币圈风云人物 “币圈”

㈠ 区块链人才有多贵




















内容来源 观察者网

㈡ 目前国内影响力较大的虚拟货币有哪些


㈢ 永恒币和比特币,永恒币和比特币马克币合法吗

虚拟币无所谓合不合法,因为不是国家发行的货币。主要在于认可度和应用落地。比特币肯定是正统,还有 莱特币 ETCETC ETHE

㈣ 币圈内战拉响:比特币大战狗狗币,你站哪一方




㈤ 美元作为国际结算货币,对美国有什么好处最好详细点












㈥ 维卡币怎么样,维卡币是真的加密货币吗





㈦ 美国人是怎样通过美元控制世界的


㈧ 世界三大货币是什么









㈨ 如今比特币在币圈江湖是什么地位

霸主。它作为最早出现的币种。但是以太坊在内的其他币种也不相上下,虽然无法撼动比特币的老大地位,但也在不断侵蚀着其原有份额。 说不定什么时候以太坊就可以超过它!

㈩ trx和trc20一样吗

都在说,现在DEFI啊 公链啊 这条赛道已经彻底堵死了,没有更多机会了

在科技领域,就算是苹果谷歌亚马逊阿里巴巴 腾讯京东网络
这就是后来者:波场 TRX

很多人猜测可能是DEFI的原因, 比如波场的JUSTSWAP JST这些生态的加成

波场里面的USDT TRC20
下面的内容我会细细道来这个USDT TRC 20的厉害之处

ETH公链上面的 USDT ERC 20
波场TRX公链上面的 USDT TRC20
但是如果你要是体验过TRX上面的USDT TRC20的话,客观地说良心话
就像这个世界已经有苹果 三星 华为了
但是小米也有很大的一个市场! 因为得屌丝者得天下!
世界上有了京东 淘宝 天猫,

在USDT这个强应用的基础之上再次叠加DEFI JUSTSWAP 等等生态和
BTT JST这些矩阵的加成之下

USDT TRC20得屌丝者得天下
USDT ERC20这些太贵太慢
TRX其他矩阵内部的项目会有加成效应比如:BTT JST等等


柚子EOS !!


㈠ How expensive are blockchain talents?

What is the most expensive thing in the 21st century? Maybe blockchain talent.

Zhang Yan (pseudonym), who graduated from a 211 University in Shanghai with a master's degree, started interning at a blockchain company this summer. He is mainly responsible for collecting industry information. During the internship, his salary is 8,000 yuan. After becoming a full-time employee, his monthly salary will be 22,000 yuan.

Zhang Yan’s starting salary is already much higher than the salary level for fresh graduates’ first employment. According to statistics from the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, among Shanghai college graduates in 2017, the average monthly salary for graduates with a bachelor's degree was 4,793 yuan, and that for graduates with a master's degree or above was 8,001 yuan.

Industry analysts pointed out that the current talent shortage in the industry is high, there are few talents who meet the recruitment requirements, and the imbalance between supply and demand has led to a high talent premium. It is expected that in two to three years, when blockchain technology is implemented and applied, When it fully blooms, the supply and demand relationship in the market will enter a stable stage.

How expensive are blockchain talents?

“Our recruitment has not been smooth. We may be able to recruit 5-8 people in a quarter, which can only reach 20% of our expectations.” Deng Xu, founder of Yunxiang Blockchain, has always hoped to quickly expand the team. The company expanded to have a technical team of 100 people, but was unable to find suitable talents.

Recruitment information of a certain company

How to solve the embarrassing situation of not being able to find people with high salary?

“My ideal blockchain talents mainly have two criteria, one is a computer foundation, and the other is an algorithm foundation.” Deng Xu said.

According to Yan Li, the founder of the computing power think tank, there are three types of blockchain talents:

The first is content research. Most of these talents are originally engaged in financial information. , traditional research and other jobs, you can get started after one to two months of training and adaptation;

The second is the technical development of products, which requires mature computer technology talents, such as research on underlying data development , data storage, etc., they need to redistribute their work areas in the blockchain scenario, and they can adapt to job requirements in two to three months;

The third is the refiner of product needs, which is The most difficult talents to find are those who not only need to understand the business logic of blockchain and explore pain points, but also need to understand technology and be able to communicate and connect customer needs with the capabilities of technical developers.

Shang Yang, an analyst at Yiou Think Tank, also pointed out to Sino-Singapore Jingwei that the essence of blockchain is a distributed encrypted database, and the core idea is decentralization. Blockchain evolved from Bitcoin. Previously, there were almost no relevant courses in colleges and universities. Therefore, most of today’s blockchain technology practitioners are self-taught. Objectively speaking, anyone with a computer major background can learn it. But technology is not the key, the key is to find the right application scenario. Only when in a certain scenario, distributed storage of data can be irreplaceable and bring significant benefits to the enterprise can it be considered a good application scenario, so on-chain applications are still in the exploratory stage.

“There are too few application-oriented talents,” Shang Yang said. The application and transformation of any new technology requires a process, and currently many technical personnel do not understand the product.

Deng Xu analyzed that there are three main reasons for the current shortage of blockchain talents: on the one hand, the popularity of blockchain is fast and the number of technical personnel is small, resulting in an imbalance between supply and demand; on the other hand, the district Blockchain is actually a comprehensive technology that encompasses four major areas: computer language, algorithms, communications, and cryptography. At present, talents trained in universities generally only have knowledge reserves in one or two aspects. In addition, with the popularity of ICO last year, a large number of new blockchain companies were born, further exacerbating the imbalance between blockchain supply and demand.

With the popularity of the blockchain concept, some universities have begun to offer courses, and training institutions have also stepped in to share the market share. Yanli suggested that top universities that focus on science and engineering can continue to take advantage of their advantages and cultivate blockchain technology application talents; in terms of business, they still mainly rely on talents who have transformed from traditional industries to fill the gap; social organizations, research centers and other institutions can organize Vocational training for talents in the blockchain industry, but good vocational training must last two to three months, rather than two or three days of "crash" training.

However, Deng Xu pointed out that training at this stage can only supplement some mid- to low-end technical talents for the industry, but it cannot solve the problem of high-end talents. Shang Yang also pointed out that universities that offer relevant courses also face difficulties in retaining teachers. "On the one hand, it is easy to be poached by companies. On the other hand, most people who really understand technology and applications choose to start their own companies or speculate in coins."

"Blockchain technology is a money-making process. The technology is very recent, so many people can’t concentrate on doing it, and the technology is very complicated and boring,” Deng Xu said.

Content source: Observer.com

㈡ What are the most influential virtual currencies in China at present?

At present, the most influential virtual currencies in China are: The virtual currency is still Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the undisputed overlord of the currency circle, and there is no currency that can challenge Bitcoin’s dominance. The total market capitalization of other altcoins is less than a fraction of Bitcoin’s market capitalization.
Of course, Ritecoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Litecoin are also very competitive.

㈢ Are Eternal Coin and Bitcoin, Eternal Coin and Bitcoin Mark legal?

It doesn’t matter whether virtual currency is legal or not, because it is not a currency issued by the state. Mainly lies in recognition and application implementation. Bitcoin is definitely orthodox, and there is also Litecoin ETCETC ETHE

㈣ The civil war in the currency circle has begun: Bitcoin vs. Dogecoin, which side are you on?

The currency circle has started a civil war , now Bitcoin and Dogecoin are pulling against each other, and I don’t stand on either side. After all, Dogecoin and Bitcoin are both virtual currencies, and they have no value in themselves. As an ordinary person, it is obviously too late to enter the currency circle to participate in speculation now. You may be cut off at any time, so it is better to hold the currency and wait and see.

In fact, from the previous description, it is not difficult to find that the current rise and fall of Bitcoin and Dogecoin are determined by one person, and this person's name is Musk. In the currency circle, Musk can be said to turn his hands into clouds and his hands into fish. He is simply the leader of the currency circle. A currency that can be manipulated by individuals is not safe, and it also carries great risks. So in this battle between Bitcoin and Dogecoin, I actually don’t stand on either side. After all, these two virtual currencies are controlled by Musk.

Based on all the above, in the battle between Bitcoin and Dogecoin, I will not take any side. I will only hold the currency and wait and see, until in the end both virtual currencies will suffer. Of course, it is some ordinary speculators who lose money in the end. After all, big bankers can make a lot of money, while retail investors can only surrender. Cryptocurrencies are risky, so be cautious when speculating!

㈤ As the international settlement currency, it is best to elaborate on the benefits of the US dollar to the United States

The benefits mainly include the following points:

First, printing the United States in the air money in exchange for the wealth of other countries. This truth is not easy to understand for people who are not exposed to economics. The monetary circle theory of "New Economics" can make this issue clear at a glance. The basic power of the monetary authority within the monetary circle is to issue currency.

Of course the United States can issue U.S. dollars in the world currency circle. However, the issuance mentioned here is a disguised issuance, which is mainly realized through the demand for US dollars in world trade. The United States has made the U.S. dollar dominate the world through its own economic strength and waging wars. Although the world's currencies include the U.S. dollar, Euro, British pound, Japanese yen, etc., the share of other currencies in international trade is relatively small. Although the euro made several gains, it ultimately failed to surpass the U.S. dollar.

The British pound and the Japanese yen are even weaker. Their disguised issuance of currencies in exchange for the wealth of other countries is very little. The U.S. dollar is very different. The development of international trade has increased the demand for U.S. dollars in the world's monetary circle, which constantly creates opportunities for Americans to print U.S. dollars in exchange for the wealth of other countries.

Second, according to the dual currency circle principle mentioned in "New Economics", the United States uses the U.S. dollar to operate in both its own country and the world trade area at the same time. The advantage of the currency circle allows the United States to transfer domestic financial risks to other countries around the world.

If you pay attention, you will find that when financial crises occur in other countries and regions, it is difficult to transmit them to the United States. Once a financial crisis occurs in the United States, it will quickly spread around the world. This makes the U.S. dollar act like a one-way barrier to U.S. financial risks, which can only go out but not in.

Third, through the devaluation of the US dollar, it will overdraft the world. Because the United States has a dual currency circle, it can control the large circle by operating the small circle. The United States is a debt-ridden country. The total foreign debt of the United States was close to 14.3 trillion US dollars by August 2011. This means that each American citizen is burdened with a huge debt of about 50,000 US dollars.The reason why the United States dares to eat so much, borrow money to survive, and use debt to support debt.

First, because Americans know that they have hijacked the world economy. What can countries buy if they don’t buy U.S. Treasury bonds with the extra dollars they have on hand?

The second is that they can deal with creditor countries through changes in exchange rates.

In the mid-1980s, with the rapid growth of Japan's economy, Japan became the world's largest foreign exchange reserve country and the largest creditor of the United States. The Japanese covered their mouths and giggled, thinking they had hoaxed the United States, so they bought half of Hawaii, which made them the world leader. The Americans calmly held their cigars in their mouths and forced the yen to appreciate by changing the exchange rate. In just a few years, not only did the Japanese regurgitate all the assets they had purchased from the United States, but it also caused the Japanese economy to enter a decade-long recession. stagnation period.

Other countries can only look back on the benefits of the US dollar to the United States unless they also dominate the world. It can be said that maintaining the US dollar’s ​​global hegemony is the highest interest of the United States. This is also the fundamental starting point for all US foreign actions. Therefore, how to view the United States, whether political or military, ultimately comes down to economics and the most fundamental interest of the United States.

㈥ What about OneCoin? Is OneCoin a real cryptocurrency?

OneCoin was previously exposed as a pyramid scheme by Bitcoin House, a mainstream domestic Bitcoin media website. Recently, foreign technology media have also exposed OneCoin as an international pyramid scheme, and its founder has conducted similar pyramid schemes before. It is nonsense to say that OneCoin is the frontrunner in cryptocurrencies.

In the cryptocurrency circle, no one has been able to shake Bitcoin’s dominance so far. Bitcoin is the real leader of cryptocurrency. Most relevant research uses Bitcoin as a case. The financing scale of Bitcoin-related companies accounts for more than 95% of the financing scale in the currency circle. Most companies that accept cryptocurrencies only accept payments in Bitcoin.

Of course, in addition to Bitcoin, there are also some popular cryptocurrencies, such as Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Fuyuan Coin.

Litecoin is an unsuccessful experiment of Bitcoin, the ancestor of altcoins, and firmly ranks second in the industry.
Dogecoin caters to Westerners’ demands for small-amount reward culture and has a certain consumer base. Dogecoin has related organizations and associations at home and abroad.
Fuyuan Coin is the leader in the new encrypted digital currency. It is similar to a commercial points system. It is an applied encrypted digital currency and has certain subversiveness.

㈦ How Americans control the world through the U.S. dollar

The main benefits are as follows: First, printing U.S. dollars in exchange for the wealth of other countries. This truth is not easy to understand for people who are not exposed to economics. The monetary circle theory of "New Economics" can make this issue clear at a glance. The basic power of the monetary authority within the monetary circle is to issue currency. Of course the United States can be in the world monetary circleto issue U.S. dollars. However, the issuance mentioned here is a disguised issuance, which is mainly realized through the demand for US dollars in world trade. The United States has made the U.S. dollar dominate the world through its own economic strength and waging wars. Although the world's currencies include the U.S. dollar, Euro, British pound, Japanese yen, etc., the share of other currencies in international trade is relatively small. Although the euro made several gains, it ultimately failed to surpass the U.S. dollar. The British pound and the Japanese yen are even weaker, and the wealth of other countries in exchange for their disguised issuance of currencies is very little. The U.S. dollar is very different. The development of international trade has increased the demand for U.S. dollars in the world's monetary circle, which constantly creates opportunities for Americans to print U.S. dollars in exchange for the wealth of other countries.
Second, according to the principle of dual currency circles mentioned in "New Economics", the United States takes advantage of the U.S. dollar operating in the two currency circles of its own country and the world trade area at the same time, so that the United States can transfer domestic Financial risks are passed on to countries around the world. If you pay attention, you will find that when financial crises occur in other countries and regions, it is difficult to transmit them to the United States. Once a financial crisis occurs in the United States, it will quickly spread around the world. This makes the U.S. dollar act like a one-way barrier to U.S. financial risks, which can only go out but not in.
Third, through the depreciation of the U.S. dollar, it will overdraft the world. Because the United States has a dual currency circle, it can control the large circle by operating the small circle. The United States is a debt-ridden country. The total foreign debt of the United States was close to 14.3 trillion US dollars by August 2011. This means that each American citizen is burdened with a huge debt of about 50,000 US dollars. The reason why the United States dares to eat so much, borrow money to survive, and use debt to support debt. First, because Americans know that they have hijacked the world economy. What can countries buy if they don’t buy U.S. Treasury bonds with extra dollars on hand? Second, they can deal with creditor countries through changes in exchange rates. In the mid-1980s, with the rapid growth of Japan's economy, Japan became the world's largest foreign exchange reserve country and the largest creditor of the United States. The Japanese covered their mouths and giggled, thinking they had hoaxed the United States, so they bought half of Hawaii, which made them the world leader. The Americans calmly held their cigars in their mouths and forced the yen to appreciate by changing the exchange rate. In just a few years, not only did the Japanese regurgitate all the assets they had purchased from the United States, but it also caused the Japanese economy to enter a decade-long recession. stagnation period.
The benefits of the U.S. dollar to the United States can only be ignored by other countries unless they also dominate the world. It can be said that maintaining the US dollar’s ​​global hegemony is the highest interest of the United States. This is also the fundamental starting point for all US foreign actions. Therefore, how to view the United States, whether political or military, ultimately comes down to economics and the most fundamental interest of the United States.

What are the three major currencies in the world?

The three major currencies in the world are the euro, the US dollar, and the Asian dollar.

The Asian dollar is a currency concept proposed by Robert Mundell, the Nobel Prize winner in economics and known as the "Father of the Euro". During the 2001 APEC meeting in ShanghaiTime prediction: "In the next 10 years, there will be three major currency areas in the world, namely the Euro Area, the US Dollar Area and the Asian Monetary Area (Asia Dollar Area)."

The Asian dollar is the first to realize a common currency in Asia At this stage, it can first be used as a reference indicator for countries to formulate exchange rate policies. There is now agreement on concrete plans for the Asian dollar to become as versatile as the euro. If the Asian dollar is used as an actual currency, the world will be divided into a three-pole currency circle of the US dollar, the euro and the Asian dollar.

(8) Currency Overlord Extended Reading

One of the three major currencies in the world: Introduction to the Euro

The Euro has been the European currency since the Roman Empire The most significant result of currency reform. The euro not only completes the European single market and makes free trade among Eurozone countries more convenient, but it is also an important part of the EU integration process.

On January 1, 1999, a unified monetary policy was implemented in EU countries that implemented the euro. In July 2002, the euro became the only legal currency in the euro zone. The euro is managed by the European System of Central Banks, which consists of the European Central Bank and the central banks of the euro area countries.

In addition, the euro is also the currency of 6 non-EU countries (regions): Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City, Andorra, Montenegro and Kosovo.

㈨ What is the status of Bitcoin in the currency world today?

Overlord. It is the earliest currency to appear. However, other currencies including Ethereum are not far behind. Although they cannot shake Bitcoin's leadership position, they are also constantly eroding its original share. Who knows when Ethereum will surpass it!

Is trx the same as trc20?

There is a popular argument recently!
Everyone is saying that now the track of DEFI and public chains has been completely blocked, and there are no more opportunities
I have read some articles in self-media recently
They all It is full of emotions and arguments: it is said that the only public chain track left in the future is Ethereum, and other public chains including EOS and Tron can only have one idea, and there is no way out

For this view, if you have enough independent thinking ability, you only need to do in-depth critical thinking to find that it is actually untenable!
For example:
15 years ago, everyone thought that Nokia had completely dominated the world, and no one could shake Nokia’s dominance in the mobile phone field. But at that time, everyone’s vision and thinking were limited.
In the field of technology, even Apple, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com
In fact, everyone internally has a sense of crisis and knows that evolution and change are rapid, and it is entirely possible for latecomers to catch up.
How can we say that ETH has completely won?
Today, I feel that there is a potential competitor that is very powerful and lethal, and may compete with Ethereum in the future!
This is the latecomer: TRON

In fact, the rights and wrongs of Justin Sun have been discussed too much in domestic forums
But in fact, everyone’s judgment on Justin Sun is still It’s unfair. If entrepreneurs like Lao Sun were abroad, such as the United States
Old Americans would think that Sun Yuchen was a successful entrepreneur and highly praise him. For example, Sun Yuchen’s Twitter fans in the United States are Many people still recognize Lao Sun very much
But Lao Sun’s image in China seems to be that of a liar who cut other people’s leeks and went to the United States. In fact, it is very different
In the currency circle , there are more people who are more messy than Justin Sun
And in fact, Justin Sun is still working on the project seriously. Those of us who have held TRX for a long time have not lost money at all in about three years. And I’ve made a lot of money
Why is it said today that Justin Sun’s Tron actually has great potential, and may have an increase of more than 50 times?
Many people speculate that it may be due to DEFI, such as TRON’s JUSTSWAP JST and other ecological bonuses
Actually, it is not! !
Not at all! !
Not at all! !

There is actually a super trump card in Sun Yuchen’s TRON ecology, and it is a trump card that everyone has ignored—a trump card that has been seriously ignored! !
USDT TRC20 in Tron
In the following content, I will explain in detail the power of USDT TRC 20

Currently USDT is available in four public chains :
They are:
USDT OMNI on the BTC public chain
USDT ERC 20 on the ETH public chain
USDT EOS on the EOS public chain
USDT TRC20 on the TRX public chain
Anyone who has used USDT in Bitcoin and Ethereum knows how expensive it is!
How slow and slow the speed inside is! !
But if you have experienced USDT TRC20 on TRX, objectively speaking, it is a conscience
This is still a very conscience, very smooth and silky experience
Here: we often say in the currency circle These public chains have no practical applications and are just speculating on concepts. USDT can be said to be a real and real demand, and it has real applications
Why is USDT on TRX more lethal?
An iron rule once again: Those who win the diaosi win the world! !
Just like the world already has Apple, Samsung and Huawei
But Xiaomi also has a huge market! Because those who win the diaosi win the world!
The world hasJD.com, Taobao, Tmall,
Pinduoduo also has a huge market, because diaosi people win the world, and
Pinduoduo’s current market value completely exceeds that of JD.com
If stablecoins have huge potential in the future As for the market, because the vast majority of users are still diaosi
The diaosi effect of TRX’s USDT can also attract a large number of users, and the more it sinks, the more users there will be
The potential for explosive power in the later period Stronger! !
This is not a hype but a real application

On the basis of the strong application of USDT, DEFI JUSTSWAP and other ecology and
BTT JST matrices are superimposed again With the bonus
I believe that Tron should be a very strong opponent of Ethereum in the future
According to the current price of Tron, it is indeed very low
In the bull market, one A 50-fold increase should not be difficult, because the following logic is too hard:

Those who win USDT TRC20 will win the world
Diaosi users are the majority
USDT ERC20 is too expensive Too slow
USDT is fast and cheap
TRX’s other matrix internal projects will have bonus effects, such as: BTT JST, etc.
If you continue to use decentralized finance on the ETH main chain If you do, you will have to pay a huge handling fee
But none of these old leeks in our currency circle are fools
They will pay more in vain
It is easy to come up with a In conclusion, everyone will rotate among these new leeks and old leeks who want to make money
The next trend is not blown up, and there is no congested network

Public chain world
There are only three heroes who can make waves in decentralized finance now

And when
Ethereum’s network After it is completely blocked
A transaction will cost about 0.5 Ethereum
This kind of fee is not something humans can bear
What I am more optimistic about is the king of the year - the pain in everyone's heart
Youzi EOS!!
What’s the reason?
Listen to me in detail
Tell you why this time is the time for EOS to show its power
First of all, EOS adopts
DPOS, a consensus mechanism that has been ridiculed and criticized by everyone The degree of centralization is too high
However, its effect in saving handling fees is basically unparalleled
Everyone who has used MYKEY and a series of other applications on Yuzu will be impressed by this silky smoothness I feel extremely happy with the experience
EOSIt is highly likely that DEFI will surpass Ethereum
Because the ecology will also migrate and adjust
Waiting for the right opportunity, you can make a reasonable leap in moderate practice
This is really what it looks like
For DEFI, everyone is increasingly aware that handling fees are extremely important! !
Therefore, in the coming
time, I believe that projects that can save everyone the handling fee will be favored
that is Yuzu! !
A particularly important reason:
Bihu’s MYKEY will become a huge main force in the future

As you can see, many people who play DEFI now play on mykey, and they have a real experience. Very good
Moreover, Bihu and MYKEY are both important applications built on EOS
They have greatly facilitated the use of decentralized finance by newcomers
And as soon as everyone comes up Wanbihu and MYKEY will take advantage of the trend to participate in Youzi’s projects, such as
Big Harvest DFS!
We see a large number of people playing Big Harvest, isn’t this all because of Bihu?
And the whole experience is very smooth and comfortable, much more comfortable than on uniwsap
br />From the perspective of ease of use and ease of use, EOS’s decentralized finance can be said to have won the agenda
So what is the last extremely important reason?
That is:
EOS has been underestimated and short-sold for a long time
The potential energy has been accumulated and squeezed for a long time, and the follow-up is really huge space
EOS has been complained about , BM and BB have been insulted by everyone for a long time
This is a sign that the mood has bottomed out, in fact, it is the rhythm of rebound

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 一般矿机一个月能挖到多少以太坊显卡币中以太坊(ETH)总体来说是收益比较高且比较具有共识的币种,也十分适合p106挖。p106单卡算力18~19M,超频后能到21~23M,6卡整机算力约为120