比特币合约哪里交易的 比特币合约哪里交易好

A. 比特币合约交易什么意思




B. BitOffer比特币合约怎么交易


C. 比特币合约交易怎么玩


D. 比特币合约交易是什么意思在哪里开


E. 怎么交易比特币永续合约


F. 比特币合约是OKEX交易所的最好吗


G. 比特币有哪些期货合约交易所


H. 比特币合约交易是什么



永续合约与传统期货存在一定差异:它 没有到期时间,因而对于持仓时间没有任何限制。为了保证跟踪标的价格指数,永续合约通过 资金费用 的机制来保证其价格紧跟标的资产的价格。

I. 国内比特币合约平台有哪些推荐下



A. What does Bitcoin contract trading mean?

Contract trading is the collective name for Bitcoin Litecoin futures contract trading.
In June 2013, 796 Exchange took the lead in the Bitcoin industry to develop the Bitcoin weekly delivery standard futures-T+0 two-way trading virtual commodity pledged barter contract (contract transaction).
The emergence of contract trading ended the previous history that Bitcoin could not be shorted, and opened the prelude to the development and prosperity of the Bitcoin derivatives market.

Warm reminder: The above information is for reference only and does not represent any advice.

Response time: 2020-12-16. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
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B. How to trade BitOffer Bitcoin contracts< /p>

Currently there are no formal Bitcoin transactions in China. If you want to invest, find formal products to participate. Be alert, if you have any questions, please add

C. How to play Bitcoin contract trading

Contract trading is actually very simple. There are only two directions: short and long.
After choosing a direction, if the market trend is correct and the appropriate profit point is reached, close the position in time or set a take-profit level.
If the market is wrong, stop the loss in time to avoid greater losses.
Of course, in the long history of financial evolution, there are also some experienced analysts who have searched high and low to develop new methods that can protect capital and make appropriate profits.
For example, in double position hedging, you can establish orders in opposite directions in two positions A and B at the same time. No matter which direction the market goes, one position will be profitable, which can achieve the effect of capital preservation.
This kind of Double position hedging can also be profitable,
but how to generate profits? For specific operation steps, you can ask, or leave a private message

D. What does Bitcoin contract trading mean and where to open it?

The meaning of commodity futures contract trading is consistent. That is, using Bitcoin standardized contracts as the subject matter, collective bidding and buying and selling are carried out through an electronic trading platform to unify transactions, transfers, and settlements, and price trends are displayed in real time.
Currently, Bitcoin contract transactions can be bought and sold on many exchanges, but the contract values ​​and rules are different. You need to choose the one that suits you according to your actual situation.
As for the question of where to open contract transactions, you can open contract transactions after finding a suitable exchange and opening an account.
I hope you’ll adopt the above, if you don’t understand anything, please ask.

E. How to trade Bitcoin perpetual contracts

I usually play on OKEX, as long as I reach my point and sell.

F. Bitcoin contracts are OKIs the EX exchange the best?

Yes, OKEX’s Bitcoin contract has the longest history and the best technology, which is the consensus in the currency circle.

G. What futures contract exchanges are there for Bitcoin?

As my friend said, most exchanges for futures contracts will be stuck. Once they start to fluctuate, they often cannot close their positions. Yes, we can only wait for the liquidation, so many people are now unwilling to play with contracts because the risk factor is too high. In contrast, options are on the rise. Take Bitoffer’s upcoming Bitcoin options as an example. There is no margin, no handling fees, no liquidation, and the risk is controllable!
With these advantages alone, the contract has been completely defeated, including the profitability, which has been improved to a higher level. If the contract leverage is not increased, there is basically no profit. Options can achieve the effect of leverage without leverage, up to a thousand times leverage. For example, for options on bitoffer, the current price of Bitcoin is 8,500 points. If you think it will fall in the next hour, you open a 1-hour put option, which consumes 5 USDT. Sure enough, Bitcoin falls by 500 points in 1 hour, then 1 hour When the option expires and is settled, you receive 500 USDT income, while your principal is only 5 USDT.

H. What is Bitcoin contract trading?

1. Definition of contract
A futures contract is where the buyer agrees to receive an asset at a specific price after a specified period of time, and the seller An agreement to deliver a certain asset at a specific price after a specified period of time.
The price that both parties agree to use for future transactions is called the futures price. The specified date on which both parties must enter into a transaction in the future is called the settlement date or delivery date. The asset that both parties agree to exchange is called the “subject.”
If an investor takes a position in the market by purchasing a futures contract (i.e. agreeing to buy at a future date), it is called a long position or going long on futures. On the contrary, if the position taken by the investor is to sell a futures contract (that is, to bear the contractual responsibility to sell in the future), it is called a short position or going short on futures.

2. The origin of the contract
Futures contracts refer to standardized contracts formulated by futures exchanges that stipulate the delivery of a certain quantity and quality of commodities at a specific time and place in the future. It is the object of futures trading. Futures trading participants transfer price risks and obtain risk returns by buying and selling futures contracts on futures exchanges.
Futures contracts are developed on the basis of spot contracts and spot forward contracts, but their most essential difference lies in the standardization of futures contract terms. For futures contracts traded in the futures market, terms such as the quantity, quality grade and delivery grade of the subject matter, as well as premium and discount standards for substitutes, delivery location, delivery month and other terms are all standardized, making futures contracts universal.
In futures contracts, only the futures price is the only variable, which is generated through open bidding on the exchange.

3. Classification of Contracts
Digital currency contracts can be divided into: delivery contracts and perpetual contracts.
(1) Delivery contract: Futures delivery refers to the process in which the parties to the transaction settle the expired open positions through the transfer of ownership of the commodities contained in the futures contract when the futures contract expires.
(2) Perpetual contract: It is a derivative similar to leveraged spot trading. It is a digital currency contract product settled in BTC, USDT and other currencies. Investors can gain profits from rising digital currency prices by buying long, or gain profits from falling digital currency prices by selling short.
Perpetual contracts are somewhat different from traditional futures: they have no expiration time, so there is no limit on the holding time. In order to ensure tracking of the underlying price index, the perpetual contract uses a funding fee mechanism to ensure that its price closely follows the price of the underlying asset.

I. What are the recommendations for domestic Bitcoin contract platforms?

The concept of Bitcoin was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008, and in 2009 Officially born on January 3rd. The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto's ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system. Unlike all currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations based on a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction behaviors. And use cryptographic design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation. The decentralized nature of P2P and the algorithm itself ensure that currency value cannot be artificially manipulated by mass production of Bitcoins. Design based on cryptography allows Bitcoin to be transferred or paid only by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other virtual currencies is that its total quantity is very limited and it is extremely scarce.

Warm reminder:
1. According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, and is not Currency in the true sense does not have the same legal status as currency and cannot and should not be used as currency in the market. Citizens' investment and trading in virtual currencies are not protected by law.
2. The above explanation is for reference only. Before investing, it is recommended that you first understand the risks of the project, and have a clear understanding of the project’s investors, investment institutions, chain activity and other information, rather than investing blindly or Enter the fund plate by mistake.
3. Investors should not use such information to replace their independent judgment or make decisions solely based on such information, which does not constitute any investment operation.
Response time: 2021-11-18. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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