etc币矿池 etc币挖矿成本大概多少钱

Ⅰ 现在挖ETC用什么显卡



Ⅱ 虚拟货币etc和eth有什么不同


Ⅲ etc币减产时间表2022


Ⅳ p104可以挖etc吗


Ⅳ 比特币减半的规律和对挖矿行业的影响吗














Ⅵ 什么是ETC/以太坊经典














虽然这一方案得到了大多数人的支持,但Ethereum社区中的一小部分人却表示反对,他们认为 “代码即律法”,区块链网络应该是不可改变的。


那些试图找回丢失的ETH的人选择了硬分叉,开启了我们今天所熟知的Ethereum(ETH)区块链,而另一群人则留在了最初的Ethereum Classic(ETC)链上。




首先,Ethereum Classic社区反对篡改分布式账本,支持“区块链网络不能也不该被修改”的观点。





Ⅶ AIMiner挖矿软件只能挖ETH,ETC等主流币吗


Ⅷ 以太坊设备寿命







如果在这个过程中,平衡不好各方的利益,那么整个网络可能会被冻结,甚至崩溃。我认为以太坊团队在公布合并时间点这件事上太儿戏了,不把矿工的矿机当回事,几个月前开发员Trend说保守估计年底前合并,现在看来又要跳票,官方还有什么可信度?要防止跳票很难吗:至少提前一年,对外公告“准确的合并日期”,以及合并步骤和详情。如果没在测试网通过就不要乱发布各种合并消息,尤其是开发人员。我现在啥都不想看,就等12月的炸弹 pushback 究竟要延到明年几月。到时再来写一篇《如何处理手上的矿机》吧,拭目以待。

Ⅸ p106-90不能挖etc


Ⅰ What graphics card do you use to mine ETC now?

The mining computing power is as shown below. This one is a bit old. Currently, vega64 is the fastest mining, but considering the price, it is the best choice. They are rx570 and 560. The cheapest rx574 is 1599, and the cheapest vega64 is 4800. In terms of computing power, the 570 is 22.6, and the vega64 is higher than the 1080ti, even if it is 34, but you have also seen that three yuan rx570=a piece of vega64, but in terms of computing power, 22.6*3=67.8. Basically at the same price, 570 can be exchanged for twice the mining power of vega64.

rx560, hash power 11.6, price 800, 6 pieces of 560 = 1 piece of vega64, has a computing power of 69.6, and has twice the mining power of vega64.

Ⅱ What is the difference between virtual currency etc and eth

In fact, there is not much difference, because Ethereum has been stolen incident, the safety and awesome technology that we preached before have been slapped in the face. In order to divert users' attention, a new currency was created.
I am really speechless about this type of currency. It cannot be compared with Bitcoin, Ritecoin, Litecoin and other currencies that do not often promote technology.

III ETC currency production reduction schedule 2022

The specific time for ETC currency production reduction is expected to be April 30, 2022.
The recent price rebound of ETC currency has been quite strong. Many friends must be surprised. Of course, this is a good thing. The production reduction time of ETC currency is coming. Due to the reduction in currency volume after the production reduction, the price should also be more expensive.
The specific time for the ETC coin production reduction is expected to be April 30, 2022
The current block reward is 3.2 ETC coins, and after the production reduction it will be 2.56 coins

Can Ⅳ p104 mine etc

ETC If you want to dig this, you can’t dig this with a graphics card with 4G video memory capacity, starting with 6G. GTX16 series, all RTX20 series, and all RTX30 series without locking computing power. Each one is very expensive, and the cheapest one now costs about 4,000. If you want to get the money back quickly, it’s the RTX3090. etc coins can be mined, because 3G graphics cards and 4G graphics cards can mine etc coins, so the prices of GTX10603G and GTX1050ti4G graphics cards have risen sharply again. It seems that the graphics card market is very difficult this year. If this is the case, if you can't beat it, just join. Since you buy Without a graphics card, the only option is to join the army of currency speculators and virtual currency traders.

IV The law of Bitcoin halving and its impact on the mining industry

2020 is the first year of digital currency production reduction. Most currencies will achieve their first halving this year. After one production reduction, Bitcoin is ushering in the third production reduction cycle. The market is generally optimistic about halving prices, and it is expected that there will be a wave of bullishness this year.Market trends, and the logic behind it is very clear. Judging from historical experience, this point has already formed a relatively broad "consensus" in the cryptocurrency circle.

Secondly, Bitcoin, known as "digital gold", has been recognized by more and more funds for its safe-haven properties, which has also indirectly pushed up its price. At present, in addition to Bitcoin, which has the greatest impact of halving, the currencies that attract the most attention are BCH, BSV, ETC, DASH and other currencies. There are also dozens of altcoins that have chosen to halve in 2020. Therefore, 2020 is also called This is the first year of halving.

What is Bitcoin halving?

Bitcoin halving means that the rewards obtained after producing a new block are halved approximately every four years. This means that after the halving, the corresponding Bitcoin reward for each block produced is only half of the reward before the halving. Currently, Bitcoin has undergone two halvings, which occurred in November 2012 and July 2016. The third Bitcoin halving is expected to occur on May 13, 2020, when the Bitcoin block reward will be halved from the current 12.5 to 6.25.

The halving of the block reward means that it will take longer for all Bitcoins to enter circulation, but it also means that mining will produce fewer and fewer new Bitcoins, and due to their limited supply and mining The increase in mining difficulty makes its scarcity attribute more obvious, and scarcity will directly increase the value. As the saying goes, things are more valuable when they are scarce! For Bitcoin, there is no doubt that this is a very big positive.

It is better to buy Bitcoin ETF funds than to buy Bitcoin in 2020!

1. Bitcoin production will be reduced this year, theoretically X2

2. Mining machines need to be updated, theoretically X2

3. Bitcoin current price 10000X4=4 Ten thousand US dollars (expected price after production reduction this year)

During this period, the return comparison between holding spot and ETF funds:

1. Buy spot and hold, earning 3 times


2. Buy ETF funds, up to 15 times more (intelligent position adjustment + fund compound interest calculation)

There is no doubt that BitOffer launches The Bitcoin ETF is the best investment choice!

VI What is ETC/Ethereum Classic

A brief history of Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Ethereum Classic began with an unfortunate event.

In May 2016, the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) held a token sale with the goal of establishing a blockchain-based venture to fund future decentralization within the Ethereum ecosystem Applications (DApps).

Basically, a DAO is a complex smart contract that operates in a decentralized manner – computer code that automatically executes tasks between multiple parties when conditions are met.

Despite its ambitious goals and successful token sale, the DAO’s code has an importantA large vulnerability allows attackers to steal ETH from decentralized organizations.

An attacker exploited this vulnerability to trigger the infamous DAO hacking incident in June 2016, maliciously stealing approximately $50 million worth of ETH.

There is no doubt that the DAO hacking incident shocked the Ethereum community and caused the price of ETH to fall from US$20 to US$13.

After the DAO hack, the Ethereum community had to choose from three options.

Do nothing and suffer the consequences of the attack; or

Initiate a soft fork and recover funds; or

Deploy a hard fork to Recover lost ETH.

Both soft forks and hard forks are major network upgrades. However, a soft fork allows non-upgraded users and upgraded users to communicate with each other, while a hard fork is not backwards compatible with previous versions.

As developers realized that deploying a soft fork would expose the network to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, the Ethereum community decided to launch a hard fork to recover funds lost in the DAO hack.

Although this plan is supported by the majority of people, a small group of people in the Ethereum community are opposed. They believe that "code is law" and the blockchain network should be immutable. .

The failure of both parties to agree on a solution eventually led to the split of the Ethereum blockchain.

Those trying to recover their lost ETH opted for a hard fork, starting the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain we know today, while another group stayed with the original Ethereum Classic ( ETC) chain.

What problems does Ethereum Classic solve?

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a blockchain platform that allows developers to deploy smart contracts and DApps.

While this functionality is identical to that of Ethereum (ETH), there are two main differences with the ETC blockchain.

First of all, the Ethereum Classic community opposes tampering with distributed ledgers and supports the view that "blockchain networks cannot and should not be modified."

Secondly, although there is no hard upper limit on the total supply of ETH, Ethereum Classic adopts a constant supply monetary policy, allowing the creation of up to 230 million ETC.

As a plus, Ethereum Classic launched the Atlantis hard fork last year to increase interactivity with Ethereum and improve the privacy protection of transactions through zk-SNARKS.

Recommended trading platforms for Ethereum Classic ETC

Huobi, OKEX, AAX, etc.

VII AIMiner mining software can only mine ETH, ETC and other mainstream currencies

No,Changsha miners and paladins can only mine these two mainstream coins. AIMiner can mine at least a dozen types. However, since the current price of big coins is not particularly good, I feel like I can also try other altcoins here. Single mining of XVG, XDAG, BTCP, ZCL, and RVN seems to be good.

Ⅷ Ethereum equipment lifespan

Ethereum 2.0 actually contains a lot of content, such as sharding, expansion, etc. Merger is just one of the contents. Since the launch of the 2.0 beacon chain last year At the beginning, we were already operating under the dual chain of PoW and PoS. The merger is to completely end PoW graphics card mining. All explosive blocks will be packaged with PoS consensus. After the merger, it does not mean that Ethereum 2.0 will be completed. There are at least 2- 3 years to add other features.

The merger involves a wide range of things and has huge benefits. The timing is very, very, very critical, especially for miners. It is a matter of life and death. They look at this merger time every day to consider whether to add cards. Frankly speaking, miners don't care about sharding, expansion, Layer 2, Rollup and other functions at all. They only care about when the merger will be officially merged and when mining will end.

Those who have participated in the ETH2.0 beacon chain staking hope that the merger will be as soon as possible, because they need the first hard fork after the merger to unstake, and the miners holding graphics cards hope to merge The later the better (it's best not to merge), and maximize the graphics card's capabilities.

The news from two months ago was that the merger was advanced, and there would be no new EIP function revisions and upgrades before the merger. All members of the ETH team concentrated on giving priority to the merger, and the merger proposal EIP-3675 The case was also officially filed by researcher Mikhail in mid-August, which indicates that the countdown to the merger is really about to begin. Unfortunately, there is still no specific date, only probabilities. What the hell


As the total market value and ecology of Ethereum expand to today’s size, the ship will be turned around, and any small mistake will It will cause huge shocks: miners have graphics cards, institutions have coins, there is TVL in the DeFi ecosystem, how many mining pools rely on ETH to make a living, how many agents make a living speculating on graphics cards...

If the interests of all parties are not balanced properly during this process, the entire network may be frozen or even collapse. I think the Ethereum team is too childish in announcing the merger time and does not take the miners' mining machines seriously. A few months ago, developer Trend said that it would conservatively estimate the merger before the end of the year. Now it seems that the vote will be delayed again. What credibility does the official have? Is it difficult to prevent delays? Announce the "accurate merger date", as well as the merger steps and details, at least one year in advance. If it doesn't pass the testnet, don't release various merge news randomly, especially developers. I don’t want to read anything now, just waiting for the bomb pushback in December to be postponed to next year. Then I will write another article "How to deal with the mining machine in hand" and wait and see.

Ⅸ p106-90 cannot mine etc

If you want to mine ETC, you cannot mine it with a graphics card with 4G memory capacity,
starting with 6G. GTX16 series, all RTX20 series, and all RTX30 series without locking computing power. Each one is very expensive, and the cheapest one now costs about 4,000. If you want to get the money back quickly, it’s the RTX3090. etc coins can be mined, because 3G graphics cards and 4G graphics cards can mine etc coins,
so the prices of GTX10603G and GTX1050ti4G graphics cards have risen sharply again. It seems that the graphics card market is very difficult this year. If this is the case, if you can't beat it, just join , since you can’t buy a graphics card, the only option is to join the army of currency speculators and virtual currency traders.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 什么是比特币挖矿机比特币挖矿机就是一台高配电脑,但是只是用来完成挖矿软件的算法。比特币据说是日本科学家山本聪发明的一种虚拟货币,利用一系列的复杂的算法最终得到的一窜代码。挖矿软件就是比特币的算法