中币网的矿池是什么东西 中币网的矿池是什么样的

1. 电脑上面说的挖矿是什么意思


2. 比特币中国的矿池什么意思

矿机的合集数据 比特币是可以利用计算机制作的 这个叫做矿机 例如有1000台矿机 就是狂吃1000

3. 数字货币中挖矿什么意思









4. 什么是比特币矿池,哪些矿池比较厉害的


比特币挖矿有两个目的。 首先,通过解决数学问题,比特币矿工可以验证交易信息,从而保障比特币支付网络的安全性和可靠性。矿工是确保交易准确且不会出现“双重支付”的人。






5. 比特币矿池有什么差别


PPLNS:(最纯正的组队挖矿)全称Pay Per Last N Shares,意思是说“根据过去的N个股份来支付收益”,这意味着,所有的矿工一旦发现了一个区块,大家将根据每个人自己贡献的股份数量占比来分配区块中的货币。(share就是股份的意思)





DGM:Double Geometric Method. 双几何制. 结合了 PPLNS 和几何奖励类型, 使得矿池运营者能规避一部分风险. 矿池运营者在短期内收取部分挖出的货币, 然后在之後以正规化过的值返还给矿工,像电容充放电, 运气好每 block 少给你点, 运气差多给你点。



6. 比特币矿池:什么是比特币矿池

矿池是比特币(数字货币)等P2P密码学虚拟货币开采所必须的基础设施,一般是对外开放的团队开采服务器,其存在意义为提升比特币开采稳定性,使矿工薪酬趋于稳定。目前全球算力较大的矿池有鱼池(F2Pool)、蚁池(AntPool)、币网(BW Pool)、国池(BTCC Pool)、BitFury。除了BitFury,其余都来自中国。
















7. 什么是挖矿

挖矿就是记账的过程,矿工是记账员,区块链就是账本。怎样激励矿工来挖矿呢?比特币系统的记账权力是去中心化的,即每个矿工都有记账的权利。 成功抢到记账权的矿工,会获得系统新生的比特币奖励。因此,挖矿就是生产比特币的过程。中本聪最初设计比特币时规定每产生

8. 矿池怎么挖矿


9. BTC矿池是什么意思


10. 数字货币中挖矿是什么意思

1、数字货币简称为DIGICCY,是英文“Digital Currency”(数字货币)的缩写,是电子货币形式的替代货币。数字金币和密码货币都属于数字货币(DIGICCY) 。


1. What does mining mean when it comes to computers?

Mining: Bitcoin mining is a process that uses computer hardware to calculate the location of Bitcoin and obtain it.

2. What does Bitcoin China’s mining pool mean?

Collected data of mining machines. Bitcoin can be made using computers. This is called a mining machine. For example, there are 1,000 mining machines means eating 1,000

3. What does mining mean in digital currency?

Mining is the nickname for the exploration method of obtaining Bitcoin. It got its name because its working principle is very similar to mining minerals. Additionally, Bitcoin prospectors who perform mining work are also known as miners.

The Bitcoin network generates new Bitcoins through "mining." The so-called "mining" is essentially the use of computers to solve a complex mathematical problem to ensure the consistency of the distributed accounting system of the Bitcoin network.

The Bitcoin network will automatically adjust the difficulty of math questions so that the entire network will get a qualified answer approximately every 10 minutes.

The Bitcoin network will then generate a certain amount of Bitcoin as a bounty to reward those who get the answer.

(3) What is the mining pool of Zhongbi.com? Further reading:

To be a miner, "mine" Bitcoin The computer can just search for 64-bit numbers. By using computers to repeatedly decrypt, they compete with other gold diggers to provide the Bitcoin network with the numbers it needs.

If the computer can successfully create a set of numbers, it will receive 25 Bitcoins. Bitcoin is decentralized and requires a fixed number of Bitcoins to be created per unit of computing time. 25 Bitcoins can be obtained every 10 minutes.

By 2140, the upper limit of Bitcoins in circulation will reach 21 million. In other words, the Bitcoin system is self-sufficient, coded to resist inflation and prevent others from sabotaging it.

4. What are Bitcoin mining pools and which mining pools are more powerful

Mining may be one of the most important components of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Miners need to solve complex mathematical calculation problems to ensure the smooth execution of transactions. These problems are so complex that they are difficult to solve even for extremely powerful computers. Computers need work and luck to solve these mathematical problems, just like miners mining underground. The chance of solving this problem correctly is about one in 13 trillion.

Bitcoin mining serves two purposes. First, by solving mathematical problems, Bitcoin miners can verify transaction information, thereby ensuring the security and reliability of the Bitcoin payment network. Miners are the ones who ensure that transactions are accurate and that no “double spends” occur.

Secondly, when computers solve these complex mathematical problems on the Bitcoin network, the system generates new Bitcoins, not unlike mining gold from the ground.The process is similar. This reward is called the "block reward," and its amount is periodically reduced by half after an event called a "halving." The concept of newly mined Bitcoins is an important part of the Bitcoin protocol. The Bitcoins obtained by miners are brand new and have never been circulated before.

Since miners will eventually sell this Bitcoin, this is also an important source of supply and liquidity. As Chainalysis reported, many digital currency exchanges rely on miners to receive Bitcoin and add liquidity to the exchange. Typically, exchanges get about 88% of their Bitcoins from other exchanges, with Bitcoin miners being the largest source of the remaining percentage. As you can imagine, there is fierce competition among exchanges to receive Bitcoin directly from miners.

Zooming further into the map, most mining activity occurs in only 4 provinces. The first two provinces are Xinjiang and Sichuan, which account for nearly 1% of all Bitcoin mining in China. half. Electricity is cheap in these areas and the weather is cold. This helps keep mining profitable and equipment cool during the 24/7 operations of Bitcoin mining.

But this is nothing new for digital currency issuance. For years, China has been a major market for Bitcoin miners due to its cheap electricity and abundant resources. Companies such as Bitmain, f2pool, and Canaan that account for a large portion of the Bitcoin network’s hashrate are all located in China.

Whether this is a negative or a positive message depends on your point of view. But for a decentralized, distributed, permissionless network, geographically spanning multiple entities is healthier for the entire ecosystem.

5. What are the differences between Bitcoin mining pools

The main reason is that the distribution model of the obtained Bitcoins is different: according to the operating mode, the common Bitcoin mining pools are as follows: PPLNS, PPS, DGM, P2Pool, etc.

PPLNS: (the purest team mining) full name Pay Per Last N Shares, which means "pay income based on the past N shares", which means , once all miners discover a block, everyone will distribute the currency in the block according to the proportion of the number of shares each person contributed. (share means shares)

In the PPLNS mode, luck is very important. If the mining pool can discover many blocks in a day, everyone’s dividends will also be very large. If the mining pool ends in a day If no one can discover the block, then everyone will not gain any benefit.

PPS: Pay-Per-Share method---This method pays for each share immediately. The payout comes from the pool’s existing Bitcoin funds, so it can be withdrawn immediately without waiting for the block to be generated or confirmed. This avoids behind-the-scenes manipulation by mining pool operators. This method reduces the miner’srisk, but transfers the risk to the pool operator. Operators can charge fees to cover possible losses caused by these risks.

In order to solve the situation of PPLNS where sometimes the profit is very high and sometimes there is no profit, PPS adopts a new algorithm. PPS is based on the proportion of your computing power in the mining pool and estimates the minerals that the mining pool can obtain every day, giving you a basically fixed daily income.

How about it? Do you feel that this is a stable job? In fact, in order to avoid the risk of losing money, PPS model mining pools often charge high handling fees of 7%-8%.

DGM: Double Geometric Method. It combines PPLNS and geometric reward types, allowing mining pool operators to avoid some risks. Mining pool operators receive part of the mined currency in the short term. Then it is returned to the miners in a normalized value, like capacitor charging and discharging. If you are lucky, you will be given less points per block, and if you are not lucky, you will be given more points.

175btc: 175btc’s ​​mining nodes work on a shares chain similar to the Bitcoin blockchain. Since there is no center, it will not be subject to DoS attacks. It is different from other existing mining pool technologies - the blocks worked by each node include payment to the owner of the previous shares and the node's own bitcoins. 99% of the reward (50 BTC + transaction fees) will be divided equally among the miners, and the other 0.5% will be awarded to the person who generated the block.

Bitcoin Home website has a detailed introduction.

6. Bitcoin Mining Pool: What is a Bitcoin Mining Pool?

A mining pool is the infrastructure necessary for the mining of P2P cryptographic virtual currencies such as Bitcoin (digital currency). Generally It is a team mining server that is open to the outside world. Its purpose of existence is to improve the stability of Bitcoin mining and stabilize miners' salaries. Currently, the mining pools with the largest computing power in the world include F2Pool, AntPool, BW Pool, BTCC Pool, and BitFury. Except for BitFury, the rest are from China.

As more and more people participate in mining, the computing power of the entire Bitcoin network continues to increase, and it is difficult for a single device or a small amount of computing power to mine Bitcoins. At this time, the mining pool was born.

How Bitcoin Mining Pools Work

Mining pools break through geographical limitations and connect the computing power of miners and mining farms scattered around the world to mine together.

The mining pool is responsible for information packaging, and the mines that are connected are responsible for competing for accounting rights.

Since the computing power of many miners is gathered together, the mining pool has a large proportion of computing power and the probability of mining Bitcoin is higher.


Suppose 1 million people participate in Bitcoin mining, and the entire network has 400P computing power, 90% of whichThe miners have less than 1P (1000T) computing power. If a 1T mining machine is invested, it will account for 1/400,000 of the entire network's computing power. In theory, one block can be mined every 400,000 10 minutes on average, that is It takes 7.6 years to mine a block and get 50 Bitcoins at once.

So, if I find 9 more miners with 1T computing power mining machines and reach an agreement, there will be a total of 10 of us. If any one of them digs a block, the proportion of each person’s computing power will be calculated. Let's divide it equally, then we are a whole, with a total of 10T computing power, then it takes 0.76 years to mine a block on average, and then the calculation in our hands is 5 Bitcoins mined in 0.76 years. If there are 100 people in the organization, What about 1,000 people, 10,000 people or even 100,000 people?

If there are 100,000 people, then one block can be mined in an average of 100 minutes. As a member of the team, my income will become stable.

This is the basic principle of the mining pool, that is, everyone forms a team to mine Bitcoin. You can refer to the joint buying in the lottery.

Of course, the above is just a simple description of the basic principles and properties of mining pools, and the actual situation will be very complicated.

The mining pool is a fully automatic mining platform, that is, the mining machine is connected to the mining pool - provides computing power - and obtains profits.

The Bitcoin rewards generated by mining in the mining pool will be distributed according to the proportion of computing power contributed by each miner.

Compared with mining alone, joining a mining pool can provide you with more stable income.

Hope this answer is helpful to you

7. What is mining

Mining is the process of bookkeeping. Miners are bookkeepers, and blocks The chain is the ledger. How to motivate miners to mine? The accounting power of the Bitcoin system is decentralized, that is, every miner has the right to accounting. Miners who successfully seize the accounting rights will be rewarded with new Bitcoins from the system. Therefore, mining is the process of producing Bitcoins. When Satoshi Nakamoto originally designed Bitcoin, he stipulated that every time a coin is generated

8. How to mine in a mining pool

Since it is difficult for individual mining to meet demand, the global computing power is constantly increasing. , it is already difficult to mine Bitcoin with a single device or a small amount of computing power. A large number of mining machines are also combined to form a mining pool. The computing power of the mining pool is very powerful and it is guaranteed to be faster. To mine virtual currency, how do you mine in a mining pool? Let’s take a look!
How to mine in a mining pool
The location selection of a mining pool is also very particular. Mines cannot be established anywhere. A mining pool requires upfront capital investment. A mining pool is a combination of individual mining machines. Since it gathers the computing power of many miners, the mining pool has a large proportion of computing power and has a higher probability of mining Bitcoin. The mining pool will distribute the rewards according to the contribution value of each device.
Mining pool profit distribution model
There are many large and small mines around the world. Each mining pool is large or small. Generally, small mines are no longer very large.The advantage is that large mining pools have many miners for mining. For each miner, he can join any mining pool or multiple mining pools at the same time. The first major task of the mining pool is to serve the miners. Distribute earnings.
(1)PPLNS method
This method collects the shared blocks (shares) mined by all miners together. Whenever a certain amount is accumulated (usually 30 million shares), the mining pool will The income from the previous stage is distributed to miners in proportion to their contribution.
In this way, the miner's income completely depends on the time it takes for the mining pool to mine 30 million shares. If you are lucky, you can mine them in a short time. When the mining pool reaches 30 million shares, the miner's income will also be More, otherwise it will become less. In return, the mining pool charges a 3% tax.
(2)PPS method
For users, the income of this method is relatively stable.
The income mainly depends on the mining speed of the miner. As long as the mining speed is stable, the corresponding income can be obtained, and the income is real-time, that is, while the mining machine is running, the mining pool will pay the miner. income.
Obviously, every time a block is calculated, the mining pool has paid the income to all miners. If the block fails in the subsequent confirmation process, all losses will be borne by the mining pool operator. Paying the bill, this method reduces the risk of miners, but transfers the risk to the operators of the mining pool.
So usually mining pools can charge handling fees to make up for the losses that may be caused by these risks. In this model, the mining pool's tax is 7.5%.
The above is the relevant information about how mining pools mine. The difficulty of mining has greatly increased, and the mining army is constantly expanding. If the basic equipment does not meet the standards, it will be difficult to gain anything in the mining industry. , because the value of the mined virtual currency may not be worth the price of a piece of equipment, many miners not only mine Bitcoin, but choose other virtual currencies for mining.

9. What is the meaning of BTC mining pool

Equal to one of the baskets containing BTC🧺

10. What is the meaning of mining in digital currency

1. The abbreviation of digital currency is DIGICCY, which is the abbreviation of "Digital Currency" in English. It is an alternative currency in the form of electronic currency. Digital gold coins and cryptocurrency both belong to digital currency (DIGICCY).

2. Digital currency is an unregulated, digital currency, usually issued and managed by developers, and accepted and used by members of specific virtual communities. The European Banking Authority defines virtual currency as: a digital representation of value that is not issued by a central bank or authority and is not linked to a legal currency, but which, because it is accepted by the public, can be used as a means of payment or can be transferred, stored or traded electronically. .
Response time: 2021-01-04,Please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank for the latest business changes.
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