业户。民间把菖蒲、艾草倒插于门窗之上。菖蒲形如利剑可避邪,艾可入药祛病。室内阴暗处用艾烟熏可避瘟祛毒。晒干的艾蒿可供小儿洗澡泡用。划龙船,纪念屈原。近年,有些地方为提高知名度或招商引资,常举办龙舟大赛。赛期,政府忙于举办招商洽谈会,新闻媒体忙于摄影、拍照、采访等活动。

中秋节 农历八月十五为中秋,俗称“仲秋节”“八月半”。是日晚,家人团坐,分食月饼,共享菱藕之鲜。中秋又是家人团聚的重要节日。改革开放以来,在外人员常用打电话、发短信、发电子邮件等形式向家人祝福、问候。女儿、女婿有向岳父母馈送月饼的习惯,机关、单位常购月饼分送职工。包装盒由原来的纸包变成铁盒包、真空包,包装趋于豪华。民间有“摸秋”、玩火把等习俗。

冬至 农历十一月二十二日为冬至日,是日“进九”。农谚有“吃了冬至面,一天长一线”之说(即昼长夜短始于此日)。民间有行冬祭礼、迁葬、捡殖、祭祖的习俗,还有吃南瓜粑粑、吃狗肉等习俗。

腊八 农历十二月初八为腊八,俗称“腊八节”。民间以糯米、豆等谷物和枣、桂圆、莲子等干果煮成粥,名“腊八粥”,全家食之吉祥如意。现有相约到寺院吃腊八粥之习。

Ⅵ 这件衣服是什么牌子


官网地址:http://www.abercrombie.com/ (AF中国最大的批发基地www.af-polo.com)
目前,旗下五大品牌:Abercrombie&Fitch,abercrombie,HOLLISTER,RUEHL,Ezra Fitch
Abercrombie & Fitch 是掀起全球时尚旋风的美国休闲第一大牌,是当今年轻人最青睐的品牌,是美国大学生最IN的品牌之一,更是1892年创立于美国纽约的本土百年老店品牌。
最近几年爆红的A&F(abercrombie & fitch),更是以高格调、高质量及超清新的风格,由美加各地,不断漫延开来,造成全球新时尚的新指标。走美国街头随便风格(casual wear),深受欧美和亚洲青少年的喜爱。
abercrombie & fitch 的故事
1892年,一位名为David Abercrombie的年轻人在new york city创立了David t. Abercrombie 公司,公司专门销售高级户外活动和打猎用品。他的客户都是一些有钱的,吃饱没事打打猎的大爷,其中一位最死忠的,也是一位成功的律师,就是 ezra fitch.ezra fitch在过了很长的打官司生涯后觉得人生无趣,不如来去卖猎枪比较好玩.终于在1904年,他成功说服了不知道怎么拒绝的abercrombie,让他加入公司,从此公司名字从很难念的abercrombie变成又难念又长的abercrombie & fitch.然而两人的结合有如婚姻一般,婚前事事好婚后没事也要吵。abercrombie的保守态度常常逼得想急速扩张的fitch捉狂。此时的A&F是一个为富有的阶层提供运动用品的供应商。
1907年,abercrombie终於再也受不了,退出公司的经营。不过fitch为了让公司名字看起来很饶舌很酷,决定保留前面 "abercrombie" 的部份. 之后fitch终于可以称心如意的扩张公司了,他一反所有东西都要整齐清洁的摆在橱柜的原则,店里的衣服袜子看起来都像用过两三次的样子,帐篷也脏脏的, 店的角落还升了一堆火。这种风格到现在a&f都还保持著。也因为打猎的背景,A&F标志就是一只麋鹿头。那堆火升得好,结果店不但没被烧掉,还在纽约的第五大道开起了旗舰店,店里开始卖男女运动服饰。
1913年,A&F是第一家在new york city卖男女运动服饰的店。
Fitch 在钢筋水泥店家建筑的顶楼盖了一个木屋做为他自己的住所,店里还有渔池让客人试钓竿。许多教科书里的名人都爱用A&F的用具和衣服,罗斯福的非洲探险,robert peary的北极考察,海明威的猎枪,胡佛和艾森豪的钓具,影星克拉克盖博的衣服,都是由A&F来的。在那年,A&F成为世界最大的运动用品公司。
1992年,Limited公司的主席斯利·韦克斯那因为看中杰弗里斯在休闲服饰设计上的出众才华,因此将他招致门下,为A&F品牌添加新的生命力.从此A&f服饰开始焕发青春的活力.在杰弗里斯看来,消费者要的是高品质、流露年轻心态的经典美国服饰.上等的全棉面料非常舒适透气,手感柔软。正面的文字LOGO是刺绣的,吸汗性也更胜一筹,不但充满时尚新意,也将穿着的舒适自然感受大大提高。由limited inc.公司买下并在1992年转型为服饰公司并由大学生破旧衣风格路线获得重大的成功。
2004年,A&F在另一宗种族歧视的官司中被判败诉,要赔4千万美元. 官司内容是A&F刻意营造出它是一个白人品牌,包括店内的员工都只喜欢用白人。有许多曾向a&f申请工作但未受录取的亚裔及黑人都可得到赔偿。 现在不但A&F的广告,店内都开始有亚裔及黑人,hollister更是以有色人种的品牌型象出现。而现在另一宗要告A&F的广告太暴露的官司正在蕴酿中(那维多利亚的秘密怎么办?)。
A&F除了副牌 hollister 外,美国当红的年轻人服饰零售业者Abercrombie & Fitch推出另一副牌---新品牌鲁尔(Ruehl),走的是高阶的皮革包包路线,售价由0到0美金不等,瞄准的是coach和marc jacobs的市场,跌倒之后再出发,A&F目前颇有一统江山的气势与决心。
鲁尔9月,已经在新泽西、佛罗里达和芝加哥三地开设专卖店,为全美Abercrombie & Fitch七百多家连锁店再添生力军。
Abercrombie & Fitch打算在曼哈顿第5街再设4层楼高的旗舰店,将于明年开张。
Abercrombie & Fitch面向其核心的十几岁的青少年;Hollister面向中学生;Ruehl面向大学生和大学毕业后的购物者;Little A面向儿童。
正如官方网站上下面LOGO写的那样,是一款奢侈休闲品。日前发表的纽约零-售业销售报告中,bercrombie & Fitch Co.宣布七月份同家店面销售额平均成长22%。“Abercrombie & Fitch”(A&F/AF)是目前美国大学生最爱的品牌之一,高品质加上非常浓厚的“美国学院气息”,也让它成为好莱坞时尚名人的最爱。
难念的命名 故弄玄虚
注意看A&F的牌标,创立于1892年。其实,A&F的前身是“Abercrombie”,在纽约是针对打猎、钓鱼等户外活动,以制作机能服饰为主。Ezra Fitch在1900年之后开始加入Abercrombie的经营团队,并历经好几次的重新定位与商品结构重组,这期间还包括David Abercrombie的退出。后来,具行销天才的Mr.Fitch才将品牌定为Abercrombie& Fitch,刻意让名字冗长、难念又难记。
Mr. Fitch的鬼点子还不只这个。首先,它以二手质感(Vintage)的学院风重整商品,并将整个系列改为窄小的合身版型,在男装上,还冠上“muscle”的系列,顾名思义就是可以将肌肉线条绷出来的衣服。
A&F的尺寸分布通常不会做到XXL,男生的腰围若是超过38吋,就很难穿的进A&F的商品了。就是说,只有身材够标准的人,才有资格穿 A&F,这是它与一般美国品牌最不同的地方。Mr. Fitch“挑人穿”的市场区隔,无形中也让穿上A&F的俊男美女都成了活广告。
Fitch最大的赌注,是将型录、广告做到尽善尽美,却故意在店头不铺主打商品,或宣称已经售完。“奇货可居”的营造,让店头与网购的营业额相当可观。 A&F高姿态的只以直营的方式规划通路点。目前的通路分布,除了全美的788家店,今年在加拿大有第一家分店。亚洲部份,预计在2007 年进入日本市场。
Abercrombie这个姓来自荷兰,但是这是一家美国公司,位于俄亥俄州的New Albany,在内地不是一个常见的牌子,但他的一些生产线却在内地,在标签上看到made in China的记号就不应该大惊小怪了。随著香港天王刘德华等艺人的喜爱,但这股流行风潮已经慢慢吹进台湾和香港。连香港天王刘德华都是这个品牌的爱好者,到台湾宣传十面埋伏时就穿abercrombie的衣服。
Abercrombie 的衣服有趣在于他的创意几乎每季都在改变。A&F越来越流行,其实定价并不便宜,堪称高级运动服,在美国如果身上穿着一件 Abercrombie,可以算是贵族的象征。美国年轻人服装名牌,A&F领导潮流,颓废不羁。A&F衣服突出胸,腰,臀,完全贴身,性感不凡。正宗美国A&F版型,是美国年轻人追逐的热门品牌,它昂贵的价格也是众所周知。
B、超赞的裤型,弥补你身体曲线的缺憾,只穿一次, 就会成这个品牌的忠实顾客。
C、与不同的上衣搭配不同的风格,浅色,让你甜美可人, 深色,又酷得特别。
Abercrombie & Fitch的历史
早在年1892年,David Abercrombie 这个来自Maryland的探险家,户外运动的狂热爱好者,在纽约曼哈顿建立了Abercrombie & Co.一家致力于高品质野营、狩猎、钓鱼用具的专营公司。当时的顾客主要是职业的猎人、探险家等等,许多教科书里的名人都爱用A&F的用具和衣服,罗斯福的非洲探险, Robert Peary 的北极考察,海明威的猎枪,胡佛和艾森豪维尔的钓具,影星克拉克盖博的衣服,都是由A&F来的。在1900年一个名为Ezra Fitch的纽约律师成为了合伙人,带来了大笔的资金,于是公司更名为Abercrombie & Fitch Co. 遗憾的是这是一个恶梦般的合作,他们几乎很少有什么一致的意见,终于在1907年有一天Abercrombie受不了这无尽的争执,卖掉了他的股份离开了他一手建立的公司,不过AF的业绩丝毫没有收到影响,继续一路走高。Mr. Fitch强调商店内部应该布置的如同野营场景一样,所有的用品都如同正在使用一般摆放出来而不是藏在精美的玻璃橱窗之后。他放置了一个脏脏的帐篷在中央,一堆篝火在店的一角燃烧,所有的售货员都是经验丰富的探险者,向来往的顾客讲述着他们自己的故事。直到今天公司仍然受着他的影响以麋鹿为商标。无疑他的这些策略都取得了巨大的成功,到1928年Fitch退休时A&F已经成为世界最大的运动用品公司之一。之后的经营也是相当的成功, A&F保持了户外运动品牌的老大地位,并在全美开了十几家分店,但是六十年代公司的业绩收到经济萧条的影响每况愈下,终于在1977年难以为继的 A&F宣告破产,被一个名为Oshman的运动用品零售商买下,不过A&F仍然在困境中挣扎毫无起色。
转折发生在A&F再次被收购,新主子来头很大――The Limited Inc. (Now called Limited Brands),他的旗下还有成功经营的品牌如Express和Victoria's Secret。很快的A&F就重振了昔日雄风,只不过这次是以青少年服装品牌的形象出现的。在九十年代的中期已经有几十家分店在各地的高档 mall里面出现。1996年开始在纽约股票市场上市,同时The Limited Inc.开始退出了对A&F的管理。从那时起,A&F店面的布置风格已经确定:一进门迎面可见的是一个巨大的麋鹿头像,里面灰色的墙上是他们招贴画,基本上都是裸露很多的年轻金发肌肉男。2005年11月A&F完成了他们在纽约著名的第五大道上的旗舰店的建设,在附近环绕的是诸如 Fendi, Prada, and Chanel这样的豪华用品店。如今A&F在全美已经有360家左右的分店,今年2006年初在加拿大开设了美国之外的首家分店,同时2007年进军欧洲和亚洲的计划也在紧锣密鼓的进行当中。
Lifestyle brand和不断的麻烦
A&F一直把他们定位成一种生活方式,一种休闲的令人向往的理念。精选的音乐震撼的在店里播放,令人蠢蠢欲动的A&F古龙香水弥漫四周,每个售货员都要精挑细选以做为brand representative-品牌代理-其实就是一种平民模特,通过他们来体现这种倡导的生活方式,这些孩子在20上下,个个非常运动、负有魅力、开放、有激情的外形让人难以忘怀。
不过在21世纪出公司的政策也招致了许多的批评,首先是有人状告在A&F发行的杂志上有同性恋和group sex的暗示和倾向,接着更大的麻烦来自他们的个性文化衫的文字有种族歧视的味道。最有名的这件体恤售价25美元,上面印着张漫画:一个斜眼、戴着锥形帽子的亚洲人,旁边印着口号,“黄氏兄弟洗衣店:两个黄能变成白”(WONG BROTHERS LAUNDRY SERVICE: TWO WONGS CAN MAKE IT WHITE)和“碗与球—中国饭与保龄球”(WOK-N-BOWL-CHINESE FOOD AND BOWLING)。可想而知会有多少亚裔团体起诉他们,不过又据说这件文化衫的设计者本人就是亚裔的,反正一时间是沸沸扬扬。不过AF好像丝毫没有吸取任何教训,接着又和整个弗吉尼亚州的人干上了,一件T-shirt是这样写的"It's All Relative in West Virginia." 这还不算完又一件胸前写着"Who needs a brain when you have these?"的女式T-shirt招来了妇女权益人士的不满。总之他们用他们的幽默来嘲笑各式各样的人。
在上个世纪末取得巨大成功后,又 Abercrombie&Fitch(阿伯克比龙与菲奇)推出了几个针对不同年龄段的新品牌,旗下共有 Abercrombie&Fitch,abercrombie,HOLLISTER,RUEHL,Ezra Fitch五个品牌。原来的AF面向18~22岁的大学生群体,Abercrombie kisd面对7~14岁的孩子,这几乎完全是小一号的AF。Hollister面向15~18岁的学生,Hollister力求体现出一种加州海滩冲浪风格,不过样式和材质均比AF差一个档次,相应的价格也低一些。最后就是面向已经工作的22~30出头的人群的RUEHL(发音如同rule),尤其是那些从九十年代起就伴随着AF一起成长的青年消费者们,它的风格更加成熟,质地也是比AF再上了一层楼,自然价格也是相应的增加了许多。更加奇怪的是 RUEHL毫无在网络销售的意思,专卖店全美也才十几家而已.就是连AF自己也有逐年趋向成熟的味道,体现在推出的Ezra Fitch系列就是超过22岁的顾客,大概商家本身预计到年龄越大就越有钱。
Abercrombie Fitch透过合身的版型线条,让休闲气味能与时髦、性感结为一体。Abercrombie Fitch走的是美国南加州风格。有很深的西部烙印。 Abercrombie Fitch的产品在100元人民币到2000元人民币不等,体恤剪裁很好,能体现线条,牛仔裤很有西部颓废的感觉。
Abercrombie Fitch在国际上属于大众品牌,但是品牌倡导的是(奢华休闲)。
由于Abercrombie Fitch很火,A&F是一个美国本土性的品牌,并没有开放给其他国家。亚洲至今没有Abercrombie Fitch的代理,中国也没有专卖,只能通过邮购和携带的方式买到Abercrombie Fitch。

Ⅶ 有哪些亲子游戏比较好玩

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Ⅷ 如何评价《非你莫属》李晨东山再起成为币圈大佬






Ⅸ 旅游景区卖什么最好


Ⅰ What kind of software is MeWorld digital currency?

Isn’t it normal? Is it a small software? Of course it is not very reliable. Just like this network, you know that he could withdraw cash for one dollar at the beginning, but now, without knowing it, it has been changed to 30. Therefore, software operators have the right to make changes. So either you wait, or you treat it as a scammer's software. Anyway, it's not very realistic. If you want to make money, find some big software, which is more reliable. I wish you a happy holiday, I wish you good luck, I wish you will die alone, I wish you a long life, I wish you happiness

Ⅱ Briefly describe the characteristics of folk customs.

1. The collective nature of folk cultural activities: Any kind of folk custom is undoubtedly a kind of culture, which is called folk culture. Folklore comes into being along with the emergence of human groups. Therefore, folklore cultivates social coherence, enhances national identity, strengthens national spirit, and shapes national character.

2. The inheritance of folk cultural activities: Folk custom is acquired knowledge, which needs to be passed on from generation to generation. It has the continuity of time transmission. Folk custom is a continuum of time. It is an objective reflection of the long-term humanistic accumulation in a local area. It is a symbol of local culture and the inheritance of ancient culture. Therefore, inheriting folk culture is the continuation of ancient civilization and humanistic spirit, and it is also a cultural belief.

3. The local nature of folk cultural activities: The inheritance of folk cultural activities is passed down from generation to generation. In addition to the great traditions of Chinese national culture, activities such as the Spring Festival have national characteristics. Each place has formed a small cultural tradition to serve the local area according to its own special environment. The same folklore phenomenon will appear in different forms in different places. Different eras and different regions will have their own characteristics.

4. Variability of folk cultural activities: Due to the particularity of its inheritance, folk culture is inherited from one person to another and passed down from generation to generation in daily life, so it has relatively stable characteristics. However, as a kind of basic culture, folklore is not static in the process of inheritance and dissemination. On the contrary, it continuously mutates with changes in time and space, forming variability characteristics that are linked to stability. Variability is one of the obvious characteristics of Chinese folk customs.

5. The richness of folk cultural activities: China has been a multi-ethnic country since its founding, with 56 ethnic groups coexisting today. The same kind of folk customs, with the continuous integration of various ethnic groups in China, are accepted into the Chinese cultural system, but they all retain their own national characteristics, thus enriching China's folk cultural activities.

6. Practicality of folk cultural activities: There is only one purpose to carry out folk cultural activities, that is, to serve people’s daily needs. Practicality is the most essential feature of Chinese folk culture. Folk culture serves people. Production and life, people rely on folk customs to carry out production, reproduce and seek spiritual happiness.

Ⅲ What is the difference between Australian universities and American universities

1. Australian universities do not have such a strong campus sentiment
Students who like to watch American TV series may feel that T-shirts with the school name printed on them can be seen everywhere on American university campuses, or there are some campus activities. There is a campus mascot. The school store also sells various souvenirs with the school name or school emblem, such as clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. In the United States, campus spirit is a big thing
But in Australian universities, campus sentiment is not so obvious. Cultural T-shirts , the mascot only appears at some grand events such as Orientation Week. Moreover, wearing school cultural shirts on campus basically means
2. Most Australian college students do not live on campus
Australian university dormitories are limited, many international students rent their own houses, and most local students do not live in dormitories. Most international students in the United States live in school dormitories or close to the school and eat in the same restaurant. When school starts, the scene is also the scene where freshmen move in with large and small luggage.
Because when Australians choose universities, they do not consider the best universities across the country like Americans do. When Australians choose universities, they choose universities suitable for their majors from universities close to home. Therefore, Australian students will choose to live at home and can bring their own meals or go home at any time.
Only a small number of local Australian students and international students live in school dormitories, so there are few dormitory activities as rich as those in American universities
3. There are actually campus bars in Australian universities
In the United States, the legal minimum drinking age is 21 years old, while in Australia it is 18 years old. Therefore, there are campus bars on many campuses in Australia. If you are over 18 years old, you can go to the campus bar for a few drinks as soon as you start school, and you may be able to meet some like-minded friends
4. Australian students generally dress up carefully
In American TV dramas, or in the United States In universities, students generally dress more casually. They go to class in vests and sportswear, and feel like they have to go to the gym every minute
In Australian universities, Australian students dress well for school every day, which is not the case in American universities. So casual.
5. The biggest difference: courses
In the United States, a lot of extra homework and in-class tests are usually arranged in the middle of the semester. There are homeworks almost every day, and there are strict requirements for student attendance.
Unlike American universities, Australian universities are more independent and freer than high schools. Some courses even have only two or three assignments a semester. Another difference from American universities is that Australian university course options are relatively narrower, but more in-depth on a certain subject. Therefore, some Australian undergraduate courses take 3 years to complete equivalent courses in the United States.

IV What is a small investment suitable for college students to start a business?

Handmade embroidery shop
In recent years, the retro trend has become popular, Chinese clothing is very popular, and embroidery is also Become a fashion hotspot. A room of 20 square meters can be rented, openA handmade embroidery shop. The rent plus decoration costs are controlled within 30,000 yuan, plus other expenses such as license application, the starting capital is about 40,000 yuan. The colors of the embroidery should be rich, and trees, flowers, characters, and animals will all be popular; in addition, the quality of after-sales service should be improved, telling customers how to maintain the embroidery and how to choose the embroidery that suits them, and try to help them repair it free of charge.
Community Kitchen
Rent a facade room of more than 30 square meters in a living area. The monthly rent is about 2,500 yuan. It costs about 5,000 yuan to purchase stoves, cooking utensils and other items. The initial investment is about 20,000 yuan to open the business. . Community kitchens are different from ordinary restaurants. They mainly provide some home-cooked dishes for residents of a certain community. In addition, customers can provide raw materials, and the small kitchen helps with processing. The processing costs are calculated based on the materials provided by the guests. The most important thing is To ensure service quality.
Car Beauty
When people change their clothes, their cars also need to be dressed up! Especially during the Spring Festival, car owners like to take their cars to beauty shops and dress them up. On the one hand, they want to have a new look in the new year. , on the other hand, visiting relatives and friends has a good image. Therefore, opening a car beauty shop will not only catch up with the gold rush, but also have good future development. Statistics show that at present, more than 60% of high-end car owners and more than 30% of low-end car owners in my country have demand for car beauty and maintenance. This market capacity is at least 20 billion yuan. Car beauty has become a new hot spot for entrepreneurship, with huge market demand potential.
Although car beauty is not as high-tech as car production and car maintenance, it is also a technical job. From cleaning and waxing to repair and decoration, everything must be done seriously. The technical level and service quality are absolute. It cannot be discounted. In addition, some small promotional activities can be held during the Spring Festival, such as giving away cleaning services, Chinese knot ornaments, etc., to increase the added value of services and at the same time accumulate customers.
Pet Care
With the long Spring Festival holiday, traveling has naturally become the first choice for many people during the Spring Festival. But what to do with the dogs and cats at home? Find a "pet care". As a result, pet daycare centers, or the provision of foster care services on the basis of pet stores, have become another business opportunity during the Spring Festival. It is understood that the economic income of pet care is good. The foster care fee for pet cats is about 30 yuan/day, and for pet dogs is about 50 yuan/day. The fees for famous pets or larger pets are even more expensive.
Exquisite Snacks
During the Spring Festival, whether you are visiting relatives and chatting about daily life, or meeting friends to talk about friendship, snacks are indispensable. Moreover, with the continuous improvement of living standards, exquisite snacks with exquisite packaging and unique taste are becoming more and more popular. Therefore, if you open a boutique snack shop and purchase some flavored snacks that are not available in ordinary supermarkets, with thousands of varieties, and add different flavors such as Hunan, Sichuan, Beijing, Northeast, Taiwan, etc., your business will not be a problem!
Since it is a high-quality snack, it must be new and refined. Not only does it have to be delicious, it also has to be beautiful. The packaging is exquisite, making it a great gift. Good taste is the key to attracting repeat customers. with chocolateTake force as an example. In addition to ordinary chocolate, there are also chocolate powder, chocolate syrup, chocolate gift packs, etc. The varieties should be diversified, and some imported snacks can be considered if appropriate. In addition, you must pay attention to food hygiene and freshness when purchasing goods. Only high-quality products can win the favor of consumers.
Self-service laundromat
Coin-operated washing machines and dry cleaning machines are used. The washing process is operated by consumers themselves. Washing and drying last for 1 hour. It is convenient, fast and hygienic. It is suitable for being near colleges and universities and where residents are concentrated. opened in residential areas, hospitals, hotels and other densely populated areas. This project is already very popular in developed countries such as Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States, but it has just started in China, so the prospects are very broad. The initial capital required to purchase equipment and rent a storefront is 200,000 yuan.
Milk Bar
With the rapid development of my country’s comprehensive national strength in recent years, residents’ demand for milk and other dairy products is increasing. This project can fully draw on the current business models of tea bars, pottery bars, and book bars that are popular in the market. It uses milk and other dairy products as its main sales products, and has a casual-style booth. The investment scale is about 40,000 yuan.
Family care small classroom
The small classroom provides corresponding services in response to the common phenomenon of no one to take care of children after school in dual-income families. It is responsible for picking up children after school in the afternoon, guiding them to do homework, review homework, and waiting for the children's parents to get off work. Pick them up when they come back and relieve their worries. The investment for this project is not large, just rent a room near the school and prepare some desks and chairs.
Folk custom jewelry
Folk customs flourish during the Spring Festival. Opening a folk customs store with unique insights and exploring folk products with rich cultural connotations will not only make people's Spring Festival colorful, but also Find a new way to start a business. In terms of product organization, Chinese folk products can be mainly used, such as red peony homespun cloth, blue calico, batik products, Miao embroidery backpacks, etc. In addition, we can also sell some foreign folk jewelry or furnishings, such as Thai silk, Nepalese silver jewelry, Vietnamese wood carvings, etc., to enrich the variety of products.
There are two important points when running a folk custom jewelry store. One is visibility. It is recommended to show your face in local fashion media to attract popularity; second, the choice of store location is very important. It is best to choose a small fashion store. Only concentrated areas or tourist spots can ensure passenger flow. In addition, with the current DIY trend, operators may consider adding jewelry design or production services to attract some fashionable people.
Zodiac Dragon Souvenirs
The Year of the Dragon is approaching, and many people like to buy some Dragon-related zodiac souvenirs, such as Dragon and Dragon greeting cards, Dragon and Dragon wall calendars, ceramic dragon ornaments, plush dragon toys, Year of the Dragon Pendant accessories, Year of the Dragon cultural shirts, etc. According to past market conditions, the peak sales season for zodiac souvenirs is around the Spring Festival, so hurry up and purchase and sell zodiac dragon souvenirs at this time, and you should make good profits.
Since there is a time limit for the sales of zodiac souvenirs, you must prepare for the purchase as early as possible, at least two months in advance. The variety of goods should be as large and refined as possible, taking into account different needs such as collection, decoration, and gifts. If possible, alsoYou can choose to open a store online to expand sales channels. When purchasing goods, special attention should be paid to ensuring that the styles of the goods are novel and the quality is guaranteed.
Green environmental protection projects
After 2007, Chen Yegang, general manager of Shanghai Dongshuo Environmental Protection Company, which is engaged in industrial wastewater treatment, felt that the pressure suddenly decreased, and the market and customers were better than before. “Before, I was just promoting the company. Energy conservation, emission reduction and cleaner production have now become policy matters and are mandatory requirements for enterprises." The domestic water treatment market continues to expand. Chen Yegang believes that the important reason is that "for some enterprises that consume very large amounts of water, water has already It is a constraint for the survival of enterprises.” The cost of water has led more and more enterprises to introduce wastewater recycling and treatment projects. “After reusing 1 ton of water, you can save a few dollars. If you use 100,000 tons of water a day, you can save hundreds of dollars.” One hundred thousand, tens of millions a year.”
The 19th century was driven by coal, the 20th century was driven by oil, and the 21st century will be the century of solar energy, wind energy, and renewable energy.
Baby souvenir specialty store
According to the statistical announcement released by the fifth national census, there are a total of 70 million infants and young children aged 0-3 in mainland China, of which 10.9 million are in cities, and about 17.5 million are born every year. The child is born. Data from relevant survey companies also show that the maternal and infant market in mainland China has a market size of approximately 80 billion yuan each year. As one of the branch markets, baby souvenirs have a very broad market prospect.
The family planning policy has made the "6+1" family structure common, and the "little emperor" has undoubtedly become the focus of family consumption. Statistics show that the average consumption level of baby souvenirs in provincial capital cities reaches 300-500 yuan, and some families far exceed this standard.
The popular baby souvenirs currently on the market include: fetal hair pens, fetal hair paintings, hand and foot shows, etc. The fetal hair painting combines the cute and cute image of the baby with the zodiac cartoon, and then uses the fetal hair to make a handicraft through weaving and embroidery. The hand and foot show involves taking prints of a child's little hands and feet and pouring them into a three-dimensional model with polymer materials, accompanied by various cartoon graphics and parents' blessings. The child's fingerprints and palm prints are clearly identifiable on the screen, which has a high family appeal. commemorative significance. The production technology of these products is now becoming increasingly mature, and the prices vary depending on the materials.
If you choose the franchise method, this business has simpler technical requirements and is more suitable for first-time entrepreneurs. The initial investment is not much. Taking the investment standard of a store in Wuhan as an example, it is 50,000 yuan to open.
Coarse grain nutritious breakfast
Rent a shop in residential areas, schools and other densely populated areas, and sell porridge and noodles based on various coarse grains and miscellaneous grains, such as millet, corn, sorghum, peanuts and soybeans. etc., requiring a hygienic environment, cleanliness, complete varieties, and rich tastes.
Tofu Fang
Soy products are indispensable in people’s daily diet, so Tofu Fang has a large market space. You can invest 30,000 yuan, rent a 30-square-meter facade room, and purchase corresponding equipment. The raw materials are required to be hygienic and the productionThe working environment is good and sunlight operation is implemented.
Organic food
Organic food is a product of high standards. It is a safe, healthy and high-quality food produced with the purpose of sustainable development of the ecological environment and full quality control from "land to table". . There are many categories of organic products, and the price is usually more than twice that of ordinary products, which is an obstacle that hinders the rapid expansion of the market. It has become a trend to use organic products as gifts, which provides good opportunities for related companies.
The production of organic food not only has a broad domestic market, but also has a good international market. After nearly 20 years of development, my country's organic food industry has formed several concentrated production areas such as the Northeast region, which mainly produces organic beans, Shandong Province, which mainly produces organic vegetables, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi, which mainly produces organic tea.
Men's Underwear Store
It is said that women make money easily. Most clothing manufacturers and merchants focus on the women's market, while the men's market has been ignored. Many foreign manufacturers are aiming at this blind spot in the mainland market and vigorously seize the market. Through surveys, they believe that modern men are under greater pressure. Coupled with male shopping psychology, they have clear goals when entering shopping malls and are unwilling to waste a lot of money. Time to find the items you want to buy. Therefore, the creation of centralized and convenient special places for men has been adopted by many shopping malls. This can be seen from the popularity of special men's underwear stores, such as the "Neiku" men's underwear store in Hangzhou.
The investment in a men's underwear store is not much, mainly the shop floor, decoration and first purchase payment. There are certain differences in shop prices in various places, but generally 50,000-100,000 yuan can be started. You can choose to join a chain store or open your own store.
It is very important to choose a brand when opening a men’s underwear store. Currently, there are two main types of men's underwear that are popular among domestic men. One is the daily type, which is characterized by comfort, elegance and subtlety, and is mainly made of pure cotton fabrics. The other category is sexy underwear with exaggerated shapes. Brands such as Britain's Forbidden and Taiwan's Looksee have a wide range of products, including home, sports, avant-garde and other series, with prices ranging from 50 to 500 yuan. Looksee, in particular, has hundreds of brands. Domestic popular brands such as Yiershuang and Sangun are also relatively popular.
Because of the specificity of target customers, the location of men's underwear stores is very important. The key points of site selection are: quietness in the midst of hustle and bustle, and convenient transportation. Although "popularity" is very important, you don't necessarily have to choose a main road with a lot of traffic. A location that is too "busy" will not be conducive to attracting customers, but the traffic must be convenient. It is best to choose a store in a relatively mature business district, in communities and apartments with relatively many young people around. The area is 15-25 square meters, but it doesn’t need to be too big. The address must be clearly described and easy for customers to find, so that there will be no ineffective publicity. Some people also choose corners or counters in shopping malls. The overall style of the store is simple and neat.
The main consumers of men's underwear stores are fashion-forward young men, but there are also many middle-aged people. In addition, women also account for the totalA large proportion of the customer base. Specialty stores such as "Neiku" have a series of preferential measures specifically targeted at female buyers, with good results. However, it is best for the shop assistants to be mainly male, as male customers will find it more convenient to communicate with them.
Liquefied gas cylinder residual liquid burner
This project is specially designed to burn the residual liquid in liquefied gas cylinders. It can be used after being installed on the angle valve of the cylinder without changing the cylinder or furnace. Any structure and operation of the tool. Its technical feature is to use the principle of liquid molecular kinematics to vaporize the residual liquid and then burn it, so that all the residual liquid in the cylinder is burned out and the calorific value is increased by 10-15%. This project is an energy-saving project with low investment, quick results, and can provide employment for many people.
Folk Custom Service Company
With the improvement of living standards, various folk custom activities such as weddings, birthdays, housewarming, and funerals have received more and more attention, and fewer and fewer people in society are familiar with folk customs. Therefore, The market space for this project is huge. The investment cost is low, and all staff are part-time. One male and one female host are required, and 1-2 people are familiar with folk customs and are good at planning.

Ⅳ Hefei Folk Culture

Hefei is located in Anhui Province and was called Luzhou in ancient times. "(Jiaqing) Hefei County Chronicle" has this description of Hefei folk customs: "The people are straight, and He has no dual mind; he is diligent in his customs, but has no external admiration for good things; his talents are strong, but he has no weakness to take advantage of."

1. Life and folk customs

Food and drink Urban and rural residents in Hefei traditionally eat rice as their staple food, as well as other miscellaneous grains. In the old society, there was often a situation of "half a year's melons and vegetables and half a year's food". The main cereals included barley, wheat, corn, potato, pumpkin, beans, etc. After the reform and opening up, residents' living standards have improved, and pasta and beans have become fashionable, such as noodles, fried dough sticks, steamed buns, soy milk, soy flour, Qianzhang, etc. Nutrition and taste have become new standards for eating. Hefei has a custom of "three meals a day", usually one thin and two dry. Before liberation, people often had two meals a day. Now, in addition to three meals, I also eat "snacks" such as steamed buns, biscuits, milk, fruits, etc. The cooking methods in Hefei are mainly braised, stir-fried, deep-fried, stewed and pan-fried. Dishes are heavy on color, oil and flavour. The main condiments are vegetable oil, with soy sauce, salt, ginger, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, sesame oil, etc. The dishes are mainly vegetarian dishes and tofu, as well as fish, meat, eggs, etc. During festivals, weddings and funerals, chickens, eggs, meat, fish and other meat dishes are prepared. Meats include braised pork, fried shredded pork, and fried pork liver; fish include braised crucian carp and braised eel; poultry includes braised chicken, braised chicken nuggets, and braised goose (duck) nuggets; eggs include scrambled eggs, salted eggs, and steamed eggs. Vegetables include stir-fried greens, stir-fried spinach, stir-fried eggplant, stir-fried leeks, stir-fried pumpkin, stir-fried lentils, stir-fried green peppers, etc. Special dishes include fried shredded pork with pickled vegetables and braised vegetables (braised goose feet, bladder and head). Folks have a long-standing custom of eating breakfast, such as Sanhe rice dumplings, Fengle dried sauce, etc. There are also steamed buns, deep-fried pancakes, spring rolls, twists, etc. In the early years, people had the custom of using tea and wine as drinks. In recent years, soda, Sprite, and Coke have been the main beverages. Wine is an important drink in life, and it is indispensable during holidays. In the old days, people mainly drank bulk wine, such as "Old Soju". Nowadays, everyone drinks bottled wine, and there are many brands., various grades. Brands such as Gujing, Kouzi, Shahe, Wenwanggong, Gaofujia, Laomingguang, Jinzhongzi, and Xuanjiu are on the market.

Clothes Before liberation, men mainly wore long gowns and double-breasted gowns, and women mainly wore cheongsams. After liberation, men wore Mao suits and Lenin suits, and women wore mid-length suits and youth suits. Wear a mix of old and new, including shorts and shorts in summer. In the mid-to-late 1960s, green military uniforms became popular, followed by zip-up shirts and jackets. For some time after the reform and opening up, young men and women began to wear bell-bottom trousers and straight-leg trousers as the fashion. Suits began to become popular in urban and rural areas. Casual clothes, down jackets, and sweaters also gradually became popular. Clothing styles have broken through the "men should not expose their navels and women should not expose their skin." standards. Colors and materials: In the old days, men mostly wore navy blue, iron grey, grass green, black and white, while women mostly wore floral colors. After the 1980s, clothing came in a wide variety of colors. Fabrics made of chemical fibers, cashmere, and wool are the most popular.

Building houses in Hefei area are mostly facing north and south. In the old society, most of them were earth wall and grass roof structures. After liberation, as living conditions improved, there were earth wall and tile roofs, brick and tile alternating structures, etc. Usually there is an open space in front of the house as a threshing floor, and a pig pen, cowshed, toilet, etc. are built behind the house. In the old days, residents were very particular about building houses. There was a set of procedures from selecting the homestead, breaking ground, to finishing the beams. Before building a house, you need to ask a Yin-Yang Feng Shui master to read the Feng Shui to determine the home site. Rich people pay more attention to choosing the site, looking for dragon veins, and observing water and tapping acupuncture points. Most home owners choose a place with mountains behind them and water on their side. With its back against a hill, it symbolizes that the owner has a strong position to lean on, and facing a pond or stream, it symbolizes that the owner's family has a steady stream of wealth. It is very lively when the beam is raised, but it must be done before sunrise, which symbolizes that life is getting brighter and brighter as the sun rises in the east. On this day, relatives and friends also come to drink and congratulate with gifts such as cigarettes, wine, cakes, red cloth and silk curtains. New houses should also post auspicious couplets and congratulatory couplets. After the 1980s, cement brick houses gradually replaced thatched houses with earthen walls, emphasizing integrity, unity and decoration. In recent years, it has gradually become a trend to build multi-storey and small high-rise buildings in rural areas, and in cities there are even more high-rise buildings.

Housewarming When the homeowner moves, relatives, friends and neighbors come to congratulate him. When neighbors, relatives and friends send gifts, they write auspicious messages such as "Congratulations on the housewarming" and also help move the furniture. Under normal circumstances, the house owner should tidy up the furniture the night before and move in the next morning or morning, in order to be auspicious and symbolize a prosperous life in the new home. Old neighbors set off firecrackers to see each other off, and new neighbors set off firecrackers to welcome them. If you want to hold a banquet, treat your old neighbors to a "moving wine" and treat your new neighbors to a "house wine" (commonly known as "neighbor wine").

Daily appliances In the old days, many farmers used earthen stoves, and some were equipped with bellows. One to three pots are arranged on the stove top, and a round iron pot is placed next to the stove between the two pots to use waste heat for hot water. There is a shrine on the stove to worship the Kitchen God. In modern times, gas stoves, gas stoves, and electric stoves are used. In addition to iron pots and aluminum pots, there are also types of pots such as pressure cookers, woks, electric hot pots, etc. The old earthen pits and wooden plank beds have been eliminated, and stem grafting beds are commonly used in urban and rural areas. They can be disassembled and assembled by themselves, which is simple and convenient. In front of the hall, there are many Eight Immortals tables, round tables, etc., with benches. There is an incense table in front of the table and a nave hanging above it.Painting etc. Folks often use bedside tables and large wardrobes, but now they often use wall cabinets and TV cabinets. Basins include basins, bathtubs, foot basins, wash basins, etc., which are mainly made of wood. Now made of plastic and stainless steel. Household appliances are developing rapidly, from simple to multi-functional, including radio recorders, televisions, electric fans, air conditioners, refrigerators, etc. As lighting tools, kerosene lamps and candles were used in both urban and rural areas in the past; now incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, ceiling lamps, etc. are commonly used in urban and rural areas. The streets are illuminated by neon lights of various colors, creating a charming scene.

2. Etiquette and folk customs

Pregnancy Pregnant women eat a bowl of brown sugar eggs before giving birth, which is said to induce egg production. After eating, you have to walk back and forth, which is commonly known as rushing to give birth, which means that the birth is quick and smooth. Three days after the baby is born, the midwife or grandma usually bathes the baby with moxa water or honeysuckle vine boiled water, which is commonly known as "washing three". Ai Shui or honeysuckle vine water has the effect of sterilization and disinfection. On the day of the third bath, the midwife is usually given happy eggs. Nowadays, most babies are born in hospitals, and the hospital arranges showers and nursing care. The old custom is that three days after the baby is born, the son-in-law will bring the good news to the parents-in-law. If a boy is born, he will bring a rooster or goose as a gift, and if a girl is born, a hen will be used as a gift. Nowadays, with the development of communication and transportation, this custom has been eliminated. Before giving birth, the son-in-law and mother-in-law will usually accompany the mother-in-law to take care of her in the hospital, and no longer report good news unless she is in another place. Grandma's family prepared baby clothes and supplies and sent them to the baby on the ninth day after birth to congratulate the birth of her grandson. All the clothing and utensils for the baby from birth to one year old, from diapers to baskets, are provided by the grandma's family. A banquet must be prepared to entertain relatives and friends on that day. Nowadays, this custom is gradually being eliminated, but the nine-day wedding banquet is becoming more and more grand. Banquets are often held in hotels to reward relatives and friends. When a child turns one year old, congratulations are given to the child, which is commonly known as grasping the week or making a week. On this day, grandma’s family brought gifts (mostly children’s clothes, small cars, etc.) for their grandson to wear. When catching Zhou Zhou, a large ball of dust is placed on the ground, and the child sits in the center, surrounded by various daily utensils and cakes. The future of the child is predicted based on the things caught for the first time. This custom has gradually faded away, but the custom of relatives and friends coming to congratulate you on your first birthday is still there. Most of the gifts are in cash and vary in amount.

Marriage matchmaking is also known as "chuan niangeng" and "matchmaking". The man first asks a matchmaker to go to the woman's family to act as a matchmaker. After the woman's family agrees, the man's family asks someone to write a proposal letter. The man's birth date and the word "respectfully seek" are written on the paper, and the gifts are sent to the woman's family by the matchmaker. If the girl's family agrees, they will write the girl's date of birth according to the above content, write "Jingyun" on the post, and pass it back to the boy's family. Since the 1950s, this custom has gradually faded away. Except for a few remote and isolated villages, men and women can fall in love freely without the need for a matchmaker. Even if there is a matchmaker, it is just a formality. After the exchange of years, the woman will take her brother-in-law or relatives' children (commonly known as belts) to the man's house to "check the gatehouse", that is, to check the family income and housing situation. If the woman intends to stay for dinner, she agrees. At this time, the man's family will give money for the meeting, and the amount of money should be "half", which means "company". If you don't agree, you won't stay. When a man and a woman fall in love freely, if the man brings a woman home for the first time, the man's parents will still give the woman a "meeting gift", whichever is an even number or an integer.

Engagement, commonly known as "next day", "qihong" and "next issue", is the date that both men and women agree to get married. This custom is still practiced in some rural areas, but this custom no longer exists in urban areas.

Marry. In the old days, the groom's family invited relatives and friends to hold a breakfast banquet for the matchmaker and arrange everything for the wedding. After the banquet was dismissed, the matchmaker took the groom's wedding staff to the bride's house to welcome the bride, rain or shine. When arriving at the bride's house, the door of the bride's house must be closed to show that the daughter is not married off casually. The matchmaker must first hand over the entry money, commonly known as "hair money", "face money", etc. Before getting into the sedan chair, the bride's brothers will carry her out. Before going out, she must "cry for marriage" and take a shower the day before. When it comes to the husband's family, the door of the husband's family is also closed, which is commonly known as "suppressing one's temper". After getting off the sedan chair, they fire a cannon and enter the house to worship. They then attend a banquet and toast, and then have a house party. At this time, there is a custom that "there is no big or small wedding for three days". Even if you go out of your way during the house party, you should not get angry or quarrel. This custom is gradually becoming less common, and it is usually colleagues who make arrangements for a new house. Nowadays, wedding banquets are mostly held in hotels in urban and rural areas. On that day, the groom wore a suit and red flowers, and the woman wore a wedding dress to greet the guests in the hotel lobby. After the banquet, accompanied by the officiant, guests go to each table to toast and accept blessings from relatives and friends. There are also other forms, such as tourist weddings, mass weddings, and wedding ceremonies held in churches. In recent years, under the hype of wedding companies, some people have continued to use the old wedding customs of wearing red flowers and welcoming the bride in a sedan chair. But cars are mostly used, and a pair of cars is considered lucky, and professional photography is provided.

Back to the door, commonly known as "Kan San", that is, three days after the wedding, the bride's brothers will take the bride home to visit her parents. On this day, my parents' family will prepare a banquet to entertain my uncle, and they will also find elders and close relatives to accompany me, called birth relatives. With the development of society, men and women are free to fall in love and return to their parents' home to visit relatives on the first day after a wedding is held in a hotel.

Birthday It is custom in Hefei to celebrate birthdays when people reach 60 years old. On your birthday, celebrate. Birthday gifts generally include birthday noodles, birthday cakes, fish, chicken, tobacco and alcohol, gifts, etc. The birthday girl should prepare a banquet and entertain him warmly. With the improvement of living conditions, the custom of celebrating birthdays not only continues to this day, but also becomes more and more grand. People who live a long life and have status often choose to celebrate their birthdays in hotels. In recent years, some families have given birthday celebrations to their children when they turn 10.

Before the death of a funeral patient, the children must rush back after receiving the interrogation, listen to the last instructions or announce the will that has been drawn up, and bid farewell to the deceased (most of the people will have the father or mother rest in the arms of the eldest son when they are dying) Let him rest in peace), commonly known as "send him off". Everyone in the world regrets that they did not die in old age. Therefore, the custom of sending people off at the end of their lives still exists in Hefei area. Children must ask relatives and neighbors to report the funeral to all relatives and relatives, commonly known as "announcement of mourning". Nowadays, the deceased's unit often announces the funeral information by posting obituaries or publishing it in newspapers. When the parents pass away, the son must wear linen, a white gown, a straw rope around his waist, and a three-spirit crown on his head. When the husband dies, the wife is dressed in pure white, tied with linen, with a white scarf on her head, and white shoes on her feet; when the wife dies, the husband does not wear filial piety. Relatives wear white cloth belts hanging sideways or tied around their waists, and white cloth hats on their heads; elders do not wear them, and grandchildren wear white cloth with a red top hat, a red hat, and a green hat to mark their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren respectively. The bereaved family issues a filial piety notice, which is used to distinguish the family members. White shoes for filial pietyCover your feet with cloth or linen. Relatives and friends generally express condolences in the form of papyrus, filial piety tents, filial piety pairs (i.e. blankets, quilts, space quilts), wreaths (mostly flowers), cash, etc. The parents-in-law of the children prepare pig meat, fish, geese, tobacco and alcoholic beverages and set up "three carriages", which are accompanied by a band to the bereaved family. For all those who came to express their condolences, the eldest son would bow to him in the Hall of Filial Piety. For condolences in cities and towns, a mourning hall is usually set up first, and the body is mourned for 1 to 3 days. A portrait of the deceased is enshrined in front of the mourning hall, and elegiac couplets are hung on both sides. And play sad music. The mourners wear black gauze, first send filial piety tents, filial piety pairs, wreaths made of flowers, cash, etc., and pay silent tribute to the body amidst the sounds of mourning music to express their condolences. During the funeral, all the relatives wear mourning clothes, the eldest son wears linen and mourns, and holds the portrait of the deceased in front of him. Others file in one by one. The items sent by the condolences are carried by special personnel on long bamboo poles along with the procession. Every time they arrive at the entrance of a village or At the three-way intersection, firecrackers are set off and bands play music. The mourners mourned and cried all the way to the cemetery. After the ceremony, the mourners must step over a lit pile of straw fire to ward off bad luck. In recent years, with the process of urban and rural integration, most urns are sent to government-designated places for burial.

Communication title. In the new era, there are a few changes in the customs of addressing families and relatives. For example, parents are also called "Dad, Mom" ​​or "Daddy, Mommy". Social titles are usually based on identity and position, such as director, secretary, section chief, director, expert Wang, scholar Zhang, and professor Li. Young people mostly regard "buddy" and "sister" as fashion. At banquets, the general titles of boss and leader are often used, and the titles of master and comrade are increasingly rare. It is also fashionable to call leaders "head", "somewhere", "certain bureau", "virgin seat" and "bureau seat".

Shake hands. When relatives and friends meet or say goodbye, both parties should shake hands with their right hands; when meeting for the first time or meeting an elder (leader), it is appropriate to extend the other person's hand and then shake hands. If you wear gloves, take them off before holding them again as a sign of courtesy. In public places, leaders usually bow their hands or wave instead of shaking hands. In rural areas, people nod their hands and shake hands are rare.

Toast cigarettes and toast. When toasting at a banquet, juniors or subordinates should take the initiative to stand up and hold cups in both hands to toast each other. They should do it first as a gesture of respect, and at the same time signal to the other party to drink slowly or casually. Avoid toasting while the other party is talking or holding food, and you should measure your own drinking capacity to avoid missing a toast or being disrespectful. The same goes for offering cigarettes. It is polite to offer cigarettes with one hand and make gestures with the other.

Conversation. When talking, you should pay attention to the other person's eyes, listen attentively, don't look around, and say "yes" and "ok" from time to time.

3. Beliefs and folk customs

Taboos: Zodiac signs are associated with "six clashes" and "six evils" in marriage. When young men and women in rural areas are on a blind date, it is taboo to hold an umbrella because "umbrella" and "san" are homophonic. With the advent of free love in urban areas, this taboo is no longer common. It is not advisable to choose a double or a single day when choosing a wedding day, but major festivals such as National Day and May Day are also good days for modern weddings. When holding a wedding, the main thing is to wear bright colors and avoid white. However, in modern urban areas, white wedding dresses are the mainstream. Avoid getting married in your zodiac year

. Folk newlyweds 1Generally do not stay out at night, just stay at the home of relatives and friends, and avoid sexual intercourse. Women's skirts and trousers should not be exposed to the sun at high places, and women should not smoke. Carry the person to the straw bed (temporary floor bed) before death, and avoid dying on the bed. When dressing the deceased in old clothes, avoid wool, leather

leather, and avoid buttons. Baby's afterbirth should not be thrown away, it should be put into earthen jars and buried. Pregnant women should avoid eating soup and porridge made from mung beans. Do not sweep the floor or pour water outside on the first day of the first lunar month. Avoid going out seven times and returning eight times. Avoid using water on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month. Avoid putting chopsticks on the rice bowl when eating, avoid sitting on the "turtle mat", and avoid eating fish roe among children. Clothing "men should not expose their navel, and women should not expose their skin." Avoid placing clothes, hats, pillows, quilts, etc. under the buttocks, and avoid distinguishing between men's and women's underwear. Do not ask for debts on the first day of the first lunar month. Avoid single gifts, avoid giving bells as gifts, and avoid touching others’ heads with your hands. It is taboo to refer to death as "old", "gone" or "passed away". Sickness is generally said to be "not harmonious" and "not known to be bright". Pregnancy is said to be "happy". Avoid using the word "pregnant" to avoid the homophony of "bad luck". When eating, avoid saying "do you want rice?" or "do you want more rice?"

Character Worship The people of Hefei are proud to worship Bao Gong. Bao Gong, a native of Luzhou, is renowned for his strict law enforcement and uprightness. There is a Bao Gong Temple in Hefei, which has been worshiped by generations. In recent years, activities to worship Bao Gong have become increasingly popular, such as holding Bao Gong cultural seminars and essay collections. At the same time, there are also people who worship historical figures such as Guan Gong.

4. Years and festivals

Little New Year The 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month (the twelfth lunar month) is called the Little New Year, and that night is called "Celebrating the Little New Year". The Little New Year means that the year is coming to an end. From this day on, people begin to prepare for the arrival of the new year. Folks have the custom of offering sacrifices to stoves, sweeping dust, and purchasing new year's goods. Folk song "Twenty-three, celebrate the New Year; twenty-four, clean the house; twenty-five, grind tofu; twenty-six, slaughter the pork; twenty-seven, take a wash; twenty-eight, put up window grilles; twenty-nine, Go drinking; on New Year's Eve, post pairs" is a vivid portrayal of Hefei's annual customs. "On the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, dust and sweep the house." On this day, every household has to clean the room and clean up all kinds of items in the home. Sacrifice to the stove is the custom of sending the Kitchen God to heaven.

Spring Festival The first day of the first lunar month is the Spring Festival, commonly known as "New Year" and "New Year's Day". In the twelfth lunar month, rural residents in Hefei slaughter livestock and marinate bacon, boil sugar to make fried rice candies, process rice cakes and tofu, and buy incense candles, ghost tickets, firecrackers, tobacco, wine, tea, cakes, couplets (some are also handwritten), lanterns, etc. Commonly known as "buying new year's goods". Post Spring Festival couplets and New Year pictures on New Year's Eve. In the new era, young people often post film and television stills and images of celebrities. In urban areas, New Year paintings are mostly replaced by traditional Chinese landscape paintings. Most of the couplets are about praising reform and opening up. Those who are in business often post, "Business is booming all over the world, and wealth is abundant reaching three rivers."; those who are teaching often post, "There are roads in the mountains of books, and diligence is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, and the boat is made with hard work" and so on. Most businesses set up neon lights to add to the festive atmosphere. The preparation of the New Year's Eve dinner is mainly done by housewives, with the whole family helping each other, and all cooking techniques such as steaming, boiling, stir-frying, deep-frying, and pan-frying are used. The variety and quality of dishes, as well as the level of tobacco and alcohol, depend on one's family background, but chicken, fish, meat, and dumplings are must-have traditional dishes. After the "New Year's Eve dinner", the elders presented them with red paperPacking money and giving it to the younger generation is called "New Year's money". In recent years, there have been many forms of entertainment and leisure. On the night of the New Year's Eve, some people come to play mahjong and cards, but most of them mainly watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Hotels and restaurants also provide places with well-equipped entertainment facilities for those who eat New Year's dinner. Eat more longevity noodles for breakfast on New Year’s Day. After the meal, the neighbors came to pay their respects. The host entertains guests by making tea, passing cigarettes, and inviting them to eat pastries, candies, and ingot eggs. Relatives and friends come to the house and give money to the host's children in red paper. Relatives and friends in different places mostly greet each other by calling, texting, and WeChat, and some in urban areas send New Year greetings via online e-mail. On New Year's Day, no sweeping the floor, splashing water, using scissors, or hanging clothes to dry. From the first to the third grade of junior high school, it is taboo for children to say unlucky words, and it is forbidden to beat or scold children. Some parents wipe their children's mouths with tissue paper to indicate "butt mouth", and words will not count. There is a folk song in Hefei: "Don't go out on the first day of the lunar month, worship your ancestors on the second day of the lunar month, pay homage to your father-in-law on the third day of the lunar month, pay homage to your mother-in-law on the fourth day of the lunar month, worship casually on the fifth and sixth day of the lunar month, don't go out on the seventh day, don't return on the eighth day, go home on the ninth and tenth day ". However, due to the accelerated pace of life in recent years, New Year greetings have begun to come to each other on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Relatives and friends from far away send greetings via phone calls, text messages, etc. New Year gifts are becoming increasingly diversified and varied, and the quality and taste are also improving year by year. After the New Year, as more young adults went out to work, traditional performances such as lion dances and lantern games were also rare. Some urban literary and art groups take advantage of the Spring Festival to organize cultural performances, performances, waist drums and other activities to enrich festival life. The Spring Festival is a legal holiday with 7 days off. Before and after the Spring Festival, government agencies, enterprises and institutions often carry out activities such as group worship, condolences to military martyrs, sending warmth, condolences to the lonely elderly, and condolences to retired personnel in different forms.

Lantern Festival The fifteenth day of the first lunar month in Hefei is the Lantern Festival, also known as the Lantern Festival. In rural areas, it is also commonly known as "celebrating the off-year". There is a custom of eating New Year's Eve dinner and setting off firecrackers. It is popular to eat Yuanxiao. Customs such as playing with lanterns and lions have become increasingly popular in urban areas. Government cultural departments often organize lantern riddle guessing, ball games, chess games, temple fairs and other activities.

The Qingming Festival, also known as the "Outing Festival", takes place in the third month of the lunar calendar, that is, around April 5th of the Gregorian calendar. In the old days, the main customs of Qingming Festival were: inserting willows, planting trees, sweeping tombs, and going outing. On this day, men, women and children, old and young, break willow branches, carry firecrackers, paper money, ghost coins and offerings to the graves to sweep the tombs, worship their ancestors, and build soil on the graves and hang money to show their respect for their ancestors. Clan members with the same surname take turns to host and have dinner together after visiting graves, which is called "Qingming Festival". In recent years, many Hefei people who live in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and work far away from home have paid homage to the graves of their clansmen on this day despite their hard work. It has become fashionable to sweep tombs during the Qingming Festival, offer flowers and fruits, and plant green pines and cypresses. On this day, students are often organized to visit the tombs of the Dashu Mountain Martyrs Cemetery, lay wreaths, commemorate the martyrs, and receive traditional education.

Dragon Boat Festival The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, commonly known as "Dragon Boat Festival" and "Duan Yang". Folk customs include eating rice dumplings, drinking realgar wine, and rowing dragon boats. The wrapping of rice dumplings is very particular, including red bean rice dumplings, ham rice dumplings, etc. Most of the food in urban areas is purchased in the market, and many farmers in villages and towns have become professionals in making rice dumplings and selling them.Folks insert calamus and mugwort upside down on doors and windows. The calamus is shaped like a sharp sword to ward off evil spirits, while mugwort can be used as medicine to cure diseases. Use moxa fumigation in a dark place indoors to avoid plague and eliminate toxins. Dried mugwort can be used for bathing and soaking in children. Rowing dragon boats to commemorate Qu Yuan. In recent years, some places have often held dragon boat competitions to increase publicity or attract investment. During the competition period, the government is busy organizing investment negotiations, and the news media is busy with photography, photography, interviews and other activities.

Mid-Autumn Festival The fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is the Mid-Autumn Festival, commonly known as "Mid-Autumn Festival" and "August Half". That evening, family members sat together, shared moon cakes, and enjoyed the freshness of lotus root. Mid-Autumn Festival is also an important festival for family reunion. Since the reform and opening up, people abroad often send blessings and greetings to their families by making phone calls, sending text messages, and sending emails. Daughters and sons-in-law have the habit of giving mooncakes to their parents-in-law. Government agencies and units often purchase mooncakes and distribute them to their employees. The packaging box has changed from the original paper package to an iron box package and a vacuum package, and the packaging tends to be luxurious. There are folk customs such as "touching autumn" and playing with torches.

Winter Solstice The 22nd day of the 11th month of the lunar calendar is the winter solstice, which is the day of "Jinjiu". There is a farmer's proverb that "if you eat winter solstice noodles, the day will grow by a thread" (that is, the length of the day and the shortening of the night will begin on this day). Folk customs include winter sacrifices, relocations, breeding, and ancestor worship. There are also customs such as eating pumpkin cakes and eating dog meat.

Laba Festival The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is Laba Festival, commonly known as the "Laba Festival". Folks use glutinous rice, beans and other grains as well as dates, longan, lotus seeds and other dried fruits to make porridge, which is called "Laba porridge". It is a good-luck meal for the whole family. It is now customary to meet at the temple to eat Laba porridge.

VI What brand is this dress?

The Internet has all the information. http://ke..com/view/80414.html?tp=0_11

Abbreviated name: A&F/AF
Chinese transliteration: Aberkoby Long and Fitch
Official website address: http://www.abercrombie.com/ (AF China’s largest wholesale base www.af-polo.com)
Currently, it has five major brands: Abercrombie&Fitch, abercrombie, HOLLISTER, RUEHL, Ezra Fitch< br />Abercrombie & Fitch is the largest American casual brand that has set off a global fashion whirlwind. It is the most popular brand among young people today and one of the most popular brands among American college students. It is also a century-old local store founded in New York in 1892. brand.
A&F (Abercrombie & Fitch), which has become popular in recent years, has spread from all over the United States and Canada with its high-style, high-quality and ultra-fresh style, becoming a new indicator of global new fashion. The American street style (casual wear) is deeply loved by European, American and Asian teenagers.
abercrombie & fitch'sStory
In 1892, a young man named David Abercrombie founded the David t. Abercrombie Company in New York City, which specialized in selling high-end outdoor activities and hunting supplies. His clients are all wealthy, well-fed, and hunting men. One of his most loyal and successful lawyers is Ezra Fitch. Ezra Fitch felt that after a long career in litigation, Life is boring, it is more fun to sell shotguns. Finally in 1904, he successfully persuaded Abercrombie, who didn't know how to refuse, and let him join the company. From then on, the company's name changed from Abercrombie, which was difficult to pronounce, to Abercrombie, which was difficult to pronounce and long. & fitch. However, the union between two people is like a marriage. Everything goes well before marriage but they also quarrel after marriage. Abercrombie's conservative attitude often drives fitches who want to expand rapidly to crazy. At this time, A&F was a supplier of sporting goods to the wealthy class.
In 1907, Abercrombie finally couldn't stand it anymore and withdrew from the company. However, Fitch decided to keep the "abercrombie" part in front of the company name in order to make the company's name look racy and cool. After that, Fitch was finally able to expand the company as he pleased. He went against the principle of putting everything neatly and cleanly in the cupboards. The clothes and socks in the store looked like they had been used two or three times, the tent was dirty, and there was a fire burning in the corner of the store. This style is still maintained by a&f to this day. Also because of the hunting background, the A&F logo is an elk head. The fire burned well, and not only did the store not burn down, but it also opened a flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York, which began selling men's and women's sportswear.
In 1913, A&F was the first store selling men's and women's sportswear in New York City.
Fitch built a wooden house on the top floor of the reinforced concrete store building as his own residence. There is also a fishing pond in the store for customers to try fishing rods. Many celebrities in textbooks love to use A&F's utensils and clothes. Roosevelt's African expedition, Robert Peary's Arctic expedition, Hemingway's shotguns, Hoover and Eisenhower's fishing tackle, and the movie star Clark Gable's clothes were all made by A&F. of. In that year, A&F became the world's largest sporting goods company.
In 1928, the legendary Fitch retired after making enough money.
In 1960, the company began to decline. In the Great Depression of the 1970s, A&F declared bankruptcy in 1977.
In 1988, Limited purchased A&F's low-cost product sales department.
In 1992, Limited’s chairman, Slee Wexner, admired Jeffries’ excellence in casual clothing design.Because of his talent, he recruited him to add new vitality to the A&F brand. From then on, A&F clothing began to rejuvenate with youthful vitality. In Jeffries' view, what consumers want is high-quality, classic American clothing that reveals a youthful mentality. Premium quality The cotton fabric is very comfortable, breathable and soft to the touch. The text LOGO on the front is embroidered, and its sweat absorption is better. It is not only full of fashionable novelty, but also greatly improves the comfortable and natural feeling of wearing. It was purchased by Limited Inc. and transformed into a clothing company in 1992. It achieved great success with the college student shabby clothing style line.
In 2003, A&F lost a lawsuit. Its employees claimed that the company semi-forced employees to buy company clothes, and some people spent more than they earned. A&F lost $2 million.
In 2004, A&F lost another racial discrimination lawsuit and had to pay US$40 million. The content of the lawsuit was that A&F deliberately created a white brand, including employees in the store, who only liked to use white names. . Many Asians and blacks who have applied for jobs at A&F but were not accepted can receive compensation. Nowadays, not only A&F's advertisements, but also Asians and black people are beginning to appear in stores. Hollister has even appeared as a brand image of people of color. And now another lawsuit is brewing against A&F for being too revealing in its advertising (what about Victoria's Secret?).
As of January 2005, A&F had a total of 788 stores in the United States. In 2005, it plans to open 5 branches in Canada, Europe in 2006, and Japan in 2007. As for when it will enter China? It is not yet known.
In addition to A&F's secondary brand hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, a popular clothing retailer for young people in the United States, has launched another brand---the new brand Ruehl, which takes the high-end leather bag route and sells Prices range from 0 to 0 US dollars, targeting the market of coaches and marc jacobs. After a fall, A&F has the momentum and determination to dominate the world.
In September, Ruhr has opened stores in New Jersey, Florida and Chicago, adding new force to the more than 700 Abercrombie & Fitch chain stores in the United States.
These three specialty chain stores are antique brick buildings with iron railings and classic windows. Inside are a series of rooms, each with different types of clothing, soft lighting and beautiful music, creating a seductive atmosphere. people atmosphere. Ruer's target market is young men and women aged 22-30, and its pricing is 20% higher than the original clothing brand.
Abercrombie & Fitch plans to open a 4-story flagship store on 5th Street in Manhattan, which will open next year.
The industry believes that A&F launched Ruer to expand its customer base and target customers above teenagers. Analyst Cohan of the NPD Group, a retail industry analyst, believes that many men over the age of 35 or even 40Women still dress like they are around 25 years old, and customers of this age are more loyal to brands and are not as fickle as teenagers.
Abercrombie & Fitch targets its core audience of teenagers; Hollister targets middle school students; Ruehl targets college and post-college shoppers; and Little A targets children.
As the LOGO below on the official website says, it is a luxury leisure product. In the New York retail sales report released recently, bercrombie & Fitch Co. announced that same-store sales increased by an average of 22% in July. "Abercrombie & Fitch" (A&F/AF) is currently one of the favorite brands among American college students. Its high quality and strong "American college atmosphere" have also made it a favorite among Hollywood fashion celebrities.
The name is difficult to pronounce and is mysterious
Pay attention to the A&F logo, which was founded in 1892. In fact, the predecessor of A&F is "Abercrombie". In New York, it mainly produces functional clothing for outdoor activities such as hunting and fishing. Ezra Fitch began to join Abercrombie's management team after 1900, and went through several repositionings and product restructurings, including the exit of David Abercrombie. Later, Mr. Fitch, a genius in marketing, decided to name the brand Abercrombie & Fitch, deliberately making the name long, difficult to pronounce and difficult to remember.
Second-hand texture
This isn’t the only trick Mr. Fitch has. First of all, it reorganized its products with a second-hand texture (Vintage) college style, and changed the entire series to a narrow fit. For men's clothing, it also branded the "muscle" series, which as the name suggests can stretch out muscle lines. clothes.
Muscular size
The size distribution of A&F usually does not reach XXL. If the waist circumference of boys exceeds 38 inches, it will be difficult to fit into A&F products. That is to say, only people with a standard figure are eligible to wear A&F. This is the most different thing from ordinary American brands. Mr. Fitch's market segmentation of "picking people to wear" has invisibly made the handsome men and beauties wearing A&F become living advertisements.
Brand, sales strategy and star power:
Fitch’s biggest bet is to make catalogs and advertisements perfect, but deliberately does not sell flagship products in the store, or declares that they are sold out. The creation of "a place where rare goods can be found" has resulted in considerable turnover from both in-store and online shopping. A&F has a high profile and only plans access points through direct sales. The current channel distribution includes 788 stores in the United States and the first branch in Canada this year. For the Asian part, it is expected to enter the Japanese market in 2007.
The surname Abercrombie comes from the Netherlands, but this is an American companyThe Chinese company, located in New Albany, Ohio, is not a common brand in the mainland, but some of its production lines are in the mainland. You should not be surprised when you see the mark "Made in China" on the label. With the popularity of Hong Kong king Andy Lau and other artists, this popular trend has slowly spread to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Even Hong Kong king Andy Lau is a fan of this brand. When he went to Taiwan to promote House of Flying Daggers, he wore Abercrombie clothes.
What’s interesting about Abercrombie’s clothes is that his creations change almost every season. A&F is becoming more and more popular. In fact, the price is not cheap. It can be called high-end sportswear. In the United States, if you wear an Abercrombie, it can be regarded as a symbol of nobility. American youth clothing brand, A&F leads the trend, is decadent and unruly. A&F clothes highlight the breasts, waist, and hips, and are completely close-fitting and sexy. The authentic American A&F style is a popular brand pursued by young Americans, and its expensive price is well known.
Abercrombie&fitch, a casual clothing brand from the United States, is a very popular clothing brand among young people in the United States. It is popular all over the world from the United States and mainly takes the casual and youthful route. The clothes are of excellent quality and design, and are very popular for Asian body shapes.
The interesting thing about Abercrombie’s clothes is that his creativity changes almost every season. A&F's advertisements all use music, sports and other situations that young people like to express the connotation of A&F clothing. In fact, the "cool" element in A&F clothing style is not innate.
Style features: A. Simple and lively design concept, easy to match with any clothing, whether it is a T-shirt, a shirt, or a jacket, it is a good choice.
B. The awesome shape of the pants can make up for the shortcomings of your body curves. Wear them once and you will become a loyal customer of this brand.
C. Match different styles with different tops. Light colors make you sweet and cute, dark colors make you uniquely cool.
D. Can be matched with different shoes and hats.
The history of Abercrombie & Fitch
As early as 1892, David Abercrombie, an explorer from Maryland and an enthusiast of outdoor sports, established Abercrombie & Co. in Manhattan, New York, a company dedicated to high-quality camping. , hunting and fishing equipment specialized company. The customers at that time were mainly professional hunters, explorers, etc. Many celebrities in textbooks loved to use A&F equipment and clothes, including Roosevelt's African expedition, Robert Peary's Arctic expedition, Hemingway's shotguns, Hoover and Eisenhower. The fishing gear and the clothes of movie star Clark Gable are all from A&F. In 1900, a New York lawyer named Ezra Fitch became a partner and brought a large amount of capital, so the companyChanged its name to Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Unfortunately, this was a nightmare cooperation. They rarely had unanimous opinions. Finally, one day in 1907, Abercrombie couldn't stand the endless disputes, sold his shares and left. Although he lost the company he founded, AF's performance was not affected at all and continued to rise. Mr. Fitch emphasized that the interior of the store should be decorated like a camping scene, with all supplies displayed as if they were being used rather than hidden behind beautiful glass displays. He placed a dirty tent in the center and a bonfire burning in a corner of the store. All the salespeople were experienced explorers, telling their own stories to the customers. To this day the company still uses the elk as its trademark under his influence. There is no doubt that these strategies of his have achieved great success. By the time Fitch retired in 1928, A&F had become one of the largest sporting goods companies in the world. The subsequent operations were also quite successful. A&F maintained its position as the leader in outdoor sports brands and opened more than a dozen branches in the United States. However, the company's performance in the 1960s was affected by the economic depression and deteriorated, and it was finally unsustainable in 1977. A&F declared bankruptcy and was bought by a sporting goods retailer called Oshman. However, A&F is still struggling with no improvement.
Rebirth and Rise
The turning point occurred when A&F was acquired again. The new owner had a strong background - The Limited Inc. (Now called Limited Brands), which also owned successfully operated brands such as Express and Victoria's. Secret. Soon A&F regained its former glory, but this time it appeared as a youth clothing brand. By the mid-1990s, dozens of branches had appeared in high-end malls across the country. It began to be listed on the New York Stock Market in 1996, and The Limited Inc. began to withdraw from the management of A&F. Since then, the layout style of A&F stores has been determined: as soon as you enter the door, you can see a huge elk head, and the gray wall inside is their posters, which are basically young blond muscular men with a lot of nakedness. In November 2005, A&F completed the construction of their flagship store on New York's famous Fifth Avenue, surrounded by luxury stores such as Fendi, Prada, and Chanel. Today, A&F has about 360 branches in the United States. In early 2006, it opened its first branch outside the United States in Canada. At the same time, plans to enter Europe and Asia in 2007 are also in full swing.
Lifestyle brand and constant trouble
A&F has always positioned themselves as a lifestyle, a desirable concept of leisure. Awesome selection of musicPlaying in the store, the exciting A&F cologne is everywhere. Each salesperson must be carefully selected to be a brand representative - a brand agent - which is actually a kind of civilian model, through whom to embody this advocated lifestyle. , these children are around 20, and their appearance is very athletic, charming, open and passionate, which is unforgettable.
However, in the 21st century, the company's policies have also attracted a lot of criticism. First, there were complaints that the magazines published by A&F had homosexual and group sex implications and tendencies. Then the bigger trouble came from their personalized cultural shirts. The text smacks of racial discrimination. The most famous T-shirt, which sells for $25, features a cartoon of an Asian man with slanted eyes and a conical hat, and the slogan "Huang Brothers Laundry: Two Yellows Can Make White" ( WONG BROTHERS LAUNDRY SERVICE: TWO WONGS CAN MAKE IT WHITE) and "WOK-N-BOWL-CHINESE FOOD AND BOWLING". It is conceivable how many Asian groups will sue them, but it is also said that the designer of this cultural shirt is Asian, anyway, it caused an uproar for a while. However, AF didn't seem to learn any lessons at all, and then started having sex with people all over Virginia. A T-shirt said "It's All Relative in West Virginia." This is not all. Another one said on the chest. Women's T-shirts with the slogan "Who needs a brain when you have these?" have drawn dissatisfaction from women's rights activists. In short they use their humor to laugh at all kinds of people.
Everyone has gradually noticed the strange phenomenon that almost all AF store clerks are white. There is no doubt that this is enough to land you in the dock in the United States. A considerable number of ethnic minorities reported that they were unfairly treated during the application process and were rejected for strange reasons. In the end, the company paid $40 million in compensation to the rejected applicants of color.
Brother brands
After achieving great success at the end of the last century, Abercrombie&Fitch launched several new brands targeting different age groups, including Abercrombie&Fitch, abercrombie, and HOLLISTER. , RUEHL, Ezra Fitch five brands. The original AF is aimed at college students aged 18 to 22, while Abercrombie kisd is aimed at children aged 7 to 14. This is almost entirely a smaller version of AF. Hollister is for students aged 15 to 18As a student, Hollister strives to reflect a California beach surfing style, but the style and materials are one level lower than AF, and the corresponding price is also lower. Finally, there is RUEHL (pronounced like rule), which is aimed at people in their 22s and early 30s who are already working, especially those young consumers who have grown up with AF since the 1990s. Its style is more mature and its texture is better than AF. As you move up a level, the price will naturally increase accordingly. What’s even more strange is that RUEHL has no intention of selling online, and there are only a dozen stores in the United States. Even AF itself has a taste of maturing year by year, which is reflected in the launch of the Ezra Fitch series, which is aimed at customers over 22 years old. Probably the merchants It is expected that the older you get, the richer you will be.
Abercrombie Fitch combines casual style with fashion and sexiness through its fitted silhouette. Abercrombie Fitch adopts the Southern California style. It has a deep western imprint. Abercrombie Fitch's products range from RMB 100 to RMB 2,000. The T-shirts are well-cut and can reflect the lines, and the jeans have a decadent western feel.
Abercrombie Fitch is a popular brand internationally, but the brand advocates (luxury leisure).
Because Abercrombie Fitch is very popular, A&F is a local brand in the United States and is not open to other countries. There is currently no Abercrombie Fitch agent in Asia, and there is no exclusive store in China. Abercrombie Fitch can only be purchased through mail order and carry-on.

Ⅶ Which parent-child games are more fun

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Ⅷ How to evaluate "It Must Be You" Li Chen made a comeback and became a big man in the currency circle

It is a natural choice and an inevitable result.

Generally speaking, I support Li Chen. Li Chen’s actions are all logical. If you must pick problems with him, there are some, that is, his speech is indeed somewhat pointed. When most people in the society still instinctively think that the boss is on the same level as the superior employees, they hold on to their own ideas and argue with reason. A word of contention, a bit too much.

The interview process of Li Chen, a candidate for "It's Not You", was very "intense", which made many friends Impressive:

It was around 2006. Because QQ was very popular, Li Chen wanted to make some QQ cultural shirts. The maximum output value reached 200 million and was acquired by Yichun.

Li Chen, who has made some money, plans to go to the United States to seeLook, however, I met the general manager of the international business department of "Life Home Baroque Flooring" on the plane, and the two of them started chatting out of nowhere. The next year, Li Chen went to the annual meeting of "Life Home" and met their chairman.

Ⅸ What is the best thing to sell in tourist attractions?

It is better to buy digital souvenirs. The following article is reprinted from the travel circle and written by ordinary people in Chongwen Flower Market. [Global Travel News] (Special commentator Chongwen Flower Market Caomin) Tourists not only consume various services (accommodation, food, travel, entertainment) in destination scenic spots, but also Will buy special tourist souvenirs. Travel souvenirs not only carry beautiful memories of tourists, but are also used as gifts for relatives and friends to share their travel experiences. Tourist souvenirs not only bring sales revenue to destination scenic spots, but also serve as a carrier of tourism promotion and have become an indispensable part of tourism marketing. Destination and scenic spot management agencies are paying more and more attention to tourist souvenirs. The design creativity of tourist souvenirs is constantly being renovated, from the common cultural shirts and hats in the early days to the recently popular USB flash drives and mouse pads, etc., the forms are becoming more and more colorful. However, tourist souvenirs so far are mostly limited to physical objects. Can there be new breakthroughs in the design, development and sales of tourist souvenirs? Can we consider getting rid of the physical form and digitizing tourist souvenirs; changing the physical transaction to a business model of software (material) licensing? Specifically, by identifying the real needs of niche groups in the long-tail market, tourist souvenir designers may find inspiration from 3D technology and online games to design digital tourist souvenirs. China is rich in tourism resources, including ancient buildings and cultural and museum display tourism resources (such as royal palaces, garden temples, museums, etc.). Such scenic spots attract tourists at home and abroad who love architecture, cultural relics, and artworks to wander around and visit in depth. (Former U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Kissinger has visited the Temple of Heaven as many as 13 times and still maintains a strong interest in it. The Temple of Heaven is a temple where ancient Chinese emperors worshiped heaven. It is a purely man-made attraction with no green mountains and beautiful waters, and no beautiful scenery. What attracts the doctor is There are wonderful ancient buildings in the Temple of Heaven. Visitors to the Forbidden City and other places can also see figures standing for a long time facing the bracketed arches and carved beams and painted buildings in verandahs. Most of them are architecture enthusiasts like Dr. Kissinger. The characteristic buildings in the tourist store are even more interesting. Attract them to observe, meditate, and even stimulate their desire to consume. In addition, there are many tourists in the Forbidden City who are antiques and cultural enthusiasts. They visit the Forbidden City repeatedly to view antiques, jades, or to appreciate calligraphy and paintings.) The above-mentioned tourists often have a special interest in tourist souvenirs. Special needs. The conventional souvenirs such as imitation antiques and ancient building models on the market are too simple and cannot meet their needs for in-depth appreciation and contemplation. Moreover, the production and production costs of existing souvenirs are high, there are few varieties and little room for selection, the form and function are single, and they are somewhat inconvenient to carry. Existing tourist souvenirs cannot meet the needs of such niche tourists, are not very attractive to them, and cannot efficiently transform cultural content into commercial gains. Developed with the help of 3D and online game modesSpecial tourist souvenirs that are highly interactive and highly engaging can meet the needs of niche tourists in the long-tail market and better transform cultural content into commercial gains. If tourists are interested in an exhibit at a cultural and museum attraction, they can purchase the 3D data file of the exhibit through a QR code or website. After visitors obtain all the data of the exhibit (such as high-definition, ultra-clear pictures, and 3D data), they can not only study and appreciate it regardless of time and place, but also make it into a physical object through 3D printing, or DIY (add personalization factors such as adjusting appearance and size) , display text, base, etc.) and then print it as a gift to relatives and friends. (For example, in the 3D data file of the Jinou Yonggu Cup from the Qianlong Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, the text on the mouth of the cup was changed to "Jinou Yonggu, built to last" and then gifted to business partners) For lovers of ancient architecture, if they can build it themselves, They will be willing to spend money and time to understand the exquisite and complex structure, design ideas and cultural background of ancient buildings, and enjoy the fun of completing complex projects. Most of the ancient Chinese buildings are of falcon-mou structure, which does not require nails, cement and steel bars to fix, and is more similar to a game of building blocks. Develop ancient building construction games, and use 3D technology to digitize all parts of the building, allowing tourists to replicate the scenic spots they miss in the virtual world brick by brick, beam by column. When designing such games, we can learn from the operation and maintenance models of online games such as WOW (Warcraft). In WOW, players must purchase props to complete tasks. Ancient building construction games can also generate income (for a dime per bucket or virtual currency) by selling virtual building materials (such as individual buckets, arches, beams, and columns). The team mode of WOW is a good social marketing case. Some ancient buildings (such as the turrets of the Forbidden City) have extremely complex structures, requiring game participants to constantly consult information and seek advice from experts. While designing such games, we also set up a game exchange area for them to exchange knowledge and skills on ancient architecture. For tasks that are difficult and complex, you can encourage everyone to form a team to complete them, thereby motivating people who have never been to the destination but have the same hobbies to join, again producing a publicity effect. Those who complete the game can also share and display their results on social networks such as Facebook and Pinterest to indirectly promote the destination, or they can personalize their works (mark their personal names) and 3D print them as gifts to relatives and friends. Through the brick-by-tile ancient building construction game, tourists' memories of the destination are activated, their needs for self-achievement are satisfied, Chinese culture is spread, and commercial gains are realized. Whether it is the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Suzhou Gardens, Hakka Earth Buildings, or tourist souvenir design ideas, you may wish to consider the Internet and digital technology for innovation! The author, Sun Ming, also known as Zizhi, also known as Chongwen Flower Market Caomin, started working as an inbound tour guide in 2000, and later worked as a planner for a travel agency. After that, he worked in the financial analysis and consulting industry and then worked in an Internet data marketing company serving customers in the tourism industry. I have built my own foreign language website and prefer the latest Internet information. I am willing to listen to the mantra of the universe: "Tao becomes love and loss, all things are like dogs, everything is in order, life and death return". Show all

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