比特币合约杠杆怎么算的啊 比特币合约杠杆怎么计算

A. 怎么利用Okex比特币的币币杠杆合约呢


B. 数字货币期货合约杠杆怎么算为什么容易爆仓

芝加哥期权交易所的比特币,杠杆20倍,以现在的价格计算,5320,可以理解为,你用 5320美元,买入价值 5320*20倍的价值,但跌1个点,你就亏 20美元,那么,5320 / 20 = 266,跌 266个点,就是到 5054 点,你的本金就全部没有了。而在星期四,比特币一天就从 7840 跌到 5765,跌幅 26.8%,跌了 2075个点,大约就是爆仓8次,哈,所以要有风险意识。

C. 数字货币合约的逐仓杠杆是什么怎么玩






D. 合约中途调整杠杆怎么算











E. 期货的杠杆怎么算 知道的告诉我一声,求教!

国内的期货,品种不同杠杆也不同,一般玉米 稻子 麦子这些波动小的夜就是13倍左右的杠杆。棕榈油 豆油 这些波动中等的,10倍杠杆。铜 锌 橡胶 这些波动大的一般8倍杠杆。我所说的都是主力合约,另外放大假的时候杠杆会缩小。

F. 比特币的合约收益是怎么算的


G. 比特币交易平台杠杆怎么玩的


H. 比特币5倍杠杆什么意思


I. 比特币的套期保值什么意思啊怎么操作BITMEX的全仓、逐仓、1倍杠杆各是什么意思



比特币是投机交易者的乐园,因为比特币的价格波动剧烈且频繁。据了解,外汇的价格波动幅度在0.5%-1.0%,黄金价格的平均波幅也只有1.2%,而比特币平均波幅在5%-10%。 这也是外汇常常需要上百倍的杠杆才能有明显收益,而比特币10倍杠杆就能(微V-BQ尔无吧疤Y)达到其目标的原因。

J. 比特币10倍杠杆保证金为百分之二十五代表什么意思


A. How to use Okex Bitcoin’s cryptocurrency leverage contract?

To short a currency, there are not only two options for trading: "hold to rise" and "short position", you can also You can borrow the currency and "sell" it, and then "buy" it when it falls to the ideal price to repay the currency and earn "short direction" income. This is a very worthwhile operation.

B. How to calculate the leverage of digital currency futures contracts and why they are prone to liquidation

Bitcoin on the Chicago Board Options Exchange has a leverage of 20 times. Based on the current price, 5320 can be understood as , you use 5320 US dollars to buy 5320*20 times the value, but if it falls by 1 point, you will lose 20 US dollars. Then, 5320 / 20 = 266, if it falls by 266 points, it will reach 5054 points, your principal It's all gone. On Thursday, Bitcoin fell from 7840 to 5765 in one day, a drop of 26.8%, a drop of 2075 points, which is about 8 liquidations, ha, so you must be aware of risks.

C. What is the isolated position leverage of digital currency contracts and how to play it

To put it simply, isolated position is to increase the position bit by bit. Leverage means you take 100 yuan. If you add 2 times the leverage, you will buy it for 200 yuan. The profit will be 2 times and the loss will be 2 times. If you add leverage, you will make a contract.

How to play: Isolated position is to play pyramid. If you go short, after adding the position, the order will look like a positive pyramid. Going long is an inverted pyramid, which means high risk, high return, and high loss. The level of leverage is related to your margin.

Contract margin system

OKEx provides two margin systems, which are the "account modes" that can be selected, namely the cross position mode and the isolated position mode. The mode selection here only takes effect for the contract type and currency on the current page and does not affect other contracts and currencies. (Contract types refer to the four major types of contracts: currency-standard delivery, currency-standard perpetual, USDT delivery, and USDT perpetual)

For example, if the full position mode is set for the BTC currency-standard margin delivery contract, Then all available funds in the BTC currency-margin delivery contract account are regarded as available margin. At this time, the calculation formula of the opening margin is: face value * number of contracts / (latest marked price * leverage). The user's opening margin will change with the change of the latest marked price.

D. How to calculate the leverage when adjusting the contract midway?

Futures trading is contract leverage.

The first thing is to understand the contract, or standard contract, which is actually similar to a standard, such as a water heater. It must meet national standards before it can be sold in a store. The standard contract of this futures can also be understood in this way. Only wheat, copper, coffee, and eggs that meet certain standards can be used as trading objects. As long as they meet the standards, the same kind of commodities from different sources can be sold as delivery products.

Let’s talk about leverageIn transaction, the vernacular means that 1 yuan can lend you up to 9 yuan, and you can use 9 yuan that does not belong to you to participate in the transaction. Of course, you have to bear the consequences of the 9 yuan transaction. You know, you only have 1 yuan.

You can only use 1 yuan to participate in the transaction, or you can choose 1-10 yuan to participate in the transaction. The part exceeding 1 yuan is leverage, which is called added leverage. In fact, you borrow money. The higher the leverage, the more you borrow. Therefore, the inherent risks in the futures trading mechanism are very high, and you need to have good self-control.

Application of futures leverage:

Control the position ratio.

The main reference factors are the capital scale and the market band adjustment ratio. Basically, the opening ratio does not exceed 30%, and the limit level is 50%.
2. Set stop loss and take profit targets.

The main reference factors are fund size and risk appetite. The stop loss and take profit targets of different operating modes are different, generally 20% and 50%.

3. Avoid "getting rich suddenly" and pursue "slow water".

The unification and practice of this understanding is one of the crucial foundations in the process of pursuing a balanced high leverage in the futures market. Mental balance means that whether you are analyzing the market or trading operations, whether you are making profits or floating losses, you can maintain an objective, calm and principled rational state. Only in this way can you survive the rise and fall of the futures market. You can truly enjoy the benefits of high leverage and avoid falling into various market traps due to mental imbalance.

E. How to calculate the leverage of futures? If you know anything, tell me. Please give me some advice!

Domestic futures have different leverages for different varieties. Generally, the leverage of corn, rice and wheat with small fluctuations is about 13 times. Palm Oil Soy Oil These are medium volatile, 10x leveraged. Copper, zinc and rubber are generally 8x leverage for those with large fluctuations. What I am talking about are all main contracts. In addition, the leverage will be reduced when the holiday is enlarged.

F. How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times the full contract is equivalent to buying 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin for 100 yuan, and your profit will increase by ten points. The income is 200 yuan (+100), and your account is 300 yuan the next day. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and increase it by ten points, your income is 600 yuan (+300), and so on.
But if If it falls by 5 points, your principal will be gone, which is commonly known as liquidation.

G. How to use leverage on the Bitcoin trading platform

It is recommended not to use leverage, as the risk is high. Choose the trading platform to go to Biyi Exchange, which supports legal currency transactions, fast withdrawal speed, and A kind of high quality.

H. What does Bitcoin’s 5x leverage mean?

This is a trading method on the Bitcoin trading platform. The simple thing is that you can use 1 yuan as 5 yuan. money use.

I. What does Bitcoin hedging mean? How to operate BITMEX’s cross position, isolated position, and 1x leverage?

Buying or selling a certain amount of spot commodities in the spot market, and at the same time selling or buying futures commodities (futures contracts) of the same type and quantity as the spot commodities but in the opposite direction in the futures market, in order to A trading method in which profits in one market compensate for losses in another market to avoid price risks. The reason why futures trading can maintain value is that the spot price of a specific commodity is affected and restricted by common economic factors at the same time. The price changes of the two are generally in the same direction. Due to the existence of the delivery mechanism, when the futures contract is approaching, During the delivery period, futures and spot prices have convergence (micro V-BQ and no bar scar Y).

In the Bitcoin futures market, those who have hedging needs are Bitcoin producers (miners). They sell Bitcoin futures (micro V-BQ Er Wu Ba Scar Y) when the futures price is appropriate to hedge the Bitcoin (spot) mined in the future. Because no matter whether the price rises or falls in the future, the spot and futures in their hands will make a profit and a loss to achieve hedging and preservation. It should be noted that hedging must be realized by another group of people, namely speculators, who provide liquidity to the market, and the better the liquidity, the more active the transactions, and the more stable the prices. The better the market depth, the easier hedging is to achieve.

Bitcoin is a paradise for speculative traders because its price fluctuates wildly and frequently. It is understood that the price fluctuation range of foreign exchange is 0.5%-1.0%, the average fluctuation range of gold prices is only 1.2%, and the average fluctuation range of Bitcoin is 5%-10%. This is why foreign exchange often requires hundreds of times leverage to achieve significant gains, while Bitcoin can achieve its goal with 10 times leverage.

J. What does it mean when Bitcoin’s 10 times leverage margin is 25%?

Summary Hello, I am happy to answer your questions, 1. Bitcoin 10x is an investor Using Bitcoin's 10 times leverage, if the investor makes a profit, the investor's income will be 10 times the original basis. On the contrary, if there is a loss, the loss will also be 10 times the original basis.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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