比特币怎么挖出来的矿机啊 比特币怎么挖出来的矿机视频

㈠ 比特币挖不到了,一定要用挖矿机才能挖到数字货币吗

㈡ 最先进的比特币挖矿机,几天能挖出一个比特币


㈢ 比特币挖矿机,具体是怎么运行,挖出比特币怎样交易



㈣ 挖矿机是具体是怎么运行,挖出比特币需要怎么变现

显卡一般算力在几个G,而专业矿机芯片高达几千G,以目前全球功耗最低的一款芯片BM1387为例,搭载它的蚂蚁矿机S9算力高达14T,墙上功耗仅为1400W ,额定的算力也到达了13.5 TH / s的±5%,电源效率是0.1J/GH + 12%(墙上,AC / DC 93%的效率,25°C的环境温度),额定电压:11.6~13.0V,除此之外在非独立电源情况下,3个算力板可以分别连接到不同的电源,但是每块算力板不能连接多个电源,并保证算力板最后通电。

㈤ 比特币矿机是如何通过计算挖币的


用ASIC矿机挖矿的币,算法几乎都为SHA256,而用GPU挖矿的算法则不同,例如BTG的算法是Equihash,BCD的算法是optimized X13。虽然不是绝对,但可以简单的认为,SHA256算法的币,一般都是用ASIC矿机挖。其他算法的币则基本都使用GPU矿机。也有例外,scrypt算法的莱特币以前用GPU矿机挖,但后来scrypt算法也被ASIC芯片攻克,比如蚂蚁矿机L3+,就是用来挖莱特币的ASIC矿机。

ASIC矿机,是指采用ASIC芯片作为算力核心的矿机。其中ASIC是Application Specific Integrated Circuit的缩写,是一种专门为某种特定用途设计的电子电路(芯片)。有矿机厂专门为计算比特币的SHA256算法而设计了ASIC芯片,使用它们的矿机就是ASIC矿机。由于ASIC芯片只为特定计算打造,所以效率可以比CPU这种通用计算芯片要高很多。举个例子,当前主流的蚂蚁矿机S9就是ASIC矿机,使用了189片ASIC芯片,算力达到了13.5TH/s,功耗仅为1350W。作为对比,当前电脑显卡旗舰GTX1080Ti挖比特币的算力,就算优化的好基本也不会超过60MH/s。相差了数万倍,非常悬殊。


GPU矿机的目的是赚钱,所以要追求功耗比与最大收益,所以选择要注重性价比,一般中高端定位的显卡,比如AMD RX560、RX570的功耗比高,是GPU矿机的好选择。而GTX1080Ti、AMD Vega64这样旗舰虽然单卡性能最强,但售价与功耗算下来并不划算。



㈥ 比特币矿机怎么挖矿,大家来探讨


㈦ 比特币挖矿机是什么 比特币如何挖矿








㈧ 如何自己挖矿(入比特币)









㈨ 如何挖比特币





㈠ Bitcoin can no longer be mined. Do you have to use a mining machine to mine digital currency?

㈡ The most advanced Bitcoin mining machine, how many It takes one to two years for the most advanced Bitcoin mining machines to dig out a Bitcoin. Bitcoin mining is now too difficult. If you want to mine, mine Ethereum. Its value is steadily increasing every day. According to the current development trend, it will take about 7 months to recover the capital, and then it will be profitable.

iii Bitcoin mining machine, how it works specifically, and how to trade mined Bitcoins

When mining Bitcoin, the first thing to pay attention to is a few points. Power, second power consumption, third performance is stable. Computing power,

Bitcoin mining is compared with problem-solving speed, so it is self-evident how important speed is; power consumption is directly related to efficiency, that is, cost expenditure; stable performance, mainly Look at the stability of the computing power when the operating frequency remains unchanged.

㈣ How exactly does a mining machine operate, and how do you need to monetize Bitcoins?

Mining is definitely the first choice for professional mining machines, and many of them Newbies will choose to use graphics cards for mining, but graphics card mining is like using "taiwan oil" to do a professional thing. It can work, but the efficiency is definitely not high. When mining Bitcoin, the first thing to pay attention to is the computing power (i.e. mining speed), the second is the power consumption, and the third is stable performance. Computing power, Bitcoin mining is compared to problem-solving speed, so it is self-evident how important speed is; power consumption is directly related to efficiency, that is, cost expenditure; performance stability mainly depends on the operating frequency remaining unchanged. force stability. Just think about it, no one wants the mining machine to lose computing power or even malfunction every now and then. After all, it costs money~
General graphics cards have a computing power of a few G, while professional mining machine chips can reach thousands of G. Take the BM1387, currently the chip with the lowest power consumption in the world, as an example. The Antminer S9 equipped with it has a computing power of up to 14T. The wall power consumption is only 1400W. The rated computing power has also reached ±5% of 13.5 TH/s. The power efficiency is 0.1J/GH + 12% (wall, AC/DC 93% efficiency, 25°C ambient temperature), rated voltage: 11.6~13.0V, in addition to non-independent power supply, 3 calculations The force boards can be connected to different power supplies respectively, but each hash board cannot be connected to multiple power supplies, and the hash board must be powered on at the end.
Among the mining machines, I am personally more optimistic about the Antminer. At the same time, based on the average initial investment cost of Bitcoin, the Antminer S9 can basically fully recover the cost in about five months, and the subsequent income is not Estimate.

㈤ How Bitcoin mining machines mine coins through calculation

When Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, he hoped that Bitcoin would be a decentralized currency that would not only be used and traded This is how mining should be. But contrary to expectations, as the value of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin becomes higher and higher, mining has become an industry and competition has become increasingly fierce.The pursuit of mining computing power is getting higher and higher, so ordinary computer mining has evolved into ASIC mining machines and GPU mining machines.

The algorithm for coins mined with ASIC mining machines is almost all SHA256, while the algorithms mined with GPUs are different. For example, the algorithm of BTG is Equihash, and the algorithm of BCD is optimized X13. Although it is not absolute, it can be simply believed that coins based on the SHA256 algorithm are generally mined with ASIC mining machines. Coins with other algorithms basically use GPU mining machines. There are exceptions. Litecoin using the scrypt algorithm was previously mined with GPU mining machines, but later the scrypt algorithm was also overcome by ASIC chips. For example, the Antminer L3+ is an ASIC mining machine used to mine Litecoin.

ASIC mining machine refers to a mining machine that uses ASIC chips as the core of computing power. ASIC is the abbreviation of Application Specific Integrated Circuit, which is an electronic circuit (chip) specially designed for a specific purpose. There are mining machine factories that have designed ASIC chips specifically for calculating Bitcoin’s SHA256 algorithm, and the mining machines that use them are ASIC mining machines. Because ASIC chips are only built for specific calculations, their efficiency can be much higher than general-purpose computing chips such as CPUs. For example, the current mainstream Antminer S9 is an ASIC mining machine, using 189 ASIC chips, with a computing power of 13.5TH/s and a power consumption of only 1350W. For comparison, the computing power of the current flagship GTX1080Ti computer graphics card for mining Bitcoin will basically not exceed 60MH/s even if it is well optimized. The difference is tens of thousands of times, a huge disparity.

GPU mining machines refer to mining machines that use GPU graphics cards as the core of computing power. Cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin Diamond use graphical algorithms, so the computing speed of graphics cards will be the highest. Compared with ASIC mining machines, GPU mining machines are more well-known to the public, because to put it bluntly, it is a computer with enhanced graphics card configuration.

The purpose of GPU mining machines is to make money, so the power consumption ratio and maximum profit must be pursued, so the choice should focus on cost performance. Generally, mid-to-high-end graphics cards, such as AMD RX560 and RX570, have high power consumption ratios. A good choice for GPU miners. Although flagships such as GTX1080Ti and AMD Vega64 have the strongest single-card performance, their price and power consumption are not cost-effective.

In addition, ASIC mining machines also have some weird products, such as Shaomao’s USB mining machine, which is slightly larger than a USB flash drive and consumes only 2.25W, making it the smallest bit currently. Coin miner.

The above quote is from Mining.com - "Introduction to Mining Machine Classification". There are many professional terms. I hope it will be helpful to you. Thank you!

㈥ Let’s discuss how to mine Bitcoin mining machines

It is no longer suitable for mining because the cost is too high. If you canIf you inject a large amount of money, you can try it

㈦ What is a Bitcoin mining machine and how to mine Bitcoin

A Bitcoin mining machine is a computer used to earn Bitcoins , this type of computer generally has a professional mining chip, and usually works by burning the graphics card, which consumes a lot of power. Users use a personal computer to download software and then run a specific algorithm. After communicating with a remote server, they can get corresponding Bitcoins. This is one of the ways to obtain Bitcoins.

A simple example,

I have a RMB with a face value of 100 yuan in my hand. As long as someone can guess the number of this RMB, I can give this RMB to him.

Mining is the process of calculating this number, but the RMB in my hand is limited

At the beginning, there are many choices to guess the number, but in the later stage As more and more RMB are given out, fewer and fewer numbers can be guessed

So mining will become more and more difficult in the later stages, because the number of Bitcoins is fixed.

If you have any other questions, you can send me a private message. I hope this answer can help you, thank you!

㈧ How to mine yourself (into Bitcoin)

The first step: prepare the mining machine and mining pool

If you want to mine Bitcoin, you must It is necessary to prepare professional equipment. There are already many professional mining machines on the market, and mining pools are also indispensable. When choosing a mining pool, you should also compare the output and income gap of each mining pool, and then choose The most suitable mining pool.

The electricity cost of mining Bitcoin:

Mining Bitcoin is mined through a specific encryption algorithm of high-power computers, so it is said that mining Bitcoin The speed still depends on the computing power of your computer.

Since July 2018, the digital currency market has continued to be in a downturn. The price of Bitcoin fell continuously from US$9,000 to US$6,000. It has dropped nearly 60% from the US$19,000 mark at the beginning of the year. Affected by mainstream digital currencies such as Bitcoin, the bubble in the entire digital currency market has gradually been burst. If each mining machine consumes 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month and calculates it as 0.35 yuan per kilowatt-hour.

Every 100 mining machines need to pay a monthly electricity bill of 35,000 yuan, then the miner’s monthly profit is only 36,100 yuan. It will take 1 year to recover the cost of purchasing the mining machine. Affected by the downturn, miners' income has also dropped sharply. Calculated based on the highest price of Bitcoin within 30 days of US$8,376, the mining income per 100 mining machines dropped sharply by approximately 42,300 yuan.

Reference for the above content:


㈨ How to mine Bitcoin

1. First connect Network cable, plug the network cable into the network cable interface of the mining machine, remember to insert it tightly. Mining can only be done when the mining machine is connected to the Internet, and there is no limit on broadband.

(9) Extended reading of mining machines on how to mine Bitcoin

Users can buy BitcoinAt the same time, you can also use computers to perform a large number of operations according to algorithms to "mine" Bitcoins. When a user "mines" Bitcoin, he or she needs to use a computer to search for a 64-bit number, and then compete with other gold miners by repeatedly solving puzzles to provide the Bitcoin network with the required number. If the user's computer successfully creates A set of numbers, then you will get 25 Bitcoins.

Due to the decentralized programming of the Bitcoin system, only 25 Bitcoins can be obtained every 10 minutes, and by 2140, the upper limit of circulating Bitcoins will reach 21 million. In other words, the Bitcoin system is self-sufficient, coded to resist inflation and prevent others from destroying the code.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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