币圈图片素材 币圈图片大全

㈠ 1元错版硬币图片及价格


㈡ 快手金币圈怎么没了,设置也找不到了








㈢ 币圈交易所有哪些

usdt、usd、USDC、TUSD、PAX 这几个你可以理解为美元,基本汇率与美元是1:1上下浮动不大

㈣ 星际云矿机是不是骗局

作者 | 张吉龙 编辑 | 安心
这款号称由中原硅谷、北京IPFS实验室等联合开发的机器被宣传的一个重要亮点是能同时挖两种虚拟货币。“讲得是一机双挖,同时产出IPFS和CAI两种代币”,一位矿机的购买者表示,矿机公司当时宣传的是用户可以在IPFS的代币Filecoin上线前先挖 CAI ,待Filecoin上线后,用户可根据收益最大化原则动态切换,形成CAI、Filecoin双挖。
根据全天候科技拿到的一份中原硅谷合肥运营中心(合肥市新琨渤科技有限公司)2018年12月的销售统计表显示,仅仅在12月份,该公司销售的矿机数量高达13747台,销售额达7300多万元。“实际销售的机器应该更多,因为有很多都没有登记在这个表上。” 该公司一位前员工透露。
李炔表示,很多销售除了卖矿机,自己本身也买了很多矿机。她自己只买了30台矿机,而身边的很多同事都买了上百台甚至是几百台。 在CAI币崩盘之后,他们不仅血本无归,甚至不少人因此欠下巨额债务。
资料显示,新加坡AT数字资产交易所的股东是由新加坡 Anthay 基金会发起的区块链资产交易平台。而根据智联招聘显示的信息,这家所谓的新加坡 Anthay 基金会又是霍东投资的一家名为比特大陆(深圳)区块链有限公司的股东之一。由此可见,所谓的AT交易所和霍东、链鑫有着复杂的关系。
除了收维权费之外,受害者手中的矿机也成了一些人眼中的香饽饽,在一些投资者的微信群里,不少人喊着回收矿机,每台机器价格大概在300元到350 元之间。
除了卖配件之外,还有些人收矿机的目的是为了另作他用,虽然这些矿机在这些投资者手中毫无用处,但是在网络上,这些矿机却因为价格便宜大受欢迎。在网络上流传着不少利用矿机改造成为低功耗NAS(Network Attached Storage:网络存储器)的文章。

㈤ 想打印一张硬币大小的圈形照片,请问怎么PS

在PS里新建一个150*150像素的文件,新建时要将颜色模式选择为 CMYK模式,以至于出图不偏色。



㈥ 币圈凉凉唱给你,BHT打新是什么


㈦ 朋友圈发的图片,算不算侮辱主席和钱币犯法吗


㈧ 币圈项目太多如何判断哪个好












1、UBTC增加native contract功能;



4、gjavac, gsharpc, uvmassembler, uvmpackagegpc 整理代码并在github上开源;



1、AnyBit手机钱包充UB奖UB活动于2018年4月4日北京时间晚8点开始,并于2018年4月15日北京时间晚8点结束。活动期间,下载AnyBit并进行UBTC充值的用户,将会获得1%的奖励,最高奖励1 UBTC。活动仅限前1,000名。


2、UB团队4月9日晚上7点至9点在香港湾仔Genesis Block举行了粉丝见面会,UB基金会董事及项目CEO Wouter van der Schagt先生向到场的粉丝介绍了项目进展及规划。UB的各大粉丝社区(微信群、电报群、QQ群、BeeChat群、微博、Twitter推特等)进行了实时的现场图片推送。






1、对ETH、LTC社区发放UBTC的最后一次快照已经于4月11日完成,并于5月2日对符合条件的地址进行发放。详情请参考UB官网www.ub.com 3月18日在新闻版块的公告。


UnitedBitcoin比特联储简称UB,代码UBTC。UB不只是升级版的比特币,更是领先的全球区块链生态。UB由比特币元老、比特币核心开发人员、区块链领域的泰山北斗Jeff Garzik担任首席科学家及基金会董事。





㈨ 我的世界图片



基础攻击力:1; 生命:20 ;护甲:自定义



㈩ 发一张钱的图片到朋友圈怎么写一个精彩的标题





朋友圈里发个信息 她一下午收了上千元红包(国考2000人交流群:329948854)




随手点赞中了圈套 她花钱买面子心情很不爽









㈠ Pictures and prices of the wrong version of the 1 yuan coin

Hello, your coin does not have a corresponding picture description, so I am sorry that I cannot give you a satisfactory answer. If it is wrong The coins still have a certain collection value.
You can consult the local antique market or stamp and coin card market about your coins. The staff or experts and scholars there should give you a satisfactory answer.
The above are some of my personal suggestions, I hope they will be helpful to your problem.

㈡ Why is the Kuaishou gold coin circle gone and the settings can’t be found?

It may be that you have turned off this function. Open Kuaishou, click on the three stripes in the upper left corner, and click on the lower left corner. Just close the widget and reopen the red envelope widget.


(1) Kuaishou is a product of Beijing Kuaishou Technology Co., Ltd. The predecessor of Kuaishou, called "GIF Kuaishou", was born in March 2011. It was originally a mobile application used to create and share GIF images. In November 2012, Kuaishou transformed from a pure tool application into a short video community, a platform for users to record and share their production and life.

(2) Later, with the popularity of smartphones and tablets and the decline in mobile data costs, Kuaishou ushered in the market after 2015. In November 2019, Kuaishou Short Video and the Spring Festival Gala officially signed the "Brand Power Project" to strengthen the country's brand service project. Kuaishou became the exclusive interactive partner of China Central Radio and Television Station's 2020 "Spring Festival Gala" and launched the Spring Festival Gala red envelope interaction.

Er Kuaishou Development

(1) On Kuaishou, users can use photos and short videos to record You can also interact with fans in real time through live broadcast of your own life. Kuaishou’s content covers all aspects of life, and its users are spread across the country. Here, people can find content they like, find people they are interested in, see a more real and interesting world, and let the world discover their true and interesting selves.

(2) Kuaishou’s user positioning is “average people in society”. The distribution of Kuaishou users in second- and third-tier cities is determined by the shape of Chinese society. If we think of all Kuaishou users as one person, he is equivalent to a ‘social average person’. Only 7% of China's population lives in first-tier cities, and 93% of the population lives in second- and third-tier cities.

What are the currency exchanges?

Has the author ever bought and sold stocks?
Stocks are in legal currency.
In principle, in the currency circle, other currencies can be bought and sold in units of any currency.
So there will be various currency pairs.
usdt, usd, USDC, TUSD, and PAX can be understood as U.S. dollars. The basic exchange rate with the U.S. dollar is 1:1 and does not fluctuate much
btc/usdt, this is a Bitcoin usdt currency pair , bits in usdtCoin price.
eos/btc, this is an eos price in btc.

㈣ Is the interstellar cloud mining machine a scam?

This article comes from All Weather Technology. To read more, please log in to www.awtmt.com or the Wall Street Insights APP.
Author | Editor Zhang Jilong | An Xin
“My parents and I were defrauded of more than 400,000 yuan,” investor Wang Yue said on the phone, “I don’t know what to do.”
After confirming After the "mining machine" he purchased turned into a pile of scrap metal, Wang Yue's family fell into a sudden disaster, and his life turned into endless darkness.
Wang Yue is not the only victim. In Anhui, Henan, Sichuan, Jiangsu and other places, there are also a large number of investors who have fallen into the pain of losing wealth. According to some investor estimates, in Hefei alone, three to four hundred people were involved in the "mining machine" scam, involving hundreds of millions of yuan.
As concepts such as Bitcoin and blockchain gradually become popular, fraud incidents related to them are also increasing, and scams are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated, and more difficult to prevent.
Take the "mining machine" scam as an example. This is a trap that is not subtle on the outside, but is well versed in the operating rules of China's civil society. It starts with the disposal of private debts and uses the acquaintance relationship chain as the basis. External radiation, the whole process is combined with the new concept of cryptocurrency mining as a gimmick, and many investors have been defrauded of huge amounts of money unconsciously.
Faced with this new type of scam, not only do many investors not know how to deal with it, but policies and regulations are also blank or lagging behind, which undoubtedly increases the complexity of the entire situation.
"Redefining the Internet Wealth Pattern"
On October 29, 2018, Zhengzhou Sheraton Hotel ushered in an extraordinary grand meeting.
This conference has a very long and difficult to pronounce name - "2018 Zhongyuan Silicon Valley's First (International) Innovation and Technology Ceremony and CAI Rich Ranking Launch Conference", and the organizer is called "Zhongyuan Silicon Valley Innovation Technology Industrial Park" .
Now using the name of this forum as a keyword search, the results show that there are two widely recognized names that were highlighted in many press releases afterwards - the first name is "Hurun Brands" Hurun, the founder of "Rich List", has the second name "Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences".
In fact, the participants all knew that both Hurun and the "Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences" were only supporting roles in this meeting. The real core of this meeting was two other names that were completely unfamiliar to the outside world at the time: one A virtual currency called CAI and a mining machine called “Snail Interstellar Server”.
According to news reports at the time, Hurun himself attended the meeting and delivered a speech, "witnessing the launch of the research and development of CAI, the world's only storage application ecosystem." In this regard, All Weather Technology contacted Hurun Report's public relations The ministry sought confirmation, but had not received a reply as of press time.
MediaIt was reported that Hurun gave a speech at the conference
At that time, at the conference, an unveiling ceremony was held for the chip R&D center of the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to settle in the Central Plains Silicon Valley.
Can you invite Hurun and the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to the platform? What is the origin of this "Zhongyuan Silicon Valley Innovation Technology Industrial Park"? What are CAI and "Snail Interstellar Server"?
In fact, if you search the industrial and commercial information system with the keywords "Zhongyuan Silicon Valley" or "Zhongyuan Silicon Valley Innovation Technology Industrial Park", you will find that no such company or institution exists. According to investors, the real name of this so-called Central Plains Silicon Valley is Henan Lianxin Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Lianxin Company").
On the Internet, the information dimension about the virtual currency called CAI is also extremely single. This mysterious virtual currency first appeared on October 10, 2018, when many blockchain vertical media reported on CAI. News of listing on Singapore AT Exchange.
Almost no one even among investors knows what the CAI coin is - is CAI the abbreviation of the first letters of three English words or the Chinese pinyin? Who is the issuer of this coin? Is there a white paper? Many investors expressed confusion.
At this meeting, the prospect of CAI currency of unknown origin was described as extremely attractive. Many news reports of this meeting said that "as the next trend in the development of contemporary Internet technology, it will redefine Internet wealth pattern." In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of participants, Zhongyuan Silicon Valley also signed a strategic cooperation with Hurun Report, and both parties launched the CAI Rich List.
As another focus of the conference, the “Snail Interstellar Server” mining machine was also grandly launched. “The earlier you choose Snail Interstellar Server to become a city node user, you will get more CAI at a lower cost.” An article on the Internet describes the prospects of this mining machine, saying that “you will enjoy the development of the entire ecosystem in the future. It will bring huge dividends and have the opportunity to become a member of the CAI Rich List."
An important highlight of this machine, which is said to be jointly developed by Zhongyuan Silicon Valley, Beijing IPFS Laboratory, etc., is that it can simultaneously Mine two virtual currencies. “It’s talking about dual mining with one machine, producing two tokens, IPFS and CAI at the same time.” A buyer of the mining machine said that the mining machine company was promoting that users could mine CAI before the IPFS token Filecoin was launched. , after Filecoin goes online, users can dynamically switch according to the principle of maximizing revenue, forming dual mining of CAI and Filecoin.
In the eyes of the above-mentioned buyers, this kind of publicity is extremely tempting. Although no one has heard of CAI currency, Filecoin is a relatively well-known mainstream virtual currency. "Just mine this currency ( CAI) I definitely don’t want to, but IPFS still knows a little bit about it.”
“Recover your capital in two months, zero risk, and make money while you’re still”, Wang Yue said that this is the slogan of the Snail Interstellar Server Mining Machine.
A promotional material provided to Wang Yue by a mining machine salesperson stated that the more mining machines investors purchase, the more coins each machine can mine every day. “One computing power can produce 47 CAI per day, 100 computing power can produce 70 CAI per day, and 1,000 computing power can produce 80 CAI per day.”
This information makes a calculation for investors: each mining machine sells for 5,875 yuan and has a service life of three to five years. Based on the value of each CAI coin at that time being 1.40 yuan, if 100 units are invested Machine, the total investment is 587,500 yuan, and the monthly return is as high as 294,000 yuan. This means that investors can fully recoup their capital in less than two months. "You can sell it for cash at any time 24 hours a day. Once you invest, you will benefit forever."
Wang Yue also discovered that the price of this CAI coin has been rising. After an exchange called AT went online, the price of the coin rose by nearly 80% on the first day, slowly rising from the initial 50 cents. It reached 1.4 yuan, and later rose to about 2 yuan.
As the currency price rose, investors represented by Wang Yue began to buy mining machines in large quantities. Wang Yue said that he had bought 85 mining machines. “At the beginning, I only bought 10 machines. Later, as the As the currency price rises, more machines will be added slowly."
Based on the price of a mining machine being 5,875 yuan, Wang Yue invested a total of nearly 500,000 yuan. But this amount of money is nothing compared to other investors. "I am one of the least invested," Wang Yue said. There are many people who have invested one or two million. As far as she knows, "one aunt invested 76 million."
For Wang Yue and others For investors, huge sums of money were invested in the hope that they could take a place in the process of changing the wealth landscape, but these hopes were dashed.
“The money is gone”
All dreams about wealth came to an abrupt end on February 14, 2019.
On this day, investors received two announcements from AT Exchange and Lianxin Company respectively. AT Exchange stated that due to the hacker attack on the platform, a large number of QD coins were lost and evaporated, and transactions were suspended and frozen. For about 3 months, all trading wallet systems will be closed and currency withdrawals will be suspended.
Announcements from AT Exchange and Lianxin provided by the whistleblower
Lianxin issued an announcement stating that on February 7, the company’s senior executives participated in a roadshow in Silicon Valley, USA, and that all future mining machines will be supplied by the United States. Silicon Valley took over, and cai servers were all involved in Silicon Valley projects worth tens of billions of dollars.
These two announcements send a strong signal to investors: AT Exchange is the only exchange for cai coins, and the suspension of trading means that all coins cannot flow, while Lianxin’s announcement This means that the company's senior management team is no longer in the country but in the United States.
“This means a crash,” one investor said, but most people find it difficult to accept this reality. Because on January 31, before the suspension of trading, the Hefei Operation Center, a branch of Zhongyuan Silicon Valley - Hefei XinkunboTechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xinkunbo Company) also issued a price adjustment notice, saying that it received a notice from the headquarters that starting from February 11, the price of each mining machine will increase by 3,000 yuan, from 5,875 yuan to 8,875 yuan. Many investors hoard a large number of machines in order to avoid rising prices.
However, Wang Yue believes that this matter has already been foreshadowed in January: on January 25th, AT Exchange issued an announcement about the suspension of trading of CAI coins. The reason was that the system was undergoing maintenance upgrades and could not be traded. ; The announcement stated that trading will resume after February 1, 2019. Around this time, the price of CAI coins has been falling, from about 2 yuan to 50 or 60 cents. "At the lowest price, the price dropped to 7 cents." However, even at this price, there were no transactions.
By the end of February, even some of the most determined investors began to feel that the problem was not that simple. Not only the website and app of AT Exchange could not be opened, but also the coin mining APP could not be opened.
Pictures provided by the whistleblower
"Executives of mining machine sales companies have also begun to disappear. They don't answer calls, don't reply to messages, and can't be found." Wang Yue said that at the same time, a terrifying person Rumors circulated among investors: the boss of Lianxin Company had fled to the United States, and the executives of Xinkunbo Company ended up dividing the investors’ money.
Wang Yue did his own calculations and found that the money he spent to buy the machine minus the money he spent selling the coins to repay the capital, he probably lost more than 400,000 yuan. She is lucky. There are still many people who haven't sold a single coin. "The worst thing is that some people have just received the machine, or even before they received the machine, CAI coins cannot be traded."
CAI No one can tell exactly how many investors and funds have been implicated in the collapse of the currency. According to an investor's estimate, in Hefei, Anhui alone, there are three to four hundred people buying mining machines.
According to a December 2018 sales statistics table obtained by All Weather Technology from Zhongyuan Silicon Valley Hefei Operation Center (Hefei Xinkunbo Technology Co., Ltd.), in December alone, the company sold as many as 13,747 units, with sales of more than 73 million yuan. "The actual number of machines sold should be more, because many are not registered on this table." A former employee of the company revealed.
This may be just the tip of the iceberg. Wang Yue estimates that in Hefei alone, the stock of mining machines should be around 30,000. However, Hefei is just an operation center in Zhongyuan Silicon Valley. Its real headquarters is in Zhengzhou. "There should be more victims there." Wang Yue believes that in addition, there are also people buying mining machines in Hubei, Sichuan, Jiangsu and other places.
In the industry, some people speculate that the funds involved in this mining machine may be around 2 billion. CAI has not redefined the Internet wealth pattern, but it has changed the fate of many people and families.
All Weather Technology learned that among investors, there are two groups that have suffered heavy losses.
The first one is the middle-aged and elderly people. Many investors have mentioned that investors in mining machines have one obvious thing in common.It’s just that they are a bit older, mostly senior citizens. An investor told All Weather Technology that he estimated that the average age of the victims was over 50 years old, “someone in their 70s or 80s.”
The reason why these elderly people suffered heavy losses is that on the one hand, they all have a certain amount of wealth accumulation, or their family background is above the well-off level. Many people who participated in the investment said that their families are doing business, or they are using Invest years of savings.
Another group of people who have suffered heavy losses are mining machine salespeople represented by Li Zhen (pseudonym). In fact, they are both sellers and investors of mining machines.
Li Xing said that in addition to selling mining machines, Li Xing also bought a lot of mining machines himself. She only bought 30 mining machines herself, while many of her colleagues bought hundreds or even hundreds of them. After the collapse of CAI currency, they not only lost all their money, but many even owed huge debts.
She said that many salesmen bought mining machines because of the "fooling" of the company leaders. "Don't worry about promotion, we are powerful, and this building is ours." The leaders said that they even encouraged Employees took out loans to buy mining machines. “If your relatives and friends don’t trust you, you can use your own house and car as guarantee for them.”
With the instigation of the company, some sales actually mortgaged your own house. and cars. A friend around me used his house as a mortgage, raised more than 1 million yuan, and bought more than 300 machines. Now that the currency market is collapsing, I have to pay back more than 40,000 yuan to the bank every month, and I am "at the end of my rope."
Mysterious “Friends” and “Debt Relief” Model
What’s paradoxical is that for some elderly people who can’t even use smartphones well, why would they participate in the blockchain that many young people do? What about projects that you can’t even understand?
Li Xing believes that a big reason why many elderly people participate is because of introductions from relatives and friends.
Many investors said that they became friends with executives of mining machine sales companies because of a business called "debt relief." According to their confirmation, the predecessor of Zhongyuan Silicon Valley Hefei Operation Center (Xinkunbo Company) was a debt relief company called "Anhui Cathay Zhonghe Small and Medium Enterprises Economic Information Consulting Co., Ltd." In November 2018, the company changed its name and no longer engaged in debt relief business, but switched to mining machine business. “Except for the name change, the leaders and old employees are exactly the same.”
According to investors, Anhui Guotai Zhonghe Small and Medium Enterprise Economic Information Consulting Co., Ltd. probably started business around 2017. I have been doing debt relief business for about two years and have never had any problems before.
Li Xing’s parents met the senior executive of his company, Mr. Mei, when they were repaying debts. At first, they tried to pay off the debt of 30,000 yuan with hesitation, but then they developed a sense of trust in the company. , and successively settled more debts.
In December 2018, under the introduction of "Mr. Mei", Li Xing went to work at Xinkunbo Company, mainly working onThe main job is to sell mining machines. A recruitment advertisement showed that at that time, the company was recruiting with very high salaries. "If you work hard for a month, you can get a salary of more than 50,000 yuan." She said that in addition to the basic salary, the sales of mining machines also include commissions. The commission is 6% for each unit with less than 50 units, 7% for 50 to 100 units, and 8% for more than 100 units.
For such a job, Li Xing was full of gratitude to "Mr. Mei" at first. At the same time, Li Xing noticed that many of the newly recruited salesmen were introduced by acquaintances like himself, and many of these acquaintances were also It turned out to be senior executives or old employees of the debt settlement company.
It is understood that the so-called debt relief is a private debt treatment method that has emerged in recent years. The specific method is very mysterious. Li Xing explained, "For example, if someone owes you a debt of 100,000 yuan, but the other party cannot pay it back, you can take the 100,000 yuan IOU to the debt settlement company, and then you can pay it back." The company earns 100,000 yuan and will return part of the money to you every month. A total of 200,000 yuan will be returned to you in a year. After deducting 10% of the handling fee, it is 10,000 yuan. You can get 190,000 yuan."
As for Where does the debt relief company’s money come from? Few people know that a debt reliever told All Weather Technology that she had asked the other party this question, but the other party just said, "You don't have to worry about it, the funds are definitely 100% safe."
All Weather Technology discovered that in recent years "Debt banks" whose business is to resolve debts are slowly appearing all over the country. They operate in various areas troubled by debt disputes and claim to be able to solve debt problems for companies and individuals.
Bond banks usually claim that they use commercial actuarial models to achieve debt circulation by building debt chains and help companies and individuals who have entered a debt deadlock to reduce and eliminate debts. However, according to a person who is familiar with the bond bank model, this model actually has strong characteristics of a Ponzi scheme and a pyramid scheme.
In some media, there have also been reports of so-called fraud by debt relief companies. The debt relief company paid the money, but only returned it for a few months and then there was no news from the debt relief company. On the Internet, the model of debt relief companies has caused huge controversy. “The debt relief model is a scam, similar to a Ponzi scheme,” a lawyer said on Zhihu. “From a legal perspective, this kind of organization is Illegal institution.”
Based on the above situation, some people believe that the so-called Snail Interstellar Mining Machine is a trap that has been laid out for many years: using the debt relief company as a tool to gain the trust of investors, and then using the mining machine to carry out the final wave of stabilization Harvest hard.
Some people also speculate that this mining machine fraud may not have been planned in advance, but that it was a debt-relief Ponzi scheme that came to an end and the bubble was about to burst and was used to dump the blame.
The people behind the scenes
From the manufacturers of mining machines to sellers to managed mines and exchanges, looking back on the entire chain afterwards, some investors said that the scam may have been headed by Huo Dong from beginning to end. Carefully compiled by a group of people.
Who is Huo Dong? According to Qichacha, Huo Dong owns 18 companies, including Henan Antai Zhonghe Property Rights Transaction Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,Henan Lianxiang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Lianxiang Company) and so on.
A subsidiary of Huo Dong, picture source: Qichacha
Data show that Huo Dong himself has an inseparable relationship with the debt relief business and the mining machine business mentioned above.
Take the debt relief business as an example. On the one hand, he serves as the executive director of Anhui Cathay Zhonghe Small and Medium Enterprise Economic Information Consulting Co., Ltd., and on the other hand, he serves as the chairman of Henan Antai Zhonghe Property Rights Transaction Consulting Group Co., Ltd. The company is also suspected of being a debt relief company.
According to media reports, on November 19, 2017, Henan Antai Zhonghe Property Rights Trading Consulting Group Co., Ltd. held a press conference to announce the official establishment of Henan Antai Group Company. At the press conference, Antai Group Chairman Huo Dong said, “While Antai solves credit and debt problems, it integrates resources with real estate, automobiles, etc., builds a non-performing asset optimization and cultural industry value platform, helps realize the return of funds, and prevents investment failures. Companies and individuals can recover their losses." On social media, there are also employees suspected of being from Antai Group openly soliciting debt relief business.
In the mining machine business, Lianxiang Company, of which Huo Dong is the legal person, is the parent company of Lianxin Company and a manufacturer of mining machines. Li Xing believes that many people think that Lianxiang is the real headquarters of Zhongyuan Silicon Valley. The reason is that the registered capital of Lianxin Company is only 5 million, while the registered capital of Lianxiang Company is 10 times that of the former, at 50 million.
In addition, there is evidence that Huo Dong has a complicated relationship with AT Exchange.
According to data, the shareholder of Singapore AT Digital Asset Exchange is a blockchain asset trading platform initiated by the Anthay Foundation in Singapore. According to information displayed by Zhaopin.com, the so-called Singapore Anthay Foundation is one of the shareholders of a company called Bitmain (Shenzhen) Blockchain Co., Ltd. invested by Huo Dong. It can be seen that the so-called AT exchange has a complicated relationship with Huo Dong and Lianxin.
Introduction to Bitmain (Shenzhen) Blockchain Co., Ltd., picture source: Zhaopin Recruitment
In fact, according to Qichacha’s information, there are only two natural persons as shareholders of Bitmain (Shenzhen) Blockchain Co., Ltd.— —Huo Dong holds 80% of the shares, and Wang Zongjie, another natural person shareholder, holds 20%.
Interestingly, Sequoia Capital Hong Kong Holdings Group Co., Ltd., another shareholder of Bitmain (Shenzhen) Blockchain Co., Ltd. mentioned in Zhaopin’s recruitment, also has something fishy. The company's name is similar to that of the famous investment institution Sequoia Capital, but a public relations source from Sequoia Capital confirmed to All Weather Technology that Sequoia Capital has nothing to do with the company.
This is not the only case where the companies invested by Huo Dong have used their fame. It is worth noting that in addition to investing in Bitmain (Shenzhen) Blockchain Co., Ltd., Huo Dong also invested in a company called Henan Bitmain Blockchain Co., Ltd. For these two companies, whose names resemble branches of the famous mining giant Bitmain, Bitmain insiders clearly deny that there is any relationship between the two parties.Tie.
In addition to Sequoia Capital and Bitmain denying any relationship with the company invested by Huo Dong, All Weather Technology has also contacted the Institute of Semiconductor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was mentioned in the previous press release and is stationed in the Central Plains Silicon Valley.
A person from the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences told All Weather Technology that he has never cooperated with this company and denied that it has settled in the Central Plains Silicon Valley. "Our institute is engaged in optoelectronics, not integrated circuits," he said. The institute has not done any research on cryptocurrency at all.
All Weather Technology also discovered that in fact, at the end of December 2018, the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences posted a "statement on the false report of 'The Chip R&D Center of the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has settled in the Central Plains Silicon Valley'" on its official website. It was mentioned that it has never participated in any cooperation and construction projects of "Zhongyuan Silicon Valley" in the name of the company, and has never had official negotiations or cooperation intentions with the organization.
Statement from the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Image source: Semiconductor, Chinese Academy of Sciences
However, even though the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, denied it, the sales pitch received by an investor showed that the Snail Star Server was developed by Zhongyuan Silicon Valley Innovation Technology A product jointly developed by the industrial park and the Beijing Institute of Semiconductor, Chinese Academy of Sciences - in previous news reports, it was clearly stated that the mining machine was jointly developed by Zhongyuan Silicon Valley, Beijing IPFS Laboratory and others.
Speaking of this mining machine, what is even more strange is that some investors and salespeople told All Weather Technology that for a while, they tested and found that this so-called mining machine did not need to be plugged in or connected to the Internet at all. You can mine automatically. Regarding this offline mining behavior, they suspected that "CAI coins are not mined at all, but automatically allocated by the system. This machine is of no use at all."
The true value of this mining machine priced at 5,875 yuan also suspected. Wang Yue said that he found some knowledgeable people to estimate the price of this machine, and found that the mining machine was not valuable at all, "the price does not exceed 800 yuan." In addition, some people found after dismantling the machines that some of them were refurbished machines.
Snail Interstellar Mining Machine Configuration, Picture Source: Public Account "Conscience of the Currency Circle"
The New "Reaper"
When the sadness of investors has not gone away, many people are still worried about When they were in pain about how to get their money back, they found that they had ushered in a new harvester, and someone in the WeChat group started a so-called rights protection business.
“Many people want to go to the Henan head office to ask for explanations or call the police, but they don’t have time or energy, so some victims began to call on everyone to raise funds for travel expenses to solve the problem.” Li Xing said that their charging standards vary. Some charge 5 yuan per machine, and some charge 2 yuan/machine.
Privately, many people are dissatisfied with these charging behaviors. “Some people bought more than 10 machines and did not lose much. One machine was charged 5 yuan, and a machine of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan was charged. More than 100,000 yuan, and I still made a lot of money.”
Some people think that it is difficult to say whether paying money to defend rights is useful."My boss has gone abroad, can I get my money back?" They feel there is little hope.
In addition to collecting rights protection fees, the mining machines in the hands of victims have also become popular in the eyes of some people. In some investors’ WeChat groups, many people shouted to recycle the mining machines and the price of each machine. Probably between 300 yuan and 350 yuan.
An investor who has sold mining machines said that many people who collect mining machines are businessmen who make computer accessories, and the reason why they collect mining machines is actually because the mining machine contains a 1TB hard drive and a 1TB hard drive. A 4G memory stick. On JD.com, the cheapest price for a brand new Western Digital 1TB hard drive is 279 yuan, and the price of a 4G DDR3 memory is more than 100 yuan.
In addition to selling accessories, there are also people who collect mining machines for other purposes. Although these mining machines are useless in the hands of these investors, on the Internet, these mining machines are popular because they are cheap. Popular. There are many articles circulating on the Internet about using mining machines to transform them into low-power NAS (Network Attached Storage).
On Taobao and Xianyu, there are also many people selling mining machines, and the sales volume seems to be quite large.
The sales of Snail Interstellar mining machines, picture source: Taobao
Wang Yue said that he has sold all 85 mining machines in his hand, and each machine purchased at a price of 5875 yuan, two She was distressed by the price of the scraps she sold just a month ago, but she felt there was no better way. “There is no way to sell them by myself, and it would be troublesome to keep these things at home.”
In addition, in the CAI Coin Wealth Dream After the collapse, some new and various coins came to the door again. Some people encouraged them to mine new coins or buy new mining machines to mine coins. But without exception, if you want to mine, you either need to buy a new mining machine or a new coin, which in short requires a large investment.
"We are in a dilemma now, don't tell me these things," an investor scolded a promoter who promoted mining new coins in the investor group, "Anyone who pays will not participate in the future. ."
(Wang Yue and Li Xing are pseudonyms in the article)

㈤ I want to print a coin-sized circle photo, how can I create a new one in PS? For a 150*150 pixel file, the color mode must be selected as CMYK mode when creating a new file, so that the image will not have a color cast.

Finally save it in JPEG format and it will be OK.

If you think 150 pixels is too big, you can also adjust it to 100 pixels.

㈥ The currency circle sings to you, what is BHT’s innovation?

The blockchain winter is coming, the currency circle is cool, and the people who are still here are still there. Keep your faith! Like Bihao Exchange has launched a new activity, BHT launches new activities, and continues to do activities for the market!

㈦ Is it illegal to post pictures on Moments to insult the chairman and coins?

It’s not illegal, emm, it’s just for fun

㈧ There are too many projects in the currency circle How to judge which one is better?

It is said that one day in the currency circle takes one year in the stock market. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not unreasonable. Bitcoin has risen sharply in recent days, but fell slightly today. The currency circle is bullish and bearish. The conversion speed is probably unmatched by anyone. However, among the many virtual currencies, how to find high-quality projects? The editor thinks that it is not surprising that the bull market is in the lead. The point is that the bear market still insists on giving weekly reports, at least for projects with relatively reliable teams. Today, the editor still brings you the weekly progress reports of some high-quality projects. The following is the weekly project progress report for the latest week (2018.4.9~4.15) published by the UBTC team. The specific information is as follows:

Preliminary upgrade of UB smart contracts:

Smart contracts are bits One of the major milestones in the technology roadmap of the Federal Reserve (UB) project. In order to prepare for the implementation of smart contracts on UB, the UB team made some adjustments on April 10, 2018, as follows:

1. The block generation speed was adjusted from 10 minutes to 1 minute;

2. The difficulty adjustment period is adjusted once every 10 blocks;

3. The block reward is adjusted to 1 UBTC;

4. The total amount of UBTC is adjusted from 21 million to 20 million;

5. The maturity period of the reward is 7,200 blocks;

This adjustment requires users to download the latest version of the wallet to ensure that subsequent use is not affected.

Wallet download link: https://www.ub.com/project/wallet

Research and development:

1. UBTC adds native contract function;


2. The UBTC contract function continues to be tested internally and BUGs are fixed;

3. The documentation for testing the UBTC contract function continues to be improved;

4. gjavac, gsharpc, uvmassembler, uvmpackagegpc organizes the code and makes it open source on github;

5. Deploy the contract version public beta chain;


1. AnyBit mobile wallet recharge UB reward UB activity It will start at 8:00 pm Beijing time on April 4, 2018, and end at 8:00 pm Beijing time on April 15, 2018. During the event, users who download AnyBit and recharge UBTC will receive a 1% reward, with a maximum reward of 1 UBTC. The event is limited to the first 1,000 people.

The calculation of rewards is based on the UBTC balance at 8pm Beijing time on April 15, 2018. The rewarded UBTC will be uniformly distributed to the corresponding UBTC address on April 16.

2. The UB team held a fan meeting at Genesis Block in Wanchai, Hong Kong from 7 to 9 pm on April 9. Mr. Wouter van der Schagt, director of the UB Foundation and project CEO, introduced the project progress and planning. UB's major fan communities (WeChat group, Telegram group, QQ group, BeeChat group, Weibo, Twitter, etc.) pushed live pictures in real time.

3. The "UB Global Support Club" Weibo held a comment lottery on April 9 to give away UB customized hats and jackets. Under the supervision and notarization of Weibo’s official lottery tool @微博彩票平台, an enthusiastic fan from Ningbo was lucky enough to be drawn. The fan has already received the prize and posted the picture on Weibo @安style的quietly.

4. On the 14th, the UB team sent representatives to participate in the [Chainge] Blockchain Technology Salon hosted by Babbitt and interacted with the guests present. The salon was held at Yulon International Building, Huli District, Xiamen City.

5. Enthusiastic fans made related emoticons (animations) for UB’s upgrade and adjustment on the 10th and spread them in the WeChat group.

6. The "ub subscription account" WeChat public account will soon launch a daily sign-in lottery function, so stay tuned!

Community distribution:

1. The last snapshot of UBTC distribution to the ETH and LTC communities has been completed on April 11, and will be carried out on May 2 for eligible addresses. issued. For details, please refer to the announcement in the news section of UB’s official website www.ub.com on March 18.

About UBTC:

UnitedBitcoin is referred to as UB, code UBTC. UB is not only an upgraded version of Bitcoin, but also a leading global blockchain ecosystem. UB is led by Jeff Garzik, a Bitcoin veteran, Bitcoin core developer, and Taishan Beidou in the blockchain field, as the chief scientist and foundation director.

UB 100% inherits the Bitcoin blockchain and upgrades and optimizes it. UB’s upgrades and optimizations include expanding the block size to 8MB, supporting SegWit isolation witness, and adding smart contracts and lightning networks, etc.

UB is committed to bringing value to inactive Bitcoin credits. Finally, based on these credits, stable currencies anchored to legal currencies will be issued for use in a broad, fast, efficient, and intelligent business society.

Currently, the UB team has developed AnyBit mobile wallet APP (AnyBit is a decentralized multi-currency wallet APP), Core, Core-QT, and Electrum wallet (Electrum is a lightweight wallet that supports multi-signature level wallet) and released a complete blockchain explorer.

More than 18 trading platforms around the world support UBTC transactions.

㈨ Minecraft Pictures

Introductions include:


Basic attack power: 1; HP: 20; Armor: Custom

Steve is the first user-operated character. He had appeared in the second beta and several subsequent versions, when Steve was called a human and could only run around the block in a near-convulsive manner. The default player is called "Steve?" (Because the name "Steve" is not his real name, Notch added a question mark after it).

The default player skin has brown hair and blue-purple eyes, wearing a blue shirt, a pair of jeans and gray-black shoes. Players of XBox360 and PE versions may have different skins.

㈩ How to write a wonderful title when sending a picture of money to Moments

"The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, send me 3 yuan to buy it Are the mooncakes good?"

"National Day is coming soon, let’s figure out the red envelope relationship."

"iPhone6s is on the market, your red envelope can stop me from selling my kidney. ”

The Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are coming one after another. Recently, reporters have received many complaints from WeChat users, saying that they have encountered “WeChat beggars”. "Just put it on the blacklist, you won't be able to save face; give it, and they will push you further, and the next day they will ask you for money in another way." Mr. Luo, a citizen, said that there are especially many such "WeChat beggars" late at night or on holidays. , leaving him wondering what to do.

Send a message in the circle of friends that she received thousands of yuan in red envelopes in one afternoon (National Examination 2000 people exchange group: 329948854)

“Send me a red envelope and I will take a screenshot. Send it to Moments to tell you my impression of you!" At noon yesterday, Ms. Huang, a Chongqing citizen, posted this message on her WeChat Moments, wanting to see how many red envelopes she could receive. Unexpectedly, more than 100 WeChat friends sent her WeChat red envelopes, and her income reached thousands of yuan in one afternoon.

“I’m so flattered. I didn’t expect that everyone cares so much about my impression of them.” Ms. Huang lamented in the circle of friends that there were so many friends who sent red envelopes that in the end there was no way to be like what she said at the beginning. Like that, she responded to her impressions one by one, "It's incredible that a message in Moments can earn so much money."

Ms. Huang revealed that the amount of red envelopes sent by her friends ranged from large to small, "The smallest one is just I gave 1 cent, and the most I received was 188 yuan."

I fell into the trap by randomly liking it, and she felt very unhappy about spending money to buy face

"I have never been so bad. "My pants fell off while walking." Yesterday morning, Ms. Wu, a citizen, saw her friend update a circle of friends and couldn't help but reply with a few laughing emoticons. Who knew, this turned out to be a game to tease people? After replying to this post, she immediately received a message from this friend: "This is a serial game. Who commented orIf you like it, you must forward the content to your circle of friends according to regulations, otherwise you will be given a red envelope! ”

“This is too cheating! "Ms. Wu seemed a little dumbfounded. If she reposted it, more of her friends would be affected; if she didn't repost it, it would be unreasonable not to give a red envelope. In the end, she forwarded an 18.88 yuan red envelope to this friend and kindly reminded him not to If you play this kind of game again, “The comment was made with good intentions, but it turned out that I was deceived and I was very unhappy. "

Unlike Ms. Wu, Du Juan, a hot-tempered girl from Chongqing, will block anyone asking for red envelopes no matter what the tricks are. "At first, it was just two friends who sent me separate WeChat messages asking me for red envelopes. It’s okay; something has been wrong recently, and many people I don’t know at all have sent messages to ask for help. I will directly block such people. ”

Look at the tricks people ask for red envelopes

1. Scammers

“Give me five yuan and I’ll give you a big "The gossip" - he will really give you a big gossip picture!

"Give me five yuan and I will pay you back later" - he will really give you a five yuan picture Pictures of money and RMB.

2. Holiday version

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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