数字王国 元宇宙 数字王国厉害吗

① 邓丽君除了数字王国的制作团队久,参与制作的还有邓丽君的哥哥有知道内幕的么

有 邓丽君的哥哥邓长富是邓丽君文教基金会的董事长

② 谢霆锋为何将40亿台币留给儿子

















③ 大耳朵图图之数字王国 克与千克在哪集


④ 数字王国的内容简介

以前,骨头、石头、贝壳、算盘、结绳、手指等,都曾是人类用来计数及运算的工具与方法;如今,计算机及电脑让数字的演算推展至无穷的可能。数字概念今天看来显而易懂且理所当然,却是历经漫长思考的结果。公元五世纪,印度数学家发明的位置命数法,只用了区区十个数目字:0、1、2、3、4……9,即能表示出世上所有的数,数字从此活跃在科学的舞台上。整数、复数、实数、虚数、质数、无理数、超越数……数字王国随着计算与理论的进步,不断扩大版图。让我们跟随作者Denis Guedj,追寻探索人类最美的发明:数字,那传奇而惊异的起源与发展。

⑤ 港股有哪些元宇宙股票代码

舜宇光学科技 02382;中手游 00302;柏能集团 01263;数字王国 00547;心动公司 02400;瑞声科技 02018;哔哩哔哩-SW 09626;快手 01024;阿里巴巴-SW 09988;腾讯控股 00700;网易-S 09999等。
之后多家元宇宙概念公司也完成了融资:Gather、Rec Room两家元宇宙概念公司获得了红杉的投资。其中Gather主要做虚拟办公平台,Rec Room主要做游戏平台、VR 社交游戏。
在元宇宙的布局上,腾讯算是国内的领头羊。公开资料显示,近年来,腾讯已持续投资Roblox、WaveVR、Avakin Life元宇宙概念相关的公司和产品。

⑥ 周深邓丽君是什么公司+元宇宙


⑦ 与数字“0”相关的趣事

关于名人的,找了好久,貌似真的没有(很抱歉)。请谅解一下。不过到有2个关于0的小故事。至于一定要名人的话,我一定会在尽力找找!其实0虽然表示空的,但是生活中却少不了它的存在。在科学家的眼里,少一个或多一个0,甚至会危害到生命。(比如神十上天,如果工作人员不慎,少或者多计算了一个0,那么刘洋她们就很可能被永远抛在太空,回不了地球了......) 好吧,还是先来看看这两个东东吧!

⑧ 幼儿园主题活动谁和谁是好朋友分主题数字王国里的兄弟们活动数字歌的教案

谁是谁的好朋友活动目标1.鼓励幼儿大胆想象与表达,尝试为生活中各种常见的事、物找关联。2.能遵守游戏规则,体验合作竞赛游戏的快乐。活动准备1.了解幼儿生活经验,掌握幼儿在寻找事物关系方面的情况(观察、谈话。)2.“好朋友”幻灯片,卡片若干(冰箱、青蛙、人、电话、车、笔等14种)。活动过程一、活动导入 复习儿歌《谁和谁好》 提问:儿歌里谁和谁是好朋友?为什么? 启发、引导幼儿说出儿歌中的三个好朋友,按照儿歌的内容,帮助找到好朋友的理由。二、游戏活动1.游戏一:为大树找朋友 看幻灯片(1)出示教师预设的五个朋友,请小朋友帮助找到它们是好朋友的理由。当幼儿找到适合的理由时,神奇的大树就会开出一朵美丽的花,作为奖励幼儿的礼物。提问:它是大树的好朋友吗?是好朋友的理由是什么?引导幼儿为大树寻找不同类型的朋友,并能够说出成为好朋友的理由。同时以花为奖励,调动幼儿思维的积极性,营造游戏的氛围。(2)请幼儿为大树找出五个好朋友,并说出理由。当幼儿找到适合的理由时,神奇的大树就会开出一朵美丽的花,作为奖励幼儿的礼物。提问:还有谁是大树的好朋友?理由是什么?启发幼儿思考,说出好朋友的理由,进一步为幼儿提供思维空间,扩大好朋友的范围。第一个游戏结束时,幼儿为大树找到了十个不同的朋友。神奇的大树要奖励幼儿十朵美丽的花,最后大树真的开出了10朵漂亮的花。(3)请幼儿为自己鼓劲,提升幼儿的自信,同时鼓励爱动脑筋的小朋友。2.游戏二:找朋友(1)交待游戏名称——“找朋友”;成游戏队形;为自己队起名字。 引发幼儿游戏的欲望,调动幼儿参与的积极性。(2)提出游戏规则A.幼儿迅速找到两张好朋友卡片;B.说出是好朋友的理由;C.对方同意,即可为自己队得到两张卡片。3.游戏进行A.幼儿按照规则轮流游戏。游戏玩法:幼儿分成两队比赛,参加比赛的队员要找出成为好朋友的两张卡片,并说出它们成为好朋友的理由;对方的队员同意你的说法,就可以为自己队得到两张卡片。最后得卡片数多的队赢。B.游戏过程中注意引导幼儿开动脑筋,说出自己的理由,

⑨ 数字王国在业界的地位













2015年数字王国收购Immersive Media;2017年9月,与保利资本和弘毅投资合作,成立数字王国空间,开拓VR线下消费体验;2018年3月14日与德国电信宣布进一步拓展当前合作关系,携手打造Magenta VR应用程序,并通过授权的方式丰富内容库及广播级制作服务;直到以2.4亿元收购有技术、硬件的3Glasses让数字王国完成了VR业务布局的关键一环。





因为站在特效技术的前沿,公司的美术团队获得了多次大奖,比如奥斯卡金像奖、克里奥国际广告奖、英国电影和电视艺术学院奖以及戛纳金狮奖等,总共获得了超过 100 个国际大奖。






首先在内容端,这一只是数字王国的核心竞争力。比如其原创VR影片《微观巨兽》登陆圣丹斯电影节,成为首部且唯一入选“New Frontier”展映单元的中国内地原创作品;与环球电影娱乐集团旗下“UniversalBrand Development”合作的首部VR历险作品《战神金刚VR战记》,获得第45届日间艾美奖“杰出媒体互动”奖提名。这些精品内容,都反映了数字王国对VR内容的精雕细琢。

其次,在产品端。数字王国对3Glasses的战略收购,补齐了数字王国在VR产品战略中的最后一环。3Glasses将依托在VR领域的技术沉淀、硬件实力和内容平台,成为数字王国缔造 “绿洲生态” 的硬件入口及虚拟现实连接者。


不难发现,数字王国已经围绕视觉特效(Visual Effects,VFX)、虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)、虚拟人(Virtual Human,VH)、影视内容投资这四大领域的开拓部署,打造了“内容+硬件+渠道”的全产业链闭环,这样的板块部署加生态组合的确称得上是虚拟世界的“头号玩家”。

① In addition to Teresa Teng’s Digital Domain production team, Teresa Teng’s brother also participated in the production. Does anyone know the inside story?

Teresa Teng’s brother Deng Changfu is the chairman of the Teresa Teng Cultural and Educational Foundation< /p>

② Why did Nicholas Tse leave NT$4 billion to his son?

The feud between Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung has always attracted much attention. Even though the two have been divorced for many years, their affairs have always been in the media Hot spots to explore.

Nicholas Tse invested NT$4 billion of his property into the foundation, and the beneficiaries are his and Cecilia Cheung's two sons, Lucas and Quintus.


In addition, 22-year-old Nicholas Tse invested in and founded the special effects production company PO Chaoting, and in 2012, he registered 6 new companies .

The post-production of excellent film and television works such as "Fuji Detective" and "Fire Fighting Heroes" are all produced by this company.

According to reports, in 2012 the company had achieved annual revenue of NT$370 million.

In 2016, DDPO was officially born. Digital Domain, which had produced visual effects for "Titanic", formed a new company with PO Chaoting, and Nicholas Tse is the president of DDPO.

It can be said that Nicholas Tse's career has been on an upward trajectory. No wonder Nicholas Tse is very satisfied with his son.


Maybe it’s like the story that Xie Xian told Nicholas Tse.

When Tse Xian taught Nicholas Tse to fry poached eggs, he said that everything has two sides. Being a human being is like frying poached eggs, and you always have to control the heat.

Nicholas Tse didn’t understand it at the time, but now he thinks about it differently.

How many people in this world can do everything?

As long as you are worthy of your own heart, just like Nicholas Tse has always insisted.

"Others' comments will not affect my direction."

With the growth of age and experience, Nicholas Tse has put away his sharp edge, and he has become softer and more flexible. warmth.

③ Which episode of Big Ears Tutu’s Digital Kingdom Gram and Kilogram is in

I haven’t seen it yet

④ Introduction to Digital Kingdom

In the past, bones, stones, shells, abacus, knots, fingers, etc. were all tools and methods used by humans for counting and calculations. Nowadays, computers and computers have expanded the number calculations to infinite possibilities. Digital concepts may seem obvious and taken for granted today, but they are the result of a long period of thinking. In the fifth century AD, Indian mathematicians invented the positional numerology method, which used only ten numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4...9, which could represent all the numbers in the world. Numbers have been active in the scientific arena ever since. superior. Integers, complex numbers, real numbers, imaginary numbers, prime numbers, irrational numbers, transcendental numbers... The digital kingdom continues to expand its territory with the advancement of computing and theory. Let's follow the author Denis Guedj, pursuing and exploring the most beautiful invention of mankind: numbers, the legendary and amazing origin and development.

⑤ What are the Metaverse stock codes for Hong Kong stocks?

The following Metaverse stock codes are available for Hong Kong stocks:
Sunny Optical Technology 02382; China Mobile Games 00302 ;Baneng Group 01263; Digital Domain 00547; Xindong Company 02400; AAC Technology 02018; Bilibili-SW 09626; Kuaishou 01024; Alibaba-SW 09988; Tencent Holdings 00700; NetEase-S 09999, etc.
[Extended information]
"Metaverse" first appeared in a 1992 science fiction novel "Avalanche", derived from the word "Metaverse". People can have their own virtual avatars in the "Metaverse". This The virtual world is called the "Metaverse".
The concept of metaverse is not just as simple as online games. Simply put, it is the full connectivity and integration between the real world and the virtual world, as well as the virtual world and the virtual world.
Although the Metaverse first appeared in 1992, the concept of the Metaverse attracted market attention when Roblox was launched in mid-March 2021.
Roblox has written the concept of Metaverse into its prospectus. Roblox is a game creation platform. Its brand-new narrative and unique business model have detonated the technology investment circle. The stock price has continued to hit new highs, and the domestic investment banking circle has also begun to pay attention. Investment opportunities in the Metaverse.
Afterwards, many Metaverse concept companies also completed financing: Gather and Rec Room, two Metaverse concept companies, received investment from Sequoia. Among them, Gather is mainly a virtual office platform, and Rec Room is mainly a game platform and VR social games.
In fact, even before Roblox went public, Tencent’s shadow could be seen in Roblox’s investor list. Roblox's official press release reads, "Roblox will join hands with Tencent to help the next generation of Chinese creators unleash their creative and imaginative potential."
In terms of the layout of the Metaverse, Tencent is considered the domestic leader. Public information shows that in recent years, Tencent has continued to invest in companies and products related to the concept of Roblox, WaveVR, and Avakin Life.
At the end of 2020, Ma Huateng, chairman of the board of directors of Tencent, wrote in the annual special issue "Three Views": "Now, an exciting opportunity is coming. The mobile Internet has developed for ten years and is about to usher in the next wave of upgrades. We call it the 'Full Reality Internet'. The door to the virtual world and the real world has been opened. Whether it is from virtual to real or from real to virtual, we are committed to helping users achieve a more realistic experience."
Games The sector’s most intuitive beneficiary is Zunjia Financial Hong Kong and U.S. stock analysts, who said that the emergence of the concept of the Yuanverse has also led to the rapid rise of some stocks. Such as VR,AR related. But the most obvious benefit is the gaming sector. Tom Cat (300459.SZ) stock price rose sharply due to the company's name change and the concept of metaverse.

⑥ What company is Zhou Shen and Teresa Teng + Metaverse

Abstract At the 2022 Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year's Eve Concert held in Nanjing, a "special" guest appeared: using the most advanced technology The synthesized virtual person Teresa Teng appeared on the stage and performed "Big Fish", "Small Town Story" and "Walking on the Road of Life" on the same stage with the famous singer Zhou Shen. The cross-time and space chorus attracted market attention.

⑦ Interesting facts related to the number "0"

I have been looking for a long time about celebrities, but it seems that there really is none (sorry). Please understand. But there are two short stories about 0. As for celebrities, I will definitely try my best to find them! In fact, although 0 means empty, its existence is indispensable in life. In the eyes of scientists, one less or one more zero can even endanger life. (For example, if the staff accidentally calculates a 0 less or more than 0 in the Shenzhou Ten, then Liu Yang and the others are likely to be thrown into space forever and will not be able to return to the earth...) Okay, let's take a look first. Look at these two things!
Story 1: In the past, people lived happily because they had numbers. One day, the nightmare came.
King 9 said: "Now 8 is the prime minister of the left, 7 is the prime minister of the right, 6 is the national advisor, 5, 4, and 3 are the officials, and 3, 2, and 1 are the county magistrates." 0 will be driven out forever. Out of the digital realm. 0 was unconvinced and said: "Why was I abandoned forever?" King 9 said: "Because you are 0, which means you have nothing. You are of no use to humans at all! You'd better get out!"
Since then, the nightmare has descended on the Digital Realm. The students scored 100 points on the test, but could only be counted as 1 point. When counting down, it can only count to 1. No matter what you do, there is no such thing as 0. As a result, the people began to talk about it. Among them, Citizen A said: "We should complain about the number king 9." Citizen B is a student who ranks first in the exam every year. Because there is no 0, each time is recorded as 1 point. Citizen B said: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.return me 100 points, or give up the king’s position to another number!" Citizen C is an athlete. Once, Digital Kingdom was holding a sports meeting and invited citizen C to participate. Start the countdown while running. If there is a number 0, Citizen C can break the Digital Kingdom long-distance running record. So, Citizen C said: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Please come back and appoint him as 0 general. Since the return of number 0, the Number King has become a kingdom full of laughter and laughter.
This is the adventure of number 0.
Tell me, don’t we need the number 0 in our lives? Why do we need the number 0? why numbersIs it good for humans but not harmful? If you think of it, you can write it down!
Story 2: (Somewhat similar to a joke, part of it made up by me)
0 said to 8: "Brother! When did you wear a belt again? You are so handsome!< br /> 0 said to 10: "Hey, poor baby! My leg is lame and I have to use a cane to walk...
0 said to 6: "My child, are you tired of raising your hands all the time?"
0 said to 9: "Oh, Girl! Let’s dance ballet!

⑧ Kindergarten theme activity who is good friends with whom, sub-themed brothers in the digital kingdom activity number song lesson plan

Who is who? Goals of the Good Friends activity: 1. Encourage children to imagine and express boldly, and try to find connections with various common things and objects in life. 2. Be able to abide by the rules of the game and experience the joy of cooperative competition games. Activity preparation 1. Understand the life experience of children , grasp the situation of children looking for relationships between things (observation, conversation.) 2. "Good friend" slides, several cards (14 types such as refrigerator, frog, person, phone, car, pen, etc.). Activity process 1. Activity introduction Review the children's song "Who is good with whom" and ask: Who is good friends with whom in the children's song? Why? Inspire and guide the children to name the three good friends in the children's song, and help them find the reasons for being good friends according to the content of the children's song. 2. Games Activity 1. Game 1: Find friends for the big tree. View the slideshow (1) Show the five friends preset by the teacher and ask the children to help find the reasons why they are good friends. When the children find the right reasons, the magical tree will appear. A beautiful flower will bloom as a reward gift for young children. Question: Is it a good friend of the big tree? What are the reasons for being a good friend? Guide the young children to find different types of friends for the big tree, and be able to name them. Reasons for good friends. At the same time, flowers are used as rewards to mobilize the enthusiasm of children's thinking and create a game atmosphere. (2) Ask children to find five good friends for the big tree and tell the reasons. When the children find a suitable reason, The magical tree will bloom a beautiful flower as a reward for the children. Question: Who else is a good friend of the tree? What is the reason? Inspire children to think, tell the reasons for good friends, and further provide children with Provide thinking space and expand the scope of good friends. At the end of the first game, the children found ten different friends for the big tree. The magical tree rewarded the children with ten beautiful flowers, and finally the big tree really bloomed 10 beautiful flowers. (3) Ask the children to encourage themselves, improve their self-confidence, and encourage children who love to use their brains. 2. Game 2: Find Friends (1) Explain the name of the game - "Find Friends"; Formation; name your own team. Arouse children's desire to play and mobilize children's enthusiasm for participation. (2) Propose game rules A. Children quickly find two good friendsCard; B. Tell the reasons why they are good friends; C. If the opponent agrees, you can get two cards for your team. 3. The game progresses A. Children take turns playing according to the rules. How to play the game: Children are divided into two teams to compete. Players participating in the competition must find two cards that become good friends and tell the reasons why they become good friends. If the other team member agrees with your statement, they can get two cards for their team. card. The team with the most cards at the end wins. B. During the game, pay attention to guiding children to use their brains and express their own reasons.

⑨ Digital Domain’s position in the industry

Everyone has missed something in their life. Beauty, so we have more or less born many dreams out of regret, such as re-encountering those "misses" in some time and space.

Fortunately, the technology of the virtual world continues to develop, allowing many regrets to be made up for.

So, in "Fast and Furious 7", we saw Brian's perfect farewell instead of a flawed ending. Similarly, we also witnessed Teresa Teng at Jay Chou's concert , used singing to create a meeting across time and space with the mourners. It is Digital Domain’s virtual human technology that can “fake the real thing” that allows legends to reappear and classics to last forever.

All this seems to break the boundary between virtuality and reality, making dreams come true and feelings lasting.

On August 22, the Hollywood special effects giant announced that it will further deepen its development in the Greater China market and fully connect its four major business modules of visual effects, virtual reality, virtual humans, and original IP to consolidate its technological capabilities. A "one-stop" operating model of R&D, content production, and multi-channel distribution, thereby building a new virtual world for the consumer market - "Oasis".

"Oasis" is quoted from Steven Spielberg's movie "Ready Player One". Digital Domain's goal is also the "Ready Player One" in the virtual world.

The decline in the popularity of virtual reality is an opportunity for the rise of pragmatic players

Objectively speaking, virtual reality technology has experienced several ups and downs in the past few years.

Previously, Goldman Sachs Securities analyzed that the potential growth of the VR market has attracted the attention of many investors, and related investment competition is becoming increasingly fierce. It is expected that the global VR market will grow rapidly to 80 billion in 2025. Dollar.

Since 2015, Facebook, Sony, HTC, Microsoft, and Google have all joined the competition for the virtual reality market. The timely experience that virtual reality can bring has been widely used in medical, aviation, education, etc. New applications are emerging across multiple industries. But it is a pity that in recent years, the area where virtual reality has made breakthroughs has been in gaming and entertainment. This technology is really moving towards industry implementation, and there are still many problems that need to be overcome.

Virtual reality is a technology-intensiveIndustry, the virtual reality technology system is divided into four aspects: perception, modeling, presentation and interaction, and the technical threshold of each aspect is very high. This is by no means an industry that can be quickly matured by investment and hot money.

What’s interesting is that virtual reality has fallen from the limelight. This is an opportunity for the pragmatic Digital Kingdom to establish its leading position in the virtual world through a series of horse racing.

In 2015, Digital Domain acquired Immersive Media; in September 2017, it cooperated with Poly Capital and Hony Capital to establish Digital Domain Space to develop VR offline consumption experience; 2018 On March 14, 2020, it announced the further expansion of its current partnership with Deutsche Telekom to jointly create Magenta VR applications and enrich content libraries and broadcast-level production services through licensing; until it acquired 3Glasses, which has technology and hardware, for 240 million yuan, it allowed digital Kingdom has completed a key part of its VR business layout.

After completing this series of layouts, Digital Domain has been able to cover the entire closed loop of the industry chain of content + hardware + channels in VR. The number one player in the virtual world can finally make a sound that shocks the world. Scream, the king returns.

From special effects technology to VR to virtual humans, Digital Domain is transforming step by step

Unlike many startups in this field, Digital Domain is actually a company with a long history. . It is the world's top special effects production company, founded in 1993 and set up by Hollywood director James Cameron himself when filming "Titanic".

2018 is already the 25th year of Digital Domain’s establishment. In the course of these 25 years, Digital Domain has produced projects including "Titanic", "Iron Man 3", "Transformers" series, "Fast and Furious" series, "Ready Player One", "Avengers 3: Infinite" War" and other hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters provided special effects services. In the domestic film market, Digital Domain's visual effects technology has also been used in Jiang Wen's recent film "The Righteous" and the hit comedy "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

Because it is at the forefront of special effects technology, the company's art team has won many awards, such as the Academy Award, the Clio International Advertising Award, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award and the Cannes Golden Lion. Awards, etc., and has won more than 100 international awards in total.

The leadership in special effects technology represents the strength of the content side, which also constitutes Digital Domain’s position in the virtual world. Xie An, CEO and executive director of Digital Domain, said that Digital Domain has been using 3D modeling since the late 1990s. There are tens of thousands of material resources in the database. Based on the original technology accumulation, Digital Domain has a natural DNA in the VR industry. Therefore, VR has also become the core strategic direction of Digital Domain’s future development.

Digital Domain has always had an "oasis" dream. It is to move the immersive experience from enterprise level to consumer level. Therefore, Digital Domain announced a strategic cooperation with Meitu. We know that Meitu Magic Mirror has appeared in 22 DFS duty-free stores in 16 countries and regions around the world. Meitu uses AI technology to help users virtually try on makeup and intelligently recommend makeup. Now with Digital Domain’s virtual human technology, everyone can Users will be able to have images refined to movie-level, and receive realistic makeup and hair recommendations, body management, clothing matching and other suggestions based on this virtual image, transforming "virtual beauty" into "reality beauty".

Digital Domain and Meitu will cooperate to create virtual idol IP and personal digital avatars suitable for the consumer market, allowing users to break through time, space and geographical boundaries and enjoy the world. In an "oasis" that combines social and entertainment attributes. This is a typical case of using virtual human technology to empower scenario-based applications. It is believed that in the future, Digital Domain will further expand the ecological coverage, allowing more products and applications to use virtual human technology to meet the experience needs of more consumers.

The number one player in the virtual world, Digital Domain deserves its name

In fact, the industry chain of virtual reality is very long. Any company that can do a good job in it has already achieved success. It is commendable, but if Digital Domain wants to be the number one player in the virtual world, it must do more.

First of all, on the content side, this is only the core competitiveness of Digital Domain. For example, its original VR film "Microbehemoth" landed at the Sundance Film Festival and became the first and only original work from mainland China to be selected for the "New Frontier" screening unit; it is the first VR adventure work in cooperation with "UniversalBrand Development" under Universal Film Entertainment Group "Voltron VR" was nominated for the "Outstanding Media Interaction" award at the 45th Daytime Emmy Awards. These high-quality contents reflect Digital Domain’s meticulous craftsmanship of VR content.

Secondly, on the product side. Digital Domain’s strategic acquisition of 3Glasses completes the final link in Digital Domain’s VR product strategy. 3Glasses will rely on its technology accumulation, hardware strength and content platform in the field of VR to become the hardware entrance and virtual reality connector for Digital Kingdom to create an "oasis ecology".

Third, on the channel side, Digital Domain has opened more than 40 VR cinemas in many cities across the country, and plans to gradually establish 120 experience centers and 1,000 experience points in 2018. For the film and television market, Digital Domain and World Image Media will continue their in-depth strategic cooperation. Focusing on exclusive IP as the premise, we invest in content production and distribution, complement visual effects and VR technology, and channels to establish a complete film and television content operation model.

It is not difficult to find that numbersKingdom has developed and deployed in the four major areas of visual effects (Visual Effects, VFX), virtual reality (VR), virtual human (VH), and film and television content investment, creating "content + hardware + channels" A closed loop of the entire industry chain. This kind of sector deployment and ecological combination can indeed be called the "number one player" in the virtual world.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

A. 刘慈欣为什么怒批元宇宙概念刘慈欣应该是害怕有些人类像沉迷电子游戏一样,沉醉在虚拟的元宇宙中,长期便不愿意面对现实生活了。他认为探索元宇宙不如太空探索这个想法应该主要是因为刘慈欣对太空的重视程度较