比特币 交割合约 比特币合约交割会按当时价格买入卖出吗

1. 比特币期权和比特币交割合约有什么区别


2. 比特币合约交易中对手价格什么意思


3. 比特币的交割合约好还是永续合约好


4. OKEX比特币交割合约怎么玩


5. 问一下,比特币合约交易选哪个比较好

您好,比特币合约,是指无需实际拥有比特币也可进行交易的合约。 它与必须实际持有数字货币才可进行的币币交易有很大不同。比特币合约使你能够预测比特币的价格走势和对冲风险。 这种交易方式,意味着你投资的是价格趋势,而非资产本身。在交易比特币合约时,你可以决定做空还是做多。 选择做多,表明你预计比特币价格将会上涨。 另一方面,选择做空表明你预计价格将会下跌

6. 比特币交割合约有什么规则吗


7. 比特币合约选哪个好呢


8. 比特币合约市价、限价有何不同


9. 比特币合约交易中对手价格什么意思


1. What is the difference between Bitcoin options and Bitcoin delivery contracts?

This one is still more popular than what you are speculating on now. But it is still a little difficult for dad to compare.

2. What does the counterparty price mean in Bitcoin contract trading

The trading principle of SCCTI CFD is similar to that of virtual currency trading, the difference is that when you trade the CFD of virtual currency , for example, you do not actually hold Bitcoin, but trade the price trend of Bitcoin, by defining a CFD on the price of Bitcoin with a CFD broker, SCCTI,

3. Delivery of Bitcoin Whether it is better to use a contract or a perpetual contract

It doesn’t matter, it depends on your trading habits.

4. How to play the OKEX Bitcoin delivery contract

As long as you have an OKEX account and pass the contract test.

5. Ask, which Bitcoin contract transaction is better?

Hello, Bitcoin contract refers to a contract that can be traded without actually owning Bitcoin. It is very different from currency-to-crypto trading, which requires physical possession of the digital currency to proceed. Bitcoin contracts enable you to predict Bitcoin price movements and hedge risks. This type of trading means that you are investing in price trends rather than the asset itself. When trading Bitcoin contracts, you can decide to go short or long. Choosing to go long indicates that you expect the price of Bitcoin to rise. On the other hand, choosing to go short indicates that you expect the price to fall
Contract exchange screening criteria: First, look at the index price mechanism. A good exchange will comprehensively use the spot index of multiple major exchanges to represent the overall market level, and secondly, the price will not be artificially manipulated, making it safer. Second, look at the direction of positions in the same currency. Good exchanges allow two-way positions to reduce risks. Most exchanges only allow one-way positions. For example, you cannot go long BTC while shorting BTC in the same account. However, good exchanges allow investors to hold positions in both directions. This For those who do hedging, it can effectively hedge risks. Third, look at the contract type. Good exchanges have a richer variety of contracts to meet the operational needs of different people. They are generally divided into two types: delivery contracts and perpetual contracts. The most notable feature of delivery contracts is that they have a delivery and settlement date, while perpetual contracts do not. Fourth, see through the warehouse mechanism. Good exchanges have platform insurance funds to make up for the loss of liquidated positions, but the liquidated liquidation mechanism of most exchanges is full profit account sharing or ADL position reduction mechanism. Full profit account apportionment is an operating mode that combines and counts the liquidation losses generated by the liquidation orders of all contracts, and allocates all the profits of all profitable users as the apportionment base. To put it bluntly, the money you earn based on your skills has to be divided. Wiping the butt of those who have shorted their positions; the ADL position reduction mechanism means that when investors are forced to liquidate their positions, their remaining positions will be taken over by the exchange’s liquidation system. If the forced liquidation position cannot be closed in the market and when the mark price reaches the bankruptcy price, the automatic liquidation system willInvestors reduce their positions. The order of position reduction will be determined based on the leverage and profit ratio. To put it bluntly, if your opponent is too weak, your leverage ratio and position may be reduced, and your profits will also be reduced. The insurance fund mechanism is more objective and will not touch the profits of the profit makers. Instead, the platform fund will fully bear the loss of the position. Fifth, look at the leverage ratio. Many exchanges only have 10x or 20x leverage. For new investors, there is no low-leverage practice. For experienced investors, there is no opportunity to use higher leverage to leverage huge wealth. Okay. The exchange will provide investors with a variety of leverage ratio options, such as 2/3/5/10/20/33/50/100 times. These common ratios will be provided. Sixth, look at transaction fees. This is a fee that cannot be underestimated. Many exchanges have a wide range of relatively high transaction fees, such as handling fees, delivery fees, capital fees, etc. The handling fees range from high to low, with most ranges between About ten thousand to seventy thousand, one or two transactions is nothing, but a small sum adds up. Especially for investors with quantitative trading needs, the fewer types of fees and the lower the fees, the more advantageous it is. It can be done more conscientiously. Those who can do it are basically the conscience of the industry.
Basically, these criteria can already be used to select good exchanges, and 58COIN perfectly meets the above criteria. Its contract index price comprehensively adopts the spot prices of multiple leading exchanges, and there will be no human manipulation; two-way positions in the same currency in the same account can be a good hedge against extreme market risks; existing delivery contracts and digital perpetual contracts , USDT perpetual contract, three major contract types. Among them, the USDT contract only needs to hold USDT to carry out multi-currency long and short operations, eliminating the trouble of currency exchange; it adopts a liquidation mechanism fully borne by the platform insurance fund, which does not harm the profit makers. Benefits; 2/3/5/10/20/33/50/100 multiple leverage options, giving new and old investors more flexible and diverse choices; only handling fees, no other fees, and low handling fees To 1.5 million, there is no position interest, strong liquidity, strong depth, no cost for permanent holding, no amortized loss, and no pin liquidation. It can be said to be the conscience of the currency circle.
I hope the answer will be helpful to you.

6. Are there any rules for Bitcoin delivery contracts?

At the delivery time, the system will use the arithmetic average of the BTC (LTC and other currencies) US dollar index in the last hour as the delivery price. All open positions for the current week will be delivered and closed. The profit and loss generated after the delivery and closing of the position are added to the realized profit and loss.

7. Which Bitcoin contract is better to choose?

In comparison, 58COIN has never had a downtime event since its launch, and there is no fixed-point liquidation or liquidation distribution. , firstly, there is no celebrity endorsement, and secondly, there is no hype, but all the energy is focused on product research and development.

8. What is the difference between Bitcoin contract market price and limit price?

Based on 58C‏O‏I‏N‏Exchange, for example, assume that the current ‏B‏T‏C‏U‏S‏D‏T‏ latest transaction price is $12,000. If you want to buy at the cheaper $11,900, you need to set $11,900 For limit buying, when the price drops to less than or equal to $11,900, the purchase will be automatically executed; on the contrary, if the market price is at $12,000 and you set a buy limit of $12,100, then in accordance with the "buy low" principle, the system will immediately execute the transaction at the market price of $12,000. Because the price limit of $12,000 is more “beneficial” to users than the price limit of $12,100.

9. What does the counterparty price mean in Bitcoin contract trading

The trading principle of SCCTI CFD is similar to that of virtual currency trading
The difference is that when you trade virtual currency When contracting for difference
For example, with Bitcoin, you do not actually hold Bitcoin, but trade the price trend of Bitcoin
By defining a CFD on the price of Bitcoin with a CFD broker, SCCTI
In During the long financial evolution+下V
There are also some experienced analysts who are searching up and down (abao)
to develop new methods that protect capital and make appropriate profits (007-)

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『壹』 什么是比特币合约比特币合约的基础比特币合约,是指无需实际拥有比特币也可进行交易的合约。 它与必须实际持有数字货币才可进行的币币交易有很大不同。比特币合约使你能够预测比特币的价格走势和对冲风险。