哪个矿池还可以挖 什么矿池还可以挖矿

① 蝶链科技可以挖出FIL币吗

1. 国际高标准硬件:T4国际标准电信级机房,抗震等级八级,抗台风12级,提供安全的运行环境
2. 国际高标准管理:机房进入采用三级防护,生物特征识别及刷卡进入控制,闭路电视监控,例行定期机房设备巡检24*7*365保安守卫。
3. 满足多样化需求:高电模块化设计、个性定制服务。
4. 高品质带宽资源:高质量多线BGP带宽资源、直连运营商骨干,环路保护。
5. 专业的运营体系:专业的运维团队,7*24小时标准运维服务。
6. 可定制化的服务:基础运维服务、可视化网管系统、主动响应。[6]
1.电源循环 – 手动切换开/关或重启客户的设备插拔网络外设卡。
2.电缆和连接 – 从端口物理插拔电缆,铜缆/光纤跳线的安装和拆卸,提供电缆插拔标识。
3.监测报告 – 提供用户设备的可视化的监测告警报告。
4.设备安装与管理 – 设备开箱和安装,电缆安装,更换或拆除热插拔和模块化设备。
5.备件处理 – 依照客户指定区域接收并存储新的备件以及更换的故障备件。

② fil币由矿池转火币网消耗多少

③ 中国有官方层面组成的Fil币矿池吗


④ 星云矿池的FIL币和麦客储存矿机的FIL币是同属一个币种吗

⑤ 推荐几个矿池币。


⑥ 身边有朋友在挖fil怎么劝都不听,懂的人说下fil挖矿到底靠不靠谱


⑦ FIL挖矿哪个平台比较划算














⑧ ipfs矿机现在可以挖什么币


⑨ 一台FIL矿机能挖多少币


⑩ 哪个矿池还能挖

由于比特币全网的运算水准在不断的呈指数级别上涨,单个设备或少量的算力都无法在比特币网络上获取到比特币网络提供的区块奖励。在全网算力提升到了一定程度后,过低的获取奖励的概率,促使一些“bitcointalk”上的极客开发出一种可以将少量算力合并联合运作的方法,使用这种方式建立的网站便被称作“矿池”(Mining Pool)。
截止2019年1月,全球算力排名前五的比特币矿池有:BTC.com 、Poolin、AntPool、slush pool、、F2Pool,全球约70%的算力在中国矿工手中。

① Can Butterfly Chain Technology mine FIL coins

Technical Team
The Butterfly Chain Technology software team is an engineer focused on the development of Filecoin/IPFS underlying infrastructure and peripheral tools team.
Team members all have many years of experience in blockchain and cloud computing research and development. They are not only proficient in the underlying technologies of large public chains such as BTC/Ethereum/EOS, but also have deep experience in the field of large-scale distributed storage. I have been involved in evangelizing the IPFS technology stack since 2017, and I am surrounded by a group of engineers who love the IPFS protocol. Currently, the focus is mainly on Filecoin open source code contribution and Filecoin mining pool research and development. Two engineers on the team have become core contributors to the go-filecoin open source warehouse. [5]
Hosting services
1. International high-standard hardware: T4 international standard telecommunications-grade computer room, earthquake resistance level 8, typhoon resistance level 12, providing a safe operating environment
2 photos in total< br />Diechain Data Center Inner Mongolia Division
2. International high-standard management: three-level protection is adopted for computer room entry, biometric identification and card swipe entry control, closed-circuit television monitoring, and routine regular computer room equipment inspections 24*7* 365 security guards.
3. Meet diverse needs: high-voltage modular design, personalized customization services.
4. High-quality bandwidth resources: high-quality multi-line BGP bandwidth resources, direct connection to operator backbone, and loop protection.
5. Professional operation system: professional operation and maintenance team, 7*24 hours standard operation and maintenance services.
6. Customizable services: basic operation and maintenance services, visual network management system, proactive response. [6]
Remote Support Service
1. Power cycle – manually switch on/off or restart the customer’s equipment by plugging and unplugging the network peripheral card.
2. Cables and connections – Physical plugging and unplugging of cables from ports, installation and removal of copper/fiber jumpers, and providing cable plugging and unplugging identification.
3. Monitoring report – Provides visual monitoring and alarm reports of user equipment.
4. Equipment installation and management – ​​equipment unboxing and installation, cable installation, replacement or removal of hot-swappable and modular equipment.
5. Spare parts processing – Receive and store new spare parts and replaced faulty spare parts in the area designated by the customer.
Public Facilities
1. Provide sufficient space for equipment installation and debugging.
Diechain Technology IDC Computer Room
2. Provide Internet access to customer work/meeting areas.
3. Provide 24-hour power, environment, facilities and security monitoring.

② How much does it cost to transfer FIL coins from a mining pool to Huobi?

③ Does my country have an official FIL coin mining pool?

< p>No, our country officially prohibits digital currency transactions. All are not allowed, and of course there are no mining pools

④ Are the FIL coins of Nebula Mining Pool and the FIL coins of Max Storage Mining Machine the same currency?

⑤ Several mining pool coins are recommended.

HTP has increased more than 30 times before. Longchi issued a computing power coin called HRT. I don’t know if it can increase by then. HRT will be listed on the Coinsuper exchange in December, and Coinsuper is one of the initiators. At the same time, holders of Coinsuper platform currency CEN can also receive HRT airdrops, so you can pay attention to it when the time comes.

⑥ I have friends around me who are mining fil but refuse to listen no matter what they advise. People who know it can tell me whether fil mining is reliable or not

Fortunately, you can do it if you have some money left. Do it and accept new things

⑦Which platform is more cost-effective for FIL mining

I am not a master in the currency circle, a non-professional, and I am sharing my personal experience, hoping to give some guidance to new people. , can be considered as achieving the goal.

After I graduated from college in 2012, I started working in the financial industry. I started as a bank counter and later switched to a fund private equity manager. During this period, I was cut off by p2p, and I also experienced the leverage of the stock market from bull to bear. The despair of liquidation. Along the way, I paid a lot of tuition fees and accumulated a lot of failed experiences.

My relationship with digital currency can be traced back to June last year, because a former boss of a fund company gave me the guidance and learned about the platform of the Mining and Gold Institute. To be honest, I was resistant to the mining industry at first. I thought it was all about capital and pig-killing, and I treated it with the mentality of a melon-eater waiting to see other people’s jokes.

However, the sharp rise in Bitcoin in the next few months, and the profits of friends who bought mining machines doubled in a month, made me have a big change in mentality, and I am willing to spend time researching and investigating. platform.

After nearly a month and a half of "undercover" on-the-spot investigation at the Mining and Gold Institute, I decided to try my hand at it. Just as the fil currency was about to be launched on the mainnet, I bought 50t of fil computing power. I believe everyone is very clear about the development trend of fil in the next few months. Maybe because of my good luck, I caught up with fil's big market, and I chose the right platform. After increasing the principal to 500,000, I chose to Take out the profits and reinvest!

It turns out that the energy of re-investment is really huge. In just over 6 months, the assets in my account have already reached 400+ fil computing power, which is enough to calculate at the current price. It has doubled more than 9 times. The income from mining coins every day is 20,000+.

Of course, the painful experience in the past taught me that enough is enough and not to be carried away by greed. So, I took out the profits from FIL coin mining and diversified my investments. The chia coin mining machine that will be launched soon is one of the important choices.

Having said so much, let me summarize the experience of increasing assets by 9 times in more than 6 months.

1. Choice is always more important than hard work. Choosing the right platform will definitely get you twice the result with half the effort.

2, phaseThe energy of faith re-investment. Of course, the fil computing power of the mining and gold institute does not require me to provide pledged coins. I can redeem coins with a linear release cycle in advance with one click, giving me flexible funds for reinvestment.

3. Invest decisively and don’t hesitate when you identify opportunities. This is what mining is like. The earlier you enter the market, the smaller the risk.

4. Always maintain awe of risks. Heart. Don't be carried away by temporary success, it is important to hold on to profits and diversify your investments. Based on this, I never speculate in currencies because the risks are uncontrollable.

Finally, I hope that this bull market in digital currencies can last longer, so that I will be closer to my goal of financial freedom.

⑧ What coins can the ipfs mining machine mine now?

The mainnet is not online yet, so coins cannot be mined. The testnet mines are not real coins. , it’s just a test network. If someone tells you that his mining machine can now mine Fil coins, it must be cheap. The big miner test will start on August 25th, and there will be a reward of 4.25 million Fil coins. This will be the real currency. After the mainnet is officially launched in September, you can mine Fil coins. The current futures price is around 150, so I know what to look forward to. You can tell me about the mineral concentrator. I have been researching it for more than a year and I still have some experience.

⑨ How many coins can a FIL mining machine mine?

It depends on what brand of mining machine you use. There are differences in the mining capabilities of different brands of mining machines. Now the mining machine is more recognized in the circle. Interstellar Ant's mining machine is recognized as the most stable system and has the largest storage capacity in the entire network. After all, it has Alibaba Cloud technology for operation and maintenance support, and the currency output is quite optimistic. It can be said to be the first choice for big players to find gold. Check it out, it won't happen. To disappoint you.

⑩Which mining pool can mine?

Both the domestic Shenyu mining pool and the Bitcoin China mining pool can mine. Of course, there are also many well-known foreign mining pools that can mine. The current software you mentioned was from a long time ago. At that time, mining was more troublesome with higher-end computers or graphics cards. Now if you still have those equipment for mining, I suggest you do other meaningful things. Mining now requires the purchase of professional ASIC mining machines. Even so, it will be difficult for retail investors to recover their capital. Of course, you can also purchase cloud computing power for mining.
Nowadays, mining is about electricity price and energy consumption. If there are advantages in these two points, then mining is okay. If you cannot do these two points, then there will be no chance. Of course, it does not rule out that the electricity bill you add is free, and this can also be used for mining. You need to download a Bitcoin wallet and back it up. Just store your Bitcoins in your wallet. However, if you are not tech savvy, I suggest you store your Bitcoins in an online wallet. Online wallet technology is now very mature. If you still don’t understand, then go to Bitcoin Home and read some netizens’ suggestions.
Extended information
1. Mining pool
Since the computing level of the entire Bitcoin network continues to rise exponentially, no single device or a small amount of computing power can obtain bits on the Bitcoin network.Block rewards provided by the coin network. After the computing power of the entire network increased to a certain level, the probability of obtaining rewards was too low, prompting some geeks on "bitcointalk" to develop a method that can combine a small amount of computing power for joint operation. Websites established using this method It is called "Mining Pool".
In this mechanism, no matter how much computing power individual miners can use, as long as they participate in mining activities by joining a mining pool, regardless of whether they successfully mine a valid data block, they can all contribute to the mining pool through their contribution to the mining pool. To obtain a small amount of Bitcoin rewards, that is, multiple people cooperate in mining, and the Bitcoin rewards obtained are also shared among multiple people according to their contribution.
As of January 2019, the top five Bitcoin mining pools in the world in terms of computing power are: BTC.com, Poolin, AntPool, slush pool, and F2Pool. About 70% of the world's computing power is in the hands of Chinese miners.
2. Background
In the Bitcoin world described in Satoshi Nakamoto’s paper, the entire network produces a block every 10 minutes on average, and each block contains 50 (now 12.5, Bitcoin every four years or so Halved once) Bitcoins, and a block can only be mined by a lucky person, who directly owns 50 (now 12.5, Bitcoin is halved every four years or so) Bitcoins, and others have nothing. The probability of mining is directly proportional to the computing power of the equipment invested by the miner. This is destined to mean that if the number of participants in Bitcoin mining is large and dispersed to a certain extent, the probability of mining Bitcoin will be infinitely close to zero, which is similar to winning the lottery. Perhaps a mining machine is invested in mining. According to the probability, it will take 5 to 10 years to mine a block. This puts Bitcoin mining in an embarrassing situation and makes it almost impossible for ordinary people to participate.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

㈠ 以太币挖矿,用什么来挖以太币挖矿教程1、在硬盘上新建文件夹,比C:Eth。之后所有挖矿软件就存放在这里。2、下载以下软件1)Geth——选择Geth-Win下载然后解压2)Ethminer——下载