usdt冷钱包怎么提币出来 冷钱包提币到交易所需要多少时间

『壹』 美国at&t公司的电话费 怎么在网上付款

在上,找到Refill Your Balance,第一个 refill card 是需要用那种AT&T的卡的,因此需要买卡。还有一种方式是找到master card,输入充值的电话号码,用信用卡支付。

AT&T全称美国电话电报公司,是一家美国电信运营商,创建于1877年,曾长期垄断美国长途和本地电话市场。 AT&T在近20年中,曾经过多次分拆和重组,目前仍是美国最大的本地和长途电话公司。







『贰』 ATT怎么样


『叁』 ATT怎么样啊


『肆』 美国att怎么网上交话费、没有什么refill card、怎么用银行卡交,详细一点、谢谢

你去 注册个账户 用户名就是你自己的手机号码 但是你需要知道手机开户人的社会安全号才可以
再点make payment

『伍』 工商银行信用卡借钱在att取款机上怎么操作


『陆』 ATT月计划怎么用


『柒』 cad快捷键 att命令如何使用

创建三维阵列 3A
创建三维面 3F
在三维空间创建由直线段组成的多段线 3P
在二维和三维空间中将某对象与其他对象对齐 AL
加载 AutoLISP、ADS 和 ARX 应用程序 AP
创建圆弧 A
计算对象或定义区域的面积和周长 AA
创建按指定方式排列的多重对象拷贝 AR
执行外部数据库命令的管理功能 AAD
输出选择对象的链接信息 AEX
管理对象和外部数据库之间的链接 ALI
显示并编辑表数据并创建链接和选择集 ARO
从链接到文字选择集和图形选择集的行中创建选择集 ASE
执行结构查询语言 (SQL) 语句 ASQ
创建属性定义 -AT
改变不依赖于块定义的属性信息 -ATE
用图案填充封闭区域 H或BH
根据选定对象创建块定义 -B
用对话框定义块 B
用封闭区域创建面域或多段线 BO
(使用命令行)用封闭区域创建面域或多段线 -BO
部分删除对象或把对象分解为两部分 BR
给对象加倒角 CHA
修改现有对象的特性 -CH
根据圆心和直径或半径绘制圆 C
复制对象 CO或CP
创建属性定义 AT
编辑单个块的可变属性 ATE
修改对象的颜色、图层、线型和厚度 CH
设置新对象的颜色 COL
编辑文字和属性定义 ED
显示夹点并设置颜色 GR
创建并修改标注样式 D
插入块或另一图形 I
控制现有对象的特性 MO
修改对象名称 REN
设置绘图辅助工具 RM
设置对象选择模式 SE
管理已定义的用户坐标系 UC
选择预置用户坐标系 UCP
控制坐标和角度的显示格式及精度 UN
创建和恢复视图 V
设置三维观察方向 VP
创建对齐线性标注 DAL或DIMALI
从前一个或选择的标注的第一尺寸界线处连续标注 DBA或DIMBASE
创建圆和圆弧的圆心标记或中心线 DCE
从前一个或选择的标注的第二尺寸界线处连续标注 DCO或DIMCONT
创建圆和圆弧的直径标注 DDI或 DIMDIA
创建线性尺寸标注 DLI或DIMLIN
创建坐标点标注 DOR或DIMORD
替换标注系统变量 DOV或DIMOVER
创建圆和圆弧的半径尺寸标注 DRA或DIMRAD
在命令行创建和修改标注样式 DST或DIMSTY
移动和旋转标注文字 DIMTED
测量两点之间的距离和角度 DI
将点对象或块沿对象的长度或周长等间隔排列 DIV
绘制填充的圆和环 DO
修改图像和其他对象的显示顺序 DR
打开鸟瞰视图窗口 AV
输入文字时在屏幕上显示 DT
定义平行投影或透视视图 DV
创建椭圆或椭圆弧 EL
从图形删除对象 E
将组合对象分解为对象组件 X
以其他文件格式保存对象 EXP
延伸对象到另一对象 EX
通过拉伸现有二维对象来创建三维实体 EXT
给对象加圆角 F
创建根据特性选择有关对象时用到的过滤器列表 FI
创建对象的命名选择集 G
使用命令行创建选择集 -G
用图案填充一块指定边界的区域 -H
修改现有的图案填充对象 HE
重生成三维模型时不显示隐藏线 HI
以多种格式向 AutoCAD 图形文件中插入图像 IM
使用命令行插入图像 -IM
控制选定图像的亮度、对比度和褪色度 IAD
向当前图形中定义并附着新的图像对象 IAT
为单个图像对象创建新剪切边界 ICL
将命名块或图形插入到当前图形中 -I
插入链接或嵌入对象 IO
找出两个或多个三维实体的干涉区并用公用部分创建三维组合实体 INF
从两个或多个实体或面域的交集创建组合实体或面域 IN
管理图层 LA
在命令行上执行 LAYER 命令 -LA
创建一条引出线将注释与一个几何特征相连 LE或LEAD
拉长对象 L
创建、加载和设置线型 LT
使用命令行创建、加载和设置线型 -LT
显示选定对象的数据库信息 LI或LS
设置线型比例因子 LTS
把某一对象的特性复制到其他若干对象 MA
将点对象或块按指定的间距放置 ME
创建对象的镜像副本 MI
创建多线 ML
在指定方向上按指定距离移动对象 M
从图纸空间切换到模型空间视口 MS
创建多行文字 T或MT
使用命令行创建多行文字 -T
创建浮动视口和打开现有的浮动视口 MV
创建对象的等距线,如同心圆、平行线和平行曲线 O
设置运行对象捕捉模式并修改靶框大小 OS
使用命令行设置运行对象捕捉模式并修改靶框大小 -OS
移动显示在当前视口的图形 P
使用命令行移动视口 -P
插入剪贴板数据并控制数据格式 PA
编辑多段线和三维多边形网格 PE
创建二维多段线 PL
将图形打印到绘图仪、打印机或文件 PLOT
创建点对象 PO
创建用多段线表示的正多边形 POL
自定义 AutoCAD 系统参数的设置 PR
显示打印图形的效果 PRE
从模型空间视口切换到图纸空间 PS
删除数据库中未用的命名对象,例如块或图层 PU
绘制矩形多段线 REC
刷新显示当前视口 R
刷新显示所有视口 RA
重生成图形并刷新显示当前视口 RE
重新生成图形并刷新所有视口 REA
从选择的一组现有对象中创建面域对象 REG
修改对象名 -REN
创建三维线框或实体模型的具有真实感的渲染图像 RR
沿轴旋转二维对象以创建实体 REV
绕基点旋转对象 RO
设置渲染系统配置 RPR
在 X、Y 和 Z 方向等比例放大或缩小对象 SC
从脚本文件执行一系列命令 SCR
用剖切平面和实体截交创建面域 SEC
列出系统变量并修改变量值 SET
显示当前视口图形的着色图像 SHA
用平面剖切一组实体 SL
规定光标按指定的间距移动 SN
创建二维填充多边形 SO
检查图形中文字的拼写 SP
创建二次或三次样条曲线 SPL
编辑样条曲线对象 SPE
移动或拉伸对象 S
创建命名样式 ST
用差集创建组合面域或实体 SU
校准、配置、打开和关闭已安装的数字化仪 TA
设置当前三维实体的厚度 TH
控制对图纸空间的访问以及控制视口的行为 TI
创建形位公差标注 TOL
显示、隐藏和自定义工具栏 TO
创建圆环形实体 TOR
用其他对象定义的剪切边修剪对象 TR
通过并运算创建组合面域或实体 UNI
设置坐标和角度的显示格式和精度 -UN
保存和恢复已命名的视图 -V
设置图形的三维直观图的查看方向 -VP
将块对象写入新图形文件 W
创建三维实体使其倾斜面尖端沿 X 轴正向 WE
将一个外部参照附加到当前图形中 XA
将外部参照依赖符号绑定到图形 XB
使用命令行执行XBINDW命令 -XB
定义外部参照或块剪裁边界,并且设置前剪裁面和后剪裁面 XC
创建无限长的直线,称为参照线 XL
控制图形中的外部参照 XR
使用命令行执行XREF命令 -XR
放大或缩小当前视口对象的外观尺寸 Z



快捷键 注释 快捷键 注释


AA AREA(测量面积) L LINE(画线)


ATT ATTDEF(定义属性) LE QLEADER(快速导引线标注)


B BLOCK(定义图块) LI LIST(列表)








D DIMSTYLE(设置标柱样式) MT MTEXT(多行文字)








DI DIST(测量距离) POL POLYGON(画正多边形)









DT DTEXT(动态文本) SC SCALE(比例缩放)

E ERASE(删除) SN SNAP(栅格点捕捉)



EX EXTEND(延伸到) ST STYLE(设置文字样式)




G GROUP(成组) UN UNITS(设置单位)


I INSERT(插入块) Z ZOOM(视图缩放)


“AutoCAD 2000快捷键”经典值得收藏

AutoCAD 2000快捷命令的使用
AutoCAD 是目前世界各国工程设计人员的首选设计软件,简便易学、精确无误是AutoCAD成功的两个重要原因。AutoCAD提供的命令有很多,绘图时最常用的命令只有其中的百分之二十。采用键盘输入命令时由于有些常用命令较长,如 BHATCH(填充)、EXPLODE(分解),在输入时击键次数多,影响了绘图速度。虽然AutoCAD 提供了完善的菜单和工具栏两种输入方法,但是要提高绘图速度,只有掌握Auto CAD提供的快捷的命令输入方法。

笔者在进行AutoCAD设计、培训和教学研究时,对于快捷命令的使用和管理积累了一些体验,现总结出,以供大家使用AutoCAD 2000时参考。





1、 快捷命令通常是该命令英文单词的第一个或前面两个字母,有的是前三个字母。


2、 另外一类的快捷命令通常是由“Ctrl键 + 一个字母”组成的,或者用功能键F1~F8来定义。比如Ctrl键+“N”,Ctrl键+“O”,Ctrl键+“S”,Ctrl键+“P”分别表示新建、打开、保存、打印文件;F3表示“对象捕捉”。

3、 如果有的命令第一个字母都相同的话,那么常用的命令取第一个字母,其它命令可用前面两个或三个字母表示。比如“R”表示Redraw,“RA”表示Redrawall;比如“L”表示Line,“LT”表示LineType,“LTS”表示LTScale。

4、 个别例外的需要我们去记忆,比如“修改文字”(DDEDIT)就不是“DD”,而是“ED”;还有“AA”表示Area,“T”表示Mtext, “X”表示 Explode。


全面已经提到,AutoCAD所有定义的快捷命令都保存ACAD.PGP文件中。ACAD.PGP是一个纯文本文件,用户可以使用ASCⅡ文本编辑器(如DOS下的EDIT)或直接使用WINDOWS附件中的记事本来进行编辑。用户可以自行添加一些Auto CAD命令的快捷方式到文件中。


快捷命令名称, * 命令全名
如: CO , * COPY
陈通等,《AutoCAD 2000中文版入门与提高》,清华大学出版社,2000年7月出版
ADC, *ADCENTER(设计中心“Ctrl+2”)
CH, MO *PROPERTIES(修改特性“Ctrl+1”)
ST, *STYLE(文字样式) <BR< p>
COL, *COLOR(设置颜色)
LA, *LAYER(图层操作)
UN, *UNITS(图形单位)
ATT, *ATTDEF(属性定义)
BO, *BOUNDARY(边界创建,包括创建闭合多段线和面域)
AL, *ALIGN(对齐)
EXP, *EXPORT(输出其它格式文件)
IMP, *IMPORT(输入文件)
PU, *PURGE(清除垃圾)
R, *REDRAW(重新生成)
SN, *SNAP(捕捉栅格)
DS, *DSETTINGS(设置极轴追踪)
OS, *OSNAP(设置捕捉模式)
V, *VIEW(命名视图)
AA, *AREA(面积)
DI, *DIST(距离)
LI, *LIST(显示图形数据信息)
L, *LINE(直线)
XL, *XLINE(射线)
PL, *PLINE(多段线)
ML, *MLINE(多线)
SPL, *SPLINE(样条曲线)
A, *ARC(圆弧)
DO, *DONUT(圆环)
MT, *MTEXT(多行文本)
T, *MTEXT(多行文本)
B, *BLOCK(块定义)
I, *INSERT(插入块)
W, *WBLOCK(定义块文件)
H, *BHATCH(填充)
CO, *COPY(复制)
AR, *ARRAY(阵列)
O, *OFFSET(偏移)
M, *MOVE(移动)
E, DEL键 *ERASE(删除)
TR, *TRIM(修剪)
SC, *SCALE(比例缩放)
BR, *BREAK(打断)
F, *FILLET(倒圆角) <BR< p>
AutoCAD 2000快捷命令的使用
作者:breeze 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:802 文章录入:breeze
PE, *PEDIT(多段线编辑)
ED, *DDEDIT(修改文本)
P, *PAN(平移)
Z+空格+空格, *实时缩放
Z, *局部放大
Z+P, *返回上一视图
Z+E, *显示全图
LE, *QLEADER(快速引出标注)
D, *DIMSTYLE(标注样式)
text 单行文字输入
mtext 多行文字输入

【CTRL】+2 *ADCENTER(设计中心)
【CTRL】+O *OPEN(打开文件)
【CTRL】+N、M *NEW(新建文件)
【CTRL】+P *PRINT(打印文件)
【CTRL】+S *SAVE(保存文件)
【CTRL】+Z *UNDO(放弃)
【CTRL】+B *SNAP(栅格捕捉)
【CTRL】+F *OSNAP(对象捕捉)
【CTRL】+G *GRID(栅格)
【CTRL】+W *(对象追踪)
【CTRL】+U *(极轴)
【F1】 *HELP(帮助)
【F2】 *(文本窗口)
【F3】 *OSNAP(对象捕捉)
【F7】 *GRIP(栅格)
【F8】 *ORTHO(正交)

输入代码 特殊符号 解 释 输入代码 特殊符号 解 释
%%0~32 空号 %%123 { 左大括号
%%33 ! %%124 |
%%34 “ 双引号 %%125 } 右大括号
%%35 # %%126 ~
%%36 $ %%127 ° 度
%%37 % %%128 ±
%%38 & %%129 φ
%%39 ‘ 单引号 %%130 α
%%40 ( 左括号 %%131 β
%%41 ) 右括号 %%132 δ
%%42 * 乘号 %%133 i
%%43 + 加号 %%134~137 空号
%%44 , 逗号 %%138 0 (上标) m%%138=m0
%%45 - 减号 %%139 1 (上标) m%%139=m1
%%46 。 句号 %%140 2 (上标) m%%140=m2
%%47 / 除号 %%141 3 (上标) m%%141=m3
%%48~57 0~9 字体偏大 中间连号 中间连号 中间连号
%%58 : 冒号 %%148 9 (上标) m%%148=m9
%%59 ; 分号 %%149~157 1~9 字体偏小
%%60 < 小于号 %%158~162 空号
%%61 = 等于号 %%163 △
%%62 > 大于号 %%164 ▽
%%63 ? 问号 %%165~200 空号
%%64 @
%%65~90 A~Z 大写26个字母 %%c φ
%%91 [ %%d 。 度
%%92 \ 反斜杠 %%p ± 正负号
%%93 ] %%u _ 下划线
%%94 ^ %%o — 上划线
%%95 _ %%96 ‘ 单引号
%%97~122 a~z 小写26个字母

『捌』 att连环炮游戏怎么玩啊,有什么技巧 啊




『玖』 att手机如何使用中国移动卡从美国拿回一台ATT的LG手机,不用能移动卡,请问在内地怎么解码


『拾』 att怎么转mint

att是可控硅整流元件,是一种具有三个PN 结的四层结构的大功率半导体器件,亦称为晶闸管。具有体积小、结构相对简单、功能强等特点,是比较常用的半导体器件之一。该器件被广泛应用于各种电子设备和电子产品中,多用来作可控整流、逆变、变频、调压、无触点开关等。

『一』How to pay the AT&T phone bill online in the United States

On, find Refill Your Balance. The first refill card is the AT&T one you need to use. card, so you need to buy a card. Another way is to find the master card, enter the phone number for recharge, and pay with the credit card.

AT&T, the full name of American Telephone and Telegraph Company, is an American telecommunications operator founded in 1877. It has long monopolized the long-distance and local telephone market in the United States. AT&T has undergone many spin-offs and reorganizations in the past 20 years and is still the largest local and long-distance phone company in the United States.

(1) How does ATt refer to cold wallets? Extended reading:

The main business of AT&T:

1. Provides telephone services domestically and internationally. Using submarine cables, submarine optical cables, and communication satellites, 250 countries and regions can be contacted, and 147 countries and regions can be dialed directly.

2. Provide business machines, data products and consumer products.

3. Provide telecommunications network systems.

4. Various services and leasing business. It also provides products and services to the government. The company attaches great importance to scientific research and development of new products.

『二』How about ATT

How can I put it this way? I have been using this company’s phone and Internet for 5 years. I always feel that the current service is getting worse and worse. It's not about the staff, it's about the network service. Nowadays, the Internet is disconnected every day, especially at night. It is disconnected for a while and then restored. Really hate me. Moreover, the internet speed was not fast enough. I called and was told that it was already the fastest. I wanted to pay more for a higher speed, but was told that this service was not available in this area and I didn’t know when I would use it. . . If this continues, I will definitely switch to another one.

『三』How is ATT?

I just picked it up a few days ago. It looks okay and the service is not bad! Think about it~ No matter how much the package costs, its purpose is to make money. He hopes that we will spend more money. If the service and photos are not good, who will pay for it? I feel that people who say bad things, It’s because they didn’t get the style they wanted. The reason is that they didn’t communicate well with the camera and makeup in the early stage, so they were dissatisfied. What do you think? Also, my QQ number is 27403038, and the album password is Li Guowei. You can add me. If you don’t understand anything else, you can ask me! I'd love to help you!

『四』How to pay the phone bill online at American ATT? There is no refill card, how to pay with bank card, please be more detailed, thank you

You can go to to register an account and the user name is Your own mobile phone number, but you need to know the social security number of the person who opened the mobile phone account
Then you click bill
Click make payment
Just enter your credit card number and your own address

『五』 How to borrow money from an ICBC credit card at an att cash machine

The operation is the same as that of ordinary bank cards, except that it charges interest!

『Lu』How to use the ATT monthly plan

You have to pay the fee every month. If you have a package of 500M data or use it up in advance, you do not need to pay. AT&T will send you a text message reminder after the end of this month to recharge next month.

『撒』 How to use the CAD shortcut key att command

List of CAD shortcut keys
Create a three-dimensional array 3A
Create a three-dimensional surface 3F
In three dimensions Space Create a polyline composed of straight segments 3P
Align an object with other objects in 2D and 3D space AL
Load AutoLISP, ADS and ARX applications AP
Create arc A
Calculate the area and perimeter AA of objects or defined areas
Create multiple object copies AR arranged in a specified manner
Execute management functions of external database commands AAD
Output links to selected objects Information AEX
Manages links between objects and external databases ALI
Displays and edits table data and creates links and selection sets ARO
Creates from rows linked to text selection sets and graphical selection sets Selection set ASE
Execute Structured Query Language (SQL) statement ASQ
Create attribute definition-AT
Change attribute information that does not depend on block definition-ATE
Fill enclosed area H with pattern or BH
Create a block definition from the selected object -B
Use the dialog box to define block B
Create a region or polyline BO with a closed area
(Use the command line) Use a closed area Create a region or polyline from a region - BO
Partially delete the object or split the object into two parts BR
Chamfer the object CHA
Modify the properties of an existing object -CH
Draw a circle C based on the center and diameter or radius
Copy the object CO or CP
Create an attribute definition AT
Edit the variable attribute ATE of a single block
Modify the object's color, layer, Line type and thickness CH
Set the color COL of the new object
Edit text and attribute definition ED
Show grips and set color GR
Create and modify dimension style D
InsertEnter a block or another graphic I
Control the properties of an existing object MO
Modify the object name REN
Set the drawing aid RM
Set the object selection mode SE
Manage the existing object Defined user coordinate system UC
Select the preset user coordinate system UCP
Control the display format and accuracy of coordinates and angles UN
Create and restore view V
Set the three-dimensional observation direction VP < br />Create aligned linear dimension DAL or DIMALI
Create angular dimension DAN or DIMANG
Continuous dimension DBA or DIMBASE from the first extension line of the previous or selected dimension
Create circles and arcs Center mark or center line DCE
Continuous dimension DCO or DIMCONT from the previous or second extension line of the selected dimension
Create diameter dimension DDI or DIMDIA for circles and arcs
Edit dimension DED or DIMED
Create linear dimension DLI or DIMLIN
Create coordinate point dimension DOR or DIMORD
Replace dimension system variable DOV or DIMOVER
Create radius dimension DRA or DIMRAD
Create and modify the dimension style DST or DIMSTY on the command line
Move and rotate the dimension text DIMTED
Measure the distance and angle between two points DI
Move the point object or block along Arrange the length or circumference of objects at equal intervals in DIV
Draw filled circles and rings DO
Modify the display order of images and other objects DR
Open the bird's-eye view window AV
When entering text Display DT on screen
Define parallel projection or perspective view DV
Create ellipse or elliptical arc EL
Delete object E from drawing
Explode combined object into object components X
Save object EXP in other file formats
Extend object to another object EX
Create a three-dimensional solid EXT by extruding an existing two-dimensional object
Add fillets F to the object
Create a filter list FI that is used to select related objects based on their properties
Create a named selection set G of objects
Use the command line to create a selection set -G
Fill an area with a specified boundary with a pattern - H
Modify an existing hatch object HE
Do not display hidden lines when regenerating a 3D model HI
Add to a variety of formatsInsert image IM into AutoCAD drawing file
Use the command line to insert image-IM
Control the brightness, contrast and fading of the selected image IAD
Define and attach a new image object IAT to the current drawing
Create a new clipping boundary ICL for a single image object
Input 3DS/DXF/EPS/SAT/WMF and other files to AutoCAD IMP
Insert named blocks or graphics into the current drawing -I < br />Insert link or embedded object IO
Find the interference area of ​​two or more three-dimensional solids and use the common parts to create a three-dimensional combined solid INF
Created from the intersection of two or more solids or regions Combine entities or regions IN
Manage layer LA
Execute the LAYER command -LA on the command line
Create a leader line to connect the annotation to a geometric feature LE or LEAD
Pull Long object L
Create, load and set line style LT
Use the command line to create, load and set line style -LT
Display database information for the selected object LI or LS
Set Line scale factor LTS
Copy the characteristics of an object to several other objects MA
Place point objects or blocks at specified intervals ME
Create a mirror copy of the object MI
Create multiline ML
Move object M in specified direction by specified distance
Switch from paper space to model space viewport MS
Create multiline text T or MT
Use command line Create multiline text -T
Create a floating viewport and open an existing floating viewport MV
Create equidistant lines of objects such as concentric circles, parallel lines and parallel curves O
Set up run Object capture mode and modify the target frame size OS
Use the command line settings to run the object capture mode and modify the target frame size - OS
Move the graphics displayed in the current viewport P
Use the command line to move the viewport Port-P
Insert clipboard data and control data format PA
Edit polylines and 3D polygon meshes PE
Create 2D polylines PL
Print graphics to plotter, Printer or file PLOT
Create point object PO
Create regular polygon POL represented by polyline
Customize AutoCAD system parameter settings PR
Show the effect of printing graphics PRE
Switch from model space viewport to paper space PS
Delete unused named objects in the database, such as blocks or layers PU
Draw a rectangular polyline REC
Refresh and display the current viewport R
Refresh and display all views Port RA
Regenerate the drawing and refresh the current viewport RE
Regenerate the drawing and refresh all viewports REA
Create a region object REG from a selected set of existing objects
Modify the object name - REN
Create a photorealistic rendered image RR of a three-dimensional wireframe or solid model
Rotate a two-dimensional object along an axis to create a solid REV
Rotate the object RO around a base point
Set the rendering system configuration RPR
Enlarge or reduce the object SC in equal proportions in the X, Y and Z directions
Execute a series of commands SCR from the script file
Create using cutting planes and solid intersections Region SEC
Lists system variables and modifies variable values ​​SET
Displays the shaded image SHA of the current viewport graphic
Uses a plane to section a group of entities SL
Specifies that the cursor presses the specified Spacing shift SN
Create 2D filled polygon SO
Check spelling of text in graphics SP
Create quadratic or cubic spline SPL
Edit spline object SPE
Move or stretch object S
Create named style ST
Create combined area or solid SU with difference set
Calibrate, configure, turn on and off installed digitizer TA
Set the thickness TH of the current three-dimensional entity
Control access to paper space and control the behavior of the viewport TI
Create geometric tolerance dimensions TOL
Show, hide and customize the toolbar TO
Create a donut-shaped entity TOR
Trim the object TR with the shear edges defined by other objects
Create a combined area or entity UNI through a union operation
Set the display format and precision of coordinates and angles - UN
Save and restore named views-V
Set the viewing direction of the three-dimensional visualization of the drawing-VP
Write block objects to a new drawing file W
Create three-dimensional entities to use The tip of its inclined surface is along the positive X-axis WE
Attach an external reference to the current drawing XA
Bind the external reference dependent symbol to the drawing XB
Use the command line to execute the XBINDW command -XB
Define xref or block clipping boundaries and set the front clipping planeand back clipping plane XC
Create an infinitely long straight line, called a reference line Appearance size Z of the current viewport object


CAD shortcut keys

Shortcut key comments Shortcut key comments

A ARC (draw arc) IN INTERSECT (intersect)

AA AREA (measure area) L LINE (draw line)

AR ARRAY (array) LA LAYER (create layer)

ATT ATTDEF (define attributes) LE QLEADER (quick Guide line label)

ATE ATTEDIT (edit attributes) LEN LENGTHEN (lengthen)

B BLOCK (define block) LI LIST (list)

BH BHATCH (pattern fill) LT LINETYPE (set line type)

BR BREAK (break) LTS LTSCALE (set line type proportion)

C CIRCLE (draw circle ) M MOVE(move)

CH PROPERTIES(property modification) MA MATCHPROP(property matching)

CHA CHAMFER(chamfer) ME MEASURE(measurement)

COL COLOR (change the color of the object) MI MIRROR (mirror)

CO COPY (copy) ML MLINE (draw multiple lines)

D DIMSTYLE (set the column Style) MT MTEXT (multi-line text)

DAL DIMALIGNED (alignment label) O OFFSET (offset)

DAN DIMANGULAR (angle label) OP OPTIONS (system settings)< br />
DBA DIMBASELINE (baseline standard) OS OSNAP (object capture)

DCE DIMCENTER (circle center label) P PAN (view translation)

DCO DIMCONTINUE (Continuous labeling) PE PEDIT (complex line editing)

DDI DIMDIAMETER (diameter marking) PL PLINE (composite line)

DED DIMEDIT (marking editing) PO POINT (point drawing)
DI DIST (measure distance) POL POLYGON (draw regular polygon)

DIV DIVIDE (equally divided) PRE PREVIEW (view preview)

DLI DIMLINEAR (linear Label) PRINT PLOT (print)

DO DONUT (circle) R REDRAW (redraw)

DOR DIMORDINATE (coordinate label) RE REGEN (regenerate)

DOV DIMOVERRIDE(size update) REC RECTANGLE(draw rectangle)


DRA DIMRADIUS(radius mark) RO ROTATE (Rotation)

DS DSETTINGS (Sketch Settings) S STRETCH (Stretch)

DT DTEXT (Dynamic Text) SC SCALE (Proportional Scaling)

E ERASE(delete) SN SNAP(grid point snap)

ED DDEDIT() SPL SPLINE(draw spline)

EL ELLIPSE(draw ellipse) SPE SPLINEKIT( Edit spline)

EX EXTEND (extend to) ST STYLE (set text style)

EXIT QUIT (exit) T MTEXT (multiline text)

EXP EXPORT(explode) TO TOOLBAR(call toolbar)

F FILLET(round) TR TRIM(trim)

G GROUP(group ) UN UNITS(Set units)

HE HATCHEDIT(Hatch editing) W WBLOCK(Block save)

I INSERT(Insert block) Z ZOOM(View zoom)

IMP IMPORT (import)

“AutoCAD"2000 Shortcut Keys" is a classic worth collecting

The use of AutoCAD 2000 shortcut commands
AutoCAD is currently the preferred design software for engineering designers from all over the world. Ease of learning and accuracy are two important factors for the success of AutoCAD. Reason. There are many commands provided by AutoCAD, but only 20% of the most commonly used commands when drawing are used. When using the keyboard to input commands, some commonly used commands are long, such as BHATCH (fill) and EXPLODE (explode). The number of keystrokes affects the drawing speed. Although AutoCAD provides two complete input methods, menu and toolbar, to increase the drawing speed, the only way to improve the drawing speed is to master the fast command input method provided by Auto CAD.

While conducting AutoCAD design, training and teaching research, the author has accumulated some experience in the use and management of shortcut commands, and now summarizes them for your reference when using AutoCAD 2000.

1. Overview:

The so-called shortcut command is a shortcut defined by AutoCAD in order to increase the drawing speed. It uses one or a few simple letters to replace commonly used commands, so that we do not have to memorize many long commands. , and there is no need to search for hidden names in menus and toolbars to execute a command. All defined shortcut commands are saved in the ACAD.PGP file in the SUPPORT subdirectory of the AutoCAD installation directory. We can modify the content of the file to define your own commonly used shortcut commands.

Every time we create or open an AutoCAD drawing file, CAD itself will automatically search for the SUPPORT path in the installation directory, find and read the ACAD.PGP file .When AutoCAD is running, we can use the command line to complete an operation using the shortcut commands defined in the ACAD.PGP file. For example, if we want to draw a straight line, we only need to enter the letter "L" in the command line. That is Yes.

2. Naming rules of shortcut commands

1. A shortcut command is usually the first or first two letters of the English word of the command, and some are the first three letters. .
For example, the shortcut command for Line is "L"; the shortcut command for Copy (COpy) is "CO"; the shortcut command for Line Scale (LTScale) is "LTS".
< br />During use, try to use the first letter of the command. If that doesn’t work, use the first two letters, or at most the first three letters. In other words, AutoCAD’s shortcut commands generally do not exceed three letters. If a If the first three letters of the command do not work, you can only enter the complete command.

2. Another type of shortcut commandCommands are usually composed of "Ctrl key + a letter", or are defined by the function keys F1~F8. For example, Ctrl key + "N", Ctrl key + "O", Ctrl key + "S", Ctrl key + "P" respectively represent creating, opening, saving, and printing files; F3 represents "object capture".

3. If the first letters of some commands are the same, then the commonly used commands will be represented by the first letter, and other commands can be represented by the first two or three letters. For example, "R" represents Redraw, "RA" represents Redall; for example, "L" represents Line, "LT" represents LineType, and "LTS" represents LTScale.

4. We need to remember some exceptions. For example, "modify text" (DDEDIT) is not "DD", but "ED"; "AA" means Area, and "T" means Mtext, "X" means Explode.

3. Definition of shortcut commands

As mentioned above, all shortcut commands defined in AutoCAD are saved in the ACAD.PGP file. ACAD.PGP is a plain text file that users can edit using an ASCII text editor (such as EDIT under DOS) or directly using the Notepad in the WINDOWS attachment. Users can add some Auto CAD command shortcuts to the file themselves.

Typically, shortcut commands use one or two letters that are easy to remember and use them instead of the full command name. The shortcut command definition format is as follows:

Shortcut command name, * Full command name
For example: CO, * COPY
After typing the shortcut command, type a comma followed by the shortcut command The full name of the alternative command. AutoCAD commands must be prefixed with an asterisk.
Chen Tong et al., "Getting Started and Improving the Chinese Version of AutoCAD 2000", Tsinghua University Press, published in July 2000
Attachment: Common shortcut commands
(1) Letter class
1. Object properties
ADC, *ADCENTER (Design Center "Ctrl+2")
CH, MO *PROPERTIES (Modify properties "Ctrl+1")
MA, *MATCHPROP (attribute matching)
ST, *STYLE (text style)
COL, *COLOR (set color)
LA, *LAYER (layer operation)
/>LT, *LINETYPE (linear)
LTS, *LTSCALE (line scale)
LW, *LWEIGHT (line width)
UN, *UNITS (graphic units)
ATT, *ATTDEF (attribute definition)
ATE, *ATTEDIT (edit attributes)
BO, *BOUNDARY (boundary creation, including creation of closed polylines and regions)
AL, *ALIGN (alignment)
EXIT, *QUIT (exit )
EXP, *EXPORT (output files in other formats)
IMP, *IMPORT (input files)
OP,PR *OPTIONS (customized CAD settings)
PRINT, *PLOT (print)
PU, *PURGE (purge garbage)
R, *REDRAW (regenerate)
REN, *RENAME (rename)
SN, *SNAP (snap gate grid)
DS, *DSETTINGS (set polar tracking)
OS, *OSNAP (set snap mode)
PRE, *PREVIEW (print preview)
TO, *TOOLBAR ( Toolbar)
V, *VIEW (named view)
AA, *AREA (area)
DI, *DIST (distance)
LI, *LIST (display graphic data information )
2. Drawing commands:
PO, *POINT (point)
L, *LINE (line)
XL, *XLINE (ray)
PL, * PLINE (polyline)
ML, *MLINE (multiline)
SPL, *SPLINE (spline)
POL, *POLYGON (regular polygon)
REC, *RECTANGLE (rectangle)
C, *CIRCLE (circle)
A, *ARC (arc)
DO, *DONUT (ring)
EL, *ELLIPSE (ellipse) < br />REG, *REGION (region)
MT, *MTEXT (multiline text)
T, *MTEXT (multiline text)
B, *BLOCK (block definition) < br />I, *INSERT (insert block)
W, *WBLOCK (defineblock file)
DIV, *DIVIDE (divided)
H, *BHATCH (fill)
3. Modification commands:
CO, *COPY (copy)
MI, *MIRROR (mirror)
AR, *ARRAY (array)
O, *OFFSET (offset)
RO, *ROTATE (rotation)
M, *MOVE ( Move)
E, DEL key *ERASE (delete)
X, *EXPLODE (explode)
TR, *TRIM (trim)
EX, *EXTEND (extend)
/>S, *STRETCH (stretch)
LEN, *LENGTHEN (straight line elongation)
SC, *SCALE (proportional scaling)
BR, *BREAK (break)
CHA, *CHAMFER (chamfer)
F, *FILLET (round)
Usage of AutoCAD 2000 shortcut commands
Author: breeze Reposted from: Original on this site Number of clicks: 802 Article entry: breeze
PE, *PEDIT (polyline editing)
ED, *DDEDIT (modify text)
4. Window zoom:
P, *PAN (Pan)
Z+Space+Space, *Real-time zoom
Z, *Partial zoom
Z+P, *Return to the previous view
Z+E, *Show full image
>5. Dimensioning:
DLI, *DIMLINEAR (linear dimensioning)
DAL, *DIMALIGNED (aligned dimensioning)
DRA, *DIMRADIUS (radius dimensioning)
DDI, *DIMDIAMETER (diameter dimension)
DAN, *DIMANGULAR (angle dimension)
DCE, *DIMCENTER (center dimension)
DOR, *DIMORDINATE (point dimension)
TOL, *TOLERANCE (dimension Geometric Tolerance)
LE, *QLEADER (Quick Lead Annotation)
DBA, *DIMBASELINE (Baseline Annotation)
DCO, *DIMCONTINUE (Continuous Annotation)
D, *DIMSTYLE (annotation style)
DED, *DIMEDIT (edit annotation)
DOV, *DIMOVERRIDE (replace annotation system variables)
text single-line text input
mtext multi-line text input

(2) Commonly used CTRL shortcut keys
[CTRL]+1 *PROPERTIES (modify properties)
[CTRL]+2 *ADCENTER (Design Center)
[CTRL]+O * OPEN (open file)
[CTRL]+N, M *NEW (new file)
[CTRL]+P *PRINT (print file)
[CTRL]+S *SAVE (save file) < br />[CTRL]+Z *UNDO (give up)
[CTRL]+B *SNAP (grid snap)
[CTRL]+F *OSNAP (object snap)
[CTRL]+G *GRID (grid)
[ CTRL] + L *ORTHO (orthogonal)
[CTRL] + W * (object tracking)
[CTRL] + U * (polar axis)
(3) Commonly used function keys
[ F1] *HELP (Help)
[F2] * (Text Window)
[F3] *OSNAP (Object Snap)
[F7] *GRIP (Grid)
[ F8】 *ORTHO (orthogonal)

Explanation of special symbols for input code Explanation of special symbols for input code
%%0~32 Space sign %%123 { Left brace
%% 33 ! %%124 |
%%34 “ Double quotation mark %%125 } Right brace
%%35 # %%126 ~
%%36 $ %%127 ° degree
%%37 % %%128 ±
%%38 & %%129 φ
%%39 ' Single quotation mark%%130 α
%%40 (Left bracket %%131 β
%%41 ) right bracket %%132 δ
%%42 * Multiplication sign%%133 i
%%43 + Plus sign%%134~137 Empty sign
%%44, comma%%138 0 (superscript) m% %138=m0
%%45 - minus sign %%139 1 (superscript) m%%139=m1
%%46 . Period%%140 2 (superscript) m%%140=m2
%%47 / Division sign%%141 3 (superscript) m%%141=m3
%%48~57 0~ 9 The font is too large and the middle hyphen is the middle hyphen. The middle hyphen is the middle hyphen.
%%58: colon%%148 9 (superscript) m%%148=m9
%%59; semicolon%%149~ 157 1~9 The font is too small
%%60 < Less than sign%%158~162 Empty sign
%%61 = Equal sign%%163 △
%%62 > Greater than sign%% 164 ▽
%%63? Question mark %%165~200 Empty mark
%%64 @
%%65~90 A~Z 26 uppercase letters %%c φ
%%91 [ %%d. Degree
%%92 \ Backslash%%p ± sign
%%93 ] %%u _ Underline
%%94 ^ %%o — Overline
%%95 _ %%96 ' Single quotation mark
%%97~122 a~z 26 lowercase letters

『八』 How to play the att serial gun game, what are the skills< /p>

Hello, there is no skill in this, but I can teach you a little bit, and it may be useful.

How to judge whether to try the big output segment or the eating segment? The big machines give out points and eat in stages.
Generally, it does not exceed 200 coins each time. Throw 100 coins first and try small fish. , use the 2-point fish from the No. 4 turret.
The best way is to use a fish machine remote control. The Jinan Xinlong electronic remote control is very good

Many people got it here. I hope it can help. is you.

『玖』 How to use China Mobile card to get back an ATT LG mobile phone from the United States? I don’t need a mobile card. How can I decode it in the Mainland?

Go to the mobile phone in the Mainland City, flash machine
In fact, ATAs long as T's machine has been used for three months or a few months, you can just call ATT and ask to unlock it. Even if it is leaving the United States, you can now ask your friends to call them in the United States.

『 Pick up』 How to convert att to mint

att is a silicon controlled rectifier element. It is a high-power semiconductor device with a four-layer structure with three PN junctions, also known as Thyristor. It has the characteristics of small size, relatively simple structure, and strong functions, and is one of the more commonly used semiconductor devices. This device is widely used in various electronic equipment and electronic products, and is often used for controllable rectification, inverter, frequency conversion, voltage regulation, contactless switch, etc.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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