美国元宇宙股票涨幅 美国元宇宙股票走势

① 美股元宇宙股票涨了多少

公开资料显示,近年来,腾讯已持续投资Roblox、WaveVR、Avakin Life元宇宙概念相关的公司和产品。

② 元宇宙是什么,为什么最近那么火


③ 元宇宙已经火了一年多了,它现在的发展趋势如何



④ 美股元宇宙实时行情


⑤ 指数呈现震荡分化,元宇宙概念股大涨






















市场点评: 指数呈现震荡分化,元宇宙概念股大涨


(投资顾问 古志雄 注册投资顾问证书编号:S02606611020066)


宏观视点:华为正式发布iData平台 ,数字化管理千亿级市场有待掘金


来源: 财联社


(投资顾问 古志雄 注册投资顾问证书编号:S02606611020066)






(投资顾问 古志雄 注册投资顾问证书编号:S02606611020066)







⑥ “元宇宙”概念个股业绩到底如何




⑦ 元宇宙的发展前景

元宇宙独立于我们的宇宙之外,但是与外部的真实世界紧密相连,我们可以把宇宙看作是一个平行空间,元宇宙的时间维度和我们的现实宇宙一样,都是真实的,但是元宇宙没有自己的实体空间,它只存在于网络之上,是一个将用户和网络统一的有机整体,元宇宙之中包罗万千,实现了多方面高度的覆盖。但是元宇宙的开发任重而道远,我们的技术尚不成熟 。然而,毕竟元宇宙代表了未来互联网科技发展的大方向,多家公司也因此而赚得盆满钵满,就比如开发了会说话的汤姆猫的公司汤姆猫,仅仅因为公司方面,关于是否开发元宇宙进行了回复,就导致公司股票狂涨。

⑧ 什么是元宇宙,元宇宙基金有哪些

美国已发行两只元宇宙概念ETF,分别是圆山投资的Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF(META)和10月由Fount发行的Fount Metaverse ETF(MTVR)。
2021年6月30日,Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF发行时规模仅有150万美元,而后受到元宇宙概念爆发、Facebook改名Meta、元宇宙概念电影《失控玩家》上映等消息刺激,掀起了美国元宇宙的投资热潮,截至2021年11月15日,Meta ETF规模快速扩张到3.85亿美元,暴增257倍,热度空前高涨,近一月涨幅达12.91%。
而 MTVR其投资目标更偏向于增强现实和虚拟世界等领域的公司,截至2021年11月12日,MTVR重仓持有了苹果、Meta平台和字母表等公司,其前十大重仓股集中度39.39%。

⑨ 美股元宇宙概念股

美国知名投行伯恩斯坦表示,尽管目前仍难以准确定义“元宇宙概念股”,但部分相关公司有望从这一概念中获益。伯恩斯坦予谷歌(GOOG.US)、Meta(FB.US)、微软(MSFT.US)、高通(QCOM.US)、英伟达(NVDA.US)、Snap Inc(SNAP.US)、T-Mobile US(TMUS.US)、腾讯(TCEHY.US)“跑赢大盘”评级。 伯恩斯坦还予AMD(AMD.US)、苹果(AAPL.US)、AT&T(T.US)、迪士尼(DIS.US)和威瑞森(VZ.US)“中性”评级。值得注意的是,长期以来,伯恩斯坦给予英特尔(INTC.US)“跑输大盘”评级。
1、 伯恩斯坦表示,尽管Facebook计划成为“顶级元宇宙公司”,并将自己更名为Meta,但元宇宙仍是“一个模糊的术语”。但无论如何,受这一概念影响的最相关市场的年运营总额为2万亿美元,而且还在增长。 伯恩斯坦承认,很难解决关于什么是元宇宙的困惑,但定义“元宇宙不是什么”可能更容易:它不是虚拟现实(VR),但“虚拟现实肯定是其中的一部分”。 诗意的解释可能是:“元宇宙是数字连接的一种进化,我们赋予‘数字生活’的价值超过了‘物质生活’的价值。”
2、伯恩斯坦认为,至少就目前而言,元宇宙是一种“进化,而不是变革”,而且一些设备已经到位:如Meta的Quest VR头盔、微软的HoloLens以及苹果手表等硬件都提供了移动网络以外的应用。 实现元宇宙所需的“堆栈”包括网络、半导体、硬件、网络即服务(NaaS)、应用程序和软件即服务(SaaS)以及操作系统等,亚马逊、苹果、谷歌、微软、英伟达、高通、腾讯等公司在这些领域发挥重要作用。
3、伯恩斯坦认为,消费者和企业最终都会采用这项技术。从历史来看,企业有可能会引领这一潮流。 从投资赢家和输家的角度来看,这一切意味着什么?传统的FAANG(Facebook、亚马逊、苹果、奈飞(NFLX.US) 和谷歌母公司Alphabet)是否仍是守门人,还是MMAANG将取代FAANG(即微软加入,英伟达取代奈飞)?
4、伯恩斯坦认为,“鉴于所需的技术创新和规模,小公司可能很难与科技巨头进行广泛的竞争。例如,苹果多年来对扩展现实 (XR)的投资、在消费硬件领域的专业知识以及其品牌的信誉,可能会以某种方式在元宇宙中获得回报。”

① How much have U.S. Metaverse stocks increased?

Since its listing, the market value of U.S. Metaverse concept stock Roblox Corporation (RBLX) has risen to US$50.9 billion, equivalent to RMB 330 billion.
[Extended Information]
1. The giants have already poured in, and the metaverse has just begun.
In fact, even before Roblox went public, Tencent’s shadow could be seen in Roblox’s investor list. Roblox's official press release reads, "Roblox will join hands with Tencent to help the next generation of Chinese creators unleash their creative and imaginative potential."
In terms of the layout of the Metaverse, Tencent is considered the domestic leader.
Public information shows that in recent years, Tencent has continued to invest in companies and products related to the concept of Roblox, WaveVR, and Avakin Life.
At the end of 2020, Ma Huateng, chairman of the board of directors of Tencent, wrote in the annual special issue "Three Views": "Now, an exciting opportunity is coming. The mobile Internet has developed for ten years and is about to usher in the next wave of upgrades. We call it the 'Full Truth Internet'. The door to the virtual world and the real world has been opened. Whether it is from virtual to real or from real to virtual, we are committed to helping users achieve a more realistic experience."
II , the game sector benefits most intuitively.
A US stock analyst from Zunjia Financial Hong Kong said that the emergence of the concept of the metaverse has also led to the rapid rise of some stocks.
For example, VR and AR related. But the most obvious benefit is the gaming sector.
Tom Cat (300459.SZ)’s stock price rose sharply due to the company’s name change and the superimposed metaverse concept.
In the first half of 2021, Tom Cat’s main income is to rely on the IP of “Talking Tom Cat” to obtain traffic and obtain advertising revenue. In reply to the exchange’s letter of concern, Tomcat Fang also stated that the Metaverse is a very grand and distant vision, and there is a big gap between the company’s current game products and the theoretical Metaverse. "But this still cannot stop its stock price from rising, and it still rose by 17.45% on September 13.
Industry insiders said that the game sector had fallen sharply due to the impact of policies. Now that new anti-addiction regulations have been implemented, the uncertainty of industry development has been eliminated. This may be the reason why the concept of the metaverse composed of the online game sector, virtual reality, cloud computing, blockchain, etc. is sought after by the market.
Zunjia Financial Hong Kong and US stock analysts also said that through user Hong Kong and US stock trading Analysis of the data found that the trading volume of AR, VR, and related game stocks has increased significantly in the past half month.
3. The future of the Metaverse.
On September 13, an organization stated in the media, The ultimate metaverse connects the physical world and the digital world, and will become the way of life for mankind in 20 years, reshaping the digital economic system.
In the next 3-5 years, the metaverse will enter the embryonic exploration period, VR/AR, NFT, Progressive technological breakthroughs and business model innovations in fields such as AI, cloud, PUGC game platform, digital people, and digital twin cities will emerge one after another.poverty.
At present, "Yuanshi" has 211 related trademarks, of which 193 trademarks have been applied for registration in 2021 alone. The international classification covers office supplies, medicine, furniture, financial property management, material processing and advertising sales, among which Most of them are in the “waiting for substantive review” stage.
Although the metaverse is still just a concept, it is foreseeable that it is a trend and an inevitable event.

② What is the metaverse and why is it so popular recently

To be precise, the metaverse is not a new concept, it is more like the rebirth of a classic concept. In 1992, the famous American science fiction master Neal Stephenson described the metaverse in his novel "Snow Crash": "Put on the headphones and eyepieces, find the connection terminal, and you can enter the computer simulation and the real world as a virtual avatar. A parallel virtual space."
In March this year, Roblox, the first stock in the Metaverse concept, was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange; in May, Facebook stated that it would transform into a Metaverse company within five years. ; In August, ByteDance spent a huge amount of money to acquire the VR startup Pico... This year, the Metaverse has undoubtedly become one of the most popular concepts in the technology field.
So, what exactly is the Metaverse? Why are major digital technology giants entering the Metaverse? How should my country’s metaverse industry be laid out and developed?
There is currently no generally accepted definition of the metaverse
To be precise, the metaverse is not a new concept. It is more like the rebirth of a classic concept, which is based on extended reality (XR), blockchain, and cloud. Conceptualization under new technologies such as computing and digital twins.
In 1992, the famous American science fiction master Neal Stephenson described the metaverse in his novel "Avalanche": "Put on the headphones and eyepieces, find the connection terminal, and you can enter the computer simulation as a virtual clone. , a virtual space parallel to the real world.”
Of course, the lack of generally accepted definitions of core concepts is a common phenomenon in the field of cutting-edge technology. Although the Metaverse has attracted much attention and expectations from all parties, it also does not have a generally accepted definition. Returning to the essence of the concept, it can be considered that the metaverse is a virtual world that is both mapped on and independent of the real world, built on the basis of traditional cyberspace and with the improvement of the maturity of various digital technologies. At the same time, the metaverse is not a simple virtual space, but includes networks, hardware terminals and users into a sustainable and wide-coverage virtual reality system. The system includes both digital replicas of the real world and virtual worlds. of creation.
Currently, everything about the Metaverse is still under debate. Analysis from different perspectives will lead to very different conclusions, but the basic characteristics of the Metaverse have been generally recognized by the industry.
Its basic features include: immersive experience, low latency and immersion, allowing users to have an immersive sensory experience; virtual clones, real-world users will have one or more ID identities in the digital world ; openCreation, users enter the digital world through terminals and can use massive resources to carry out creative activities; strong social attributes, real social relationship chains will be transferred and reorganized in the digital world; Stabilization system, with a safe, stable and orderly economic operation system.
Favored by technology giants and government departments
Since August, the concept of the metaverse has become even more popular. Japanese social giant GREE announced that it will launch metaverse business, and NVIDIA’s “digital avatar” appeared for more than ten seconds at the press conference. ", Microsoft announced the enterprise Metaverse solution at the Inspire Global Partner Conference... In fact, not only the major technology giants are vying to lay out the Metaverse track, but also relevant government departments in some countries are also actively participating. On May 18, the Ministry of Science, Technology, Information and Communications of South Korea initiated the establishment of the "Metaverse Alliance", which includes more than 200 local Korean companies and organizations such as Hyundai, SK Group, and LG Group. Its goal is to build a national-level augmented reality platform. , and provide public virtual services to the society in the future; on July 13, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan released the "Survey Report on Future Possibilities and Issues of the Virtual Space Industry", which summarized the problems that the Japanese virtual space industry needs to solve urgently. In order to occupy a dominant position in the global virtual space industry; on August 31, South Korea’s Ministry of Finance released the 2022 budget, planning to spend US$20 million on the development of the Yuanverse platform.
Why is the Yuanverse favored by technology giants, venture capital companies, start-ups, and even government departments?
From an enterprise perspective, the Metaverse is still in the initial stage of industry development. Whether it is the underlying technology or application scenarios, there is still a big gap compared with the mature form in the future, but this also means
There is huge room for expansion in Metaverse-related industries. Therefore, if digital technology giants with multiple advantages want to hold on to the market, and if start-ups in the digital technology field want to gain the opportunity to overtake in corners, they must plan in advance or even increase their investment in the metaverse track.
From the government’s perspective, the Metaverse is not only an important emerging industry, but also an area of ​​social governance that needs attention. With the rapid development of the Metaverse industry, a series of new problems and challenges will follow. Matthew Ball, a senior research expert on the Metaverse, put forward: “The Metaverse is a concept on the same level as the mobile Internet.” Using the mobile Internet as an analogy to the Metaverse, we can better understand the internal logic of government departments’ attention to it. The government hopes that by participating in the formation and development process of the metaverse, it can proactively consider and solve related problems brought about by its development.
Make forward-looking plans in terms of technology and standards
The Metaverse is an extremely open, complex, and huge system. It covers the entire network space and many hardware devices and real-life conditions. It is composed of many types of A super-large digital application ecosystem built by builders. In order to accelerate the advancement of the Metaverse from concept to reality and seize the opportunity in future global competition, our country should make forward-looking plans in three aspects: technology, standards, and laws.
TechnologyFrom a technical perspective, technical limitations are the biggest bottleneck in the current development of the Metaverse. The corresponding underlying technologies such as XR, blockchain, and artificial intelligence are still far behind the needs of the metaverse's practical applications. The maturity of the Metaverse industry requires a large amount of basic research to support it. In this regard, we must be careful to prevent the Metaverse from becoming a hype gimmick for some companies. Relevant companies should be encouraged to strengthen basic research, enhance technological innovation capabilities, and steadily improve the maturity of related industrial technologies.
From the perspective of industry standards, only by defining the Metaverse through a series of standards and protocols like the Internet can a large-scale connection of different ecosystems in the Metaverse be achieved. In this regard, the overall planning of Metaverse standards should be strengthened, guide and encourage standardization cooperation among technology giants, support enterprises and institutions in the development of industry standards such as technology, hardware, software, services, and content, and actively participate in the formulation of Metaverse standards. Global standards.
From a legal perspective, as the Metaverse develops and gradually matures, a series of issues such as platform monopoly, tax collection and management, regulatory review, and data security will also arise. Think in advance on how to prevent and solve the Metaverse. Legal issues arising from the universe become an essential part. In this regard, legislative work in the field of digital technology should be strengthened, timely follow-up in aspects such as data, algorithms, and transactions should be conducted, and relevant legal systems of the Metaverse should be studied.
What is certain is that, driven by technological evolution and human needs, the realization of the Metaverse scenario and the maturity of the Metaverse industry is only a matter of time. As an extension and expansion of the real world, the huge opportunities and revolutionary effects brought by the Metaverse are worth looking forward to. However, because of this, we need to look at the current Metaverse craze rationally and promote the healthy development of the Metaverse industry.
(The author is an associate researcher at the Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Source: Science and Technology Daily

③ The Metaverse has been popular for more than a year. Its current development What is the trend?

The current development trend of the Metaverse can be said to be gradually declining until it disappears. This is mainly due to two reasons, one is that capital is not optimistic, and the other is that it is too early. Next, let’s take a closer look at this issue.

In general, I personally believe that the development trend of the Metaverse is its demise, because the technology of this era is not enough to meet the vision of the Metaverse.

④ Real-time market price of U.S. stock Metaverse

As of December 9, 2021, the highest stock price of U.S. stock Metaverse is: 1252.88, today’s opening: 1229.06, trading volume: 30.6112 million lots, exchanged Lots: 4.30%, lowest: 1228.63, yesterday's closing: 1228.80, turnover: 42.398 billion, volume ratio: 1.20, 52-week highest: 1330.35
Rise: 49, amplitude: 0.02%, flat: 4, 52-week lowest : 867.07, down: 25, total market value: 1.38 trillion, circulation value: 1.13 trillion, currency unit: CNY.
1. Metaverse
Metaverse is a virtual world that is linked and created using scientific and technological means to map and interact with the real world. It is a digital living space with a new social system.
It integrates a variety of new technologies to create new Internet applications and social forms that integrate reality and reality. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, and is built based on blockchain technology. The economic system closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows each user to produce content and edit the world.
2. Notes on stock investment
1. Stock price. The first thing to look at when buying stocks is the price of each stock. This determines not only whether you can afford to invest in the stock, but also how much of each security to buy. If you purchase stocks through a broker, you will need to pay a commission for each share purchased. If you think the stock price may fall, you can place a limit order with your broker to reduce possible losses.
2. Income. Even if you can afford a stock, that doesn't mean the security is worth buying. Because if you think that the company will earn high profits in the future, a stock of 100 yuan may appear cheap. On the contrary, if the $2 per share of stock is derived from expected revenue, then the expected impact changes will be affected by the company, then the cost may be too high. When you buy stocks, you hope to share in the profits earned by the company. A stock's performance is tied to those earnings and whether the company generates the desired profits.
3. Dividends. When buying stocks yourself, you should first look to see if the company has a history of paying dividends to investors. This is the company's option to pay cash to shareholders if it has sufficient cash reserves. Even if a stock declines for a while, dividends can provide some income of their own. And you need to pay attention to whether the company has a history of increasing the amount of its dividend.
4. Stock risk. If you want to buy a large number of stocks, you should be aware of the market risks of the industry in which the company trades. For example, when the stock market is booming and the economy is growing, all stocks may appear to be making money. When the economy changes, consumers delay spending, or a technology company's products don't perform as expected, companies risk losing revenue, which can cause the company's stock price to fall. So you need to understand the potential risks of a stock before buying large amounts of it.
5. Stock trend. You can find out the current price of a stock by entering the ticker symbol associated with the stock on a financial website, and you can also observe its high and low points over the past 52 weeks.

⑤ The index showed shock and differentiation, and Metaverse concept stocks surged

1. Selected financial news

What signal? The "Central Bank" frequently uses this tool at the end of the year, and there may be "big projects" coming soon

Since December 20, the central bank has restarted and continuously carried out 14-day reverse repurchase operations. Industry insiders pointed out that as a cross-seasonThe emergence of the 14-day reverse repurchase, a cross-holiday "special tool", demonstrates the monetary authorities' intention to stabilize liquidity at the end of the year. Based on the experience of previous years, nearly one trillion yuan of fiscal funds may be concentrated at the end of December. There was a trillion-level reserve requirement ratio cut before, and a large amount of fiscal funds were invested later. In addition, the central bank's open market operations played a coordinating role, so there will be no worries about funding at the end of the year. According to statistics, as of December 22, the central bank has carried out a total of 7.819 billion yuan in open market reverse repurchase operations since 2021, of which 1.120 billion yuan is 14-day and the rest are 7-day, accounting for 14% and 86% respectively. , the 14-day reverse repo is only used intermittently. Data shows that the central bank has only carried out 14-day reverse repurchase operations in three periods this year: before the Spring Festival, at the end of the third quarter and at the end of the current year. Its main purpose is to maintain stable liquidity across seasons and holidays.

Beijing, Guangdong, and Jiangsu require celebrity anchors to self-examine tax-related issues. Failure to conduct thorough self-examination and self-correction will be severely punished in accordance with laws and regulations

Beijing Taxation The Bureau of Taxation, the Guangdong Provincial Taxation Bureau, and the Jiangsu Provincial Taxation Bureau successively issued announcements on December 22, saying that in order to further create a good environment for paying taxes in good faith according to law, taxpayers who have not paid attention to their own tax-related issues before are advised to Celebrities, artists, network anchors, etc. who have failed to conduct self-examination and rectification should promptly conduct self-examination according to the tax laws and relevant notice requirements, and proactively report and correct tax-related issues to the tax department before December 31, 2021. The tax department will follow the notice requirements Tax penalties are lightened, reduced or exempted. Those who still refuse to conduct self-examination and self-correction or who fail to conduct thorough self-inspection and self-rectification will be severely dealt with by the tax authorities in accordance with laws and regulations.

Economic Daily: The long-term rental housing market will usher in a period of rapid development

The Economic Daily published an article stating that the Central Economic Work Conference held not long ago was planning the real estate market. In related work, it was once again emphasized to accelerate the development of the long-term rental housing market. Under the background of adhering to "housing for living, not speculation" and "promoting both rental and purchase", the long-term rental housing market will usher in substantial development. Developing the long-term rental housing market is the only way to speed up the filling of shortcomings in housing rentals. my country's real estate market has long been "sold with a long leg and leasing with a short leg", and the supporting policies for the development of rental housing are insufficient. The development of affordable rental housing aimed at solving the housing difficulties of new citizens and young people is accelerating. The key to developing the long-term rental housing market is to accelerate the cultivation of professional and large-scale housing rental enterprises.

Ministry of Transport: Deepening the application of electronic toll collection (ETC) on highways

According to news from the Ministry of Transport on the 22nd, the Ministry of Transport recently issued the "Digital Toll Collection System" Transportation “14th Five-Year Plan” Development Plan. The development plan points out that the highway sensing network will be improved, the full-cycle digitization of all elements of highway infrastructure will be promoted, vehicle-road coordination and autonomous driving will be developed, and severe weather driving guidance will be promoted on key road sections to alleviate traffic congestion and improve operating efficiency. Deepen the application of highway electronic toll collection (ETC) and build monitoring, dispatching, management and control, and emergency response, a smart road network platform with integrated services. Promote intelligent highway construction and maintenance. Promote the construction of highway smart service areas.

Ministry of Transport: Deploying Beidou, 5G and other information infrastructure application networks

The Ministry of Transport issued the "Digital Transportation "14th Five-Year Plan" Development Plan" . The plan proposes to improve the comprehensive transportation information platform structure at the ministry and provincial levels, promote the construction of a comprehensive transportation big data center system, strengthen the integration and sharing, comprehensive development and intelligent application of data resources, and create a comprehensive transportation "data brain". Deeply promote Beidou industry applications. Promote the application of Beidou-3 terminals in railways, highways, water transportation, civil aviation, postal services and other fields. Deepen the application of high-precision navigation and location services of the Beidou system in the field of transportation. Promote the intelligent upgrading of logistics hubs. Promote the construction of intelligent warehousing and distribution facilities, and promote applications such as digital warehousing management, safety production early warning, automatic matching of vehicles and goods, and intelligent scheduling in the park. Promote information sharing and business collaboration among logistics parks.

The Cyberspace Administration of China and others announced the list of candidates for the national blockchain innovative application pilot program

According to news from the Cyberspace Administration of China on the 22nd, the Cyberspace Administration of China, Seventeen departments and units including the Central Propaganda Department released an announcement on the list of candidates for the national blockchain innovative application pilot. The publicity period is from December 22, 2021 to December 28, 2021. Each pilot unit (region) on the list should abide by the principle of good faith, and it is strictly prohibited to engage in fraud, and it is strictly prohibited to use the name of blockchain innovation to engage in currency speculation, mining, illegal fund-raising, money laundering, pyramid schemes, and hype.

(Investment Advisor: Lin Xurui, Practice Certificate No. S0260615100004)

II. Market Hot Spots

Market Comments: The index is volatile Divergence, Metaverse concept stocks soared

The major A-share indexes fluctuated on Wednesday with mixed gains and losses. As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index closed down 0.07% to close at 3622.62 points; the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Component Index rose 0.70% to close at 3622.62 points. 14791.33 points; the GEM index rose 0.55% to close at 3368.70 points. The market turnover reached 1.06 trillion yuan. Disk observation: Medicine, telecommunications operations, and the Internet were among the top gainers; shipping, real estate, and water services were among the top losers. Industry sectors had mixed gains and losses, and concept stocks with Yuan Universe themes rose sharply throughout the day. Currently, against the background of stable fundamentals and liquidity, the market is expected to show a trend of advance, retreat, and shock. Operations are recommended to flexibly grasp the rhythm band to participate. It is recommended to focus on finance, real estate, wind power, Yuanverse concept and other sectors. There are risks in the stock market, so investment needs to be cautious.

(Investment consultant Gu Zhixiong registered investment consultant certificate number: S02606611020066)

Macro perspective: Huawei officially releases iData platform, digital management of hundreds of billions of market waiting to be tapped

Event: Huawei recently officially released the iData intelligent data integration platform, using the "1+N+5" ecological cooperation concept to create an industry-wide full stack , full life cycle data tool chain solutions, build a data base for thousands of industries, and support the digital transformation of industries. It is understood that the iData version released this time includes five unified control, data integration process management and other features, and has been promoted in more than 60 key projects across the country, such as State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company, Beijing Capital Highway Development Group, etc.

Source: Financial Associated Press

Comment: The level of digital management of Chinese enterprises is still relatively low. In terms of digital application of enterprise management, the current popularity and application level in our country are only about the same. in the United States ten years ago. The United States has maintained very stable growth for ten consecutive years since 2010, with the entire market growing at an annual rate of 30%-40%. The digital management of Chinese enterprises will also show a similar trend. In the future, China's digital management market will be worth hundreds of billions. It is a large market, and it is recommended that you actively pay attention to and seize relevant investment opportunities. < /p>

Event: The General Office of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Marine Economic Development in Guangdong Province" to make arrangements for the development of the marine economy in the province during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. Among them, the plan clearly states that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, emerging marine industries should be cultivated and expanded and offshore wind power industry clusters should be created.

Source: Anxin International Research Report

Comment: During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Guangdong Province will promote the large-scale development of offshore wind power projects and strive to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 1,800 by the end of 2025. Thousands of kilowatts will promote the development of offshore wind power industry clusters. With policy support, the wind power industry is expected to enter a period of rapid growth. It is recommended that appropriate and active attention be paid to allocation.

(Investment consultant Gu Zhixiong registered investment consultant certificate number: S02606611020066)

3. New share subscription tips

2021-12- 23 No new stock subscription

4. Recommendation of key stocks

See the full version of "Early Trading Viewpoint" (monthly customization path: Discovery - Information - Paid Information - Early trading perspective; Single article customization path: Discovery - Gold Medal Appraisal - Early trading perspective)

⑥ What is the performance of the "Metaverse" concept stocks

Answer: Hello, mature Yuan Universe products require 5-10 years of technology and accumulation of user numbers. Therefore, before the infrastructure is popularized, it is currently difficult to intuitively reflect the performance of the Metaverse. From "A-Share Metaverse Game"The share price of the first "Zhongqingbao Company" was driven by market sentiment, and the share price doubled within ten days. In terms of performance, the company's operating income in the first three quarters was 257 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.5%; the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 13.565 million yuan, A year-on-year increase of 730.2%.
The seemingly good report card actually hides a mystery. Zhongqingbao’s net profit in the third quarter was 2.018 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 127.9%. Looking at the quarterly analysis, the company’s net profit showed a downward trend in each quarter. The high growth rate is actually caused by the low base in 2020.

1. Tom Cat performance:
Similar to Zhongqingbao, there is also Tom Cat. Since the hype of the Metaverse concept, the company’s stock price has accumulated rose 37.85%. The company's third quarter results also performed well. Operating income in the first three quarters was 1.402 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.23%; non-net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-net profits was 588 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.03%. Among them, the company's first Operating income in the third quarter was 485 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44.14%; non-net profit after deduction was 180 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 70.58%. As for the reason for the performance growth, Tom Cat believes that it is due to the core game product matrix maintaining stable long-term operations. But the company The Metaverse business is still in the exploratory stage and has not yet achieved profitability, and all projects related to the Metaverse concept are still in the special studio stage.

2. Goertek
Goertek’s operating income is 527.89 billion, a year-on-year increase of 52%; net profit was 3.333 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 65.28%; operating cash flow net inflow was 5.759 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 112.68%. Goertek's revenue and net profit growth rate declined slightly in the third quarter , 17.46% and 29.61% respectively, but still in line with market expectations.
In the first three quarters of 2021, Goertek’s precision components business revenue was 10.29 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.86%; the intelligent acoustic machine business revenue was 19.20 billion yuan , a year-on-year increase of 25.72%. In addition, the company's intelligent hardware business revenue increased by 119.07% year-on-year to 22.23 billion yuan. From the perspective of segmented business growth rate, Goertek is gradually transitioning from the "fruit chain" to the "metaverse" direction. The revenue share of VR/AR hardware blocks has increased significantly year by year.

⑦ The development prospects of the Metaverse

There are eight major elements about the Metaverse. For those who want to experience virtual reality For friends, perhaps the most important things are identity, friends, immersion and low latency.
In addition to these, there are four major elements: diversification, anytime, anywhere, economic system and civilization.
These eight elements are the definition given by roblox. Regarding roblox, it is actually a large-scale game. What is special is that it is the largest multiplayer online creation game in the world. Players from all over the world have developed a large number of 3D and Digital content such as VR, and this game is compatible with casual games, virtual worlds and self-created content. AndThe game also features two virtual currencies. They are robux and Tix respectively. Now that Tix is ​​gone, players mainly use robux.
Based on these eight elements, we can make a cross-definition of the universe from four aspects. That is independence, connectivity and time and space and authenticity.
The Metaverse is independent of our universe, but is closely connected to the external real world. We can regard the universe as a parallel space. The time dimension of the Metaverse is as real as our real universe. , but the Metaverse does not have its own physical space. It only exists on the network. It is an organic whole that unifies users and the network. The Metaverse encompasses everything and achieves a high degree of coverage in many aspects. However, the development of the Metaverse has a long way to go, and our technology is not yet mature. However, after all, the Metaverse represents the general direction of future Internet technology development, and many companies have made a lot of money from it. For example, the company that developed Talking Tom Cat, Tom Cat, simply because the company has no idea whether to develop Talking Tom Cat. Metaverse responded, causing the company's stock to skyrocket.

⑧ What is the Metaverse and what are the Metaverse funds?

The Metaverse is a virtual world that is linked and created using scientific and technological means to map and interact with the real world. A digital living space with a new social system. The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires extensive transformation of content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. There are six Metaverse ETFs in the international market, including two in the United States and four in South Korea. In terms of fund size and development level, the United States is the main focus. There is no Metaverse ETF in China, and various industry indexes benefit from the Metaverse industry chain.
There are six Yuanverse ETFs in the international market, including two in the United States and four in South Korea. In terms of fund size and development level, the United States is the main focus. There is no Metaverse ETF in China, and various industry indexes benefit from the Metaverse industry chain.
The situation of the Metaverse Fund in the United States
The United States is the forerunner of the Metaverse. Compared with the wait-and-see of many major domestic companies, the American Internet giants seem to have reached a consensus faster. Rolox, Facebook (Meta), Apple and other technology giants are actively deploying the Metaverse and launching their own Metaverse concept products.
Two metaverse concept ETFs have been issued in the United States, namely the Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF (META) by Grand Mountain Investment and the Fount Metaverse ETF (MTVR) issued by Fount in October.
On June 30, 2021, the Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF was issued with a scale of only US$1.5 million. It was then stimulated by the explosion of the Metaverse concept, Facebook changed its name to Meta, and the release of the Metaverse concept movie "The Runaway Player", which caused a stir in the United States. Investment in the MetaverseAs of November 15, 2021, the size of Meta ETF has rapidly expanded to US$385 million, a surge of 257 times. The popularity is unprecedentedly high, with an increase of 12.91% in the past month.
From the perspective of position targets, META mainly invests in areas such as hardware and virtual platforms. According to the third quarterly report information, there are 41 companies holding positions in the Yuanverse, including Nvidia, Microsoft, Roblox and Facebook, etc. The concentration ratio of the top ten heavy holdings in the third quarterly report of 2021 is 54.62%.
The investment goals of MTVR are more inclined to companies in fields such as augmented reality and virtual worlds. As of November 12, 2021, MTVR holds heavy positions in companies such as Apple, Meta Platform and Alphabet, among its top ten holdings. The concentration rate is 39.39%.
Judging from the above, these two ETFs in the United States have relatively high-quality holdings. After their listing, the response has been enthusiastic, investors are enthusiastic, and the overall situation is in a state of rapid development.
Domestic Metaverse Fund Situation
Looking at China, there is no direct launch of Metaverse public funds or ETFs. This is related to the domestic market’s slow understanding of concepts related to the Metaverse. In addition to ByteDance spending 9 billion yuan to acquire Pico, several other major Internet giants seem to be somewhat late-minded about the Metaverse. There has not yet been a large-scale Metaverse platform such as Facebook (Meta) in China. However, sector ETFs with concepts related to the industrial chain, such as ETFs tracking the CSI Animation and Game Index, CSI Media Index and CSI Virtual Reality Theme Index, have seen higher gains driven by the concept of the Metaverse.
It is particularly worth mentioning that the CSI Animation and Game Index, which selects companies involved in animation, games and other related entertainment industries as constituent stocks, and the Yinhua CSI Virtual Reality Theme ETF, which tracks the Virtual Reality Index, have performed well recently. The former is because games are the main form of expression of the Metaverse, and the latter is related to the upstream and downstream supply chains of VR/AR, an important supporting technology of the Metaverse.
In the long term, there are many investment targets for Yuanverse Fund. Among the existing domestic funds, there are more than 300 active equity funds related to the Metaverse, and there are nearly 400 ETFs that include Metaverse-related concepts, such as games, virtual reality, etc. These funds provide a broad fund pool for the future investment of Yuanverse. At the same time, some fund managers are also actively investing in related fields. For example, there are already three private equity products in the market named after Yuanshi, namely Zhengyuan Yuanshi, Zhengyuan Yuanshi No. 1, and Shanghai High Frequency-Yuanshi No. 1. The Metaverse may become one of the future layout directions of the fund.

⑨ U.S. stocks Metaverse concept stocks

Bernstein, a well-known American investment bank, said that although it is still difficult to accurately define "Metaverse concept stocks", some related companies are expected to learn from this concept. benefit from. Bernstein serves Google (GOOG.US), Meta (FB.US), Microsoft (MSFT.US), Qualcomm (QCOM.US), Nvidia (NVDA.US), Snap Inc (SNAP.US), T-Mobile US (TMUS.US), and Tencent (TCEHY.US) have "outperform" ratings. Bernstein also gave AMD (AMD.US), Apple (AAPL.US), AT&T (T.US), Disney (DIS.US) and Verizon (VZ.US) a "neutral" rating. It’s worth noting that Bernstein has long given Intel (INTC) an “underperform” rating.
Extended information
Bernstein's point of view
1. Bernstein said that although Facebook plans to become a "top Metaverse company" and renamed itself Meta, the Metaverse is still "a vague the term". But regardless, the most relevant markets affected by this concept have a combined annual operating volume of $2 trillion and growing. Bernstein admitted that it's difficult to resolve the confusion about what the Metaverse is, but it might be easier to define "what it isn't": It's not virtual reality (VR), but "VR is certainly part of it." A poetic explanation might be: "The metaverse is an evolution of digital connectivity, and the value we give to 'digital life' exceeds the value of 'material life'."
2. Bernstein believes that, at least for now , the Metaverse is an "evolution, not a revolution," and some devices are already in place: hardware such as Meta's Quest VR headset, Microsoft's HoloLens, and the Apple Watch all offer applications beyond the mobile web. The "stack" required to realize the Metaverse includes networks, semiconductors, hardware, Network as a Service (NaaS), applications and Software as a Service (SaaS), operating systems, etc. Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Tencent Companies such as these play an important role in these areas.
3. Bernstein believes that consumers and businesses will eventually adopt this technology. Historically, companies are likely to lead the charge. What does this all mean from the perspective of investing winners and losers? Will the traditional FAANGs (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix (NFLX) and Google parent Alphabet) remain the gatekeepers, or will MMAANG replace FAANG (i.e. Microsoft joins and Nvidia replaces Netflix)?
4. Bernstein believes that “given the technological innovation and scale required, it may be difficult for small companies to compete extensively with technology giants. For example, Apple’s investment in extended reality (XR) over the years, its investment in consumer hardware Domain expertise, and the credibility of their brand, may be rewarded in the metaverse in some way."

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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