比特币合约超短线手法 比特币合约短线操作

㈠ 比特币合约真的能赚钱吗


㈡ 莫西各比特币合约井喷靠谱吗


㈢ 比特币合约基金靠谱吗

知乎 · 18 个回答
33 人赞同了该回答






















发布于 06-22・著作权归作者所有

㈣ 我朋友投资比特币挣了很多钱,可信吗


㈤ 投资比特币靠谱吗


㈥ OKEX的比特币永续合约可靠吗


㈦ 比特币交易合约公司是不是骗人的


㈧ BTC比特币期货合约怎么玩,能赚钱吗


㈨ 有人玩比特币合约吗ECEX交易所靠谱不


Can Bitcoin contracts really make money?

Bitcoin contracts can make money, but you have to do it in the right direction. Once you make a mistake, you will lose money quickly. It is recommended to invest cautiously. good luck.

㈡ Is the blowout of Moxi’s Bitcoin contract reliable?

Is the blowout of Mexico’s Bitcoin contract reliable? I think some domestic ones are electronic currencies or other things. Convertible bonds or stocks are enough for you to play with. The outside world is unreliable

Is the Bitcoin contract fund reliable?

How much did you lose in the Bitcoin contract?
Zhihu · 18 answers
33 people agreed with this answer
In fact, you can make a steady profit by playing Bitcoin contracts. I hope this strategy will be helpful to everyone!

I have been using, strictly speaking, risk-free arbitrage.

For example, the current price of Bitcoin is 10,000 US dollars

1. Suppose you use 5,000 yuan to open a long position with 20 times leverage

2. At the same time Open 2 put options for hedging on BitOffer (cost of US$60, the world’s first BTC American option platform)

✅The first one, when Bitcoin rises by US$200, the increase is 2%
< br />1. Going long with 20 times leverage, the profit is 40%, which is 2,000 yuan

2. The put option loses the principal, which is 60 US dollars (420 yuan)

3. After settling the two, the net profit of the account is 1,580 yuan

✅Second, when Bitcoin drops by 200 US dollars, the drop is 2%

1. 20 times leverage Go long and lose 40%, which is 2,000 yuan

2. The profit from the put option is 400 US dollars, which is 2,800 yuan

3. After deducting the option cost of 60 US dollars, the net profit is 380 yuan

✅The third type, when Bitcoin rises by 500 US dollars, the increase is 5%

1. Go long with 20 times leverage, double the capital, and make a profit of 5,000 yuan

2. The put option loses the principal, which is 60 US dollars (420 yuan)

3. The two settle, the net profit is 4580 yuan

✅The fourth type, when Bitcoin drops by 500 US dollars, the drop is 5%

1. Going long with 20 times leverage, triggering a liquidation, and losing 5,000 yuan

2. The put option profit is 1,000 US dollars, which is 7,000 yuan

3. Subtract (5,000 + 60 US dollars), the net profit is 1,580 yuan

Note: The contract has been liquidated, but the account still achieved profits

Published on 06-22・The copyright belongs to the author
Xue Feifei
As soon as I saw the words "steady profit", I I want to curse! !
The wind blows at the center of the earth
First of all, bitoffer is not safe, and secondly, apart from the program, it cannot be closed at the same time

㈣ My friend made a lot of money investing in Bitcoin, is it trustworthy


Believable, as long as he buys low and sells high, he will definitely make money. However, Bitcoin is too risky. Weigh the funds in your hand to see if they are strong. If you only have a little money, you will still be able to make money. Don't touch it. Especially for Bitcoin futures, you may not have a penny left in an instant, and you may even owe money before you can close your position.

Is investing in Bitcoin reliable?

Investing in Bitcoin is very unreliable. Because these worthless things have no investment value, we will only be cut off when we enter them, and may end up in vain.

㈥ Is OKEX’s Bitcoin Perpetual Contract Reliable?

Of course it is, otherwise it would be very annoying to go to Huobi to insert money.

㈦ Bitcoin Is the trading contract company a scam?

Probably not, but it is impossible for you to make money through Bitcoin, because Bitcoin is a transaction currency used on the Internet.

㈧ How to play BTC futures contracts, can you make money

You can make money, but you are also likely to lose money. The risk of the contract is still very high, at least more risky than normal currency speculation. It is big, but the benefits are also considerable. You can study and observe it on the exchange now, and take a look before deciding whether to enter the market

㈨ Is anyone playing Bitcoin contracts? Is the ECEX exchange reliable?

Yes, I just got into it too. I haven't used the one you mentioned. I use the Canadian currency station. However, this platform was recommended by a friend, so I didn’t think too much about it and went in. Fortunately, it worked well. Because there are so many exchanges on the market now, as a person who has just entered the currency circle, it is really difficult to distinguish between true and false. However, my wallet is also relatively dry, so it is better to be cautious, so I finally chose An exchange recommended by a friend.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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