瑞波币是币圈主流货币吗为什么 瑞波币是币圈主流货币吗知乎

A. 2020瑞波币会不会暴涨









B. 瑞波币是什么瑞波币怎么样会不会是骗人的


C. 排名前二十的主流币


D. 中国十大虚拟货币排名

中国十大虚拟货币排名有:比特币、以太坊、Binance Coin(BNB)、瑞波币(XRP)、波卡币(DOT)、Litecoin(LTC)莱特币、LINK、艾达币(ADA)、XTZ、达世币。

以太坊是最好的加密货币之一,也是第一个引入的重大项目 智能合约,允许开发人员在区块链技术的支持下启动桌面和移动分散式应用程序(dApps)。
3、Binance Coin(BNB)
如果想分散投资组合并已经拥有BTC或ETH等主要代币,币安币是2021年最好的加密货币之一。代币背后的公司Binance具有扎实的业务历史,其主要概念(即“实用程序代币”)的背后有着经验丰富的团队。Binance Coin也是目前流动性最高的加密货币之一,在CoinMarketCap的前十名之内。
XRP肯定会在加密货币社区中保持强大的地位,并且确实是最好的加密货币之一,它只需要一点时间就可以站起来。城市电报给纹波为2021价格预测的每个硬币的1 $ 2021。所有这些可能意味着Ripple是2021年投资的最佳加密货币之一。
卡尔达诺 自从它在2015年进入游戏以来,一直是强大的玩家,而2021年看起来对于这种加密货币来说将是又一个强劲的一年。2021年2月,卡尔达诺市值接近307亿美元,单个硬币为1.07美元(相当实惠!)。一些人认为卡尔达诺可以提供更多的服务。达里·肖努比(Dare Shonubi),为钱币Pedia 他认为到2021年底它可能会高达10美元,如果为真,它将成为迄今为止最好的投资硬币之一。


E. 主流数字货币有哪些

1、比特币 BTC
简介:数字货币鼻祖,最具价值的 虚拟货币,有“币王”之称。2017 年比特币自身价格的暴涨更是吸引了大批投资者进入数字货币市场。由于数量较少只有 2100 万,具有强烈的通缩属性。

2、以太坊 ETH
简介:以太币是以太坊中使用的货币名称,用于在以太坊虚拟机内支付计算。以太坊是一种能够用于部署去中心化应用的区块链,是一个开源计算机平台和区块链平台。2013 年末由俄罗斯程序员 Vitalik Buterin 创建。

3、泰达币 USDT

USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(下称USDT),1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。

4、瑞波币 XRP
简介:由瑞波公司发行的一种协议币,瑞波网络的基础货币,它可以在整个瑞波网络中流通,总数量为 1000 亿,并且随着交易的增多而逐渐减少,瑞波币是 ripple 系统中唯一的通用货币,其不同于 ripple 系统中的其他货币,瑞波币的运营公司为 Ripple Labs(其前身为 OpenCoin)。

5、 比特币现金 BCH
简介:比特币现金是比特币的一个分叉。为了解决比特币交易时间过长的问题,在 2017 年 8 月 1 日 20:20,一小部分矿机开始使用 8M 的区块开始挖矿,交易确认速度是使用 1M 区块的比特币的数千倍。

6、莱特币 LTC
简介:基于比特币协议的一种货币,但是并不要求极高的计算能力,使用普通电脑也可进行挖掘。莱特币的算法,源于 Dr Colin Percival 为 Tarsnap 安全在线备份服务 (供 linux 及其他开源操作系统备份) 设计的算法。

7、柚子币 EOS
简介:EOS 为 BM (Daniel Larimer) 领导开发的类似操作系统的区块链架构平台,旨在实现分布式应用的性能扩展。EOS 提供帐户,身份验证,数据库,异步通信以及在数以百计的 CPU 或群集上的程序调度。该技术的最终形式是一个区块链体系架构,该区块链每秒可以支持数百万个交易,同时普通用户无需支付使用费用。

F. xrp是主流币吗


G. 瑞波币是合法的吗


H. 主流币有哪些

1、比特币市值4416.85亿美元,占全球总市值71.12%,流通数量1857.5万,24小时成交额172.27亿美元,上架了319家交易所。 比特币几乎是币圈新人的必经之路,凭借巨大的市值优势,也非常适合一些机构投资者的进行投资。最为新人的话最推荐的投资币种也是比特币,毕竟整个币圈的沉浮,都要看比特币的脸色,熟悉做好比特币的投资,后面再做山寨币也会更加的得心应手了。
2、以太坊市值696.57亿美元,占全球总市值的11.22%,流通总量1.13亿,24小时成交额85.09亿美元,上架了326交易所。 目前以太坊市值排第二,定有其自身的价值,可以用来创建去中心化的程序,自治组织和智能合约,智能合约的潜在应用很多。彭博社商业周刊称它是“所有人共享但无法篡改的软件”。更高级的软件有可能用以太坊创建网络商店。因为艾希欧的缘故其最风光时达到一万多人民币的价格,当然这也成为其中的一个弱点,当项目方抛售时,其价格也跟着应声而下,更重要的是以太坊拥堵也异常厉害,希望以太坊团队能够越来越完善。
3、泰达币市值201.1亿美元,占全球总市值的3.24%,流通总量201.16亿,24小时成交额522.77亿美元,上架了200交易所。 泰达币有着先发的优势,目前市值第五名,由于是稳定币,波动性总体不大,对于投资者来说不适合小玩,加上不管什么都可能面临破产,跟公司开户的银行,也有可能破产,也有可能捐款跑路风险等等,虽然是稳定币投资者还是要多注意,需谨慎,虽然很少发生,但是在币圈还是有可能的,潜在风险大。

I. 除了比特币,还有哪些你不知道的互联网货币:瑞波币

主流的一般是 比特币-以太坊-瑞波币-比特现金-柚子-莱特币-恒星币-门罗币-达世币等等,非常多,炒币水很深,入门需谨慎,其实准确的叫法应该是数字加密货币

J. xrp是什么

xrp是瑞波币,是Ripple网络的基础货币,它可以在整个ripple网络中流通,总数量为1000亿,并且随着交易的增多而逐渐减少,瑞波币的运营公司为Ripple Labs(其前身为OpenCoin)。



瑞波币能让小型企业在几秒钟内就能收到客户的汇款,不管这个客户在地球上的什么位置。如今,Ripple 只需3 天就能完成从消费者的信用卡到一家小型企业的银行户头的转账过程。这种迅速到款的特性对管理企业的每日现金流有很大帮助。

由于Ripple 的转账手续费低到可以忽略不计,为了保证竞争力,信用卡公司将有很大可能降低它们的转账手续费,从而使得小型公司在这方面的支出相应减少。信用卡交易费对现在的小型企业来说极不合理。大型企业可以得到更多的优惠,小型企业却难以享受同等的待遇。


A. Will Ripple currency surge in 2020


Ripple can be said to be the most stable currency in the currency circle. There are no big ups and downs. The trend in 2020 will also depend on the overall investment environment. The current overall economic development is relatively decadent, and the currency circle should not If there is a huge increase, it is also a good choice to grasp the stage at the right time.

(1) Is Ripple the mainstream currency in the currency circle? Further reading:

There are three reasons for the ups and downs of digital currencies:

1. Only with more players participating can digital currencies have sustained internal momentum. Ruibo currency circulation needs greater space for appreciation, and more quality and powerful investors are needed to join.

2. Affected by the global (international and domestic) investment environment. As we all know, digital currency investment is a high-risk investment or speculative investment. If the real estate industry or other industries develop stably, I believe many investors will still choose the latter to invest.

If the stock market, real estate, futures and other sectors recover in 2020, I think the bear market in the digital currency sector will continue, but it is necessary to grasp the periodic small rises and falls.

3. Bankers and big investors control the market. The circulation of Ribo coins is unlikely if big bookmakers control the market, but it is fatal to the circulation of digital assets.

B. What is Ripple and how is Ripple? Is it a scam?

A protocol currency issued by Ripple, the base currency of the Ripple network, it can Circulating in the entire Ripple network, the total number is 100 billion, and gradually decreases with the increase in transactions. Ripple is the only universal currency in the Ripple system. It is different from other currencies in the Ripple system. The operating company of Ripple is RippleLabs (formerly OpenCoin).
Issuance time: 2011
Maximum supply: 100,000,000,000XRP
Current total circulation: 39,029,011,631XRP
Transaction volume share: currently 10.1% of the cryptocurrency market.
Market value: $44, 270, 765, 264
The market is very good now. Affected by XRP’s support for Spark airdrop, XRP has skyrocketed recently. You can check it out on websites like Feixiaohao and Golden Finance. If you want to buy, just go to the exchange. XRP now supports the Spark airdrop, causing it to more than double over the previous week to surpass $0.74, with many speculating that it could break the important $1 mark. The park token is the native token of the Flare network. The Flare Network is a distributed network that runs the Avalanche consensus protocol adapted to Federated Byzantine Agreement and leveraging the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Supported exchanges include Zhongbi.

C. Top twenty mainstream coins

The market value of Bitcoin is US$441.685 billion, accounting for 71.12% of the total global market value. Bitcoin is almost the only way for newcomers in the currency circle. With its huge market value advantage, it is also very suitable for investment by some institutional investors. . For newcomers, the most recommended investment currency is Bitcoin. After all, the rise and fall of the entire currency circle depends on the performance of Bitcoin. If you are familiar with investing in Bitcoin, you will be more comfortable doing altcoins later.
The market value of Ethereum is US$69.657 billion, accounting for 11.22% of the total global market value. Currently, Ethereum ranks second in market value. It must have its own value and can be used to create decentralized Programs, autonomous organizations and smart contracts, the potential applications of smart contracts are many. Bloomberg Businessweek calls it "software that is shared by everyone but cannot be tampered with." More advanced software makes it possible to create web stores using Ethereum.
The market value of Tether is US$20.11 billion, accounting for 3.24% of the total global market value. Tether has the advantage of being the first to move, and currently ranks fifth in market value. Since it is a stable currency, its volatility is generally low. It is too big for investors to play for a small time. In addition, they may face bankruptcy no matter what. The bank that opens an account with the company may also go bankrupt, and there may also be the risk of the donation running away, etc.
4. The currency price has always been relatively stable, with many fans and a very active community. It is listed on 201 exchanges and has a very wide trading depth. The stable currency price shows that there are many users and a high consensus. It is possible to support all virtual digital currencies in the future. I believe the future will be better. .
The market value of Litecoin is US$7.003 billion, accounting for 1.13% of the total global market value. The creator of Litecoin, Li Qiwei, graduated from MIT and was a former employee of Google. He designed it in 2011 of Litecoin. The total amount is mentioned above as 84 million coins, and 63.7 million coins have been mined so far. The maximum unit price is 2,000 yuan, and the current price is about 410 yuan.
The market value of Bitcoin Cash is US$5.483 billion, accounting for 0.88% of the total global market value. BCH is one of the forks of Bitcoin, and it is developing a large block ecosystem with on-demand expansion. The biggest feature of this route is that the transfer fee is very low, and among the POW currencies, the computing power is the safest one except Bitcoin.
7.BNB-Binance Coin
Binance Coin has a market capitalization of US$4.854 billion, accounting for 0.88% of the total global market capitalization. Binance is the largest leading platform, and its platform currency BNB naturally attracts a lot of attention. Spend. At the same time, although the platform currency model was not pioneered by Binance, it was indeed promoted by Binance and established its own first-mover advantage.
LINKWith a market capitalization of US$4.694 billion, accounting for 0.75% of the total global market capitalization, LINK is an ERC20 standardized token based on the Ethereum blockchain, used to pay Chainlink node operators to retrieve data from off-chain data and format the data into zones. Blockchain readable format, off-chain computing and guaranteed uptime. Chainlink tokens are used as part of running nodes to protect against bad actors.
The market value of Polkadot is US$4.493 billion, accounting for 0.78% of the total global market value. The Polkadot community voted to approve the 100-fold split of DOT. This is DOT that has been split 100 times. Polkadot will realize a completely decentralized Internet where users have full control.
10.ADA-ADA Coin
ADA Coin has a market value of US$3.819 billion, accounting for 1.01% of the total global market value. ADA is known as the Ethereum of Europe, and its market value is also very consistent with Europe's status. The current total market value ranking is No. 10.

D. Ranking of China’s top ten virtual currencies

China’s top ten virtual currencies are: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin (BNB), Ripple (XRP) , Polkadot (DOT), Litecoin (LTC), LINK, ADA (ADA), XTZ, Dash.

1. Ranking of the top ten virtual currencies in China
1. Bitcoin (BTC)
When talking about the top ten cryptocurrencies to invest in currently, general cryptocurrencies or just smart cryptocurrency investments , all discussions must be from Bitcoin. Bitcoin is by far the most widely used cryptocurrency and is often referred to as the “King of Cryptocurrencies.”
2. Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum is one of the best cryptocurrencies and the first major project to introduce smart contracts, allowing developers to launch desktop and mobile powered by blockchain technology Decentralized Applications (dApps).
Since then, Ethereum has remained one of the top ten cryptocurrencies into 2021 and will likely stay that way for decades to come.
3. Binance Coin (BNB)
If you want to diversify your portfolio and already own major coins like BTC or ETH, Binance Coin is one of the best cryptocurrencies in 2021. Binance, the company behind the token, has a solid business history and an experienced team behind its main concept, which is a “utility token.” Binance Coin is also one of the most liquid cryptocurrencies currently and is in the top ten on CoinMarketCap.
4. Ripple (XRP)
XRP will definitely remain a strong presence in the cryptocurrency community and is indeed one of the best cryptocurrencies, it just needs a little time to stand up. City Telegraph Gives Ripple Every Hard Price Prediction for 2021Coin of $1 in 2021. All of this may mean that Ripple is one of the best cryptocurrencies to invest in 2021.
5. Polkadot (DOT)
Polkadot is the native token of the Polkadot platform. Founded in 2015, it is the world’s first open decentralized payment network platform. The currency price has always been relatively high. It is stable, has many fans, and the community is very active. It is listed on 201 exchanges, and the trading depth is very wide. The stable currency price shows that there are many users and the consensus is high. It is possible to support all virtual digital currencies in the future. I believe the future will be better.
6. Litecoin (LTC) Litecoin
The creator of Litecoin, Li Qiwei, graduated from MIT and was a former employee of Google. He designed Litecoin in 2011. This man's name looks Chinese, but in fact he is Chinese. Litecoin was born on October 7, 2011, and has a history of eight years. The total amount is mentioned above as 84 million coins, and 63.7 million coins have been mined so far. The maximum unit price is 2,000 yuan, and the current price is about 410 yuan.
The full name of LINK coin is ChainLink. It is an ERC20 standardized token based on the Ethereum blockchain. It is used to pay Chainlink node operators to retrieve data from off-chain data and format the data into zones. Blockchain readable format, off-chain computing and guaranteed uptime. Chainlink tokens are used as part of running nodes to protect against bad actors. 1. Project introduction The first decentralized Oracle network allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts, access critical external data, offline payments and any other API functionality.
8. Cardano (ADA)
Cardano has been a strong player since it entered the game in 2015, and 2021 looks set to be another strong one for the cryptocurrency One year. In February 2021, Cardano had a market capitalization of nearly $30.7 billion, with a single coin being $1.07 (quite affordable!). Some believe Cardano has more to offer. Dare Shonubi, for Coin Pedia believes that it could reach as high as $10 by the end of 2021, and if true, it will become one of the best investment coins to date.
9. XTZ
XTZ coin is the abbreviation of Tezos. It is very popular abroad and its market value has been rising.
10. Dash
Dash has a two-layer network that can monitor Dash transactions in a timely manner and continuously update the system. Unlike Bitcoin, Dash can achieve decentralization of technology and centralization of currency operation and management. Dash (DASH) is a digital currency that supports instant transactions and aims to protect user privacy.

2. What is virtual currency
Virtual currency refers to non-real currency. Well-known virtual goodsCoins such as network coins of Internet companies, Q coins of Tencent Company, Q points, point coupons of Shanda Company, micro coins launched by Sina (used for micro games, Sina reading, etc.), Chivalrous Yuanbao (used for chivalrous Dao games), Wen Yin (used in Bixueqingtian game), the popular digital currencies in 2013 include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Infinity Coin, Quark Coin, Zeta Coin, Barbecue Coin, Penny Coin (external network), invisible gold bars, red coins, Prime coins. There are currently hundreds of digital currencies issued around the world. The legends of "Bit Gold, Lite Silver, Infinite Copper, and Penny Aluminum" are popular in the industry.
According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, is not currency in the true sense, and does not have the same legal status as currency. , cannot and should not be used as currency for circulation in the market, and citizens’ investment and trading in virtual currencies are not protected by law.

E. What are the mainstream digital currencies?

1. Bitcoin BTC
Introduction: The originator of digital currencies, the most valuable virtual currency, and the "King of Coins" " known as. The skyrocketing price of Bitcoin itself in 2017 attracted a large number of investors to enter the digital currency market. Since the number is only 21 million, it has strong deflationary properties.

2. Ethereum ETH
Introduction: Ether is the currency name used in Ethereum and is used for payment calculations within the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Ethereum is a blockchain that can be used to deploy decentralized applications. It is an open source computer platform and blockchain platform. Created in late 2013 by Russian programmer Vitalik Buterin.

3. Tether USDT

USDT is a token Tether USD (hereinafter referred to as USDT) launched by Tether based on the stable value currency U.S. dollar (USD), 1 USDT = 1 U.S. dollar , users can use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange at any time.

4. Ripple Coin And it gradually decreases as the number of transactions increases. Ripple is the only universal currency in the ripple system. It is different from other currencies in the ripple system. The operating company of Ripple is Ripple Labs (its predecessor is OpenCoin).

5. Bitcoin Cash BCH
Introduction: Bitcoin Cash is a fork of Bitcoin. In order to solve the problem of long Bitcoin transaction times, at 20:20 on August 1, 2017, a small number of mining machines began mining using 8M blocks, and the transaction confirmation speed was the number of Bitcoins using 1M blocks. Thousand times.

6. Litecoin LTC
Introduction: A currency based on the Bitcoin protocol, but it does not require extremely high computing power and can be mined using ordinary computers. Litecoin’s algorithm is derived from the algorithm designed by Dr Colin Percival for the Tarsnap secure online backup service (for Linux and other open source operating system backup).

7. Yuzi Coin EOS
Introduction: EOS is an operating system-like blockchain architecture platform developed under the leadership of BM (Daniel Larimer), aiming to achieve performance expansion of distributed applications. EOS provides accounts, authentication, databases, asynchronous communication, and program scheduling on hundreds of CPUs or clusters. The final form of the technology is a blockchain architecture that can support millions of transactions per second without paying usage fees for ordinary users.

F. Is xrp a mainstream currency?

Summary Hello, I have some insights into this question and I am sorting out the answer. Please wait a moment~

G . Is Ripple legal?

Not legal. All virtual currencies are currently illegal in the country. The attribute of the virtual currency investment market is investment. Rather, Ripple, as a mainstream virtual currency, is currently said to be a pyramid scheme.

H. What are the mainstream currencies?

Mainstream currencies include Bitcoin (BTC), Ripple (XRP), Ada Coin (ADA), Litecoin (LTC), and Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), New Economic Coin (XEM), Stellar Lumens (XLM), Dash (DASH), etc. The choice of mainstream currencies depends on the currency’s maximum supply, market value, historical highs and current prices. , the top mainstream currencies are also the currencies that investors are most likely to trust.
Extended information:
1. The market value of Bitcoin is US$441.685 billion, accounting for 71.12% of the total global market value, with a circulating quantity of 18.575 million, a 24-hour transaction volume of US$17.227 billion, and is listed on 319 exchanges. Bitcoin is almost the only way for newcomers in the currency circle. With its huge market capitalization advantage, it is also very suitable for investment by some institutional investors. For newcomers, the most recommended investment currency is Bitcoin. After all, the rise and fall of the entire currency circle depends on the performance of Bitcoin. If you are familiar with investing in Bitcoin, you will be more comfortable doing altcoins later.
2. Ethereum has a market value of US$69.657 billion, accounting for 11.22% of the total global market value, with a total circulation of 113 million US dollars, a 24-hour transaction volume of US$8.509 billion, and is listed on 326 exchanges. Currently, Ethereum ranks second in market value, and it must have its own value. It can be used to create decentralized programs, autonomous organizations and smart contracts. Smart contracts have many potential applications. Bloomberg Businessweek calls it "software that is shared by everyone but cannot be tampered with." More advanced software may be used toCreate an online store on Ethereum. Because of ICO, its price reached more than 10,000 yuan at its peak. Of course, this has also become one of its weaknesses. When the project team sold out, its price also fell accordingly. More importantly, Ethereum was also extremely congested. Awesome, I hope the Ethereum team can become more and more perfect.
3. The market value of Tether is US$20.11 billion, accounting for 3.24% of the total global market value. The total circulation volume is 20.116 billion US dollars, the 24-hour turnover is US$52.277 billion, and it is listed on 200 exchanges. Tether has the advantage of being a first-mover and currently ranks fifth in market capitalization. Since it is a stable currency, its volatility is generally low. It is not suitable for investors to play with. In addition, it may face bankruptcy no matter what. The bank that opens an account with the company, There is also the possibility of bankruptcy, the risk of donations running away, etc. Although stablecoin investors still need to pay more attention and be cautious. Although it rarely happens, it is still possible in the currency circle and the potential risks are high.

I. In addition to Bitcoin, what other Internet currencies do you not know: Ripple

The mainstream ones are generally Bitcoin - Ethereum - Ripple - Bitcoin Cash - Grapefruit - Litecoin - Stellar Lumens - Monero - Dash, etc., there are so many. The waters of currency speculation are very deep, so you need to be cautious when getting started. In fact, the accurate name should be digital cryptocurrency

J . What is xrp

xrp is Ripple currency, which is the base currency of the Ripple network. It can be circulated throughout the entire ripple network, with a total number of 100 billion, and gradually decreases with the increase in transactions. The operating company is Ripple Labs (formerly OpenCoin).

Ripple is the only universal currency in the ripple system. It is different from other currencies in the ripple system. Other currencies such as CNY and USD cannot be withdrawn across gateways. In other words, the CNY issued by gateway A can only You can withdraw cash at gateway A. If you want to withdraw cash at gateway B, you must use the pending order function of the ripple system to convert it into the CNY of gateway B before you can withdraw cash at gateway B.

(10) Is Ripple a mainstream currency in the currency circle? Further reading

Ripple allows small businesses to receive customers within seconds remittances, no matter where the customer is on the planet. Today, Ripple can transfer money from a consumer's credit card to a small business's bank account in just three days. This rapid payment feature is very helpful in managing the daily cash flow of the enterprise.

Since Ripple’s transfer fees are so low that they are negligible, in order to ensure competitiveness, credit card companies will most likely reduce their transfer fees, thereby causing small companies to spend less in this area. Credit card transaction fees are extremely unreasonable for today’s small businesses. Large companies can get more discounts, but small companies cannot enjoy the same treatment.

Reference source: Network-Ripple

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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