币圈刺客 币圈cip是什么意思

⑴ 公司改用兴业银行卡发工资,哪位能告诉我如果去其他银行取钱收费嘛天津市河北区有兴业银行谢谢!


金纬路支行 天津市河北区金纬路182号

⑵ 谁用过兴业消费金融贷款靠谱吗

1. 首先,贷款是一把双刃剑。资金周转无特殊需要,谨慎使用。
2、兴业消费金融不是银行的产品,而是金融机构的产品。大股东为兴业银行与其他投资者共同设立的公司。房产加打卡工资,社保(或公积金)房产加营业执照加自来水。在贷款金融圈,是非常有优势的金融产品。有很多问题。您可以交流和借出。对于利息,等价的本金和利息约为 8% - 1 美分。年化利率介于 13.2 至 22.8 之间。3、根据自己的需要谨慎选择贷款。
(2) 利息水平。根据合同法规定,贷款年利率在24%以内,受法律保护;年利率在24%-36%之间,双方可自由约定;如果年利率超过36%,则不受法律保护。所以一定要看我们的贷款金额和还款总额,计算年利率是否符合国家规定。) 收费。一般来说,正规贷款只有利息支出,逾期会有违约利息。如果飞蛾在出借前索要各种费用,比如手续费、斩首利息、押金和押金,千万不要相信。否则,钱一旦交了,就很难拿回来。

⑶ cib是什么币是哪国


⑷ 被兴业的骗下了一张白金悠系列信用卡年费900


















虽然行悠白有着900大洋的刚性年费,但由于附加权益如此厚道,这张卡也成为了许多人的第一张交“刚性年费”的信用卡,用足境内外机场接送机服务,即可轻松值回年费;配合境外10倍积分活动,刷2万元获取2万里程,按某宝的价格800元/万公里,也就是1600元,也足以值回年费。如果你每年都有带着全家境外活动的需求,那您还在犹豫什么呢? 拿下这张回报如此之高的行悠白吧!





⑸ 兴业银行积分兑换商城首页








5、 使用积分抵扣部分的消费金额,商户不再提供发票。


⑹ 兴业银行白金卡年费2600如何减免


⑺ 兴业银行预借现金怎么还款

兴业银行预借现金的金额将全额计入当期信用卡账单,也就是说在信用卡还款日当天必须全部还清。因此,还预借现金就是还信用卡,直接将钱存入或转账到信用卡中就可以了。手机银行APP兴业银行_5.0.33-安卓版-华为mate30-TAS-AN00、网上银行-https://www.cib.com.cn/cn/index.html-IE网-HP ProOne 400 G6 24 All-in-One PC、第三方支付软件等均可以还兴业银行信用卡。
虽然可以使用信用卡提取现金,但是在非紧急情况下请不要使用预借现金的功能,因为使用信用卡预借现金功能的代价是很高的。首先使用信用卡预借现金没有免息还款期,从你提取现金的当天就开始计算利息;二是预借现金利息很高,日息万分之五而且是计算复利!三是手续费很高,手续费一般是1%以上,一次性收取。另外预借现金一般情况下没有积分赠送 。

⑻ 兴业银行跨行转账需要多久时间到账

1. 兴业银行网上银行转移,同一城市交叉银行汇款:一个工作日到达账户(汇款之前3点返款,计算一天的工作日,计算今天,今天可以到达帐户,计算3 点之后 的第二个工作日到达帐户第二天)。兴业银行网上银行转账时间,不同跨行汇款:三个工作日到账(当日下午3点前汇款)。农行ATM每天最多可提款2万元,每张卡每天最多可提款10次以上。境外支取时,每张卡每日支取次数不得超过10次,累计支取金额不得超过10000元等值外币。如果自动取款机不吐出现金,系统会立即把钱退回来,那么取款金额不占用2万的额度。
2. 跨行转账时,必须在工作日15:00前转账。15:00后,转账将在第二个工作日进行。同时,周五下午15:00以后不要申请,因为银行会处理营业时间,这会导致假期延迟。如果转账延迟,建议致电银行客服咨询,产业银行在全国范围内开展跨行转账业务,持卡人可通过柜面或ATM、网上银行、手机银行等电子渠道,在产业理财卡与其他银行账户之间快速转账。因此,如果您想取大量现金,最好到柜台去取。需要注意的是每张卡不仅有每日限额,而且还帮助限制取款次数,每天不超过10次。如果超过10次或超过限额,您可以选择将现金转到另一张银行卡,以后再支取。
3. 兴业银行网上银行转账时间:普通跨行转账:1 - 2个工作日到账;实时跨行转账:将人民币转入其他银行的往来账户,正常情况下可实时转入账户;银行内实时转账:向兴业银行的企业或个人往来账户转账人民币,正常情况下可实时转账资金。柜面跨行转账:普通跨行转账一般不超过5万元,一般在半小时内转账到收款行;超过50000元将被转移到实时接收银行的营业时间大量支付系统(大量的开放时间,兴业银行的支付系统一般8:30-17:00工作日)。
跨行取款是在非存款银行取款,一般用于自动柜员机取款。跨行取款一般每笔收费2 - 50元,有的银行对每月前2 - 3笔跨行取款不收费。继所有国有大型银行实行4元同业手续费标准后,部分股份制银行也从2010年7月起上调同业手续费。

⑼ 兴业银行淘宝网联名信用卡年费

1、白金卡(标准版):年费标准:RMB 2600元/卡,卡片一经核发,无论激活与否,即收取年费。

2、白金卡(精英版):年费标准:RMB 500元/卡。卡片一经核发,无论激活与否,均收取年费。




活动有效期: 2018年12月31日 (含)前

3、金普卡:年费标准:RMB 200元/卡









①2018年12月31日(含)前,新办理IC信用卡的主卡客户 ,核卡后60日内,完成一笔任意金额的刷卡交易,即可享有工本费减免优惠。每位客户仅限享有1次工本费减免优惠;







⑽ 兴业银行信用卡分期付款怎么办理


单笔金额达到人民币100元及以上或100美元及以上、已记账但未出账单的消费交易可通过兴业银行信用卡官方微信(cib_creditcard)、好兴动APP、网上银行、手机银行、手机短信及客服热线95561 申请办理消费分期付款业务,其中手机短信仅可办理人民币消费分期业务。




4、可以通过兴业银行APP或手机上网访问http:// wap.cib.com.cn(普版)或http://3g.cib.com.cn(3G版),登录本行手机银行申请。

5、可以编辑手机短信:“CCXF+空格+卡号后4位+空格+金额+期数”发送至95561 自动办理消费分期,手续费分期支付。举例:卡号末4位为1680消费1001.88元,在账单日前编辑”CCXF 1680 1001.88 18”发送至95561即可自动申请18期消费分期。

6、可以拨打本行客服热线 95561 时,请按 1 选择“信用卡”,再按 8 选择“人工服务”,本行客服专员将受理业务申请。



1 、取现交易、转账交易、购汇交易、分期付款交易及各项费用(如年费、利息、滞纳金、超限费及其他信用卡收费);



4 、本行信用卡中心规定的其它内容。

⑴ The company switched to using Industrial Bank cards to pay wages. Can anyone tell me if there are any fees if I go to other banks to withdraw money? There is an Industrial Bank in Hebei District, Tianjin City. Thank you!

No matter in the same city or different places, the first three transactions per month are free, and a handling fee of RMB 2 will be charged for each transaction from the fourth transaction (in Xiamen, a handling fee of RMB 2 will be charged from the first transaction).

Jinwei Road Branch, No. 182, Jinwei Road, Hebei District, Tianjin

⑵ Who has used Industrial Consumer Finance Loan? Is it reliable?

Is it reliable? You have to investigate it yourself to find the one that suits your needs the most. The following is a partial introduction:
1. First of all, loans are a double-edged sword. There is no special need for capital turnover, so use it with caution.
2. Industrial Consumer Finance is not a product of banks, but of financial institutions. The major shareholder is a company jointly established by Industrial Bank and other investors. Real estate plus punch-in salary, social security (or provident fund) real estate plus business license and tap water. In the loan financial circle, it is a very advantageous financial product. There are many questions. You can communicate and lend. For interest, the equivalent principal and interest is about 8% - 1 cent. Annualized interest rates range from 13.2 to 22.8. 3. Choose a loan carefully based on your needs.
Extended information
1. Industrial Consumer Finance Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock company established in Quanzhou and the Insurance Regulatory Commission approved by the Fujian Banking Regulatory Bureau and the Fujian Provincial Banking Regulatory Bureau for the establishment of Industrial Consumer Finance Co., Ltd. Industrial consumer finance was jointly initiated by Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., Fujian Quanzhou Commercial Group Co., Ltd., Xtep (China) Co., Ltd. and Fucheng (China) Co., Ltd., and was officially established on December 22, 2014 with a registered capital of 300 million yuan. Company development positioning: Industrial Consumer Finance is committed to becoming a leader in consumer finance and an innovator in inclusive finance, continuously deepening the integration of traditional experience and emerging technologies, and building the core competitiveness of financial technology through customer acquisition, risk control and operation, and service quality. and efficiency industry-leading.
2. Generally speaking, what are the characteristics of formal online loans: (1) Loan threshold. Generally, formal online loans have relatively complete risk control systems, which require the age and credit history of the borrower. Those who claim not to check their credit only need their ID card and click in to fill in various personal information and contact information, which is basically informal.
(2) Interest level. According to the contract law, if the annual interest rate of a loan is within 24%, it is protected by law; if the annual interest rate is between 24% and 36%, both parties can freely agree; if the annual interest rate exceeds 36%, it is not protected by law. Therefore, we must look at our loan amount and total repayment to calculate whether the annual interest rate complies with national regulations. ) TOLL. Generally speaking, formal loans only have interest payments, and there will be default interest if the loan is overdue. If the moth asks for various fees before lending, such as handling fees, beheading interest, deposits and security deposits, do not believe it. Otherwise, once the money is paid, it will be difficult to get it back.

⑶ What currency is cib and which country


Summary This is real, and of course it is safe. Someone bought Dogecoin before and was deceived because he did not use the CIB wallet. Because only the money in this wallet is truly your own money.

⑷ I was deceived by Xingye into getting a Platinum You series credit card with an annual fee of 900

The annual fee was charged.

Once Diamond Card, Platinum Card, Titanium Card and other products are issued, an annual fee will be charged regardless of whether they are activated or not, except for products with special instructions. Industrial Bank will no longer refund the annual fees collected; any adverse impact on the personal credit record caused by overdue annual fees will be borne by the cardholder himself.

Indeed, Xingye’s Platinum Card does charge an annual fee once it is issued.

Because the VIP card provides additional value-added services compared with other cards
You can swipe the card after activation and use points to offset the annual fee.

The cards of its brands (pronounced "xíng", not "háng") are divided into three types: (standard version), platinum card (you series), and platinum card (elite version). Almost everyone in the frequent flyer circle has one of the Industrial Bank Cards, and most people will choose the Industrial Bank Cardyo series. The focus of this issue is on this Industrial Bank Platinum Card series (referred to as "Industrial Bank Card").

10 million public transport accident insurance and happy travel insurance are provided by Ancheng Insurance. The biggest feature is travel delay insurance up to 5,000 yuan; flight delay insurance is provided by Dadi The insurance provides a direct compensation of 600 yuan if the flight is delayed for more than 4 hours. The two insurances can be stacked!

The travel delay insurance provided by Ancheng Insurance is to compensate for the expenses caused by the delay. It does not directly compensate 5,000 yuan. The "expenses" include hotel accommodation expenses, purchase of clothing, etc., and transportation expenses to and from the airport. , and an invoice is required. If your flight is delayed for 4 hours, these insurances can give you great psychological comfort.

Another good thing about travel delay insurance is that if you fly by yourself, you will get a compensation of 5,000 yuan. If you fly with your wife, you will get another chance of compensation. If you fly with your children, you will get another chance of compensation. Opportunity for compensation, a cardholder can receive travel delay compensation of up to 15,000 yuan per year through this insurance.

6. Non-accident road rescue

Emergency towing within 100 kilometers one way (limited to 3 times per month), on-site quick repair (repair time within 30 minutes), including: battery charging, Tire replacement, emergency water refill, other on-site minor repair services, 3 liters of oil delivery (limited to once per day, limited to 3 times per month).

7. Overseas currency conversion fees are waived

With the issuance of single-label cards from card organizations such as VISA and Mastercard, overseas currency conversion fees are waived, which has almost become standard. Although currency conversion fees are waived, be careful of DDC fees charged by merchants (reply "DCC" to find out).

About application

For new customers, generally after applying online, the salesperson will come to your door, the website will import the goods, or the street stall. The requirements are relativelyHigh salary, turnover, house and car expenses. It should be pointed out that Industrial Bank is more concerned about multiple cards and multiple credit extensions when reviewing credit cards. In other words, you should apply for an Industrial Bank card as early as possible and try to apply for an Industrial Bank card at the beginning of the card application to avoid tragedy.


The annual fee for the main card of the Bank Card Platinum Credit Card You series is 900 yuan, and the annual fee for the supplementary card is 600 yuan. Once the card is issued, the annual fee will be deducted. The annual fee can actually be easily paid back.

Comprehensive evaluation

Although Xingyoubai has a rigid annual fee of NT$900, due to the generous additional benefits, this card has become the first "rigid payment card" for many people. For credit cards with "annual fee", you can easily repay the annual fee if you use the airport pick-up and drop-off services at home and abroad; with the overseas 10 times points activity, you can earn 20,000 miles by spending 20,000 yuan, and the price is 800 yuan/10,000 kilometers according to a certain treasure. That’s 1,600 yuan, which is enough to cover the annual fee. If you have the need to take your whole family on overseas activities every year, what are you still hesitating about? Get this Xingyoubai with such a high return!

Difficulty of removing the card: three stars

Equity index: five stars

Strength index: four stars

Recommendation index: five stars

⑸ Industrial Bank Points Redemption Mall Home Page

The home page of Industrial Bank Points Redemption Mall is as shown below, and the URL is: Credit Card Mall Home Page

(5) Extensive reading of CIB in CIB

1. When you swipe your Industrial Bank credit card at the Industrial Bank's dedicated POS machine at a designated merchant, the points in the card can be converted proportionally and used to offset the consumption amount.

2. The points conversion ratio is: 550 points = RMB 1 yuan. Industrial Bank Credit Card Center reserves the right to change the points conversion ratio.

3. You can check your points balance through Industrial Bank’s dedicated POS machine.

4. When the credit card points are insufficient to offset the consumption amount, the insufficient amount will be deducted from your credit card as normal card consumption.

For example, you have 5,500 points in your card, which can be converted into RMB 10. If you purchase a product of 12 yuan, 5,500 points will be deducted and a card consumption of 2 yuan will be generated; if you purchase a product of 9.8 yuan, 5390 points will be deducted.

5. Use points to offset part of the consumption amount, and the merchant will no longer provide invoices.

Reference source: Industrial Bank - Points redemption instructions

⑹ How to reduce the annual fee of 2,600 yuan for Industrial Bank Platinum Card

Industrial Bank charges an annual fee of 2,600 yuan The credit card should be a platinum credit card. Under normal circumstances, once the annual fee is deducted, it is non-refundable. However, according to the relevant regulations of Industrial Bank, some platinum credit cards can enjoy discounts on the annual fee for point redemption. For specific information on how to reduce or reduce the annual fee, please call the Industrial Bank customer service hotline for consultation. If you need to apply for points redemption for annual fees, manual redemption is only supported through telephone customer service.
[Extended Information]
Industrial Bank is approved by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Bank of ChinaOne of the first joint-stock commercial banks in mainland China approved by the Bank of China, it was established on August 22, 1988 and is headquartered in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. It was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on February 5, 2007 (stock code: 601166), with a registered capital of 19.052 billion yuan.
Adhere to the customer-centered approach, improve the professional operating system, continue to promote the deepening of business transformation, and unremittingly promote product innovation, process optimization and technological improvement, forming a professional business with three major businesses: corporate finance, retail banking, and financial markets. The operating system, business areas are continuously extended, the product series is continuously enriched, the service system is increasingly improved, and the comprehensive service capabilities and service levels continue to improve.
On August 26, 2021, Industrial Bank released its 2021 semi-annual report. According to the announcement, Industrial Bank achieved operating income of 108.955 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 8.94%; net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was 40.112 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.08%.
In May 2019, Industrial Bank and Suning Holdings Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two parties will strengthen strategic cooperation in the fields of consumer finance, technology finance, sports, culture and creativity, and based on their respective resources and advantages, realize the complementary sharing of customers, channels and data, cooperate to build a consumption scenario system, and build a consumption scenario covering all scenarios of daily life. Ecosphere.
On November 6, 2019, Industrial Bank and Xiaomi Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing. On the basis of consolidating existing business cooperation areas, the two parties will cooperate in investment banking, global cash management, payment settlement, wealth management, and international business. , consumer finance, supply chain finance, financial technology and other fields will give full play to their respective advantages, integrate users, markets, channels, data and technology and other resources to achieve long-term strategic cooperation.
In February 2021, participated in WM Motor's RMB 11.5 billion strategic cooperation agreement.

⑺ How to repay Industrial Bank's cash advance

The full amount of Industrial Bank's cash advance will be included in the current credit card bill, which means that the entire amount must be paid on the credit card repayment date. Pay it off. Therefore, paying off a cash advance means paying off a credit card, and just deposit or transfer the money directly to the credit card. Mobile banking APP Industrial Bank_5.0.33-Android version-Huawei mate30-TAS-AN00, online banking-https://www.cib.com.cn/cn/index.html-IE network-HP ProOne 400 G6 24 All -In-One PC, third-party payment software, etc. can all repay Industrial Bank credit cards.
If the user does not want to pay the handling fee for repaying the credit card, then use the mobile banking APP or online banking to repay.
When you need cash temporarily at home or abroad, you can use your credit card to "cash advance". Generally speaking, the amount of cash that can be borrowed in advance is one-third to the full amount of the credit limit. The total amount plus the total amount of transactions must not exceed your credit limit. However, some banks have limits on the amount of daily cash advances. .You can get cash quickly without any guarantee within the limited limit.
The handling fee for cash advance varies according to the regulations of each card issuer. It is generally 3.5% of the total cash advance or a minimum of NT$100 per time. For example, If you use the phone to advance cash, you will need to pay an additional remittance fee of NT$30. The calculation method of cash advance interest is calculated daily from the day when the cash advance is allocated, based on the total amount of the advance, at a daily interest rate of 0.0547% until the bank receives the full amount.
Although you can use a credit card to withdraw cash, please do not use the cash advance function in non-emergency situations, because the cost of using the credit card cash advance function is very high. First of all, there is no interest-free repayment period when using a credit card to advance cash, and interest starts to be calculated from the day you withdraw the cash. Second, the interest on cash advances is very high, with a daily interest rate of 0.5% and compound interest is calculated! Third, the handling fee is very high. , the handling fee is generally more than 1% and is charged in one go. In addition, there are generally no bonus points for cash advances.
In addition to these, there are limits on the amount of cash advances. For most banks, the amount of cash advances is about 50% of the credit limit.
To summarize: Use the cash advance function of your credit card with caution. Once you use it, be sure to repay it as soon as possible to avoid paying high interest.

⑻ How long does it take for inter-bank transfers from Industrial Bank to arrive?

1-2 working days.
1. Industrial Bank online banking transfer, cross-bank remittance in the same city: arrive in the account within one working day (refund at 3 o'clock before the remittance, calculate the working day of the day, calculate today, and calculate the day after 3 o'clock when the account can be reached today) Two working days to arrive in account (the next day). The transfer time of Industrial Bank's online banking varies. Inter-bank remittances: arrive in your account within three working days (remittance before 3 p.m. on the same day). Agricultural Bank of China ATMs can withdraw up to 20,000 yuan per day, and each card can withdraw up to 10 times per day. When making overseas withdrawals, the number of withdrawals per card per day shall not exceed 10 times, and the cumulative withdrawal amount shall not exceed 10,000 yuan equivalent in foreign currency. If the ATM does not spit out cash, the system will return the money immediately, so the withdrawal amount does not occupy the 20,000 limit.
2. When transferring funds between banks, the transfer must be made before 15:00 on working days. After 15:00, transfers will be made on the next working day. At the same time, do not apply after 15:00 on Friday afternoon because banks will process business hours, which will cause delays during the holiday. If the transfer is delayed, it is recommended to call the bank customer service for consultation. Industrial Bank conducts inter-bank transfer business nationwide. Cardholders can transfer funds between industrial wealth management cards and other bank accounts through electronic channels such as counters or ATMs, online banking, and mobile banking. Transfer money quickly. Therefore, if you want to withdraw a large amount of cash, it is best to go to the counter and do so. It’s important to note that each card not only has a daily limit, but it also helps limit the number of withdrawals to no more than 10 per day. If it exceeds 10 times or exceeds the limit, you can choose to transfer the cash to another bank card and withdraw it later.
3. When transferring funds through Industrial Bank online bankingTime: ordinary inter-bank transfer: 1-2 working days to arrive; real-time inter-bank transfer: transfer RMB to the current account of other banks, and under normal circumstances can be transferred to the account in real time; real-time transfer within the bank: to enterprises or individuals of Industrial Bank Transfer RMB from current account, and funds can be transferred in real time under normal circumstances. Over-the-counter inter-bank transfer: Ordinary inter-bank transfers generally do not exceed 50,000 yuan, and are generally transferred to the receiving bank within half an hour; amounts exceeding 50,000 yuan will be transferred to the real-time receiving bank's large-scale payment system during business hours (large-scale opening hours, Industrial Bank The payment system is generally 8:30-17:00 working days).
Extended information
Inter-bank withdrawals are withdrawals at non-deposit banks, generally used for ATM withdrawals. Inter-bank withdrawals generally charge 2-50 yuan per transaction, and some banks do not charge for the first 2-3 inter-bank withdrawals each month. After all large state-owned banks implemented the 4 yuan interbank handling fee standard, some joint-stock banks also increased their interbank handling fees starting from July 2010.

⑼ Annual fee for Industrial Bank Taobao co-branded credit card

1. Platinum Card (Standard Edition): Annual fee standard: RMB 2,600 per card. Once the card is issued, regardless of Whether activated or not, an annual fee will be charged.

2. Platinum Card (Elite Edition): Annual fee: RMB 500 per card. Once the card is issued, an annual fee will be charged regardless of whether it is activated or not.

Exclusive first-year annual fee discount: Cardholders who successfully apply for the Taobao co-branded credit card platinum card (elite version) for the first time can enjoy a discount if their transactions exceed RMB 2,000 or the equivalent in foreign currency within 60 days of card approval. First year annual fee.

Exclusive discount on the annual fee for the next year: If the Taobao co-branded credit card Platinum Card (Elite Edition) cardholder reaches a cumulative installment amount of RMB 5,000 within one year of card approval, the annual fee for the next year will be reduced; if If this condition is not met, the next year's annual fee will be automatically waived if the point balance reaches 30,000 points on the day the next year's annual fee is charged.

The transaction statistics in the above annual fee promotions are based on cards.

Activity validity period: before (inclusive) December 31, 2018

3. Jinpu Card: Annual fee standard: RMB 200 yuan/card

2018 Before December 31st of the year (inclusive), Industrial Bank’s credit card gold card and regular card products enjoy the following annual fee discounts:

First-year annual fee: The first-year annual fee will be waived if the card is approved successfully;< /p>

The annual fee for the next year: If you swipe the card or withdraw cash 5 times within one year after the card is approved successfully, with no limit on the amount, the annual fee for the next year will be waived.

(9) CIB extended reading:

1. Cost of production fee charging standards

(1) IC credit card production fee charging standard: RMB5 yuan/card (charged for new cards and replacement cards, but not for card renewals. Once the card is issued, IC credit card production fee will be charged regardless of whether it is activated or not.).

2. Preferential policies

(1) Gold Card and Regular Card

① Before December 31, 2018 (inclusive), new principal card customers who apply for an IC credit card can enjoy the cost reduction discount if they complete a card transaction of any amount within 60 days after the card is approved. Each customer can only enjoy one production fee reduction discount;

② Before December 31, 2018 (inclusive), newly issued supplementary cards will directly enjoy the discount of 5 yuan/card production fee;

③ Before December 31, 2018 (inclusive), customers can enjoy a discount on the production fee for replacement cards.

(2) Platinum Card (Elite Edition) (inclusive) and above, Titanium Card and Industrial Credit Card full range of products: enjoy IC credit card fee reduction before December 31, 2018 (inclusive) discount.

(3) Before December 31, 2018 (inclusive), UnionPay single-currency magnetic stripe credit card replacement, replacement, and renewal cards will be replaced by UnionPay single-currency IC credit cards, and enjoy the discount on the cost of IC credit cards.

Reference source: Industrial Bank-Taobao co-branded credit card

Reference source: Industrial Bank-Industrial Bank credit card IC card fee preferential policy

⑽ Industrial Bank How to handle installment payment by bank credit card

How to handle installment payment by Industrial Bank credit card:

The single amount reaches RMB 100 yuan and above or USD 100 and above, and the account has been recorded but no bill has been issued. For consumer transactions, you can apply for consumer installment business through the official WeChat account of Industrial Bank Credit Card (cib_creditcard), Haoxingdong APP, online banking, mobile banking, mobile phone SMS and customer service hotline 95561. Mobile phone SMS can only handle RMB consumer installment business.

1. You can follow the official WeChat account of Industrial Bank Credit Card (cib_creditcard) and bind your credit card account, and click "Use Card - Installment" to apply for consumption installment business.

2. You can apply through the Industrial Credit Card Haoxingdong APP and click to enter the "Instalment Area"; or through the Industrial Bank Mobile Banking APP, click to enter the "Credit Card Installment" to apply.

3. You can log in to the Bank’s online banking and enter the “Installation—Consumption Installment” section to apply.

4. You can access http://wap.cib.com.cn (normal version) or http://3g.cib.com.cn (3G version) through the Industrial Bank APP or mobile phone. Log in to our mobile banking to apply.

5. You can edit the mobile phone text message: "CCXF+space+last 4 digits of card number+space+amount+number of issues" and send it to 95561 to automatically handle consumption installments and pay the handling fee in installments. For example: if the last 4 digits of the card number are 1680 and you spend 1001.88 yuan, edit "CCXF 1680 1001.88 18" before the bill date and send it to 95561 to automatically apply for 18 consumption installments.

6. You can call our customer service hotline95561, please press 1 to select "Credit Card", and then press 8 to select "Manual Service". Our customer service specialists will accept the business application.

(10) CIB extended reading

Industrial Bank stipulates that installment payment cannot be applied for the following transactions:

1. Cash withdrawal Transactions, transfer transactions, foreign exchange purchase transactions, installment transactions and various fees (such as annual fees, interest, late fees, over-limit fees and other credit card charges);

2. Consumption transactions that have been billed;

3. Some laws, regulations and regulatory agencies prohibit or restrict installment transactions;

4. Other contents stipulated by the Bank's Credit Card Center.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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