比特币合约是对赌的为什么有资金流入呢 比特币合约是对赌的为什么有资金流入和流出

⑴ 比特币合约会涉及到限价委托的功能,这是什么


⑵ 怎么从OKEX的比特币合约中赚钱呢

只要你能买对方向, 赚钱就是分分钟的事情。

⑶ 比特币合约是去OKEX玩吗


⑷ 比特币交易合约公司是不是骗人的


⑸ 比特币交割合约都有每日结算功能是吗,有什么用


⑹ OKEX比特币交割合约的未实现盈亏是如何计算的


⑺ 怎么玩比特币合约


⑻ 比特币合约真的能赚钱吗


⑼ 比特币交割合约有什么规则吗


⑽ 比特币永续合约中的未实现盈亏指的是什么


⑴ The Bitcoin contract will involve the function of limit order, what is it?

okex's limit order stipulates the highest price that the user is willing to buy or the lowest price that the user is willing to sell. After the user sets the price limit, the market will give priority to the price that reaches the favorable direction.

⑵ How to make money from OKEX’s Bitcoin contracts

As long as you can buy in the right direction, making money is a matter of minutes.

⑶ Should you go to OKEX to play Bitcoin contracts?

It is relatively stable and the rules are relatively mature.

⑷ Is the Bitcoin trading contract company a scam?

Probably not, but it is impossible for you to make money through Bitcoin, because Bitcoin is a currency used on the Internet. A trading currency.

⑸ Does the Bitcoin delivery contract have a daily settlement function? What is its use?

The perpetual contract settles the funding rate every eight hours in order to maintain a long-short balance. The delivery contract is settled on the delivery date and the position can be closed at any time.

⑹ How is the unrealized profit and loss of OKEX Bitcoin delivery contract calculated?

Long position: face value * number of contracts / average opening price - face value * number of contracts / latest mark price < br />Short position: face value * number of contracts / latest marked price - face value * number of contracts / average opening price

⑺ How to play Bitcoin contracts

Directly on the Bitcoin trading platform You can complete the contract and add leverage to make it a contract. But the trading platform must be chosen well, such as Huobi and Canadian currency sites, etc., which are more suitable. The main reason is that the platform mainly promotes Bitcoin contracts. In this way, many platform activities are about contract users, and if you are on If you do the above, you can enjoy the corresponding benefits.

⑻ Can Bitcoin contracts really make money?

Can’t make money! Bitcoin has no practical value and can only be used for speculation. They repeatedly emphasize how much money they can earn in a year and what the rate of return is, but they never mention how these profit returns come from.

⑼ Are there any rules for Bitcoin delivery contracts?

At the delivery time, the system uses the arithmetic average of the BTC (LTC and other currencies) US dollar index in the last hour as the delivery price pair All open positions for the current week will be delivered and closed. The profit and loss generated after the delivery and closing of the position are added to the realized profit and loss.

⑽ What does the unrealized profit and loss in the Bitcoin perpetual contract refer to?

The last settlement (04:00, 12:00 and 20:00 Hong Kong time every day) to the current , the profit and loss generated by the user's current position, also called floating profit and loss.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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