波场链pin币 波场链上发币

『壹』 币圈打散一次翻4倍什么意思


『贰』 孙宇晨的波场在公链建设方面做的怎么样


『叁』 关于币圈,有哪些是需要我们了解的










『肆』 币圈什么是TS20通道


『伍』 币圈链圈以及ICO是什么样的关系如何进行投资


『陆』 trx和trc20一样吗

都在说,现在DEFI啊 公链啊 这条赛道已经彻底堵死了,没有更多机会了

在科技领域,就算是苹果谷歌亚马逊阿里巴巴 腾讯京东网络
这就是后来者:波场 TRX

很多人猜测可能是DEFI的原因, 比如波场的JUSTSWAP JST这些生态的加成

波场里面的USDT TRC20
下面的内容我会细细道来这个USDT TRC 20的厉害之处

ETH公链上面的 USDT ERC 20
波场TRX公链上面的 USDT TRC20
但是如果你要是体验过TRX上面的USDT TRC20的话,客观地说良心话
就像这个世界已经有苹果 三星 华为了
但是小米也有很大的一个市场! 因为得屌丝者得天下!
世界上有了京东 淘宝 天猫,

在USDT这个强应用的基础之上再次叠加DEFI JUSTSWAP 等等生态和
BTT JST这些矩阵的加成之下

USDT TRC20得屌丝者得天下
USDT ERC20这些太贵太慢
TRX其他矩阵内部的项目会有加成效应比如:BTT JST等等


柚子EOS !!


『柒』 币安链怎么转波场链


『捌』 币圈和链圈的区别是什么

链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

『玖』 想多学一些区块链和币圈知识在哪里学


『拾』 新人刚进区块链币圈要注意些什么

对于新人进币圈来说的话,首先先了解比特币区块链金融的一些原理,了解比特币是什么,他对于区块链有什么作用,观察一段时间的币圈主流币的趋势,不要乱入场,被人的分析可以看,但是要有自己的分析,如果有一个新的币种出现,要看他们的网站,白皮书,社群,有没有做事等等,不要一上来就 买买,要观察。
另外币圈一部分主流币,是长期看涨的,可以持有一些做定投,例如eos 你在30元买的,但是她一直再跌,那你可以再25元的时候再入一些,降低进场的平均价格。还有就是不要动不动就卖了,因为你卖了之后,可能就不能再以这么低的价格入场了,如果买高跌了,就被套了。
例如我长期观察的一个币种就是TTC,社群规模不大,但是一直在做事,做钱包,做金融,做社交,最终以TTC这个代币为基准,所有的都是在TTC主链上做,所有的也都在为TTC 服务。所以山寨币你要去深入了解他们,才会更好。总之一句话,要谨慎对待,可以拿自己的一小部分钱进去,但是不要太多的。

『一』 What does it mean when the currency circle breaks up and quadruples at once

Summary After comparing today’s data, we found that if you bought all the top ten tokens on this day last year, And if you hold it until today, you will find:

『二』How is Justin Sun’s Tron doing in public chain construction?

In the past four years, Tron has continued to invest in The research and development cost reaches 1 billion yuan. On the other hand, a number of "domestic public chain" projects were launched at the same time as Tron or even earlier, and were given high hopes because of their various auras, but in the end they fell silent. Tron, led by Sun Yuchen, successfully broke through the collective collapse of "domestic public chains". After three years of accumulation, it gradually began to enter a good situation. The blockchain ecological pattern may be improved after Tron launches the expansion cross-chain solution BTTC. There is a chance it can be rewritten.

『三』What do we need to know about the currency circle?

If you have just entered the cryptocurrency circle and are about to buy digital currency, don’t worry, calm down and take a look first Take a look at the following content, I guess it will be helpful to you.

1. What is a digital currency wallet
Many people say that a digital currency wallet is used to store digital currency. Generally speaking, there is no problem with this understanding, but in fact, a digital currency wallet is used to store digital currency. It is not a digital currency, but a tool for holding keys (private keys and public keys). With the key, you can have control over the digital currency at the corresponding address. You can accept the digital currency payment address generated in the wallet. When others transfer digital currency to you, you can also transfer the digital currency you own to others. Generally speaking, it can be understood as being used to store and trade digital currencies.

2. The structure of digital currency wallet
1. Address:
The wallet address is a string of characters used to transfer money. The wallet address can be understood as a bank card number. Tell anyone that anyone who knows your wallet address can transfer digital currency to your wallet address. Different digital currency addresses are also different. For example, the addresses of EOS and BTC are different.
2. Private key
The private key is a random number generated by the system through a cryptographic algorithm based on the random factors in the user environment. It can be thought of as a bank card password. For each transaction, the payer must issue a private key and the signature generated by the private key.
3. Public key
The public key is generated from the private key and appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address and is mainly used to generate the address.
4. Password
When creating a wallet, you need to set a password. The main uses of the password are: 1. The payment password when transferring money; 2. The password needs to be verified when importing the wallet. Passwords are actively set by users, but are much less secure than private keys. The password mainly plays the role of double protection.
5. Mnemonic phrase
The mnemonic phrase is another form of private key. Its function is equivalent to the private key. The mnemonic phrase is generally composed of 12-15 or more English words. Mnemonic words will doFind the private key and restore the wallet, so the mnemonic phrase is very important. Most wallets will prompt users to back up the mnemonic phrase in order to restore the wallet.

3. Classification of digital currency wallets
Can be roughly divided into two categories, hot wallets (online wallets) and cold wallets (offline wallets)
(1) Hot wallets:
Also known as online wallet, it includes light wallet and heavy wallet (full node wallet). Wallets that need to be connected to the Internet can directly perform transaction operations.
1. Light wallet:
Does not store the complete blockchain, only saves data related to itself. It is small in size and can be run on mobile phones, computers, web pages, etc.
Advantages and disadvantages: Does not occupy memory, supports a variety of digital assets, good user experience, quick to get started with novices, but transaction verification is slightly slow

2. Heavy wallet (full node wallet)
Maintains all blockchain data, is completely decentralized, and synchronizes all data. It has better privacy and can verify the validity of transaction data locally.
The advantages and disadvantages of hot wallets: better privacy and faster verification of information, but data needs to be synchronized before each use, takes up a lot of hard drive space, and does not support multiple digital currency transactions.
(2) Cold wallet:
A cold wallet is a wallet that is not connected to the Internet, also called an offline wallet; such as professional hardware equipment, or writing the private key (mnemonic phrase) on paper.
1. Hardware wallet
Hardware wallet uses professional hardware to store digital currency, and stores the private key of digital assets in a separate chip, which is isolated from the Internet and can be plugged and played.
2. Paper Wallet
Write the private key on paper and store it, then delete it

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cold Wallet: It is relatively safe, but it is very troublesome to create a wallet and make transactions. It is difficult for novices to operate, and wallet prices are relatively expensive, generally ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of yuan. If you don’t have a large amount of digital assets, you don’t need to consider it.

4. How to choose a digital currency wallet
Light wallets are simpler and more convenient to use, generally support multiple currencies, and are generally suitable for newbies in the currency circle or for transactions and storage. Not a big user. For example, geekwallet
Hardware wallets are not connected to the Internet and are more secure, but the operations are relatively complex and are generally suitable for users with large transactions and storage volumes.

5. Precautions when using digital currency wallets

1. Keep your password well. Once lost, it cannot be retrieved. However, you can reset your password through a mnemonic phrase (provided you keep the mnemonic phrase safely).
2. Keep the private key well. The owner of the private key is the real owner of Bitcoin.
3. Keep the mnemonic phrase well. Once someone else gets the mnemonic phrase, they can transfer all the blockchain assets in the wallet corresponding to the mnemonic phrase.

『四』 What is the TS20 channel in the currency circle

Summary RC20USDT isThe stablecoin jointly issued by TRON and Tether, compared with the old stablecoins (Omni-USDT and ERC20-USDT, etc.), TRC20-USDT has been greatly optimized in terms of transfer fees and transaction confirmation speed.

『五』What is the relationship between the currency circle, chain circle and ICO and how to invest?

Now the most mature market for the application of blockchain technology is digital currency, so I want to make a difference Blockchain first enters the currency circle. Doing blockchain abroad refers to overseas ICO. You can first choose countries with loose policies such as Singapore and Switzerland, etc., and then set up entities such as the Singapore Foundation, and then obtain legal and compliance support. , listed on major digital currency exchanges. It is recommended to find a company that specializes in ICO services. For example, Siyi Unicorn has good reviews.

『Lu』 Are trx and trc20 the same?

There is a popular argument recently!
Everyone is saying that now the track of DEFI and public chains has been completely blocked, and there are no more opportunities
I have read some articles in self-media recently
They all It is full of emotions and arguments: it is said that the only public chain track left in the future is Ethereum, and other public chains including EOS and Tron can only have one idea, and there is no way out

For this view, if you have enough independent thinking ability, you only need to do in-depth critical thinking to find that it is actually untenable!
For example:
15 years ago, everyone thought that Nokia had completely dominated the world, and no one could shake Nokia’s dominance in the mobile phone field. But at that time, everyone’s vision and thinking were limited.
In the field of technology, even Apple, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com
In fact, everyone internally has a sense of crisis and knows that evolution and change are rapid, and it is entirely possible for latecomers to catch up.
How can we say that ETH has completely won?
Today, I feel that there is a potential competitor that is very powerful and lethal, and may compete with Ethereum in the future!
This is the latecomer: TRON

In fact, the rights and wrongs of Sun Yuchen have been discussed too much in domestic forums
But in fact, everyone has a negative opinion about Sun Yuchen. The judgment is still unfair. If an entrepreneur like Lao Sun is abroad, such as the United States
The United States will think that Sun Yuchen is a successful entrepreneur and highly respect him. For example, Sun Yuchen is on Twitter in the United States. There are many fans, and everyone still recognizes Lao Sun very much
But Lao Sun’s image in China seems to be that of a liar who cut other people’s leeks and ran to the United States. In fact, it is very different
In Coin In the circle, there are many people who are more promiscuous than Sun Yuchen
And in fact, Sun Yuchen is still recognizingThose of us who are serious about doing projects, those of us who hold TRX for a long time have not lost money at all in about three years, and we have also made a lot of money
Why is it said today that Justin Sun’s TRON actually has great potential? And there may be an increase of more than 50 times?
Many people speculate that it may be due to DEFI, such as TRON’s JUSTSWAP JST and other ecological bonuses
Actually, it is not! !
Not at all! !
Not at all! !

There is actually a super trump card in Sun Yuchen’s TRON ecology, and it is a trump card that everyone has ignored—a trump card that has been seriously ignored! !
USDT TRC20 in Tron
In the following content, I will explain in detail the power of USDT TRC 20

Currently USDT is available in four public chains :
They are:
USDT OMNI on the BTC public chain
USDT ERC 20 on the ETH public chain
USDT EOS on the EOS public chain
USDT TRC20 on the TRX public chain
Anyone who has used USDT in Bitcoin and Ethereum knows how expensive it is!
How slow and slow the speed inside is! !
But if you have experienced USDT TRC20 on TRX, objectively speaking, it is a conscience
This is still a very conscience, very smooth and silky experience
Here: we often say in the currency circle These public chains have no practical applications and are just speculating on concepts. USDT can be said to be a real and real demand, and it has real applications
Why is USDT on TRX more lethal?
An iron rule once again: Those who win the diaosi win the world! !
Just like the world already has Apple, Samsung and Huawei
But Xiaomi also has a huge market! Because those who win the diaosi win the world!
With JD.com, Taobao and Tmall in the world,
Pinduoduo also has a huge market, because diaosi people win the world, and
Pinduoduo’s current market value has completely surpassed JD.com
If there is a huge market for stablecoins in the future, because the vast majority of users are still diaosi
The diaosi effect of TRON’s TRX and USDT can also capture a large number of users, and the more sinking, the greater the number of users.
The explosive power may be stronger in the later stage! !
This is not a hype but a real application

On the basis of the strong application of USDT, DEFI JUSTSWAP and other ecology and
BTT JST matrices are superimposed again With the bonus
Believe in the futureTron should be a very strong rival to Ethereum
According to the current price of Tron, it is indeed very low
It should not be difficult to achieve a 50-fold increase in the bull market, because the following These logics are too hard:

Those who win the USDT TRC20 Diaosi will win the world
The majority of Diaosi users are
USDT ERC20 is too expensive and too slow
USDT is fast and Cheap
The projects within TRX’s other matrix will have bonus effects, such as: BTT JST, etc.
If you continue to use decentralized finance on the ETH main chain, you will have to pay huge fees Fee
But none of these old leeks in our currency circle are fools
who would pay more in vain
It is easy to draw a conclusion that these new leeks who want to make money are old Everyone in Leek will rotate
The next outlet that has not been blown up, there is no congested network

Public chain world
Now it can make waves in decentralized finance There are only three heroes

And when
Ethereum’s network was completely blocked
A transaction It costs about 0.5 Ethereum
This kind of cost is not affordable by humans
What I am more optimistic about is the king of the year - the pain in everyone's heart
Youzi EOS!!
Listen to me in detail
Tell you why this time is the time for EOS to show its power
First of all, EOS adopts
DPOS, a consensus mechanism that has been ridiculed and criticized by everyone The degree of centralization is too high
However, its effect in saving handling fees is basically unparalleled
Everyone who has used MYKEY and a series of other applications on Yuzu will be impressed by this silky smoothness I feel extremely happy about the experience
It is highly likely that EOS will surpass Ethereum’s DEFI
Because the ecology will also be migrated and adjusted
You can wait for the right opportunity and you can do it in moderation Reasonable leaps have occurred in practice
This is really what it looks like
For DEFI, everyone is increasingly aware that handling fees are extremely important! !
Therefore, in the coming
time, I believe that projects that can save everyone the handling fee will be favored
that is Yuzu! !
A particularly important reason:
Bihu’s MYKEY will become a huge main force in the future

As you can see, many people who play DEFI now play on mykey, and they have a real experience. Very good
And Bihu and MYKEY is an important application built on EOS
They have greatly facilitated the use of decentralized finance by newcomers
And as soon as everyone starts playing with Bihu and MYKEY, they will follow the trend and learn from it. Come and participate in Yuzu’s projects such as
Big Harvest DFS!
We see a large number of people playing Big Harvest, isn’t this all because of Bihu?
And the whole experience is very smooth and comfortable, much more comfortable than on uniwsap
br />From the perspective of ease of use and ease of use, EOS’s decentralized finance can be said to have won the agenda
So what is the last extremely important reason?
That is:
EOS has been underestimated and short-sold for a long time
The potential energy has been accumulated and squeezed for a long time, and the follow-up is really huge space
EOS has been complained about , BM and BB have been insulted by everyone for a long time
This is a sign that the mood has bottomed out, which is actually the rhythm of rebound

『撒』 How to convert Binance Chain to Tron Chain


Hello summary

『8』What is the difference between currency circle and chain circle

Many people use "chain circle", "coin circle" and "mining circle" I can’t tell the difference, but aside from those connections, the essence of the three is actually quite different. In the blockchain ecosystem, it is currently roughly divided into three circles, namely the "chain circle", the "coin circle", and the "mining circle" ". The three are related to each other, but they are also very different.
Chain Circle - Chain Circle, the representative of the technical school. The threshold is higher than the other two circles, and it mainly focuses on the development and development of blockchain technology. application, so it is more difficult for ordinary people to get into it.
Blockchain can be divided into three stages: private chain, public chain and alliance chain.
Coin circle-coin circle can be said to be The most colorful circle. It focuses on speculating on encrypted digital currencies and is the circle with the lowest entry barrier among the three circles. The main characteristics are currency issuance and speculation. The coins issued based on blockchain technology are mainstream currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. etc., the risk is smaller. The coins issued by ICO are altcoins, which have certain risks. The hype is caused by the lack of supervision in the industry and common back-end trading. Currently, ICO has been banned in China.
Mining Circle - Mining A circle is a circle of people who focus on "mining". This mining is different from mining in life, but a behavior performed to obtain virtual currency rewards. People who participate in mining are called They are miners.
Mining requires the use of tools. In the early days, mining could be done through ordinary computers. Later, as the number of miners continued to increase, it began to develop into mining machine mining and mining pool mining. Mining requirements The cost is relatively high, such as huge power consumption, and the electricity bill is also a big expense.
The threshold of the mining circle is slightly higher than that of the currency circle, but lower than that of the chain circle. Most people have heard of mining, but There are still fewer people actually participating in mining.
Compared with the chain circle and the currency circle, the mining circle is also affected by external natural environment.The impact of the environment, such as damage to mining machines in mines, etc.
In the current context, it is meaningless to hype the concept of blockchain. Blockchain practitioners must find ways to contribute value to this society and create wealth instead of evaporating wealth. Therefore, we do not distinguish between currency circles and chain circles. Those who can create value are good circles.
The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot of the "Smart Learning Workshop 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning, Construction and Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. workstation. The professional position is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

『九』 If you want to learn more about blockchain and currency circle, where can you learn?

Many blockchain media or analysts only talk about general principles, and most of the blockchain They are all scams, and it requires a very thorough and sharp analysis to avoid losses. I usually look at Xiaoju Blockchain, and after reading it, I think it is very reliable compared to others

『Shi』 A newbie has just entered the blockchain currency circle What to pay attention to

Blockchain and 5G are called the fourth information technology revolution, and blockchain technology is something that every country does not want to miss, especially developed countries, so the prospects of blockchain technology are promising , with rich application scenarios, mainly in data storage.
Blockchain technology is favored by various countries, but blockchain finance has a poor reputation. Although blockchain finance and blockchain technology are inseparable, blockchain finance is also indispensable. Less.
For newcomers entering the currency circle, they should first understand some principles of Bitcoin blockchain finance, understand what Bitcoin is, what role it plays in the blockchain, and observe the mainstream coins in the currency circle for a period of time. Trends, don’t jump in randomly, you can read others’ analysis, but you have to have your own analysis. If a new currency appears, you have to check their website, white paper, community, whether they are doing anything, etc. Don’t just jump into it. When you buy, you have to observe.
In addition, some mainstream currencies in the currency circle are bullish in the long term. You can hold some for fixed investment. For example, if you bought eos at 30 yuan, but it keeps falling, you can reinvest some at 25 yuan. Lower the average entry price. Also, don’t sell it easily, because after you sell it, you may not be able to enter the market at such a low price. If you buy it at a high price and the price falls, you will be trapped.
As for altcoins, you must go into their communities and communities to see their situation, observe carefully, and see the good news they release.
My suggestion is to make a fixed investment in mainstream currencies, and just observe one or two altcoins in the long term, because when they rise, altcoins take off faster, and it is possible to be ten times or hundreds of times.
For example, I One currency that I have observed for a long time is TTC. The community is not large, but it has been doing things, making wallets, doing finance, and doing social networking. In the end, the TTC token is used as the benchmark, and everything is done on the TTC main chain.All are also serving the TTC. Therefore, it will be better if you have to understand them deeply about altcoins. In a word, be cautious. You can invest a small part of your own money, but not too much.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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