比特币 二爷 比特币一哥

㈠ 有人让我注册派币是不是骗人的


㈡ 以太坊设备寿命







如果在这个过程中,平衡不好各方的利益,那么整个网络可能会被冻结,甚至崩溃。我认为以太坊团队在公布合并时间点这件事上太儿戏了,不把矿工的矿机当回事,几个月前开发员Trend说保守估计年底前合并,现在看来又要跳票,官方还有什么可信度?要防止跳票很难吗:至少提前一年,对外公告“准确的合并日期”,以及合并步骤和详情。如果没在测试网通过就不要乱发布各种合并消息,尤其是开发人员。我现在啥都不想看,就等12月的炸弹 pushback 究竟要延到明年几月。到时再来写一篇《如何处理手上的矿机》吧,拭目以待。

㈢ 比特币又“割韭菜”20万人爆仓,谁才是真正的“幕后玩家”



㈣ 币圈集体崩盘,22万人爆仓,这究竟发生了什么

腥风血雨!币圈集体崩盘,22万人爆仓! 比特币跌破了39000美元关口,24小时跌幅超过了14%,较今年4月创下的历史高点回落了40%。此外,以太坊跌破了2900美元关口,跌幅超17%;币安币、狗狗币等都暴跌约22%。近几天来发生了虚拟货币的崩盘。


㈤ 比特币圈子的毒瘤是谁


㈥ 现在哪个数字货币行情比较好


㈦ 最早持有比特币的那些人,现在过得怎么样


一、 中本聪发现比特币,如今淡出比特币圈。


㈧ 币圈312事件是什么





㈨ 币圈李海龙简介

2.币圈是区块链行业中的一种说法或是概念,是一批关注虚拟加密数字货币,或发行自己数字货币筹资的人群形成的圈子,其中比特币是币圈比较重要的一种虚拟加密数字货币。 币圈是一个缺乏正式监管的领域,大家在接触币圈时需要警惕各种骗局,尤其是假交易平台、场外交易诈骗、网络钓鱼、假币等。币圈,即数字货币玩家天然形成的圈子。数字货币即虚拟币,排名第一的即是比特币。
3.代币是一种经过加密的虚拟货币。它由一个符号构成,起着表征的作用。在币圈,BTC、ETH都是被大家所公认、有着领导地位的代币。空投是目前一种十分流行的加密货币营销方式。为了让潜在投资者和热衷于加密 货币的人获得代币相关信息,代币团队会经常性地向币圈参与者的账户里发放不知名的代币,而数量是和原有代币数量成比例,想要拿到更多的空投,必须购买更多的代币,这是币市场营销很有效的宣传方式。

㈠ Is it a lie when someone asks me to sign up to give out coins?

Is it a lie when someone asks me to sign up to give out coins? I think it's best to be on the safe side and be careful.

㈡ Ethereum equipment lifespan

Ethereum 2.0 actually contains a lot of content, such as sharding, expansion, etc. Merger is just one of the contents. Since the launch of the 2.0 beacon chain last year At the beginning, we were already operating under the dual chain of PoW and PoS. The merger is to completely end PoW graphics card mining. All explosive blocks will be packaged with PoS consensus. After the merger, it does not mean that Ethereum 2.0 will be completed. There are at least 2- 3 years to add other features.

The merger involves a wide range of things and has huge benefits. The timing is very, very, very critical, especially for miners. It is a matter of life and death. They look at this merger time every day to consider whether to add cards. Frankly speaking, miners don't care about sharding, expansion, Layer 2, Rollup and other functions at all. They only care about when the merger will be officially merged and when mining will end.

Those who have participated in the ETH2.0 beacon chain staking hope that the merger will be as soon as possible, because they need the first hard fork after the merger to unstake, and the miners holding graphics cards hope to merge The later the better (it's best not to merge), and maximize the graphics card's capabilities.

The news from two months ago was that the merger was advanced, and there would be no new EIP function revisions and upgrades before the merger. All members of the ETH team concentrated on giving priority to the merger, and the merger proposal EIP-3675 The case was also officially filed by researcher Mikhail in mid-August, which indicates that the countdown to the merger is really about to begin. Unfortunately, there is still no specific date, only probabilities. What the hell


As the total market value and ecology of Ethereum expand to today’s size, the ship will be turned around, and any small mistake will It will cause huge shocks: miners have graphics cards, institutions have coins, there is TVL in the DeFi ecosystem, how many mining pools rely on ETH to make a living, how many agents make a living speculating on graphics cards...

If the interests of all parties are not balanced properly during this process, the entire network may be frozen or even collapse. I think the Ethereum team is too childish in announcing the merger time and does not take the miners' mining machines seriously. A few months ago, developer Trend said that it would conservatively estimate the merger before the end of the year. Now it seems that the vote will be delayed again. What credibility does the official have? Is it difficult to prevent delays? Announce the "accurate merger date", as well as the merger steps and details, at least one year in advance. If it doesn't pass the testnet, don't release various merge news randomly, especially developers. I don’t want to read anything now, just waiting for the bomb pushback in December to be postponed to next year. Then I will write another article "How to deal with the mining machine in hand" and wait and see.

㈢ Bitcoin "cut leeks" again and 200,000 people liquidated their positions. Who is the real "player behind the scenes"

ThisThe total amount of liquidated positions reached 13.7 billion yuan. With Bitcoin experiencing two rounds of plummets and so many people standing on the rooftop, there are still so many leeks rushing to be harvested. It’s really hopeless. You will never make money beyond your knowledge. Even if you are lucky enough to make it, you will pay it back based on your strength. You want to touch things that Buffett won't touch. If your position is liquidated, you will ask who is the player behind the scenes. So let me tell you who the players behind the scenes are.

Let me summarize at last. The whole world is asking who is the behind-the-scenes player and who is the behind-the-scenes player. This is different from stock funds. You don’t even know who is behind it, so you dare to start. It can only be said that there must be brave men under heavy rewards. If you want to make money, please make money within the scope of your knowledge. Even the big guys in the currency circle will not touch things. Do you really want to stop touching them? Do you have to become a leek to be considered complete? Bitcoin now has a bad reputation in many countries. Even the richest man in India has asked the country to ban it. What this means is something that ordinary investors cannot control. Cryptocurrencies that exist in the black market can only be suitable for the black market. Do you, an ordinary person, really think that you are qualified to compete with those unscrupulous investors in the black market?

㈣ The currency circle collapsed collectively, and 220,000 people liquidated their positions. What exactly happened

A bloody storm! The currency circle collapsed collectively, and 220,000 people liquidated their positions! Bitcoin fell below the $39,000 mark, falling more than 14% in 24 hours and falling 40% from the all-time high set in April this year. In addition, Ethereum fell below the $2,900 mark, a drop of more than 17%; Binance Coin, Dogecoin, etc. all plummeted by about 22%. A collapse of virtual currencies has occurred in recent days.

Bitcoin is a self-describing digital currency. However, most Bitcoin users use it as a vehicle for speculative investment rather than as a commodity. The fact that the public is increasingly concerned has led to an increase in demand for Bitcoin, while the amount of Bitcoin actually used to purchase goods has remained the same. Trading charts show that many Bitcoin users buy it as a speculative instrument. So there is a risk of collapse.

㈤ Who is the cancer in the Bitcoin circle?

This question is not easy to answer for you. Everyone has their own opinions!
For the core team, opponents are cancerous, especially Bitcoin Jesus and Bitmain, who are all in favor of the Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) expansion plan. They have also become targets of suppression and isolation by the core party. However, the Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) expansion plan is very popular in China, especially among miners.
In China, Liao Xiang is considered to be one. His reputation in the currency circle is not very good.

㈥Which digital currency market is better now

To analyze which digital currency market is better, you need to confirm whether the overall market is good or bad. For example, the overall currency circle is relatively cold now. , basically the currency prices are sideways. Even for mainstream currencies, the prices of these currencies are oscillating in the short term. You can use Coinsmart to check the digital currency market. Unless you are doing some futures, you may get more benefits, otherwise you have to wait until the infrastructure is perfected and the market is standardized before there is a big wave of good market conditions. Some people say that the market will be better when Bitcoin is halved in 2020. However, investment is risky and financial management needs to be cautious.

㈦ How are those people who were the first to hold Bitcoins doing now?

Those people are living a very comfortable life now. These "pigs" who played with Bitcoin in the early days earned a lot of money. made a lot of money.

1. Satoshi Nakamoto discovered Bitcoin and has now faded out of the Bitcoin circle.

Nowadays, discussions on Bitcoin in many forums are no longer limited to "Is Bitcoin a scam?" but have expanded to "Can Bitcoin become a global currency?" The author believes that Bitcoin is a complete digital bubble, a virtual currency constructed by algorithms with no national support behind it, and the scarcity of Bitcoin will inevitably lead to its rapid appreciation, especially under the guidance of a market economy. The currency used daily by various countries is backed by national prestige. Just like the reason why the U.S. dollar circulates around the world is not because the strong national power of the United States ensures the circulation capacity of the U.S. dollar. Satoshi Nakamoto’s original idea of ​​letting Bitcoin replace the currencies of various countries and become a global circulation object is simply a joke in the eyes of the power struggle between countries.

㈧ What is the 312 incident in the currency circle

It refers to the sharp drop in the price of Bitcoin on March 12, 2020.
At that time, it dropped from the opening price of more than 7,900 US dollars. It reached a low of more than 4,100 US dollars and closed at 4,900 US dollars
The maximum drop was 48% and the closing drop was 37%
It caused a lot of panic in the market. Most people were trapped and many people were looking for opportunities to get off the train
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After the sharp drop in March 2020, the market has continued to recover.
It has risen from more than 4,900 US dollars to more than 29,000 US dollars at the end of 2020
Until now in March 2021, Bitcoin The price is already more than 58,000 US dollars

Bitcoin has risen and fallen beyond imagination, with sharp rises and falls, and huge market fluctuations
And it is a 24-hour trading

Bitcoin price in March 2020

㈨ Introduction to Li Hailong in the currency circle

Li Hailong is really not a simple person. He was born blind, meaning he couldn't see since birth. He never went to school. Through his own efforts, he learned to type 120 words a minute on the computer. He repairs his own computer if it breaks down, and he also knows how to program computer software. People he knows will ask him how he does it, and his answer is just four words: "He is dedicated and focused." One thing I didn't expect is that he also entered the currency circle, which makes people happy. The most surprising thing is that he used 700 Ethereums to become more than 60,000 Ethereums. He occasionally helps others publish articles.
Extended information:
1. Those who entered the currency circle before 2017 basically made money and a lot. Starting from 2017, the overcapitalists of the capital market were also optimistic about the leeks in the currency circle and began to use the name of blockchain. The high-end packaging of the account continued to attract everyone to invest again, and at this time, players in the capital market also began to vaguely participate in various blockchain projects with the high-end name of blockchain. The word blockchain also made people very excited. easily remembered in people's brains. Players can all name these terms, blockchain, decentralized, open and transparent, and cannot be tampered with. It makes people feel very professional. In fact, Mao has never seen what blockchain is like.
2. The currency circle is a term or concept in the blockchain industry. It is a circle formed by a group of people who pay attention to virtual encrypted digital currencies or issue their own digital currencies to raise funds. Among them, Bitcoin is a more important one in the currency circle. A virtual encrypted digital currency. The currency circle is an area that lacks formal supervision. Everyone needs to be wary of various scams when coming into contact with the currency circle, especially fake trading platforms, OTC fraud, phishing, counterfeit currency, etc. The currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. Digital currencies are virtual currencies, and the number one one is Bitcoin.
3. Token is an encrypted virtual currency. It consists of a symbol and plays the role of representation. In the currency circle, BTC and ETH are tokens that are recognized by everyone and have a leading position. Airdrops are a very popular method of marketing cryptocurrency right now. In order to allow potential investors and people who are keen on cryptocurrency to obtain token-related information, the token team will regularly issue unknown tokens to the accounts of currency circle participants, and the number is proportional to the number of original tokens. Ratio, if you want to get more airdrops, you must buy more tokens. This is a very effective way of promoting currency marketing.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

❶ 比特币期权和比特币合约有什么不一样比特币合约就是期货,期货与期权本质上都是比特币的一种衍生品,而且也是现货的对冲工具!但是总体来说,期权要优于期货,我们可以根据几个点来进行对比。首先,假如比特币现