比特币合约稳赚不赔策略是什么 比特币合约稳赚不赔策略分析

A. 挖比特币是稳赚不赔吗


B. 比特币合约真的能赚钱吗


C. 比特币合约常常提到的止盈止损是什么意思


D. 比特币合约不亏钱的方法


E. 我在网上认识一个网友让做比特币,他说稳赚不赔,我投了三万七千元觉着被骗了我该怎么办


F. 比特币合约赔了三十多万怎么办


G. 比特币交易策略


H. 比特币合约如何对冲风险


I. 比特币合约基金靠谱吗

知乎 · 18 个回答
33 人赞同了该回答






















发布于 06-22・著作权归作者所有

J. 怎么玩比特币合约


A. Is it safe to make money by mining Bitcoin?

As far as the current situation is concerned, it can be said that mining is safe but not profitable.
Nowadays, mining is much more difficult. Hardware investment and electricity costs are too high. Without professional mining equipment, you will definitely lose money. But even if you have professional equipment, it is difficult to make money. The Bitcoin market has changed, and now many manufacturers and dealers are quitting and changing careers.

B. Can Bitcoin contracts really make money?

Bitcoin contracts can make money, but you have to do it in the right direction. Once you make a mistake, you will lose money very quickly. It is recommended to be cautious. Good luck investing.

C. What is the meaning of stop-profit and stop-loss often mentioned in Bitcoin contracts

If the order price set by the user triggers the price limit rule at this time, the system will use this time limit Place an order at the highest or lowest price.

D. How to avoid losing money on Bitcoin contracts

Any investment risk and return coexist. If you don’t want the risk, there will naturally be no return.

E. I met a netizen on the Internet who asked me to trade in Bitcoin. He said that I would definitely make money without losing any money. I invested 37,000 yuan and felt that I was cheated. What should I do?

Just appeal the payment voucher and get it back

F. What should I do if I lose more than 300,000 yuan in the Bitcoin contract?

It is normal to lose more than 300,000 yuan in the Bitcoin contract. This kind of leverage trading The risk is very high, and it is right to avoid the risk.

G. Bitcoin Trading Strategy

Here Jack Coin Club will share with you what exactly is Ethereum? It is no different from a stock, just another name: buy low, sell high! Of course, you can also buy or sell, which is different from A shares.

H. How to hedge risks with Bitcoin contracts

Why do I get this kind of question? This is not my expertise

I. Bitcoin contract funds rely on Speculation?

How much did you lose in Bitcoin contracts?
Zhihu · 18 answers
33 people agreed with this answer
In fact, you can make a steady profit by playing Bitcoin contracts. I hope this strategy will be helpful to everyone!

I have been using, strictly speaking, risk-free arbitrage.

For example, the current price of Bitcoin is 10,000 US dollars

1. Suppose you use 5,000 yuan to open a long position with 20 times leverage

2. At the same time Open 2 put options for hedging on BitOffer (cost of US$60, the world’s first BTC American option platform)

✅The first one, when Bitcoin rises by US$200, the increase is 2%
< br />1. Going long with 20 times leverage, the profit is 40%, which is 2,000 yuan

2. The put option loses the principal, which is 60 US dollars (420 yuan)

3. After settling the two, the net profit of the account is 1,580 yuan

✅Second, when Bitcoin drops by 200 US dollars, the drop is 2%

1, 20 Going long with leverage of 40 times, the loss is 40%, which is 2,000 yuan

2. The put option profit is 400 US dollars, which is 2,800 yuan

3. After deducting the option cost of 60 US dollars, the net The profit is 380 yuan

✅The third type, when Bitcoin rises by 500 US dollars, the increase is 5%

1. Go long with 20 times leverage, double the capital, and make a profit 5,000 yuan

2. The put option loses principal, which is 60 US dollars (420 yuan)

3. The two settle, the net profit is 4,580 yuan

✅The fourth type, when Bitcoin drops by 500 US dollars, the drop is 5%

1. Going long with 20 times leverage, triggering a liquidation, and losing 5,000 yuan

2. The put option profit is 1,000 US dollars, which is 7,000 yuan

3. Subtract (5,000 + 60 US dollars), the net profit is 1,580 yuan

Note: The contract has reached liquidation , the account is still profitable

Published on 06-22·The copyright belongs to the author
Xue Feifei
When I see the words "steady profit", I want to curse! !
The wind blows at the center of the earth
First of all, bitoffer is not safe, and secondly, apart from the program, positions cannot be closed at the same time

J. How to play Bitcoin contracts

Directly in The contract can be completed on the Bitcoin trading platform, and the contract becomes a contract with leverage. But the trading platform must be chosen well, such as Huobi and Canadian currency sites, etc., which are more suitable. The main reason is that the platform mainly promotes Bitcoin contracts. In this way, many platform activities are about contract users, and if you are on If you do the above, you can enjoy the corresponding benefits.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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