币圈大姨父是什么币 币圈大姨父骗局

Ⅰ 币圈ac是谁


指的是Andre Cronje,他是yearn.finance(YFI,国内称为“大姨夫”,一种加密货币)的创始人。


(1)出生于南非的 AC,并非技术出身,他就读于南非的斯泰伦博斯大学法学专业,一个偶然的机会,AC接触到了计算机科学领域,有报道称,其曾在 6 个月时间内完成了三年的计算机科学课程。

(2)他最早是在2017年接触到加密货币领域,当时为了对行业有更加深刻的认知,他不仅自己翻代码,还会在社交网站上分享自己学习的过程和体会,于是加密媒体 Crypto Briefing 的负责人就开始联系他开设专栏,很多人因此了解到了 AC。再到2018年,AC正式进入加密货币行业,曾担任过多个项目的技术顾问,也同时参与过好几个项目的开发。

(3)从早期的技术爱好者到区块链项目顾问,AC 如今已经完成了身份的转变,凭借着多年对加密的热爱,他因大姨夫(YFI)一战成名,在 DeFi 领域名声大噪,俨然成为了加密市场的公众人物以及 DeFi 领域举足轻重的核心人物。

Ⅱ 大姨夫币交易平台在国内还是在国外

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-11-07

Ⅲ 我早上写的说说 “这几天大姨夫来了”女朋友 到晚上快8点才问我怎么了。虽然我们每天扣扣聊天少

《一座城》文/ 陈晨 【春】 姐姐来杭州那年,我12岁,小学五年级。姐姐刚小学毕业,准备升初中。但不知道为什么,姨妈突然把姐姐从东北带到杭州。姨妈待了两天就走了,但姐姐却留了下来,她要住在我们家,在杭州读初中、高中,然后考大学。 冬天刚刚过去,那个春天很平常,原本的一家四口,我、爸妈、外婆,变成了五口人,但似乎并没有发生什么变化。家里人似乎都不喜欢姐姐。我还记得那天姨妈走后,我们第一次五个人坐在一起吃饭。等我吃了一半,姐姐依旧没有动筷子,她一动不动地坐在餐桌前,什么话也不说,脸上也没有表情。奇怪的是,外婆和妈妈也不理睬她。直到吃完饭,外婆不耐烦地敲了敲姐姐的碗,“你到底吃不吃?!” 姐姐依旧沉默,外婆站起身,“刷”地一下拿走了姐姐面前的饭碗,冷冷地说了句,“不吃算了,去屋里呆着去。”然后姐姐就站起身,往屋子里走去。 那时,我觉得姐姐和姨妈很像。都是外表非常冷漠的人,姨妈两三年才回一次娘家,每次来,都会带着她的丈夫,一个非常普通的东北农民,穿着样式很陈旧的衣服,总感觉身上有拍不干净的灰尘,皮肤粗糙,操着一口浓重的东北口音。外婆和妈妈很少和姨父说话,每次聊天,总把姨父晾在一边,当他不存在一样。姨父只好尴尬地找我说话,他从衣服口袋里掏出一头生的大蒜,用袖子擦了擦,然后在我面前晃了两下。令我惊讶的是,他一口把那个大蒜塞进了嘴里,“吧唧吧唧”地咀嚼起来,然后扬起眼角的鱼尾纹,对我说:“来,你也尝尝看。”这个时候,妈妈就会走过来,一把拽过我,然后大声地训斥道:“别碰脏的东西!” “妈,你看看,我就嫁给了这么个人!说出去,真丢你们的脸。”姨妈叹了一口气。 “也别这么说……”外婆似乎有点儿难过,她沉下脸,手里的毛豆还没有择干净,就收拾好端进了厨。 “不过我也认了,我认了……” 在那个年代,姨妈是一名光荣的下乡知青。离开杭州,一路北上,把一生中最美好的时光都献给了……或者说是葬送在了粗犷的北方。她就是在个贫穷的东北小村子里认识了姨父,他们的故事我不知道,但我觉得这一切都很顺理成章。他们相恋、结婚,当时的农村现在已经变成了一个不大不小的镇子,但那里的一切都不能和城相比。好几年过去了,姨妈依旧在遥远的北方,她没有回来。唯独这点,我一直想不通。但姨妈说了,这就是命,命。 姨妈一直没有怀上孩子,直到40岁,才顺利生下了孩子,只可惜,是个女的。 那天晚上,在外婆的间里外,我清晰地听到了姨妈略带抽泣的声音,“妈,这个孩子只能拜托你和妹妹了。只要给她口饭吃就成。” 妈妈抢过话,“姐,我们家已经够小了,间就两个,你说娟娟她睡哪儿?你不知道城里养一个孩子的开销有多大,且不说钱的问题,娟娟的户口不在这里,她能不能读书都是个问题,我们又没认识的人,怎么帮她转户口?!” “我又没让她读书,她读什么书啊。钱你们放心,我会按时汇过来,我这次就带了点儿, 你们先拿着。” “姐,你太不负责了,既然不想养,那就不要生!”妈妈咄咄逼人。 “我怎么知道生的会是个女的!反正我是不会带她走了,没间睡,那就让她睡客厅吧,实在不行,睡厨也成,死不了。” 那天晚上,她们一直争吵到很晚。我睡在床上,面对着墙壁发呆,那是我还听不懂他们在吵什么,只知道她们是为了姐姐而争吵。我转过身,看到地板上打地铺的姐姐,她紧紧地裹着被子,背影投射在苍白的墙壁上,感觉很冰凉。我想说什么,却不知道怎么开口。她的睡姿很僵硬,一动不动,但我能感觉得出,她是醒着的。 第二天,姨妈拎着行李走了,姐姐留了下来。外婆虽然心里有怨气,但当姨妈走的那一刻,她还是掉下了眼泪。 从此,家里的餐桌上多了一副碗筷,但生活却没有什么改变。 【夏】 小学二年级的一堂作文课。老师布置的作文题目是:最开心的一件事。 班上的同学挨个儿被老师点名起来回答这个问题。老师叫到我:“王航,你来说说看。” 我站起来,想了想,然后说:“我想,应该是我爸爸死了吧。” 那天晚上,当外婆收拾完了桌子上的碗筷,我打开作文簿,开始写这篇作文。 “我最开心的一件事,是我爸爸死了。因为我妈妈说爸爸只知道喝酒,不知道做事。家里的钱都被他拿光了,所以,他死了就没有人再来拿妈妈的钱了,我就可以新的玩具了。还有邻居家凯凯的爸爸每天都打凯凯,不让他出去玩,让他在家里写作业,考试成绩不好就要挨打。没有爸爸多好啊!” 作文交上去之后,语文老师把我叫到她的办公室里。 她把我的作文簿抽了出来,然后靠近我,脸上扬起一丝有些奇怪的微笑,“你爸真的死了?” “是啊。”我点点头。 “怎么死的呀?”她的声音提高了一点儿,好像很有兴致的样子。 “摔死的。”我说。 “真可怜呀。”她叹了一口气,然后,她转过身对后面的几个老师说,“我们班这个学生他爸是摔死的,真可怜啊。”坐在后面的一个正在批改的老师漫不经心地说:“你们说,这样的小孩以后会不会有什么心里疾病啊?” “这样的小孩难教哦!”她旁边的一个老师冷笑了一下。 我站在办公桌旁边,默默地拿过我的作文簿。不知道为什么,我的心突然变得很凉,我的胸口好像吹过一股凉风,我的手脚好像也变得冰冷了。 “关你屁事。”我的声音不大不小,刚好所有人都可以听到。 “你说什么?”语文老师的眼镜滑到了鼻梁。 “我说关你屁事。” “什么?!” “我说关你屁事关你屁事关你屁事关你屁事关你屁事关你屁事!!!” 语文老师愣愣地拿起桌子上的作文簿使劲地向我砸过来,我用手揉了揉脸,然后走出了办公室。 其实一点儿都不疼,但是有点儿冷,好像一阵凉飕飕的风,但那阵风,是从哪里吹来的呢? 我的童年总是会莫名其妙地出现这样的风。我不知道其他人有没有感觉到,但我能感觉到那股风,只要那股风出现的时候,我就会不由自主地深呼吸,好像这样它就会消失了。 我12岁那年的夏天来的很早,才5月,天气就热得不行。天气预报经常播报有冷空气南下的消息,但是那股冷空气好像打起来太极,迟迟没有南下。 姐姐依旧睡在我间的地板上,因为天气转暖的缘故,外婆嫌换毛毯麻烦,直接给姐姐换上了凉席。但是到了晚上,气温还是会变得有些冷,我看到姐姐裹着棉被,身子还在微微颤抖。 我皱了皱眉头,走下床,蹲下来摇了摇她。 “喂,地板很冷,到我床上来睡吧。” 姐姐转过头,“不行……吧。” “没关系的。”我压低声音,装作很神秘的样子。 “我无聊,我们睡在一起,还可以聊天。”我说。 “好吧。”姐姐朝屋外看了看,外婆和妈妈的间已经熄灯了。她笑了笑,然后把被子搬到我的床上。 那年的初夏,姐姐每个晚上都睡在我的床上。知道夏天真正来临,她才重新睡到地板上。每个晚上,我们都会小声地说话。 “你应该叫我姐姐的。快叫!” “嗯,姐……姐。” “那么勉强。” “还好啦。” …… 我喜欢和姐姐说话,她说话虽然有些迟钝,但她的语调依然透着北方特有的浑厚的口音,她说话会有很多“儿”,那么“儿”,我怎么也学不像。她和那些坐在弄堂口打毛衣话家常的女人是不一样的,那些女人,像我妈妈、外婆,她们说话总让人觉得有股咄咄逼人的寒气,有着南方特有的尖酸味。而姐姐的声音……很难形容……她的声音,会让我想到平原和远方。 那天放学,我在回家的路上碰到了姐姐,她已经上了本地一所初中,她看到我,笑着跑过来问我:“今天班上好多人都叫我‘十三点’,是什么意思?” 我一愣,问她,“那你怎么回应的。” “我就是笑笑啊。” “噢。”我低下头走路,没有说下去。她也没有再问,我们一直沉默地钻进弄堂。 吃晚饭的时候,妈妈和外婆依旧不停地唠叨,唠叨着今天的菜价,弄堂里杂七杂八的小事,什么时候要来拆迁,安置费有多少……我依旧是沉默地吃着饭,往常,我会若有若无地听听妈妈和外婆的唠叨,但那天不知道为什么,什么都听不进去。 吃晚饭,姐姐像往常一样,很主动地收拾碗筷,然后走进厨里洗碗。我回到自己的间,把书包扔在一旁,躺在床上发呆。突然,我猛地坐了起来,冲到厨。我推开厨的门,气冲冲地对姐姐所:如果以后再有人叫你十三点,你就说,你才十三点,你祖宗十八代都是十三点!” 姐姐一愣,顺手把水龙头关小了一些,然后尴尬地笑,“噢。” 我回到自己的间,不知道为什么,我好想哭。 【秋】 和很多人一样,我的童年里也有关于灰姑娘的童话故事。而在我的童年里,姐姐就像灰姑娘一样存在着。每天起床最早的是她,她要起来烧我们全家洗脸刷牙的热水;洗碗、打扫卫生……姐姐包下了家里所有的大小事。她除了上学,就是做家务。她一年没有几件新衣服,她的衣服都是姨妈寄来的,样式比妈妈的还土,都是些过时的便宜货。她每天要先把我送到学校,然后自己再去上学。放学还要来接我。等于说,以前妈妈要做的事,她全包了下来。尽管,那一年,她也才不过15岁。 在杭州读了一年初一后,外婆就不想让她继续读书了。其实外婆的决定是正确的,姐姐确实不会读书,考试成绩惨不睹,学期末拿回家的成绩单惨红的一大片。 可到了初二,妈妈还是决定继续让姐姐读下去。妈妈说服外婆,“还是让她继续读书吧,她每天呆在家里也没事情做呀,看着就心烦。” 可能是因为成绩差,再加上长得一般,甚至有点儿丑,穿的也土,姐姐理所当然成为了班上的边缘人。被人嘲笑是理所当然的,受人欺负自然也免不了。 那天早上,我和姐姐一起去上学。我们走到交叉路口,我摆摆手对姐姐说:“我自己走就可以了,你走吧。” 姐姐有点儿犹豫,“不行吧,姨妈说过要把你送到的。” “没事,只有一点点路了,我自己去。” “好吧。”姐姐皱着眉头,犹豫了一下,然后转身走了。 但是,才刚走没多久,我就听到后面几个女生在喊我姐姐的名字。 “王娟,把校牌给我,我的校牌没有带。”其中一个烫着卷发的女生冷冷地说。 “啊?”姐姐下意识地向后退了退。 “我让你把校牌给我!”那个女生还没等姐姐反应过来,就野蛮地冲上前去,一把扯过姐姐的衣服,姐姐的脖子好像被勒得很疼,她“啊啊”地叫了起来。然后,她后面的那个女生紧跟其后,硬生生地把姐姐衣服上的校牌给扯了下来。 我呆呆地看着马路对面发生的一切,只感觉我气得头皮都有些发麻,我走过马路,冲到那个女生旁边,死命地扯着那个女生的衣服。童年时候的我,打架的方式不过是扯衣服,胡乱挥舞着手臂,我只知道我把我会的招数都用上了。那个女生被突如其来的攻击吓坏了,大声尖叫起来。路边的一些学生也围了过来,要把我拉开,又好像有几个女生朝我踢了过来。但我记得,姐姐在一旁,她惊恐地叫着。我记得,她一直挡在我前面。 秋天来了,天气冷了,风变大了,城里的一切,连同人们的记忆,也开始泛黄。在我遥远的童年里,我就知道,我的姐姐,她不是灰姑娘,灰姑娘也有美丽的一刻,可她一年四季都是这样灰不溜秋地活着。灰姑娘是外表平凡,但仔细观察,你发现的不是她的美丽,而是她确实有点儿丑陋。灰姑娘会等到她的王子,而姐姐…… 天哪,我怎么还会写出“灰姑娘”“王子”这样矫情的字眼,我早该摆脱这些了,想起童年,我就一阵恶心。 【冬】 是的,我长大了。升入初中后,我真的长大了。 因为在那年冬天,我第一次喜欢上了一个女生。 我知道那种喜欢和之前的是不一样的,是想占有她的那种喜欢。只想她和自己一个人说话、一起吃饭、一起上学。但那时的我还是胆小的,我不敢向那个女生表白,甚至不敢和她说话。那是我心里第一次萌发爱情这种东西,我又惊慌又惊喜。 然而在那年冬天,妈妈给东北的姨妈打了一通很长时间的长途。还是关于姐姐的问题,妈妈和姨妈好像在里吵了起来,妈妈叫嚷着要姨妈把姐姐领回去,说是家里养不起这么个大活人了,而姨妈自然是推辞掉了,说是再给妈妈打一些钱。其实姨妈在东北农村,哪有钱,顶多每年寄些衣物。这几年,都是外婆和妈妈养着姐姐,负担着姐姐的学费。 最终,妈妈还是生气又无奈地挂了。她气呼呼地冲到我的间,一把拎起已经钻进被窝里的姐姐,大声地叫着:“你滚!你滚!滚回东北老家去!”姐姐又冷又怕,浑身直打哆嗦。 “滚出去!我们家你很久了……”妈妈红着眼,把姐姐往外推。 寒冷的冬季,南方没有暖气,间里和屋外几乎一样冷。姐姐只穿着睡衣,在客厅里冻直打哆嗦,她呜呜地哭着,眼泪和鼻涕在脸上已经分不清了。 外婆叹了口气,走了过来,给姐姐套了件衣服,然后无奈地说:“你让她滚,她现在能滚到哪里去。我也不想养她,可她毕竟还是我们家的人。她有个狠心的妈,但我们不能像她妈那样狠心。” 妈妈听了外婆的话,抱着外婆又哭了起来。 我的妈妈和外婆,她们像大多数南方人一样,自私、势利,但本质都是善良的,都是好人。 但她们不再为姐姐负担学费了,其实也挺现实,读书这条路对姐姐来说,根本走不通。初三那年,姐姐退学了,妈妈给她安排了一家家政服务,这或许是姐姐唯一能做的事情了。因为没有到规定年龄,不能工作,姐姐只能在家政里面拖地打扫卫生,却拿不到一分工资,但包三餐,好歹能混口饭吃,姐姐就一直做了下去。 那年的冬天好像特别漫长,一直到3月,气温还是在零度左右徘徊,冷空气迟迟不肯散去。而我的第一次暗恋,也像那个冬季一样漫长,那个女生充斥在我每一刻的想象里,或许有点儿夸张,我暗恋了那个女生整整两年,直到初三,繁杂的学业冲淡了这份感情。但其实有点儿可笑,我现在竟然记不起那个女生的名字,甚至她的样子,也在记忆里变得好模糊。 长大界限也是这样模糊吗?我以为我已经告别了童年,但实际上,我仍旧是个孩子。或许,到了不再关心自己是否已经长大的时候,我们才算是真正长大了。 【又是春】 那年春天,姐姐成年了,她开始工作,开始赚钱。她做的事,和她几年前在我家做的一样,给别人家当保姆。 “别看她样子笨手笨脚的,她做起事可不偷懒,而且特别勤快。”家政服务的工作人员把她推荐给东家的时候是这样介绍的。 而姐姐只是一贯地憨厚地笑。 更令妈妈和外婆高兴的是,姐姐住在东家家里。妈妈和外婆压抑了好几年,似乎终于可以松一口气了。 姐姐人生第一次拿到工资,块,全部交给了妈妈。 妈妈和外婆好像都很开心,妈妈抽出一张块塞给姐姐,但姐姐笑笑,又还给妈妈,她说她不需要钱,平常东家也会给他几十块零用钱,她足够用了。 但是那天晚上,我在间里写作业,她突然推开门进来,从口袋里掏出一张皱巴巴的百元大钞塞进我的衣服口袋,我一惊,“你干吗给我钱?” 她装作很神秘地笑了笑,“其实工资有块,我特地留一张给你。” “哈。”我突然有点儿不好意思,尴尬地笑了笑。 “给你点儿书,考个好大学。”她说完就走了。 我看着她的背影,手里攥着那张百元大钞,突然有点儿感动,眼眶有些酸酸的,但我笑了。 ——对,我要考个好点儿的大学,为了姐姐。 【又是夏】 那年夏天,我考上了一所不错的高中。 去新学校报到的那一天,妈妈和外婆都特别高兴。妈妈把学费塞给我的时候,无意中说了一句:“这都是王娟赚的钱。”我手一凉,转过身问妈妈,“你们为什么要用她的钱?!“ “真是好笑,她是谁养大的?谁给她安的户口?”妈妈冷笑道。 “是你让她把工资都给你们的吧?”我冷漠地回应道。 “我还稀罕她的钱?!最好她赚钱然后回东北老家去!眼不见心不烦。”妈妈的语气一如往常地尖酸刻薄。 “这个世界太冷漠。”能说出这句话的,我想只有不幸和矫情的人。繁杂的学业,复杂的人际关系,让我觉得高中的生活并没有那么丰富多彩。班上分化成了好几个小团体,而我,却不属于其中任何一个。或许是我本身太高傲,又或许是我的自卑心在作祟。我厌恶我的孤独,所以我想找一份爱情。 我喜欢上了班里最漂亮的王真。 一个星期后,我就向她表白了。那是上午最后一节课刚结束,同学们都跑出教室拥向食堂。我在走廊上,拦住了王真,我说:“王真,我喜欢你,今天中午我们一起吃饭。” 令我意外的是,她竟然低了低头,然后笑着说:“好啊。” 我就这样恋爱了,莫名其妙地。 我喜欢王真,是因为,她和我是完全不同的人。她的爸爸和妈妈都是公务员,每天她爸爸都来接送她上下学。听说她家住在一个很好的小区里,不像我,都生活在那个阴冷狭隘、有着无尽闲言碎语和无尽潮湿的弄堂里。 那天是星期五,因为第二天就是周末,所以放学后,班里的同学走得特别快。等同学都走得差不多了,王真走到我的座位边,她蹲下来,用手勾住我的手臂,笑着说:“明天我们去看电影好不好,最近有很多好看的电影上档。” “看电影?”我愣了一下,“没问题啊。”我立刻答应了下来。 “嗯,那好,明天下午1点,奥斯卡见!” “嗯。”我勉强地笑了笑。 看电影,就意味着要花钱,可是我没有钱。我身上的几个硬币只够坐公车回家的。向妈妈要自然是不可能的,不是没有理由,是不想和她开这个口,不想听到她的唠叨,还有她刻薄冰冷的语气。那个时候,我想了姐姐。 回到家,妈妈在厨里做菜,我走进厨洗手,用一种很随意的口气问妈妈:“王娟的你知道吗?” “她?她没。”妈妈把一盘新鲜的青菜倒进油锅里,油星啪啦啪啦往外溅。 “那你们平常怎么她呀?”我把水龙头扭紧。 “哦,冰箱上面的那个小簿子,有写她东家的。” “哦。”我应和了一声,便走出了厨。 “侬要做啥西啦?!”厨里传来妈妈的声音。 但我毫不理会,翻开电冰箱的小簿子,找到了姐姐东家的码。 谢天谢地,是姐姐接的。 “哪位?王先生现在不在家。”是姐姐的声音。 “是我啦,小航。” “小航?你怎么打来了,这是东家家里的,多不方便啊,以后不要打来了。”姐姐的语气有点儿急促。 “那个……你现在手上有钱吗?”我开门见山。 “你要多少?”她竟然没有问我理由。 “不多,块。”我有点儿不好意思。 “好的,那我星期天回家给你。” “不行,我现在就要……” …… 刚吃好晚饭,我胡乱编了一个理由,便急匆匆地出门了。坐12路到了中心,根据姐姐给我的,找到了那个小区。确实是一个很大、很安静的小区,或许也只有住得起这样子的人才有钱请保姆吧。 我找到了那幢楼,按响了门铃。 是姐姐接的,她说:“你上楼来,我在煮东西,不方便下来。” 我上了楼,但是开门的,却不是姐姐,是一个有点儿面熟的男人。 “你找谁?”男人的语气有点儿冷冰冰的。 “王先生,那是我弟弟啦,他来拿钱。”姐姐用手在围裙上擦了擦,然后走了过来。 “小航,你等一下,我马上拿钱给你,你明天要干什么呀?那么急用钱,还麻烦你跑一趟。” 还没等姐姐拿钱过来,我就看到了一个熟悉的人从间里走了出来,她看着我,惊讶得说不出话来。我想逃,可是已经来不及了,她已经朝我走了过来。与此同时,姐姐也拿着一张百元大钞跑到我面前。 “小姐,那是我弟弟。”我看到姐姐憨厚地笑着。 小姐。我听了姐姐叫王真小姐。那我……是什么?用人的弟弟?还是可悲的贫民。 我的眼前一片空白,还没等姐姐把钱塞给我就往楼下跑。 姐姐,我好恨你。 我真的好恨你,为什么你要存在呢?我感觉你杀了我,让我没有尊严地活着。 你怎么不回你的东北老家,你怎么不去死。 ——对,我要考个好点儿的大学。 ——对为了摆脱我贫穷的生活,为了要住进大子,为了要去更好的地方,为了要让自己赚很多钱。对,赚很多很多的钱,用钱来填充我悲哀的童年。 【是秋也是冬】 很多秋天过去了。 秋天过后是冬天。冬天好漫长啊,但总有一天会到尽头的。总有那么一天,我要相信。 老天还是公平的,我的努力得到了回报,三年后,我考上了一所重点大学,在。 整理好箱子,准备出门去火车站。妈妈和外婆一直在旁边唠叨,该注意什么什么,记得给家里打。只有姐姐站在一旁不出一声,只是看着我微笑。我走过去,对她说:“我要走了。” “嗯。”她的表情依旧没有什么变化,还是微笑着。 但当我转过身,我又听到了姐姐的声音。 “两年多了,你终于和我说话了。” 我沉默了一下,然后拉起行李箱就往家门外走。 我一走就是五年,虽然也回家,但那个家,好像已经没有什么归属感了。给我归属感的,是,那个庞大空旷的城。 毕业后,我找到了稳定的工作,在站稳脚后,我就准备和大学时交的女朋友结婚了。 那年冬天,我带着未婚妻回到南方。 妈妈和外婆都变了,不知道是不是变老的缘故,她们的话比以前少多了,语气也比以前温和,不再咄咄逼人。特别是外婆,前两年她得了一场大病,行动也不太方便,连说话也变得很吃力。 我把未婚妻介绍给妈妈和外婆,未婚妻很礼貌地向她们问好。突然,未婚妻推了推我,她指了指站在角落里的那个女人,问我:那是谁呀?” “她是我姐姐。” “是吗?你还有姐姐哦!没听你说起过啊。”未婚妻在一旁疑惑地说。 你知道吗?每个人的心里,都有一座城。当我们还年幼的时候,那座城里居住着大人和小孩。当我们青春期的时候,居住着男人和女人。当我们懂事的时候,居住着好人和坏人。当我们成年的时候,居住着和富人。当我们渐渐老去的时候,住在那座城里的人,就变成了活人和死人。而姐姐心中的那座城里,人,只是人。 “是的,她是我的姐姐。因为智障,12岁就被送到了我家。”还没等我说完,我的眼泪就止不住了。而姐姐依旧站在那个角落里,她对我笑着,就像十二年前,我第一次看到的那个清晨。 全文完 篇章摘自《最小说》10.06 _______________柯艾陈晨吧出品__________________________

Ⅳ 网络语言大姨父是啥意思













Ⅳ 男性每月一次的”大姨父“,该如何调理



Ⅵ 大姨夫币发行量多少


Ⅶ 盘古社区成立的原因是什么


Ⅰ Who is AC in the currency circle

1. Personal introduction:

Referring to Andre Cronje, he is The founder of yearn.finance (YFI, a cryptocurrency in China).

2. AC’s road to becoming a god can be divided into the following three stages :

(1) AC, who was born in South Africa, is not from a technical background. He studied law at Stellenbosch University in South Africa by chance. , AC came into contact with the field of computer science. It was reported that he completed a three-year computer science course in 6 months.

(2) He first came into contact with the cryptocurrency field in 2017. At that time, in order to have a deeper understanding of the industry, he not only translated the code himself, He would also share his learning process and experience on social networking sites, so the person in charge of the encryption media Crypto Briefing began to contact him to open a column, and many people learned about AC. In 2018, AC officially entered the cryptocurrency industry. He has served as a technical consultant for multiple projects and participated in the development of several projects at the same time.

(3) From an early technology enthusiast to a blockchain project consultant, AC has now completed the transformation of his identity, relying on his many years of love for encryption , he became famous after his first battle with YFI, and became famous in the DeFi field. He has become a public figure in the encryption market and an important core figure in the DeFi field.

Ⅱ Is the Dayufu Coin trading platform at home or abroad?

Consultation record·Answered on 2021-11-07

Ⅲ What I wrote in the morning: My uncle is here these days.” My girlfriend didn’t ask me what was wrong until almost 8 o’clock in the evening. Although we chat less every day

"A City" by Chen Chen [Spring] When my sister came to Hangzhou, I was 12 years old and in the fifth grade of primary school. My sister has just graduated from elementary school and is preparing to enter junior high school. But for some reason, my aunt suddenly brought my sister to Hangzhou from the Northeast. My aunt stayed for two days and then left, but my sister stayed. She will live with us, study in junior high school and high school in Hangzhou, and then take the college entrance examination. Winter had just passed, and that spring was very ordinary. The original family of four, me, my parents, and my grandmother, became a family of five, but nothing seemed to have changed. None of the family seems to like my sister. I still remember that day after my aunt left, the five of us sat down to eat together for the first time. When I was halfway through my meal, my sister still didn't move her chopsticks. She sat motionless at the table, saying nothing and showing no expression on her face. The strange thing is that grandma and mother also ignore her. After finishing the meal, grandma knocked on her sister's bowl impatiently, "What the hell are you doing?"To eat or not? ! "My sister was still silent. Grandma stood up, took away the rice bowl in front of her sister, and said coldly, "Forget it if you don't want to eat. Go and stay in the house." "Then my sister stood up and walked into the house. At that time, I felt that my sister and my aunt were very similar. They were both very cold-looking people. My aunt only returned to her parents' home every two or three years, and every time she came, she would bring her My husband is a very ordinary farmer from the Northeast. He wears old-fashioned clothes, always feels like there is dust on his body, has rough skin, and speaks with a strong Northeastern accent. My grandmother and mother rarely talk to my uncle, and every time they chat, I always put my uncle aside, as if he didn't exist. My uncle had no choice but to talk to me in embarrassment. He took out a piece of raw garlic from his pocket, wiped it with his sleeve, and then waved it in front of me twice. This made me Surprised, he stuffed the garlic into his mouth and chewed it. Then he raised the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes and said to me, "Here, you can try it too." "At this time, my mother would come over, grab me, and then scold loudly: "Don't touch dirty things! "Mom, look, I'm married to such a person!" It would be really embarrassing for you to tell me. "The aunt sighed. "Don't say that..." Grandma seemed a little sad. She lowered her face and packed up the edamame in her hand before cleaning it and brought it into the kitchen. "But I admit it. I admit it..." In that era, my aunt was a glorious educated youth who went to the countryside. She left Hangzhou and went all the way north, devoting the best time of her life... or rather, she was buried in the rugged north. She I met my uncle in a poor northeastern village. I don’t know their story, but I think everything is very logical. They fell in love and got married, and the rural village at that time has now become a medium-sized town. , but nothing there can be compared with the city. Several years have passed, and my aunt is still in the far north, and she has not come back. I have never been able to figure this out. But my aunt said, this is fate, fate. Aunt I never got pregnant until I was 40 years old, and I gave birth to a child successfully. Unfortunately, it was a girl. That night, outside my grandma’s room, I clearly heard my aunt’s slightly sobbing voice, “Mom, this The child can only rely on you and your sister. Just give her a mouthful of food. "My mother grabbed the words and said, "Sister, our family is small enough, there are only two people in the room, where do you think Juanjuan will sleep? You don’t know how much it costs to raise a child in the city. Not to mention the money issue, Juanjuan’s household registration is not here. Whether she can study is a problem. We don’t know anyone, how can we help her transfer her household registration? ! "I didn't let her study. What kind of book should she read?" Don't worry about the money. I will remit it on time. I just brought a little this time. You can take it first. "Sister, you are so irresponsible. If you don't want to raise her, then don't give birth to her!" "The mother was aggressive. "How did I know the baby would be a girl! Anyway, I won't take her away. There is no room to sleep, so let her sleep in the living room. If that doesn't work, she can sleep in the kitchen. She won't die. "That night, they kept arguing until late. I slept on the bed, facing the wall in a daze, I still couldn’t understand what they were arguing about, I only knew that they were quarreling for my sister. I turned around and saw my sister on the floor. She was tightly wrapped in quilt, and her back was projected on the pale wall, which felt very cold. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know how to say it. Her sleeping posture was very stiff and motionless, but I could feel that she was awake. The next day, my aunt left with her luggage, and my sister stayed. Although grandma was resentful, she still shed tears when her aunt left. From then on, there was an extra pair of dishes and chopsticks on the dining table at home, but life did not change much. [Summer] A composition class in the second grade of elementary school. The composition title assigned by the teacher is: The happiest thing. The students in the class were called on by the teacher one by one to answer this question. The teacher called me: "Wang Hang, tell me." I stood up, thought about it, and then said, "I think my father is dead." That night, when my grandma finished clearing the things on the table, Bowls and chopsticks, I opened my composition book and started writing this composition. "The happiest thing for me is that my father died. Because my mother said that my father only knew how to drink and not do anything. He took all the money in the family, so after he died, no one would come to take my mother's money. With the money, I can get new toys. And my neighbor Kaikai’s father beats Kaikai every day and doesn’t let him go out to play. He makes him do homework at home. If he doesn’t do well in the exam, he will be beaten. How good it is without a father Ah!" After handing in the essay, the Chinese teacher called me into her office. She pulled out my composition book, then came close to me, with a strange smile on her face, "Is your dad really dead?" "Yes." I nodded. "How did you die?" Her voice rose a little, as if she was very interested. "He fell to death." I said. "It's so pitiful." She sighed, and then she turned around and said to the teachers behind her, "This student in our class had his father fall to death. How pitiful." The one sitting in the back was making corrections. The teacher said casually: "Do you think such a child will have any mental illness in the future?" "Such a child is difficult to teach!" A teacher next to her sneered. I stood next to the desk and silently took my composition book. I don't know why, but my heart suddenly became very cold, a cool breeze seemed to blow on my chest, and my hands and feet seemed to have become cold. "None of your business." My voice was neither loud nor quiet, just enough for everyone to hear. "What did you say?" The Chinese teacher's glasses slid to the bridge of his nose. "I said it's none of your business." "What?!" "I said it's none of your business. It's none of your business. It's none of your business!!!" The Chinese teacher was stunned. He picked up the composition book on the table and threw it at me hard. I rubbed my face with my hands and walked out of the office. In fact, it didn't hurt at all, but it was a bit cold, like a gust of cool wind, but where did that gust of wind come from? This kind of wind always appeared inexplicably in my childhood. I don't know if other people feel it, but I feel itThat wind, whenever that wind appears, I will involuntarily take a deep breath, as if it will disappear. Summer came early when I was 12 years old. It was only May and the weather was already extremely hot. Weather forecasts often report that cold air will move southward, but the cold air seems to be in trouble and has not moved southward for a long time. My sister still slept on the floor in our room. Because the weather was getting warmer, my grandma thought it was troublesome to change the blanket, so she directly changed her into a mat. But at night, the temperature still gets a little cold. I saw my sister wrapped in a quilt and her body was still shaking slightly. I frowned, got out of bed, squatted down and shook her. "Hey, the floor is cold. Come and sleep on my bed." My sister turned her head and said, "No...it's okay." "It's okay." I lowered my voice, pretending to be mysterious. "I'm bored. Let's sleep together and chat." I said. "Okay." My sister looked outside the house. The lights in the room between grandma and mother had been turned off. She smiled and moved the quilt to my bed. In the early summer of that year, my sister slept in my bed every night. She didn't sleep on the floor again until summer was really coming. Every night, we would talk quietly. "You should call me sister. Hurry up!" "Well, sister...sister." "So reluctantly." "It's not bad." ... I like talking to my sister. Although she speaks a little slowly, her tone is She still has the rich accent unique to the north, and she speaks with a lot of "er"s. I can't imitate the "er"s. She is different from those women who sit in the alley knitting and chatting about homely things. Those women, like my mother and grandmother, always make people feel an aggressive chill in their words, with a unique southern acrimony. And my sister's voice...it's hard to describe...her voice reminds me of the plains and the distance. After school that day, I met my sister on the way home. She had gone to a local junior high school. When she saw me, she ran over to me with a smile and asked: "Many people in the class today called me 'Thirteen O'clock', right?" What do you mean?" I was stunned and asked her, "Then how did you respond." "I just smiled." "Oh." I lowered my head and walked without saying any more. She didn’t ask any more questions, and we kept silently entering the alley. During dinner, my mother and grandma continued to chatter about today's vegetable prices, various trivial matters in the alley, when the demolition will come, how much the resettlement fee will be... I still ate in silence, Normally, I would listen to my mother and grandmother's nagging indifferently, but that day I don't know why, but I couldn't listen to anything. After dinner, my sister took the initiative to clear the dishes as usual, and then went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. I returned to my room, threw my schoolbag aside, and lay on the bed in a daze. Suddenly, I sat up suddenly and rushed to the kitchen. I pushed open the kitchen door and said to my sister angrily: If someone calls you thirteen o'clock again in the future, just say, you are only thirteen o'clock, and your ancestors have been thirteen o'clock for eighteen generations! "My sister was stunned, turned down the faucet, and then smiled awkwardly, "Oh. "I went back to my room. I don't know why, I really wanted tocry. [Autumn] Like many people, I also had fairy tales about Cinderella in my childhood. In my childhood, my sister existed like Cinderella. She is the first to get up every day. She has to get up to boil hot water for our whole family to wash our faces and brush our teeth; wash dishes, clean... My sister takes care of all the big and small things in the house. In addition to going to school, she does housework. She doesn't have a few new clothes a year. Her clothes are all sent by her aunt, and their styles are more vulgar than her mother's. They are all outdated and cheap. She had to send me to school every day and then go to school by herself. He has to pick me up after school. It's like saying that she did all the things that my mother had to do before. Although, she was only 15 years old that year. After studying in the first year of junior high school in Hangzhou, her grandmother did not want her to continue studying. In fact, grandma's decision was correct. My sister really couldn't study, and her test scores were dismal. The report card she took home at the end of the semester was a big red mess. But in the second grade of junior high school, my mother decided to let her continue reading. My mother persuaded my grandma, "Let her continue studying. She has nothing to do at home every day, and she gets upset just looking at her." It may be because of her poor grades, average appearance, even a little ugly, and poor clothes. So, my sister has naturally become a marginalized person in the class. It is natural to be laughed at, and it is inevitable to be bullied. That morning, I went to school with my sister. When we reached the intersection, I waved my hand and said to my sister, "I can just walk by myself. You can go." My sister hesitated a little, "No, my aunt said she would send you there." "It's okay, just go ahead. It's a little further, I'll go by myself." "Okay." My sister frowned, hesitated, then turned and left. However, not long after I left, I heard several girls behind me calling my sister’s name. "Wang Juan, give me your school badge. I don't have my school badge with me." One of the girls with permed curly hair said coldly. "Ah?" My sister subconsciously stepped back. "I asked you to give me your school badge!" Before her sister could react, the girl rushed forward savagely and grabbed her sister's clothes. Her neck seemed to be strangled in great pain. She said, "Ah ah "The ground cried. Then, the girl behind her followed closely and forcefully tore off the school badge from her sister's clothes. I stared blankly at everything that was happening across the street, feeling that my scalp was numb with anger. I walked across the street, rushed to the girl's side, and pulled on the girl's clothes desperately. When I was a child, the only way to fight was to pull off my clothes and wave my arms randomly. I only know that I used all the tricks I knew. The girl was frightened by the sudden attack and screamed loudly. Some students on the roadside also gathered around me and tried to pull me away, and it seemed like a few girls kicked me. But I remember, my sister was there, screaming in fear. I remember, she kept standing in front of me. Autumn is here, the weather is getting colder, the wind is getting stronger, and everything in the city, along with people's memories, is starting to turn yellow. In my distant childhood, I knew that my sister was not Cinderella. Cinderella also had her beautiful moments, but she was beautiful all year round.Living like this in despair. Cinderella looks ordinary, but if you look closely, you will find that it is not her beauty, but that she is indeed a bit ugly. Cinderella will wait for her prince, and sister... Oh my God, why do I still write such pretentious words as "Cinderella" and "Prince"? I should have gotten rid of these long ago. Thinking of my childhood, I feel sick. [Winter] Yes, I have grown up. After entering junior high school, I really grew up. Because that winter, I fell in love with a girl for the first time. I know that kind of love is different from the previous one, it is the kind of love that I want to possess her. I just want her to talk to him, eat together, and go to school together. But I was still timid at that time. I didn't dare to confess to that girl or even talk to her. That was the first time love sprouted in my heart, and I was both panicked and surprised. However, that winter, my mother made a long long-distance call to her aunt in the Northeast. Still about the issue of my sister, my mother and aunt seemed to be quarreling inside. My mother shouted for my aunt to take my sister back, saying that the family could not afford to support such a big living person, but my aunt naturally refused and said that she would not be able to take her back anymore. Give mom some money. In fact, my aunt lives in the northeastern countryside and has no money. She can only send some clothes every year. In the past few years, my grandmother and mother have been raising my sister and paying for her school fees. In the end, my mother was angry and helpless and died. She rushed to my room angrily, picked up her sister who had already got into bed, and shouted loudly: "Get out! Get out! Go back to my hometown in the Northeast!" My sister was cold and scared, and she was trembling all over. . "Get out! You have been with us for a long time..." Mom pushed her sister out with red eyes. In the cold winter, there is no heating in the south, and the room is almost as cold as outside. My sister was only wearing pajamas and shivering from the cold in the living room. She was sobbing, and the tears and snot could no longer be distinguished on her face. Grandma sighed, walked over, put some clothes on her sister, and then said helplessly: "If you tell her to go away, she can go anywhere now. I don't want to raise her, but she is still a member of our family after all. She has a cruel mother, but we can't be as cruel as her mother." After hearing what my grandmother said, my mother hugged her and cried again. My mother and grandmother, like most southerners, are selfish and snobbish, but they are essentially kind and good people. But they no longer pay for their sister’s tuition. In fact, it is quite realistic. For her sister, this path of study is simply unavailable. In the third year of junior high school, my sister dropped out of school, and her mother arranged for her to serve as a housekeeper. This was perhaps the only thing her sister could do. Because she was under the stipulated age and could not work, my sister could only mop the floor and clean the house, but she did not get a cent of salary. However, with three meals a day, she was able to make ends meet, so she continued to work. The winter that year seemed to be particularly long. Until March, the temperature was still hovering around freezing, and the cold air refused to dissipate. And my first crush was as long as that winter. That girl filled every moment of my imagination. Maybe it’s a bit exaggerated. I had a crush on that girl for two years, until the third year of junior high school, when the complicated studies diluted it. feelings. But itsIt's a bit funny, I can't even remember that girl's name now, and even her appearance has become so blurry in my memory. Are the boundaries blurred like this when you grow up? I thought I was done with childhood, but in reality, I was still a kid. Perhaps we have truly grown up when we no longer care whether we have grown up. [Spring Again] That spring, my sister came of age, she started working and making money. She is doing the same thing she did at my house a few years ago, working as a nanny for other people's homes. "Even though she looks clumsy, she is not lazy at work and is very diligent." This is how the housekeeping staff recommended her to her employer. But my sister just smiled her usual honest smile. What makes my mother and grandma even more happy is that my sister lives in my employer’s house. Mom and grandma had been depressed for several years, and it seemed they could finally breathe a sigh of relief. For the first time in her life, my sister got her salary, which was 100 yuan, and she gave it all to her mother. Mom and grandma seemed to be very happy. Mom took out a piece of cake and gave it to her sister. But her sister smiled and gave it back to her mother. She said she didn't need the money, and her boss would usually give her dozens of pieces of pocket money, which was enough for her. . But that night, when I was doing my homework in the room, she suddenly opened the door and came in, took out a crumpled hundred-dollar bill from her pocket and stuffed it into my pocket. I was shocked, "Why did you give me the money?" She pretended to smile mysteriously, "Actually, the salary is quite generous, and I specially left one for you." "Ha." I suddenly felt a little embarrassed and smiled awkwardly. "I'll give you some books to get into a good university." She said and left. I looked at her back, holding the hundred-dollar bill in my hand, and suddenly felt a little moved. My eyes were a little sour, but I smiled. ——Yes, I want to get into a better university for my sister. [It’s Summer Again] That summer, I was admitted to a good high school. On the day of registration at the new school, my mother and grandmother were very happy. When my mother handed me the tuition fee, she accidentally said: "This is all the money Wang Juan earned." My hands went cold, and I turned around and asked my mother, "Why do you use her money?!" "It's really It's funny, who raised her? Who gave her a household registration?" her mother sneered. "You asked her to give you all her salary, right?" I responded coldly. "I still care about her money?! It's best for her to make money and go back to her hometown in Northeast China! Out of sight, out of mind." Mom's tone was as bitter as ever. "This world is too indifferent." I think only unfortunate and hypocritical people can say this. The complicated academic studies and complicated interpersonal relationships made me feel that high school life was not that colorful. The class was divided into several small groups, but I did not belong to any of them. Maybe I am too arrogant, or maybe my inferiority complex is at work. I hate my loneliness, so I want to find a love. I fell in love with Wang Zhen, the most beautiful girl in the class. A week later, I confessed my love to her. It was just after the last class in the morning, and the students all ran out of the classroom and rushed to the cafeteria. I stopped Wang Zhen in the corridor and said, "Wang Zhen, I like you, let's have dinner together at noon today.To my surprise, she lowered her head, then smiled and said, "Okay." "I fell in love like this, out of nowhere. I like Wang Zhen because she and I are completely different people. Her father and mother are both civil servants, and her father comes to pick her up and back from school every day. I heard that she lives in In a good community, unlike me, who lived in a cold and narrow alley with endless gossip and endless humidity. That day was Friday, because the next day was the weekend, so after school, the classmates in the class walked Extremely fast. After all the classmates had almost left, Wang Zhen walked to my seat. She squatted down, hooked my arm with her hand, and said with a smile: "How about we go to the movies tomorrow? There are a lot of good ones recently." The movie is on schedule. " "See a movie? I was stunned for a moment and said, "No problem." "I agreed immediately. "Well, well, see you at Oscar at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon! " "Um. "I smiled reluctantly. Watching a movie means spending money, but I have no money. The few coins I have on me are only enough to take the bus home. It is impossible to ask my mother for help. It is not without reason. I didn’t want to have this conversation with her, and I didn’t want to hear her nagging and her mean and cold tone. At that time, I thought about my sister. When I got home, my mother was cooking in the kitchen, and I walked into the kitchen to wash my hands and used a He asked his mother in a very casual tone: "Do you know about Wang Juan? " "she? She didn't. "My mother poured a plate of fresh vegetables into the oil pan, and the oil splashed out. "Then what do you usually do with her? "I turned the faucet tight. "Oh, the little book on the refrigerator has her employer written on it. " "oh. "I agreed and walked out of the kitchen. "What are you going to do? ! "My mother's voice came from the kitchen. But I ignored it, opened the small book on the refrigerator, and found my sister's owner's code. Thank God, it was my sister who answered. "Who is it? Mr. Wang is not at home now. "It's my sister's voice. "It's me, Xiaohang. "Xiaohang?" Why are you calling? This is from my employer’s house. How inconvenient. Please don’t call me again. "My sister's tone was a little urgent. "Um...do you have any money now? "I got straight to the point. "How much do you want? "She didn't even ask me why. "Not much, nothing." "I'm a little embarrassed. "Okay, then I'll give it to you when I go home on Sunday. "No, I want to..."... Just after dinner, I made up a random reason and hurried out. I took the No. 12 bus to the center and found the community based on what my sister gave me. It was indeed It was a very large and quiet community. Perhaps only those who could afford to live like this could afford to hire a nanny. I found the building and rang the doorbell. It was my sister who answered the door. She said, "Come upstairs." , I am cooking something and it is not convenient to come down. "I went upstairs, but the person who opened the door was not my sister, but a slightly familiar man. "Who are you looking for? "The man's tone was a bit cold. "Mr. Wang, that's my brother. He's here to get the money. "My sister wiped her hands on her apron, and then came over. "Xiaohang, wait a moment, I'll get it right away.I’ll give you the money, what are you going to do tomorrow? If you need money urgently, why don't you make a trip? "Before my sister came over with the money, I saw a familiar person coming out of the room. She looked at me and was so surprised that I couldn't speak. I wanted to run away, but it was too late. She was already heading towards me. Walked over. At the same time, my sister also ran to me holding a hundred-dollar bill. "Miss, that's my brother. "I saw my sister smiling honestly. Miss. I heard my sister call her Miss Wang Zhen. Then what am I? The servant's brother? Or a miserable poor man. My eyes went blank, and I didn't wait for my sister to stuff the money. Just run downstairs. Sister, I hate you so much. I really hate you, why do you exist? I feel like you killed me and let me live without dignity. Why don't you go back to your hometown in Northeast China? , why don’t you die. ——Yes, I want to get into a better university. ——Yes, in order to get rid of my poor life, in order to live in a big house, in order to go to a better place, in order to make myself better Make a lot of money. Yes, make a lot of money, and use money to fill my sad childhood. [It is autumn and winter] Many autumns have passed. After autumn is winter. Winter is so long, but it will come to an end one day . One day, I have to believe. God is still fair, and my efforts paid off. Three years later, I was admitted to a key university, in. I packed my boxes and prepared to go to the train station. Mom and Grandma kept nagging me, saying what should I pay attention to and remember to call home. Only my sister stood aside without saying a word, just looking at me and smiling. I walked over and said to her, "I'm leaving." " "Um. "Her expression remained unchanged, and she was still smiling. But when I turned around, I heard my sister's voice again. "It has been more than two years, and you finally talked to me. "I was silent for a moment, then picked up my suitcase and walked out of my house. It has been five years since I left. Although I have returned home, it seems that I no longer have a sense of belonging in that home. What gives me a sense of belonging is, that A huge and empty city. After graduation, I found a stable job. After I established myself, I was ready to marry my girlfriend I had in college. That winter, I returned to the south with my fiancée. My mother and grandmother both They have changed. I don’t know if it’s because they are getting older. They talk much less than before, and their tone is gentler and no longer aggressive. Especially grandma, she had a serious illness in the past two years, and it was not convenient for her to move. It became very difficult to speak. I introduced my fiancée to my mother and grandma, and my fiancee greeted them politely. Suddenly, my fiancée pushed me, pointed to the woman standing in the corner, and asked me: Who is that? Yeah?" "She is my sister." "Really? You have a sister! I never heard you talk about it." The fiancée said doubtfully from the side. do you know? There is a city in everyone's heart. When we were young, that city was populated by adults and children. When we are in adolescence, we are inhabited by men and women. When we are sensible, there are good people and bad people living there. When we reach adulthood, people live in and are rich. as we grow olderAt that time, the people living in that city became the living and the dead. In the city in my sister's heart, the people are just people. "Yes, she is my sister. She was sent to my home at the age of 12 because of mental retardation." Before I could finish speaking, I couldn't stop crying. But my sister was still standing in that corner, smiling at me, just like the morning I first saw her twelve years ago. The full text is excerpted from "Mind Shuo" 10.06 _______________ Produced by Ke Ai Chen Chenba ____________________________

Ⅳ What is the meaning of uncle in Internet language

Originally refers to the husband of mother, sister or sister The title, now an Internet buzzword, refers to the male menstrual cycle and corresponds to "aunt".

The man said: I came to "uncle" today. This is not just a joke. Men, like women, have a few "uncomfortable" days every month, which can also be called men's "period". Men's "period" is characterized by mental malaise, low mood, bad temper, and slow reaction, which can affect the health of men. Live and work. This is actually a change in biological rhythm, but some people have an obvious rhythm and some people have not.

(4) Extended reading of the uncle in the currency circle

The symptoms of the uncle

1. The work status is sluggish and the reaction changes. Got to be slow.

2. Having an inexplicable loss of appetite, including being unmoved by your usual favorite foods.

3. Always smoking alone, drinking alone, and sighing longly from time to time.

4. Absent-minded, lose interest in things that interest you, even lose focus when watching football, and even forget who is competing with whom.

5. He is uncharacteristically good-looking and has a low profile towards his friends. He can't date either his buddies or his girlfriend. He has no sense of humor and doesn't like to joke.

6. I get angry easily and will argue with people I usually respect over trivial matters.

7. Like to sit in the corner with dull eyes and depressed mood.

8. Becoming cold or even indifferent. He feels uncomfortable when his lover tries to get close to him.

IV How to take care of men's monthly "uncle"?

Haha, I don't know when, "uncle and aunt" became the menstrual period of men and women. The pronoun of "Chinese culture is broad and profound". Today I will tell you about the issue of men, the “distant relatives”.

In short, for men, it is always inevitable to have "uncle". You should learn to adjust your mentality, learn a regular rhythm of life, and learn to eat healthily. Only in this way can you successfully get through this "critical" period and keep your body in a healthy state.

How much is the circulation of Ⅵ Uncle Coin?

Total circulation: 1 trillion. After issuance, 55% will be destroyed and put into a black hole, that is, the total amount of coins remaining after issuance will be 4,500 trillion..

Ⅶ What is the reason for the establishment of Pangu Community

Pangu Community was established on October 22, 2020. Six people began to agree on the "abandoned baby" fist, empowering fist, the difficulty can be Just imagine! The magic weapon for Pangu community to win is: Tencent meeting at 8 o'clock every night to popularize defi knowledge and preach the banker's thinking. Attract players of the same frequency to become shareholders together. There are only 200 fists in the capital pool, and players have more than 9,000 coins in their hands to smash the market. They smash it down to preach, smash it again and preach again... The Pangu community spent 6 months, constantly preaching, constantly copying shareholders, and finally succeeded. fist consensus ranges from 50u to the highest 8000u. When the capital pool was at its largest, there were more than 8,000 fists! Pangu community split from the original 6 people to 60,000 people!
Pangu Community won the harvest with its righteous mind and righteous thoughts! Then use righteousness and righteousness to expand results. The powerful Pangu community has the strength to do things that could not be done before.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 冷钱包会被冻结吗冷钱包会被冻结通常情况下,拔掉网线,关闭WIFI,物理上与网络隔离的冷钱包是安全的。但如果冷钱包里的资金太多,足以影响你的生活。应该多一些小心为好。通常我们使用单独的电脑、手机或可