股票中什么叫大阳线 币圈大阴线是什么意思

Ⅰ EOS(柚子)是凉了吗



Ⅱ 怎样投资


Ⅲ 数字货币的绿色、黄色、紫色各代表什么

Ⅳ 大阴线和大阳线分别是什么意思


Ⅳ 光头大阳线是什么意思










Ⅵ 什么是阴线阳线









Ⅶ 狗狗币雪崩式狂泻,柴犬币话题超过狗狗币,坐上币圈热度第二把交椅


当地时间7日,特斯拉独立董事、日本养老基金前首席投资官水野弘道(Hiromichi Mizuno)在社交媒体上表示:“投资者可以短线交易柴犬币,但不要这样对待自己的柴犬宠物狗。”






Ⅷ 币圈k线图怎么看涨跌



Ⅸ K线图中出现大阳线是看涨还是看跌

(1)可出现在任何情况下(2)阳线实体较长,可略带上下影线 在上涨刚开始时,出现大阳线后市看涨;在上涨途中出现大阳线,继续看涨;在连续加速上涨行情中出现大阳线,是见项信号,在连续下跌的行情中出现大阳线,有 见底回升的意义 阳线实体越长,信号越可靠(更多股票资讯及炒股技巧学习请加Q:791746224)
特别提醒: 大盘处于处于强势或平衡势,个股又处于低位,并且所选个股不是老庄股,大阳线的实体不能小于涨幅的8%,可按下列规则进行操作:

Ⅰ Is EOS (Grapefruit) cool?

After the chain market, EOS was rarely mentioned again. It only took two months from being the darling of the market to being relegated to the cold palace. time. Sometimes I have to admire the memory of the people in the currency circle. After four days of negative decline, everyone started asking "Is the market doomed?", and a big positive line immediately changed their beliefs.

Being in the currency circle, you hear various voices every day, and the one you hear most in the bear market is "This currency has fallen so much, is it going to be cold?" I just didn't expect it to be short. This sentence has been added to EOS's head in just two months. I even think that those who bought EOS at $20 with the attitude of buying the future are the same people who kept asking "Is EOS doomed" when EOS fell below $10? In the currency circle, those who only look at prices without looking at fundamentals are often the worst sufferers.

II How to invest

1. Understand the K-line
1. Look at Yin and Yang (look at the direction)
Distinguish the direction by color:
Yin: falling, Solid lines are shown in green for China and red for the international community.
Yang: Rising, hollow line, represented by red in China and green internationally.
If you connect the Yin line and the Yang line, it is easy to see the direction.
2. Look at the size of the entity (see the strength)
The entity is the middle pillar, which represents the difference between the closing price and the opening price. The larger the difference, the stronger the upward or downward force.
According to the fluctuation range of the opening price and closing price, the K-line can be divided into extremely yin, extremely yang, small yin, small yang, middle yin and middle yang, big yin, big yang and other line types. The fluctuation range of the extremely Yin line and the extremely Yang line is about 0.5%; the fluctuation range of the small Yin line and the small Yang line is generally 0.6_1.5%; the fluctuation range of the Zhongyin line and the Zhongyang line is generally 1.6-3.5%; the fluctuation range of the big Yin line and the big Yang line The fluctuation range is above 3.6%.
3. Look at the length of the shadow line (look at the resistance)
The shadow line is the thin line above and below the pillar, which represents the difference between the highest and lowest price of the day and the closing price. The longer the shadow line, the greater the resistance. The longer the upper shadow line is, the greater the upward resistance is, and the longer the lower shadow line is, the greater the downward resistance is.
2. Form and Position
There are two main forms of currency investment, one is the long-term form and the other is the short-term form. Under normal circumstances, investors pay more attention to the long-term form, because the trends in the short-term form move in a relatively small range, and there is not much data on withdrawals. At the same time, it is easily affected by various factors, and it is difficult to accurately grasp it. Eventually, it becomes lost among the many influencing factors.
So investors must have a thorough grasp and understanding of the long-term pattern in order to be able to analyze the market with ease. The effective combination of positions is very important in currency investment. There are many types of positions, and the information they reflect is also different. For example, the head and shoulders bottom pattern indicates a bottom reversal. It usually exists in the bottom area. If a head and shoulders bottom appears, investors need to exit the market and wait patiently. So we say that a change in location can helpInvestors directly judge the content of the next transaction.
3. Timing of opening a position
Although the judgment of the currency trading trend is correct, if you encounter several major adjustments after opening a position, and stop loss and exit due to various reasons, such a stop Loss will inevitably cause harm to the account funds and will also affect the final profit situation.
The choice of timing to open a position actually depends on grasping the rhythm based on analyzing the trend. Because currency prices always advance in waves, the trend is mixed with adjustments, and the long-term, mid-term, and short-term trends may be inconsistent. If the trend is correct, if the rhythm is not grasped correctly, the problem of stop loss and exit will still occur.

Ⅲ What do the green, yellow, and purple colors of digital currency represent?

Ⅳ What do the big negative lines and the big positive lines mean respectively

Generally refers to the term K-line. The Yang line means that the opening price is lower than the closing price (that is, the price rises). It is often used to analyze stock price charts, and generally refers to K-lines with a single-day increase of more than 5%. At this time, long investors defeat short sellers and gain an overwhelming advantage. The buyer's market is relatively active, and the possibility of continued rise in the market outlook is very high. However, this is often just a market view of the stock market and cannot be completely used as a barometer of the stock market.
Interpretation of the big Yin line and the Big Yang line
The K line is also called the Yin and Yang line, the bar line, the red and black line or the candle line. It originated from the rice market trading in the Tokugawa shogunate era in Japan and is used to calculate the daily increase in rice prices. Later, people introduced it into the analysis of stock market price trends, and now it has become an important method in stock technical analysis.
Yin and Yang lines cannot be fully explained as the rise and fall of stocks.
Bald Yang Line
If it appears in a falling market, it may be a signal that the falling market is over.
Opening bald Yang line
The rising power is strong, but it is blocked, so we should be cautious. If it continues to rise, it may be a precursor to a decline; if it rebounds during a decline, the bulls will not have enough strength and will still fall.
Small positive line
The market is complicated and confusing, and it is difficult to have a clear estimate of the rise or fall. If it appears after a strong and sustained rise, it means high fluctuations and insufficient sustainability, which may be a sign of a decline. If it appears after a long-term decline, it means that there is a lack of motivation and the decline may continue.
Shangying Yangxian
The market's upward trend weakens and is obviously blocked at higher prices, and the market outlook may fall.
Bald Yin Line
Falling all day long, the market outlook is weak, the market is extremely bad, and will continue to fall, which often occurs in short markets. If there are several big negative lines in a row, there may be a rebound.
The upper shadow line
It rises first and then falls. The bottom support is not strong. Its appearance in the rising market may be a signal to end the rising market.
The closing bald negative line
The market first rose and then fell. The sellers are strong and the market is bearish.
Small Yinxian
The market is chaotic and the rise and fall are difficult to estimate. If it appears after a sustained rise, it means high fluctuations and may be a precursor to a decline.
Bald fell at the opening
After the market fell, it was taken over, showing signs of rebound.
Lower Shadow Line
It implies that there is strong support at the bottom, and the market outlook may tend to rise. If it appears in a continuously rising market, it will continue to rise; if it appears in a continuously falling market, it will likely rebound.

IV What does the bald positive line mean?

The bald positive line is a rising K-line pattern that closes at the highest price that day. The key point of the bald Yang line is not the big Yang line or the small Yang line. The key point is the bald head. In other words, the key point is that the market closed at the highest price of the day.

This K line often appears when the main force is pulling up strongly, at the bottom of the market or at the end of the adjustment, indicating that the stock price is supported by buyers and the market outlook will further improve. If a bald Yang line appears in the low price area and is matched by trading volume, it is a sign of a short-term bottom.

The trading volume shrank during the bottoming process of the stock price. As the stock price gradually climbed up, the trading volume showed a uniform amplification trend, and finally closed with a positive line, indicating that the stock price will be bullish in the future.

(5) Extended reading of the big positive line in the currency circle:


1. There was sufficient selling after the opening. The stock price falls, that is, it falls below the opening price, but it gets support from the buyer at a low price, and the seller is hooked. The stock price pushes upward past the opening price and rises all the way until the closing price, and the closing price is at the highest price.

2. Generally speaking, the bald Yang line first falls and then rises. The buyer has greater power, but the length of the lower shadow line is different, and the balance of power between the buyer and the seller is different.

3. The lower shadow line is shorter, indicating that the stock price has not fallen much before being supported by the buyer. The stock price is pushed up, and then rises above the opening price, and then increases again, indicating that the buyer is very powerful.

4. The lower shadow line is longer, indicating fierce fighting between buyers and sellers, but overall the buyer is in a dominant position, which is beneficial to the buyer.

VI What is Yinxian and Yangxian

Introduction to K-line chart analysis method

K-line chart originated in Japan and was used by merchants in the Japanese rice market at that time It was used to record the market conditions and price fluctuations of the rice market. It was later introduced to the stock market and futures market because of its delicate and unique marking method. At present, this kind of chart analysis method is particularly popular in my country and even the entire Southeast Asia region. Because the shape of the chart drawn by this method is quite like a candle, and these candles are black and white, it is also called a Yin and Yang line chart. Through the K-line chart, we can completely record the market performance of each day or a certain period.
After a period of trading, the stock price will form a special area or pattern on the chart. Different patterns show have different meanings. We can find out some regular things from these changes in form. K-line chart patterns can be divided into reversal patterns, consolidation patterns, gaps and trend lines, etc. Starting from the third section of this chapter, we will conduct a detailed analysis of these patterns one by one.
1. Drawing method
First, we find the highest and lowest prices of the day or a certain period, and connect them vertically in a straight line; then we find the opening and closing prices of the day or a certain period.Price, connect these two price levels into a long and narrow rectangular cylinder. If the closing price of the day or a certain period is higher than the opening price (i.e. it opens low and closes high), we will display it in red or leave a blank on the column. This column is called a "yang line". If the closing price of the day or a certain period is lower than the opening price (that is, opening high and closing low), we will display it in blue, or paint the live bar in black, and this bar will be the "yin line".
2. Advantages
Be able to observe the real changes in the market comprehensively and thoroughly. From the K-line chart, we can not only see the trend of the stock price (or the market), but also understand the daily market fluctuations.
3. Disadvantages
(1) The drawing method is very complicated and it is the most difficult to make among many trend charts.
(2) There are many changes in the Yin line and the Yang line. For beginners, it will be quite difficult to master the analysis. It is not as simple and easy to understand as the column chart.
IV. Analysis Significance
Because the "Yin and Yang Lines" change a lot, and the "Yin and Yang Lines" contain many changes of different sizes, it is necessary to talk about the significance of its analysis.
Before discussing the analytical meaning of "Yin and Yang lines", let us first know the names of each part of the Yang lines.
We take the Yang line as an example. The part between the highest and closing prices is called the "upper shadow", the part between the opening price and the closing price is called the "entity", and the part between the opening price and the lowest price is called the "upper shadow". Lower shadow".
1. Long red line or big positive line
This type of chart indicates that the highest price is the same as the closing price, and the lowest price is the same as the opening price. There are no shadow lines above and below. From the beginning of the market, the buyer will actively attack. There may also be a struggle between the buyer and the seller in the middle, but the buyer will exert his greatest strength until the close. The buyer always has the advantage, driving the price all the way up until the close. Indicates a strong upward trend, the stock market reaches a climax, and buyers rush in crazily, buying without price limit. Those who hold stocks are reluctant to sell because they see the strong buying momentum, resulting in a situation where supply exceeds demand.
2. Long black line or big negative line
This type of chart indicates that the highest price is the same as the opening price, and the lowest price is the same as the closing price. There are no shadow lines above and below. From the start, the seller has the upper hand. The stock market is at a low ebb. Those who held stocks sold them wildly without limiting the price, causing panic. The market is one-sided and prices continue to fall until the close, indicating a strong downward trend.
3. Fall first and then rise
This is a red entity with a lower shadow. The highest price is the same as the closing price. After the opening, there is strong selling momentum and the price falls. However, with the support of the buyer at the low price, the seller was frustrated, and the price pushed upward past the opening price, rising all the way until it closed at the highest price. Generally speaking, there is a pattern of falling first and then rising, and the buyer has greater power, but the length of the real part and the lower shadow line are different, and the balance of power between the buyer and the seller is different.
The real part is longer than the lower shadow. If the price does not fall much, it is supported by buyers and the price is pushed up. After breaking the opening price, it also advanced significantly, buyingFang is very powerful.
The real part is equal to the lower shadow line, and the battle between buyers and sellers is fierce, but generally speaking, the buyer is in a dominant position, which is beneficial to the buyer.
The real part is shorter than the lower shadow. Buyers and sellers are engaged in fierce battles at low prices. In case of buyer support, the price will gradually be pushed up. However, it can be found from the figure that the upper entity part is smaller, indicating that the buyer's advantage is not too great. If the seller counterattacks with all its strength the next day, the buyer's entity will be easily captured.
4. Fall Resistance
This is a black entity with a lower shadow, and the opening price is the highest price. As soon as the market opened, the sellers were particularly powerful, and the price fell, but they encountered support from buyers at the low price. The market outlook may rebound. The different lengths of the real part and the lower shadow line can also be divided into three situations:
(1) The real part is longer than the shadow line, and the selling pressure is greater. As soon as the market opens, there is a sharp downward pressure, and buyer resistance is encountered at the low point. , there is a fierce battle between the buyer and the seller, and the shadow line is shorter, indicating that the buyer does not push the price up much. Overall, the seller has a relatively large advantage.
(2) The physical part and the shadow line are the same length, which means that after the seller lowers the price, the buyer's resistance is also increasing, but it can be seen that the seller still has the advantage.
(3) The real part is shorter than the shadow line. The seller pushed the price all the way down. At the low price, the buyer encountered stubborn resistance and organized a counterattack, and gradually pushed the price up. Although it closed with a black stick in the end, it can be seen that The seller has only a minimal advantage. In the market outlook, it is very likely that the buyer will counterattack with all his strength and eat up all the small black entities.
5. Upward Resistance
This is a red real body with a shadow. The opening price is the lowest price. Buyers were strong at the opening, pushing the price all the way up. However, pressure from sellers was encountered at high prices, which hindered the stock price's rise. The result of the battle between the seller and the buyer is that the buyer is slightly better. In specific situations, the length of the entity and shadow lines should still be observed.
The red entity is longer than the shadow line, indicating that buyers are encountering resistance at high prices and some bulls are taking profits. However, buyers are still the dominant force in the market, and the market outlook continues to be bullish.
The real body and shadow line are the same length. Buyers are pushing up the price, but pressure from sellers is also increasing. As a result of the battle between the two, the seller pushed the price back to half, although the buyer had the advantage. But obviously not as big as its advantages.

The real body is shorter than the shadow. When encountering pressure from the seller at a high price, the seller counterattacks comprehensively, and the buyer is severely tested. Most short-term investors took profits one after another. After the day's fighting ended, sellers had recovered most of their lost ground. The buyer's small fortress (physical part) will soon be eliminated. If this K-line appears in the high price zone, the market outlook will be bearish.
6. Rise first and then fall
This is a black entity with a shadow line. The closing price is the lowest price. As soon as the market opens, buyers and sellers engage in battle. Buyers have the upper hand and prices continue to rise. However, when encountering the resistance of selling pressure at a high price, the seller organized a counterattack and the buyer retreated. Finally, at the lowest price, the seller had the advantage and gave full play to its power, causing the buyer to fall into a "hold-up" dilemma.
DetailsThere are still three types:
(1) The black real body is longer than the shadow line, which means that the buyer did not push the price up much, and immediately encountered a strong counterattack from the seller, pushing the price below the opening price, pursuing the victory, and then lowering the price. Push a big section. The seller is particularly powerful and the situation is favorable to the seller.
(2) The black entity and shadow line are equal and the buyer pushes the price up; but the seller is stronger and takes the initiative. The seller has an advantage.
(3) The black real body is shorter than the shadow line. Although the seller pushes the price down, it has less advantage. When entering the market tomorrow, the buyer's power may counterattack again, and the black real body is likely to be captured.
7. Reversal Trial
This is a red real entity with shadows above and below. After the opening, the price fell. After the buyer's support and the battle between the two parties, the buyer strengthened and the price pushed up. Before the closing, some buyers took profits and closed below the highest price. This is a reversal signal. If it appears after a sharp rise, it indicates a high-end shock. If the trading volume increases sharply, the market outlook may fall. If it appears after a sharp decline, the market outlook may rebound. The difference between the upper and lower shadow lines and real entities can be divided into many situations:
(1) The red entity with the upper shadow line longer than the lower shadow line: It can also be divided into: The shadow line part is longer than the red entity, which means that the buyer's power is frustrated. The part where the red entity is longer than the shadow line indicates that the buyer is frustrated but still has the upper hand.
(2) A red entity with a lower shadow line longer than the upper shadow line: It can also be divided into: The part where the red entity is longer than the shadow line indicates that the buyer is still in the active position despite setbacks. The shadow line is longer than the red entity, indicating that the buyer still needs to accept the test.
8. Bounce test type
This is a black entity with shadow lines above and below. During the trading process, the stock price sometimes strives to go up after the opening. As the seller's power increases, the buyer is unwilling to chase high prices, and the seller gradually moves up. Active, the stock price reverses, trades below the opening price, and the stock price falls. When the buyer's support is encountered at a low price, the buying momentum becomes stronger and the market will not close at the lowest price. Sometimes the stock price is traded lower than the opening price in the first half, but buying interest increases in the second half, and the stock price returns to be traded higher than the opening price. Before closing, the seller has the advantage and closes at a price lower than the opening price. This is also a reversal test. If it appears after a sharp drop, it means low-end takeover and the market may rebound. If it appears after a sharp rise, the market outlook may fall.
9. Crosshair type
This is a graphic with only upper and lower shadow lines and no entity. The opening price is the closing price, which means that in the transaction, the stock price is higher or lower than the opening price, but the closing price is equal to the opening price. Buyers and sellers are almost evenly matched.
Among them: the longer the upper shadow line, the heavier the selling pressure. The longer the lower shadow, the stronger the buyer. The upper and lower shadow lines look like cross lines of equal length, which can be called turning lines. At high or low prices, it means a reversal.
10. The "┴" graphic
is also called the winning line, and the opening price and closing price are the same. All transactions on that day were completed at a price above the opening price and closed at the lowest price of the day (i.e., the opening price). This means that although the buyer is strong, the seller is stronger and the buyer has no choice.If the price continues to rise, the seller generally has a slight advantage. If it is in the high price zone, the market may fall.
The "T" pattern is also called the winning line. The opening price and closing price are the same. The transaction of the day is completed at a price below the opening price and closes at the highest price of the day (i.e. the opening price). Although the seller is strong, the buyer is stronger and the situation is favorable to the buyer. If it is in the low price area, the market will pick up.
11. "One" pattern
This is relatively uncommon, that is, the opening price, closing price, highest price, and lowest price are at the same price. It only appears when the trading is very deserted and only one price level is traded throughout the day. This situation is more likely to happen with unpopular stocks.

K-line trend pattern analysis

The so-called line trend pattern is an analysis of the future stock price trend based on the market changes in three to five days on the daily chart. It also aims at short-term market changes, but in many cases it must be analyzed and understood in the context of the larger long-term market.
1. Rising trend trend
1. Two stars
The extreme line appears in the rising market, which is called two stars and three stars. At this time, if the stock price rises and the trading volume increases, it is a highly credible buying opportunity. There is bound to be another wave of rising prices
2. Gap up
In the rising market, after a gap pulls out a positive line on a certain day, a falling negative line immediately appears. This is a precursor to accelerating the stock price rise. Investors do not need to panic and sell their holdings. The stock price will continue to rise. The rally continues.
3. Falling negative lines
On the way up, three consecutive falling negative lines appear as shown in the figure, which is a good opportunity to take advantage of dips. When the positive line on the fourth day exceeds the opening price of the previous day, it means that the buying order is stronger than the selling order, and you should buy immediately in the hope that the stock price will rise
4. Circling at the upper level
The stock price rises with the strong positive line, and will be slightly consolidated at the high level, that is, waiting for a large number of changes of hands. With the expansion of trading volume, another wave of upward trend can be judged. Appear. The upward consolidation period is about 6 to 11 days. If the period is too long, it means that the rise is weak.
5. Side-by-side positive lines
During the continuous rise, one day a short jump appears and a positive line appears, and the next day another positive line appears almost side by side. If the market opens high the next day, you can expect a big market to appear.
6. Beyond the coverage line
If the market rises and the coverage line appears, it means that it has reached the sky-high price zone. After that, if a positive line with a new sky-high price appears, it means that the market has signs of turning into buying, and the stock price will continue to rise.
7. Rising insertion line
When the market fluctuates and rises, the day after the negative line appears, a falling positive line is pulled out. This is a short-term retracement, and the stock price must rise.
8. Three big negative lines
The appearance of three consecutive big negative lines in a falling market is a sign that the stock price has entered the bottom. The market will turn to buying and the stock price will rise.
9. Ascendant Three Methods
lineWhen the market is rising, three consecutive small negative lines appear after the big positive line. This is a sign that it is ready to go, and the stock price will rise.
10. Jumping up the negative line
Although this graph does not mean that a big market will occur, it can last for about seven days, which is a buying opportunity.
2. Rebound line market
1. Rebound line
In the bottom price circle, when the market has a long lower shadow line, it is often a buying opportunity. After a buying signal appears, investors can buy, or for safety reasons, they can wait for the market. Buy after the rebound. If there is no major negative news, the market will definitely rebound.
2. Shezi line
In a sharp decline, cross lines appear on the short jump, which implies that the bottoming has been completed and is a sign of rebound.
3. The negative line breeds the positive line
In the falling market, the next day after the big negative line appears, the market will show a small negative line that is completely contained within the big negative line, indicating that the selling orders have been exhausted and there are signs of a turnaround, and the stock price will rebound.
4. Five negative lines followed by one big negative line
When the yin and yang stagger and pull out five negative lines, a long big negative line appears, which can be judged as "the bottom has been reached". If the market opens higher the next day, it can be regarded as the beginning of a rebound.
5. Two inserted lines
This graphic indicates that there is a strong force in taking over dips, and the stock price is on an upward trend due to the turnaround.
6. The last inclusive line
When a small positive line appears in the continuous falling market, and a large inclusive negative line appears immediately the next day, this means that the bottoming is completed and the market is about to rebound. Although the graph looks weak, all the floating chips that should be killed have been used up, and the stock price will surely rebound.
7. Five positive lines on the lower side
Five positive lines appear in the bottom price circle, indicating that the strength of taking over dips is not weak, a bottom is formed, and the stock price will rebound.
8. The rebounding positive line
confirms that the stock price has fallen deeply. One day, when the market appears a positive line, that is, the "rebounding positive line", it is a buying signal. If the rebounding positive line is accompanied by a long lower shadow, it means that the low price has been reached. The main force will take over a large number of shares, and the stock price will rebound.
9. Three short negative lines
When there are three consecutive short negative lines in the market, it is a strong buying signal and the stock price is about to rebound.
10. Three stars falling in a row
Confirms that the stock price has fallen deeply. During the low-end consolidation, three consecutive small negative lines (polar lines) appear in the short jump. This is a precursor to the bottom. If a cross line appears on the fourth day, it will appear on the fifth day. With a large positive line, it can be confirmed that the bottom has been established and the stock price will reverse and go straight up.
3. Downtrend trend
1. Coverage line
After the stock price rose for several consecutive days, it opened at a high price the next day. Then buyers were unwilling to chase the higher price, and the general trend continued to decline, with the closing price falling within the positive line of the previous day. This is the emergence of selling pressure after overbought, and a large number of profit-taking stocks are released, and the stock price will fall.
2. Crosshairs
At high pricesCross lines (equivalent lines of opening and closing) appear in the circle, leaving upper and lower shadows, of which the upper shadow is longer. This situation means that after a period of time, the stock price has risen quite high, is weak, and is beginning to decline. This is an obvious selling signal.
3. The negative line is nurtured within the longer positive line
After consecutive days of sharp rises, the opening and closing prices of the day were completely embedded in the previous day's big positive line, and a negative line appeared. This also means that the upward trend is insufficient and the stock price has fallen. If there is another upper shadow line drawn the next day, it can be judged as a sign of a sharp decline in the stock price.
4. The positive line is gestated within the longer positive line
After the stock price has risen for several consecutive days, a small positive line appears the next day, and is completely embedded in the big positive line of the previous day, indicating that the rise is weak and is a precursor to a plunge.
5. Breeding Cross Line
That is, today’s cross line is completely included in the previous day’s big positive line. This state means that the buying power has weakened, the market is about to soften and turn into selling, and the stock price will fall.
6. Last Containing Line
When the stock price continues to rise for several days, a negative line appears, and then opens lower and higher the next day, pulling out a big positive line, completely covering the negative line of the previous day. This phenomenon seems to buy The market strengthens, but as long as the next day's market price is lower than the closing price of the big positive line, investors should decisively release their holdings. If the next day's market price is higher than the closing price of the big positive line, it is likely to become a "covered negative line", and investors should be careful.
7. Gap
The so-called gap means that the two Yin and Yang lines do not touch each other, and there is a space in between. After three consecutive Yang gap lines appear, selling pressure will inevitably appear. After the second Yang gap line appears, ordinary investors should take profits first to prevent the pullback from being trapped.
8. The lower shadow line is too long
The stock price opened at a high level, and the previous buying orders were sold out due to profit taking, causing the general trend to decline. When the low level was taken over again, the stock price rose again, forming a solid lower shadow line. More than three times. This graph looks like buying is getting stronger. However, we should be careful to prevent the main force from pushing up and selling. Those who are short-handed should not intervene rashly, and stockholders should sell on rallies.
9. End Line
Once this figure appears in a continuously rising market, it means that the upward trend will soon be insufficient, and the market will reverse and consolidate. Investors should take profits first. This is also a kind of "eyesore". The small positive line did not exceed the previous day's highest point, proving that the rise was weak and the stock price fell.
10. Counterattack along the line
The "shun along line" here is the two negative lines that appear sequentially from the high level. In order to attack these two negative lines, a large positive line appears. It seems that the buying power has increased. However, investors must pay attention to that this is just a "hidden line". The main force is pulling up the shipment, which is also a rare escape for investors. line, it is advisable to sell holdings.
11. The market gapped up and opened a cross line, but the next day it gapped up and opened a negative line, indicating that the market was about to plummet. At this time, the stock price has increasedIt is quite large and unable to rush upward, so that it jumps down, which is a sell signal. In this case, the trading volume will often decrease accordingly.
12. Gap breeds cross lines
When the stock price jumps up and then pulls out three big positive lines, and then a cross line appears, it means that the increase is too large, buyers are unwilling to chase higher, and stockholders rush out one after another. This is also a sign of financial stability. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for short sellers, and the stock price will plummet.
13. Falling insertion line
In the continuous falling negative line, there is a positive line that opens lower and goes higher. This is the opportunity to sell, and the stock price will continue to fall.
14. Falling coverage line
In the high-end shock market, a large negative line appears, which leads to a falling positive line the next day, and then a covering line appears, which indicates that the market has reached a sky-high price, which is the exit line at this time.
15. High-grade five negative lines
The stock price has risen at a high rate, and five consecutive negative lines appear on the line chart, indicating that the stock price has entered the market. If the trading volume shrinks at this time, it is even more certain that the market is not good.
16. Three methods of decline
When the market continues to fall, a big negative line appears, and three small positive lines appear in a row from the next day. This does not mean that the bottom is completed. If another big negative line appears next, it is a sell. If the time comes, the stock price will continue to bottom out.
17. Three sections of big positive line
A big positive line appears during the continuous decline of the market. This big positive line completely covers the decline of the previous three days. This is an excellent escape line. Investors should sell their holdings as soon as possible, and the stock price will continue to fall. .
18. Three Stars
Extreme lines appear in the falling market. This is a good opportunity to sell shares, and the stock price will reach the bottom again.
19. Low-level circling
Usually the consolidation time is between the 6th and 11th day. If there is a gap in the negative line next, it will be the beginning of a big drop. In other words, the consolidation in the early period is just the consolidation in the middle period, and the stock price will Continuously review and sort out files.
20. Two negative lines with gapping and falling
In the declining market, two consecutive negative lines with gapping and falling appear. This is a precursor to a plunge. Usually there will be a short period of rebound before two negative lines appear. However, if the rebound is weak and negative lines appear continuously, it means that the buying market will collapse and the stock price will continue to bottom out.


1. Pattern Analysis
The gap refers to a period of rapid and large changes in the stock price without any transactions. It is displayed as a vacuum area on the stock price trend chart. This area is called a "gap", and it is usually also called a jump. When a gap appears in the stock price, after several days or even longer changes, it then reverses and returns to the price of the original gap, it is called the closing of the gap. Also called gap filling.
There are four types of gaps: ordinary gaps, breakthrough gaps, persistent gaps and consumptive gaps. From the size of the position where the gap occurs, we can predict the strength of the trend and determine whether it is a breakthrough or the end of the trend. It is a method for studying and judging variousForm is the most powerful auxiliary material. It is described below.
(1) Ordinary gaps
This type of gap usually appears in dense trading areas, so many consolidation or turning patterns that take a long time to form, such as triangles, rectangles, etc., may have such gaps. form.
(2) Breakthrough Gap
The breakthrough gap is a gap created when a market breaks through after the completion of a intensive reversal or consolidation pattern. When the stock price jumps away from the pattern with a large gap, it indicates that a real breakthrough has been formed. Because wrong moves rarely create gaps, and gaps can show the strength of the breakthrough. The larger the breakthrough gap, the stronger the changes in the future.
(3) Continuous gap
A gap appears on the way up or down, which may be a persistent gap. This kind of gap will not be confused with a breakthrough gap. Any rapid rise or fall after leaving the pattern or intensive trading area, the gap that appears is mostly a sustained gap. This gap can help us estimate the magnitude of future market volatility, so it is also called a quantitative gap.
(4) Depletion gap
Like the persistence gap, the depletion gap appears with rapid and large stock price fluctuations. In a rapid rise or fall, the fluctuations in stock prices do not gradually appear resistance, but become more and more rapid. At this time, a jump in price (or a jump in price) may occur, and this gap is a consumption gap.
Usually, consumption gaps mostly appear at the end of panic selling or consumption rises.
2. Market meaning
(1) Ordinary gaps have no special analytical significance and will usually be completely filled within a few trading days. It can only help us identify the formation of a certain pattern. Ordinary gaps are much more likely to appear in consolidation patterns than in reversal patterns, so when you find that there are many gaps in the developing triangles and rectangles, you should strengthen your belief that it is a consolidation pattern.
(2) The analysis of breakthrough gaps is of great significance. It often appears during important turning patterns such as head-and-shoulders breakthroughs. This gap can help us identify the authenticity of breakthrough signals. If the stock price breaks through the support line or resistance line and then leaves the form with a large gap, it can be seen that the breakthrough is very powerful and few mistakes occur. The reason for the formation of the breakthrough gap is that after the horizontal resistance has been contending for time, the power of supply is completely absorbed, and there is a short-term shortage of supply, and buying investors are forced to demand goods at a higher price. Or, after a period of supply of its level of support, the purchasing power is completely consumed, and the seller must find a buyer at a lower price, thus forming a gap.
If there was a large trading volume before the gap occurred, but the trading volume decreased relatively after the gap occurred, there is a half chance that the gap will be closed soon. If the trading volume did not follow the stock price away from the gap after the gap occurred, If it decreases but increases instead, the gap will not be closed in the short term.
(3) The technical analysis of the persistent gap has the greatest significance. It usually means that after the stock price breaks through, it moves away from the pattern to the next reaction.The continuous gap can roughly predict the distance that the stock price may move in the future, so it is also called the measurement gap. The measurement method is the vertical distance from the breakthrough point to the starting point of the persistent gap, which is the range that the stock price will reach in the future. Or we can say: the distance the stock price will travel in the future will be the same as the distance it has traveled in the past.
(4) The emergence of a consumption gap indicates that the stock price trend will temporarily come to an end. If it is on the way up, it means it is about to fall; if it appears during a downward trend, it means it is about to rebound. However, the consumption gap does not mean that the market will definitely turn around, although it does mean that there is a possibility of turning around.
If the trading volume is particularly large on the day or the day after the gap occurs, and the trend does not seem to be able to change significantly with the trading volume in the future, this may be a consumption gap. If the gap appears on the day after the gap appears, When the closing price stops on the edge of the gap and forms a one-day market reversal, it is even more certain that this is a consumption gap.
The consumption gap is rarely the first gap in the process of breaking through the previous form of large-scale changes. In most cases, there will be at least one continuous gap in front of it. Therefore, it can be assumed that after a rapid linear rise or The first gap that appears in the middle of a downward movement is a continuous gap, but each subsequent gap may be a consumption gap, especially when this gap is larger than the previous gap, special attention should be paid to it.
Continuous gaps are generated midway through significant changes in stock prices, so they will not be closed in a short period of time. However, consumption gaps are the final phenomenon when changes are about to reach their end, so they are mostly closed within a short period of 2-5 days.
3. Key points
(1) Generally the gaps will be filled. Because the gap is a vacuum area with no transactions, it reflects the impulsive behavior of investors at that time. When the investment mood calms down, investors reflect on their past behavior and the gap is filled. In fact, not all types of gaps will be filled. Among them, breakthrough gaps and persistent gaps may not be filled, and they will not be filled immediately; only consumptive gaps and ordinary gaps may be filled in the short term, so whether the gap is filled or not is of great concern to analysts as they observe the market outlook. Not much help.
(2) Will the breakthrough gap be filled immediately after it appears? We can observe this from changes in trading volume. If there is a large number of transactions before the smooth breakthrough gap appears, and the transactions are relatively reduced after the gap appears, then the chance of filling the gap quickly is only a 50-50 ratio; but if the transactions increase significantly after the gap is formed, the stock price will still remain very stable even as it continues to move away from the pattern. With a large number of transactions, the possibility of filling the gap in the short term will be very low. Even if there is a back draw, it will be outside the gap.
(3) The stock price rises rapidly when it breaks through its area. The trading volume is large in the initial stage, and then continues to decrease during the rise. When the stock price stops its original trend, the trading volume increases rapidly. This is a fierce dispute between the good and the short sides. As a result, after one of the parties achieved an overwhelming victory, a huge gap was formed, and at this time it began to decrease again. thisIt is the change in trading volume when a persistent gap is formed.
(4) A consumption gap usually occurs when the trading volume is the highest on the day when the gap is formed (but it may also appear on the day after the highest trading volume), and then the trading volume decreases, indicating that the market purchasing power (or selling power) has been exhausted. As a result, the stock price quickly fell back (or rose).
(5) In a rising or falling process, the more gaps appear, the sooner the trend is coming to an end. For example, when the third gap appears in the rising market, it implies that the rising market is about to end; when the fourth gap appears, the possibility of short-term decline is stronger.

The above are some technical methods that are more practical to introduce K-line but are not completely applicable.
You can also look for it in shared information. There are many experiences of seniors

Ⅶ Dogecoin has plummeted like an avalanche. Shiba Inu Coin has become more popular than Dogecoin and has become the second most popular currency in the currency circle.

Yes. On May 8, the price of the cryptocurrency Shib (commonly known as Shiba Inu Coin/Shib Coin) once soared by more than 251%, with transaction volume reaching 40.3 billion yuan. Later, it retreated, soaring by 236% in 24 hours, and became a hot search on Weibo. Shiba Inu Coin is super popular and even surpasses Dogecoin, becoming the second most popular currency in the currency circle. Whether it is Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or Shiba Inu Coin’s skyrocketing rise, Musk is behind it. With just one or two sentences, he caused a bloody storm in the currency circle.

On the 7th local time, Hiromichi Mizuno, an independent director of Tesla and the former chief investment officer of a Japanese pension fund, said on social media: “Investors can trade Shiba Inu Coin in the short term, but don’t treat it like this. My own Shiba Inu pet dog."

Musk immediately responded: "I am looking for a Shiba Inu."

Subsequently, Shib Inu Coin (Shib) had a super positive line in the short term, It rose more than 251% during the day, temporarily trading at $0.0000183, which is approximately RMB 0.0001 yuan, ranking first on the increase list of major exchanges. As of May 9, the daily trading volume of Shiba Inu Coin reached 40.3 billion yuan, a surge of 1297.64%, and the market value surged 359.31%. The hot market conditions once caused major trading platforms to experience brief outages.

Investment is risky

OKEx Research Institute, a well-known digital asset trading platform, also recently reminded currency speculators to be cautious when entering the market. They believe that the current surge in Shiba Inu Coin is quite similar to the rise in Dogecoin and can be seen as a fan economic effect.

However, the chips of cryptocurrency are too concentrated, and it is easy to risk market manipulation, especially for currencies with small practical application value such as Shiba Inu Coin. The current price surge is more due to marketing hype. In the later stage, the possibility of large currency holders selling out and leaving the market cannot be ruled out, so the risk is relatively high.

Ⅷ How to watch the rise and fall of the currency circle K-line chart

How to watch the rise and fall of the currency circle K-line chart: look at Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang represent the trend. In the exchange and analysis software of the currency circle, green is the positive line, and red isIt is a negative line. The positive line is rising and the negative line is falling. If the closing price is higher than the opening price, it means that the bulls have the upper hand, and the positive line means that the price will rise in the next stage and can continue to rise with inertia. In turn, the same is true for the negative line's downward momentum.

Expand knowledge on futures K-line chart
The trend cycle of K-line is the shortest one-minute K-line and the longest is the annual line. However, the most commonly used K-line in actual combat is the short-period K-line. Minute line, daily line.
The K-line chart in the futures market contains four data, namely the opening price, the highest price, the lowest price, and the closing price. All K-lines are centered around these four data, reflecting the general situation and price. information.
In futures investment transactions, there may be a 5-minute false breakthrough K-line pattern. After all, the 5-minute K-line appears as many as 48 times in a day, so futures investors must be able to identify this false breakthrough pattern. skills.
Common K-line patterns can be divided into reversal patterns, consolidation patterns, gaps and trend lines, etc. In actual combat, the more common false breakthrough signals include the three red soldiers, the big positive line, the reversal cross star, the big negative line, etc.
In futures real trading, if it is a short-term bullish trend, the 5-minute K-line frequently appears with a long lower shadow line, indicating that short-term downward false breakthroughs occur many times, and investors It is easy to open a position in the wrong direction, so investors should pay attention to the 5-minute K-line operation signals that induce long or short positions to avoid huge losses during operations.
There are several ways to identify false breakthroughs of the 5-minute futures price K-line. For example, the signal of the 5-minute K-line false breakthrough can basically be one or two times. The form is generally a reversal cross star, a big positive line, and a big negative line. etc.; for true trend judgment, you can start to open futures contracts following the trend after the two false breakthroughs in futures prices are completed.
When analyzing the futures K-line chart, it should be noted that if the two short trends occur when the bullish pull-up force is insufficient, it means that investors can make profits from short-selling operations; if a positive line appears at the top of a false breakthrough, it is a sign of The best selling point for an unprecedented upward false breakout.

Ⅸ Is the big Yang line in the K-line chart bullish or bearish?

Big Yang line
(1) It can appear under any circumstances (2) The Yang line entity is long and can When a slight upper and lower shadow line appears at the beginning of the rise, the market outlook is bullish when a big positive line appears; when a big positive line appears on the way up, the market outlook continues to be bullish; when a big positive line appears during a continuously accelerating rise, it is a sign of an event; when a big positive line appears during a continuous decline, the market outlook is bullish. Yang line, it means bottoming out and rebounding. The longer the Yang line entity, the more reliable the signal (for more stock information and stock trading skills, please add Q: 791746224)
A Yang line, because of its pattern of opening low and closing high, is itself It means something good. If the Yang line entity is very long, it indicates that the buyer is strong and powerful.
Based on practical experience, 1. If a big positive line appears during a continuous decline, it reflects that many parties are unwilling to fail and have launched a counterattack, and the stock price may bottom out and rebound. 2. If the rising trend has just formed and a big sun appears,Line indicates that the stock price is accelerating its rise. A big positive line appears on the way up, and the bullish trend continues. However, if a big positive line appears when the stock price continues to rise, beware that the energy of many parties will be exhausted and the stock price will peak and fall.
Remarks: The longer the real body of the Yang line, the stronger the signal.
Special reminder: The market is in a strong or balanced trend, individual stocks are at a low level, and the selected stock is not an old market stock, the real body of the big Yang line cannot be smaller than 8% of the increase can be operated according to the following rules:
1. As long as the second K line after the big positive line (specifically the closing price), or the following K lines are above the closing price of the big positive line If it works, then resolutely buy and actively go long.
2. As long as the second K-line after the big positive line, or the subsequent K-lines run between the closing price and the opening price of the big positive line, you cannot blindly bear or sell short (even if the stock price falls) If it reaches the opening price of the big positive line but does not fall below the opening price of the big positive line, you cannot blindly go short or go short.) Instead, you should focus on holding positions. Once the stock price breaks through the closing price of the big positive line in the future, you should increase your position in time.
3. As long as the second K line after the big Yang line, or several K lines after it (or even K lines for a longer period of time), falls below the opening price of the big Yang line, the loss must be stopped immediately Leave. Don't be too fond of fighting and dragging it on. The longer you drag it on, the greater the losses will be.
4. When a big positive line appears, the trading volume should be much higher than the 5-day average volume (the average of the 5-day trading volume). If the trading volume does not match, such a big positive line will be suspicious, and investors should be cautious. Treat, do not hold heavy positions.
Reference: live.gold678.com/news

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