币圈公众号封号多久 币圈公众号封号怎么办

Ⅰ 大批娱乐公号被封是怎么回事

大批娱乐公号被封,这是继大批微博八卦爆料账号被封后, 微信公众号开始封号, 此次封号事件有人欢喜有人愁。6月8日讯 今日晚间,又有大批娱乐公众账号被封。据悉,严肃八卦、关爱八卦成长协会、毒舌电影、南都娱乐周刊、芭莎娱乐都已经被封号。

Ⅱ 微信公众号被封有哪些原因














Ⅲ 微信公众号避免违规、封号的方法,有什么需要特别注意的



Ⅳ 最新微信公众号封号规则有哪些

4、 强制、诱导用户关注公众号;

Ⅳ 微信违反用户因为规范是什么原因导致的,会被封多久,我一个朋友的号被封了



Ⅵ 为什么最近大批公众号被封号 公众号封号原因是什么


Ⅶ 为什么最近大批公众号被封号 公众号封号原


Ⅷ 火币网资讯封号没







这在圈内被称为 “94风波”。













Ⅰ Why a large number of official entertainment accounts have been blocked

A large number of official entertainment accounts have been blocked. This is after a large number of Weibo gossip-breaking accounts were blocked. WeChat official accounts began to be blocked. Some people are happy about this account ban incident, while others are worried about it. June 8 News: This evening, a large number of entertainment public accounts were blocked. It is reported that Serious Gossip, Caring Gossip Growth Association, Venomous Movies, Nandu Entertainment Weekly, and Bazaar Entertainment have all had their accounts banned.

II What are the reasons why WeChat public accounts are blocked

First, cheating behavior

The so-called cheating behavior refers to unauthorized Tencent’s written permission to privately use plug-ins, plug-ins or other third-party tools and services to access this service and related systems. For example, using the public platform's single-posting function to implement mass messaging, using third-party tools or any other means to circumvent mass messaging restrictions, with the intention of circumventing the public platform's restrictions on the number of mass messaging, these behaviors violate the norms of the WeChat public platform, and are Your account will be banned.

Second, the behavior of fanning

The behavior of mutual fans is also the target of strict control on the WeChat public platform. This refers to the act of using other WeChat public accounts, WeChat accounts, third-party operating platforms or any other functions for mutual promotion without Tencent’s written permission.

Among them are zombie whitewashing, mutual promotion of public accounts, ordinary WeChat accounts sending ordinary messages through WeChat, greeting people nearby, floating bottles, shaking, etc., which are all violations.

In addition, definition promotion behaviors through various forms such as links, avatars, QR codes, plain text, etc. are also not allowed.

If it is discovered that methods and tools related to the above behaviors are produced, published, or similar methods and tools are operated or spread, the user's account will be processed.

Third, adopt the behavior of inducing sharing

Forcing or inducing users to share messages to their circle of friends through rewards such as physical prizes and virtual prizes (points, information). All are violations.

Fourth, malicious tampering with functions

Purposeful or malicious tampering with the functions or text of the public platform without consent violates the original intention or use of the functions of the public platform. If found, all accounts will be banned.

For example, the text was tampered with where the author's name originally appeared, that is, the WeChat public account name.

The above four are incorrect operations for banning accounts on the WeChat public platform. Users must be careful when operating to avoid fouling. Only by using the WeChat public platform correctly can we maximize its effect and bring more benefits to ourselves.

Ⅲ How to avoid violations and account bans on WeChat public accounts? Is there anything you need to pay special attention to

Hello, original poster. Let me explain what should be paid attention to in WeChat public accounts:
1. The definition of penalties for violations is as follows (Source: WeChat Public Account Operation Center)

2. Pornographic and vulgar violations (including but not limited to title, content, official account name, avatar)
3. Activities, induced sharing
4. Fraud
5. Plagiarism and malicious claiming of originality
I hope the above answer can help you, and I hope you will adopt it! Thanks!

IV What are the latest WeChat public account banning rules

After reporting, the manual review team will review the links shared in the circle of friends. If they fall into any of the following categories, the account will be banned immediately.
1. Force users to share;
2. Reward users after sharing;
3. Coerce and incite users to share, such as "good people have a safe life" and have their accounts banned;
4. Force and induce users to follow public accounts;
5. There are red envelope pages: red envelopes, coupons, vouchers, etc.

IV What are the reasons for WeChat violations of user regulations and how long will they be blocked? , a friend of mine’s account has been blocked

Recently, WeChat has been updated to version 7.0.0. Users can browse articles that their friends think are interesting in “Take a Look”, and a new “moment video” function has been added; The "Like" button of the official account changes to "Good-looking"; in the chat details page, you can set strong reminders and other functions for single chats. Your WeChat ID is permanently blocked, which also means that all friends in WeChat can be found. If you don’t come back, it will be equivalent to a useless WeChat account. And some people are just risk warnings and can be unblocked after passing the assisted verification by friends.
In fact, so-called large-scale account bans like this have happened many times before. For example, after the recording of Li Xiaolai cutting leeks was exposed a few months ago, a major earthquake occurred in the currency circle, and a series of WeChat public accounts in the currency circle were blocked. Permanent ban, Tencent’s account ban standards seem to have never changed. The recent large-scale ban of WeChat accounts is at the stage of the entire industry's vigorous rectification of major self-media accounts, and a centralized cleanup of illegal manipulation of WeChat. WeChat stated that any account that publishes bad information or vulgar information , once discovered, they will be severely punished, and they may also face the situation of having their accounts banned. This rectification just happened to coincide with the WeChat version update, and was not caused by the WeChat update.
WeChat also stated that WeChat’s account ban this time is to focus on cracking down on some criminals who use WeChat to engage in gray or even black industries. Generally speaking, it will not affect normal users, but we should also understand WeChat’s standards and try not to touch WeChat’s red warning line.

In the final analysis, we should still understand these three regulations promulgated by WeChat:
The first point is that for some illegal uses of WeChat to make profits, such as those who were downloaded not long ago The function of the drift bottle has been improved. Many criminals spread some obscene pornographic information through the drift bottle, which has also had a great impact on young people. This kind of behavior is not only not allowed by WeChat, but also mostlyThe bottom line of the law has been violated.
The second point is to try to avoid large-scale abnormal operation of account data, new account registration, and large-scale adding of friends or being added. This is also a common method used by scammers to cast a wide net and catch fish again. In order to avoid The public suffered. WeChat operators quickly put it into use after summarizing these rules. They would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. For friends who have created a small account, it is best not to rush to add a large number of friends. Presumably, the easiest people to fall victim to this are WeChat business friends. What's more, some accounts defraud each other of money after adding friends. Once discovered, the account holder will be deleted directly, without giving you any room for appeal.
The third point is, try not to use some WeChat plug-ins, including WeChat red envelope grabbing plug-ins, some one-click forwarding to Moments, automatic reply robots, etc.
Now the number of WeChat users has exceeded 1 billion. In addition to young people using WeChat, it has also attracted many middle-aged and elderly people to participate. Obviously, WeChat has become a huge ecosystem, and the requirements for network environment security will become increasingly strict.

VI Why a large number of public accounts have been banned recently? What are the reasons for the ban of public accounts?

1. WeChat friends/fans exceeding 10,000 will not necessarily be blocked, but their use may be restricted. Or there is a possibility of being blocked. If you have more than 10,000 friends/fans, it is best not to post advertisements all the time (Solution: When you have more than 10,000 friends or fans, don’t post advertisements all the time)
2. "Collect likes" activities and " "Forward" activities, these two related activities are not supported by WeChat. If you go too far, you will be blocked. WeChat has previously issued a notice about WeChat's refusal to induce sexual transmission, which has been made very clear. (Solution: Try not to participate in collecting likes and forwarding activities in Moments)
3. Do not forward or open link information shared in Moments (Solution: Do not forward or share link information in Moments)
4. Pornographic pictures, pornographic words, and illegal information are not allowed to be published. This type of group is 100% blocked (solution: do not post pornographic pictures and pornographic words, and do not post some illegal information)
5. Do not post sensitive words such as advertisements in the group casually, otherwise you will be kicked and lose the number of friends (solution: We try our best not to publish advertisements or sensitive words in the group)
6. In the WeChat group, adding friends should be done in time periods. The limit for adding no more than 20 people at a time should be done every hour (solution: every Add friends at one time, no more than 15 people, add friends next time, keep the interval more than one hour)
7. Sensitive words that appear more than 10 times in WeChat information release:
"Alipay, bank , bank card, remittance, transfer, money transfer, account number, account, transfer, online banking, how much, how to sell, price" will be blocked (Solution: When releasing information, do not include "you" and "money")
8. When a large number of friends add you, pass them in batches over a few days, and pay attention to the other party's sensitive words. (Solution: When a large number of friends add you, we will add no more than 15 people every day)
9. Protect your WeChat ID, and do not reply directly to those who type in inquiries and use sensitive words! (Solution: If you encounter If you type to inquire or say some sensitive words, they will be converted into non-sensitive words)
10. Avoid reporting violations and frequently update your life updates in your circle of friends. And interact more with friends in your circle of friends. Increase trust and cohesion among friends.
11. Choose a group. Do not add a WeChat group with serious homogeneity. Most of the members in the group are the same
12. Sell things on WeChat, chat with friends and use money transfer, Alipay, and remittance many times. , China Construction Bank, ICBC, payment methods and other words that are contrary to WeChat.
13. Use WeChat third-party tools for social networking, gaining followers, etc. If you use some of WeChat’s marketing tools and do too much, your account will also be banned.
14. The content posted on WeChat has been reported in large numbers. If you post it for fans or people in your circle of friends to report it, and there are a lot of people, it may also be blocked. (Solution: Avoid pornography, sensitive words, adding people, etc.)

Ⅶ Why a large number of public accounts have been banned recently? Original account ban

Common reasons for account bans and restrictions:
1. The content you post has been reported in large numbers. If you post it for fans or people in your circle of friends to report it, and there are a lot of people, it may also be blocked.
2. "Collect likes" activities and "retweet" activities, these two related activities are not very supported. If you do too much, you will be banned.
3. Use third-party tools for online promotion, fans building, etc. If you use some marketing tools and do too much, your account will also be banned.
4. Publish bad information, illegal and illegal information. This type of 100% blocking is true on any platform. Of course, it does not mean that it is directly permanent, but there is still a buffer time
5. Selling things on the Internet, suspected of selling fake products, and was detected by the system or reported by friends. This situation It is quite dangerous, so it is recommended to be more cautious.
Don’t overuse any function! Of course, don’t be too afraid if you get blocked. Most of the blocked accounts can be solved, and many are solved every day.

Ⅷ Huobi News account has not been banned

Beijing, August 24, since September 4, 2017, the central bank and other seven ministries and commissions have issued tokens (ICO) for the first time on blockchain projects. ) began to be rectified, domestic related virtual projects were transferred to underground operations. Recently, Tencent has blocked more than 10 blockchain WeChat public accounts. Industry insiders believe that this large-scale ban of accounts is aimed at this underground business.

At the same time, the account owners who saw the permanent suspension news in the background were equally shocked and puzzled

It is worth mentioning that Huobi Group Its subsidiary "Huobi News" has also been blocked.

In addition, an industry insider said:“Some blockchain accounts incubated by the media, as well as those popular science public accounts, have almost avoided the minefield. Judging from the official account ban information provided by WeChat, I guess it may be because these accounts (banned No.) was determined to be involved in ICO."

On August 29, 2017, the People's Bank of China issued the "On Further Development of Bitcoin and Other Virtual Currency Trading Places" through the Office of the Leading Group for Special Rectification of Internet Financial Risks "Notice on Clean-up and Rectification", which includes the clean-up and rectification of virtual currency trading venues such as Bitcoin into the special rectification of Internet financial risks.

On September 4, 2017, the People's Bank of China and seven other ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Announcement on Preventing Token Issuance Financing Risks", which clarified that token issuance financing activities are suspected of financial illegal and criminal activities, and required that token issuance and financing activities be investigated. The currency issuance and financing activities will be cleaned up and rectified.

This is known as the "94 storm" in the circle.

Before WeChat banned some blockchain self-media public accounts, some local financial offices also further drew a clear line between blockchain and finance.

The Office of the Leading Group for Financial and Social Risk Prevention and Control in Chaoyang District, Beijing, issued the "Notice on Prohibiting the Hosting of Virtual Currency Promotion Activities" to shopping malls, hotels, guesthouses, and office buildings on August 17.

The Jiangsu Provincial Finance Office comprehensively sorted out various financial risks in the province, and sent letters to the 13 district and municipal governments respectively, reminding them of risks including specific risk points, and urging them to file and handle them one by one. . Virtual currencies, ICOs, and campus loans are within the scope of rectification.

Regulation will continue to be strict

In fact, after the "94" policy, a large number of trading platforms have moved overseas to avoid supervision and continue to "cut leeks." And a group of blockchain “media” rooted in China have become a place for blockchain carnival.

“The blockchain industry has been ruined by some fools, which has made the entire industry have a particularly bad reputation. People outside the industry think that blockchain is a bunch of liars. "Liu Qin believes that her account was suddenly blocked because she was taking the blame for those "nonsense people".

In March of this year, there was a scolding in the industry that exposed the scams of most blockchains at that time, believing that "speculation and deception can succeed." This war of words is also known as the first “cleaning” of the blockchain.

And now, who is doing this? No one is willing to speak out. In fact, many account owners have repeatedly refused to be interviewed by reporters from China News Network because they "don't want to be in the limelight at this sensitive time."

They are all worried that if they say something wrong, they will be the next one to be purged.

In the next step, relevant departments will further take targeted clean-up and rectification measures to maintain financial order and social stability.

Specifically, necessary control measures will be taken for the 124 virtual currency trading platform websites whose servers are located overseas but actually provide trading services to domestic residents; strengthen the supervision of domestic ICO and virtual currency transactions related to the new mopai Disposal of websites, public accounts, etc.; starting from the payment and settlement endContinue to strengthen clean-up and rectification efforts, requiring third-party payment institutions to strictly implement the requirements not to conduct business related to virtual currencies such as Bitcoin.

Source of this article: China News Network

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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