币圈的英语怎么说 币圈英语词汇

① defi是什么意思 币圈








② 币圈ifo是什么意思

IFO 就是在原有比特币区块链的基础上,按照不同规则分裂出另一条链。1、IFO是基于比特币等主流币而进行的分叉,IFO涉及的分叉币种就是在原有比特币区块链的基础上,按照不同规则分裂出另一条链,比如比特币第一次进行分叉诞生了名为BCH(比特币现金)的全新数字货币。2、简单来说就是持有诸如比特币等主流币的人可获得分叉币,即一种新的利用虚拟货币融资手段。2018年8月1日18点24分,比特币第一次进行分叉。这次分叉诞生了名为比特币现金的全新数字货币。


③ defi是什么意思 币圈

DeFi是Decentralized Finance的简称,它指的是在传统金融系统之外重建传统金融产品的协议、平台、应用程序和工具的生态系统。

④ difi是什么意思 币圈

XPOT是泰国Win GC集团与印尼的PundiX联合推出的币圈神器,Xpot与IPChain强强联合,Xpot上面所有的应用都基于知产链IP Chain开发。将打通数字资产流通最后一公里。与之匹配使用的是一张类似于银行卡的卡片—Xpass

⑤ 币圈小妹用英语怎么说

The little sister of the coin

⑥ 币圈lp是什么意思

加密货币(英文:Cryptocurrency,常常用复数Cryptocurrencies,又译密码货币,密码学货币)是一种使用密码学原理来确保交易安全及控制交易单位创造的交易媒介。 加密货币是数字货币(或称虚拟货币)的一种 。比特币在2009年成为第一个去中心化的加密货币,这之后加密货币一词多指此类设计。 自此之后数种类似的加密货币被创造,它们通常被称作altcoins。 加密货币基于去中心化的共识机制 ,与依赖中心化监管体系的银行金融系统相对。
区块链(英语:blockchain或block chain)是用分布式数据库识别、传播和记载信息的智能化对等网络, 也称为价值互联网。中本聪在2008年,于《比特币白皮书》中提出“区块链”概念,并在2009年创立了比特币社会网络,开发出第一个区块,即“创世区块”。
区块链共享价值体系首先被众多的加密货币效仿,并在工作量证明上和算法上进行了改进,如采用权益证明和SCrypt算法。随后,区块链生态系统在全球不断进化,出现了首次代币发售ICO;智能合约区块链以太坊;“轻所有权、重使用权”的资产代币化共享经济;和区块链国家。人们正在利用这一共享价值体系,在各行各业开发去中心化电脑程序(Decentralized applications, Dapp),在全球各地构建去中心化自主组织和去中心化自主社区(Decentralized autonomous society, DAS)。

⑦ 币圈games是什么意思


⑧ 刚入币圈,请问ICO是什么意思

ICO其实就是区块链的行业术语,是Initial Coin Offering的英文缩写,即首次币发行,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目首次发行代币,募集比特币、以太坊等通用数字货币的行为。

⑨ 币圈kyc是什么意思

1. KYC是英文Know Your Customer的缩写,由翻译员直截了当地翻译,意思是:了解你的客户。词义的翻译非常直接。但它缺少一些诗意。我们在万能的杜娘上键入KYC得到的解释是,这是金融机构、银行、交易所等企业必须执行的操作规则。 在我看来,KYC更像是用户个人资料信息的记录,比如实名、电话、证件号码、外貌、财产状况、社会关系等。 事实上,你去银行开户时,需要填写很多详细的个人信息,这就是KYC。或者你去开通支付宝,微信支付也需要实名认证(填写实名、手机号和身份证号),这些都是KYC。KYC对于企业管理、保护自身和用户的财产安全、满足政府部门的监管要求是非常必要的。
2.我们都知道,加密货币是去中心化的。同时,它还具有匿名性的特点,这在一定程度上与KYC背道而驰。而且,加密货币不受政府监管和法律限制,因此交易所过去对KYC的要求没有那么严格。但过去几年,加密货币交易诈骗盗窃事件频发,利用加密货币进行集资、洗钱、贩毒等违法行为也屡见不鲜,因此在政府和金融监管部门的推动下,KYC逐渐成为加密货币交易所必须执行的规则。 因此,当你注册加密货币兑换时,你将拥有KYC认证,KYC现在是国际社会所有金融活动不可或缺的一部分。主要用于防范反洗钱、身份盗窃、金融诈骗等犯罪活动。通用验证的三个要素是:姓名+身份证+手机验证。
3.KYC在我们的生活中已经无处不在。比如,你去银行开通银行卡时,必须填写很多详细的个人信息。这是KYC。比如开通支付宝或者微信支付,即使注册了社交账号,也需要实名认证(填写实名、手机号和身份证号)。这些都是KYC。KYC对于企业管理、保护自身和用户的财产安全、满足政府部门的监管要求是非常必要的。 为什么在其他领域很少提到KYC,但在货币圈子里却经常提到KYC?这是因为加密货币最初秉持多中心自由的理念,但也具有一定的匿名性,在一定程度上与KYC相反。而且,加密货币不受政府监管和法律限制,因此交易所过去对KYC的要求没有那么严格。但过去几年,加密货币交易诈骗盗窃事件频发,利用加密货币进行集资、洗钱、贩毒等违法行为也屡见不鲜,因此在政府和金融监管部门的推动下,KYC逐渐成为加密货币交易所必须执行的规则。

⑩ 币圈swap是什么意思

SWAP币介绍:SWAPS.NETWORK是全球场外交易股票。它积累了市场上的所有交易,并连接来自世界各地的卖家和买。SWAPS.NETWORK提供完全分散的OTC解决方案。用户可以在没有第三方或托管的情况下进行场外交易。产品是实时的,与领先的加密交换机合作,每日交易量达20亿美元,在区块链中取得成功的强大团队 - 顶级OTC专家加入了团队。


① What does defi mean? Currency Circle

DeFi is called OpenFinance. It actually refers to a decentralized protocol used to build an open financial system, aiming to allow anyone in the world to conduct financial activities anytime and anywhere.

Decentralized finance means that you can completely control your assets, which is different from centralized finance, namely CEFI. In fact, there are many practical applications, such as insurance, lending, mining, etc. It is also a very popular concept in the currency circle.

(1) English extended reading in the currency circle:

The main features of DeFi:

X-DeFi uses blockchain technology and smart contract technology to replace traditional trust based on people or third-party institutions with decentralized Balance protocols to build transparency , an open financial system. Users in the DeFi ecosystem;

have complete control over assets and participate in X-DeFi with the help of P2P networks and decentralized applications. If you understand it simply, CEFI requires you to trust the intermediary, and X-DeFi requires you to trust the protocol.

The vision of X-DeFi is that all assets can be tokenized and freely traded in the global open market. X-DeFi is the 2.0 upgraded version of DeFi. It strives to create distributed finance with zero risk and no fear of ups and downs. It uses the Tezos main chain ecology to support multi-asset portfolio mortgages across chains.

② What does ifo mean in the currency circle?

IFO is based on the original Bitcoin blockchain and splits into another chain according to different rules. 1. IFO is a fork based on mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin. The forked currencies involved in IFO are based on the original Bitcoin blockchain and split into another chain according to different rules. For example, the first time Bitcoin The fork gave birth to a new digital currency called BCH (Bitcoin Cash). 2. To put it simply, people who hold mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin can obtain forked coins, which is a new means of financing using virtual currency. At 18:24 on August 1, 2018, Bitcoin forked for the first time. This fork gave birth to a new digital currency called Bitcoin Cash.
Extended information:
1. Since it was born on the basis of the fork of the Bitcoin blockchain, users who originally held Bitcoin can obtain Bitcoin Cash for free at a ratio of 1:1, which makes some Bitcoin Users started trading and mining Bitcoin Cash.
2. In the "currency circle", the first IFO is considered to be the process of Bitcoin forking to produce BCH (Bitcoin Cash). Since Bitcoin is generated by calculating data through various network nodes, and the Bitcoin block size is only 1MB (equivalent to network bandwidth), Bitcoin transactions are congested and slow. In early August 2017, Bitcoin was forked by technical means, creating a new digital currency BCH, the latter's block size is 8MB, and the block capacity is adjustable, but it remains the same as Bitcoin in terms of quantity and algorithm. People who own Bitcoin can obtain BCH for free at a 1:1 ratio.
3. The current congestion of the Bitcoin network has undoubtedly become a huge obstacle to the continued development and growth of the Bitcoin community. In order to solve the congestion problem and record more accounts at the same time, people have to use technical means to increase the size of each page of the account book. However, as each page increases, there are different voices in the Bitcoin community, and different concepts lead to different upgrade plans. They cannot be unified, and everyone goes their separate ways - that is, a fork.

4. Like all other digital currencies, the tokens obtained by IFO can be realized in the following ways:
1. Trading platform trading
2. Over-the-counter trading
3. There are some spicy chickens The project may never be able to be listed on the trading platform, and no one will buy it in the over-the-counter transaction, and the tokens can only rot in the wallet

③ What does defi mean in the currency circle

DeFi is the abbreviation of Decentralized Finance, which refers to the ecosystem of protocols, platforms, applications and tools that recreate traditional financial products outside the traditional financial system.

④ What does difi mean?

XPOT is a currency circle artifact jointly launched by Thailand's Win GC Group and Indonesia's PundiX. All are developed based on IP Chain. It will open up the last mile of digital asset circulation. It is matched with a card similar to a bank card - :
The little sister of the coin

⑥ What does LP mean in the currency circle?

LP is a digital currency or cryptocurrency, which is regarded as an altcoin in the currency circle. It can be bought and sold on digital currency exchanges, but investment risks are high.
[Extended information]
Cryptocurrency (English: Cryptocurrency, often plural Cryptocurrencies, also translated as cryptocurrency, cryptographic currency) is a trading medium that uses cryptographic principles to ensure transaction security and control the creation of transaction units . Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency (or virtual currency). Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009, and since then the term cryptocurrency has mostly referred to such designs. Since then several similar cryptocurrencies have been created, often called altcoins. Cryptocurrency is based on a decentralized consensus mechanism, as opposed to a banking financial system that relies on a centralized regulatory system.
The decentralized nature comes from the blockchain technology using distributed ledgers.
On May 26, 2021, it is reported that the "Philippine Star" website published an article titled "The "Death of Cryptocurrency" Rumors Are Exaggerated". The article believed that cryptocurrency will definitely not disappear and analyzed the problems faced.
Cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin:
Cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin, also known as altcoins and altcoins, are partly generated by referring to the ideas, principles, and source code of Bitcoin, and are similar to Bitcoin There are more than 800 cryptocurrencies in circulation that are similar to virtual currencies.
From February to April 2017, the proportion of altcoins in the total cryptocurrency market value increased from 15% to nearly 40%.
Since Bitcoin itself does not have an authoritative issuing agency and national power to maintain its authority and uniqueness, Bitcoin and its imitators can only get along equally. Although it is the earliest virtual currency, it is also the most well-known and It is the cryptocurrency that people are most familiar with, has the largest user network community, has a strong network effect, and is the cryptocurrency with the highest market value most of the time, but it does not have an absolutely exclusive status.
Blockchain (English: blockchain or blockchain) is an intelligent peer-to-peer network that uses a distributed database to identify, disseminate and record information, also known as the Internet of Value. Satoshi Nakamoto proposed the concept of "blockchain" in the "Bitcoin White Paper" in 2008, founded the Bitcoin Social Network in 2009, and developed the first block, the "Genesis Block".
The blockchain shared value system was first imitated by many cryptocurrencies, and improvements were made in proof-of-work and algorithms, such as the use of proof-of-stake and SCrypt algorithms. Subsequently, the blockchain ecosystem continued to evolve around the world, with the emergence of initial coin offerings (ICOs); the smart contract blockchain Ethereum; the asset tokenization sharing economy with “light ownership, heavy use rights”; and blockchain countries. People are using this shared value system to develop decentralized computer programs (Decentralized applications, Dapp) in all walks of life, and build decentralized autonomous organizations and decentralized autonomous communities (Decentralized autonomous society, DAS) around the world.

⑦ What does currency circle games mean?

Games, currency circle game rules.
The so-called currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of money-making methods are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation coins, mining, etc.
Coin exchanges refer to a circle formed by a group of people who pay attention to virtual encrypted digital currencies or issue their own digital currencies to raise funds. Currency exchange is a term or concept in the blockchain industry. It is a group of people who focus on virtual encrypted digital currencies or issue their own digital currencies.A circle of people who raise funds.

⑧ I just joined the currency circle, what does ICO mean?

ICO is actually the industry term for blockchain. It is the English abbreviation of Initial Coin Offering, which is derived from the initial coin offering. The concept of initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market is the act of a blockchain project issuing tokens for the first time to raise general digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

⑨ What does kyc in the currency circle mean?

1. KYC is the abbreviation of Know Your Customer in English. It is translated straightforwardly by the translator and means: know your customer. The translation of word meaning is very straightforward. But it lacks some poetry. When we typed KYC on Almighty Du Niang, the explanation we got was that this is an operating rule that financial institutions, banks, exchanges and other companies must implement. In my opinion, KYC is more like a record of user personal information, such as real name, phone number, ID number, appearance, property status, social relationships, etc. In fact, when you go to a bank to open an account, you need to fill in a lot of detailed personal information. This is KYC. Or if you open Alipay, WeChat payment also requires real-name authentication (fill in real-name, mobile phone number and ID number), these are all KYC. KYC is very necessary for business management, protecting the property security of itself and its users, and meeting the regulatory requirements of government departments.
2. We all know that cryptocurrency is decentralized. At the same time, it also has the characteristics of anonymity, which is contrary to KYC to a certain extent. Moreover, cryptocurrencies are not subject to government regulation and legal restrictions, so exchanges have not had as stringent KYC requirements in the past. However, in the past few years, cryptocurrency transaction fraud and theft have occurred frequently, and illegal activities such as using cryptocurrency to raise funds, money laundering, and drug trafficking have also become common. Therefore, driven by the government and financial regulatory authorities, KYC has gradually become a must-implementation requirement for cryptocurrency exchanges. rule. Therefore, when you sign up for a cryptocurrency exchange, you will have KYC certification, which is now an integral part of all financial activities in the international community. Mainly used to prevent anti-money laundering, identity theft, financial fraud and other criminal activities. The three elements of universal verification are: name + ID card + mobile phone verification.
3.KYC is everywhere in our lives. For example, when you go to a bank to open a bank card, you must fill in a lot of detailed personal information. This is KYC. For example, to open Alipay or WeChat payment, even if you register a social account, you still need real-name authentication (fill in your real name, mobile phone number and ID number). These are all KYC. KYC is very necessary for business management, protecting the property security of itself and its users, and meeting the regulatory requirements of government departments. Why is KYC rarely mentioned in other fields, but often mentioned in currency circles? This is because cryptocurrencies originally adhered to the concept of polycentric freedom, but also had a certain degree of anonymity, which was the opposite of KYC to a certain extent. Moreover, cryptocurrencies are not subject to government regulation and legal restrictions, so exchangesThe KYC requirements are not that strict. However, in the past few years, cryptocurrency transaction fraud and theft have occurred frequently, and illegal activities such as using cryptocurrency to raise funds, money laundering, and drug trafficking have also become common. Therefore, driven by the government and financial regulatory authorities, KYC has gradually become a must-implementation requirement for cryptocurrency exchanges. rule.

⑩ What does swap mean in the currency circle

SWAP currency introduction: SWAPS.NETWORK is a global over-the-counter stock. It accumulates all transactions on the market and connects sellers and buyers from all over the world. SWAPS.NETWORK provides a fully decentralized OTC solution. Users can conduct OTC transactions without a third party or escrow. The product is live, partnered with a leading crypto exchange with $2 billion in daily trading volume, and a strong team with a track record of success in blockchain - top OTC experts join the team.

As for the concept of virtual currency, there are three main representative views:
1. The theory of virtual exchange tools. Virtual currencies are defined as virtual exchange tools in online games and have no other uses or functions. This statement was adopted in the "Notice of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Commerce on Strengthening the Management of Virtual Currency in Online Games" issued by the Ministry of Culture on June 4, 2009.
2. The theory of partial functions of currency. Virtual currency has some functions of real currency and is similar to currency but not currency. Some scholars divide virtual currency into three stages: primary virtual currency, hard currency primary virtual currency and advanced virtual currency. In the first stage, virtual currencies are issued by non-financial institutions and circulate among a small range of merchants and holders with the help of computer networks; in the second stage, the circulation field expands to all merchants that accept primary virtual currencies; in the ideal third In the first stage, the virtual currency is issued by the central bank or a specific financial institution, and the virtual currency becomes a legal currency that can be circulated in the virtual world. Current virtual currencies are only in their infancy.
3. Digital currency theory. Virtual currency is established based on mathematical algorithms and does not require the intervention of third-party credit institutions. It can be used by any agreed participant and can perform multiple currency functions in the online virtual space. For example, some scholars believe that digital currency is a virtual currency that is developed based on computer technology, uses strict mathematical algorithms or encryption technology to ensure security and exclusivity, circulates among virtual community members without supervision, and does not use physical media as a carrier. .

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ pi登录不上了但是钱包在币也没有丢摘要您好,pi币登录不上的,只需要卸载重装,就行了。最近,很多粉丝反应pi币很长时间都登录不上去了,收割开始了!随着国内对币圈监管的日趋严格,任何与虚拟币相关的项