矿币是骗局吗 矿币是不是传销

Ⅰ mxm极矿币可信么是不是传销骗局


Ⅱ 比特币骗局是真的吗





2、 2014年1月7日,淘宝发布公告,宣布1月14日起禁售比特币、莱特币等互联网虚拟币等商品。西维吉尼亚州民主党参议员乔·曼钦(JoeManchin)2014年2月26日向美国联邦政府多个监管部门发出公开信,希望有关机构能够就比特币鼓励非法活动和扰乱金融秩序的现状予以重视,并要求能尽快采取行动,以全面封杀该电子货币。

3、 2017年5月12日,全球突发比特币病毒疯狂袭击公共和商业系统事件!全球有接近74个国家受到严重攻击!




Ⅲ 比特币是否是个大骗局








参考资料来源:人民网-揭秘疯狂的比特币:每个800元 新的庞氏骗局?



Ⅳ 比特币是金矿还是新庞氏骗局


Ⅳ 比特币其实是一场骗局,央行一锤定音,中科院也早已发声警告,你了解吗



Ⅵ 挖矿骗局最多坚持多久



1) 以当前RMB 44,000币价,矿机只能挖出RMB 32.87收益便停机,只能回本13.15%。

2) 以1万美元币价计算,RMB 68,000币价,矿机亦只能挖出RMB 127.79收益便停机,只能回本51.12%。

3) 以100%回本倒推,如币价现在是RMB 92,305,挖到2019年4月6日停机时才能回本。

4) 以历史高位币价,挖矿活动也会在2019年5月18日停机,净收益RMB 405.88。

有人便会质疑我的数据,说只是你找不到便宜的电和矿机而已。那我估算一下矿机成本价是RMB 125/T,矿场裸电价为RMB0.22+RMB0.08的建设成本去模拟,以现在的币价也是不可能回本的。


1) 现在买矿机要对币价有很强的升值预期,不然根本看不到回本那天。如果对币价有很强的升值预期,那只需要买币就好了,根本不需要考虑挖矿。

2) 过去难度增加是因为矿机生产商为了冲业绩去上市,不断加大产能。从2017年平均每月7万台到现在每月近30万台(以S9 13.5T和全网算力增加算计,不考虑被淘汰的旧矿机),把单台矿机的收益以指数方式减少。从模拟5)来看,甚至矿机生产商在现在的环境下挖矿也是亏本的。


3) 很多人被教育说比特币是好东西,有他的存在价值,怎么会崩盘呢?币价会在停机价有支持,不然没有矿工愿意去记账,系统便完蛋了。所以很多比特币信徒有个信仰是难度和币价有着必然关系,短期的波动不要紧,因为他们看币价是年底5万美元,矿机长挖长有的心态。这种谬论和静态数据分折如出一辙,当大众醒悟时投资已经回不来了。

Ⅶ gec云矿机骗局


Ⅷ 挖矿骗局最多坚持多久








Ⅰ Is mxm’s currency trustworthy? Is it a pyramid scheme?

You are not trustworthy, these are all virtual currencies. Virtual currency fund disk, etc., does not mean that it cannot be done, that it cannot be done, or that it is fake or a pyramid scheme. It just means that you don’t know which day it will collapse, or the person in charge will run away, or the country will directly copy it, then you will not be able to get back your losses. It's best not to touch these things.

II Is the Bitcoin scam real?

Bitcoin is just a game. If it is promoted as a tool to get rich, it can be regarded as a scam. Just like the currencies in other online games, the only difference is that Bitcoin was standardized when the game was first formulated and cannot be issued indiscriminately, so it can maintain its value better than other virtual game props. Equivalent to online collections, Bitcoin is a prop in the game. Its value is reflected in the recognition of Bitcoin by players: the more people play, the higher the value of the props in the game; the risk is reflected in the fact that it is not the only game. The algorithm is not the only one, and maybe someone will be able to make other Bitcoins soon. All you have to do is promote the game and sell your items. As for currency, Bitcoin does not have the basic attributes of currency at all: such as unfair initial distribution and inability to guarantee circulation. Currency requires state machinery to maintain it.

Extended information:

The concept of Bitcoin (BitCoin) was originally proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto’s ideas and the software built on it P2P network. Bitcoin is a P2P form of digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system. Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations based on a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction behaviors. And use cryptographic design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation. The decentralized nature of P2P and the algorithm itself ensure that currency value cannot be artificially manipulated by mass production of Bitcoins.

1. Bitcoin (Bitcoin: Bitcoin) was originally an online virtual currency that can be used to purchase items in real life. It is characterized by being decentralized, anonymous, and can only be used in the digital world. It does not belong to any country or financial institution, and is not subject to geographical restrictions. It can be exchanged anywhere in the world, and therefore is used as a money laundering tool by some criminals. .

2. On January 7, 2014, Taobao issued an announcement announcing that it would ban the sale of Internet virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin from January 14. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia issued an open letter to multiple regulatory agencies of the U.S. federal government on February 26, 2014, hoping that relevant agencies would pay attention to the fact that Bitcoin encourages illegal activities and disrupts financial order. , and requested that action be taken as soon as possible to completely ban the electronic currency.

3, 20On May 12, 2017, a global Bitcoin virus crazily attacked public and commercial systems! Nearly 74 countries around the world have been seriously attacked!

4. Starting from August 1, 2017, the global Bitcoin trading platform will suspend deposit and withdrawal services. The Bitcoin China digital asset trading platform will stop new user registrations from September 14th, and the digital asset trading platform will cease all trading operations on September 30th.

Reference materials:


Ⅲ Is Bitcoin a big scam?

Bitcoin is a scam, so You must be cautious when investing and managing money.

Even for gold, which is called "hard currency", the price of gold will not only rise but not fall. There is no bubble in gold itself, but if the price is too high, there will be a bubble, and the bubble will eventually burst. The same is true for virtual currencies such as Bitcoin. The more common virtual currencies there are, the closer the value of Bitcoin is to 0.

This kind of currency that is purely calculated as a digital symbol has no asset support, no financial revenue and expenditure, no cash reserves, and no use value. It is just a circulation symbol. Once it loses its credit guarantee, it is A pile of beautifully printed scrap paper. Investors should be wary that there is no so-called safe investment in this world, and all investments are risky.

The People's Bank of China and other departments issued documents to severely rectify the above-mentioned behaviors, clarifying that token transactions are not protected by law. As some virtual currency trading platforms move overseas, speculative currency speculation has also turned "underground." In the face of constantly renovating behaviors, government departments, on the basis of continuing to strictly supervise, should continue to upgrade supervision methods and capabilities, continue to increase publicity and crackdown efforts, and prevent the public from being deceived.

(3) Mining currency scam extended reading:

Investing in virtual currency is more of a speculative behavior, and investors should strengthen their awareness of risk prevention and Identification ability, do not involve money transactions without confirming the identity of the other party, do not trust low-risk, high-return investment products, and especially do not join unverified investment and financial management groups at will. These are often carefully designed by telecom network fraudsters. trap.

It is best to purchase investment and financial management in the company of your children, and learn about it from official and authoritative channels. When you find that you have been deceived, report it to the police in a timely manner. Properly protect various account passwords, identity information, etc., and do not disclose them to others easily. Whenever you mention the need to transfer money, you should be highly vigilant and consult with trusted acquaintances.

Reference source: People's Daily Online - Revealing the Crazy Bitcoin: 800 Yuan Each New Ponzi Scheme?

People's Daily Online - Three men were sentenced for setting up a Bitcoin scam and making more than 150,000 yuan

People's Daily Online - People's Daily Online commented on "Analysis of Blockchain "Part 3: How to avoid turning reality into fiction

IV Is Bitcoin a gold mine or a new Ponzi scheme?

Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation , it is beneficialInvestors are paid in return using their own money, or old investors are paid out of new investors' money, rather than money earned from operating the company itself. When not enough new investors join, the Ponzi scheme collapses, and the last investors suffer losses.
Bitcoin is a free software project with no central authority, so no one can make false statements about return on investment. Just like other major currencies such as gold, US dollars, euros, yen, etc., Bitcoin has no guaranteed purchasing power and the exchange rate is free-floating. The resulting volatility makes it impossible for Bitcoin holders to predict profits or losses. The fact is that Bitcoin is being used by thousands of users and businesses due to its useful and competitive properties.

IV Bitcoin is actually a scam. The central bank has made the final decision, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has also issued a warning. Do you understand?

In accordance with national policy requirements, CITIC Bank also Start “blocking” Bitcoin and prohibiting accounts from being used for Bitcoin transactions. If found, CITIC Bank has the right to take measures such as suspending relevant account transactions and canceling relevant accounts. In addition, Guan, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that given China’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, it is necessary to implement regulations to reduce carbon emissions from Bitcoin mining and emerging industries in the future. Because research has found that many people use high-energy-consuming computers to mine Bitcoin because they are obsessed with Bitcoin.

It is estimated that the annual energy consumption of China’s Bitcoin blockchain will peak in 2024, at approximately 296.59 terawatt hours. Bitcoin is calculated based on 1 terawatt hour. If it is 10 kilowatt hours, the annual electricity consumption will reach 300 billion kilowatt hours. The increase in electricity consumption will undoubtedly produce 1.335 billion tons of carbon emissions, and this energy consumption has become one of the top ten energy consumers in China. In fact, in China, as early as 2017, Inner Mongolia began to rectify the virtual currency mining industry. In February this year, Inner Mongolia made it clear that it would shut down all virtual currency mining projects by the end of April. In short, Bitcoin, as a virtual currency, is not backed by gold or silver. Products and services, while purchasable, are ultimately worthless. So people must keep their eyes open to avoid being cut.

VI How long can a mining scam last at most?

Many articles about mining income use static data as the basis for analysis, and use the current currency price and difficulty to support the purchase of mining machines. Conclusion, but the revenue of the mining machine is directly related to these two parameters. New mining machines leave the factory every month, making mining more difficult every 14 days. The Bitcoin income from each mining machine will decrease. As the difficulty continues to increase, if the currency price does not increase accordingly, there will be insufficient income to pay the electricity bill. And downtime situation. Therefore, it is simply wrong to use static data to analyze whether to buy a mining machine or not.

The above 4 simulations take (a) the average difficulty in the past year to increase by 7.4% per period, (b) the current daily Bitcoin income per T as the starting point of impairment, (c) the current ability of retail investors The preferential electricity price found, (d) the current selling price of the mining machine, (e) different currency prices,As the breakdown data for investment in mining machines, look at the shutdown date, net income and return on capital value.

1) At the current currency price of RMB 44,000, the mining machine can only dig out RMB 32.87 in revenue before shutting down, and can only recover 13.15% of the capital.

2) Based on the currency price of US$10,000 and the currency price of RMB 68,000, the mining machine can only dig out RMB 127.79 in revenue before shutting down, and can only recover 51.12% of the capital.

3) Based on 100% return of capital, if the currency price is now RMB 92,305, the return of capital will not be possible until April 6, 2019 when the mining machine is shut down.

4) With the historically high currency price, mining activities will also be shut down on May 18, 2019, with a net income of RMB 405.88.

Some people will question my data, saying that you just can’t find cheap electricity and mining machines. Then I estimate that the cost price of the mining machine is RMB 125/T, and the bare electricity price of the mine is RMB0.22 + RMB0.08. To simulate the construction cost, it is impossible to recover the cost at the current currency price.

Here are several conclusions:

1) To buy a mining machine now, you must have a strong expectation of currency price appreciation, otherwise you will never see the day when you can get your money back. If there is a strong expectation for the currency price to appreciate, then you only need to buy the currency and there is no need to consider mining at all.

2) In the past, the difficulty increased because mining machine manufacturers went public and continued to increase production capacity in order to boost performance. From an average of 70,000 units per month in 2017 to nearly 300,000 units per month now (calculated based on S9 13.5T and the increase in computing power of the entire network, excluding old mining machines that have been eliminated), the income of a single mining machine is exponentially reduce. Judging from simulation 5), even mining machine manufacturers are losing money mining in the current environment.

The proportion of difficulty increase does not seem to be much different, but the number of new mining machines is 4 times. The end result of this devastating investment in production capacity is that people who buy mining machines are just takers. Mining machine manufacturers have applied for listing at astronomical valuations. How can they support the performance of listed companies in the long run? Is the purpose of going public to raise funds for research and development or to cut leeks in the final wave?

3) Many people have been taught that Bitcoin is a good thing and has its own value. How could it collapse? The currency price will be supported at the shutdown price, otherwise no miners will be willing to keep accounts and the system will be ruined. Therefore, many Bitcoin believers believe that there is an inevitable relationship between difficulty and currency price, and short-term fluctuations do not matter, because they see the currency price at US$50,000 by the end of the year, and the mining machine has a long-term mentality. This fallacy is the same as static data analysis. When the public wakes up, the investment will no longer come back.

Ⅶ gec cloud mining machine scam

A typical Ponzi scheme, money will not be generated out of thin air. To identify whether it is a scam, just check whether the money you make comes from Another investor in this project,In other words, the money comes from one’s own pockets, not from outsiders’ money. In the end, the person who makes the most money is the top person—the initiator of the project. Then he takes the money and runs away, leaving behind a pile of numbers with the hope of getting rich. Dreaming of you. Of course, if you don’t invest money, you won’t be deceived, and you can even make some money (in fact, the whole set of information such as the photo of your ID, mobile phone number, and bank card is worth a lot of money to criminals), but if you want to make a lot of money, If you do more, you can’t help but invest money. Nowadays, pyramid schemes don’t dare to be so obvious. Even fools can see it. I just cheat those who think they are better than fools. I hope my words can awaken more people.

Ⅷ How long can the mining scam last at most

In about ten years, the mining scam has existed in name only by 2021

Bitcoin mining in the mining scam With the evolution from CPU to GPU to ASIC mining machines, computing power is concentrated in the hands of large mining pools, and some large mining pools have equity relationships with mining machine manufacturers, so more than half of the accounting rights are in the hands of certain people.

This is the basis for the Bitcoin system to be attacked by 51%. The value of decentralized accounting advocated by Bitcoin exists in name only. In the end, it will become a centralized accounting and unregulated system, which will be destroyed by human beings. Greed swallows it up, so it will cool down in about ten years. If it persists for about ten years at most, it will be updated and replaced by other forms of virtual currencies.

The Development of Bitcoin

The white paper of Bitcoin clearly states that Bitcoin is just an experimental peer-to-peer electronic cash system. The founder of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto (who has disappeared) and the development team never publicized that buying Bitcoin would have high returns.

In the early days, some mutual aid platforms, such as 3M, used Bitcoin as the subject of participation to defraud, leaving a bad public impression of Bitcoin. Some organizations are committing scams under the guise of Bitcoin.

In addition, it should be noted that if you analyze it rationally, you will find that Bitcoin itself is not a Ponzi scheme, nor is it a fraud. You cannot say that Bitcoin is a scam just because someone is using the banner of Bitcoin to cheat. It's a scam.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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