川网传媒元宇宙概念 川网传媒百科

① 元宇宙为什么值得我们反复关注











【广发 证券高级投资顾问 黎衍军,执业证书编号:S0260612110012】

② 300987是元宇宙概念股吗


川新闻网站,成立于 1999 年。2009 年,四川新闻网站被中央文化体制改革领导

小组确定为首批重点新闻网站转企改制试点单位。2013 年 3 月,组建四川新闻

网传媒(集团)股份有限公司。2021 年 5 月 11 日成功登陆深圳证券交易所创业

元宇宙一词诞生于1992年的科幻小说《雪崩》,小说描绘了一个庞大的虚拟现实世界,在这里,人们用数字化身来控制,并相互竞争以提高自己的地位,到现在看来,描述的还是超前的未来世界。 关于“元宇宙”,比较认可的思想源头是美国数学家和计算机专家弗诺·文奇教授,在其1981年出版的小说《真名实姓》中,创造性地构思了一个通过脑机接口进入并获得感官体验的虚拟世界。
2021年12月,入选《柯林斯词典》2021年度热词 ;12月6日,入选“2021年度十大网络用语”。12月8日,入选《咬文嚼字》“2021年度十大流行语”。2022年1月,智库公布2021年度十大热词,入选。

③ 元宇宙概念是谁提出来的



④ 元宇宙是骗局还是人类未来




















⑤ 元宇宙基金有哪些


⑥ 元宇宙股票代码是多少

以下列举十个:国光电器(股票代码:002045) 、歌尔股份(股票代码:002241) 、水晶光电(股票代码:002273) 、宝通科技(股票代码:300031) 、超图软件(股票代码:300036)、中青宝(股票代码:300052) 、数码科技(股票代码:300079、顺网科技(股票代码:300113) 、丝路视觉(股票代码:300556) 、万兴科技(股票代码:300624)(仅供参考)





关联原因:公司在2017年已经支持了Oculus Rift和HTC Vive的VR头盔设备,公司GIS为提供三维空间复杂多样化的模型和数据中“地理位置"这一关键共同点技术,是元宇宙的真实地理空间基础底盘






⑦ 元宇宙概念股龙头有哪些


⑧ 如何评价高泽龙的小说《元宇宙2086》

关于这个问题的答案,确实是非常难回答的!3月13日网上一篇题目为“这家中国公司吃到了‘元宇宙’红利:语音社交有多少潜力尚未挖掘?”的文章,应该算是很早提到元宇宙的了。3 月份「Roblox」在纽交所上市了,一个游戏平台上市首日市值 380 亿美金,这引起了一些中国关注和讨论。编辑5月7日,刊载在腾讯的一篇文章,“接下来会怎么发展?区块链大咖高泽龙带你全面研判深度解读”。这个应该是较早的,除了财经媒体以外,真正的行业专家对于元宇宙的可能是第一次发声。元宇宙概念真正的在全国火爆,迅速被很多人讨论是在七月底或者八月初,包括中国元宇宙的图书也都是那个时候发布的。编辑高泽龙还提出了,人类将进入高度虚拟化的世界,因为未来虚拟与现实高度融合、对应,以至于我们将难于分辨虚实。高泽龙策划并且举办了中国第一届中国NFT及元宇宙线上论坛于8月18日晚成功举办,高泽龙在线分享了其观点:编辑他认为元宇宙概念其实几年前就有,这次之所以爆发,区块链起到了非常重要的作用,以往的VR AR、体感互动等提供了硬件、技术和内容,但是缺少经济体系,也缺少与现实关联的连接器。区块链的出现和应用改变了以往纯粹娱乐、简单社交、并不实用的局面,开创了与现实强关联、强社交、真有用、能得利的新的局面。但不管是元宇宙、还是区块链(NFT)的发展肯定不会是一帆风顺的,会经历反复和挫折。NFT作为一种技术将进入各行各业,包括身份证件、房产汽车、奢侈品、生物基因、票据合同等,NFT可能将会是区块链真正成为通用技术的开始。元宇宙也是一种技术(或思想),初期可能是娱乐、社交为主,将来也会应用到各行各业。高度发达的文明,会实现高度的虚拟化和数字化!编辑早在2018年,高泽龙就动笔开始写中国第一部融入了区块链和“元宇宙”概念的科幻小说,尽管当时还没有元宇宙的概念,但是其写的高度沉浸的网络,未来的游戏,未来生活工作的场景等各种先进科技均已经将“元宇宙”淋漓尽致的展现。 该小说《元行者》曾经获得多个奖项,并且应邀出席中国科协联合主办的2021中国科幻大会进行了分享和交流。目前该小说已经签约中国出版传媒集团,即将正式出版。编辑2021年10月29日,中国政协报“今日民营”聚焦版头条刊发了文章——“元宇宙”:有多少可以期待。该报道中有大量篇幅是对于区块链及元宇宙专家高泽龙的采访。编辑10月30日,中国民营科技实业家协会元宇宙工作委员会揭牌仪式顺利举行。高泽龙受聘担任中国民营科技实业家协会元宇宙工作委员会副秘书长。

① Why Yuanverse deserves our repeated attention

Disk observation

On Wednesday, the index was strong in Shenzhen and weak in Shanghai. The total turnover of the two cities was 1.062467 billion. Looking at the market, the media, electronics, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industries were among the top gainers, while real estate, construction and decoration, steel and other industries were among the top losers. There were 99 companies in the two cities with daily limit and 13 companies with daily limit, and northbound capital outflows amounted to 1.745 billion. The Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.07% to 3,622.62 points, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.7% to 14,791.33 points, and the Chuang Index rose 0.55% to 3,368.7 points.


On December 21, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee’s Economic Work Conference mentioned “actively seize the digital economy track and comprehensively promote the city’s digital transformation. We should seize the opportunity to deploy green and low-carbon tracks and arrange characteristic parks in a targeted manner to make breakthroughs. Guide enterprises to step up research on important platforms for the interaction between the virtual world and the real society in the future, and make timely arrangements for entry." The market generally believes that "the virtual world and the real society interact “The best landing scenario is the Metaverse, which is equivalent to Shanghai’s official affirmation of the development of the Metaverse. Judging from the market, the industry sectors with the highest gains today are inseparable from the Yuanverse.

In fact, since the birth of the concept of the metaverse, there have been two representative views. One side believes that the metaverse will make the world more involute and make people completely flat in the virtual world. The other side believes that the Metaverse can make the world a better place, but the Metaverse will not completely make people lie down. I personally agree more with the latter. First of all, our entry into the metaverse is not cost-free. We still need to work hard to maintain our identity system when we enter the metaverse. And judging from past experience, entertainment projects such as games and high-definition videos will promote the development of the semiconductor industry, and the Metaverse will be no exception. Metaverse expert Chen Xu mentioned in his "12 Lectures on the Metaverse" an example of reducing the cost of subsequent demolition and renovation in urban construction through pre-simulation of the Metaverse. In fact, the application scenarios of the Metaverse are by no means limited to games and entertainment. It may also empower various industries such as management, education, and work. We believe that the Metaverse application is comparable to the "Internet+" of previous years. At this stage, it can improve social efficiency and its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

However, the Metaverse is still in its early stages of development, and opportunities and risks coexist. We can lay out the concept of the Metaverse from the following three aspects. The first is the "network layer", which is the foundation of the Metaverse, including communication infrastructure equipment companies; the second is the "application layer", which is responsible for realizing the identity recognition and value exchange functions of the Metaverse, mainly including NFT-based blockchain technology company; and finally, the "perception layer", which is responsible for completing the connection between virtual and human sensory perception, including sensors, virtual reality and augmented reality equipment.

Operational strategy

In the short term, the index still needs to fluctuate and consolidate, and the structural market characteristics are obvious. Among them, undervalued and small and medium-sized market capitalization varieties still dominate in terms of equity. It is recommended to take advantage of the December earthquakeDuring the process, we will lay out the market situation at the beginning of next year, and pay attention to the new and old infrastructure industries that were the main line of stable growth logic yesterday, as well as the opportunities in the Yuanverse industry mentioned today.

[Li Yanjun, senior investment consultant of GF Securities, practice certificate number: S0260612110012]

② 300987 is yuan Is it a universe concept stock?

Sichuan News Network Media (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sichuan News Media"), formerly Sichuan News Website , established in 1999. In 2009, Sichuan News Website was identified as one of the first batch of pilot units for the transformation of key news websites into enterprises by the Central Cultural System Reform Leadership

Group. In March 2013, Sichuan News

Network Media (Group) Co., Ltd. was established. On May 11, 2021, it was successfully listed on the Entrepreneurship Board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The stock abbreviation is "Sichuan Media", and the stock code is: 300987.
Metaverse is a virtual world that is linked and created using technological means to map and interact with the real world. It is a digital living space with a new social system.
The metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires a lot of transformation of content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows Each user performs content production and world editing.
The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. Until now It seems that the description is still an advanced future world. Regarding the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a system that enters and enters the world through a brain-computer interface. A virtual world for sensory experience.
In December 2021, it was selected as the "Collins Dictionary" 2021 Hot Words; on December 6, it was selected as the "Top Ten Internet Terms of 2021". On December 8, it was selected as one of the "Top Ten Buzzwords of 2021" by "Zhiwenqiaozi". In January 2022, the think tank announced the top ten hot words of 2021 and was selected.

③ Who proposed the concept of metaverse

It was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash"》
Metaverse is a virtual world that is linked and created using technological means to map and interact with the real world. It is a digital living space with a new social system. [12]

The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires extensive transformation of content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows Each user performs content production and world editing. The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. It seems that now, the description It is still an advanced future world. Regarding the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a system that enters and enters the world through a brain-computer interface. A virtual world for sensory experience. In December 2021, it was selected as the "Collins Dictionary" 2021 Hot Words; on December 6, it was selected as the "Top Ten Internet Words in 2021". On December 8, it was selected as one of the "Top Ten Buzzwords of 2021" by "Zhiwenzhizizi"

④ Is the Metaverse a scam or the future of humanity

The answer to whether the Metaverse is a scam or the future of humanity has not yet been determined , perhaps it will take several rounds of "contention of a hundred schools of thought" before it can take shape. In order to view the metaverse under the transformation of the Internet as rationally and dialectically as possible, CCTV's "News+" launched a series of videos "Talk about the Metaverse" to help everyone sort out the key points among the vast amounts of information.

1. The essence of the Metaverse: Dual Parallel World

Before talking about the essence of the Metaverse, let’s talk about the relationship between technological development and application scenarios. . At the beginning of 2021, there was a debate in China about whether 5G investment was ahead of its time. Mr. Lou Jiwei, an official and scholar whom the author respects very much, proposed that China’s 5G investment was too ahead of its time because there were not enough application scenarios, which temporarily caused a huge stir in society. repercussions.

After seeing this point of view, I wrote an article "Does 5G investment need to be advanced? Application scenarios change lifestyles." The article proposed the 3G and 4G investment era in 2009 or 2010.

In fact, people probably cannot imagine that a series of scene innovations such as WeChat, Douyin, mobile payment, online ride-hailing, and shared bicycles will appear in a few years. They believe that technological innovation and investment can be appropriately advanced and It is proposed that the development prospects of 5G depend on the innovation of application scenarios that will inevitably emerge.

If there are not enough application scenarios, whether it is 5G, artificial intelligence, or blockchain technology, the value of these great technologies will naturally be questioned by society.

The Metaverse not only provides a broad enough application scenario for 5G technology, but also provides many new technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, cloud computing, as well as AR, VR products, digital currency, digital Product innovations such as assets, games, media, and movies provide large enough application scenarios.

The difference between the Metaverse and the Internet and the mobile Internet is that the Internet itself is a technological revolution, and its core is driven by technology, while the core of the mobile Internet is driven by products such as smartphones.

The core driving force of the Metaverse is neither a certain technology nor a certain core product, but an explosion of scene innovation in the digital virtual world.

2. The impact of the Metaverse on technological innovation and product innovation

Some people worry that once people are immersed in the Metaverse, they will stop in the illusory world and no longer explore the objective reality of the stars and the sea. World, in fact, the metaverse and digital parallel world can also greatly support people's scientific research work towards the stars and the sea.

Obviously, scene innovation and technological development in the virtual world or digital parallel space will not necessarily hinder human beings from rushing to the stars and sea to explore things in the objective world. On the contrary, it can use its unique model to support human beings. Scientific research and creation help people better explore the ocean, starry sky, and the microscopic world of high-speed movement.

In addition to applications in the field of scientific research, digital virtual space simulation experiments can also be widely used in all "social experiments" such as military, sports competitions, education, and traffic management.

3. Metaverse and Soft Value

If our world is originally a dualistic world composed of particles and waves, or material forms and information forms, then the dualistic world Value forms and value creation laws are inherently different.

The value form derived from natural resources and created in the material world is called "hard value"; while the value form created in the subjective information world using people's creative thinking is called "soft value".

4. Opportunities and new business formats of the Metaverse

It seems that the Metaverse is not a simple speculation concept, but a new world in which virtuality and reality coexist, and a new future for human society. form. In the early stages of the development of the Metaverse, we can think of it as an explosion of scene innovation that deserves serious attention and attention.

Moreover, this scene innovation can drive a lot of technological innovation and product innovation, change people's lifestyles, allow new supply to create new demand, and bring about new economic growth. Not only does it deserve careful study and serious attention, but it also brings huge business opportunities.

⑤ What are the Metaverse funds?

"Metaverse" related funds include active funds and passive funds.
1. Over-the-counter passive funds include GF CSI Media ETF Link A, ICBC CSI Media Index (LOF)A, Penghua CSI Media Index (LOF), Dacheng 360 Internet + Big Data 100A, Prudential CSI Information Security Index (LOF)A, Rongtong Artificial Intelligence Index (LOF)A, ChinaAMC CSI Artificial Intelligence Themed ETF Link A, Quam CSI Artificial Intelligence Industry ETF Link A, Southern CSI Internet Index (LOF), Cathay CSI Computer Theme ETF Link A, Tianhong CSI Computer ETF Link A, GF CSI Media ETF Link A, Wells Fargo Securities Sports Industry Index (LOF) A.
2. The passive index funds on the market include Yinhua CSI Virtual Reality Theme ETF, China Securities Animation Game ETF, E Fund China Internet 50 ETF, China Hang Seng Technology ETF, and China Internet LOF.
3. Active funds include Yinhua Small and Medium Cap Mixed, CEIBS Times Pioneer Stock A, Huaan Media Internet Mixed A, and ICBC Information Industry Mixed A.
Extended information:
How to choose funds for investment
In a broad sense, a fund is a certain amount of funds established for a certain purpose, such as common social security funds, provident funds and other foundations; In a narrow sense, funds are funds with specific purposes and uses.
1. Trend of fund net value
Pay attention to observe and summarize the trend of fund net value
2. Fund varieties
Select funds according to their own risk tolerance. Funds with fast net value growth will also have higher corresponding funds. Big investment risk. Investors with strong risk tolerance can choose stock funds; investors with weak tolerance can choose bond funds. In addition, investors who need to maintain liquidity can choose currency funds.
3. Investment Goals
When investing, you must plan ahead, rather than investing blindly. The same goes for investment funds. If you want to achieve short-term goals, don't choose stock funds; if you want to achieve medium- and long-term goals, you can choose index and stock funds to obtain long-term investment returns.
4. Fund costs and fees
Funds are also a commodity. Good quality and low price are always the pursuit of consumers. It is best to be able to purchase more fund shares with less funds. Because of this, fund companies with better growth potential and good services also charge higher fees. Don’t just rely on cost and rate concessions, but choose the best among the best.
5. Fund managers
Choosing funds with excellent fund managers under excellent fund companies can help investors obtain relatively stable returns in the unpredictable market, and investment experience is also very important in fund operations. important.
6. Proportion of fund investment
The funds that are brave enough to invest in funds must consider the relationship with the proportion of family income. You cannot put the funds in one basket. In layman’s terms, you cannot buy all the funds. into funds, especially funds with higher risks.

⑥ What is the stock code of Yuan Universe

The following are ten: Guoguang Electric Co., Ltd. (stock code: 002045), Goertek Co., Ltd.Ticket code: 002241), Crystal Optoelectronics (stock code: 002273), Baotong Technology (stock code: 300031), SuperMap Software (stock code: 300036), Zhongqingbao (stock code: 300052), Digital Technology (stock code: 300036) : 300079, Shunwang Technology (stock code: 300113), Silk Road Vision (stock code: 300556), Wanxing Technology (stock code: 300624) (for reference only)

1. Guoguang Electric (stock code) : 002045)
Related reasons: The main products of the company's audio and electroacoustic business are mainly used in wearable products (such as VR/AR). In 2021, the hardware and software markets involved in VR/AR will experience explosive growth. The concept of the metaverse It has become a symbol of the maturity of the entire ecology
Other concepts: venture capital, electronic components, home appliances, fund holdings, lithium batteries, Apple concept, brokerage holdings, RMB depreciation, Shenzhen Stock Connect, Tesla, new energy vehicles , pre-profit and pre-increase, Yuan Universe, smart speakers

2. Goertek (stock code: 002241)
Reason for the connection: the leading domestic supplier of consumer electronic components and complete machines; the company's long-term layout VR/AR business currently accounts for nearly 80% of the market in the field of high-end VR/AR equipment OEMs. Customers include Facebook, Sony, etc.
Other concepts: 3D glasses, sensors, unicorn concepts, large-cap blue chips , electronic components, Facebook, Foxconn concept, FTSE Russell concept, Industry 4.0, industrial Internet, Huijin concept, Huawei industry chain, fund heavyweight stocks, MSCI, Apple concept, margin trading, Shenzhen Stock Connect, biometrics, Internet of Things, Wireless headsets, Xiaomi concept, virtual reality, mobile Internet, pre-profit and pre-increase, metaverse, smart wear, smart watches, smart speakers

3. Crystal Optoelectronics (stock code: 002273)
Reason for association: The company's main products include optical filters, optical low-pass filters and combination films, smart glasses optical modules, etc. It has relevant technical reserves for new display technologies such as AR, VR, and MR. Its subsidiary Jingjing Optoelectronics has developed relevant zero-core products. Accessories will be supplied to design manufacturers
Other concepts: 3D glass, 3D glasses, security monitoring, insurance heavyweights, ultra-high-definition video, Internet of Vehicles, Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, FTSE Russell Concept, Huijin Concept, Huawei Industry chain, lidar, fund holdings, LED lighting, CATL concept stocks, Apple concept, holographic concept, holographic mobile phone, margin trading, social security holdings, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, autonomous driving, Xiaomi concept, virtual reality, mobile Internet, Yuan Universe, Securities Finance Holdings, smart wearables, smart watches, augmented reality

4. Baotong Technology (stock code: 300031)
Reason for connection: The company has a wholly-owned subsidiary, Hainan Yuan Universe Technology Co., Ltd. The company focuses on AR/VR/MR, robots, sensors, and new energy mines.Businesses related to growth industries such as cards and high-end equipment; its subsidiary HaTV is the top AR/VR content R&D and solution provider in China, and has in-depth business cooperation with Huawei and Douyin
Other concepts: Yangtze River Delta Economy District, Facebook, lithography machine, fund heavy holdings, Jiangsu local, Shenzhen Stock Connect, mobile games, TMT, online games, cloud games, pre-profit and pre-increase, Yuan Universe

5, SuperMap Software (stocks Code: 300036)
Reason for association: The company has supported Oculus Rift and HTC Vive VR helmet devices in 2017. The company's GIS provides the key commonality of "geographic location" in complex and diverse models and data in three-dimensional space. Technology is the real geospatial basic chassis of the Metaverse
Other concepts it belongs to: Beidou Navigation, big data, big data center, FTSE Russell concept, domestic software, Huawei HMS, Huawei Cloud Kunpeng, fund heavyweights, QFII holdings stocks, margin trading, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, driverless driving, virtual reality, cloud computing, cloud computing data center, pre-profit and pre-increase, Yuan Universe, smart city, smart transportation

6. Zhongqingbao ( Stock code: 300052)
Reason for the connection: The company's "Shenchu ​​Shaofang Winemaker (Brew Master)" game is based on the simulation of operating the "Jinsha Ancient Wine" winery, and manages the virtual real world in the game world. , relying on metaverse-related technologies such as blockchain, cloud games, computing power and social networking, to build a metaverse from the integration of value interaction, content carrying, data network transmission and immersive display, and start a dream linkage between reality and virtuality
Others Concepts: 5G, edge computing, e-sports, blockchain, mobile games, Shenzhen local, Tencent, sports industry, online games, virtual reality, New Third Board, cloud computing, cloud computing data center, pre-loss and pre-reduction, Metaverse, Football

7. Digital Technology (stock code: 300079
Reason for the connection: The company’s ultra-high-definition codec technology, lossless compression technology, low-latency public network transmission, DRM and complete data transmission security protection and other technologies can Provide underlying technical support for Yuanverse
Other concepts: 5G, ultra-high-definition video, ETC, radio and television, Internet finance, fund holdings, financial reform, blockchain, margin trading, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, network security, virtualization Reality, metaverse, smart TV, smart IC card, intellectual property protection

8. Shunwang Technology (stock code: 300113)
Reason for association: The company currently has more than 10,000 high-end computers in commercial operation Powering GPU servers, and providing cloud computer services to more than 800,000 users on the Internet, using superior technology and innovation to empower the Metaverse
Other concepts it belongs to: edge computing, e-sports, FTSE Russell Concept, Internet Finance, Fund heavy holdings, margin trading, social security heavy holdings, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, mobile games, TMT, Tencent, cultural media, network security, online games, online live broadcasts, information innovation industry, virtualVirtual reality, cloud computing, cloud computing data center, cloud games, pre-profit and pre-increase, metaverse

9. Silk Road Vision (stock code: 300556)
Reason for connection: The company’s main business is CG ( A digital vision comprehensive service business based on computer imaging technology), it has multiple patents including 3D real-time display technology, VR virtual reality, multimedia digital sandbox and other technologies. It currently provides VR house viewing and other services to many real estate companies
Affiliation Other concepts: GEM shell stocks, Industry 4.0, machine vision, holographic concept, Shenzhen local, digital twin, TMT, Xiongan New Area, virtual reality, cloud computing data center, pre-loss and pre-reduction, cloud games, metaverse

10. Wanxing Technology (stock code: 300624)
Reason for connection: The company has invested in Guangzhou Gravitational Wave Information Technology Co., Ltd., a real-time 3D cloud platform provider, and will continue to increase investment in this field to further Expand new creative fields such as the digital creative metaverse
Other concepts: domestic software, fund heavyweights, Shenzhen local, Internet celebrities, Internet of Things, Xinchuang industry, remote office, mobile Internet, pre-profit and pre-increase, metaverse

⑦ What are the leading Yuanverse concept stocks

The leading Yuanverse concept stocks are mainly divided into the following ones, such as Yishang Display, Danghong Technology, Wanxing Technology, and Pingzhi Information and mango super coal and more. As for which one is worth investing in, this still needs to be combined with the actual situation. Not every one is worth choosing, and a comprehensive analysis is required.
1. Yishang Display
The company mainly provides exhibition services. The business consists of three parts, namely brand terminal display services and virtual display services. What is promoted to users is corporate culture, what is displayed is brand image, creates value for customers, and effectively promotes product sales.
2. Danghong Technology
The company mainly focuses on the research of intelligent video. After years of technology accumulation, it will provide high-quality encoding, full-platform playback, intelligent portrait recognition, and video cloud services, etc. wait. This itself is a project oriented to the field of public security and media culture. It is also a national high-tech enterprise and deserves everyone's attention.
3. Wondershare Technology
Consumer software is mainly focused on family consumers, and there are also some software launched around individuals, all of which have a certain relationship with entertainment, work and life. The company has independently developed more than a hundred types of software, mainly digital documents, multimedia, cross-end data management, etc. It can be widely used on tablets, personal computers and smartphones with applicable operating systems, including Windows, Android, and iOS.
4. Mango Super Media
After the asset reorganization, the company acquired multiple companies, including Shanghai Tianyu Media Company, Mango Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Mango Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. The business that these companies mainly bring to everyone has something to do with new media, and what they involve is media entertainment interactive content.and the media retail industry.
5. Pingzhi Information
The main business of this company is digital reading. The company will have high-quality text content, as well as audio reading content, which can be accessed through cars, tablets, smartphones, PCs and electronic devices. Reader to effectively bring high-quality reading services to users. It will cover a lot of content, such as published books, newspapers, magazines, online literature bureau art talks, radio broadcasts, education and training, etc., which can fully meet the reading needs of various users.
It’s just that which one should be chosen when investing can only be combined with the actual situation and is not 100% sure.

⑧ How to evaluate Gao Zelong’s novel "Metaverse 2086"

The metaverse (Metaverse), which was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Avalanche", is linked and created using technological means, and A virtual world that maps and interacts with the real world, a digital living space with a new social system. [12] The metaverse is essentially a virtualization and digitalization process of the real world, which requires a lot of transformation of content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows Each user performs content production and world editing. The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. It seems that now, the description It is still an advanced future world. Regarding the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a system that enters and enters the world through a brain-computer interface. A virtual world for sensory experience. In December 2021, it was selected as the "Collins Dictionary" 2021 Hot Words; on December 6, it was selected as the "Top Ten Internet Words in 2021". On December 8, it was selected as one of the "Top Ten Buzzwords of 2021" by "Zhiwenqiaozi"
As for the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is Professor Verno Vinci, an American mathematician and computer expert, in his 1981 In the published novel "Real Names", he creatively conceived a virtual world that can be entered through a brain-computer interface and gain sensory experience
The earliest definition of the metaverse was in 1992, by the famous American science fiction master Neal Stephenson In his novel "Avalanche", he proposed the metaverse and described it this way: "Put on the headphones and eyepieces, find the connection terminal, and you can enter the virtual space simulated by the computer and parallel to the real world as a virtual clone."< br />The answer to this question is indeed very difficult to answer! An article online on March 13 titled "This Chinese company reaped the dividends of the 'Metaverse': How much potential has not yet been tapped in voice social networking?" should be regarded as mentioning the Metaverse very early. In March, “Roblox” was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The market value of the gaming platform was US$38 billion on its first day of listing, which attracted some attention and discussion in China. On May 7, the editor published an article in Tencent, "What will happen next? Blockchain guru Gao Zelong will give you a comprehensive study and in-depth interpretation." This should be earlier. Apart from the financial media, it may be the first time that real industry experts have spoken out about the Metaverse. The concept of the Metaverse really became popular across the country and was quickly discussed by many people at the end of July or early August. Books including the Chinese Metaverse were also released at that time. Editor Gao Zelong also proposed that human beings will enter a highly virtualized world, because in the future virtuality and reality will be highly integrated and corresponding, so that it will be difficult for us to distinguish reality from reality. Gao Zelong planned and held China's first China NFT and Metaverse Online Forum, which was successfully held on the evening of August 18. Gao Zelong shared his views online: The editor believes that the concept of the Metaverse actually existed a few years ago. In the outbreak, blockchain played a very important role. In the past, VR AR, somatosensory interaction, etc. provided hardware, technology and content, but lacked an economic system and a connector related to reality. The emergence and application of blockchain has changed the past situation of pure entertainment, simple social interaction, and impractical, and created a new situation of strong connection with reality, strong social interaction, truly useful and profitable. But whether it is the development of the metaverse or blockchain (NFT), it will certainly not be smooth sailing, and will experience repetitions and setbacks. As a technology, NFT will enter all walks of life, including identity documents, real estate cars, luxury goods, biological genes, bills and contracts, etc. NFT may be the beginning of blockchain truly becoming a universal technology. The metaverse is also a technology (or idea). It may be mainly used for entertainment and social interaction in the early stage, but it will also be applied to all walks of life in the future. A highly developed civilization will achieve a high degree of virtualization and digitization! Editor As early as 2018, Gao Zelong started writing China's first science fiction novel that incorporated the concept of blockchain and "metaverse". Although there was no concept of the metaverse at the time, he wrote about the highly immersive network and the future. Various advanced technologies such as games and future life and work scenarios have vividly demonstrated the "Metaverse". The novel "Yuan Xingzhe" has won multiple awards, and was invited to attend the 2021 China Science Fiction Conference co-sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology to share and communicate. At present, the novel has been signed with China Publishing and Media Group and will be officially published soon. Editor: On October 29, 2021, the headline of the focus section of "Today's Private Business" of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference newspaper published an article - "Metaverse": How much can we expect. A large amount of space in this report is an interview with Gao Zelong, an expert on blockchain and metaverse. Editor: On October 30, the Metaverse Working Committee of the China Private Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Association was unveiled.The ceremony was held successfully. Gao Zelong was hired as the deputy secretary-general of the Yuan Universe Working Committee of the China Private Science and Technology Industrialists Association.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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