比特币20倍合约怎么玩 比特币20倍合约收益算法

❶ 比特币合约交易是什么



永续合约与传统期货存在一定差异:它 没有到期时间,因而对于持仓时间没有任何限制。为了保证跟踪标的价格指数,永续合约通过 资金费用 的机制来保证其价格紧跟标的资产的价格。

❷ 比特币一年涨20倍别只见吃肉 忘了投机客跳楼
















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❹ 比特币合约不亏钱的方法


❺ 比特币的合约收益是怎么算的


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❼ 比特币合约基金靠谱吗

知乎 · 18 个回答
33 人赞同了该回答






















发布于 06-22・著作权归作者所有

❽ 比特币合约最高可以做多少倍


❶ What is Bitcoin contract trading

1. Definition of contract
A futures contract is where the buyer agrees to receive an asset at a specific price after a specified period of time, and the seller agrees to An agreement to deliver an asset at a specific price after a specified period of time.
The price that both parties agree to use for future transactions is called the futures price. The specified date on which both parties must enter into a transaction in the future is called the settlement date or delivery date. The asset that both parties agree to exchange is called the “subject.”
If an investor takes a position in the market by purchasing a futures contract (i.e. agreeing to buy at a future date), it is called a long position or going long on futures. On the contrary, if the position taken by the investor is to sell a futures contract (that is, to bear the contractual responsibility to sell in the future), it is called a short position or going short on futures.

2. The origin of the contract
Futures contracts refer to standardized contracts formulated by futures exchanges that stipulate the delivery of a certain quantity and quality of commodities at a specific time and place in the future. It is the object of futures trading. Futures trading participants transfer price risks and obtain risk returns by buying and selling futures contracts on futures exchanges.
Futures contracts are developed on the basis of spot contracts and spot forward contracts, but their most essential difference lies in the standardization of futures contract terms. For futures contracts traded in the futures market, terms such as the quantity, quality grade and delivery grade of the subject matter, as well as premium and discount standards for substitutes, delivery location, delivery month and other terms are all standardized, making futures contracts universal.
In futures contracts, only the futures price is the only variable, which is generated through open bidding on the exchange.

3. Classification of Contracts
Digital currency contracts can be divided into: delivery contracts and perpetual contracts.
(1) Delivery contract: Futures delivery refers to the process in which the parties to the transaction settle the expired open positions through the transfer of ownership of the commodities contained in the futures contract when the futures contract expires.
(2) Perpetual contract: It is a derivative similar to leveraged spot trading. It is a digital currency contract product settled in BTC, USDT and other currencies. Investors can gain profits from rising digital currency prices by buying long, or gain profits from falling digital currency prices by selling short.
Perpetual contracts are somewhat different from traditional futures: they have no expiration time, so there is no limit on the holding time. In order to ensure tracking of the underlying price index, the perpetual contract uses a funding fee mechanism to ensure that its price closely follows the price of the underlying asset.

❷ Bitcoin has risen 20 times in a year, don’t just eat meat and forget about speculators jumping off the building

In the year 2017, if you want to ask, what is the asset with the highest return on investment in the world? Which variety, the answer is of course no doubt - Bitcoin.

At the beginning of this year, the price of 1 Bitcoin was less than 1,000 US dollars. By Monday, Eastern Time (December 18), ChicagoThe much-anticipated Bitcoin futures on the Columbia Commodity Exchange officially began trading, with the opening price of the January contract exceeding US$20,000. This also means that in less than a year, the price of Bitcoin has increased more than 20 times. And if the timeline is extended to the past eight years, the price of Bitcoin has increased by an astonishing 22 million times.

Although Bitcoin has set off rounds of wealth creation movements, which has caused many people who doubted the Bitcoin bubble to be "slapped in the face", but if we look at the past three major Bitcoin market corrections, we can see that It can be seen that the myth of Bitcoin’s creation of wealth is also accompanied by a large number of disasters that destroy wealth. Everyone should be able to understand a very simple truth - in the surge in speculative assets, the vast majority of people cannot really make money.

At the beginning of 2011, the price of each Bitcoin was only 0.3 US dollars. By June 8, it had reached 31.5 US dollars, achieving more than 100 times in less than half a year. increase. Then in less than a month, the price of Bitcoin plummeted to $11, and less than a month later it fell to $7.8, and then continued to fall back to $4.77. In other words, the price of Bitcoin plummeted by 85% in just two or three months.

Without an “anchor” to the pricing system, the initial Bitcoin market was driven more by liquidity. The day with the biggest drop was after the price peaked, with a drop of more than 30% that day. Throughout the entire decline, there were seven days when Bitcoin's single-day decline exceeded 20%. The entire decline process lasted for 3 months before it really bottomed out. I believe it will be difficult for most people to hold on to it firmly.

In 2013, Bitcoin once again experienced an increase of more than 100 times, but it was also accompanied by two plunges, especially the second plunge, which took several years to recover. Most Chinese investors actually started participating in Bitcoin transactions in 2013. It can be said that the 100-fold surge in 2013 and the subsequent plunge really brought Bitcoin into the Chinese public’s sight.

Judging from the trend of Bitcoin in 2013, the first plunge was after the price hit a high of $266. Bitcoin plummeted 77.4% in 3 days, falling to $54.25. Such a tragic collapse would probably shock any "value investor" out.

What followed was the second round of sharp decline that year, which was also the most wealth-destroying drop in the history of Bitcoin. Due to the previous sharp rise and fall of Bitcoin, a large number of "RMB players" were attracted to enter the market. Some people even joked that it was the entry of "Chinese aunts" to purchase goods that drove the second wave of Bitcoin's "main rise" in 2013. But by December On the 5th, the regulatory authorities headed by the People's Bank of China issued the "Notice on Preventing Bitcoin Risks", clearly stating that Bitcoin is not a currency and should not be used as currency in the market. Ordinary people have the right to participate at their own risk. Freedom, financial institutions and payment institutions are not allowed to price products or services in Bitcoin. This notice also led to the emergence of BitcoinThe biggest crash in history: prices plummeted 92.5% in 83 days, almost destroying the market.

The big drop in 2013 caused Bitcoin to enter a long-term bear market. From 2013 to 2015, the price of Bitcoin basically fluctuated downwards, with only a short rebound during the period. No matter how optimistic anyone is about Bitcoin, it will be difficult for them to maintain their faith in a bear market for a long time. Especially this time, after the rapid decline in the early stage, it did not continue to reach new highs, but continued to decline. This is why Bitcoin seemed to be forgotten by Chinese investors by 2015.

Many people once regarded the Bitcoin market as the largest asset bubble in history, and the only thing that could be compared to it was the tulip bubble nearly 400 years ago. Of course, it is also possible that our vision is not broad enough to see the value of Bitcoin.

For Bitcoin, both the short and bull sides have their own reasons, and there is no need to argue too much. However, through the analysis of several Bitcoin bubbles, it can be found that the volatility of this asset is very high, and there has also been a relatively long bear market. Based on this, if investors do not know enough about its fundamentals, it is recommended not to participate in the game too much.

Back to the essence of investment (or speculation) - when investing, someone will always make money; and in any speculation, someone will definitely make a lot of money. This is like buying lottery tickets, which will always give you the dream of getting rich suddenly, but the person who wins the Mark Six lottery every time is not you.

In terms of investment, we must have a "rich person's mindset", know how to give up, and try to invest within our own circle of competence. In other words, we must buy asset types that we can understand. Through data review, we can see that although Bitcoin has experienced huge gains, there have been several huge fluctuations and long-term bear markets. In the end, how many people can make money from the beginning to the end?

If you are not a friend of time, then you must be the enemy of time - Bitcoin, like many speculative varieties, seems to have experienced a huge rise, but how many people can successfully take profits? , how many people have sold before, and how many people gave up at the bottom of the bear market? The key is that investors must have knowledge of the varieties they hold. Only with knowledge can they have confidence and be able to make value judgments. Otherwise, you end up leaving your destiny to others and to the daily market fluctuations.

In Buffett's words, there will always be a "coin tossing contest" winner in the market. The most important thing is to know how to give up and believe in value. Because only value is the best friend of time and can bring the greatest leverage.

❸ How much will Bitcoin futures lose if they fall 20 times?

I am a market analyst, and I tell you there is no such thing. After losing money, it is usually a full position, and you can buy as much as you have. , normal people would not do this. For example, if you invest 100 yuan in futures, and you buy it all with 100 yuan, then you will definitely lose money. But if you buy 10 yuan to go down, but it goes up and you lose 20 yuan, the increase is not expected. If your order exceeds 100 yuan, as long as your order does not sell out and you wait for it to fall back, you will not lose money!In addition, you can earn as much as the price you buy goes down... This is not a stock. You can only make money if a stock goes up.

❹ How to avoid losing money on Bitcoin contracts

Any investment risks and returns coexist. Yes, if you don’t want the risk, there is naturally no gain.

❺ How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times a full contract is equivalent to buying 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin for 100 yuan, which increases your income by ten points. It is 200 yuan (+100). Your account is 300 yuan the next day. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and then increase by ten points, your income will be 600 yuan (+300), and so on.
But if it falls 5 points, your principal is gone, commonly known as liquidation.

❻ Can you always hold the Bitcoin spot or run away if there is a profit

If you have a heavy position, you can reduce part of the position and hold the other part. The spot I bought at bitz is cleared. Another part, and some continue to hold it

❼ Is the Bitcoin contract fund reliable?

How much did you lose in the Bitcoin contract?
Zhihu · 18 answers
33 people agreed with this answer
In fact, you can make a steady profit by playing Bitcoin contracts. I hope this strategy will be helpful to everyone!

I have been using, strictly speaking, risk-free arbitrage.

For example, the current price of Bitcoin is 10,000 US dollars

1. Suppose you use 5,000 yuan to open a long position with 20 times leverage

2. At the same time Open 2 put options for hedging on BitOffer (cost of US$60, the world’s first BTC American option platform)

✅The first one, when Bitcoin rises by US$200, the increase is 2%
< br />1. Going long with 20 times leverage, the profit is 40%, which is 2,000 yuan

2. The put option loses the principal, which is 60 US dollars (420 yuan)

3. After settling the two, the net profit of the account is 1,580 yuan

✅Second, when Bitcoin drops by 200 US dollars, the drop is 2%

1. 20 times leverage Go long and lose 40%, which is 2,000 yuan

2. The profit from the put option is 400 US dollars, which is 2,800 yuan

3. After deducting the option cost of 60 US dollars, the net profit is 380 yuan

✅The third type, when Bitcoin rises by 500 US dollars, the increase is 5%

1. Go long with 20 times leverage, double the capital, and make a profit of 5,000 yuan

2. The put option loses the principal, which is 60 US dollars (420 yuan)

3. The two settle, and the net profit is 4580 yuan
br />
✅The fourth type, when Bitcoin drops by 500 US dollars, the drop is 5%

1. Going long with 20 times leverage, triggering liquidation and losing 5,000 yuan
2. The put option profit is 1,000 US dollars, which is 7,000 yuan

3. Subtract (5,000 + 60 US dollars), the net profit is 1,580 yuan

Note : The contract was liquidated, but the account still realized profits

Published on 06-22・The copyright belongs to the author
Xue Feifei
When I saw the words "guaranteed profit", I wanted to curse. ! !
The wind blows at the center of the earth
First of all, bitoffer is not safe, and secondly, except for the program, it cannot be closed at the same time

❽ How many times can the Bitcoin contract be multiplied at the most

How much can a Bitcoin contract do at most? In fact, Bitcoin transactions are expressly prohibited in my country. Bitcoin is a virtual currency on the Internet. There are many buyers and sellers in the world who are speculating on it. If you like to mess with Bitcoin, it may cause you to go bankrupt.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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