比特币交割合约最长时间是多久 比特币交割合约最长时间是多少

⑴ OKEX比特币交易所合约交易的交割日期是哪天


⑵ 比特币交割合约有什么规则吗


⑶ 比特币交割合约都有每日结算功能是吗,有什么用


⑷ 比特币交割合约每日结算的功能有什么用

2013年12月5日,《中国人民银行 工业和信息化部 中国银行业监督管理委员会 中国证券监督管理委员会 中国保险监督管理委员会关于防范比特币风险的通知》:比特币是一种特定的虚拟商品;比特币交易作为一种互联网上的商品买卖行为,普通民众在自担风险的前提下,拥有参与的自由。
2017年9月4日,《中国人民银行 中央网信办 工业和信息化部 工商总局 银监会 证监会 保监会关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》:禁止从事代币发行融资活动(ICO);交易平台不得从事法定货币与代币、“虚拟货币”相互之间的兑换业务,不得买卖或作为中央对手方买卖代币或“虚拟货币”,不得为代币或“虚拟货币”提供定价、信息中介等服务。

⑸ 比特币的交割合约好还是永续合约好


⑹ 一般比特币交易所比特币合约最高可以做多少倍


⑺ 比特币交割合约有什么规则需要注意


⑻ 怎么只有OKEX有比特币永续合约交易和交割合约


⑴ What is the delivery date for OKEX Bitcoin exchange contract transactions

Friday! Be careful when playing with these

⑵ Are there any rules for Bitcoin delivery contracts?

At the delivery time, the system will use the arithmetic mean of the BTC (LTC and other currencies) US dollar index in the last hour All open positions for that week will be delivered and closed as the delivery price. The profit and loss generated after the delivery and closing of the position are added to the realized profit and loss.

⑶ Does the Bitcoin delivery contract have a daily settlement function? What is its use?

The perpetual contract settles the funding rate every eight hours in order to maintain a long-short balance. The delivery contract is settled on the delivery date and the position can be closed at any time.

⑷ What is the use of the daily settlement function of Bitcoin delivery contracts?

On December 5, 2013, "The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Bank of China and the China Banking Regulatory Commission China Notice of the Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Preventing Bitcoin Risks: Bitcoin is a specific virtual commodity; Bitcoin trading is a commodity buying and selling behavior on the Internet, and ordinary people do so at their own risk. , with the freedom to participate.
On September 4, 2017, "Announcement of the People's Bank of China, the Central Cyberspace Affairs Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the Insurance Regulatory Commission on Preventing Token Issuance Financing Risks": It is prohibited to engage in token issuance financing activities (ICO ); the trading platform shall not engage in the exchange business between legal currency and tokens or "virtual currencies", shall not buy or sell tokens or "virtual currencies" or act as a central counterparty, and shall not provide pricing for tokens or "virtual currencies" , information intermediary and other services.

⑸ Which Bitcoin delivery contract or perpetual contract is better?

It doesn’t matter, it depends on your trading habits.

⑹ What is the maximum number of times a Bitcoin contract can be made on a general Bitcoin exchange?

The delivery contract should be 40 times, and the perpetual price is 100 times.

⑺ What are the rules of Bitcoin delivery contracts that you need to pay attention to

The next week contract and quarterly contract will participate in settlement. After settlement, the profit and loss will be recalculated based on the settlement base price. After settlement, it can be transferred If the user closes the position before settlement, all the margin required to open the position after settlement and the realized profit and loss can be transferred out of the virtual contract account.

⑻ Why is it that only OKEX has Bitcoin perpetual contract trading and delivery contracts?

I think it’s because OKEX’s technology is stronger, and Huobi and Binance also want to use it but can’t. Go and take a look and you will know that the technical gap is here.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

『壹』 奇亚币倒台了为什么还有人收摘要号称“绿色比特币”的Chia自3月19日上线以来,成为了虚拟货币界的当红炸子鸡。由于挖矿采用的是硬盘,于是大量矿工疯狂采购大容量硬盘,导致世面上硬盘价格一飞冲天,